Learn development of Angular applications with Material Design
Series of articles written in digestable form to achieve a milestone
Build, preview and export Themes for Angular Material
Blocks with Angular Material and Tailwind CSS, ready for copying and pasting
Professional codes for your next Angular Material project!
Easy to follow videos will help you to know more about Angular and Material
I have around 8+ years of experience in IT industry. I have got opportunity to work at different companies with different technologies, mostly focused on Front-end, like Angular, React, Next, vanilla web stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
With professional work, I also got opportunity to write technical articles mainly focused on Angular. You can read my blogs atblog.shhdharmen.me.
I was a writer atindepth.dev. With writing, I also contribute to open-source mainly focused on Angular.@ngxpert/hot-toast,@ngxpert/cmdk,@ngneat/falso,@ngxpert/avvvatars,@ngxpert/coolshapes are some of the open-source libraries which I have majorly contributed to.
Drop a message ontwitter. You can also find me onLinkedin,Github.