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Ore dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow

Anime: Ore dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow

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Ore dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow
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Main TitleOre dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow(a18576)
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TypeTV Series, unknown number of episodes
Year05.01.2025 until?
SeasonWinter 2024/25
Added byhidden on2024-03-30 15:03
Edited byhidden on2024-12-29 16:41
Main TitleOre dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow(a18576)
Official Titleen
Official Titleja
Official Titlede
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Official Titlezh-Hans
SynonymOre dake Level Up na Ken Season 2, Solo Leveling Season 2
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Note: The first two episodes received an early premiere in cinemas worldwide as part of a season 1 recap movie titled ReAwakening starting on 26 November 2024 in Germany. The regular TV broadcast started on 5 January 2025.


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Running Time

approx. 5h 25m


763 (57.7%)

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557 (42.1%)


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Ore dake Level Up na Ken
TV Series, 2024, 12 eps,7.40(1449),7.62(1465)


recommended by 2 users - 1 recommended - 1 must see

must see
bychrysop on2025-03-01 18:36
Epic, involving. Very good continuation of first season. Can't wait for more.
bychumchummaru on2025-01-25 15:36
Som sklamaný že to do rúk dostalo štúdio A-1pictures a urobili s toho guláš.

Zo začiatku som rozmýšľal že to mu ponechám 9/10 bo sa mi to páčilo ale keďže som sestre kupoval manhwu a rád kontrolujem ako moc sa líši anime od predlohy tak mi nakoniec neostalo nič iné len dať 7/10.
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abilitiesAbilities are skills or competences that have applicability in some sort of activity.

archery(1)Archery is the art, practice, or skill of shooting arrows with a bow. A person who participates in archery is an archer. Archery has been used for hunting, but through most of human history its main use was for combat. With the invention of firearms, archery quickly became obsolete in war, but in the Far East it is to this day considered an important subject in martial arts, with archery dojos being ran by school archery clubs, and it reemerged as a recreational activity in the West as well.barrier creation(1)The ability to create a wall or dome of force that hinders others from approaching a person or object.brawling(1)Brawling is an unorganized fight usually involving multiple participants and usually using one`s fists as magic(2)Magical application of the fire element.Usually strong against living beings, such as plants and animals, but easily fought by employing water.Also usually entails immunity against heat.gravity control(1)The character can control gravity.healing(2)Healing is the power to restore biotic organisms to their optimal magic(1)no description setmartial arts(1)Various sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo.psychokinesis(1)Psychokinesis, also referred to as telekinesis with respect to strictly describing movement of matter, describes the direct influence of mind on a physical system that cannot be entirely accounted for by the mediation of any known physical energy.running(1)no description setstealth(1)An ability to be covered, hidden, disguised

accessoriesAccessories are objects characters use or sometimes simply carry around.

arm protector(1)An arm protector is a form of defence/protection for the forearm, possibly including the hand, for the upper arm, or for both. Specific types of arm protections include: the bracer, a strap or sheath that covers the inside of a person`s forearm to protect it from self-injury when shooting with a bow; the vambrace, a piece of tubular forearm plate armour for melee combat; and the manica, a piece of laminar armour worn over the external part of the full arm of Roman gladiators and later soldiers.armour(4)no description setbook(1)no description setclub(1)A club is among the simplest of all blunt weapons. A club is essentially a short staff, or stick, usually made of wood, and wielded as a weapon since prehistoric times. Most clubs are small enough to be swung in one hand, but two-handed variants exist. Various kinds of clubs are used in martial arts and other specialized fields, including the law enforcement baton. The mace is a descendant of the club, typically made of metal and featuring a spiked, knobbed, or flanged head attached to a shaft.dagger(1)A bladed fighting weapon with a sharp point designed or capable of being used as a thrusting or stabbing weapon. Many ancient cultures used adorned daggers in ritual and ceremonial purposes.(source: Wikipedia)eyepatch(1)An eyepatch is a small patch that is worn in front of one eye.gas mask(1)A gas mask is a mask put on over the face to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic gases. Some gas masks are also respirators, though the term is often used to refer to military equipment.glasses(4)Glasses (also called eyeglasses or spectacles) are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV rays. For practical tagging purposes, sunglasses should not be considered glasses; the "glasses" tag is specifically about the type that doesn`t block light. However, a character who wears prescription glasses with dark lenses or who wears both eyewear types should take both tags.greave(1)A greave is a piece of armour that protects the leg.handbag(1)no description setlollipop(1)no description setmace(1)A mace is a blunt weapon, a type of club or virge—that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful blows.shoulder guards(3)Armour that covers the shoulders.skulls(1)no description setstaff(1)no description setsurgical mask(1)A surgical mask, medical mask or procedure mask is a mask worn by health professionals during surgery and nursing to catch the bacteria or viruses shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer`s mouth and nose. They are not designed to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne bacteria or viruses and, while their filtering properties prevent the breathing in of airborne dust particles, they are less effective than respirators.sword(2)A sword is a long, edged piece of metal, used as a cutting, thrusting, and clubbing weapon in many civilizations throughout the world. It fundamentally consists of a blade and a hilt, typically with one or two edges for striking and cutting, and a point for thrusting.

clothingClothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body.

business suit(9)The business suit is a traditional Western-style business attire. For men, this usually consists of a jacket, worn over a collared shirt, with a matching pair of trousers and optional waistcoat vest. For women, this would usually be a jacket, worn over a blouse, with a matching skirt (commonly a pencil skirt) or trousers. Not to be confused with a blazer or sport coat.cape(1)A cape is a sleeveless, hood-less outer garment, which drapes the wearer`s back, arms, and chest, and connects at the neck. In contrast to a cloak, a cape leaves the front fairly open whereas a cloak provides more frontal cover. A short cape that only covers just the shoulders is a capelet. A cape or cloak with sleeves is a robe.dress shirt(2)no description sethardhat(3)A protective hat made of rigid material (such as metal or fiberglass) and worn especially by construction workers.hawaiian shirt(1)The Aloha shirt commonly referred to as a Hawaiian shirt is a style of dress shirt originating in Hawaii. The shirts are printed, mostly short-sleeved, and collared. They usually have buttons, sometimes as a complete button-down shirt, and sometimes just down to the chest (pullover). Aloha shirts usually have a left chest pocket sewn in, often with attention to ensure the printed pattern remains continuous. The lower hem is straight, as the shirts are not meant to be tucked in.hooded jacket(8)A jacket with a hood.jacket(2)A jacket is a waist or shorter length garment for the upper body, used as both indoor wear and outerwear. A jacket typically has sleeves, and fastens in the front or slightly on the side. A jacket is generally lighter, tighter-fitting, and less insulating than a coat, which is exclusively outerwear. Some jackets are fashionable, while others serve as protective clothing. Jackets without sleeves are vests. Outerwear longer than waist-length is a coat.overcoat(1)An overcoat is a type of long coat intended to be worn as the outermost garment, which usually extends below the knee.pleated skirt(1)A pleated skirt is a skirt that contains pleats. Pleats are folds that are pre-defined with stitches and which can be both stylistic and functional. Common examples of specific skirt types with pleats include: school uniforms, tennis skirts, and kilts.sandals(1)A shoe with open-work upper or no upper, fastened with uniform(1)A type of uniform worn in Japanese schools (called "seifuku" in Japanese), generally high school age or younger. They can vary considerably; commonly, females will wear a sailor uniform (modelled off the British Royal Navy uniforms in 1920) and males will often wear a "gakuran", which is a dark button-up uniform modelled off Prussian army uniforms. But expect to see a substantial amount of variety.sweater(1)Sweater is a garment intended to cover the torso and arms. Sweaters are worn by adults and children of all genders; often over a shirt, blouse, T-shirt, or other top, but sometimes next to the skin. Sweaters were traditionally made from wool, but can now be made of cotton, synthetic fibers, or any combination thereof.tank top(1)A tank top is a shirt manufactured without sleeves, or whose sleeves have been cut off. Sleeveless shirts are worn by people of any gender. They are used as undershirts, worn by athletes in sports such as track and field and triathlon, or as casual wear attire during humid weather. A muscle shirt is the same design as a T-shirt, but without sleeves. They are often worn during athletic activities or as casual wear during warmer weather.thigh boots(2)Thigh boots and over-the-knee boots are boots that either: fully cover and extend above the knees, or partly cover the knees, leaving only the thigh area exposed. Boots that rise up to, but not including, the knee, or slightly thereunder, are kneehigh boots.waistcoat(1)In formal wear, a waistcoat, often called a vest in American English, is a sleeveless upper-body garment. It is usually worn over a dress shirt and necktie and below a coat as a part of most men`s formal wear. It is also sported as the third piece in the traditional three-piece male business suit. It is not to be confused with vests in general, that are not of a formal-dress nature.

entityno description set

demon(3)In Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. In Eastern lore, on the other hand, they are generally supernatural, often but not always malevolent beings who can be more mischievous than actually evil, or simply supernatural spirits of no specific alignment.dragon(1)Very intelligent mythical beings - a cross between a very large lizard and a dinosaur - that breath fire, and have a knack for kidnapping damsels, thus distressing them.elf(1)Elf, in common description, near-divine beings, with pointed ears and immortal life-spans. They are sage beings that occupy the realms and gates between humanity and the gods.human(9)Modern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.insect(1)Insects are a class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae.pig person(1)no description set

fashion accessoriesno description set

bandana(1)A bandana or kerchief is a triangular or square piece of cloth tied around the head or around the neck for protective or decorative purposes. Not to be confused with a headscarf, which are tied with long pieces of fabric (aka, a scarf).baseball cap(1)A baseball cap is a type of soft cap with a rounded crown and a stiff peak projecting in front.brooch(2)A brooch is a decorative jewellery item designed to be attached to garments, often to hold them closed.gloves(1)A glove is a garment covering the whole hand.hairband(1)A hairband is a flexible plastic or metal band or strip of cloth worn over the top of the head to hold the hair back and maintain a certain hairstyle. A hairband that includes ribbons or has bows along its length should be also tagged hair ribbon. For a similar band worn across the forehead primarily for athletic purposes, see sweatband.necktie(9)The necktie (or tie) is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat.pendant(1)A pendant is an ornament allowed to hang free from the neck, usually as a necklace. Mostly worn for decorative purposes, sometimes interrelated with a symbolic meaning.ring(1)A ring is a circular ornament. Strictly speaking, a normal ring is worn around the finger, and the term "ring" alone normally refers to that type. Rings are usually in metal, but they can be of a wide range of materials, and they may include a gem or stone. Usages and symbolism for rings vary immensely, with different forms of rings meaning to display things ranging from profession or degree to espousal to the power to rule all other rings of power.

fetish appealsno description set

cleavage(2)A cleavage is the partial, or sometimes full, exposure of the separation between a woman`s breasts.huge breasts(1)Huge breasts are breasts that are noticeably larger than what you may normally see in real life, often as big or even bigger than the character`s head. They are bigger than large breasts and smaller than the less common totally unreal looking gigantic breasts.large breasts(4)Large breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.medium breasts(2)Medium breasts are breasts that have a moderate size but aren`t overly big like large breasts. Medium breasts are what would be considered normal size in real life, whereas below average sized breasts are called small breasts.zettai ryouiki(1)Zettai ryouiki, literally "absolute territory", is an area of exposed skin of a female in the gap between thigh-high or over-the-knee hosiery and a miniskirt, shorts, or on occasion a minidress. In addition to the area itself, the term can describe the clothing combination. Please note that zettai ryouiki requires all three components: over-the-knee or thigh-high hosiery, thigh skin, and one of skirt, shorts, or minidress.

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

V bangs(1)V bangs are a style of hair bangs cut to have longer hair in the middle part, forming a v-shape.beard(2)A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks, and neck of human eyes(2)This character has black eyes.(This does not refer to the injury called a black eye)black hair(10)The character has black skin(1)no description setblunt bangs(1)Blunt bangs are a style of hair bangs, cut to have a uniform straight or gently arched edge at the end of the frontal fringe, without jagged edges, and minimal spikes.bob cut(3)A bob cut or bob is a short haircut for women (and occasionally men) in which the hair is typically cut straight around the head at about jaw-level, often with a fringe/bangs at the front. The bob is cut at the level of ears, below the ears, or above shoulders. If the sidelocks are distinct, it is possibly a hime cut.brown eyes(1)The character has brown eyes.brown hair(4)The character has brown hair.cyan eyes(2)This character has cyan color eyes.double hairbun(1)A double hairbun is a hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side of the head. Like with a single hairbun and a ponytail, double hairbuns may be at the base of twintails. Stereotypical Chinese females are often seen wearing a cheongsam and a pair of hairbuns. The style can also be referred to as dango or odango, in reference to a type of Japanese dumpling with the same format.fair skin(7)Fair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".fangs(1)Fangs are multiple prominent canine teeth, usually in one or two pairs; they are often found in vampires or various animals, and they serve purposes such as drawing blood or ripping flesh. They are distinct from and should not be confused with a cuteness fang, a single prominent canine tooth that suggests a cat-like and energetic nature or a state of excitement, or misaligned teeth, which are a facial misfeature with no actual purpose.fat(1)This character is in a medical condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.freckles(1)Small brownish spots in the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight.glowing eyes(2)no description setgoatee(4)A goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle eyes(2)The character has green eyes.grey eyes(1)This character has grey-coloured eyes.grey hair(1)Of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this intakes(4)Hair intakes are a style of hair that creates twin forward-facing scoops, oftentimes in the form of hair bangs/fringe. This style of bangs/fringe in the shape of scoops often (but not always) create the appearance of an opening similar to an air intake vent, hence the name "hair intake".imperial moustache(1)Imperial moustache is an upward curling moustache.long hair(3)Long hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.mole(2)A mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark". They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles.moptop(1)The Beatle haircut, also known as the moptop (or mop-top) —because of its resemblance to a mop—or Arthur amongst fans, is a mid-length hairstyle named after and popularised by the Beatles. It is a straight cut - collar-length at the back and over the ears at the sides, with a straight fringe/bangs.moustache(2)A moustache is facial hair grown on the upper lip.muscular(6)no description setno sclera(1)The sclera is the outer layer of the eye. In humans, it is entirely white and contrasts with the iris. Some characters do not have a visible sclera; their eyes have no white and are instead in full colour. This is often done to achieve a somewhat alien eyes(2)The character has orange hair(1)The character has orange hair.periorbital dark circles(1)Dark blemishes around the eyes.pointy ears(2)Well they are ears... and they are pointy... what`s more to say there?!ponytail(1)A ponytail is a hairstyle in which most or all of the hair on the head is gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie, clip or similar device, and allowed to hang freely from that point.purple eyes(3)This character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and eyes(3)This character has red hair(2)The character has red skin(1)no description setscars(2)A scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.short(1)Describes a person with below average height.short hair(11)Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.shoulder-length hair(2)Shoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.sideburns(5)Sideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.sidelocks(1)Sidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.single extra eye(1)A character with a single extra eye has exactly one more eye than would be expected of their species. For entirely fictional species, some common sense applies; for example, it would be reasonable to tag a humanoid species with three eyes. This is not to be confused with the multiple extra eyes tag, which requires at least two extra eyes.single hairbun(1)A single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.spiked hair(5)The hair is styled up into spikes.stubble(1)The regrowth of shaven body hair that is short and rough to the touch.tall(2)Describes a person with above average height.tanned(2)The brown colour produced by the skin after intensive exposure to ultraviolet rays, especially those of the tattoo is a permanent mark made by putting ink into the skin. Tattoos may be made on human or animal skin. Tattoos on humans are a type of body modification, but tattoos on animals are most often used for identification. People sometimes get tattoos to show that they belong to a gang or culture group.--simple.wikipediathick lips(1)no description settiny pupils(1)The character`s pupils are simple dots, making determination of eye colour impossible.tusks(2)Tusks are elongated, continuously growing front teeth, usually but not always in pairs, that protrude well beyond the mouth of certain mammal species. They are most commonly canine teeth, as with warthogs, pigs, and walruses, or, in the case of elephants, elongated incisors.very long hair(2)Very long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.white hair(2)The character has pure white hair.widow`s peak(2)A widow`s peak is a V-shaped point in the hairline in the center of the forehead.winged cut(1)no description setwrinkled skin(1)This character`s skin is wrinkled.yellow eyes(1)This character has yellow eyes.yellow hair(4)The character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.

roleno description set

actor(1)An actor or actress is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity. The ancient Greek word for an "actor", ὑποκριτής (hypokrites), means literally "one who interprets"; in this sense, an actor is one who interprets a dramatic character.chairman(2)no description setclanlord(1)no description setfirefighter(1)no description sethonour student(1)no description setminer(2)A miner is a person who extracts ore, coal, or other mineral from the earth through mining. There are two senses in which the term is used. In its narrowest sense, a miner is someone who works at the rock face; cutting, blasting, or otherwise working and removing the rock. In a broader sense, a "miner" is anyone working within a mine, not just a worker at the rock face.shaman(1)A religious medium who acts as a bridge between the human world and the spirit world. They are frequently associated with primitive tribal societies and their practices are some of the most ancient religious beliefs.student(2)A student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.translator(1)no description set

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

adolescent(2)An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.amputee(1)Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery.arrogant(3)Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one`s own importance or abilities.calm(2)Free from excitement or passion.cheerful(1)This character is conducive to cheer; likely to dispel gloom or worry.corrupt(1)The character is spiritually or morally impure and may accept payment or other benefits for services or material which the recipient is not due, under law.cruel(1)Extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally.friendly(1)A friendly person is generally considered warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.going berserk(1)At least one of the characters in this anime gets really ticked off, so much so, that he/she wants to smash and destroy everything on his/her path.hard-working(1)Describes someone, who is constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.inquisitive(1)Inquisitive person is showing curiosity, or being eager to acquire information.megalomaniac(1)Megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, and omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem.physically strong(1)In comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.serious(1)Someone is said to be serious when they exercise at least moderately above-average seriousness, which is an attitude of gravity, solemnity, persistence, and earnestness toward something considered to be of importance. The sense of seriousness can be contrasted with the sense of humour.wealthy(1)Somebody in possesion of wealth, usually a lot of money.young adult(1)Someone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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main character
Mizushino Shun
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-11
secondary cast
Gotou Kiyoomi
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 4, 7-11
male,broochA brooch is a decorative jewellery item designed to be attached to garments, often to hold them closed.,business suitThe business suit is a traditional Western-style business attire. For men, this usually consists of a jacket, worn over a collared shirt, with a matching pair of trousers and optional waistcoat vest. For women, this would usually be a jacket, worn over a blouse, with a matching skirt (commonly a pencil skirt) or trousers. Not to be confused with a blazer or sport coat.,grey eyesThis character has grey-coloured eyes.,grey hairOf a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.,moustacheA moustache is facial hair grown on the upper lip.,necktieThe necktie (or tie) is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat.,scarsA scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.
voiced by:
Inukai Akira
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-2, 4, 6-11
male,business suitThe business suit is a traditional Western-style business attire. For men, this usually consists of a jacket, worn over a collared shirt, with a matching pair of trousers and optional waistcoat vest. For women, this would usually be a jacket, worn over a blouse, with a matching skirt (commonly a pencil skirt) or trousers. Not to be confused with a blazer or sport coat.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,KoreanThis person or company is Korean.,necktieThe necktie (or tie) is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat.,purple eyesThis character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
Kousaka Shizuku
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 3-11
female,armourno description set,calmFree from excitement or passion.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,KoreanThis person or company is Korean.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,swordA sword is a long, edged piece of metal, used as a cutting, thrusting, and clubbing weapon in many civilizations throughout the world. It fundamentally consists of a blade and a hilt, typically with one or two edges for striking and cutting, and a point for thrusting.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
Mizushino Aoi
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-3, 7, 9-11
female,adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,friendlyA friendly person is generally considered warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.,honour studentno description set,medium breastsMedium breasts are breasts that have a moderate size but aren`t overly big like large breasts. Medium breasts are what would be considered normal size in real life, whereas below average sized breasts are called small breasts.,ponytailA ponytail is a hairstyle in which most or all of the hair on the head is gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie, clip or similar device, and allowed to hang freely from that point.,purple eyesThis character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.,runningno description set,studentA student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.
voiced by:
Mogami Shin
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 3-4, 6-11
male,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,fire magicMagical application of the fire element.Usually strong against living beings, such as plants and animals, but easily fought by employing water.Also usually entails immunity against heat.,glassesGlasses (also called eyeglasses or spectacles) are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV rays. For practical tagging purposes, sunglasses should not be considered glasses; the "glasses" tag is specifically about the type that doesn`t block light. However, a character who wears prescription glasses with dark lenses or who wears both eyewear types should take both tags.,hair intakesHair intakes are a style of hair that creates twin forward-facing scoops, oftentimes in the form of hair bangs/fringe. This style of bangs/fringe in the shape of scoops often (but not always) create the appearance of an opening similar to an air intake vent, hence the name "hair intake".,KoreanThis person or company is Korean.,red eyesThis character has red eyes.,red hairThe character has red hair.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.
Shirakawa Taiga
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-2, 4, 7, 9-11
male,brawlingBrawling is an unorganized fight usually involving multiple participants and usually using one`s fists as weapons.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,muscularno description set,orange eyesThe character has orange eyes.,physically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,sideburnsSideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.,spiked hairThe hair is styled up into spikes.
voiced by:


CreditNamein EpisodesComment
Original Work (原作)Chugong(D&C MEDIA 発行)
H-goon(D&C MEDIA 発行)
Direction (監督)Nakashige Shunsuke
Series Composition (シリーズ構成)Kimura Noboru
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Sudou Tomoko
Sub Character Design (サブキャラクターデザイン)Furuzumi Chiaki
Creature Design (モンスターデザイン)Tokuda Hirotaka
Prop Design (プロップデザイン)Shiraishi Soutarou
Action Direction (アクションディレクター)Kanno Yoshihiro
Maruyama Hirokatsu
Chief Animation Direction (総作画監督)Sudou Tomoko1
Furuzumi Chiaki2, 9
Tokuda Hirotaka3, 6, 10
Katasho Tomoko4, 8
Ogata Hiromi4, 8
Busa Yukiko8
Main Animator (キーアニメーター)Hashimoto Kaito
Nakagawa Hajime
Torii Takafumi
Yonezawa Atsushi
Chief Animation Direction Assistance (総作画監督協力)Sudou Tomoko4, 8
Action Animation Direction (アクション作画監督)Maruyama Hirokatsu1
Kanno Yoshihiro2, 4, 8
Torii Takafumi6
Music (音楽)Sawano Hiroyuki
Sound Direction (音響監督)Tanaka Ryou
Editing (編集)Ooshiro HiromuC2
Kondou Yuuji
Art Direction (美術監督)Okumura Yasuhiro
Layout Supervision (レイアウト監修)Toya Kento5
Colour Design (色彩設計)Nakano Naomi
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Itou TeppeiC1MAPPA
Iseki Daichi
CG Direction (CG監督)Morioka Toshitaka
Animation Producer (アニメーションプロデューサー)Kaneko Atsushi
Animation Work (アニメーション制作)A-1 Pictures
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Murakoshi Shigeru1
Ishii Fuuka10
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Horiuchi Yuuya1
Hirano Hiroki3
Hayase Makiko4
Toya Kento5
Kikuchi Takayuki6
Ooshiro Hiromu7
Kanno Yoshihiro8
Kuroda Yuka8
Tokuda Hirotaka10
Nakashige ShunsukeC1
Episode Direction (演出)Horiuchi Yuuya1
Sasaki Tatsuya2, 8
Furukuwa Kouji3Kinema Citrus ( キネマシトラス)
Hayase Makiko4
Toya Kento5
Kikuchi Takayuki6
Ooshiro Hiromu7Production I.G
Tokuda Hirotaka10
Nakashige ShunsukeC1
Animation Direction (作画監督)Busa Yukiko1
Imaoka Hiroshi1
Kamimoto Kanetoshi1
Nakaoka Kyouka1
Nihei Noriaki1
Todaka Maki1
Ishikawa Airi2
Huang Heting2, 6, 10
Kawamura Ryouko2, 7
Liu Quan2, 9
Sekine Yuzuki2, 9-10
Hinata Haruka3
Yamazaki Emi3
Mori Masataka3, 6
Ishitsuka Sora3, 7
Houjou Naoaki3, 9
Kawabe Yuusuke3, 10
Ozawa Kumiko4
Tanabe Takaaki4-5, 8
Abe Akari4, 7
Satou Aika4, 7
Higashijima Hisashi5
Hirose Akane5A-1 Pictures
Katasho Tomoko5
Saitou Yuu5A-1 Pictures
Usui Atsushi5
Watami Tanoshi5
Hori Mitsuaki5, 7
Tokuda Hirotaka5, 10, C1
Hashimoto Kaito6A-1 Pictures
Sotosaki Kotetsu6
ノ・スンウ6, 10LO Studio
Facu Escobedo7
Gege Animation7
クォン ヒョンエ7
Takasaka Hanayo8
Yasuoka Sachie9
Hashimoto Kenta10
Igarashi Tomomi10
Kameda Tomoyuki10
Kanitani Norimasa10
Kuboyama Seiji10
Narimatsu Yoshito10
Tanaka Ayu10
ジャン・ハンビョル10LO Studio
Sudou TomokoC1
Furuzumi ChiakiC2
Assistant Animation Direction (作画監督協力)A-1 Pictures1
Gege Animation1
Igarashi Tomomi1
Nagano Yuudai1
Satou Ayaka1
Nitta Takumi6
Liu Quan6, 8
Nakajima Takeru7
Nihei Noriaki7-8
Huang Heting8
Sekine Yuzuki8
Hikari no Sono Animation10
Motion Graphics (モーショングラフィックス)Ooshiro Hiromu(Production I.G)
Key Animation (原画)Hosoda Saori1
Iijima Suguru1
Kane Iyumi1
Kuroe Rei1
Kushibuchi Manabu1
Masuda Toshihiko1
Matsuhiro Tomohito1
Matsutani Naoki1
Miyazawa Ai1
Mori Kouta1
Nagano Yuudai1
Nagashima Youko1
Nishimura Motohide1
Obara Hiroshi1
Yokoyama Honoka1
Kageyama Takehiko1, 4, 8
Uemichi Takuya1, 5, 10, C1
Hashimoto Toshiko1, 6, 9-10
Iwata Kenji1, 8
Obana Ryouta1, 8
Saitou Hiroki1, 8
sans1, 8
Taki Gorou1, 8
Akuzawa Akihisa2
Ishimoto Saki2
Kobayashi Marina2
Oota Nobutaka2
Ishii Yumiko2-3
Nishizawa Hiroto2-3
Shiraishi Soutarou2-3
ノ・スンウ2-3LO Studio
CANS2-3, 9
Imayoshi Ikuma2, 4, 8, 10
Hashimoto Kaito2, 6, C1A-1 Pictures
Nakagawa Hajime2, 6, C1
Yonezawa Atsushi2, 6, C1A-1 Pictures
Furuyama Eiichirou3
Ishii Miyuki3
Kisanuki Maya3
Maeda Chikage3
Mikoshi Kouhei3
Mizumoto Hohoko3
Muneoka Azuna3
Nitta Mitsuhime3
Takano Nao3
Yamada Kaori3
Yamamoto Takanori3
Yamazaki Emi3
Yasumi Ayaka3
Yatsunami Sennin3
Satou Kaoru3, 5-6, 8, 10
Kuroda Yuka3, 8, 10
Takai Masashi3, 10, C1
Hayakawa Motoki3, C2
Kawasaki Aika3, C2
Harada Yuuka4
Hayase Makiko4
Higashino Rikiya4
Ishikawa Youichi4
Kobayashi Yueko4
Satou Asuka4
Sekizaki Masaya4
Sukesabu Rouga4
Uchida Momoka4
Guan Qi4-5
Akizuki Aya5
Arima Yoshihiro5A-1 Pictures
Higashijima Hisashi5
Kanbayashi Mami5
Kyousu Yuuki5A-1 Pictures
Maeda Tatsuyuki5
Norioka Kouki5A-1 Pictures
Ogata Hiromi5
Saitou Atsushi5
Sugiura Yutori5A-1 Pictures
Watami Tanoshi5
Yanagi Ryuuta5
Takahashi Akina5-6A-1 Pictures
Maruyama Hirokatsu5-6, 10, C1
Tahara Yuuna5-6, C1A-1 Pictures
Saitou Ryouta5, 8
Morita Katsushi5, C1A-1 Pictures
Matsuda Takeshi6
Morishita Harutaka6
Sadai Hideki6
Takayama Tomohiro6
Tokumaru Teruaki6
Yoshimatsu Yoshio6
Igarashi Tomomi6, 8-9
Satou Ayaka6, 8-9
Kanno Yoshihiro6, 8, C1
Iijima Chiaki6, 9
Mori Masataka6, 9
Kojima Emi6, 9-10
しびと6, 9-10, C1-C2
Torii Takafumi6, 10
Hirose Akane6, C1A-1 Pictures
Hori Mitsuaki7, C1
Aarōn Rodriguez9
Kajiwara Yuri9
Kim Do-Yeong9
Nakashige Shunsuke9
Takemoto Daisuke9
Tsutsumi Shouta9
Usami Meri9
Ishikawa Airi9-10
Gouda Hiroaki10
Kawabe Yuusuke10
Kimura Yukitaka10
Ozawa Kazunori10
Shiga Michinori10
Tokuda Hirotaka10
Yuuki Takamitsu10
Kuboyama SeijiC1
Miyai KanaC1
Mizuno UtaC1
Nakai JunC1
Shibata YuusukeC1
Takahashi AoiC1A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ(A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio)
Takahashi KenC1
Todaka MakiC1
Hata HonokaC2
Hinata HarukaC2
Itou ShinjiC2
Miyahara TakuyaC2
Sera KoutaC2
Takata AkiraC2
2nd Key Animation (第二原画)Imayoshi Ikuma1
Iwakiri Yuuki1
Nakano Takako1
Tahara Yuuna1
Kanai Akiko1-2
Nishizaki Kuroudo1-2
White Line1-2
Kobayashi Ayumi1-6, 8, 10
Hidaka Shizuo1-3, 5-6, 8A-1 Pictures
伴菜智1-3, 5-6, 8A-1 Pictures
Uchida Yuuto1-3, 5-6, 8-9, C1A-1 Pictures
Iijima Chiaki1-3, 5, 7-8, 10
A st.1-3, 6
Nam Hai Art Company1-3, 9
Suzuhana Yuuta1-3, 10
Suzuki Shuusuke1-2, 4, 6, 8-10A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Kawamoto Rino1-2, 4, 8-9A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Takahashi Aoi1-2, 6, 8A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ (A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Terashima Kouichi1-2, 6, 8
Katou Daiki1-2, 6, 8-10
Studio Gram1-2, 9-10
Rakun Digital Studio1-2, 10
Sakuma Mizuki1, 3
Ushaku1, 3
Horii Ritsu1, 4
Matsuura Hiroki1, 6
Mori Masataka1, 10
Revival1, 10
Satou Kaoru1, C1
Takahashi Akina1, C1A-1 Pictures
Aaron Rodriguez2
Ningbo Mindo Yinghua2
Uetake Yasuhiko2
Odano Kaho2-3
Takasugi Shinjirou2-3
Sahashi Ayano2-3, 6
dino2-3, 6, 8-10
Abe Akari2, 4
Geshi Ayane2, 4A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Satou Aika2, 4
Ikeda Yuuto2, 4, 6, 8-10A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Iwami Yuuna2, 4, 8-9A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Nomura Yuuki2, 5
Masa2, 6
張喬絜2, 6, 8-10
LO Studio2, 9
Abegail Murillo3
Elias Bayona3
Jonelle Apolonio3
Kawabata Asumi3
Makino Mako3
Sasahara Hikari3
Satou Ayaka3A-1 Pictures
Seki Yoshihiro3
Suehiro Satoho3
Hanazawa Yuri3, 6
Hashimoto Nana3, 10
Shouki Kouji4, 8A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Hirakawa Karen4, 10
Nakao Ayaka5
Saitou Yuu5A-1 Pictures
Torigoe Ruiki5A-1 Pictures
Fukuda Nanako5-6
Hong Nhung5-6
鳥居友子5-6A-1 Pictures
原華菜5-6, 8-10A-1 Pictures
Harashima Mirai5-6, 9A-1 Pictures
Candy Box6
Elizabeth Fausto6
Furiya Mizuki6
Morita Katsushi6A-1 Pictures
Tsurukubo Hisako6A-1 Pictures
Yoshimura Nijiho6
Faiz Soumbou6-7
Uemichi Takuya6-7
Hosozawa Hikaru6-7, 9
Kajiwara Yuri6, 8
Yamashita Chisaki6, 8
Arima Yoshihiro6, 8-9A-1 Pictures
Finn Falk6, 9
Ninomiya Shino6, 9A-1 Pictures
陳品君6, 9
今野彩華6, 9-10
Facu Escobedo7
Imrane Ramdani7
Ishikawa Airi7
Kaien Jin7
Karl A-B7
Luck Silva7
Matis Braun7
One Order7
Pranav Prayag7
Samuel Desta7
Sterling Joseph7
Takechi Toshimitsu7
Wuxi Qicai Yinghua Donghua Zhizuo7
Joao Moura7-9
Ajisaka7, 9
Hashimoto Kenta8
Kai Yuuri8
Kanitani Norimasa8
Murata Yuusuke8A-1 Pictures
Norioka Kouki8A-1 Pictures
Umeki Hajime8
Kyousu Yuuki8-9A-1 Pictures
Zayd Ghassan8-9
Bouyashiki Makoto8-9, C1A-1 Pictures
Oonuki Takumi8, 10
Itou Maya9
Ramzi Safi9
Sekine Yuzuki9
Tanaka Nanami9
Tawa Ben9
Yasuoka Sachie9
Lin Jiahong9-10
Shimabukuro Yuuta9-10A-1 Pictures
Hasebe Miyu9, C1A-1 Pictures
Miyoshi Yukari10
Studio Elle10
Sakuramoto AikaC1
Matsumoto KoukiC2
In-Between Animation Inspection (動画検査)Kawada Kyouko1, 7
Shimamoto Yuuta2
Futagawa Kenji3, 6, 9
Uchino Sakura4, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
Tamakoshi Momoko8
Kanda MiraiC2
In-Between Animation (動画)MAA Mopics1
シンエイ動画 神戸スタジオ1-2
Matsuo Hinako1-5A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Rakun Digital Studio1-6, 8-10, C1
Nam Hai Art Company1-4, 8-9
Studio Bus1-3, 5, 8, C1
Maeda Ayuka1-2, 4-6, 10A-1 Pictures
Revival1-2, 4, 9-10
Studio Gram1-2, 8-10
Shinoda Rikuto1, 3-6A-1 Pictures
Yamauchi Wakana1, 3-8A-1 Pictures
Nakajima Manami1, 3-5, 7A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Kojima Yurika1, 4-5A-1 Pictures
Tanaka Hina1, 4-5A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
稲毛伶1, 4-5A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
門野美咲1, 4-6A-1 Pictures
Saitou Chinatsu1, 4-7, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures
松浦丈1, 4-7, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures
Miyoshi Fuuka1, 4-6, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
石田愛佳1, 4-5, 7, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
脇空彩1, 4-5, 9A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
岩田幸奈1, 4, 6-7, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures
Kawada Kyouko1, 4, 6, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures
Katou Takumi1, 4, 9A-1 Pictures Fukuoka Studio(A-1 Pictures 福岡スタジオ)
Kuroiwa Rena1, 5-6, 10A-1 Pictures
Ningbo Mindo Yinghua2
Studio Blue2
A st.2-3, 5-6, 8-9
Yamagishi Seira2, 4, 7, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
Endou Ami2, 5-6
Tabuchi Satomi2, 5, 7, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
LO Studio2, 6, 9
Sakura Create2, 9
Iris Media3, 5, 8-9, C1
西栞菜4-6A-1 Pictures
Itou Wakana4-5, 9, C1A-1 Pictures
Uemichi Takuya5
Khanh Huyen5-6, C2NAM HAI ART
Tram Anh5-6, C2
REC Animation Factory6
Seven Seas6
Tomita Saori6-7, 9-10, C1A-1 Pictures
Uchino Sakura6-7, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
Mai Thao6, C2NAM HAI ART
One Order7
西栞奈9A-1 Pictures
Masaoka Megumi10
Arima YuriC1A-1 Pictures
Muramatsu ChizuruC1A-1 Pictures
Suda NaokiC1A-1 Pictures
Wuxi Qicai Yinghua Donghua ZhizuoC1
Kanda MiraiC2NAM HAI ART
Colour Specification (色指定)Koshida Yuuko1, 7, C1-C2
Oikawa Mayumi2, 10
Eguchi Asami3
Hokari Kanako4
Nagai Yuika5, 9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Ootsuka Minori6
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (仕上検査)坂井和月1
Kikuchi Keishou1, 9
Oikawa Mayumi2, 10
Kadomatsu Yuu3, 7, C1Stella Road ( ステラロード)
Hokari Kanako4A-1 Pictures
Nagai Yuika5
Ootsuka Minori6
山澤美紗紀8A-1 Pictures
Oku ChieC2
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection Assistance (仕上検査補佐)Kikuchi Keishou5
坂井和月5, 7, 9
Kadomatsu Yuu5, 9
Oku Chie5, 9A-1 Pictures
Enji Miwa10D-COLORS
Hashimoto Chiharu10D-COLORS
Kamoi Satsuki10D-COLORS
Finishing/Clean-up (仕上)Studio Bus1-3, 5, 8, C1
Revival1-2, 4, 9-10
Nagai Yuika1, 3Stella Road ( ステラロード)
小山田李瑠1, 3-4, 6, 8, 10, C1A-1 Pictures
野﨑真哉斗1, 3-4, 6, 8, C1-C2A-1 Pictures
Morita Mayu1, 3-4, 8A-1 Pictures
Oku Chie1, 3, 9, C1Stella Road ( ステラロード)
Hokutou Mana1, 4A-1 Pictures
舟木もな1, 4, 6, 8, C1-C2A-1 Pictures
Enji Miwa2
Hashimoto Chiharu2
Kamoi Satsuki2
Ningbo Mindo Yinghua2
Studio Blue2
Yamazaki Akane2
LO Studio2, 6, 9
Studio Gram2, 8-10
Rakun Digital Studio3-6, 8-9
Ootsuka Minori3-4, 6, 8A-1 Pictures
山澤美紗紀3-4, 6, 8A-1 Pictures
A st.3, 5-6
Arai Rie3, 5, 7, 9Stella Road ( ステラロード)
Iris Media3, 5, 8-9, C1
坂井和月3, 5, 9Stella Road ( ステラロード)
Nam Hai Art Company3, 8-9
CoMix Wave Films6
Seven Seas6
Hirata Naomi6, 8A-1 Pictures
飯塚澪奈6, 8, C1-C2A-1 Pictures
One Order7
Kanno Yoshihiro8
A-1 Pictures9
Wuxi Qicai Yinghua Donghua ZhizuoC1
Murakami AyakaC1-C2A-1 Pictures
Art Board (美術ボード)Murakata Natsumi3
Nagaoka Shiori3
Background Art (背景)Ishida Tomoka1
Taniguchi Ran1
Kijima Rina1-3, 6Gekkou (月虹)
Konno Aiko1-3, 6Gekkou (月虹)
Miyagi Kiyono1-3, 6Gekkou (月虹)
Umino Mari1-3, 6Gekkou (月虹)
工藤宗宥1-3, 6Gekkou (月虹)
和佐野ヨシエ1-3, 6, 10, C1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Ishii Akiko1-3, 10Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Murakata Natsumi1-3, 10Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Morokuma Michiko2
Akimoto Risa2, 10Studio Tenjin (スタジオ天神)
Kuroda Yoshiko2, 10Studio Tenjin (スタジオ天神)
Oohira Takako2, 10Studio Tenjin (スタジオ天神)
Tamura Kana2, 10Studio Tenjin (スタジオ天神)
GKV Studio3
Satou Yuri3, 6, 10Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Kim Jeong-Ryeon3, 6, 10, C1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Oota Makoto4Goofy ( グーフィー)
Studio Recess4Goofy ( グーフィー)
Gonpei Taketo4, 8Goofy ( グーフィー)
Hayashi Ryuuta4, 8Goofy ( グーフィー)
Yoshida Chiho4, 8Goofy ( グーフィー)
萩原結花4, 8Goofy ( グーフィー)
昆野千春6, 10Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Tsuboi Kenta7
Uchida Tsutomu7
Chiba Kaoru9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Iida Mirai9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Matsumoto Daiki9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Shiga Tomoka9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Takahashi Eiji9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Terashima Yumika9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Wada Yasushi9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
大田麻友美9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
岡野遥人9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
松下葵9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
松本瑠美9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
澤部はるか9Hed Works (ヘッドワークス)
Yanagisawa Yuusuke10Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Haga HitomiC1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Kakei TakashiC1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Okumura YasuhiroC1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Sakashita YuutaC1Studio Recess ( スタジオリセス)
Background Art Assistance (背景協力)Nguyen Tran Thanh Loan4GKV Studio
Background Art Manager (背景管理)Hatai Erika4
Matsumoto Katsuki4
Photographic Direction Assistance (撮影監督補佐)加賀ひかり1-10
Photography (撮影)Kokatsu Tomohiro1-10MADBOX ( マッドボックス)
菅原司2-7MADBOX ( マッドボックス)
信川公哉6-10A-1 Pictures
馬塲亮輔6-10A-1 Pictures
Ooshiro HiromuC2
Photography Manager (撮影管理)Kawashita Yuuki1-10
CG Work (CGワークス)Tanaka Hazuki2
Horii Shin`ya2-3
3DCGOoshiro HiromuC2
CG Production Manager (CG制作担当)Kudou Nao2-3, 6A-1 Pictures
伊藤龍一2-3, 6A-1 Pictures
Digital Colour Grading (グレーディング)Ooshiro HiromuC2
Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)大久保愛理1, 8
下田佳鈴2, 9
山下大輔4, 10
Maeda Daichi5

Group status

show alladd new release
Last UpdateNameStateNEpisodesHESPLanguagesSourceRatingCmts
10.03.2025Kitsune-AB [Kitsune]ongoing
15.02.2025Anime Timeongoing
13.01.2025KAWAII [KAWAII]stalled
no groupcompletefinishedongoingstalleddroppedspecials onlyall


EPTitleDurationAir DateAction

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