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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite

Anime: Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite

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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
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Main TitleChi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite(a17480)
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TypeTV Series,25 episodes
Year05.10.2024 until15.03.2025
SeasonAutumn 2024
TagshistoricalHistorical anime have clear ties to our history and usually occur in a particular epoch.,mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime.See also manhua and manhwa.,seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.,thrillerThe thriller is a genre of fiction in which tough, resourceful, but essentially ordinary heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world. The hero of a typical thriller faces danger alone or in the company of a small band of companions. The protagonist may be a law enforcement agent, a journalist, or a soldier, but typically he or she is cut off from the resources of "their" organization.,tragedyTragedy is a form of drama characterized by seriousness and dignity, usually involving a conflict between a character and some higher power, such as the law, the gods, fate, or society.,violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt. -[similar]
Review Rating6.50(1)
Added byhidden on2022-06-26 15:03
Edited byhidden on2025-03-02 16:06
Main TitleChi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite(a17480)
Official Titleen
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Official Titlept-BR
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Official Titlezh-Hans
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Official Titleko
SynonymChi: About the Movement of the Earth, Orb
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The setting is 15th century Poland. It was a time when heretical ideas lead those to who possessed such a mindset to being burned at the stake for their beliefs. Rafal, a child prodigy, is expected to major in theology, the most important subject at the time, at the university. One day, however, he comes across a mysterious man, and is now studying a possible "truth" in the midst of heretical thought!

Source: M-U


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Running Time

approx. 10h 25m


99 (15.5%)


217 (33.9%)

Plan to Watch

304 (47.5%)


18 (2.8%)


Approval:99.1% (1 votes)
Disclaimer: Consider the possibility of this review containing minor spoilers.

Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite, or Orb: About the Movements of the Earth, as it came to be known in English, is the dark horse anime from last and this year, coming out without any hype behind and being one of the best and most praised, despite remaining relatively niche.

To start with, it is important to say that it is one of the most serious anime in years. It has a little bit of comedy and action in it but they are so briefly in the show, especially the former, that they might as well not count. It easily enters into that list of anti-anime or non-anime shows for people that is not into the medium much because of the typical idea they have about it.

With that said, Orb is clearly not a show meant for a mainstream appeal, status and audience, it is a serious, heavy on dialogues and slow burn type of a series for an acquired taste. Every arc starts in a just ok way and it takes its time in presenting characters, their beliefs and ideologies, setting, and plot points that change over several time skips in the anime. Once it gets to the points it tries to come across and the payoffs for each new part, the complete whole is something to be recognized and appreciated.

Another backlash that the anime might have is prioritizing concepts and themes in its story over character appeal. Not to say that the characters are bad, but they are not exactly memorable and it is clear that the main focus of the show is on something else.

And of course there always will be criticisms about the historical accuracy of an historical show. I can not speak for that but apparently the anime has been clarified to be a sort of alternative history type of series and setting, so that aspect can be excused up to some point.

Other minor issues are how some lines can come off as corny for some, and that there are some inferior episodes and scenes for how unbelievable and exaggerated they can be, with the bridge scene from the fifth episode being the lowest point of the anime. Other not very believable aspects include, for example, two characters being scholars that normally would not have been.

Despite those points, this is a legitimately worth watching anime, and of course not just because it has a serious tone. First of all, some of its dialogues can be semi philosophical and very good, as characters discuss their perspectives on how to live a life, whether a Heaven or not exists, if the accepted cosmovision fits the perfect universe created by God or not; if Heaven is perfect and pure and Earth is impure and rotten, or they are complementaries making a complete whole; whether or not it is worth sacrificing your life for a cause and idea, how knowledge and information can transcend time and entire lives, the importance, passion and appeal behind books and writing in itself, if the church has become a dogma that defies God’s message, if one truly is ready to search for and face the truth even if it contradicts one’s knowledge, and many more topics that get entire episodes dedicated to them, and not just through dialogues.

The themes are also explored through the plot itself and the character arcs, the cast can get their entire lives shaken and even put at risk for coming across certain knowledge, proceed to question everything they knew up until that point, change their whole perspectives of life, and even come to sacrifice themselves in order to protect what they believe or know about and prolong through time the results they get.

As can be deduced from the previous paragraph, Orb is also an anime with actual stakes, as it does not hesitate to kill off important characters on situations they can not logically survive, so no plot armor in it.

Also, there are not that many scenes of astronomy in it, but the few of them that exist are done well enough to explain the logic and studies of the characters and how they come to find about and develop the idea of heliocentrism.

And contrary to what could be believed, Orb is not anti-religion, it is anti-dogma, as most of the important characters are against the church not for being non-believers, but rather for standing against the church tainting God’s teachings and the world itself as an extension. And even though it shows cruel acts and scenes, the anime is properly dark and never becomes cartoonish in any way. It achieves that by keeping the sides somewhat grey, not every priest is bad, even some inquisitors mean well and question their doing, and not every heretic is a passionate intellectual either, some even go on a rampage killing believers just because.

Another thing to point out about the writing is how it plays out the card of ironic twist of fate. A dead character can remain influential decades afterwards, the main antagonist that wants to preserve the status quo and protect his close ones loses everything and even is one of the reasons for that himself, somebody might doom a relative while trying to save them, an elitist with a superiority complex ends up in the need of relying on others, a girl belittled and looked down by everyone ends up being a leader, and more such cases.

The characters are not exactly memorable, I couldn’t name any of them without looking them up, don’t have the most elaborate personalities, and don’t get much development. They are still quite good thanks to proper fleshing, well founded personalities, solid backstories for everyone, changes of perspective thanks to the ironic writing, and they leave the story with a feeling of catharsis. Just for the sake of being a bit more specific:

-Rafal, an orphan guy living life doing what is expected of him to have it easy, desperately gives in to his passion and does the most illogical thing.

-Oczy, a former fighter and I guess assassin for hire or something, with not expectations in life, ends up putting his own life on the line for heliocentrism even against a far stronger enemy. He also starts working as an assistant or even a servant of sorts, yet yearns for learning and ends up being the most important character for preserving the theory. His whole world got turned all over the more he got involved and found a purpose along the way. What I did not understand is that he seemed to have an academic past, as shown on flashbacks, yet did not know how to read and write? I guess I am missing something about him.

-Badeni, for both a main character and a priest, he sure is not considered to be a good person. Selfish, arrogant, classicist, elitist, has a superiority complex that makes he sees himself as some sort of chosen one by God to achieve big things and not needed anyone else for nothing. His whole character arc is realizing the exact opposite, as he ends up being the stepping stone he so did not want to become.

-Jolenta, a scholar girl scammed and belittled by everyone, although just for a few episodes, with no hope of being allowed doing anything, and with a close connection to the main antagonist. Ends up being a teacher and even a heretic leader after a time skip. Her character arc is one of the best, most ironic, bittersweet and cathartic aspects in the whole show.

-Draka, the last protagonist of the series, a proactive girl that wants to defy the status quo of her community by making them compete with each other, and an ambitious person with a case of early stage capitalism. It is interesting to see how determined and quick thinking she is in trying to survive and make a profit, yet ends up developing an emotional understanding of another character that no one else did.

-Nowak, the main antagonist of the show and one of the best in years in the medium. Strong, good fighter, cruel, intimidating, smart, observer, sharp, wanting to protect his family in his vision and fighting against the revolutionary ideas that might trip the world itself, while preferring not to hurt people themselves. Even at his worst, oldest and most depressed state on the last arc, he is still the biggest threat. His conclusion on the story might be the biggest payback on the whole series and yet incredibly cathartic and it sure felt satisfactory to watch.

-Albert Brudzewski. The only actual person of the show, a man conflicted about whether or not pursue knowledge thanks to the polarizing views he was educated with and the character the last two episodes are focused on as he comes with a position on his own.

The ending of the series leaves you rather indifferent, the themes and dialogues in it are fine, the catharsis for the last important character is there, but it feels weirdly tacked on in the story. It is rather confusing, as it is unsure whether or not it deleted the whole plot up until that point or if it treated it as a what if scenario or not, the timeline became a bit convoluted and ambiguous, to the point that many believe the series pulled off as troll alternative timelines type of twist.

As for the production, the series looks good, with ever-solid artwork, backgrounds, and actual dark scenes in a retro style. The character designs and figures are good and stand out by being not generic nor repetitive, but are also a bit simple. The animation is good for the few and brief fight scenes, but the series can be very static for the rest of the show. The special effects are overall good but there is some weak CGI here and there.

The sound effects and music are good but they do not excel, the BGM can be immersive but also quite repetitive. The opening and endings have this odd relaxed feeling to them that fit well with the slow feel of the show but I am not entirely sure if they go well with the content and setting in it. At least on their own they are fine, are well directed, and feature visual changes in them reflecting the changes across the different arcs of the series. The voice acting is serious, mature, the voices fit every character perfectly, but the performances lack a bit of nuance for them to really shine, the cast did nothing wrong, it is just what they have to work with.

As a whole, I maintain what I wrote about it at the beginning of the review, Orb is definitely one of the most worth watching anime shows from last year, and the beginning of this one. But I must also say that the ending left me a bit disappointed, and for a while made me think that it was as bad as the one from Dededede. Finales are hard to write, even more so if you are Japanese it seems.
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abilitiesAbilities are skills or competences that have applicability in some sort of activity.

clever(2)A clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.eidetic memory(1)The ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device.extreme eyesight(1)Extreme eyesight is exceptionally good eyesight, often near or at, or in theory sometimes even surpassing, the biological limits of one`s species. This often draws comparison to species that naturally have exceptionally good eyesight, such as hawks, hence the term hawkeye.genius(1)A genius is someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill, normally to a degree associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight, and especially when demonstrated through a creative or original work in a field of human knowledge. Such ability is well beyond the realm of an ordinarily clever person, who instead applies a sharp mind to mundane levels of skill.

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

ambitious(2)having a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc.charismatic(1)Charisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.child(1)A child is any person 3 to 12 years old. In everyday usage, babies (younger than 3 years old) are also children, but they are tagged separately; they should not be tagged child as well. Once a person becomes 13, they are an adolescent instead.devoted(1)no description setfrank(1)A character that is open and sincere in their expression, especially in an manner that seems slightly blunt.hard-working(1)Describes someone, who is constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.headstrong(1)A headstrong person is one that is determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want.honest(1)The character tries whenever able to communicate in truthful manner. Also, they may not be able to hide their emotions and/or thoughts easily.inquisitive(2)Inquisitive person is showing curiosity, or being eager to acquire information.logical(1)This character is capable of reasoning or of using reason in an orderly cogent fashion.pathological liar(1)A term used by psychiatrists to the behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.
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main character
Albert Brudzewski
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23-25
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-15
male,ambitioushaving a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc.,frankA character that is open and sincere in their expression, especially in an manner that seems slightly blunt.,geniusA genius is someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill, normally to a degree associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight, and especially when demonstrated through a creative or original work in a field of human knowledge. Such ability is well beyond the realm of an ordinarily clever person, who instead applies a sharp mind to mundane levels of skill.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,logicalThis character is capable of reasoning or of using reason in an orderly cogent fashion.,one-eyedOne of the character`s eyes is useless and/or is almost always covered by something (like the character`s hair, or an eye patch).,Polishno description set
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 3-14
male,extreme eyesightExtreme eyesight is exceptionally good eyesight, often near or at, or in theory sometimes even surpassing, the biological limits of one`s species. This often draws comparison to species that naturally have exceptionally good eyesight, such as hawks, hence the term hawkeye.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,Polishno description set
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-3, 23-25
male,charismaticCharisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,childA child is any person 3 to 12 years old. In everyday usage, babies (younger than 3 years old) are also children, but they are tagged separately; they should not be tagged child as well. Once a person becomes 13, they are an adolescent instead.,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,pathological liarA term used by psychiatrists to the behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.,Polishno description set
voiced by:
secondary cast
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17-18, 20, 22-23
female,ambitioushaving a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc.,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,eidetic memoryThe ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device.,hard-workingDescribes someone, who is constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.,headstrongA headstrong person is one that is determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want.,honestThe character tries whenever able to communicate in truthful manner. Also, they may not be able to hide their emotions and/or thoughts easily.
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18-20
female,braidsBraids is a style of hair in which the hair is interweaved into locks. Braids can be displayed in various styles, such as twin braid tails or a braided hair hairband.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,missing teethno description set,Polishno description set,swordA sword is a long, edged piece of metal, used as a cutting, thrusting, and clubbing weapon in many civilizations throughout the world. It fundamentally consists of a blade and a hilt, typically with one or two edges for striking and cutting, and a point for thrusting.,yellow eyesThis character has yellow eyes.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16, 18, 21-22
voiced by:
Albert (Shounen)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24-25
voiced by:
Albert no Chichi
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11, 14-18, 22-23
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 19-20, 22
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 21-22
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2, 4-5, 13-15, 19
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16-18
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16, 18-21
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 10, 15
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-5
episode appearanceappears in ep: 12
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2, 14
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10-11, 14-15
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16, 18, 20-22
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
voiced by:
Piast (Seinen)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Piast (Sounen)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 9
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-3
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10-11, 14-15
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10
Bishop (司教)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Boy (少年)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Boy (少年)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10
Child (子供)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23
Customer (客)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23
Customer (客)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23
Customer (客)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10
Deacon (助祭)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Deacon (助祭)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 20
Driver (御者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 12
Driver (御者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5
Driver (御者)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Father Abbot (修道院長)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Foreign Woman (異民族の女性)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Gatekeeper (門番)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Guard (警備兵)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Heretic (異端者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Heretic (異端者)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16, 19
Heretic (異端者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Heretic (異端者)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4-5
Heretic (異端者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11
Heretic Woman (異端の女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 12
Inquisitor (審問官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11-12
Inquisitor (審問官)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 12
Inquisitor (審問官)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17-18
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 20-21
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18
Knight (騎士団)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13, 22
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17-18, 22
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 18
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 21
Knight (騎士団)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Knight (騎士団)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 13
Knight (騎士団)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 21
Liberation Front Militant (解放戦線闘士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 21
Liberation Front Militant (解放戦線闘士)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24-25
Man (男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24
Man (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 25
Man (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 25
Man (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Monk (修道士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Monk (修道士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Mother (母親)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Narration (ナレーション)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Noble (貴族)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 10, 15
Old Person (老人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 10
Old Person (老人)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5, 10, 15
Old Person (老人)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Piast`s Father (ピャストの父)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15
Poor People (貧民)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10, 15
Poor People (貧民)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15
Poor People (貧民)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Poor People (貧民)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 25
Postman (ポストマン)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Presiding Judge (裁判長)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24-25
Priest (司祭)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4, 13
Priest (司祭)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 25
Resident (住人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 22
Sentinel (衛兵)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8-9
Servant (使用人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7-8
Staff Member (所員)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7-8
Staff Member (所員)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Student (生徒)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Students (生徒たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Students (生徒たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Students (生徒たち)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Substitute Fighter (代闘士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Substitute Fighter (代闘士)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 25
University Staff (大学職員)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 17
Village Chief (村長)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 16
Villager (村人)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 24
Woman (女)
voiced by:


CreditNamein EpisodesComment
Original Work (原作)Uoto(小学館「ビッグスピリッツコミックス」刊)
Original Work Assistance (原作協力)Chiyoda Shuuhei
Kanou Yuki
Direction (監督)Shimizu Ken`ichi
Series Composition (シリーズ構成)Irie Shingo
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Shino Masanori
Prop Design (プロップデザイン)Kikuchi Yuki1-13, 15-20, 22-24
Odashi1-13, 15-20, 22-24
Design (デザイン)るきち20-21Letterpress printing machine design (活版印刷機デザイン)
Chief Animation Direction (総作画監督)Shino Masanori1-13, 15-20, 22-24, ED1
Chief Animation Direction Assistance (総作画監督補佐)Hinata Masaki24
Takeuchi Kyouko24
Yoshikawa Shin`ichi24
Music (音楽)Ushio Kensuke
Sound Direction (音響監督)Koizumi Kisuke
Editing (編集)Kimura Kashiko
Art Direction (美術監督)Kawai Yasutoshi
Colour Design (色彩設計)Konno Narumi
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Fushihara Akane
CG Direction (3DCGディレクター)Tanaka Yasutaka
Animation Producer (アニメーションプロデューサー)Oka Tsunenari
Producer (プロデューサー)Naeshiro Ken`ichirou
Okamoto Jun`ya
Osanai Atsushi
Ueno Yuusuke
Yoshida Yuuki
Planning (企画)Matsutani Kouichi
Nojima Masahiro
Satou Tatsunobu
Sawabe Nobumasa
Tashiro Sanae
Animation Work Assistance (アニメーション制作協力)Dangun Pictures2
Hotline3, 5
Work (制作)Madhouse
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Irie Shingo1-13, 15-20, 22-24
Storyboard (コンテ)Watanabe KotonoED1
Iwazawa TooruOP1
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Shimizu Ken`ichi1-3, 10, 12-13, 22-23
Koujina Hiroshi4
Sakata Jun`ichi5
Hatsumida Shiyo6
Sawai Kouji7, 15, 17-18
Watanabe Kotono8, 14, 19
Kawano Asami9, 16, 24
Takada Masatoyo11, 20
Kitagawa Tomoya21
Kawajiri Yoshiaki25
Episode Direction (演出)Watanabe Kotono1, 6, 8, 14, ED1
Matano Hiromichi2, 10, 17
Miyoshi Masato3, 5, 15
Kawano Asami4, 9, 12, 16, 22, 25
森洸貴7, 19, 23
Takada Masatoyo11, 20
Matsumura Masaki13
Masuhara Mitsuyuki18, 24
Kitagawa Tomoya21
Isogawa Kazumasa24
Iwazawa TooruOP1
Animation Direction (作画監督)Kikuchi Yuki1, 8, 16, 22
Saitou Kazuya1, 8, 16, 22
Yamazaki Noriyoshi2
Ikai Kazuyuki2, 10, 17
Park Geon-Ha2, 10, 17
Kim Wonyoung3
Park Joo-hyeon3
Wei Xulonmg3
Jeon Byeongjun3, 5
Kim Jeong-Nam3, 5
Lee Munsu3, 5
Oono Tsutomu4
Saitou Itaru4
Han Seung-Hui5
Park Shin-jun5
Wei Xulong5
Kim Kyung Ho6
Yu Seung-Hui6, 11, 19as Yu Seung Hee
Kang Mi Ae6, 19, 24
Kim Jong Bum6, 19, 24
Lee Gwan Woo6, 24
Choi Jeonghwa7
Hinata Masaki8-9, 12, 14, 21, 23, ED1
Shimizu Yoshiko9, 13
Abe Junko9, 13, 18, 20
Takeuchi Honami9, 13, 20, 25
Ho Soung Jin11
Lee Chang11
Toida Juri12
Murakami Fumiaki12, 21, 25
Katsuki Kunio13, 22
Yoshikawa Shin`ichi16, 21, 23
Tanoue Makoto17
Minami Shin`ichirou18
Kim Kyung Eun19
Saotome Kei20
Hoshino Taku20, 25
Takeuchi Kyouko20, 25
Miyamae Shin`ichi22, 25
Nagasawa ReikoOP1
Assistant Animation Direction (作画監督補佐)ほりべむつお20
Key Animation (原画)Ajin - 進1
Aoki Maho1
Aoki Shin`ichi1
Busa Yukiko1
Jaeyeong Jeong1
Katou Asumi1
Katou Naoki1
Kikuchi Youko1
Koi Serena1
Masuda Toshihiko1
Ooshita Tomoyuki1
Ootake Akihiro1
Sakata Osamu1
Seki Minami1
Shibata Shuusuke1
Sukesabu Rouga1
Takasaki Yuri1
Takeuchi Kazumasa1
Tomobe Natsumi1
Tsubaki Youko1
Abe Rumi1-2
Tsukuma Takenori1, 4
Shinkawa Nobumasa1, OP1
Iida Hiroyoshi2
Jeong Gyu-Tak2studio cj
Kataoka Emiko2
Katou Seishirou2
Mamashita Akihiko2
Nanbu Masahiro2
Nishibe Motonori2
Park Geon-Ha2studio cj
Studio CJ2
Takai Kouichi2
Triple A2
Umemoto Ken`ichi2
Watanabe Rio2
閔浩征2studio cj
Iimura Shin`ichi2, 4
Harano Runa4
Ikezu Sue4
Imaoka Hiroshi4
Kojima Makiyo4
Kubo Mitsuteru4
Murakami Fumiaki4
Saitou Itaru4
Studio Bus4
Tsutsumi Shouta4
Yoshimatsu Takahiro4
Yufune Masahiro4
Toida Juri4, OP1
Amemiya Hideo5
Han Seung-Hui5
Jeon Heungik5
Kasugai HiroyukiOP1
Katsuki KunioOP1
Kikuchi YukiOP1
Nagayama ShoutarouOP1
Namioka KeisukeOP1
Sakazume TakahitoOP1
Shimizu YoshikoOP1
Watanabe MikiOP1
Yamashiro KazuomiOP1
Yoshikawa Shin`ichiOP1
2nd Key Animation (第二原画)Abe Atsuko4
Abe Sakuya4
Koiwa Masami4
Kojima Takehiro4
Miyahara Hiromitsu4
Nagayama Shoutarou4
Niida Fuuka4lolroute
Shizuka Yoshimi4
Studio Lings4
Studio Massket4
Choi Jeonghwa5
Kim Cheolsu5
Park Shinjun5
In-Between Animation Inspection (動画検査)Ooshima Akiko1, 4
Mineta Megumi2
Watanabe Rio2
In-Between Animation (動画)FAI4
Miura Sayu4
Nagayama Shoutarou4
Studio Bus4
Studio Massket4
Colour Specification (色指定)Konno Narumi1
Yoshihara Chiharu2
Colour Specification/Cel Inspection (色指定検査)Yoshihara Chiharu4
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (検査)Konno Narumi1
Yoshihara Chiharu2
Finishing/Clean-up (仕上げ)FAI4
Mad Box4
Studio Bus4
Studio Massket4
Choi Minna5
Han Jinyoung5
Lee Jeongwoo5
Yamazaki Yume14
Special Effects (特殊効果)Fushihara Akane
Tsugioka Mitsuki
Photographic Direction Assistance (撮影監督補佐)Tsugioka Mitsuki
Photography (撮影)Tsugioka MitsukiED1
Fushihara AkaneOP1
Photography Manager (撮影管理)渡部美由起Mad Box (MADBOX)
3DCGTanaka YasutakaED1, OP1Mad Box (MADBOX)
篠原智哉ED1, OP1Mad Box (MADBOX)
Mad BoxOP1
Morishita HirokiOP1Mad Box (MADBOX)
CG Production Manager (CGプロダクションマネージャー)Morishita HirokiMad Box (MADBOX)
Letter Design (文字デザイン)HiveOP1
Publicity Producer (宣伝プロデューサー)Kase Takeshi
Publicity Assistance (宣伝協力)Katou Motohisa
Toita Asako
Design Manager (設定制作)Satou Asuka
Production Desk (制作デスク)住谷拳志郎
Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)高橋美紗1
Yamamoto Naoki4

Group status

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17.12.2024AniDL [AniDL]stalled
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