Approval:53.7% (4 votes)
Overall this anime almost made me lose faith in "new" anime (all other animes I've seen before this were from 80's 90's pretty much so this was the "newest" I'd seen at that time),
I will never watch it again let alone finish it.
BUT fortunately I have checked out other new animes and they are great it's just this particular anime that just rubs me in the wrong way with everything due to my experience of watching lots of anime before.
It was just the most painful experience I've had with an anime and I've seen some really weird80's 90's animes and they're much better/funnier than this.Seriosuly, it's not worth your time unless you wanna kill some brain cells, it's seriously so dumb only watch to lower your IQ.
I thinkit's so weird people watch an anime that is aimed towards kids and says it's chlidish yet hilarious and they don't wanna admit they like it; and this anime is just as childish probably more and definitely more idiotic yet so many people are standing by this as one of the best and their favorites.
Childish is one thing people always complain about anime and this has got to be one of the most childish but so popular. I 've seen childish anime but some are pulled off so well.
This is one of dumbest/most childish anime i've seen, stupidity in this beats out the fan-service. like others said it is such a mystery why anyone likes this.
I got nothing against harems before or after watching this show this anime was barely a harem (only 2 girls are the choices and they were so flat) or a romance or anything because there is simple no plot and the characters are so damn flat and stupid and pointless.
Well I read the summary before I watched it and it sounded interesting. Then I watch the show and they repeat what I read and that's as much as it got. From what i've seen it's just goes from okay to complete stupidity.
Seriously there's pretty much no plot progression, just that joke repeating a million times, plenty of fan-srevice (lame fan-service at that), and those characters who I hate every single one each for their big myriad of flaws.
All the jokes are pretty much keitaro does something perverted accidentally then all the girls beat him up especially naru or keitaro doesn't even do anything but they beat him up anyways. they do that over and over in every single episode so if you think that's funny and you wanna see that done over and over and over and over and over go ahead and waste your life. I mean this is some pointless stuff.
Basically if you take away the fanservice and the fanservice related jokes this anime is nothing. Probably another reason why people love it so much, I mean if that's all you wanna see i'm sure there are animes that are a lot more ecchi. I don't find laughing at the same joke over and over funny, it really wasn't even that funny in the first place. I just find this "joke" to be really cheap.
So really,how this is hilarious? funniest? -big slap in the face to alll the animes that are so much funnier/better yet not as well-known sadly. there are some brillant comedies out there that ARE worth your time this anime's as smart as a rock.
However there are other jokes but of course those don't involve fanservice therefore so forgettable and still unfunny and particulary stupid. Practically all the comedy is like wacky and mis-timed (as much as possible somehow) but even if it was timed well it's still a lame joke. I thought the joke with Seta not being able to drive was so stupid, it's just not funny. so many repetition of the lame gags.
ROMANCE-uh what romance? I didn't see any...eps were mostly consisted of bad filler/fanser-vice/lame violence and some random people falling on top of each other, typical pointless ecchi moments.
and the romance is supposedly in the last few eps which I didn't see, all I noticed was they made people's boobs bigger trying to help my boredom... but It didn't cause I'm not a guy.
the story/plot/everything about this anime was stupid, unfunny, predictable, boring, cliche, ripped-off, typical, reminds me of so many animes that are a million times better that need to be fansubbed asap.
So all in all no romance, no comedy, no originiality, no progression so you shouldn't watch it.
I absolutely hated all the characters they are the epitome of cliche, 1-dimensional, stereotypical, unoriginality. how can anyone not despise all the characters, it seemed like they exist just to piss me off.
some of the most annoying characters.
half the characters wereuseless, pointlessmaybe they had a purpose if you were looking for some fan service since they didn't add to the plot or the comedy (the lame comedy they tried to pull off with those dead/flat characters was just plain pathetic).
Almost half the characters are like ripped off that I'm surprised Ken Akamatsu didn't get sued.
Here are the ones that are ripped off Shinobu, Kaolla Su, Motoko, Keitaro.
Shinobu - well she's the only character that wasn't annoying directly but she's annoying cause she's so damn shy and that pisses me off. but I don't like her because she's obviously ripped off from battle athletes (Anna) which by the way is funnier than love hina. Anna is really likable shinobu is just extermely shy in a way that pises me off.
Kaolla Su - she is clearly ripped off cowboy bebop (Ed), Tanya (Battle Athletes). Not to mention the inventions thing was just ridiculous and it was just executed in the most idiotic way. You can even find pics of them doing the exact same pose. she's so annoying and like I said 1-dimensional.
Motoko - well there's lots of anime characters there are just dressed like her and act like her. The men-hating female stereotype. They made it worse by having keitaro fly when she swings her kendo stick at him, just completely idiotic.
Mutusmi - She is a clone from Excel Saga (Hyatt). You can even find pics of them doing the exact same pose.
Keitaro- just another loser in a harem.
But the point is, because they are so clearly ripped off it just reminds me of anime that I liked better (including WAY more than those), just plain better. I'm not so strict on an anime being original but it was unoriginal in such a way I just hated it; they just made it a million times worse.
all the characters that are just useless are Motoko, Kaolla Su, Seta, Kitsune, Sarah McDougal, Shinobu(hopefully I didn't forget any... ). After all the whole point of this is about keitaro finding his promise girl, do we really need 26 eps about that? do I give a s*** about that plot, not really... once I realize all the characters suck.
I am just personally offended from the rip-offs which are so obvious.
They are just the perfect exmaple of theworst cast of characters in an anime, especially if you've seenbattle athletes victory!
But besides the rip-offs they are just plain annoying and I just each and every one of them and some of the characters are so stupid. Like Mutsumi who is so smart but never made it to be the exam, Naru who is just a bitch - beating up keitaro for no reason most of the time, keitaro - he's just pathetic and just takes the crap. su is annoying, period and her inventions are so stupid and execution of that concept is just as stupid.
so it comes to the point where I can barely care what happens to them (unless they get killed in a violent, gruesome death).
So the romance factor is a 0 because the main characters are pathetic. The enjoyment factor is non-existant because of these characters who are all so damn annoying. worst cast ever, I hate every single one of them.
basically the side characters were more likable to me because I hated them less they had a lot less screen time so a lot less time to piss me off.
Animation was okay, I wasn't impressed, wasn't too fond it really, it just looked dull, backgrounds were cheaply drawn. I didn't like it, something about it just bothered me.
but gawd why do they have to go draw naru's boobs so much bigger in the certain eps like towrads the end, no it doesn't make the anime any less boring or pointless or unoriginal it just looks disgusting and it looks verycheap and desperate
The Opening and ending songs are fine to me although the opening gets annoying very quickly.
I absolutely hated all the background music/sound effects (from the BMG at the episode title showing part to BMG when they're talking etc)... I never thought I would complain about BMG but it was so irritating to me. Honestly BMG is not a big deal with me but this anime's BMG pisses me off
the seiyuus did an okay job but I despised the characters anyways.