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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Anime: Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
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Main TitleKusuriya no Hitorigoto(a17870)
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TypeTV Series,24 episodes
Year22.10.2023 until24.03.2024
SeasonAutumn 2023
Tagsdaily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person.,detectiveA detective is an investigator, generally either a member of a law enforcement agency or as an individual working in the capacity of private investigators, tasked with solving crimes and other mysteries, such as disappearances, by examining and evaluating clues and records in order to solve the mystery; for a crime, this would mean uncovering the criminal`s identity and/or whereabouts.,historicalHistorical anime have clear ties to our history and usually occur in a particular epoch.,joseiIn the context of manga and associated media, the word josei refers to a female audience roughly between the ages of 15 and 44. In Japanese, the word means simply "woman", and has no anime/manga-related connotations at all. It does not comprise a style or a genre per se, but rather indicates the publisher`s intended target demographic.,medium breastsMedium breasts are breasts that have a moderate size but aren`t overly big like large breasts. Medium breasts are what would be considered normal size in real life, whereas below average sized breasts are called small breasts.,novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels.,seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s. -[similar]
Review Rating5.00(1)
Added byhidden on2023-02-16 04:09
Edited byhidden on2024-01-27 12:27
Main TitleKusuriya no Hitorigoto(a17870)
Official Titleen
Official Titleja
Official Titlede
Official Titlept-BRpt
Official Titleit
Official Titlefr
Official Titleeses-419
Official Titlevi
Official Titletr
Official Titleru
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Official Titlezh-Hans
Official Titlezh-Hant
SynonymYao Wu Shaonu de Ninan, Zapiski zielarki
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In the East, there is a land ruled by an emperor whose consorts and serving women live in a sprawling complex known as the rear palace.Maomao, an unassuming girl raised in the capital's pleasure district by her apothecary father, never imagined the rear palace would have anything to do with her—until she was kidnapped and sold into service there.

Though she looks ordinary, Maomao has a quick wit, a sharp mind, and an extensive knowledge of medicine. That's her secret, until she encounters a resident of the palace at least as perceptive as she is: the head eunuch,Jinshi. He sees through Maomao's façade and makes her a lady-in-waiting to none other than the Emperor's favourite consort... so she can taste the lady's food for poison!

Source: J-Novel Club

Note: The first three episodes received an early screening at a special event on October 1, 2023 at TOHO Cinemas Hibiya in Tokyo and three additional TOHO cinemas. The regular TV broadcast started on October 22, 2023.


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#7 (#2)


Running Time

approx. 10h


2066 (59.2%)


350 (10.0%)

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1049 (30.1%)


20 (0.6%)
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recommended by 19 users - 1 for fans - 4 recommended - 14 must see

byErnacram on2025-03-16 19:49
Finally something new ! The pacing can be a little slow and the story it is a bit too episodic to my taste, but damn this felt refreshing.
must see
byHelemar on2024-07-15 20:37
Reminds me of Kemono no Souja Erin and Honzuki no Gekokujou. two other fantastic series centered around a young female protagonist.

This one was fantastic as well, starts out strong with well defined characters, the plot moves quickly, and there are interesting turns with great moments of humor. The characters getting surprised is natural and enjoyable.

This was hard to stop watching and force myself to go to sleep when I did, because it was simply enthralling.

I am eagerly awaiting season 2. Watch this.
bybnns on2024-05-21 06:31
A compendium of different event in and around the palace with our heroine (or MC) taking the center, there are some mature and suggestive sequences, the series weaves through a web finding elements that tie different events together making it one larger overarching story.

I can't comment on historical accuracy (and I'm sure there are quite a few deficiencies) but it feel like it did a really good job with bringing to the viewers attention different difficulties and acquainting us with realities of the time (though not entirely in their mindset, probably in ours if we had been transported to the past).

The series mostly watches like a mystery novel with our heroine being the detective, thrust into various circumstances.
for fans
bySilverOrlov on2024-05-08 13:12
If an anime takes some historical era as a basis, then it MUST follow its rules in order to be considered not just entertaining and interesting, but also as some quality story, which is absolutely not the case here. I read a review from a person who understands this era and he listed a huge number of small and several significant moments of unacceptable behavior in this anime of this heroine for the sake of “romantic flair”. In addition, the heroine is a typical Mary Sue.(In the second season, or if you read the original source, you will understand what I mean). I honestly really love good romance, and even "for girls" ones, but only when they are done normally, of normal level of quality, not just beautiful or just well-squeezed emotions. For me personally this is 7 out of 10. If you don’t care about logical holes, frank Mary Sue heroine and ignoring the era rules taken as a basis, then yes, you will really like it and I think the rating will be 8-10 out of 10.
bydeysmacro on2024-05-05 14:29
Damn ... This is soo good 😍
must see
byvonegram on2024-05-01 23:37
must see
bytsetsofox on2024-04-11 21:41
Extremely well-build and compelling world, based on so much historically accurate information that the more implausible events seem relatively believable and life-like. Truly a masterpiece of execution, both in terms of production and characters. An intricate and compelling plot to easily hook one in and hold one's attention for the entirety of its development. The confirmation of a second season is just the cherry on top.


The Apothecary Diaries had the potential to be a gripping historical drama. Still, it chose not to take risks, lacking great depth, but suitable to sell and be of interest and taste to the mainstream public. It is not a bad anime, just average.

It has problems with the development of its protagonist, who lacks depth and complexity compared to other archetypal characters. This results in an uninteresting narrative and one-dimensional characters.

The show also has narrative twists that fail to impact the characters due to the lack of emotional development, especially Maomao, who seems indifferent to key situations in her life.

Despite the attractive visual aesthetics, the direction and narrative lack depth, leaving the viewer without details to discover. Although serious topics such as murder and slavery are touched upon, the script does not develop them adequately.

For this reason, I give it a 5/10. It could be a 6, but it's still just another average story, with bare minimum visuals and zero characters.
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childbirthno description set2 epsapplies to episode(s): 1, 11

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abilitiesAbilities are skills or competences that have applicability in some sort of activity.

athletic(1)A person good at athletics or sports, who is not necessarily part of a professional/amateur sports team or club.clever(5)A clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at is the process of preparing food by using heat.dancing(4)Dance is when people move their body to music. There are many kinds of dance, like ballet or waltz. Dancing can be done for fun but can be also an art.disguising(1)Disguising is the ability to convincingly change one`s own or someone else`s appearance in order to hide one`s identity or assume another. Someone who has mastered this ability to any degree can put up disguises that are able to fool others; if nobody is fooled by the disguise, the person isn`t able to do it.drug resistance(1)It is difficult or nearly impossible to drug the person in question.eidetic memory(1)The ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device.first aid(2)The character is capable of preforming first aid (like artificial respiration or CPR) and may even have a license to do so.go(4)Deceptively simple (rule-wise), yet quite complex strategic board game for two players. Called "igo" in Japanese.multilingual(2)The character can speak more than one language.poison resistance(1)It is difficult or nearly impossible to poison the person in question.shougi(4)Japanese chess.strategist(1)A strategist is a person who can formulate and implement a strategy, or a high-level plan to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty and through the available, limited means. Similarly, lower-level plan formulation and execution is generally the job of a tactician. For practical purposes, the scale and scope difference between strategy and tactics are ignored in this tag.

clothingClothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body.

aoqun(1)An aoqun is a Chinese an upper-body garment with a long underskirt. The aoqun is a style of ruqun.beizi(8)A beizi is a Chinese large loose outer coat with loose and long sleeves.kimono(2)The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. They are also commonly worn with a hakama, geta, and tabi.long skirt(1)A long skirt is that which extends to or beyond the knees.robe(1)A robe is a loose-fitting outer garment. Unlike garments described as capes or cloaks, robes usually have sleeves. Robes are looser fitting than jackets and coats.ruqun(2)A ruqun is a Chinese upper-body garment with a long outer skirt.scarf(4)A scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours. Scarves are not to be confused with scarf ties or headscarves.shenyi(1)A shenyi is a Chinese long, belted robe with wide sleeves.skirt(1)A skirt is a tube- or cone-shaped piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and covers the legs partially or fully. Skirts are often seen as garments for women, but exceptions exist. In anime, they`re almost always worn by women, generally as school uniform or workplace garments, and a man with one will likely be cross-dressing. Skirts that go below the knee are usually associated with strict rules and at times with winter, though even in winter anime schoolgirls in miniskirts can be found.slippers(3)no description set

fashion accessoriesno description set

earring(17)An earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.elastic hair tie(4)An elastic hair tie is an elastic, often covered with a thin, stretchy fabric, used to fasten hair into various styles, such as ponytails and twintails. A scrunchie is an elastic hair tie covered with a large, loose-fitting beads(1)no description sethair ribbon(2)Hair ribbons are ribbons used both as hair decorations and as hair ties. Hair ribbons are often tied into bows. They may also be present as part of a hairband. In older anthropomorphic series, where the gender of characters was sometimes hard to tell at first glance, ribbon bows were used to indicate a female character.hairband(2)A hairband is a flexible plastic or metal band or strip of cloth worn over the top of the head to hold the hair back and maintain a certain hairstyle. A hairband that includes ribbons or has bows along its length should be also tagged hair ribbon. For a similar band worn across the forehead primarily for athletic purposes, see sweatband.hairpin(8)no description setlipstick(10)Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.necklace(4)no description setstring necklace(1)An ornament worn around the neck and made out of a slender cord or thick thread.tiara(1)no description set

fetish appealsno description set

bishounen(2)A bishounen is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth (boy)" and describes an aesthetic that can be found in disparate areas in East Asia: a young man of effeminate beauty. While the beauty transcends gender, the character clearly has a male body; their gender is not ambiguous and there the character is not androgynous.cleavage(4)A cleavage is the partial, or sometimes full, exposure of the separation between a woman`s breasts.huge breasts(3)Huge breasts are breasts that are noticeably larger than what you may normally see in real life, often as big or even bigger than the character`s head. They are bigger than large breasts and smaller than the less common totally unreal looking gigantic breasts.large breasts(7)Large breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.small breasts(1)Small breasts (flat chested) are breasts that would be considered below the average size for real life medium breasts.

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

Fu Manchu moustache(2)A Fu Manchu moustache is a full, straight moustache that originates on the corners of the mouth and grows downward past the clean-shaven lips and chin in two tapered "tendrils", often extending past the jawline. The Fu Manchu moustache is not to be confused with the horseshoe moustache; while the horseshoe moustache grows from the entire horseshoe shape, the Fu Manchu moustache grows only from the corners of the upper lip.bindi(1)A forehead decoration worn in South Asia (particularly India) and Southeast Asia. Traditionally it is a dot of red colour applied in the centre of the forehead close to the eyebrows, but it can also consist of a sign or piece of jewellery worn at this hair(4)The character has black eyes(4)This character has blue-colored hair(1)The character has blue hair.blunt bangs(2)Blunt bangs are a style of hair bangs, cut to have a uniform straight or gently arched edge at the end of the frontal fringe, without jagged edges, and minimal spikes.braids(1)Braids is a style of hair in which the hair is interweaved into locks. Braids can be displayed in various styles, such as twin braid tails or a braided hair hairband.brown eyes(4)The character has brown eyes.brown hair(6)The character has brown head(1)no description setcat smile(1)The character`s smile looks like a cat`s - like this - :3curly hair(1)This character has locks of hair that grow in a curved, rather than straight, direction.cyan eyes(2)This character has cyan color eyes.double hairbun(1)A double hairbun is a hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side of the head. Like with a single hairbun and a ponytail, double hairbuns may be at the base of twintails. Stereotypical Chinese females are often seen wearing a cheongsam and a pair of hairbuns. The style can also be referred to as dango or odango, in reference to a type of Japanese dumpling with the same format.eye shadow(2)Eye shadow is a cosmetic that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyebrows. It is commonly used to make the wearer`s eyes stand out or look more attractive.Eye shadow adds depth and dimension to one`s eyes, complements the eye color, or simply draws attention to the eyes. Eye shadow comes in many different colors and textures. It is usually made from a powder and mica, but can also be found in liquid, pencil, or mousse form.fair skin(18)Fair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".fat(1)This character is in a medical condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.goatee(4)A goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle eyes(1)The character has green hair(3)The character has green hair.grey hair(3)Of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this bangs(2)Hair bangs are a shaped cutting of the front part of the hair so it lies over the forehead. Bangs are usually cut fairly straight - at or above the eyebrows, but can also be curled, ragged/ruffled, spiked up with hair gel, mousse or wax, swept aside, or cut longer to fall over the intakes(4)Hair intakes are a style of hair that creates twin forward-facing scoops, oftentimes in the form of hair bangs/fringe. This style of bangs/fringe in the shape of scoops often (but not always) create the appearance of an opening similar to an air intake vent, hence the name "hair intake".hair loops(3)Hair loops are when tails of hair have their ends tied back to the head, forming a free-standing loop of hair.long hair(10)Long hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long character wears make-up.mole(1)A mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark". They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles.muscular(2)no description setpale(1)The character`s skin is washed out, lacking color. This is most commonly caused by sickness or a lack of sunlight.permanently closed eyes(3)The character`s eyes are almost always depicted closed. Depiction of the character`s eyes open is almost always a momentous eyes(2)This character has pink hair(1)Pink hair, not much to talk about.pregnant(2)This tag should only be added to characters who physically look pregnant, meaning that showing positive pregnancy test results, talking about being pregnant or doctor`s report do not count. If a character gets pregnant, and is shown as such, only later on in the story (typically at the end), then the tag should be marked as spoiler for that character.Not to be confused with stomach bulge or stomach stretch.purple eyes(4)This character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.purple hair(6)This character`s hair is colored somewhere between red and eyes(2)This character has red eyes.scars(1)A scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.short(1)Describes a person with below average height.short hair(8)Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.sidelocks(11)Sidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.single hairbun(10)A single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.tail(1)The tail is the section at the rear end of an animal`s body; in general, the term refers to a distinct, flexible appendage to the torso. It is the part of the body that corresponds roughly to the sacrum and coccyx in mammals, reptiles, and birds. Please see the full tag description for usage instructions for this tag.tall(2)Describes a person with above average height.tareme(1)Tareme is a style of drawing eyes where they droop or sag, resulting in a weak, gentle look. Typically, a moe character will have those definitive, sympathy-magnet puppy-dog eyes. A character with tareme is usually considered gentle, kind, or soft. The opposite is tsurime.twin braid tails(1)Hair braids can be tied as a pair of twin braid tails.twintails(1)Twintails are type of hairstyle where the hair is gathered into two "tails" on either side of the head. Twintails may also include a pair hair buns, one bun at the base of each tail.very long hair(2)Very long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.wrinkled skin(2)This character`s skin is wrinkled.yellow eyes(1)This character has yellow eyes.

roleno description set

chief maid(1)The maid that stands above other maids, but usually has less status than head butler and certainly less than housekeeper to whom she answers to (if present).detective(1)A detective is an investigator, generally either a member of a law enforcement agency or as an individual working in the capacity of private investigators, tasked with solving crimes and other mysteries, such as disappearances, by examining and evaluating clues and records in order to solve the mystery; for a crime, this would mean uncovering the criminal`s identity and/or whereabouts.gynecologist(1)A specialist doctor who focuses on women`s reproductive health.Its counterpart is andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system.herbalist(2)A herbalist is a person skilled at herbalism, also called herbology or herbal medicine, the study and use of plants for medicinal purposes.junior officer(1)A junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.maid(3)A maid is a female employed in domestic service. They usually wear uniforms. Maids perform typical domestic chores such as cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, walking the family dog, and taking care of children.military police member(1)A military police member is a soldier affiliated with a military police, a law enforcement agency belonging to the military of a state. Military police powers change according to country, generally including exclusive police power in military zones and concurrent or exclusive police power against criminal activity by military personnel. Military police personnel usually display that status prominently displayed on the helmet and/or on an armband, brassard, or arm or shoulder flash.pharmacist(1)Pharmacists, also known as druggists or chemists, are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use.physician(2)A physician is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. While physicians are usually referred to as doctors, a physician may or may not be the holder of a doctorate and the two should not be minister(1)A prime minister is the most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. The exact roles and prerogatives vested into the prime minister`s post vary with the system of government in place. In most systems, the prime minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet; in the Westminster system, the prime minister is the presiding and actual head of government and head of the executive branch.princess(1)no description setprostitution(5)Prostitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.psychiatrist(1)no description setservant(3)This character performs duties about the person or home of a master.surgeon(1)A surgeon is a physician who performs manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair ruptured areas. Surgeons may operate alone, as is often the case in minor procedures, or with the help of other professionals; a surgical team may include multiple surgeons, anaesthesiologists, surgical assistants, surgical nurses, and surgical technicians, among others.

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

adolescent(5)An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.alcoholic(2)A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism.allergy(2)Allergies are a hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity. Typically the allergies manifest themselves at critical plot junctures either to weaken a character, give away their secret location, enhance a character`s moe attributes, or keep characters at a distance. Common allergies are to cats, or the physical environment which the main character is confined to.Anti-allergy medications do not exist in these situations and are never used.alluring(1)A seductive person.aloof(1)A character whose emotions are mostly not affectionate, cordial or friendly. In some cases the characters do not want to display their emotions, while in other they are in lack of emotional desire.altruistic(1)Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic).baby(1)A baby, infant, or toddler is any very young person. Definitions vary somewhat, with different terms being associated to different age ranges depending on the speaker; for tagging purposes, a human baby is defined as being younger than 3 years old (i.e. up to 36 incomplete months). Once they become 3 years (36 months) old, they are referred to as a child instead.bad luck(1)Fate hates you. Your sister is killed, your girlfriend breaks up with you after being crippled in a terrorist attack and finally you end up as a pizza delivery boy.And just when you thought it can`t get worse, it does.bibliophile(2)A bibliophile is someone who loves books. Bibliophiles may love books for their content, in which case they are often also called bookworms, or they may be book collectors. The classic bibliophile loves to read, admire and collect books, often amassing a large and specialized collection. They do not necessarily want to own the books they love; an alternative would be owning only unusual bindings and autographed copies.brave(1)This character shows little or no fear in face of danger, perhaps even jumping onto the danger when he or she believes the time lover(2)The character has an unusual admiration or affection towards cats.compassionate(3)Someone who understands the suffering of others and wants to do something about it; sympathetic.competent(2)Does his\her job well.crippled(1)A person that is partially or totally unable to use one or more limbs, for example a lame.demisexual(1)A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It`s more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships.eccentric(2)Because normal people are no fun.elderly(2)An elderly person is someone that is older than "middle-aged". For humans, this generally covers anyone age 65 and older.elegant(3)no description seteunuch(3)A eunuch is a man who has been castrated to serve a specific social function. Over the millennia, eunuchs have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, soldiers, royal guards, government officials, and guardians of women or harem servants. They would usually be castrated to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence.face blindness(1)Face blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one`s own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g. object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g. decision-making) remain intact. The term originally referred to a condition following acute brain damage (acquired prosopagnosia), but a congenital or developmental form of the disorder also exists.high alcohol tolerance(1)High alcohol tolerance is an increased ability to resist effects of alcoholic intoxication after the ingestion of alcoholic drinks. People with high alcohol tolerance tend not to be visibly intoxicated even after the consumption of high amounts of alcohol.hypersexuality(1)Hypersexuality is the extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urge or activity. It is also called satyriasis for males and nymphomania for females.illiterate(1)This character is unable to read or write.inquisitive(1)Inquisitive person is showing curiosity, or being eager to acquire information.level-headed(1)A steady character who shows good judgment skills.low alcohol tolerance(1)Low alcohol tolerance is a lessened ability to resist effects of alcoholic intoxication after the ingestion of alcoholic drinks. People with low alcohol tolerance tend to be visibly intoxicated after the consumption of low amounts of alcohol.loyal(1)Character remains firm in friendship or support for a person or thing.middle aged(1)Someone is generally considered middle aged if they are between 40 to 65 years old.mischievous(1)The character enjoys causing small irritations, pranks, and misfortune for others.miser(1)A person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible.naive(2)A naive person lacks worldly knowledge, experience, wisdom, understanding, or judgement.neutered(3)A neutered person is an individual, either male or female, with reproductive organ(s) removed from the body.pansexual(1)no description setperceptive(3)no description setphysically strong(1)In comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.polite(1)Well-mannered and civilised. Also used for characters whose normal form of speech frequently uses keigo (honourific speech), which is very polite and formal Japanese.poor(1)no description setpragmatic(1)This person acts according to the philosophy that states that the meaning of something is to be found in its practical consequences and that impractical ideas must be rejected. As such, they most often act for the results that are to be achieved, sometimes disregarding the issues that lie in the means required for such results.reserved(1)This character prefers to be restrained in words and actions; to speak less.respectful(1)no description setstraightforward(1)This character is well aware of what he/she wants, and is not afraid of showing it, or going for it. No need to wrap things up, when you can more easily call things by their actual names.thoughtful(1)no description settomboy(1)A girl who acts and dresses like a boy and enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.young adult(8)Someone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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main character
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-24
18-19, male,8.95(8),bishounenA bishounen is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth (boy)" and describes an aesthetic that can be found in disparate areas in East Asia: a young man of effeminate beauty. While the beauty transcends gender, the character clearly has a male body; their gender is not ambiguous and there the character is not androgynous.,elegantno description set,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,hair intakesHair intakes are a style of hair that creates twin forward-facing scoops, oftentimes in the form of hair bangs/fringe. This style of bangs/fringe in the shape of scoops often (but not always) create the appearance of an opening similar to an air intake vent, hence the name "hair intake".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,purple hairThis character`s hair is colored somewhere between red and blue.,robeA robe is a loose-fitting outer garment. Unlike garments described as capes or cloaks, robes usually have sleeves. Robes are looser fitting than jackets and coats.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-24
17-18, female,9.09(90),adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,cat headno description set,eccentricBecause normal people are no fun.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,hair beadsno description set,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,inquisitiveInquisitive person is showing curiosity, or being eager to acquire information.,pharmacistPharmacists, also known as druggists or chemists, are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use.
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secondary cast
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-6, 9-12
35, female,7.35(8),beiziA beizi is a Chinese large loose outer coat with loose and long sleeves.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,mischievousThe character enjoys causing small irritations, pranks, and misfortune for others.,purple eyesThis character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,tomboyA girl who acts and dresses like a boy and enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-24
36, male,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,cat loverThe character has an unusual admiration or affection towards cats.,eunuchA eunuch is a man who has been castrated to serve a specific social function. Over the millennia, eunuchs have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, soldiers, royal guards, government officials, and guardians of women or harem servants. They would usually be castrated to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence.,loyalCharacter remains firm in friendship or support for a person or thing.,neuteredA neutered person is an individual, either male or female, with reproductive organ(s) removed from the body.,respectfulno description set,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 24
19, female,8.29(8),cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,eye shadowEye shadow is a cosmetic that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyebrows. It is commonly used to make the wearer`s eyes stand out or look more attractive.Eye shadow adds depth and dimension to one`s eyes, complements the eye color, or simply draws attention to the eyes. Eye shadow comes in many different colors and textures. It is usually made from a powder and mica, but can also be found in liquid, pencil, or mousse form.,green eyesThe character has green eyes.,hair intakesHair intakes are a style of hair that creates twin forward-facing scoops, oftentimes in the form of hair bangs/fringe. This style of bangs/fringe in the shape of scoops often (but not always) create the appearance of an opening similar to an air intake vent, hence the name "hair intake".,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,perceptiveno description set,scarfA scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours. Scarves are not to be confused with scarf ties or headscarves.
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Kan Lakan
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13-16, 18-19, 21-24
male,blue eyesThis character has blue-colored eyes.,eccentricBecause normal people are no fun.,face blindnessFace blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one`s own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g. object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g. decision-making) remain intact. The term originally referred to a condition following acute brain damage (acquired prosopagnosia), but a congenital or developmental form of the disorder also exists.,goDeceptively simple (rule-wise), yet quite complex strategic board game for two players. Called "igo" in Japanese.,low alcohol toleranceLow alcohol tolerance is a lessened ability to resist effects of alcoholic intoxication after the ingestion of alcoholic drinks. People with low alcohol tolerance tend to be visibly intoxicated after the consumption of low amounts of alcohol.,perceptiveno description set,shougiJapanese chess.,strategistA strategist is a person who can formulate and implement a strategy, or a high-level plan to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty and through the available, limited means. Similarly, lower-level plan formulation and execution is generally the job of a tactician. For practical purposes, the scale and scope difference between strategy and tactics are ignored in this tag.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 8, 14, 19-21
male,athleticA person good at athletics or sports, who is not necessarily part of a professional/amateur sports team or club.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,junior officerA junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.,muscularno description set
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-2, 4-6, 10, 14, 22
23, female,8.26(7),blue hairThe character has blue hair.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,huge breastsHuge breasts are breasts that are noticeably larger than what you may normally see in real life, often as big or even bigger than the character`s head. They are bigger than large breasts and smaller than the less common totally unreal looking gigantic breasts.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,makeupThe character wears make-up.,scarfA scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours. Scarves are not to be confused with scarf ties or headscarves.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-7, 10-12, 14
14, female,adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,allergyAllergies are a hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity. Typically the allergies manifest themselves at critical plot junctures either to weaken a character, give away their secret location, enhance a character`s moe attributes, or keep characters at a distance. Common allergies are to cats, or the physical environment which the main character is confined to.Anti-allergy medications do not exist in these situations and are never used.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,double hairbunA double hairbun is a hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side of the head. Like with a single hairbun and a ponytail, double hairbuns may be at the base of twintails. Stereotypical Chinese females are often seen wearing a cheongsam and a pair of hairbuns. The style can also be referred to as dango or odango, in reference to a type of Japanese dumpling with the same format.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,necklaceno description set,purple eyesThis character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 14, 20, 22, 24
17, female,adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,disguisingDisguising is the ability to convincingly change one`s own or someone else`s appearance in order to hide one`s identity or assume another. Someone who has mastered this ability to any degree can put up disguises that are able to fool others; if nobody is fooled by the disguise, the person isn`t able to do it.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,makeupThe character wears make-up.,purple hairThis character`s hair is colored somewhere between red and blue.,tiarano description set,yellow eyesThis character has yellow eyes.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-2, 7-14, 16-18, 20, 23-24
male,bad luckFate hates you. Your sister is killed, your girlfriend breaks up with you after being crippled in a terrorist attack and finally you end up as a pizza delivery boy.And just when you thought it can`t get worse, it does.,elderlyAn elderly person is someone that is older than "middle-aged". For humans, this generally covers anyone age 65 and older.,eunuchA eunuch is a man who has been castrated to serve a specific social function. Over the millennia, eunuchs have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, soldiers, royal guards, government officials, and guardians of women or harem servants. They would usually be castrated to make them reliable servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence.,first aidThe character is capable of preforming first aid (like artificial respiration or CPR) and may even have a license to do so.,multilingualThe character can speak more than one language.,neuteredA neutered person is an individual, either male or female, with reproductive organ(s) removed from the body.,poorno description set,surgeonA surgeon is a physician who performs manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair ruptured areas. Surgeons may operate alone, as is often the case in minor procedures, or with the help of other professionals; a surgical team may include multiple surgeons, anaesthesiologists, surgical assistants, surgical nurses, and surgical technicians, among others.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13, 18-20
19, female,flowerA flower is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. Due to their aesthetically pleasing effect, flowers both natural and artificial are used as room decoration throughout the world. Some people, generally women, may also use one or sometimes several flowers as an accessory, usually in their hair.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.,tallDescribes a person with above average height.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 13-18, 20, 24
female,grey hairOf a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.,hairpinno description set,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,permanently closed eyesThe character`s eyes are almost always depicted closed. Depiction of the character`s eyes open is almost always a momentous event.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.,wrinkled skinThis character`s skin is wrinkled.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-5, 7, 10, 12, 22
14, female,hair loopsHair loops are when tails of hair have their ends tied back to the head, forming a free-standing loop of hair.,hair ribbonHair ribbons are ribbons used both as hair decorations and as hair ties. Hair ribbons are often tied into bows. They may also be present as part of a hairband. In older anthropomorphic series, where the gender of characters was sometimes hard to tell at first glance, ribbon bows were used to indicate a female character.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,illiterateThis character is unable to read or write.,paleThe character`s skin is washed out, lacking color. This is most commonly caused by sickness or a lack of sunlight.,ruqunA ruqun is a Chinese upper-body garment with a long outer skirt.,servantThis character performs duties about the person or home of a master.,shortDescribes a person with below average height.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 2-8, 10, 20, 22, 24
female,compassionateSomeone who understands the suffering of others and wants to do something about it; sympathetic.,cyan eyesThis character has cyan color eyes.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-6, 11, 20, 22
female,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,flowerA flower is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. Due to their aesthetically pleasing effect, flowers both natural and artificial are used as room decoration throughout the world. Some people, generally women, may also use one or sometimes several flowers as an accessory, usually in their hair.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,purple eyesThis character`s eyes are colored somewhere between red and blue.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 12, 15-17, 20, 23-24
19, male,military police memberA military police member is a soldier affiliated with a military police, a law enforcement agency belonging to the military of a state. Military police powers change according to country, generally including exclusive police power in military zones and concurrent or exclusive police power against criminal activity by military personnel. Military police personnel usually display that status prominently displayed on the helmet and/or on an armband, brassard, or arm or shoulder flash.,muscularno description set,physically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-6, 9-12
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18, 23-24
female,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,goDeceptively simple (rule-wise), yet quite complex strategic board game for two players. Called "igo" in Japanese.,green hairThe character has green hair.,hairpinno description set,mental disorderA mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective distress or disability that occurs in an individual, and which is not a part of normal development or culture. Such a disorder may consist of a combination of affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual components.,prostitutionProstitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.,shougiJapanese chess.,very long hairVery long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15, 18, 23
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2-3, 9
female,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,dancingDance is when people move their body to music. There are many kinds of dance, like ballet or waltz. Dancing can be done for fun but can be also an art.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,huge breastsHuge breasts are breasts that are noticeably larger than what you may normally see in real life, often as big or even bigger than the character`s head. They are bigger than large breasts and smaller than the less common totally unreal looking gigantic breasts.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,kimonoThe kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. They are also commonly worn with a hakama, geta, and tabi.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,pink eyesThis character has pink eyes.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 21
male,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,cat loverThe character has an unusual admiration or affection towards cats.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,kindHaving or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.,naiveA naive person lacks worldly knowledge, experience, wisdom, understanding, or judgement.,physicianA physician is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. While physicians are usually referred to as doctors, a physician may or may not be the holder of a doctorate and the two should not be confused.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 2-8, 10, 20, 22, 24
female,beiziA beizi is a Chinese large loose outer coat with loose and long sleeves.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,elastic hair tieAn elastic hair tie is an elastic, often covered with a thin, stretchy fabric, used to fasten hair into various styles, such as ponytails and twintails. A scrunchie is an elastic hair tie covered with a large, loose-fitting fabric.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,maidA maid is a female employed in domestic service. They usually wear uniforms. Maids perform typical domestic chores such as cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, walking the family dog, and taking care of children.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-6, 10-11, 13, 20, 22
34, male,black hairThe character has black hair.,competentDoes his\her job well.,Fu Manchu moustacheA Fu Manchu moustache is a full, straight moustache that originates on the corners of the mouth and grows downward past the clean-shaven lips and chin in two tapered "tendrils", often extending past the jawline. The Fu Manchu moustache is not to be confused with the horseshoe moustache; while the horseshoe moustache grows from the entire horseshoe shape, the Fu Manchu moustache grows only from the corners of the upper lip.,goateeA goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle beard.,manipulativeEnjoy controlling people without them knowing, usually tricking people into doing stuff for them,red eyesThis character has red eyes.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-8, 10, 12, 14, 20-22, 24
30, female,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,hair loopsHair loops are when tails of hair have their ends tied back to the head, forming a free-standing loop of hair.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,pendantA pendant is an ornament allowed to hang free from the neck, usually as a necklace. Mostly worn for decorative purposes, sometimes interrelated with a symbolic meaning.
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 12-13, 17-18, 21, 24
female,aloofA character whose emotions are mostly not affectionate, cordial or friendly. In some cases the characters do not want to display their emotions, while in other they are in lack of emotional desire.,bibliophileA bibliophile is someone who loves books. Bibliophiles may love books for their content, in which case they are often also called bookworms, or they may be book collectors. The classic bibliophile loves to read, admire and collect books, often amassing a large and specialized collection. They do not necessarily want to own the books they love; an alternative would be owning only unusual bindings and autographed copies.,black hairThe character has black hair.,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,kimonoThe kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. They are also commonly worn with a hakama, geta, and tabi.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,misandristA misandrist is someone, generally a female, who hates or profoundly dislikes males. Misandry can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of men, violence against men, or sexual objectification of men. Misandry is entirely different from an should not be confused with androphobia, which is the intense, irrational fear of males.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 9
male,alcoholicA person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism.,bureaucratA bureaucrat is a member of a bureaucracy and can comprise the administration of any organization of any size, though the term usually connotes someone within an institution of a government or corporation. Bureaucrat jobs were often "desk jobs" (the French for "desk" being bureau, though bureau can also be translated as "office"), though the modern bureaucrat may be found "in the field" as well as in an office.,goateeA goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle beard.,grey hairOf a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.,middle agedSomeone is generally considered middle aged if they are between 40 to 65 years old.,taste disorderA taste disorder is a change or loss in the normal sense of taste. The most common taste disorders are: ageusia, a complete loss of the sense; hypogeusia, a decrease in its sensitivity; hypergeusia, an abnormal heightening in the sensitivity to taste; dysgeusia, a distortion of the sense; and parageusia, a long-term perception of bad taste. As people often attribute to taste what is derived from smell, taste disorders are often confused with smell disorders.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-8, 10, 20, 22, 24
female,babyA baby, infant, or toddler is any very young person. Definitions vary somewhat, with different terms being associated to different age ranges depending on the speaker; for tagging purposes, a human baby is defined as being younger than 3 years old (i.e. up to 36 incomplete months). Once they become 3 years (36 months) old, they are referred to as a child instead.,elastic hair tieAn elastic hair tie is an elastic, often covered with a thin, stretchy fabric, used to fasten hair into various styles, such as ponytails and twintails. A scrunchie is an elastic hair tie covered with a large, loose-fitting fabric.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,princessno description set,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-2, 4, 8, 12-13, 18, 21, 23-24
female,cleavageA cleavage is the partial, or sometimes full, exposure of the separation between a woman`s breasts.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,flowerA flower is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. Due to their aesthetically pleasing effect, flowers both natural and artificial are used as room decoration throughout the world. Some people, generally women, may also use one or sometimes several flowers as an accessory, usually in their hair.,goDeceptively simple (rule-wise), yet quite complex strategic board game for two players. Called "igo" in Japanese.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,moleA mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark". They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles.,potteryno description set,shougiJapanese chess.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 4, 8, 12-14, 18, 21, 24
female,dancingDance is when people move their body to music. There are many kinds of dance, like ballet or waltz. Dancing can be done for fun but can be also an art.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,hypersexualityHypersexuality is the extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urge or activity. It is also called satyriasis for males and nymphomania for females.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,pink eyesThis character has pink eyes.,purple hairThis character`s hair is colored somewhere between red and blue.,sexually dominantSexually dominant is a designation applied to those able to assertively assume and maintain control over the actions of their partner(s) during sexual activity, actively steering it towards their own intents and preferences and possibly to the detriment of those of their partner(s).,straightforwardThis character is well aware of what he/she wants, and is not afraid of showing it, or going for it. No need to wrap things up, when you can more easily call things by their actual names.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 20, 22, 24
male,goateeA goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle beard.,permanently closed eyesThe character`s eyes are almost always depicted closed. Depiction of the character`s eyes open is almost always a momentous event.,prime ministerA prime minister is the most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. The exact roles and prerogatives vested into the prime minister`s post vary with the system of government in place. In most systems, the prime minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet; in the Westminster system, the prime minister is the presiding and actual head of government and head of the executive branch.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18, 21
Yarite Babaa
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 7-8, 12-14, 18, 21, 23-24
female,cynicalThe character often goes for the most realistic/pessimistic take on events.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,grey hairOf a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.,hairpinno description set,kiseruJapanese pipe where the mouth piece and bowl are typically made from metal, with a tubular shaft of wood or bamboo stretching in between. The bowl is much smaller than that of western-style pipes.,pimpA pimp (legally known as procurer) is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings in return for advertising services, physical protection, or for providing (or in some cases monopolizing) a location where she may engage clients. A woman who runs a brothel is known as a madam rather than a pimp.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.,wrinkled skinThis character`s skin is wrinkled.
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episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-8, 10, 20, 22, 24
female,compassionateSomeone who understands the suffering of others and wants to do something about it; sympathetic.,earringAn earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards.,lipstickLipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.,maidA maid is a female employed in domestic service. They usually wear uniforms. Maids perform typical domestic chores such as cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, walking the family dog, and taking care of children.,purple hairThis character`s hair is colored somewhere between red and blue.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 9
Bureaucrat (官僚)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 9
Bureaucrat (官僚)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 9
Bureaucrat (官僚)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Civil Official (文官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Civil Official (文官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Consort Ah-Duo`s Lady-in-Waiting (阿多妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 22
Consort Lihua`s Lady-in-Waiting (梨花妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 14
Consort Lihua`s Lady-in-Waiting (梨花妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 22
Consort Lihua`s Lady-in-Waiting (梨花妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11
Consort Lishu`s Lady-in-Waiting (里樹妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 10-11
Consort Lishu`s Lady-in-Waiting (里樹妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 10-11
Consort Lishu`s Lady-in-Waiting (里樹妃の侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13
Court Lady (官女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13
Court Lady (官女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Eldest Son (長男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Eunuch (宦官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 4-5
Eunuch (宦官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Eunuch (宦官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 11
Eunuch (宦官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Generous Old Woman (気前がいい婆)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 12
Guide (案内人)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
High Official (高官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
High Official (高官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Kamuro (禿)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 20
Kamuro (禿)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18, 20
Kamuro (禿)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23
Kamuro (禿)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Lady-in-Waiting (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Lady-in-Waiting (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Lady-in-Waiting (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Lady-in-Waiting (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Lady-in-Waiting (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23
Lakan Father (羅漢 父)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Maidservant (下女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Maidservant (下女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Man (男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Meal-serving Women (飯盛女たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Meal-serving Women (飯盛女たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Meal-serving Women (飯盛女たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Meal-serving Women (飯盛女たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Meal-serving Women (飯盛女たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18, 20
Medical Officer (医官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Mid-Rank Consort (中級妃)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Middle-aged Meal-serving Woman (中年飯盛女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Military Officer (武官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 21
Military Officer (武官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Military Officer (武官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15
Military Officer (武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Minister (大臣)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Mother (母親)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 4, 7, 12-13, 24
Narration (ナレーション)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 14-15
Official`s Younger Brother (役人の弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Officials (官たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Officials (官たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Officials (官たち)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Officials (官たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19
Officials (官たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Old Man at Market Stall (屋台のおやじ)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13
Onlooker (野次馬)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13
Onlooker (野次馬)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Prostitute (妓女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Prostitute (妓女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Second Son (次男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Soldier (兵士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Soldier (兵士)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 14
Subordinate (部下)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 5
Xing (杏)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Young Military Officer (青年武官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Youngest Son (末っ子)
voiced by:


CreditNamein EpisodesComment
Original Work (原作)Hyuuga Natsu(ヒーロー文庫/主婦の友インフォス刊)
Original Work Assistance (原作協力)Takahara Hideki
Manga (コミカライズ)Kurata Minoji作画 - 「薬屋のひとりごと~猫猫の後宮謎解き手帳~」 (掲載 月刊「サンデーGX」 小学館)
作画 - 「薬屋のひとりごと」 (掲載 月刊「ビッグガンガン」 スクウェア・エニックス)
Nanao Ikki構成 - 「薬屋のひとりごと」 (掲載 月刊「ビッグガンガン」 スクウェア・エニックス)
Direction (監督)Naganuma Norihiro
Assistant Direction (副監督)Fudesaka Akimi
Scenario Supervision (シナリオ統括)Kakihara Yuuko
Series Composition (シリーズ構成)Naganuma Norihiro
Original Character Design (キャラクター原案)Shino Touko
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Nakatani Yukiko
Sub Character Design (サブキャラクターデザイン)Miyai Kana
Nagamori Yoshihiro
Prop Design (プロップデザイン)Hirata Ryou
Chief Animation Direction (総作画監督)Hirota Akane2
Nagamori Yoshihiro2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15-17, 19, 21-22
Nakajima Atsuko3, 5-15, 18, 20-24
Miyai Kana3, 6, 9-10
Ookawa Shinobu6
Ikeda Yuuji16-18, 20, 23
Nakatani Yukiko
Music (音楽)Kevin Penkin
Kousaki Satoru
Okehazama Arisa
Music Producer (音楽プロデューサー)Kobayashi Yoshiki
Music Assistance (音楽協力)Iijima Hiromitsu1-11
Misumi Yuri1-11
Music Editing (劇中音楽編集)Adachi Yoshinori1-11
Sound Direction (音響監督)Hata Shouji
Sound Work (音響制作)Sound Team Don Juan1-11
Sound Effects (音響効果)Izumo Noriko
Editing (編集)Imai Daisuke
Art Direction (美術監督)Takao Katsumi髙尾克己
CG Art Direction (CGアートディレクター)Nagisa Shintarou1-11
Art Design (美術設定)Takao Katsumi1-11髙尾克己
Colour Design (色彩設計)Aida Misato
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Ishiguro RumiT2 Studio (T2 studio)
CG Direction (CGIディレクター)Nagai Yuu
CG Supervision (CGIスーパーバイザー)Seo Dai1-11
CG Producer (CGプロデューサー)Ashida Noriyuki1-11
Production Manager (プロダクションマネージャー)Yoshizawa Taka1-11
Animation Producer (アニメーションプロデューサー)Masada Satoshi1-12
Sumitomo Eiji13-24
Inagaki Takafumi
Chief Producer (チーフプロデューサー)Takahashi Atsushi
Takei Katsuhiro
Executive Producer (エグゼクティブプロデューサー)Yamanaka Kazutaka
Producer (プロデューサー)Fujimura Tomoko
Hirahara Yuito
Hishiyama Mitsuteru
Kawamura Fumi
Morishita Katsuji
Mutou Hiroshi
Okamoto Jun`ya
Associate Producer (アソシエイトプロデューサー)Ebina Ryou1-11
Iwata Takao1-11
Onoue Taiki1-11
Work Assistance (制作協力)Roll23
Studio Guts5
Sunshine Corporation9
Magic Bus14
Work (制作)OLM
Toho Animation Studio
Production (製作)Abe Ryuuji
Kama Hideki
Maeda Tatsuya
Moriya Mitsuharu
Oota Keiji
Satou Takahiro
Sawabe Nobumasa
Production Committee (製作委員会)Aburai Takuya1-11
Ebihara Mari1-11
Fujita Masanori1-11
Inage Hiroyuki1-11
James Chueh1-11
Kimura Yasutaka1-11
Matori Miho1-11
Mizuno Hiroshi1-11
Nakagawa Ken1-11
Nakatani Toshio1-11
Sano Wataru1-11
Yamada Sachiko1-11
Yokoyama Masayoshi1-11
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Kakihara Yuuko1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 19, 24
Chiba Misuzu2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 20, 23
Ogawa Hitomi3, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22
Ayana Yuniko8, 13, 17, 21
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Naganuma Norihiro1-3, 7, 9, 11-12, 14, 18, 20, 24, OP1
Fudesaka Akimi5
Nakagawa Wataru6, 13, 19
Fujita Kentarou8
Nomura Kazuya10, 23
Toyama Sou16
Kadomatsu Kurabu17
Tanimoto Mayu18
Satou Masako21
Kawabata Erkin22
Kikuchi KatsuyaED1
Ishiguro KyouheiOP2
Episode Direction (演出)Fudesaka Akimi1
Fujita Kentarou2, 8, 15
Yamamoto Kyouhei3
Shiga Takeshi5
Nakagawa Wataru6, 13, 19, 24
Ookubo Tadao7
Koremoto Akira9, 20
Kawabata Erkin10, 22
Asaki Yukihiko11
Yokono Mitsuyo12
Oowada Jun14, 18, 23
Toyama Sou16
Kadomatsu Kurabu17
Tanimoto Mayu18
Ibe Yuushi21
Kikuchi KatsuyaED1
Naganuma NorihiroOP1
Ishiguro KyouheiOP2
Assistant Episode Direction (演出助手)Maruyama Kyouhei3
Animation Direction (作画監督)Hirota Akane1
Miyai Kana1
Nagamori Yoshihiro1
Oota Kenji1
Yamada Kanari1, 6, 8-9, 11, 14-16, 18, 20, 24
Sugawara Miyuki1, 10
Kameyama Tomoko2, 6, 8, 13, 15-16, 18, 20, 22-24
Kojima Eri2, 8, 12, 18, 20, 23
Cha Myeong-Jun2, 8, 22as チャ ミョンジュン
White Line2, 8, 22
Izumi Momoka3
Nishimichi Takuya3
Shimazaki Nozomi3
Yamamichi Toui3
Yoshida Hajime3
Moa Ang4もああん
Watanabe Natsuki5, 15
Shishido Kumiko6, 13, 18, 24
Han Seung-Hui7
Satou Yuka7
Ikeda Yuuji8, 13-15, 18, 22, 24
Gu Ja-Cheon8, 22as ク ジャチョン
Igarashi Shunsuke9
Kaneko Hidetaka9miscredited as 兼子敬秀
Koike Toshiya9
Shiraishi Satoru9
Takahashi Noriko9
Nakayama Kazuko9, 17
Hayakawa Motoki10
Nishimura Hiroshi10
Zhu Shijie10
Park Song-Hwa11as パクソンハ
Song Hyeon-Ju11as ソンヒョンジュ
Motoyoshi Akiko11, 16, 19
Horie Yumi11, 16, 19, 23
Kim Won-Hoe12
Suzuki Haruka12
Kondou Rui13, 19, 24
Du Lingui14
Nogami Shin`ya14
Yamamoto Keiko14
Studio Guts15
Inotsume Tae16
Nanba Takashi17
Tomobe Natsumi18, 20
Yu Seung-Hui18, 24
Nakamura Sayuki19, 23
Hijikata Yuuki19, 24
Andou Nobuhiro21
Li Shaolei21
Nishida Miyako21
Studio Bus22
カン ミエ22
キム ギョンホ22
キム ジョンバム22
ユ スンヒ22
Gotou Takahiro24
Nakatani YukikoED1, OP1
Assistant Animation Direction (作画監督補佐)Yamamoto Kyouhei3
Key Animation (原画)Kojima Eri1
Koremoto Akira1
Oota Kenji1
Shishido Kumiko1
Hirota Akane1-2
Kameyama Tomoko1-2
Miyai Kana1-2
Nagamori Yoshihiro1-2
Yamada Kanari1-3, 5-6, 21
Yamagishi Aoi1-2, 6, 8, 12
Tanaka Yasukatsu1-2, 11-12
Abe Maiko1, 6
Shimoji Ayaka1, 6, 8
Noma Chikako1, 6, 8, 12
Uesugi Junji1, 8
Tomobe Natsumi1, 11-12
Akimoto Yuuichi2
Ikehira Senri2
Mori Emi2
Saitou Tomiyo2, 6, 10-11, 15
Furusaka Mitsuki2, 8
Taniguchi Shun`ichirou2, 8
White Line2, 8
クォンヒェンエ2, 8
Kawabata Erkin2, ED1
Kawanishi Ken`ichirou3
Nakajima Tatsuya3
Okuzumi Masayo3as 奥隅雅代
Oohashi Yukie3
Sasaki Masahiro3
Shimazaki Nozomi3
Suzuki Takanori3
Takase Daiki3
Tanoue Makoto3
Tatezaki Hiroshi3
Tomita Yoshiyuki3
Tougou Yoshihiro3
Ueda Asagi3
Yamamichi Toui3
Watanabe Sakura4
Myang4, 21
Shiga Takeshi5
Shitaya Miho5
Watanabe Natsuki5
Yamaichi Kazuharu5
Imaoka Naoko5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Makino Daisuke5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Minagawa Yuuki5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Nagasawa Tatsuya5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Oohira Toshiki5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Terada Sena5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Ushima Takahito5, 15Studio Guts (スタジオガッツ)
Ikeda Yuuji5, 21
Imoto Kazuaki6
Karatani Ayako6
Ninomiya Nanako6
Noguchi Rieko6
Nonose Aline6Studio Live (スタジオ・ライブ)
Ogata Hiromi6
Ogura Seren6
Shimamura Mariko6
Uchiyama Hikaru6
Yoshino Akitoshi6
Kondou Rui6, 8
Kinjou Miho6, 8, 11, 15
Kikuchi Tsutomu6, 8, 12
Shigeta Susumu6, 11-12
Kitayama Sayuri6, 16
Han Seung-Hui7
Lin Yingchen7
Satou Yuka7
Ishizuka Sae8
Nakajima Eri8
Oshida Yuusuke8
Takai Kouichi8
Shimazaki Kouhei8, 10嶋崎耕平
Hagiwara Masato8, 10-12
Miya Kenta8, 10, 12
Torii Mao8, 11, 16
Okugawa Motoki8, 12
Akuzawa Akihisa9
Ichikawa Fukuya9
Inagaki Takumi9
Kaneko Hidetaka9miscredited as 兼子敬秀
Kasuga Kumiko9
Kataoka Emiko9
Kataoka Kouji9
Kawashima Akiko9
Koike Toshiya9
Ooishi Kou9
Ootsuka Takashi9
Takahashi Momoko9
Takehara Mai9
Takematsu Kazuo9
Yoshida Masahiro9
Yuasa Seiya9
Koushou Ittaku10
Tateno Yuki10
Tsuchida Kotarou10
Kitada Kyuuto10-11
Sugawara Miyuki10, 12
Nakagawa Aki10, 15
Lim Jin-Uk11as イムジンウク
Tamura Emi11
Zhang Yicheng11
Ueda Megumi11-12
Katayama Miwa11, 16
Ozawa Kazunori11, 16
Nishida Miyako12
Okugawa Akisa12
Tanaka Aya12
Matsunaga Yoshito12, 21
Suzuki Haruka12, 21
Yamazaki Kaori12, 21
Yokono Mitsuyo12, 21
Fukuda Kiyomu14
Kanetaka Rika14
Kishi Yuuya14
Kusuda Hiroki14
Saitou Hiroki14
Sakamoto Tsugio14
Satou Fusae14
Unno Setsuko14
Watanabe Akira14
Eguchi Akisa15
Kanon D-dur15
Motoyoshi Akiko15
Seven Arcs15
Studio Guts15
Takaichi Ayaka15
Ueda Saki15Seven Arcs (Seven Arcs)
Ichinose Yuuri16
Nakajima Atsuko16
Oohashi Toshiaki16
Shoukonji Naoko16
イムジンウク16GAON NURI
Naganuma Tomoya21
Yamaguchi Aiko21
Yokoyama Yui21
Hasegawa SakiOP1
Igawa ReinaOP1
Nakatani YukikoOP1
Nishimura HiroshiOP1
Yokota MasafumiOP1
2nd Key Animation (第二原画)Hattori Natsumi1
Shimazaki Kouhei1
Usui Noriko1
Ueda Megumi1-2, 6, 8
Koiwa Masami1-2, 6, 8, 10-11, 16
柳蘭喜1-2, 8, 10
Anime Toro Toro1-2, 8, 11
Kashou Akiko1-2, 8, 11
Tanihira Kumiko1-2, 8, 11
Higashida Haruko1-2, 8, 11, 16
Nishijima Saki1, 10-11, 16
Maekawa Aoi2
Sugawara Mika2
Yamauchi Aki2
White Line2, 8
イムヒョンジョン2, 8
キムソイム2, 8
キムヒョジョン2, 8
Aoyama Reina3
Fujiki Kouhei3
Ikeda Azusa3
Maruyama Keita3
Maruyama Kyouhei3
Nishimichi Takuya3
Nishizawa Kouyou3
Yamamoto Kyouhei3
Youmoto Momoka3
Meta Studio5
Atelier CoCo6
Bug Films6
Fujiwara Yumiko6
Kashima Hitomi6
Kuroda Arisa6
Nakagawa Wataru6
Namiki Yuuichi6
Shimada Chihiro6
Studio Live6
Tomobe Natsumi6
Touji Arumi6
ProMEtheus6, 8, 10
藤森麻美6, 8, 13, 16, 18-19, 24as 藤森麻実 in eps 16, 19, 24
Lin Yingchen7
Kinjou Miho8
Shoukonji Naoko8
Tanaka Yasukatsu8
Okuda Kiyomi8, 10
Okugawa Motoki8, 10-11
Andou Tsuneta9
Itou Daiki9
Koike Yukari9
Mita Tomoko9
Nakamura Production9
Studio Gimlet9
Studio Toy Box9
Tsuwaki Tomohiro9
Kagami Min10
Koike Rika10
Makino Mako10
Miyamoto Rina10
Studio Hibari10
Sugiyama Kyouhei10
Sugiyasu Souta10
Suzuki Yuusuke10
Takeda Rio10
Yamagishi Aoi10
Yoshida Yukito10
Hijikata Yuuki11
Kim Ran-Yeong11as キムランヨン
Kim Seo-Jin11as キムソジン
Kim Seo-Na11as キムソナ
Lim Ji-Hyeon11as イムジヒョン
Saida Eru11
Du Lingui14
Tezuka Konomi14
Watanabe Mahiro14
Fujishiro Kana16
Sakaguchi Mayu16
Nishizawa Eri21
Seki Yoshihiro21
Studio BusED1
Kameyama TomokoOP1
In-Between Animation Inspection (動画検査)Namiki Yuuichi1
Abe Yumi2, 11
Aoyama Reina3
Hashiguchi Nana4橋口奈々
Katsu Michiko5
Saitou Misaki6
Gu Ja-Cheon8クジャチョン
Kagami Min8
Kim Jong-Gyu8as Kim Jong-Gyu
Ichikawa Fukuya9
Ooishi Kou9
Tomita Ryousuke10
閔庚愛ED1, OP1
In-Between Animation (動画)Rice Field1
OLM Asia1-3, 5, 11, OP1
Fujishiro Kana1-2, 6
Harada Naho1-2, 6
Kawasaki Miho1-2, 6
Kumagai Kaito1-2, 6
木村美香1-2, 6
永田明日香1-2, 6
Studio Bus1-2, 6, 10-11, ED1, OP1
OLM1-2, 6, 11, OP1
Itou Riho1-2, 6, OP1
R.I.C.1, 4
Itou Hiromi1, 6
Saitou Yuuki1, 6
Gu Ja-Cheon2クジャチョン
Ishida Maino2
Kim Jong-Gyu2as Kim Jong-Gyu
Maekawa Aoi2
Tezuka Productions2
Yamauchi Yui2
Henmi Chihiro2, 6as 邊見千尋 in ep 6
Tomitsuka Marie2, 6
Park Hui-Jeong2, 8パクヒジョン
Studio Gram2, 8
White Line2, 8
キムソイム2, 8
キムヒョジョン2, 8
ユホァソン2, 8
Aoyama Reina3
Hirata Takuya5
Katsu Michiko5
M.S.J. Musashino Seisaku-jo5
Miura Yoshitomo5
Bug Films6
Saitou Misaki6
Seven Arcs6
SevenArcs MRstudio6
Sugita Mai6
Zhang Yicheng6
Atelier Pontdarc8
ChengPin Donghua9
Itou Daiki9
Mizoguchi Tomoko9
Shimizu Taeko9
Studio BS9
Hikari no Sono Animation10
Nakagawa Minori10
Choe Yun-Hui11as チェユンヒ
Kim Eun-Hui11as キムウンヒ
Kim Mun-Seok11as キムムンスク
Mun Su-Jeong11as ムンスジョン
Murase Kanako11
Iris Media11, ED1, OP1
Colour Specification (色指定)Kitsukawa Asami1
Be Loop1-2, 6, 8, 10
Akamatsu Akiko2, 6, 10
Matsuura Yurie3
Ahiko Marin4阿彦真凜
Nakano Michiaki5
Yoshisato Shuuya7
Ura Daiki9
Komiya Hikari11
Aida MisatoOP1
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (仕上検査)Kitsukawa Asami1
Be Loop1-2, 6, 8, 10
Akamatsu Akiko2, 6, 10
Matsuura Yurie3
Ahiko Marin4阿彦真凜
Nakano Michiaki5
Yoshisato Shuuya7
Tsuchiya Satoshi9
Ura Daiki9
Komiya Hikari11
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (検査)Aida MisatoOP1
Finishing/Clean-up (仕上)Studio Bus1-2, 6, 10, ED1, OP1
R.I.C.1, 4
Studio Elle1, 6, 10-11, 13
Ooseki Tatsue2
OLM Asia2-3, 5, 11, OP1
Kim Jong-Gyu2, 8キムジョンギュ
Studio Gram2, 8
White Line2, 8
チャユミ2, 8
ユンジョンスック2, 8
Defa2, 9
Iris Media2, ED1, OP1
Hirano Kouji3
Matsuura Yurie3
Tsuchiya Satoshi3
Kitano Masayuki5
M.S.J. Musashino Seisaku-jo5
Shinozuka Yuki5
Yogi Yumi5
A-1 Pictures6, 10, 13
Egawa Akane6, 10, 13
Ootsuka Minori6, 10, 13
Ootsuki Kouji6, 10, 13
山澤美紗紀6, 10, 13
Studio BS9
Ura Daiki9
Cho A-Ra11as ゾアラ
Hong Ji-Hyun11as ホンジヒョン
Asahi Production13
Clover Works13
CoMix Wave Films13
Cygames Pictures13
Hagiwara Ayako13
Hirai Ayano13
Kajiyama Tsubasa13
Marikawa Miki13
Maruo Yukino13
Matsumoto Risa13
Nagai Ayaka13
Sada Erika13
Sunako Miyuki13
Wakai Ayu13
Calligraphy Design (筆文字デザイン)句外1, 4-11
Art Board (美術ボード)Takao Katsumi1-11髙尾克己
Background Art (背景美術)Matsuda Michiyo1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11
Shimoda Minayo1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11
Suzuki Chihiro1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11
Yamauchi Yuuko1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11
栗原優芽1-2, 5, 7, 9, 11
松瀬美萌里1, 5, 7, 9, 11
Ban Seon-Hui3
Kataoka Kazumi3-4, 6, 8
Studio Jack3-4, 6, 8
K.J studio3, 6
Lee Hong-Lim3, 6
南炫旨3, 6
Yun Sang-Geun4
Bean tree4, 6
Nam Se-Yeong4, 6
Saitou Takako4, 6
Mun Mi-Ran6
Pham Huu Nghia8
Tran Le Kim Thao8
GKV Studio8, 10
Cao Hoai10カオ ホァイ
Cao Van Toan10カオ ヴァン トゥアン
Nguyen Tran Thanh Loan10グエン チャン タン ロアン
Pham Dinh Thi10ファム ディン ティー
Ta Nhan Thuong Thuong10タ ニャン トゥオン トゥオン
Truong Thi Kim Nuong10チュオン ティ キム ヌオン
Vo Thi Thu Ngan10ヴォ ティ トゥー ガン
Nagisa ShintarouOP1
Takao KatsumiOP1髙尾克己
Special Effects (特殊効果)Ogawa Takeshi1-11
T2 Studio1-11
Modelling Lead (モデリングリード)高橋峻1-11
Modelling Supervision (モデリングスーパーバイザー)Ishida Naoto1-11
Modelling (3Dモデリング)Takao Katsumi1-11髙尾克己
Modelling (モデリング)上谷悠仁1-11
Photography (撮影)T2 Studio1-11
Someya Kazumasa1-11, OP1
Watanabe Tatsuya1-11, OP1
菅谷栞汰1-11, OP1
鄭吉1-11, OP1
Imaizumi HidekiED1
Ishiguro RumiOP1
CG Design (CGIデザイナー)Morohashi Shinji1-11
Nitta Takahiro1-11
Watanabe Akina1-11
Abe Mineko10-11
Koide Hideharu10-11
Morita Izuru10-11
Rigging Lead (リギングリード)矢伏勇貴1-11
Rigging (リギング)Yamashita Youko1-11
CG Work (3D制作)Michikawa Hana1-11
CG Production Manager (CGIプロダクションコーディネーター)齋藤航介1-11
CG Production Manager (CGIプロダクションマネージャー)Murakami Noboru1-11
Asset Coordinator (アセットコーディネーター)Nakamura Ayumi1-11
Research & Development (R&D)Martin Dulhoste1-11
Tanguy Cesaratto1-11
Yamagishi Satoru1-11
Reasearch & Development Lead (R&Dリード)Kinoshita Miki1-11
Marc Salvati1-11
Research & Development Supervisor (R&Dスーパーバイザー)Yotsukura Tatsuo1-11
2D Design (2Dデザインワークス)Nanjou Yousuke
2D Works (2Dワークス)Harada AyukoED1
Nanjou YousukeOP1
Editing Assistant (編集助手)Ootani Masamune1-11
Offline Editing (オフライン編集)Jay Film1-11
Film Editing (ビデオ編集)Imagica Entertainment Media Services1-11IMAGICA EMS
Miyazaki Daisuke1-11宮﨑大輔
Lab Coordinator (ラボコーディネート)辻川志麻1-11
Music Recording (劇中音楽録音)Adachi Yoshinori1-11
Opening Theme WorkAssistance (オープニングテーマ協力)Iizuka ChisakoOP1
Kobayashi MisaOP1
Ending Theme Work Assistance (エンディングテーマ協力)Kimura Ken`ichirouED1
Background Music Work (劇中音楽制作)Toho Music1-11
Foley (フォーリー)Koura Yasuhira1-11
Recording (録音)Matsushita Haruka1-11
Recording Assistant (録音助手)矢野貴大1-11
Recording Studio (収録スタジオ)Sound Team Don Juan1-11studio Don Juan
Materials/Data Sponsoring (資料提供)柿沼陽平1-11
Web Design (ホームページ制作)Watanabe Yuuichi1-11
Promotion (販売促進)森田陽1-11
Promotion Assistance (プロモーションパートナー)NNSコンテンツパートナー委員会1-11
Publicity Producer (宣伝プロデューサー)石川朱里1-11
Publicity (宣伝)Kidachi Miyuka1-11
Shimoyama Ryou1-11
Yagi Moeko1-11
Publicity Assistance (宣伝協力)Kumagai Yuuki1-11
Publicity Design (宣伝デザイン)Sugiyama Kai1-11
Domestic Licence (国内ライセンス)Taki Fumie1-11
Overseas Licence (海外ライセンス)Inoue Akane1-11
Kamei Reiga1-11
Design Manager (設定制作)Tanimoto Mayu1-11
System Engineer (ITシステム)Fukatani Yuuta1-11
Ishii Yuuki1-11
Mizuhashi Satoshi1-11
Production Desk (制作デスク)和田愛1-11
Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)Michikawa Hana1
Nakatsuka Hiromasa5
Fujisawa Kazuki10
ユンポスル11GAON NURI
ユンボスル16GAON NURI
Kusakabe TakumiOP2
Production Manager (制作担当)Sumitomo Eiji1-11
Promotional Video Work (プロモーション映像制作)Takahashi Chie1-11
Videogram (ビデオグラム制作)柴﨑守希子1-11
Domestic Distribution (国内配信)Iwahashi Kouhei1-11
Okuda Mayu1-11


RelationSongin EpisodesRatingCreditStaffComment
openingHana ni Natte1-12, OP1N/A(6)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Ryokuoushoku Shakai
Lyrics (作詞)Nagaya Haruko
Music Composition (作曲)Anami Shingo
Music Arrangement (編曲)Anami ShingoKawaguchi Keita
Ambivalent13-24, OP2N/A(3)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Uru
Lyrics (作詞)Uru
Music Composition (作曲)Yas
Music Arrangement (編曲)Tanaka Hayato
endingAikotoba1-12, ED1N/A(2)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Aina The End
Lyrics (作詞)Ishizaki Huwie
Music Composition (作曲)Ishizaki Huwie
Music Arrangement (編曲)Toomi You
Ai wa Kusuri13-24, ED2N/A(1)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Wacci
Lyrics (作詞)Hashiguchi Youhei
Music Composition (作曲)Hashiguchi Youhei
Music Arrangement (編曲)Muranaka Keiji
insert songOmoi Kaze3N/A(3)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Oohara Yuiko
Lyrics (作詞)Oohara Yuiko
Music Composition (作曲)Okehazama Arisa
Music Arrangement (編曲)Okehazama Arisa
Asu wo Tazunete9N/A(1)Vocals/Performed by (歌手)Xai
Lyrics (作詞)Xai
Music Composition (作曲)Kousaki Satoru
Music Arrangement (編曲)Kousaki Satoru
Secchuuka12N/A(1)Vocals/Performed by (歌手)Kishi Kanako
Lyrics (作詞)Uchida Mashiro
Music Composition (作曲)Kousaki Satoru
Soukuu no Honoo19N/A(2)Vocals/Performed by (歌手)Takenaka Daichi
Lyrics (作詞)Uchida Mashiro
Music Composition (作曲)Kousaki Satoru
Hototogisu23-24N/A(0)Vocals/Performed by (歌)Kuwashima Houko
Lyrics (作詞)Kakihara Yuuko
Music Composition (作曲)Kousaki Satoru
Omoi Saku Toki24N/A(1)Vocals/Performed by (歌手)Aoiema
Lyrics (作詞)Uchida Mashiro
Music Composition (作曲)Kousaki Satoru

Group status

show alladd new release
Last UpdateNameStateNEpisodesHESPLanguagesSourceRatingCmts
28.12.2024DB [DB]complete
244jaenenBlu-ray, wwwN/A(0)0
240jaenBlu-ray, wwwN/A(0)0
240jaenjaenBlu-ray, wwwN/A(0)0
240jaenenBlu-ray, wwwN/A(0)0
15.04.2024ESCANOR [ESCANOR]complete
30.03.2024AniDL [AniDL]complete
16.05.2024samaritan [sam]stalled
25.03.2024A-Rspecials only
no groupcompletefinishedongoingstalleddroppedspecials onlyall


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