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Anime: Arte

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Main TitleArte(a15013)
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Official Titleja
TypeTV Series,12 episodes
Year04.04.2020 until20.06.2020
SeasonSpring 2020
TagsmangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime.See also manhua and manhwa.,the artsThe arts represent an outlet of human expression, usually influenced by culture, and driven by human creative impulse. Major constituents of the arts include literature, music, dance, and theatre; culinary arts such as baking, chocolatiering, and winemaking; media arts like photography and film, and visual arts – including drawing, painting, and sculpting. Some art forms combine a visual element with performance (e.g. film) and the written word (e.g. comics). -[similar]
Review RatingN/A(0)
Added byhidden on2019-07-18 06:01
Edited byhidden on2021-04-09 07:44
Main TitleArte(a15013)
Official Titleenverified
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* Based on a historical slice of life seinen manga byOokubo Kei.

Firenze, early 16th century. The birthplace of the renaissance era, where art is thriving. In one small corner of this vast city, one sheltered girl's journey begins. She dreams of becoming an artist, an impossible career for a girl born into a noble family. In those days, art was an exclusively male profession, with woman facing strong discrimination. In spite of these challenges,Arte perseveres with hard work and a positive attitude!

Source: SMA


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Running Time

approx. 5h


995 (52.8%)


144 (7.6%)

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646 (34.3%)


99 (5.3%)

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Nodame Cantabile

Explanation byEvGaS on Monday, 20.04.2020 11:07

Arte & Noda Megumi share similar optimistic personalities

also stories about oddball girls in art
TV Series, 2007, 23 eps,9.00(7944),8.77(8071)
Approval: 33.33% (12 votes)


recommended by 8 users - 2 for fans - 4 recommended - 2 must see

byGene_Starwind on2021-11-25 19:33
Hard to understand the hate. This is an excellent period piece set in Renaissance Italy about a young noblewoman who wants to be artist and all the crap she has to endure in a deeply sexist society. The slice-of-life elements are spot-on and lend an air of credibility to the story.
Arte is a beautiful, strong-willed young woman who struggles against the odds and makes friends and earns respect along the way.
Definitely better than many think it is.
must see
bySilverOrlov on2021-09-16 21:48
If there weren't one thing that I hate about human psychology, I would give it 10/10.
"I'm useless, all my practice and work is a trifle, because I saw how someone is trying a little better than me... that's why I will practice/study/work until complete and total exhaustion, ignoring everything and everyone around... including food and sleep".
Aside from this ***, it's a great interesting and visually beautiful story.
must see
bynadeschda on2020-09-19 17:04
"Arte" is a great anime about feminism in 16th century Firenze. A young woman wants to work in a workplace which is reserved for men and overcomes some challgenges to achieve her wish.

Basically it's a a slice-of-life story which is quite heartwarming and also encouraging since it's about the topic of "follow your dream".

It is also historically real so it might be most interesting for people who are interested in history. You get to see how the society, culture and lifestyle have been back then to some extent.

The anime adapts the story of the manga up to chapter 37 of volume 8 and the series is still ongoing with 13 volumes. I'm hoping for a continuation of the anime in any form!

This was definitely one of my highlights this season!
for fans
byEzeuz on2020-06-22 10:29
It's your typical high production value anime. Enjoyable, good setting, but nothing about it is extraordinary. The plot is on the safe side, so you might find it totally flat, but there's nothing to hate in that aspect as a result.
byEvGaS on2020-04-24 03:51
Probably most underestimated in this season.

Good positive story, nise character art & inner world. Nice backgrounds & drawnings.
*for 2020 average anime

Motivating, recommended for all gender & age.
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clothingClothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body.

boots(2)Boots are heavy-duty work shoes that are often made of leather and have thick rubber soles. They are usually found stomping on things: floors, people, etc. Generally, typical boots can be as short as angle height (ankle boots), and as long as the mid point of the lower leg (crew length boots). Boots at least longer than crew length would be half boots or higher.cape(1)A cape is a sleeveless, hood-less outer garment, which drapes the wearer`s back, arms, and chest, and connects at the neck. In contrast to a cloak, a cape leaves the front fairly open whereas a cloak provides more frontal cover. A short cape that only covers just the shoulders is a capelet. A cape or cloak with sleeves is a robe.dress(4)A dress is an item of clothing, usually worn by females, which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirts below the waist.maid dress(1)The dress of a woman or girl employed to do domestic work; precisely termed as French maid costume.scarf(1)A scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours. Scarves are not to be confused with scarf ties or headscarves.thigh boots(2)Thigh boots and over-the-knee boots are boots that either: fully cover and extend above the knees, or partly cover the knees, leaving only the thigh area exposed. Boots that rise up to, but not including, the knee, or slightly thereunder, are kneehigh boots.

fashion accessoriesno description set

ascot tie(1)An ascot tie, or ascot, is a narrow neckband with wide pointed wings. This wide, formal tie is usually patterned, folded over, and fastened with a stickpin or tie clip.A cravat is a scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie which spreads over the chest. The visible part is often made of lace and/or ruffles.belt(2)A belt is a flexible band or strap, typically made of leather or heavy cloth, and worn around the waist so as to support trousers or other articles of clothing. It is an accessory that supports trousers or other articles of clothing.lipstick(1)Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.necklace(2)no description setpearl necklace(1)no description set

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

beard(3)A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks, and neck of human eyes(2)This character has black eyes.(This does not refer to the injury called a black eye)black hair(3)The character has black eyes(1)This character has blue-colored eyes.brown eyes(1)The character has brown eyes.brown hair(4)The character has brown hair.curly hair(3)This character has locks of hair that grow in a curved, rather than straight, direction.cyan eyes(1)This character has cyan color eyes.freckles(1)Small brownish spots in the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight.goatee(1)A goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle eyes(5)The character has green eyes.grey hair(1)Of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.handsome(1)no description setlong hair(4)Long hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.mole(1)A mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark". They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles.muscular(1)no description setorange hair(1)The character has orange hair.pregnant(1)This tag should only be added to characters who physically look pregnant, meaning that showing positive pregnancy test results, talking about being pregnant or doctor`s report do not count. If a character gets pregnant, and is shown as such, only later on in the story (typically at the end), then the tag should be marked as spoiler for that character.Not to be confused with stomach bulge or stomach stretch.short hair(3)Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.sideburns(1)Sideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.sidelocks(3)Sidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.single hairbun(2)A single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.very long hair(1)Very long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.yellow eyes(1)This character has yellow eyes.yellow hair(5)The character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.

roleno description set

aristocrat(3)An aristocrat or noble is a member of the aristocracy or nobility, an upper class in feudal societies. Nobles may or may not hold any specific nobility title. For simplicity`s sake, royalty should also be considered nobility.artist(4)no description setmaid(1)A maid is a female employed in domestic service. They usually wear uniforms. Maids perform typical domestic chores such as cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, walking the family dog, and taking care of children.merchant(1)A merchant or salesperson is somebody who offers goods in exchange for money.painter(3)no description setprostitution(1)Prostitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.widow(1)A widow is a woman whose spouse has died, and a widower is a man whose spouse has died.

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

alluring(1)A seductive person.bibliophile(1)A bibliophile is someone who loves books. Bibliophiles may love books for their content, in which case they are often also called bookworms, or they may be book collectors. The classic bibliophile loves to read, admire and collect books, often amassing a large and specialized collection. They do not necessarily want to own the books they love; an alternative would be owning only unusual bindings and autographed copies.charismatic(1)Charisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.cheerful(1)This character is conducive to cheer; likely to dispel gloom or worry.compassionate(2)Someone who understands the suffering of others and wants to do something about it; sympathetic.cunning(1)A cunning person is characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness; they are generally proficient at several forms of minor deceit such as avoiding providing the truth without resorting to lying, bending the rules by sticking to their letter rather than the spirit, or other similar tricks. This contrasts with a clever person, who has a sharp mind but doesn`t necessarily apply it to surreptitious behaviour.friendly(1)A friendly person is generally considered warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.hard-working(1)Describes someone, who is constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.headstrong(1)A headstrong person is one that is determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want.insightful(1)no description setkind(3)Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.passionate(1)Passionate or sometimes hot-blooded describes people having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. They give their all in absolutely everything they do, regardless of the task. Using the power of hard work and guts as well as their determination, they throw themselves headfirst into the worst situations imaginable and come out on top through sheer force of will, and often have a strong tendency to go beyond the impossible.perceptive(1)no description setpermanently smiling(1)The character displays almost constant smile on his/her face.persistent(1)Someone is persistent when they hold firmly or even obstinately to an opinion or course of action in spite of repeated difficulties or opposition. Some degree of persistence can be a quality and a useful asset, so as to not give up at the first difficulty; however, too much of it can be annoying to others at little or no actual advantage to oneself, as it leads one to continue in a doomed path despite better judgment.polite(1)Well-mannered and civilised. Also used for characters whose normal form of speech frequently uses keigo (honourific speech), which is very polite and formal Japanese.popular(1)This character`s social status is being well liked, admired or well known to a particular group.proud(1)no description setstrict(2)This character is rigorously conforming to principle, norm or condition.stubborn(1)Is a description of someone who has difficulty changing opinions. The word can also be used to describe objects that are difficult to move or changethoughtful(1)no description settomboy(1)A girl who acts and dresses like a boy and enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.wealthy(2)Somebody in possesion of wealth, usually a lot of money.young adult(1)Someone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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main character
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-12
female,7.87(9),cheerfulThis character is conducive to cheer; likely to dispel gloom or worry.,compassionateSomeone who understands the suffering of others and wants to do something about it; sympathetic.,cyan eyesThis character has cyan color eyes.,hard-workingDescribes someone, who is constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.,Italianno description set,persistentSomeone is persistent when they hold firmly or even obstinately to an opinion or course of action in spite of repeated difficulties or opposition. Some degree of persistence can be a quality and a useful asset, so as to not give up at the first difficulty; however, too much of it can be annoying to others at little or no actual advantage to oneself, as it leads one to continue in a doomed path despite better judgment.,thoughtfulno description set,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
secondary cast
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2, 6, 8, 11-12
male,artistno description set,ascot tieAn ascot tie, or ascot, is a narrow neckband with wide pointed wings. This wide, formal tie is usually patterned, folded over, and fastened with a stickpin or tie clip.A cravat is a scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie which spreads over the chest. The visible part is often made of lace and/or ruffles.,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,friendlyA friendly person is generally considered warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.,Italianno description set,kindHaving or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.,painterno description set,scarfA scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck, near the head or around the waist for warmth, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can come in a variety of different colours. Scarves are not to be confused with scarf ties or headscarves.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7-8, 12
female,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,curly hairThis character has locks of hair that grow in a curved, rather than straight, direction.,frecklesSmall brownish spots in the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight.,green eyesThe character has green eyes.,Italianno description set,sewingSewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,single hairbunA single hairbun is a hairstyle sporting one hairbun. To produce a hairbun, hair is pulled backwards and twisted or plaited, then wrapped in a circular coil around itself. A hairbun can be at the base of a ponytail. A single hairbun is typically placed on the back of the head or near the neck, aligned with the middle of the body. A hairstyle sporting two off-center hairbuns, one to each side, is a double hairbun and not a single hairbun.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8-12
female,6.75(8),aristocratAn aristocrat or noble is a member of the aristocracy or nobility, an upper class in feudal societies. Nobles may or may not hold any specific nobility title. For simplicity`s sake, royalty should also be considered nobility.,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,cookingCooking is the process of preparing food by using heat.,green eyesThe character has green eyes.,Italianno description set,necklaceno description set,very long hairVery long hair is hair from (and including) waist-length hair or longer.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-9, 11-12
male,artistno description set,black hairThe character has black hair.,bootsBoots are heavy-duty work shoes that are often made of leather and have thick rubber soles. They are usually found stomping on things: floors, people, etc. Generally, typical boots can be as short as angle height (ankle boots), and as long as the mid point of the lower leg (crew length boots). Boots at least longer than crew length would be half boots or higher.,goateeA goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle beard.,Italianno description set,muscularno description set,sideburnsSideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-5, 7-8, 12
female,5.73(6),alluringA seductive person.,charismaticCharisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,dressA dress is an item of clothing, usually worn by females, which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirts below the waist.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,moleA mole, also called beauty mark, beauty spot, beauty patch, and sometimes birthmark, is a type of visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa that may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Such marks are sometimes considered an attractive feature, hence the beauty-related names, and they are medically known as nevus (plural: nevi), from naevus, Latin for "birthmark". They are not to be confused with the animals commonly called moles.,popularThis character`s social status is being well liked, admired or well known to a particular group.,prostitutionProstitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.,sidelocksSidelocks are long locks of hair that come down the side of the face, passing in front of the ears. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6-8, 10-12
male,beltA belt is a flexible band or strap, typically made of leather or heavy cloth, and worn around the waist so as to support trousers or other articles of clothing. It is an accessory that supports trousers or other articles of clothing.,bootsBoots are heavy-duty work shoes that are often made of leather and have thick rubber soles. They are usually found stomping on things: floors, people, etc. Generally, typical boots can be as short as angle height (ankle boots), and as long as the mid point of the lower leg (crew length boots). Boots at least longer than crew length would be half boots or higher.,capeA cape is a sleeveless, hood-less outer garment, which drapes the wearer`s back, arms, and chest, and connects at the neck. In contrast to a cloak, a cape leaves the front fairly open whereas a cloak provides more frontal cover. A short cape that only covers just the shoulders is a capelet. A cape or cloak with sleeves is a robe.,cunningA cunning person is characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness; they are generally proficient at several forms of minor deceit such as avoiding providing the truth without resorting to lying, bending the rules by sticking to their letter rather than the spirit, or other similar tricks. This contrasts with a clever person, who has a sharp mind but doesn`t necessarily apply it to surreptitious behaviour.,Italianno description set,perceptiveno description set,thigh bootsThigh boots and over-the-knee boots are boots that either: fully cover and extend above the knees, or partly cover the knees, leaving only the thigh area exposed. Boots that rise up to, but not including, the knee, or slightly thereunder, are kneehigh boots.,wealthySomebody in possesion of wealth, usually a lot of money.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Daiku (大工)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 10
Jijo (侍女)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Jijo (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 12
Jijo (侍女)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Jijo (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8, 11
Jijo (侍女)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10, 12
Juusha (従者)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Kateikyoushi (家庭教師)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10
Kodomo (子供)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5
Kusushi (薬師)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Kyaku (客)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Moto Gibo (元義母)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Moto Koukyuu Shoufu (元高級娼婦)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Musuko (息子)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 7
Musuko (息子)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11
Okami (女将)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
On`na (女)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Otoko (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Otoko (男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-4, 9
Otoko (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Otoko (男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3, 9
Otoko (男)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
Otoko (男)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 6
Oyakata (親方)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Oyakata (親方)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Oyakata (親方)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
Oyakata (親方)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 6
Oyakata (親方)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4, 11
Pan Shokunin (パン職人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Sen`in (船員)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8
Sen`in (船員)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Shisai (司祭)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11
Shiyouin (使用人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 10
Shiyouin (使用人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5
Shiyouin (使用人)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Ten`in (店員)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Tenshu (店主)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
Tenshu (店主)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8, 11
Totei (徒弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 11
Totei (徒弟)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6, 11
Totei (徒弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2, 6, 8, 12
Totei (徒弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
Totei (徒弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 5-6, 11
Totei (徒弟)
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2, 6, 8, 11-12
Totei (徒弟)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 4
Zegen (女衒)
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 6
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 2
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 11-12
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1, 5
voiced by:


CreditNamein EpisodesComment
Original Work (原作)Ookubo Kei『アルテ』(「月刊コミックゼノン」連載/ノース・スターズ・ピクチャーズ)
Original Work Assistance (原作協力)Gekkan Comic Zenon Henshuubu
Hisanaga Kenji
Watanabe Shinnosuke
Direction (監督)Hamana Takayuki
Series Composition (シリーズ構成)Yoshida Reiko
History Research (時代考証)Suzuki Takaaki
Design Research (設定考証)Suzuki Takaaki
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Miyagawa Chieko
Sub Character Design (サブキャラクターデザイン)Miyachi Satoko
Prop Design (プロップデザイン)Iwahata Gouichi
Okado Chikai
Chief Animation Direction (総作画監督)Miyagawa Chieko1-5, ED1, OP1
Music (音楽)Itou Gorou
Music Producer (音楽プロデューサー)Fukuda Masao
Shibata Shigeru
Music Work (音楽制作)Flying Dog
Sound Direction (音響監督)Ebina Yasunori
Sound Work (音響制作)Glovision1-4
Sound Effects (音響効果)Kawata Kiyotaka
Editing (編集)Seki Kazuhiko
Art Direction (美術監督)Scott McDonald1-4
Layout Supervision (LO監修)Masuda Kenji1-5
Art Design (美術設定)Yoshihara Kazusuke
Colour Design (色彩設計)Tate Emiko
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Noshiro Takuya
Animation Producer (アニメーションプロデューサー)Hatanaka Yuusuke
Producer (プロデューサー)Fujii Takahiro
Inamoto Sachiko
Itou Shousei
Kaneko Hirotaka
Miyagi Souji
Nagano Masahiko
Oda Motohiro
Oomori Shinji
Shioiri Souta
Yang GuoXiang
Yoshikawa Atsushi
Associate Producer (アソシエイトプロデューサー)Miyamae Takayuki1-4
Sasaki Shuuta1-4
Yuuki Miku1-4
Planning (企画)Arai Shigeto
Hatta Shinsaku
Horie Nobuhiko
Itou Yukihiro
Kang ZhenMu
Katou Kazuo
Kitazawa Shin`ichirou
Sasaki Shirou
Tajima Hiroyuki
Takechi Tsuneo
Yoshikawa Masako
Yusa Kazuhiko
Planning Assistance (企画協力)Takeuchi Fumie1-4
Animation Work (アニメーション制作)Seven Arcs
Production (製作)アルテ製作委員会
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Yoshida Reiko1-4
Suzuki Takaaki5
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Hamana Takayuki1
Cai Xinya2
Susukida Toshio3, 11
Iwahata Gouichi4
Iwasaki Tomoko5
Sakata OsamuED1
Tadano HitoshiOP1
Episode Direction (演出)Saitou Akihiro1
Cai Xinya2
Kanno Sachiko3
Nanahoshi Kyou4
Abe Motohiro5
Sakata OsamuED1
Tadano HitoshiOP1
Animation Direction (作画監督)Nishida Miyako1
Yajima Yousuke1-2, 4, OP1
Hosoda Saori1, 4
Fujita Masayuki2-3, 5
Hashimoto Takayoshi2-3, 5
Miyachi Satoko3
Ishii Yumiko4-5
Sakata OsamuED1
Hashidate KanaOP1
Assistant Animation Direction (作画監督補佐)Iijima Yurie3
Okazaki Azusa3
Prop Animation Direction (プロップ作画監督)Okado Chikai2-4
Key Animation (原画)Arakawa Rie1
Ikeda Kaori1
Masudate Toshihide1
Minamihara Yoshiko1
Nakamura Motoi1
Sakata Osamu1
Watabe Yuuko1
Yamauchi Aki1
Hashimoto Takayoshi1-2
Iida Hiroyoshi1-3as 飯田宏儀
Iijima Yurie1-4
Nakamoto Kisaki1-2, 5, ED1miscredited as 仲本李咲 in ep 5
Hirahara Minami1-2, ED1, OP1
Takasaki Yuri1, 4
Miyamoto Yukiko1, OP1
Yajima Yousuke1, OP1
Kikuchi Kazuma2
Shigekuni Hiroko2
Takai Kouichi2
Takeda Masao2
Nakajima Tatsuo2-3
Suzuki Takanori2-3
Takematsu Kazuo2-3
Masuda Kenji2-4, OP1
Ishii Yumiko2, 4
Ikeda Azusa2, 5
Sekine Chinami2, OP1
Alberto Kie3
Awai Shigeki3
Iimura Shin`ichi3
Kantou Takeshi3
Kasuga Kumiko3
Kodama Kenji3
Miyachi Satoko3
Muramatsu Hisao3
Tajima Aya3
Hisamatsu Saki3, OP1
Amemiya Hideo4
Hosoda Saori4
Ikeda Tatsuya4
Inakagata Jun`ichi4
Kikugawa Takashi4
Kobayashi Katsutoshi4
Matsui Kyousuke4
Nagai Rina4
Nishibe Motonori4
Nishimichi Takuya4
Noji Kiyoshi4
Sugimoto Michiaki4
Terada Hiroyuki4
Unno Setsuko4
Yoshiyama Yuu4
Kawaguchi Hiroaki4-5
Ju Chang-Hyun5
Kim Young-Kook5
Lee Byung-seok5
Lee Jae-Gyeong5
Sin Min-Seop5as Shin Min-Seop
Sung Soon-Young5
Hagio KeitaOP1
Hamanaka TomokoOP1
Inoue KazutoshiOP1
Kiso YuutaOP1
Kitahara KoudaiOP1
Sakai SatoshiOP1
Satou HirokazuOP1
Tadano HitoshiOP1
2nd Key Animation (第二原画)Animation Planet1
M.S.J. Musashino Seisaku-jo1
Sakura Create1
Yamazaki Kaori1
Nakamura Production1-4
Oohashi Yukie1-4
Alberto Kie1-2, 4
Studio Myu1, 3
浜野卓真1, 4-5
Be Loop1, 5
Anime R2
Snowlight Staff2
Studio Giants2
Studio Gimlet2
SDM2, 4
Ikeda Azusa3
Studio Lings3
White Fox3
Hirahara Minami3-5
Bessho Masanao3, 5
Hattori Natsumi4
Kantou Takeshi4
Kyushu Animation4
Nakamoto Kisaki4
Rising Force4
In-Between Animation Inspection (動画検査)矢部悠真1
阿部開2, 4
Qiu Houyan5
In-Between Animation (動画)Akatsuki1
Animation Planet1
Ekura Animal1
GK Sales1
J&K Corporation1
Kinema Citrus1
M.S.J. Musashino Seisaku-jo1
World Anime Networks1
Grain1, 3
Hosoya Shouhei1, 3
Qiu Houyan1, 3
矢部悠真1, 3
Nan Xi1, 3, 5
Seven Arcs作画課1, 3, 5
林蔚盈1, 3, 5
王句吟1, 3, 5
鈴木萌海1, 3, 5
Fujita Hikaru2, 4
Matsumoto Harui2, 4
Nishiguchi Nanami2, 4
Wish2, 4
Yuki Mina2, 4
大同花苗2, 4
王点2, 4
阿部開2, 4
韓征2, 4
Taikan Anime4
Colour Specification (色指定)音無合歓1
Uemura Takako2, 4
Nishimura Kaoru3
Fukura Soudai5
Finishing/Clean-up Inspection (検査)音無合歓1
Uemura Takako2, 4
Nishimura Kaoru3
Fukura Soudai5
Finishing/Clean-up (仕上げ)Akatsuki1
Asahi Production1
GK Sales1
J&K Corporation1
Kinema Citrus1
M.S.J. Musashino Seisaku-jo1
World Anime Networks1
Fukura Soudai1, 3
TAP1, 3
Grain1, 3, 5
Kouzuma Keisuke1, 3, 5
Nishimura Kaoru1, 3, 5
R.I.C.1, 3, 5
Seven Arcs仕上げ課1, 3, 5
水内歩1, 3, 5
Studio Elle1, 5
Imamoto Kouki2, 4
Okamiya Shiho2, 4
Sasa Manami2, 4
Sutou Kouta2, 4
Terashima Shin`ya2, 4
Umemura Rieko2, 4
Wish2, 4
Yamazaki Kumiko2, 4
張涵錚2, 4
Be Loop4
Studio OM Aomori Works4
In-Between/Finishing Work Assistance (動画仕上げ制作協力)Egusa Daiki2, 4wish
Art (美術)Studio Tulip
Art Assistant (美術補佐)Negishi Daisuke1-2, 4
Background Art (背景)Hosoi Tomoyasu1
Gao Qingqing1-4
Habu Ayako1-4
Harabe Mikio1-4
Hayashi Yuuka1-4as 林佑歌
He Rong1-4
Hiraoka Reiya1-4
Hosoda Maika1-4
Ido Chihiro1-4
Ishigaki Miyuki1-4
Kama Masahiro1-4
Kanzaki Aoi1-4
Kobayashi Ryou1-4
Kubo Chihiro1-4
Kudou Yoshitaka1-4
Li XiaoMiao1-4
Matsuzawa Kazuki1-4
Nagata Ami1-4
Nishina Chiari1-4
Ooya Naoki1-4
Segawa Takehiko1-4
Suzuki Daisuke1-4
Taniguchi Fumiya1-4
Toukai Daisuke1-4
Toyosaki Yuuta1-4
Wang Lu1-4
Yang Zechen1-4
Studio Tulip1-4, ED1, OP1
Ashino Yukiko1, 3-4
Katou Manabu1, 3-4
Wei Siman2
Negishi Daisuke3-4
Background Art Assistance (背景協力)Demura Mina1-4
Mukumoto Yuri1-4
Satou Hitomi1-4
Somprasong Vignarath1-4
Sugawara Azusa1-4
Wang Bao-Chong3-4
Special Effects (特殊効果)Fukuda Naomasa1-4
Photography (撮影)Matsunaga Yuuko1-4
Morisato Mayumi1-4
Noshiro Takuya1-4
Okita Eiichi1-4
Sasaki Taketo1-4
Seven Arcs撮影課1-4
Gotou Mami1-4, OP1
Enomoto MegumiED1
2D Works (2Dワークス)Morisato Mayumi1-4
Logo Design (ロゴデザイン)Takeuchi Ryousuke1-4crazy force
Editing Assistant (編集協力)Seki Henshuushitsu1-4
Online Editing (オンライン編集)Imagica Lab.1-4
Sano Tomomasa1-4
Yasuda Ayato1-4
Online Editing Desk (オンライン編集デスク)大野和正1-4
Offline Editing (オフライン編集)Seven Arcs Henshuushitsu1-4
Sound Work Manager (音響制作担当)Kishida Naoki1-4
Italian Translation Assistance (イタリア語翻訳協力)Enrico Croce1-4
Recording Assistant (録音助手)藤田寛大1-4
Recording Adjustment (録音調整)Higashida Naoko1-4
Recording Studio (録音スタジオ)Glovision1-4
Web Manager (公式サイト)Over Drive Design1-4
Publicity Producer (宣伝プロデューサー)Nakayama Hideki1-4Waku Work (ワクワーク)
Publicity Assistance (宣伝協力)Suzuki Yuusuke1-4
Yamashita Kou1-4
Domestic Licence (国内ライセンス)Ariyoshi Atsushi1-4
Overseas Licence (海外ライセンス)Gao Huiling1-4
PV Work (PV制作)古屋則巻1-4
Design Manager (設定制作)齋藤七海1-4
Production Desk (制作デスク)宮本勇希1-4
Production Desk Assistant (制作デスク補佐)松本忠成1-4
Assistant Production Manager (制作進行)Igarashi Tatsuya1
Motoda Tsuyoshi3
Ootsu Keisuke4
Assistant Manager (制作進行補佐)田中嶺2
Distribution (配信)Amano Toshihiko1-4

Group status

show alladd new release
Last UpdateNameStateNEpisodesHESPLanguagesSourceRatingCmts
21.12.2024samaritan [sam]completeN
17.08.2024Good Job! Alexiscomplete
120jaenptBlu-ray, wwwN/A(1)0
29.01.2023DB [DB]complete
122jaenenBlu-ray, wwwN/A(0)0
120japt-BRBlu-ray, HDTVN/A(0)0
27.06.2020FreeForAll [FFA]complete
no groupcompletefinishedongoingstalleddroppedspecials onlyall


EPTitleDurationAir DateAction

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