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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999)

Anime: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999)

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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999)
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Main TitleGinga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999)(a1311)
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TypeOVA,28 episodes
Year24.12.1999 until21.07.2000
SeasonWinter 1999/00
TagsactionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting.,conspiracyThe conspiracy thriller (or paranoid thriller) is a sub-genre of the thriller which flourished in the 1970s in the US (and was echoed in other parts of the world) in the wake of a number of high-profile scandals and controversies (most notably Vietnam, the assassination of President Kennedy, Chappaquiddick and Watergate), and which exposed what many people regarded as the clandestine machinations and conspiracies beneath the orderly fabric of political life.The protagonists of conspiracy thrillers are often journalists or amateur investigators who find themselves (often inadvertently) pulling on a small thread which unravels a vast conspiracy that ultimately goes "all the way to the top".,militaryThe military, also known as the armed forces, are forces authorized and legally entitled to use deadly force so as to support the interests of the state and its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens and the prosecution of war against foreign powers. The military may also have additional functions within a society, including construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding critical areas.,novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels.,science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from.,seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.,space travelSpace Travel usually refers going to space or travelling there with or without a spacecraft. There are different forms of space travel like Interplanetary travel, Interstellar travel or Intergalactic travel. Since it isn`t possible to travel faster than light, most anime series involve some sort "sub-space travel mechanism" as a way to travel faster than light.,violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt. -[similar]
Review Rating8.41(2)
Added byhidden on2004-01-14 14:17
Edited byhidden on2020-06-24 15:36
Main TitleGinga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden (1999)(a1311)
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SynonymGinga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Rasen Meikyuu, Legend of Galactic Heroes: Spiral Labyrinth, LoGH: Spiral Labyrinth, 銀河英雄伝説外伝 螺旋迷宮, 銀河英雄伝説外伝第2期
Shortged ova 2, logh gaiden 2, logh ova 2
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A collection of independent short stories taking place prior to theOverture to a New War, some of which are adapted from the novel and some of which are completely original.

Spiral Labyrinth (1-14)
After becoming the hero of El Facile, Yang Wen-Li is tasked with the investigation of the death of legendary,Bruce Ashbey in the 2nd Tiamat Battle, as the rumors about his possible assassination spread. On his investigation, he comes across corruption...

The Rebel (15-18)
Reinhard and Kircheis found them serving on board of a damaged vessel trapped behind the enemy lines with the unconscious captain. When the command is assumed by a first officer whose tactics are suicidal, Reinhard is left with no other choice but to incite a mutiny.

The Duel (19-22)
In the Empire disputes between the nobility are resolved with duels, as it happens one ofAnnerose's friend's mining rights are under dispute by a powerful family and is to be resolved by a duel. Reinhard volunteers to be the champion, meanwhile, an assassin is dispatched after him.

The Retaker (23-26)
A defector is on his way to Heinessen, if this man reaches his destination the Alliance is going to receive a technological advantage. Therefore, Captain Reinhard is dispatched to penetrate deep into the enemy territory with just a single cruiser and intercept the defector before he reaches his destination.

The Third Tiamat Battle (27-28)
To celebrate the 30th year ofFriedrich IV's reign, the Empire launches another attack on the Alliance. Unfortunately for the Empire, the Alliance forces are led by a pioneer, Willem Holland. As a mere vice-admiral, Reinhard is forced to observe the incompetence of the Empire once more and pressed into getting creative in order to save the day.


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Running Time

approx. 14h


1278 (50.3%)


118 (4.6%)

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1134 (44.6%)


11 (0.4%)
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden
OVA, 1998, 24 eps,9.02(895),8.04(902)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa
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Movie, 1992, 1 ep,4.88(795),6.26(800)

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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
OVA, 1988-1997, 110 eps,9.72(3657),8.77(3789)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Aratanaru Tatakai no Overture
Movie, 1993, 1 ep,8.96(1290),8.02(1298)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (2019)
Movie, 2019, 3 eps,8.81(501),7.94(505)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Gekitotsu
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Waga Yuku wa Hoshi no Taikai
Movie, 1988, 1 ep,8.61(1593),7.85(1599)
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recommended by 5 users - 1 for fans - 1 recommended - 3 must see

for fans
byNarim on2012-07-24 16:43
Another short arc stories about LoGH main heroes. You will learn their important moments from history and how they met their future friends, allies and enemies. Still I consider both season chronologically confusing.
byBeard999 on2012-01-16 07:10
This series is mostly for LOGH fans, but can be enjoyable to those who enjoy short story-archs.


Spiral Labyrinth is the last release related to Legend of the Galactic heroes, and, like the first prequel gaiden series ('A hundred Billion Lights; Hundred Billion stars'), is made up of various story arcs that flesh out the background of the main characters and some supporting characters of the main series as well.

These ‘side stories’ were conceived in both written and anime form after the main series, and they contain a significant amount of foreshadowing and allusions to future events and important characters from the main series that are only named or shown in passing. These references would likely not be appreciated by those who haven’t seen or don’t like the main series. Hence the two prequel series’ should be treated as exactly what they intend to be: A ‘side story’ collection, not unlike some of the ‘specials’ that get bundled with anime DVD’s these days. Except that there’s no filler here, and we get to witness stuff direct from the source material. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that these two prequel Series should be watched after the main series, and this review is aimed at those who have already seen the main series.

Just like the first gaiden, Spiral labyrinth takes up a relaxed pace with a tone that is quite different from the main series’ tension filled drama. It doesn’t have the epic space fights or the massive story or character exposition of the main series. Instead, it presents the highlights of the past lives (mainly the military career) of the series’ main characters i.e Reinhard, Kircheies and Yang wenli. It is quite interesting to see what kind of (shitty) assignments (and misadventures) these future legends had to put up with when they were on the lower end of the military ladder. The lack of an overarching story would normally be worrisome; but the writer(s) takes good advantage of the story arc format, and the result is a commendable variety of stories which differ from each other in nature and theme, and helps keep things fresh.

Since the two prequel Gaidens were released from 1998-2000, the quality of animation is much better than in the main series. The colors are much stronger, the drawing more firm and overall the animation is more vivid. Like the main OVA, the series uses classical music and it fits perfectly well with the scenes. The infamous narrator is back again, except he doesn’t seem too keen on spoiling the story this time around (there’s not much to spoil anyway, as suspense level is much lower for the most part). The Seiyuu cast is the same, except for Kei Tomiyama, who did a perfect job as Yang wenli in the original 110 ep OVA. Due to his death by Pancreatic cancer in 1995, his role in the LOTGH franchise as Yang Wenli was taken over by Hozumi Gouda (hunter x hunter, D-gray man), who doesn’t sound as natural as Kei did in the role, but he makes for a perfect replacement.

The first half is entirely dedicated to Yang who, starting from his humble beginning as the son of a merchant ship Captain who dies in an accident on duty, is dragged into a military career by a strange twist of fate, and is then shot to fame when he saves the population of the planet ‘El Facile’ from an enemy invasion. All this we are told in the main series, but the first two episodes of SL cover the early part of Yangs life in a bit more detail.

His next assignment after El facile is a secret investigation into the death of a famous Free Planet Alliances war hero, ‘Bruce Ashby’, who supposedly died in an accident after winning the second battle of Tiamat. This investigation then takes up the better part of the next 11 or so episodes, during which we see Yang researching history, meeting historical figures, getting posted at a remote POW camp where he meets Patorichev for the first time, and comes across an old history obsessed ex-imperial soldier-turned-POW. As interesting the focus on Yang is, the long arc starts to drag towards the end. Despite that slight hiccup, the cameos on the FPA side are quite interesting. We get to see a much younger Bucock as a Turret operator. Yang’s interaction with Czellnu and Dusty Attenborough never fails to lighten up. The strict and principled Murai also makes an appearance towards the end of the arc to lend Yang a hand out of a tight situation. Overall the arc is interesting and enjoyable thanks mainly due to the history lesson and the solid cameo roles, although the plot itself starts to stagnate towards the end.

The best and the worst part of the series is in the second half; Focusing entirely on Reinhard and his trusty companion Kircheis, the last 14 eps are divided into 4 arcs, each with a unique story. Thus, we have an excellent 4 ep ‘Mutineer’ arc, which places Reinhard and Kircheis in a ship trying to save it from enemies without, while facing an internal discord within its ranks (complete with an epic Lotgh-esque death scene); the somewhat dull ‘duelist’ arc in which Reinhard faces off his would be assassin in a duel is the only blot-mark on the OVA; another 4 ep long masterpiece ‘Retriever’ sees the duo deep in enemy territory on an espionage mission as Reinhard commands a battleship officially for the first time; and finally the 2 ep long ‘third battle of Tiamat which is surprisingly the only arc with a proper lotgh-esque space battle.

While the ‘duelist’ is somewhat underwhelming (although mildly interesting), the ‘Mutineer’ and ‘Retriever’ are so good that they easily come close to the quality of some of the better episodes from the main series. These arcs also add details to LOTGH-verse, as we find out the origin of the zephyr particles, and how Reinhard gets his flagship Brunhilde. There are also some references to characters such as Merkatz; a small (random) cameo by lutz, and a somewhat larger one by Wahlen.

Overall, Spiral Labyrinth is slightly better than the first Gaiden due to a more consistent quality, a better variety of story arcs and a stronger role by Yang wenli. Definitely a must watch for LOTGH fans.
Critic’s Log - Earthdate: August 14, 2013. Review #54: Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden (Season 2)

Space, The Final Frontier. This is a story of the ones that would eventually become Heroes. This is a grand epic that is being told within 110 Episodes in the Main Series, 3 Movies, and 52 Episodes in backstory. Every saga has a beginning and every saga has a conclusion. A lot has been told in this saga and it is time for me to end this voyage with Season 2 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden.

Yang becomes the Hero of El Facil and is given a research investigation of some delicacy, after that story is told, we go more into the backstory of Reinhard. It involves Reinhard's first assignment to a ship at Iserlohn, then Reinhard deals with a formal duel among the politics of the nobles, It also tells Reinhard's secret mission into Free Planet territory, and the Third Tiamat Battle, wherein Reinhard earns a rank at the age of 19.

To be technical, this is a Artland production as well as a J.C. Staff production. This is the only entry in the franchise that has a different studio working on it alongside Artland. But I can honestly say that the animation is a huge step down in quality. I remembered that the first season of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden looking really good as well as the Main Series’ third and fourth season looking fantastic. What happened? Why does this last entry stick out like a sore thumb? It’s a real damn shame too because this is the last entry in the franchise. Look on the bright side, at least it’s not like Golden Wings. Honestly, I don’t like how the animation moves and it looks cheaply made. The animation is my biggest problem in this last entry. But does this show still hold up? I’ll get more into that.

When it comes to voice acting, Hozumi Goda plays a convincing role as Yang Wenli even though Kei Tomiyama could not play the role because he passed away before he could’ve been able to reprise the role. He was a good replacement and even though he’s not pitch-perfect. He still plays the part well. Ryo Horikawa (what can I say?) is terrific as always as Reinhard. Masashi Hironaka is also great as Kircheis (as always). The cast isn’t as big as the Main Series but the voice acting is mostly great.

When it comes to music, the usage of classical music has always been elegant throughout the franchise (with the exception of GOLDEN WINGS since that was an original composition of music) The music is used well in this season as well and this series knows how to make Classical Music used epically.

When it comes to characters. We finally get a good chunk of Yang Wenli’s backstory and Yang is still a pretty good character throughout the story, but I could say that I think he is extremely likable in the Main Series, but his past was nice to see too. Reinhard is still interesting in this show and Kircheis gets more screentime in this second season of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden. There are some characters that do stand out but not all the characters are perfectly written in this series. I do wish Yang was given as much screentime as Reinhard did in the first Gaiden season, but he’s only in about half the season and one moment in the second to last episode of this Gaiden season. Reinhard grabs more screentime than Yang does in this prequel series, so there is not much of a balance when it comes to the prequels. Which raises this question. Does the Second Gaiden season hold up?

Well... In animation, it does not. It is such a damn shame because the production value for character design and ship designs were spectacular in the Main Series as well as the first Gaiden season. This last entry took a huge step down regarding this. The character designs are not as terrible as you would think but it looks very different. But look on the bright side, the Character designs are nowhere as bad as the Golden Wings movie. The ship designs are quite possibly the worst in the series when it comes to the Second Gaiden season. This is all to blame on the animation itself. There are space battles that would have been epic to this show, but the feel and atmosphere is lacking this time because of the animation and visuals. In terms of story. It’s still handled well. The first story arc in the Second Gaiden Season is Spiral Labyrinth. This arc tells of Yang Wenli’s backstory and it’s interesting for the most part. It is slow at times but it’s acceptable. The second story arc is The Mutineer and this was a fantastic short story and definitely worth seeing. It’s a worthy addition. The Duellist is the third story arc and it was a promising arc but it could have been better. It’s a decent arc though. The fourth story arc is The Retriever and that was another pretty good one and another worthy addition to the series. The last story arc is The Third Battle of Tiamat. It is only 2 episodes long and we get the good old Space Battle that Legend of the Galactic Heroes tends to get at times. It ends nicely and ties in with the Main Series just fine even though the animation is not that good in this entry of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

2000 was the year that this franchise came to a close and it has been 25 years since this massive Space Opera anime began. I have seen the entire voyage and this series has been extremely overwhelming. Since I reside in the United States, it is very unfortunate that this anime was never brought into the U.S. still to this day. I think this is a series that Sci-fi buffs should really look into. However, as far as the anime fandom is concerned. This is an anime for acquired taste. This isn’t necessarily an anime that is required viewing. It is a massive series and it was one of the hardest series for me to sit through and talk about. I may have some criticisms such as... The narrator brutally hinting a big plot twist in the Main Series’ Third Season. But despite my nitpicking, I will give the show credit where it is due. There was a massive and exhaustive amount of effort put into this show. This was an anime adaptation of a novel series which was pretty rare back then since animes are usually adapting from Mangas. This is a faithful adaptation of Yoshiki Tanaka’s novel series and Noboru Ishiguro deserves to rest in peace knowing he made this massive Space Opera anime. This voyage had an incredible, massive scope and cast that truly makes it A Grand Epic.

Season 2 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden has not been licensed, the only way to experience this series is to watch it online. Look it up at your own leisure.

With all that said, Season 2 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden is a huge step-down in terms of animation quality, but the short stories are still written well enough that it’s still worth watching. This may not be the best entry in this massive franchise and it doesn’t necessarily have to be. However, it’s still a decent viewing for fans of Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

I give Season 2 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden an 8.1 out of 10. It is VERY GOOD!

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Now that I have witnessed the entire voyage. I would like to propose a toast.

I declare that I am retiring this series and shall leave it up to you to witness this voyage for yourself. Raise up your glass and celebrate with me and continue to watch more anime if your heart desires.

Prosit! (Translation note: “Prosit” is German for “Cheers”)

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abilitiesAbilities are skills or competences that have applicability in some sort of activity.

chess(1)Chess is a game for two players. It is played on a square board, made of 64 smaller squares, with eight squares on each side. Each player starts with sixteen pieces (eight pawns, two each of knights, bishops, and rooks, and one king and queen). One player`s pieces are a light color, he is called "White", and the other player`s pieces are a dark color, he is called "Black".clever(1)A clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.dancing(1)Dance is when people move their body to music. There are many kinds of dance, like ballet or waltz. Dancing can be done for fun but can be also an art.genius(2)A genius is someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill, normally to a degree associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight, and especially when demonstrated through a creative or original work in a field of human knowledge. Such ability is well beyond the realm of an ordinarily clever person, who instead applies a sharp mind to mundane levels of skill.gun marksmanship(3)A person who is both skilled at firing a gun and accurately hitting what they are aiming at.martial arts(1)Various sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo.playing guitar(1)The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that usually has six strings. The sound is projected either acoustically, using a hollow wooden or plastic and wood box (for an acoustic guitar), or through electrical amplifier and a speaker (for an electric guitar). It is typically played by strumming or plucking the strings with the fingers, thumb or fingernails of the right hand or with a pick while fretting (or pressing against the frets) the strings with the fingers of the left hand.playing trumpet(1)The trumpet is a musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments, dating back to at least 1500 BCE. They are constructed of brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape, and are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the trumpet.skiing(1)Sport or recreation, involving traveling over snow on skis.strategist(3)A strategist is a person who can formulate and implement a strategy, or a high-level plan to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty and through the available, limited means. Similarly, lower-level plan formulation and execution is generally the job of a tactician. For practical purposes, the scale and scope difference between strategy and tactics are ignored in this tag.

accessoriesAccessories are objects characters use or sometimes simply carry around.

cane(1)A cane (also known as walking stick, trekking pole, pilgrim`s staff, hiking pole or hiking stick) is a device used by people to facilitate balancing while walking. Some kinds of canes may be used by people with disabilities as a crutch.darts(1)no description setflintlock pistol(3)Flintlock is a general term for any firearm that uses a flint striking ignition mechanism.folding fan(1)A folding fan is a portable cooling device. It is easy to carry around folded up, and it can be snapped open in an instant to generate a breeze. The folding fan was invented in Japan around the 6th to 8th century. In the 17th century the folding fan, introduced from East Asia, became popular in Europe. These fans are particularly well displayed in the portraits of the high-born women of the era.laser blaster(5)no description setmonocle(1)A single eyepiece, associated primarily with upper class elders but may also be used by professional appraisers or experts of a precision craft.prosthesis(1)A prosthesis (prosthetic) (from Ancient Greek πρόσθεσις, "addition, application, attachment") is a device that replaces a missing body part.stethoscope(1)The stethoscope is an acoustic medical device for listening to the internal sounds of an animal body. It is often used to listen to lung and heart sounds.sword(1)A sword is a long, edged piece of metal, used as a cutting, thrusting, and clubbing weapon in many civilizations throughout the world. It fundamentally consists of a blade and a hilt, typically with one or two edges for striking and cutting, and a point for thrusting.teddy bear(1)A teddy bear is a stuffed toy. This tag is intended to be applied to characters who own teddy bears as toys/accessories, and especially to those that carry such toys around with them. A teddy bear that happens to be a character in a show, in and of itself, should be tagged sentient teddy bear instead.

clothingClothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body.

business suit(4)The business suit is a traditional Western-style business attire. For men, this usually consists of a jacket, worn over a collared shirt, with a matching pair of trousers and optional waistcoat vest. For women, this would usually be a jacket, worn over a blouse, with a matching skirt (commonly a pencil skirt) or trousers. Not to be confused with a blazer or sport coat.cape(2)A cape is a sleeveless, hood-less outer garment, which drapes the wearer`s back, arms, and chest, and connects at the neck. In contrast to a cloak, a cape leaves the front fairly open whereas a cloak provides more frontal cover. A short cape that only covers just the shoulders is a capelet. A cape or cloak with sleeves is a robe.lab coat(1)A laboratory coat, also called white coat and often abbreviated to lab coat, is a knee-length overcoat/smock worn by professionals in the medical field or by those involved in laboratory work. The coat protects their street clothes and also serves as a simple uniform. The garment is made from white or light-coloured cotton, linen, or cotton polyester blend, allowing it to be washed at high temperature and making it easy to see whether it is clean.military uniform(57)A type of outfit worn by military personnel. May also cover armours as long as they are standardised among the troops (e.g. army of ancient Rome).Military uniforms can be either ceremonial or practical (utilitarian).

fashion accessoriesno description set

ascot tie(3)An ascot tie, or ascot, is a narrow neckband with wide pointed wings. This wide, formal tie is usually patterned, folded over, and fastened with a stickpin or tie clip.A cravat is a scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie which spreads over the chest. The visible part is often made of lace and/or ruffles.beret(21)A beret is a soft, round, flat-crowned hat, usually of woven, hand-knitted wool, crocheted cotton, wool felt, or acrylic fibre.bow tie(1)The bow tie is a type of tie that consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops. Unlike ribbon ties, bow ties do not have visible loose ends.earring(3)An earring is a piece of jewellery attached to the ear via a piercing in the earlobe or another external part of the ear (except in the case of clip earrings, which clip onto the lobe). Earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations in different times.epaulette(1)An epaulette is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and other organizations.evening gloves(1)Evening gloves or opera gloves are formal female gloves that reach beyond the elbow. Formal gloves are typically worn with formal attire for fashion purposes; they generally serve no functional purpose. They are not to be confused with elbow gloves, formal female gloves that reach until but not past the elbow.fascinator(1)A fascinator is a formal headpiece for women, a style of millinery, originally of lightweight knitted fabric. Since the 1990s the term refers to a type of formal headwear worn as an alternative to the hat; it is usually a large decorative design attached to a band or clip, sometimes incorporating a base to resemble a hat, in which case it may be called a hatinator.gloves(1)A glove is a garment covering the whole ribbon(1)Hair ribbons are ribbons used both as hair decorations and as hair ties. Hair ribbons are often tied into bows. They may also be present as part of a hairband. In older anthropomorphic series, where the gender of characters was sometimes hard to tell at first glance, ribbon bows were used to indicate a female character.necklace(3)no description setnecktie(2)The necktie (or tie) is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat.tiara(1)no description settricorne(1)The tricorne is a style of hat that was popular during the 18th century. At the peak of its popularity, the tricorne varied greatly in style and size, and was worn not only by the aristocracy, but also as common civilian dress, and as part of military and naval uniforms. It quickly declined in use at the end of the 18th century, eventually evolving into the bicorne. In popular culture, both tricornes and bicornes are commonly associated with pirates.

looksThe looks are a person`s physical appearance. They are commonly used to describe people. Specific parts of one`s looks are most often referred to when especially pleasing or attractive, and sometimes also when particularly jarring.

bald(1)A bald person is someone, most often a male, who does not have any hair on their head. If there`s still hair remaining on the sides or rear of the head, then that person is not yet bald, but balding. This does not include facial hair; a bald person may still have a beard, moustache, or eyebrows.balding(1)A balding person is someone, most often a male, who has begun to permanently lose their hair, usually starting by the front and top of their head and before spreading to the sides and/or rear. If there`s no longer any hair at all, then the person is not balding, but bald.beard(3)A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks, and neck of human eyes(3)This character has black eyes.(This does not refer to the injury called a black eye)black hair(11)The character has black eyes(21)This character has blue-colored hair(1)The character has blue hair.braids(1)Braids is a style of hair in which the hair is interweaved into locks. Braids can be displayed in various styles, such as twin braid tails or a braided hair hairband.brown eyes(28)The character has brown eyes.brown hair(28)The character has brown hair.crew cut(1)Hairdo buzzed/clipped/trimmed close to the scalp.curly hair(5)This character has locks of hair that grow in a curved, rather than straight, direction.cyan eyes(1)This character has cyan color eyes.cyan hair(1)This character has cyan (greenish-blue) hair.dark skin(3)Dark skin is a naturally occurring human skin color that is rich in melanin pigments and having a dark color.fair skin(14)Fair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".fat(1)This character is in a medical condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.freckles(1)Small brownish spots in the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight.goatee(3)A goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle eyes(11)The character has green hair(1)The character has green hair.grey eyes(11)This character has grey-coloured eyes.grey hair(18)Of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.Refers to hair that is this color.grey hair highlights(1)no description setlong hair(9)Long hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.moustache(20)A moustache is facial hair grown on the upper hair(2)The character has orange hair.ponytail(3)A ponytail is a hairstyle in which most or all of the hair on the head is gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie, clip or similar device, and allowed to hang freely from that hair(5)The character has red hair.scars(1)A scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.short hair(61)Short hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.shoulder-length hair(3)Shoulder-length hair is hair at shoulder length, within a few centimetres margin. This hair length is longer than what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length. Typical male hair at the back of the head which reaches the shoulders does not count as shoulder-length hair; the individual hair strands are very short (0-4 cm), and therefore count as short hair.sideburns(4)Sideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.tanned(1)The brown colour produced by the skin after intensive exposure to ultraviolet rays, especially those of the sun.thick lips(1)no description setwhite hair(1)The character has pure white hair.yellow eyes(2)This character has yellow eyes.yellow hair(16)The character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.

nationalityPlease refer to guidance on the Wiki on adding nationality tags (see link in tag description).

roleno description set

activist(1)An activist is someone who engages in efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change, or stasis, generally with the goal of making improvements in society and correcting social injustice.aide-de-camp(6)An aide-de-camp, French expression literally meaning "helper in the field (i.e. field of battle)", is a personal assistant or secretary to a person of high rank, usually a senior military, police, or government officer, a member of a royal family, or a head of state.aristocrat(10)An aristocrat or noble is a member of the aristocracy or nobility, an upper class in feudal societies. Nobles may or may not hold any specific nobility title. For simplicity`s sake, royalty should also be considered nobility.assassin(1)An assassin is a professional murderer; it is their job or profession to be hired to kill people. When events like one-off murders appear, they should be tagged on anime level. Only professional killers will be tagged with assassin tag. Assassins are often hireable to take out hits (or targets) designated by a client (or temporary employer) for a predetermined fee. Not all assassins work solo and may have a partner or even a team of more than two members.baron(2)A baron is a noble, generally being the lowest or second lowest rank among nobility, thus being immediately or next to immediately above chivalric ranks.bureaucrat(1)A bureaucrat is a member of a bureaucracy and can comprise the administration of any organization of any size, though the term usually connotes someone within an institution of a government or corporation. Bureaucrat jobs were often "desk jobs" (the French for "desk" being bureau, though bureau can also be translated as "office"), though the modern bureaucrat may be found "in the field" as well as in an office.captain -- TO BE SPLIT AND DELETED(1)This tag is set to be split. Please apply more appropriate tags to the tagged characters and then delete it from them. Possible replacements include, but are not limited to: vessel captain, knight order commander, mercenary captain, junior officer (for the army rank), senior officer (for the navy rank), among others. If none of these seem to apply, please remove the tag from the character and specify the details of the case in the creq message. Thank you.count(1)no description setengineer(3)no description setflag officer(37)A flag officer is a member of the upper echelons of a military force, ranking above all other members and directly above senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered flag officers.headteacher(1)A headteacher is the most senior teacher in a school and the head of its staff, thus being the member most directly responsible for its management and administration.homemaker(1)A homemaker is a person, generally married, who stays at home and is in charge of the home and the children, normally not having a job at all or at most having a part-time job. In many societies, women are far more prone to be homemakers than men; a female homemaker is commonly called a housewife.intelligence officer(3)An intelligence officer is a person employed by an organization to collect, compile and/or analyze information (known as intelligence) which is of use to that organization. Organizations which employ intelligence officers include armed forces, police, corporations, civilian intelligence agencies and customs agencies.journalist(1)A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. A journalist`s work is called journalism. A journalist can work with general issues or specialize in certain issues. A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information in order to present in sources, conduct interviews, engage in research, and make reports. Reporters may split their time between working in a newsroom and going out to witness events.junior enlisted(3)no description setjunior officer(15)A junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.marquess(1)A marquess, also spelled marquis and alternatively called margrave and landgrave, is a nobleman who holds a marquessate. The rank of marquess is above that of earl and below that of duke. A noblewoman holding the same rank, or the wife of such a nobleman, is a marchioness or marquise.military police member(1)A military police member is a soldier affiliated with a military police, a law enforcement agency belonging to the military of a state. Military police powers change according to country, generally including exclusive police power in military zones and concurrent or exclusive police power against criminal activity by military personnel. Military police personnel usually display that status prominently displayed on the helmet and/or on an armband, brassard, or arm or shoulder flash.physician(3)A physician is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. While physicians are usually referred to as doctors, a physician may or may not be the holder of a doctorate and the two should not be confused.physicist(1)A physicist is a scientist who specializes in physics research.politician(1)no description setprincess(1)no description setprison warden(1)The prison warden is the official who supervises all the operations within the prison and are responsible for the prison`s security, the performance of staff of the prison (including prison officers, prison doctors, janitors, cooks and others), the management of its funds, the maintenance of its facilities and the welfare of its inmates. In practice, the day-to-day management of security is typically delegated to the head of security, who will be an assistant or subordinate of the warden.prisoner(2)A character who is deprived of liberty and kept under involuntary restraint, confinement, or custody.public relations manager(1)no description setsculptor(1)A person who creates three-dimensional artwork by shaping or combining hard materials by removal (such as carving), assembling (such as welding), or hardening (such as firing or molding).senior enlisted(3)no description setsenior officer(11)A senior officer is a member of the middle echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above junior officers and below flag officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered senior officers.soldier(35)no description setstudent(1)A student or pupil is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. The may be understood to mean only those enrolled in some sort of educational institution, but, in its widest use, it applies to anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university, or younger researchers or artists learning from a more experienced colleague and mentor.swordsman(1)no description setvessel captain(2)A vessel captain is the officer in charge of commanding it. This applies to civilian vessels, such as merchant ships and airliners, and to military vessels. They may not necessarily be the seniormost officer aboard; for example, admirals are generally not the captains of their own flagships. Captains of military vessels do not necessarily hold the exact military rank of captain, when such a rank exists.viscount(2)no description setwidow(1)A widow is a woman whose spouse has died, and a widower is a man whose spouse has died.

traitsTraits are characteristics, habits, or trends that can be associated to and may be used to identify individuals.

adolescent(3)An adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.allergy(1)Allergies are a hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity. Typically the allergies manifest themselves at critical plot junctures either to weaken a character, give away their secret location, enhance a character`s moe attributes, or keep characters at a distance. Common allergies are to cats, or the physical environment which the main character is confined to.Anti-allergy medications do not exist in these situations and are never used.allergy to alcohol(1)Allergy to alcohol is a rare but potentially severe condition that can cause allergic reactions, from itchiness on the skin to life-threatening anaphylaxis, following the contact with and especially the ingestion of alcohol. This is different from alcohol intolerance, which is a digestive inability or reduced ability to process alcohol. Both are also different from what is commonly known as having a low alcohol tolerance, which is also popularly stated as "being unable to hold one`s liquor".altruistic(1)Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic).ambitious(1)having a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc.aries(1)Aries (♈) is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac.Duration: 20 March – 20 Aprilarrogant(2)Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one`s own importance or abilities.brooding(1)A brooding person tends to dwell upon matters moodily and at length, mainly alone.calm(1)Free from excitement or passion.carefree(1)A carefree person is free of worries, cares or concerns. This does not necessarily imply that they have no responsibilities or are negligent towards them; they are simply able to live out their lives in tranquility regardless of what happens.catchphrase(1)A catchphrase is a sound, word or phrase commonly used by a person. That may be simply out of habit, or in an attempt to deliver some form of image, like that of cuteness. In fiction, characters often use catchphrases as a way to deliver specific personality traits.charismatic(1)Charisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.child(2)A child is any person 3 to 12 years old. In everyday usage, babies (younger than 3 years old) are also children, but they are tagged separately; they should not be tagged child as well. Once a person becomes 13, they are an adolescent instead.corrupt(2)The character is spiritually or morally impure and may accept payment or other benefits for services or material which the recipient is not due, under law.cowardly(1)Cowardice is a trait wherein excessive fear prevents an individual from taking a risk or facing danger. It is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge. One who succumbs to cowardice is known as a coward.dense(1)This character is slow at picking up obvious things/hints. Usually requires direct and simple/plain talk to pick those things/hints up.elderly(4)An elderly person is someone that is older than "middle-aged". For humans, this generally covers anyone age 65 and older.honest(1)The character tries whenever able to communicate in truthful manner. Also, they may not be able to hide their emotions and/or thoughts easily.kind(2)Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.megalomaniac(1)Megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, and omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem.middle aged(16)Someone is generally considered middle aged if they are between 40 to 65 years old.ojou-sama laugh(1)A type of haughty laughter typical of rich young girls, as well as older rich women. Generally sounds like a high-pitched "OHOHOHOHOHOHO".pacifist(1)A person with this trait despises war and violence.philanderer(1)A man who often engages in love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude.physically strong(1)In comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.precocious(1)Exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age, especially in mental aptitude.thoughtful(1)no description setyareyare-kei(1)no description setyoung adult(28)Someone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
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main character
Reinhard von Musel
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15-28
16-20, male,8.94(21),adolescentAn adolescent (teenager) is 13 to 19 years old.,aristocratAn aristocrat or noble is a member of the aristocracy or nobility, an upper class in feudal societies. Nobles may or may not hold any specific nobility title. For simplicity`s sake, royalty should also be considered nobility.,broodingA brooding person tends to dwell upon matters moodily and at length, mainly alone.,charismaticCharisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,flag officerA flag officer is a member of the upper echelons of a military force, ranking above all other members and directly above senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered flag officers.,flintlock pistolFlintlock is a general term for any firearm that uses a flint striking ignition mechanism.,junior officerA junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.,vessel captainA vessel captain is the officer in charge of commanding it. This applies to civilian vessels, such as merchant ships and airliners, and to military vessels. They may not necessarily be the seniormost officer aboard; for example, admirals are generally not the captains of their own flagships. Captains of military vessels do not necessarily hold the exact military rank of captain, when such a rank exists.
voiced by:
Siegfried Kircheis
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15-28
16-21, male,8.93(40),blue eyesThis character has blue-colored eyes.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,gun marksmanshipA person who is both skilled at firing a gun and accurately hitting what they are aiming at.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,kindHaving or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.,military uniformA type of outfit worn by military personnel. May also cover armours as long as they are standardised among the troops (e.g. army of ancient Rome).Military uniforms can be either ceremonial or practical (utilitarian).,red hairThe character has red hair.
Yang Wenli
episode appearanceappears in ep: 1-4, 6-14, 27
28-33, male,9.39(217),blue hairThe character has blue hair.,catchphraseA catchphrase is a sound, word or phrase commonly used by a person. That may be simply out of habit, or in an attempt to deliver some form of image, like that of cuteness. In fiction, characters often use catchphrases as a way to deliver specific personality traits.,cleverA clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to long-reaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever side. Unlike a genius, the clever person may be skilled, but only mundanely so, and in contrast to a cunning person, a clever person is not characterized by being sly or apt at surreptitiousness.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,kindHaving or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.,strategistA strategist is a person who can formulate and implement a strategy, or a high-level plan to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty and through the available, limited means. Similarly, lower-level plan formulation and execution is generally the job of a tactician. For practical purposes, the scale and scope difference between strategy and tactics are ignored in this tag.,thoughtfulno description set
voiced by:
secondary cast
Alanus Zaidel
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15-18
male,black hairThe character has black hair.,blue eyesThis character has blue-colored eyes.,engineerno description set,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,senior enlistedno description set,soldierno description set,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
voiced by:
Alfred Rosas
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-4, 6-7, 14
male,business suitThe business suit is a traditional Western-style business attire. For men, this usually consists of a jacket, worn over a collared shirt, with a matching pair of trousers and optional waistcoat vest. For women, this would usually be a jacket, worn over a blouse, with a matching skirt (commonly a pencil skirt) or trousers. Not to be confused with a blazer or sport coat.,elderlyAn elderly person is someone that is older than "middle-aged". For humans, this generally covers anyone age 65 and older.,flag officerA flag officer is a member of the upper echelons of a military force, ranking above all other members and directly above senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered flag officers.,Free Planets AllianceIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Free Planets Alliance is a nation with a democratic government based on the planet Heinessen. It was founded by refugees who fled the Galactic Empire, but was discovered and attacked, and subsequently waged a seemingly endless war to a stalemate.,grey eyesThis character has grey-coloured eyes.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,necktieThe necktie (or tie) is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat.,yellow hairThe character has yellow hair. This does not map precisely to real-life blond hair.
voiced by:
episode appearanceappears in ep: 23-26
male,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,intelligence officerAn intelligence officer is a person employed by an organization to collect, compile and/or analyze information (known as intelligence) which is of use to that organization. Organizations which employ intelligence officers include armed forces, police, corporations, civilian intelligence agencies and customs agencies.,senior officerA senior officer is a member of the middle echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above junior officers and below flag officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered senior officers.,short hairShort hair is hair from (but not including) bald, up to (but not including) shoulder-length hair. This hair length is what one would typically, though not always, see on most males. Short hair includes hair that goes no more than a centimetre or two beyond the chin; anything longer is shoulder-length.,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
Bruce Ashbey
episode appearanceappears in ep: 3-6
35, male,arrogantHaving or revealing an exaggerated sense of one`s own importance or abilities.,blue eyesThis character has blue-colored eyes.,brown hairThe character has brown hair.,flag officerA flag officer is a member of the upper echelons of a military force, ranking above all other members and directly above senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered flag officers.,Free Planets AllianceIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Free Planets Alliance is a nation with a democratic government based on the planet Heinessen. It was founded by refugees who fled the Galactic Empire, but was discovered and attacked, and subsequently waged a seemingly endless war to a stalemate.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,philandererA man who often engages in love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude.,strategistA strategist is a person who can formulate and implement a strategy, or a high-level plan to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty and through the available, limited means. Similarly, lower-level plan formulation and execution is generally the job of a tactician. For practical purposes, the scale and scope difference between strategy and tactics are ignored in this tag.
voiced by:
Christopf von Koefenhiller
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8-12, 14
71, male,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,elderlyAn elderly person is someone that is older than "middle-aged". For humans, this generally covers anyone age 65 and older.,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,goateeA goatee is a style of facial hair sporting hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A goatee can coexist with sideburns so long as they do not connect; should the sideburns be connected from side-to-side via the goatee, they would cease to exist individually and form a single beard instead. A goatee connected with the moustache is a circle beard.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,junior officerA junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.,long hairLong hair is hair from (but not including) shoulder-length, up to (but not including) waist length hair. Sidelocks do NOT count as long hair.,sideburnsSideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.
voiced by:
Fyodor Patorichev
episode appearanceappears in ep: 8-13
male,brown eyesThe character has brown eyes.,fair skinFair skin is a naturally occurring range of skin colour that is lighter than the average for humans, but not light enough to be considered white. Ethnically speaking, a reasonable real life metric for fair skin is the skin colour of people normally said to be "white".,fatThis character is in a medical condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.,flag officerA flag officer is a member of the upper echelons of a military force, ranking above all other members and directly above senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered flag officers.,Free Planets AllianceIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Free Planets Alliance is a nation with a democratic government based on the planet Heinessen. It was founded by refugees who fled the Galactic Empire, but was discovered and attacked, and subsequently waged a seemingly endless war to a stalemate.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,physically strongIn comparison to the norm, someone who is physically strong possesses superior, sometimes even unnatural, physical strength. Said strength usually allows them to win fights, or at least to last longer; stronger people are also normally able to withstand harsh conditions more easily than the rest, and even do things as simple as carrying heavy weights around. This tag also applies when a race is stronger than others (think the Sayajin), as long as said weaker races are also a part of the cast.,sideburnsSideburns are facial hair grown on the sides of the face, extending from the hairline to run parallel to or beyond the ears.
voiced by:
Hartmann Beltram
episode appearanceappears in ep: 15-18
male,ambitioushaving a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc.,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,grey eyesThis character has grey-coloured eyes.,humanModern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. Together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae. Terrestrial animals, humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other animals; and highly advanced and organized societies.,junior officerA junior officer is a member of the lower echelons among commissioned officers, ranking above warrant officers and below senior officers. Please see the full tag description for details on the ranks whose holders are considered junior officers.,laser blasterno description set,soldierno description set,young adultSomeone is generally considered a young adult if they are between 20 to 40 years old.
voiced by:
Kuro Mantle no Otoko
episode appearanceappears in ep: 20-22
male,assassinAn assassin is a professional murderer; it is their job or profession to be hired to kill people. When events like one-off murders appear, they should be tagged on anime level. Only professional killers will be tagged with assassin tag. Assassins are often hireable to take out hits (or targets) designated by a client (or temporary employer) for a predetermined fee. Not all assassins work solo and may have a partner or even a team of more than two members.,curly hairThis character has locks of hair that grow in a curved, rather than straight, direction.,Galactic EmpireIn the Legend of Galactic Heroes universe, the Galactic Empire is a nation with a feudalistic system and an aristocratic government based on the planet Odin. It was founded by Rudolf von Goldenbaum, who seized power within the Galactic Federation. As one might expect, nobles can be either born with that status or granted it, and that one of the lead characters would be made into a noble is a key plot point in the story.,gun marksmanshipA person who is both skilled at firing a gun and accurately hitting what they are aiming at.,scarsA scar is an area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury. Scars are result of the biological process of wound repair in the skin and scarring is a natural part of the healing process.,swordA sword is a long, edged piece of metal, used as a cutting, thrusting, and clubbing weapon in many civilizations throughout the world. It fundamentally consists of a blade and a hilt, typically with one or two edges for striking and cutting, and a point for thrusting.,tricorneThe tricorne is a style of hat that was popular during the 18th century. At the peak of its popularity, the tricorne varied greatly in style and size, and was worn not only by the aristocracy, but also as common civilian dress, and as part of military and naval uniforms. It quickly declined in use at the end of the 18th century, eventually evolving into the bicorne. In popular culture, both tricornes and bicornes are commonly associated with pirates.,yellow eyesThis character has yellow eyes.
voiced by:


CreditNamein EpisodesComment
Original Work (原作)Tanaka Yoshiki
Chief Direction (総監督)Ishiguro Noboru
Direction (監督)Shimizu Keizou
Series Composition (シリーズ構成)Kawanaka Shimao
Original Character Design (キャラクター原案)Kume Kazunari
Motoki Hisatoshi
Okuda Matsuri
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)Shimizu Keizou
Concept Design (コンセプチュアルデザイン)Katou Naoyuki
Design Assistance (デザイン協力)Imaizumi Ken`ichi25
Mechanical Design (メカニカルデザイン)Tanaka Kiyomi
Chief Animation Direction (総作画監督)Shimizu Keizou1-14, 16-17, 19-23, 27-28
Imaizumi Ken`ichi25
Music (音楽)ドイツ・シャルプラッテン・レコードTokuma Japan Communications (徳間ジャパンコミュニケーションズ)
Sound Direction (音響監督)Aketagawa Susumu
Editing (編集)Henmi Toshio
Art Direction (美術監督)Nagao Hitoshi
Waki Takeshi
Art Design (美術デザイン)Nagao Hitoshi
Tanaka Kiyomi
Waki Takeshi
Colour Design (色彩設計)Itou Hiroko
Photographic Direction (撮影監督)Kawata Toshihiro
Okazaki Hideo
Production Manager (プロダクションマネージャー)Dezaki Satoshi
Producer (プロデューサー)Inagaki Takahiro
Kikukawa Yukio
Planning (企画)Tahara Masatoshi
Work Assistance (制作協力)Magic Bus1-14, 16-17, 19-23, 27-28
Artland15, 18, 24-26
Work (制作)K-Factory
Production (製作)Adachi Hiroaki
Ijichi Kei
Tokuma Shoten
Tokuma Yasuyoshi
Wright Staff
Script/Screenplay (脚本)Kawanaka Shimao1-28
Storyboard (絵コンテ)Shimizu Keizou1-3
Takahashi Shigeharu4, 13
Asami Takashi5, 20, 23
Okajima Kunitoshi6, 11
Hanyuu Raisen7
Tominaga Tsuneo8
Tsuchiya Akira9
Okuwaki Masaharu10, 14, 19, 21
Shibuichi Setsuko12
Ishiguro Noboru15, 18, 26
Ueno Fumihiro16, 28
Maejima Ken`ichi22
Shitahara Masato24
Egami Kiyoshi25
Oozora Masaki27
Episode Direction (演出)Ueno Fumihiro1, 7, 14, 16, 22, 28
Okajima Kunitoshi2, 6, 21, 27
Yamaguchi Yorifusa3
Takahashi Shigeharu4, 11, 13, 17, 20
Miyazaki Kazuya5
Noshitani Mitsutaka8, 23
Tsuchiya Akira9, 19
Sakai Shinji10
Miyata Ryou15, 18, 24-26
Imaizumi Ken`ichi15, 18, 24, 26
Animation Direction (作画監督)Yamamoto Keiko1, 8, 14, 19, 23, 28
Matsuda Yoshiaki2
Kayano Kyouko3, 6-7, 13, 20, 27
Kobayashi Yukari4
Kawai Shizuo5
Sugiyama Toyomi9
Ishida Keiichi10
Yamasawa Minoru11, 16, 21, 28
Miyake Yuuichirou12
Suzuki Shin`ichi13, 17, 22
Tsuzuki Yukako14, 20, 23, 28
Imaizumi Ken`ichi15, 18, 24, 26, 28
Hinata Masaki25
Masui Ippei28
Mechanical Animation Direction (メカ作画監督)Itou Makoto5
Nishimura Satoshi8
Suzuki Shin`ichi27
Opening Animation (オープニングアニメーション)Mizuhata KenjiOP1
Shimizu KeizouOP1
Ueno FumihiroOP1
Ending Animation (EDアニメーション)Kayano KyoukoED2
Mizuhata KenjiED2
Shimizu KeizouED2
Ueno FumihiroED2
Ending Animation (エンディングアニメーション)Imaizumi Ken`ichiED1
Ishiguro NoboruED1
Layout (レイアウト)Hinata Masaki25
Key Animation (原画)Oonuma Shin17

Group status

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Last UpdateNameStateNEpisodesHESPLanguagesSourceRatingCmts
01.09.2017Anime-Heart [AH]complete
280jafrDTV, DVDN/A(0)0
280jaelBlu-ray, DVD4.29(22)0
280jaenBlu-ray, DVD, LD8.47(16)0
04.01.2012LoGH PLcomplete
18.07.2010Anime Seiden [AS]stalled
no groupcompletefinishedongoingstalleddroppedspecials onlyall


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