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Gekijouban xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yo no Yume

Anime: Gekijouban xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yo no Yume

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Gekijouban xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yo no Yume
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Main TitleGekijouban xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yo no Yume(a2189)
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SeasonSummer 2005
Tagscontemporary fantasyMagic and supernatural beings exist secretly in what is generally regarded as the real world. Such elements may have originated from another world. Stories where a modern-day character travels to an alternate fantasy world are not considered contemporary fantasy.,fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes.,newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team.,seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s. -[similar]
Review Rating7.24(2)
Added byhidden on2004-07-04 15:51
Edited byhidden on2023-04-09 18:34
Main TitleGekijouban xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yo no Yume(a2189)
Official Titleenverified
Official Titleja
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Official Titlezh-Hans
SynonymGekijouban xxxHOLiC - Manatsu no Yoru no Yume, xxxHolic - A Midsummer Night`s Dream, xxxHolic, ein Sommernachtstraum, xxxГолік - Сон у літню ніч, Триплексоголик - Сон в летнюю ночь, хххХолик: Сън в лятната нощ
ShortXXX Holic, xxxHolic - The Movie
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Yuuko receives a letter from an unknown sender. It is an invitation to an auction. Seven avid collectors were invited to an old mansion. They all admit that they accepted the invitation to complete their collections. They waited for the host, but he does not make an appearance. And one by one the collectors disappear. The strange host and a mysterious girl. A night where odd things happen one after another. What is being auctioned? Who is the host? The cunning and foolish people who are obsessed with "possessions" and the host's "timeless" passion. What is waiting at the end of this enigmatic series of riddles? And what is the conclusion of the sad love story behind them? Mystery leads to mystery, and reaches the unexpected!


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Running Time

approx. 60m


4790 (70.5%)

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1996 (29.4%)


10 (0.1%)
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TV Series, 2006, 24 eps,7.45(5496),7.97(5540)
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Movie, 2005, 1 ep,5.62(2270),7.30(2293)

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Clamp in Wonderland
Music Video, 1994, 1 ep,4.20(1062),6.20(1070)
Clamp in Wonderland 2 1995-2006
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OVA, 1997, 3 eps,4.61(760),6.49(766)
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Tsubasa Chronicle
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OVA, 2010-2011, 2 eps,8.39(1775),8.10(1783)
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OVA, 2009, 2 eps,7.88(2126),7.93(2135)
xxxHOLiC: Kei
TV Series, 2008, 13 eps,8.33(3409),8.26(3434)
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recommended by 11 users - 10 recommended - 1 must see

bybnns on2012-06-14 00:00
Like the first season, i greatly enjoyed this movie as well. Sorta like a longer more action packed episode, brilliant environments and in conjunction with it's elaborate story, left me at the edge of my seat.
byAefener on2009-12-09 13:57
I usually don´t like movies according to anime/manga series but this was actually a good one. :)
by30mysti on2009-09-26 14:08
Always recommended xxxholic
bydrajin on2008-06-01 20:23
This movie is better than I expected. After watching the series, I didn't expect much from the movie. But my expectation was wrong. This anime rocks. Even if you never watched xxxholic series, this movie is highly recommended. To me, this movie is definitely under-reted.


Approval:86.0% (1 votes)
I suggest watching the tv show before you watch this movie. Even though according to AnimeDB, the movie is made before the tv series. This is a very weird movie, but it was interesting. I felt like I was watchingAlice in Wonderland or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with little bit of creepiness and little bit of comedy.

The animation was gorgeous. Very artistic. The background and objects were the highlights of this movie. The characters were bizzare. Clamp style characters with huge eyes and skinny face. Skinny arms and legs which are inproportionally long. Seemed all the characters were suffering from anorexia. Nonetheless I felt that the animation is what made this movie interesting.

The sound was rich and detailed. Used very little sound during creepy parts to make it suspenseful while other crazy parts were filled with different sounds to make is exciting.

There really wasn't much of a story, and movie felt short. I felt that the mystery was the main focus of the movie but I didn't feel that plot was intriguing enough. Yeah I was asking myself what the heck is going on most of the time but because there wasn't much explanation to anything. It just throws you in the middle of crazy randomness but not much to solve. The movie felt like an episode from a middle of the season. I am not sure if the movie was made before the tv show or not but I haven't seen the tv show yet so I really didn't know anything about the characters.

There wereno development to the characters what so ever. I really didn't care if any one of them died or fell in love or whatever. I didn't know a thing about each characters. I did't know why the main character see things or who the other guy is and etc. The characters just go to solve something because someone asked them to.

Overall, the movie isn't terrible. It was really nice to look at and it kept you somewhat interested. Interested me enough for me to be curious about the tv show.
Approval:15.0% (1 votes)
The movie was very good and a lot more in depth than I honestly expected. It is very CLAMP-ish in its style, but the animation honestly threw me for a loop. Sure, the scenery is well done, I expect that of them, but the character designs are...bizzare. All the characters look like they've been through a taffy puller and their eyes are lifeless. Then again, the anime itself is VERY different than any other CLAMP anime I've seen [especially Tsubasa, Cardcaptor Sakura and Rayearth] and is a lot darker.
It DOES tie in with the Tsubasa Movie, but only slightly. This movie got me excited for the show, which I haven't gotten around to watching more than a few episodes of. So, if you're looking for dark, thoughtful anime, watch the movie, but if you're looking for sparkly floof, look elsewhere.
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abilitiesAbilities are skills or competences that have applicability in some sort of activity.

archery(1)Archery is the art, practice, or skill of shooting arrows with a bow. A person who participates in archery is an archer. Archery has been used for hunting, but through most of human history its main use was for combat. With the invention of firearms, archery quickly became obsolete in war, but in the Far East it is to this day considered an important subject in martial arts, with archery dojos being ran by school archery clubs, and it reemerged as a recreational activity in the West as is the process of preparing food by using heat.inter-dimensional travel(1)Inter-dimensional travel is the ability to move between dimensions. It is often also explained as moving between dimensional planes. Holders of this ability are generally called sliders.magic(2)Magic is the art of purportedly manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of unknown occult laws.

accessoriesAccessories are objects characters use or sometimes simply carry around.

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

black hair(5)The character has black eyes(1)This character has blue-colored hair(1)The character has blue hair.brown eyes(2)The character has brown eyes.double hairbun(1)A double hairbun is a hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side of the head. Like with a single hairbun and a ponytail, double hairbuns may be at the base of twintails. Stereotypical Chinese females are often seen wearing a cheongsam and a pair of hairbuns. The style can also be referred to as dango or odango, in reference to a type of Japanese dumpling with the same format.drill hair(1)An easy way to tell if a female character in Japanese media is of high social standing is to not look for a crown or an Ermine Cape, but to look at the front of her head. Specifically, look for two long, curled locks of hair, framing the face. If she has them, she either is high class or acts like it.Needless to say, this is pretty much mandatory for the Ojou. Some Elegant Gothic Lolitas also sport this hairstyle.heterochromatic eyes(1)Heterochromia Iridis is a medical condition, where an individual has at least an eye with more than one colour or two eyes of entirely different colours.hime cut(1)A hime cut is a hairstyle consisting of straight, short (usually cheek-length to shoulder-length) sidelocks, and frontal bangs/fringe, specifically in the blunt bangs style. The short sidelocks ("hime locks") can be accompanied by longer sidelocks behind the hime locks, and still qualify the hairstyle as a hime cut. The defining feature is the layered or "staircase" look that is formed with the bangs and the short hime locks. If the sidelocks are not distinct, it is likely a bob cut.long hair(2)Long hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair(1)Pink hair, not much to talk eyes(1)This character has red hair(1)The character has red hair.short hair(1)Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.shoulder-length hair(1)Shoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.twintails(1)Twintails are type of hairstyle where the hair is gathered into two "tails" on either side of the head. Twintails may also include a pair hair buns, one bun at the base of each tail.very long hair(1)Very long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.

roleno description set

animal sidekick(1)Every mahou shoujo anime needs them, the cute little critters that are supposed to help the protagonists but in reality are nothing but useless bystanders most often abused for gags. Kids love them but they can also often turn into an annoyance.butt monkey(1)The character who is always the butt of the demeaning joke or the "put him through hell" plotline. For whatever reason, the Butt Monkey seems to walk through life with a permanent "Kick Me" sign attached to their backs, invisible to them, but all too visible to the rest of the world. Nothing ever goes right for this character, and if something bad is going to happen to someone, chances are it`s going to happen to them. Long story short, it sucks to be the Butt Monkey. --tvtropesfamiliar spirit(1)A familiar spirit is a spirit, typically animal-shaped, which is summoned by a magic-user usually to perform various menial tasks. In witchcraft a typical familiar spirit takes the form of a black cat, hence the superstition that a black cat is bad luck.orphan(1)The character (in common usage: only a child, or the young of an animal) has lost both parents.student(2)A student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

adolescent(2)An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.calm(1)Free from excitement or passion.charismatic(1)Charisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.cynical(1)The character often goes for the most realistic/pessimistic take on events.energetic(1)An energetic character, often also called a genki character, shows great, often excessive levels of activity or vitality, and seems to always be doing everything extra fast. Genki characters are often slightly, or sometimes very, eccentric, and are filled with confidence and determination, regardless of whether they are competent or not; in fact, they often have little to no actual competence at whatever they generally do.kind(1)Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.overeater(1)A character (who quite often is anything but fat) eats enough for an entire football team, usually devastating the whole table — and perhaps entire restaurants — with their insatiable hunger. Often combined with a speed-eating technique that makes food seem to vanish spontaneously from the plate.short-tempered(1)This character has a short temper, meaning he or she can get angry quickly.smoker(1)This character likes to smoke cigarettes, cigars or a pipe.stoic(1)A stoic person can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.tsundere(1)A character type (usually female), who is often easily agitated or combative, but other times is quite kind and caring, especially in situations involving a person they are (knowingly or unknowingly) attracted towards.
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secondary cast
female,5.98(20),drill hairAn easy way to tell if a female character in Japanese media is of high social standing is to not look for a crown or an Ermine Cape, but to look at the front of her head. Specifically, look for two long, curled locks of hair, framing the face. If she has them, she either is high class or acts like it.Needless to say, this is pretty much mandatory for the Ojou. Some Elegant Gothic Lolitas also sport this hairstyle.,gothic lolitaGothic lolita is a fashion style that combines aspects of the lolita and gothic fashion styles. The style generally uses dark-coloured dresses with inflated knee-length skirts usually in a cupcake shape, plenty of ribbons and lace, Mary Jane shoes, and usually an umbrella or parasol, all influenced by Victorian era fashion and aiming to give a darkly elegant look. Despite the name, the lolita and gothic lolita fashion styles are not limited to young girls.,red eyesThis character has red eyes.,red hairThe character has red hair.,spriteno description set
voiced by:
Doumeki Shizuka
male,7.19(29),adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,black hairThe character has black hair.,bowA bow is a weapon that projects arrows powered by the elasticity of the bow.,cynicalThe character often goes for the most realistic/pessimistic take on events.,JapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.,overeaterA character (who quite often is anything but fat) eats enough for an entire football team, usually devastating the whole table — and perhaps entire restaurants — with their insatiable hunger. Often combined with a speed-eating technique that makes food seem to vanish spontaneously from the plate.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,studentA student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.
voiced by:
Ichihara Yuuko
female,9.18(173),black hairThe character has black hair.,charismaticCharisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,hime cutA hime cut is a hairstyle consisting of straight, short (usually cheek-length to shoulder-length) sidelocks, and frontal bangs/fringe, specifically in the blunt bangs style. The short sidelocks ("hime locks") can be accompanied by longer sidelocks behind the hime locks, and still qualify the hairstyle as a hime cut. The defining feature is the layered or "staircase" look that is formed with the bangs and the short hime locks. If the sidelocks are not distinct, it is likely a bob cut.,inter-dimensional travelInter-dimensional travel is the ability to move between dimensions. It is often also explained as moving between dimensional planes. Holders of this ability are generally called sliders.,kiseruJapanese pipe where the mouth piece and bowl are typically made from metal, with a tubular shaft of wood or bamboo stretching in between. The bowl is much smaller than that of western-style pipes.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,magicMagic is the art of purportedly manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of unknown occult laws.,smokerThis character likes to smoke cigarettes, cigars or a pipe.
voiced by:
Watanuki Kimihiro
male,6.68(52),black hairThe character has black hair.,energeticAn energetic character, often also called a genki character, shows great, often excessive levels of activity or vitality, and seems to always be doing everything extra fast. Genki characters are often slightly, or sometimes very, eccentric, and are filled with confidence and determination, regardless of whether they are competent or not; in fact, they often have little to no actual competence at whatever they generally do.,glassesGlasses (also called eyeglasses or spectacles) are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV rays. For practical tagging purposes, sunglasses should not be considered glasses; the "glasses" tag is specifically about the type that doesn`t block light. However, a character who wears prescription glasses with dark lenses or who wears both eyewear types should take both tags.,JapaneseA character originating from the island nation of Japan.,orphanThe character (in common usage: only a child, or the young of an animal) has lost both parents.,studentA student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.,tobacco pipeno description set,tsundereA character type (usually female), who is often easily agitated or combative, but other times is quite kind and caring, especially in situations involving a person they are (knowingly or unknowingly) attracted towards.
voiced by:
female,8.81(43),black hairThe character has black hair.,shoulder-length hairShoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.,spriteno description set,zashiki-warashiThe name breaks down to zashiki, a tatami floored room, and warashi, an archaic regional term for a child.The appearance of this spirit is that of a 5 or 6 year child with bobbed hair and a red face.Zashiki-warashi can be found in well-maintained and preferably large old houses.It is said that once a zashiki-warashi inhabits a house, it brings the residence great fortune; on the other hand, should a zashiki-warashi depart, the domain soon falls into a steep decline.
voiced by:
cameo appearance
female,8.90(15),black hairThe character has black hair.,hakamaHakama are a type of traditional Japanese clothing worn by men and women, similar in appearance to an apron that only reaches waist-height. Hakama are tied at the waist and fall approximately to the ankles, they are worn over a kimono. The most iconic image of women in hakama is the miko (shrine maiden).,kimonoThe kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. They are also commonly worn with a hakama, geta, and tabi.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,magicMagic is the art of purportedly manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of unknown occult laws.,precognitionThe ability to see into the future. This can manifest as prophetic visions or could be more prosaic, such as the ability to see future events by means of some divinatory devices such as tarot cards or astrology, but such divination should be accurate.,shrine maidenIn modern Japanese usage, a miko is shrine maiden, a "virgin consecrated to a deity", who serves at Shinto shrines. The attire of a miko (traditionally and still worn today) consists of hakama, a kimono shirt, and tabi.,tiarano description set
voiced by:


Original Work (原作)Clamp講談社「ヤングマガジン」連載
Direction (監督)Mizushima Tsutomu
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Kise Kazuchika
Accessory Design (小物設定)Ueta Minoru
Music Direction (音楽ディレクター)Shibuya Tomoko
Music (音楽)Saitou Tsuneyoshi
Music Producer (音楽プロデューサー)Nakamura Shin`ichi
Music Work (音楽制作)Pony Canyon
Music Work Assistance (音楽制作協力)Scitron Digital Contents
Sound Direction (音響監督)Wakabayashi Kazuhiro
Sound Work (音響制作)Fonishia
Yoshinaga Nobue
Sound Effects (効果)Itou MichihiroSound Ring (サウンドリング)
Editing (編集)Hamauzu Taeko
Art Direction (美術監督)Hirata Shuuichi
Art Design (美術設定)Watabe Takashi
Colour Design (色彩設定)Yoshida Sayuri
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Ezura Hisashi
Executive Producer (エグゼクティブプロデューサー)Fujimoto Kiyokazu
Irie Yoshio
Komatsu Kenshi
Machida Shuuichi
Morishita Katsuji
Tafu Naohiro
Yoshida Tsuyoshi
Producer (プロデューサー)Doushita Toshiaki
Iwasaki Yoshihiro
Kawaguchi Tooru
Shikano Ikuko
Shirahama Natsumi
Watanabe Tetsuya
Animation Work (アニメーション制作)Production I.G
Production (製作)Furuya Fumiaki
Ishikawa Mitsuhisa
Ookawa Nobuyo
Seki Ichirou
Shimamoto Yuuji
Yasuda Masaki
Production Committee (製作委員会)Dentsu
Ishikawa Michiru
Matsui Kuniharu
Matsukura Kouji
Nagashima Satoshi
Nakano Hiroyuki
Nippon Shuppan Hanbai
Production I.G
Seto Mariko
Takamoto Miki
Takasu Ken`ichi
Tanaka Wataru
Tsunakawa Jun`ichi
Watanabe Kaori
Yokoyama Shinjirou
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Fujisaku Jun`ichi
Sakurai Yoshiki
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Mizushima Tsutomu
Animation Direction (作画監督)Kise Kazuchika
Key Animation (原画)Akiyama Kazunori
Gotou Takayuki
Hamamori Toshihiro
Harada Minefumi
Hashimoto Chie
Hashimoto Shinji
Higashide Futoshi
Izumi Hiroyo
Kubota Yasutaka
Matsuda Katsumi
Matsumoto Keita
Miyazawa Yasunori
Nagashima Akiko
Nakamura Mitsunobu
Nohara Hiroshi
Oka Mariko
Okiura Hiroyuki
Oohashi Sachiko
Oohira Shin`ya
Ookuma Takaharu
Sahara Fuminori
Sasaki Keigo
Sawada Jouji
Shikibu Miyoko
Souzaki Nobuyoshi
Sugie Toshiharu
Suzuki Futoshi
Takahashi Mizuka
Taniguchi Jun`ichirou
Tomita Etsuko
Uemura Jun
Ueta Minoru
Wakabayashi Kaname
Yahagi Toshiyuki
Yamashita Yoshimitsu
In-Between Animation Check (動画チェック)Ichimanda Chieko
Isomatsu Takashi
Sakamoto Yutaka
Yoshida Kazue
In-Between Animation Check Assistant (動画チェック補佐)Jeong Yeon-Hui
In-Between Animation (動画)A.P.P.P.
An Eun-Hui
Anime R
Asada Michiko
Byeon Eun-Sun
Cho Won-Hui
Delta Peak Production
Douge Shintarou
DR Movie
Fujii Hitomi
Gotou Mariko
Hasegawa Kazuyo
Hirano Yukari
Hong Chang-Hui
Hong Seung-Hui
Ishikawa Mariko
Jang Cheol-Ho
Kasano Atsushi
Kawashima Yuuki
Kim Eun-Seon
Kim Yun-Ji
Kimura Yuuko
Kinjou Masaru
Kinoshita Mika
Kondou Ikuyo
Kondou Natsuko
Kondou Taiki
Kouda Naoko
Kuchii Reika
Kuniyuki Yurie
Kyougoku Yoshiaki
Lee Hyeon-Mi
Lee Hyo-Seon
Lee Ju-Yeong
Lee Mi-Ok
Mamezuka Takashi
Masuda Yuki
Matsumoto Genki
Matsuo Yukari
Matsushita Masahiro
Mimiura Tomoaki
Minamii Aki
Mita Yukiko
Mizorogi Rie
Morishita Ai
Nakajima Miyuki
Nakayama Miyuki
Nebu Haruyo
Nishida Masatsugu
Nishikawa Daiki
Nogami Maiko
Office AO
Oh! Production
Okuda Nobu
Oonuma Ayako
Park Yeong-Ae
Production I.G
Saitou Kotoe
Saitou Mika
Sakai Reiko
Satou Yuki
Shikita Eri
Shimozuma Hisako
Shinoda Tomohiro
Studio MAT
Sugata Tomoko
Suzuki Yasuko
Tateiwa Yuuko
Tsushima Kei
Uchiyama Eriko
Ueno Takushi
Utsumi Tomoko
Yamada Yuuko
Yumeta Company
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (仕上検査)Yamanaka Makiko
Finishing/Clean-up (仕上)Ariga Naomi
DR Movie
Han Jin-Yeong
Hosohata Takako
Iwamoto Chie
Lee Mi-Yeon
Lee Yeong-Sim
Light Foot
Lim Jeong-A
Nakano Naomi
Nakashima Kazuko
Ooba Akiko
Ootani Natsuyo
Park Yong-Gang
Shimada Tomomi
Studio Elle
Studio Road
Sugawa Megumi
Tanaka Miho
Taniguchi Yuriko
TMS Photo
Yang Mi-Yemiscredited as 楊美禮
Yokota Hanae
Background Art (背景)Fujimori Akihito
Kuroda Satoshi
Nakamura Hideki
Sugiyama Yuuko
Tamura Seiki
Special Effects (特殊効果)Murakami Masahiro
Murakami Sumie
Photography (撮影)Katou Hisako
Konishi Youhei
Kunitsune Satoshi
Morishita Seiichi
Nakata Yumiko
Nakayama Makiko
Saitou Akira
Studio Twinkle
3DCG (3DCGI)Honma Junki
Kataama Mitsunori
Kishida Kouji
Masuuchi Susumu
Matsumoto Kaoru
Matsunari Takamasa
Nakano Tsuyoshi
Production I.G
Satou Miki
Tamori Atsushi
3D Producer (3Dプロデュース)Mizutani Eiji
3DCG Assistant Production Manager (3D制作進行)久代忠史
2D Works (2Dワークス)Nakayama Akiko
Ono Chieko
Title (タイトル)Baba Kyouko
Film Processing (現像)Imagica
Film Recording (フィルムレコーディング)Honma Masahiro
Timing (タイミング)Hirabayashi Hiroaki
Lab Coordinator (ラボコーディネーター)Shimura Yuuko
Lab Manager (ラボマネージャー)Kawamata Takehisa
Negative Cutting (ネガ編集)Murai Hideaki
Okayasu Promotion
Recording Assistant (録音助手)Imaizumi Takeshi
Recording Adjustment (調整)Miyazawa Jirou
Optical Recording (光学リレコ)Ueda Futoshi
Digital Optical Recording (デジタル光学録音)Nishio Noboru
Recording Studio (録音スタジオ)Tokyo TV Center
Casting Management (キャスティングマネージメント)Maki JunMausu Promotion (マウスプロモーション)
Dolby Film Consultant (ドルビーフィルムコンサルタント)Kawahigashi TsutomuContinental Far East (コンチネンタルファーイースト株式会社)
Mori MikioContinental Far East (コンチネンタルファーイースト株式会社)
Publicity Producer (宣伝プロデューサー)Hirata Jun`ichirou
Komori Yuka
Yamanaka Masahiro
Publicity Assistance (宣伝協力)バイオタイド
System Manager (システム管理)Eda Katsushi
Okuno Hidetoshi
Yamaguchi Kazuhiro
Production Desk (制作デスク)Abe Yoshihiro
Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)Tanimura Daishirou
Production Office Work (制作事務)Fujikawa Katsutoshi
Itou Teruko
Matsuda Tomoki
Distribution (配給)Shouchiku
System Coordinator (システムコーディネーター)Aki Jun`ichirou


Kiseki / Natsukage / Sanagi
Single, 3 tracks, 10.08.2005
All Singles Best
Album, 26 tracks, 24.01.2007

Group status

show alladd new release
Last UpdateNameStateNEpisodesHESPLanguagesSourceRatingCmts
22.06.2021samaritan [sam]completeN
10jaelBlu-ray, HDTV4.70(25)0
21.05.2012Anime-Heart [AH]complete
17.05.2011Anime-Supreme [a-S]complete
20.02.2009Baka Rangers Fansubs [BRF]complete
29.03.2007Türkish no Fansub [TnF]complete
04.05.2006Athena no Seinto [AnS]complete
17.03.2006Nanikano Fansub [NF]complete
12jaesDVD, wwwN/A(3)0
04.08.2005Arienaispecials only
27.12.2021U2-Ripspecials only
08.11.2005NTFSspecials only
no groupcompletefinishedongoingstalleddroppedspecials onlyall


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