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Character: Nyanko-sensei

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Main NameMadara(ch10380)
Official Nameja
Gender Identitymale
abilitiesflyingThis character has wings, natural or artificial, which enable the character to take flight. Or is in command of some form of levitation (e.g. a witch using a broom to fly).Not to be confused with "flying planes" or "flying helicopters".
entitydemonIn Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. In Eastern lore, on the other hand, they are generally supernatural, often but not always malevolent beings who can be more mischievous than actually evil, or simply supernatural spirits of no specific alignment.,kitsuneKitsune is the Japanese word for fox, which are a common subject of Japanese folklore. This term in English specifically refers to kitsune as demon foxes or fox spirits. Not to be confused with foxpersons, a juujin with fox characteristics.Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form.
personalitytsundereA character type (usually female), who is often easily agitated or combative, but other times is quite kind and caring, especially in situations involving a person they are (knowingly or unknowingly) attracted towards.
supernatural abilitiesfixed-form shapeshiftingFixed-form shapeshifting is the ability to switch one`s bodily appearance, form, and structure between two or more predetermined forms, while being restricted to picking only from among those forms. This is contrasted to free-form shapeshifting, the ability to change one`s bodily appearance, form, and structure in any way that the user desires, without being restricted to a limited number of forms.
traitsphysically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.
Rating8.68(227)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu1 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 20% trash.
Added byhidden on2009-07-13 19:22
Main NameMadara(ch10380)
Official Nameja
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indirectly related clubs
Extreme Oppai Lovers Club
Tsundere Fanclub
Hitagi`s Fanclub
Kitsune Fanclub
Kugimiya Rie Fanclub
The Louise Fanclub
TV Tropes
Toosaka Rin Fanclub
Nymph Fanclub
Sanzenin Nagi Fanclub
El Psy Congroo
Sesshoumaru Fanclub
H.P Lovecraft
Kirisaki Chitoge Fanclub
Persona Fanclub
Tenko Kuugen Fanclub


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Inoue KazuhikoInoue KazuhikoGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubusecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchousecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Gosecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Rokusecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Sansecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shimain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shichisecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihoushasecondary cast inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukaiappears inyes
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchousecondary cast inyes
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RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
secondary cast inGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni MusubuGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubu1Movie120188.71(561)7.92(564)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume YuujinchouNatsume Yuujinchou1-6, 8-9, 11, OP1TV Series1320088.16(5385)8.14(5431)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou GoNatsume Yuujinchou Go4-6, S1TV Series1120168.77(1358)8.08(1366)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou RokuNatsume Yuujinchou Roku1-3, 5, 8-10TV Series1120178.92(1149)8.16(1156)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou SanNatsume Yuujinchou San1, 3, 5, 7-8, 12-13, OP1TV Series1320118.78(3040)8.30(3057)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou ShiNatsume Yuujinchou Shi2, 6, 8-9, 12, OP1TV Series1320128.91(2680)8.33(2698)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou ShichiNatsume Yuujinchou Shichi1, 3-4, 7TV Series1220248.71(192)7.92(195)vote stats
secondary cast inNatsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki RaihoushaNatsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki RaihoushaMovie120218.26(318)7.67(318)vote stats
appears inNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no OtsukaiNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukai1OVA120136.77(854)7.17(857)vote stats
secondary cast inZoku Natsume YuujinchouZoku Natsume Yuujinchou1-2, 4, 7-9, 11-13, C1TV Series1320098.65(4185)8.35(4223)vote stats

related entities

is an ally ofNatsume TakashiNatsume Takashimale, 15, B8.12(521)
is the slave/servant ofNatsume ReikoNatsume Reikofemale8.36(121)
killsKami no Nagai Hitotsume YoukaiKami no Nagai Hitotsume YoukaifemaleN/A(4)


  • Info
  • Names
Main NameNyanko-sensei(ch1807)
Official Namejaverified
Guise ofMadara (ch10380)
Gender Identitymale
entitydomestic catThe cat is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for companionship and its ability to hunt vermin and household pests. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years and are the most popular pet in the world. They have bodies adapted to killing small prey and are skilled predators, hunting over 1,000 species for food. Despite being solitary hunters, they`re a social species with many means of communication.,talking animalTalking animals are a common theme in mythology and folk tales, as well as children`s literature. Fictional talking creatures often are anthropomorphic, possessing human-like qualities but appearing as a creature. An animal that only knows how to say its name (for example, 99.9% of all Pokemon), are not talking animals.
fashion accessoriescat bellno description set
habitsalcoholicA person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism.,overeaterA character (who quite often is anything but fat) eats enough for an entire football team, usually devastating the whole table — and perhaps entire restaurants — with their insatiable hunger. Often combined with a speed-eating technique that makes food seem to vanish spontaneously from the plate.
roleanimal sidekickEvery mahou shoujo anime needs them, the cute little critters that are supposed to help the protagonists but in reality are nothing but useless bystanders most often abused for gags. Kids love them but they can also often turn into an annoyance.
supernatural abilitiesfixed-form shapeshiftingFixed-form shapeshifting is the ability to switch one`s bodily appearance, form, and structure between two or more predetermined forms, while being restricted to picking only from among those forms. This is contrasted to free-form shapeshifting, the ability to change one`s bodily appearance, form, and structure in any way that the user desires, without being restricted to a limited number of forms.
Rating8.86(745)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu7 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 14% trash.
Added byhidden on2008-12-31 18:23
Edited byhidden on2016-11-23 17:07
Main NameNyanko-sensei(ch1807)
Official Namejaverified
NickNyangoro, Nyankichi, Ponta
A mysterious feline spirit. Madara was sealed in to a shrine, before accidentally getting released by Natsume. Because he was trapped for so long, Madara has shaped in to a "fortune cat" or manekineko, leading Natsume to nickname him Cat. In this form, other people could see him, leading for Natsume having to ask his guardians if he could keep him. He is a powerful spirit, who protects Natsume from others, and teaches him spells on occasion. They often fight each other, which leads to Natsume punching Madara on the face and knocking him out. Despite his protests of not being a cat, he likes to play with cat toys. Natsume is more respectful to Madara in the anime, calling him "nyanko-sensei" (master cat). Natsume has promised the Book of Friends to him when he dies.
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directly related clubs
Anime Cats
indirectly related clubs
Kitsune Fanclub
TV Tropes
Chubby Fanclub
Catgirl Fanclub


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Inoue KazuhikoInoue KazuhikoGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubumain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchoumain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Gomain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Rokumain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Sanmain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shimain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shichimain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihoushamain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi nimain character inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukaimain character inyes
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchoumain character inyes
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related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
main character inGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni MusubuGekijouban Natsume Yuujinchou: Utsusemi ni Musubu1Movie120188.71(561)7.92(564)vote stats
cameo appearance inJigoku Shoujo MitsuganaeJigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae14TV Series262008 - 20096.45(1599)7.34(1617)vote stats
main character inNatsume YuujinchouNatsume Yuujinchou1-13, ED1, OP1TV Series1320088.16(5385)8.14(5431)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou GoNatsume Yuujinchou Go1-7, 9-11, S1-S3TV Series1120168.77(1358)8.08(1366)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou RokuNatsume Yuujinchou Roku1-11, S1-S2TV Series1120178.92(1149)8.16(1156)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou SanNatsume Yuujinchou San1-13, ED1, OP1TV Series1320118.78(3040)8.30(3057)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou ShiNatsume Yuujinchou Shi1-13, ED1, OP1TV Series1320128.91(2680)8.33(2698)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou ShichiNatsume Yuujinchou Shichi1-5, 7-12TV Series1220248.71(192)7.92(195)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki RaihoushaNatsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki RaihoushaMovie120218.26(318)7.67(318)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi niNatsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi ni1OVA120148.36(1167)7.87(1171)vote stats
main character inNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no OtsukaiNatsume Yuujinchou: Nyanko-sensei to Hajimete no Otsukai1OVA120136.77(854)7.17(857)vote stats
main character inZoku Natsume YuujinchouZoku Natsume Yuujinchou1-13, C1-C2TV Series1320098.65(4185)8.35(4223)vote stats

related entities

is an ally ofNatsume TakashiNatsume Takashimale, 15, B8.12(521)


Joshikousei Nyanko-sensei
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameJoshikousei Nyanko-sensei(ch34334)
Official Nameja
Guise ofNyanko-sensei (ch1807)
clothingschool uniformA type of uniform worn in Japanese schools (called "seifuku" in Japanese), generally high school age or younger. They can vary considerably; commonly, females will wear a sailor uniform (modelled off the British Royal Navy uniforms in 1920) and males will often wear a "gakuran", which is a dark button-up uniform modelled off Prussian army uniforms. But expect to see a substantial amount of variety.
entitydemonIn Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. In Eastern lore, on the other hand, they are generally supernatural, often but not always malevolent beings who can be more mischievous than actually evil, or simply supernatural spirits of no specific alignment.
looksyellow eyesThis character has yellow eyes.,orange hairThe character has orange hair.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".
Rating6.54(21)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu0 users have this character as their waifu/husbando.
TrashYour waifu/husbando is 32% trash.
Added byhidden on2011-07-09 14:48
Edited byhidden on2016-11-25 18:17
Main NameJoshikousei Nyanko-sensei(ch34334)
Official Nameja
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indirectly related clubs
Akiyama Mio Fanclub
Kitsune Fanclub
Izumi Konata Fanclub
Gasai Yuno Fanclub
Sesshoumaru Fanclub
H.P Lovecraft
Persona Fanclub


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Kobayashi SanaeKobayashi SanaeNatsume Yuujinchouappears inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Goappears inyes
Natsume Yuujinchou Shiappears inyes
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchouappears inyes

related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
appears inNatsume YuujinchouNatsume Yuujinchou4, 11TV Series1320088.16(5385)8.14(5431)vote stats
appears inNatsume Yuujinchou GoNatsume Yuujinchou Go5TV Series1120168.77(1358)8.08(1366)vote stats
appears inNatsume Yuujinchou ShiNatsume Yuujinchou Shi7TV Series1320128.91(2680)8.33(2698)vote stats
appears inZoku Natsume YuujinchouZoku Natsume Yuujinchou1TV Series1320098.65(4185)8.35(4223)vote stats


Natsume-gata Nyanko-sensei
  • Info
  • Names
Main NameNatsume-gata Nyanko-sensei(ch41297)
Official Nameja
Guise ofNyanko-sensei (ch1807)
Gender Identitymale
entitydemonIn Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. In Eastern lore, on the other hand, they are generally supernatural, often but not always malevolent beings who can be more mischievous than actually evil, or simply supernatural spirits of no specific alignment.
fetish appealsbishounenA bishounen is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth (boy)" and describes an aesthetic that can be found in disparate areas in East Asia: a young man of effeminate beauty. While the beauty transcends gender, the character clearly has a male body; their gender is not ambiguous and there the character is not androgynous.
habitsovereaterA character (who quite often is anything but fat) eats enough for an entire football team, usually devastating the whole table — and perhaps entire restaurants — with their insatiable hunger. Often combined with a speed-eating technique that makes food seem to vanish spontaneously from the plate.
looksbrown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,feline pupilsPupils that appear to be stretched vertically.These style of eyes are commonly seen with fantasy characters or animals like felines, foxes, lizards, and snakes.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".
personalityfrankA character that is open and sincere in their expression, especially in an manner that seems slightly blunt.,short-temperedThis character has a short temper, meaning he or she can get angry quickly.
RatingN/A(8)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu0 users have this character as their husbando.
TrashYour husbando is 22% trash.
Added byhidden on2012-02-13 03:16
Edited byhidden on2016-11-28 00:06
Main NameNatsume-gata Nyanko-sensei(ch41297)
Official Nameja
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indirectly related clubs
Kitsune Fanclub
Sawachika Eri Fanclub
Kouzuki Kallen Fanclub
TV Tropes
Chubby Fanclub
Bishounen Stalkers
Catgirl Fanclub
Sanzenin Nagi Fanclub
Junjou Romantica Fans
Sesshoumaru Fanclub
H.P Lovecraft
Juujin Fanclub
Kirisaki Chitoge Fanclub
Persona Fanclub
Tamaki Fanclub


ImageNameAnimeRelationPrimary Seiyuu?Comment
Inoue KazuhikoInoue KazuhikoNatsume Yuujinchou Shiappears inyes

related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
appears inNatsume Yuujinchou ShiNatsume Yuujinchou Shi6TV Series1320128.91(2680)8.33(2698)vote stats

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