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Ryougi Shiki

Character: Ryougi Shiki

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Ryougi Shiki
  • Info
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Main NameRyougi Shiki(ch1297)
Official Nameja
Date of Birth17.02.????
Gender Identityfemale
Height (in cm)160
Weight (in kg)47
abilitiesagileThe character has a great agility which comes in very handy for combatants or otherwise fighting characters.,martial artsVarious sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo.,kendoKendo is a popular sport from Japan. It consists of swordplay with one or two shinai, a two-handed bamboo sword which may also be held with one hand only, while wearing armour.
accessoriesprosthesisA prosthesis (prosthetic) (from Ancient Greek πρόσθεσις, "addition, application, attachment") is a device that replaces a missing body part.
age rangeadolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
clothingbootsBoots are heavy-duty work shoes that are often made of leather and have thick rubber soles. They are usually found stomping on things: floors, people, etc. Generally, typical boots can be as short as angle height (ankle boots), and as long as the mid point of the lower leg (crew length boots). Boots at least longer than crew length would be half boots or higher.,half bootsHalf boots vary in length, anywhere from around the mid point of the lower leg, to around three-fourths of the lower leg (this coincides with the mid-calf, the part of the calf with the largest circumference). For comparison, half-boots are generally fall within the same length range as trouser socks. Generally, crew length and shorter boots are just referred to as boots, whereas longer boots are knee boots and higher.,sandalsA shoe with open-work upper or no upper, fastened with straps.,getaGeta are a form of traditional Chinese footwear also adopted by Japan that resemble both clogs and flip-flops. They are a kind of sandal with an elevated wooden base (exceeding 10cm for tengu geta) held onto the foot with a fabric thong to keep the foot well above the ground. Modern geta may be made with plastic instead. A sandal that contains only a fabric thong strap is not a geta; that is just a regular sandal.,kimonoThe kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. They are also commonly worn with a hakama, geta, and tabi.
disabilitymultiple personality disorderMultiple personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities (known as alter egos or alters), each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment.
entityhumanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.
fetish appealsreverse trapA reverse trap is a plot device where a female character is mistaken for a male, with the intention of sexually deceiving other characters and/or the viewer. This behavior does not need to be intentional by the female (it is often not intentional) or continually maintained by the female, but the occurrence is common enough to deserve this fetish-specific tag.,orekkoAn orekko is a female, usually young, who refers to herself using the "ore" pronoun. The "ore" pronoun is very masculine and considered impolite; it is usually associated with boys and young men and it is not used by females. Orekko are often also assertive in a boyish way, though this is not mandatory; some are orekko despite being quite introverted. A similar concept using the "boku" pronoun is the bokukko.
looksbrown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,no pupilsEyes that are nothing but iris, lacking a pupil. For practical purposes, this also includes eyes with pupils the same colour as the iris, as the two kinds of eyes are generally indistinguishable from each other.,tsurimeTsurime is a style of drawing eyes where the outward edges of the eyes are pointed up, resulting in a strong, piercing look. A character with tsurime is usually considered strong-willed, arrogant, or proud. It is generally an attribute of tsunderes, kuuderes, and particularly badass action girls. The opposite is tareme.,weird eyesEyes suggesting something supernatural.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,shoulder-length hairShoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.
nationalityJapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.
personalitybraveThis character shows little or no fear in face of danger, perhaps even jumping onto the danger when he or she believes the time comes.,broodingA brooding person tends to dwell upon matters moodily and at length, mainly alone.,calmFree from excitement or passion.,enigmaticAn enigmatic person is someone with a mysterious personality that is difficult to grasp and/or defies description.,idealistThis is a character who represents things as they might be or should be rather than as they are.,introvertIntroverts are people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction. They tend to be more reserved and less outspoken in groups. Introverts generally enjoy time spent alone or with close friends, and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people.

Some of the typical solitary activities are reading, writing, using computers, hiking and fishing. The archetypal artist, writer, sculptor, engineer, composer, and inventor are all considered highly introverted.

Not to be confused as being shy - introvertsprefer solitary activities over social ones, where as shy people (who may be extraverts at heart) avoid social encounters out of fear. Like extroversion, introversion is not a black and white measurement, and these people may share some of the same traits than extroverts.
,tsungireWhile a tsundere acts cold and hostile to keep people from noticing their soft side, a tsungire will act violently to achieve the same end, constantly resorting to verbal, physical and emotional abuse. The word "tsungire" is a portmanteau of the two words: "tsun" (to turn away in disgust) and "gire" (to cut).
roledemon hunterDemon hunters are people who hunt and kill demons.,yakuza daughterThe daughter of a Yakuza oyabun or godfather. Despite their family`s links to organized crime such characters have a tendency to be sweet, unassuming, and kind. They are usually surrounded by Men in Black-style bodyguards who come heavily armed and are ready to protect them at any sign of trouble, real or imagined.
weaponsknifeThis character is a user of a knife, a small weapon with an edged blade.
Rating9.16(713)(based on anime-character ratings)
Waifu139 users have this character as their waifu.
TrashYour waifu is 7% trash.
Added byhidden on2008-12-17 01:20
Edited byhidden on2013-04-10 13:23
Main NameRyougi Shiki(ch1297)
Official Nameja
Official Nameko
A teenage girl, who possesses the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the inherent mortality of everything (both living and non-living) in the form of lines and a single point (which is the "origin" of the object). The eyes are illustrated by a rainbow-like colour in her pupils. A cut along any line will bifurcate the object, no matter the sharpness of cutting tool used, and a stab at the point destroys the object's origin, causing instant death.
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directly related clubs
Killing Spree
The Badass Club
indirectly related clubs
Club Kink
Anime Soundtrack
Trap Lovers Club
Ikkitousen Fan Club
Kitsune Fanclub
Kuudere\Dandere Fanclub
Dragon Ball Fanclub
Gasai Yuno Fanclub
TV Tropes
L (Death Note) Fan Club
Heart-Under-Blade Fanclub
Hokuto no Ken Club
Guu Fanclub
Fate/Grand Order Club
Kyun & Peace!
Evil Alliance
Persona Fanclub
Blade & Soul Fanclub


  • Anime Appearance
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related anime

RelationImageNameEpisode appearanceTypeEpisodesYearRatingAverageAction
appears inCarnival PhantasmCarnival PhantasmOVA1220117.45(2690)7.60(2703)vote stats
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main character inGekijouban Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - The Garden of Sinners Recalled Out Summer - Extra ChorusGekijouban Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - The Garden of Sinners Recalled Out Summer - Extra ChorusMovie120137.04(1242)7.30(1249)vote stats
main character inGekijouban Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of SinnersGekijouban Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners1-7, S2Movie72007 - 20098.25(7561)8.18(7660)vote stats

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friends withKokutou MikiyaKokutou Mikiyamale6.85(155)
has a love interest inKokutou MikiyaKokutou Mikiyamale6.85(155)
is family ofRyougi ManaRyougi Manaparent - childfemale8.80(26)
Shiki no ChichiShiki no Chichiparent - childmaleN/A(3)
Shiki no SofuShiki no Sofugrandparent - grandchildmaleN/A(2)
is the enemy ofAraya SourenAraya Sourenmale4.67(34)
Asagami FujinoAsagami Fujinoyesfemale7.77(70)
Fujou KirieFujou Kiriefemale, 273.38(13)
Kamekura MitsuruKamekura Mitsuruyesmale, 14N/A(5)
Kurogiri SatsukiKurogiri Satsukimale2.73(10)
is the love interest ofEnjou TomoeEnjou Tomoeyesbefore Tomoe diesmale, 164.47(24)
Kokutou MikiyaKokutou Mikiyamale6.85(155)
Shirazumi RioShirazumi RiomaleN/A(9)
is the master ofSuzurigi AkitakaSuzurigi AkitakamaleN/A(3)
is the rival ofKokutou AzakaKokutou Azakafemale, 16, B7.05(96)
is the subordinate ofAozaki ToukoAozaki Toukofemale, 298.77(298)
is the superior ofKamekura MitsuruKamekura Mitsurumale7.30(10)
loversKokutou MikiyaKokutou Mikiyamale6.85(155)

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