A downloadable game for Windows
Welcome toDodgeo, an Action/Dodge 2D game, can youbreak the High-score?
In this minimaliste game, you are a "square" stuck in a painting. Becareful, many "triangle" wantsto kill you.
Your only weapon is yourhand: you canthrow them to teleporteall over the place!
But, wait, how can i defeat ennemis with just a teleportation? I can't fight them?No, you can't.
However, you can use theAIKIDOtodefeatyour opposant. Backfire the ennemis attacks, to crash them, and win points doing combos.
Are you ready? Good Luck, and don't forget,AIKIDOis the way.
Our contraints is to make a fun prototype withprimary geometrics shapes with SHIVA ENGINE.
Our design begin with find a experience: "AIKIDO", or in other words, backfire the ennemis attacks.
Main competences isreflexandanticipation.
We want tochallengeplayers in therereflex andanticipationskill.
The only mecanics is to move. The player can move fast with his teleportation, pass through and dodge ennemies.
During this project, we learned theRationnal Game Design, and try to use it on our game. Byrationalising our first prototype, we find our "game heart":To dodge.
This method was very benefit because it help us tofindthe "fun" of our game, andajust our design.
3C are very important for us, we past long time to find a goodspeed, a goodfluidityin the jump, at every level of design. As the player have just on action, it need to be verypleasant, and easy to handle.
The player can move only horizontaly, but the ennemis can go in every direction (XY axis):
At this moment, we had a build concept, we knew the heart or our game and good 3C. We continuedesigning ennemis:
Thetimingof ennemis spawn is a key to therythm of the game. It need to be themetronome of the intensity of the current phase. So, if we do a curve with the time of apparition of every ennemis, and the current time, we have to find somethings like a "flow curve":
Actually in our prototype, the player move only horizontaly, and ennemis can move in all direction in XY axis. We add a new mecanics:jump case. If a ennemis crash on this case,the player jump.
At this moment, the playercan take the bonus in the air, and makelot of point.
BUT,he his close to theennemis spawn too, It's a risk and reward moment:
red = ennemis spawn & green = point
One of the contraint was "use simple geometrical forms". Our volontee was to make a character design who explain the function of it: "Form Follow Function". In this way we do the design of the characters:Trianglefor this sharp angle is the bad guy, thesquarethe good, and thecirclethe bonus.
- Therythmof the game needmore iteration, it became very intensive to fast.
- Camera of 3C need more move. Itneed camera move when the player move, dodge, jump, take point, etc.
-The player haven't any reward when he do a good move, or take lot of point, or have a big combo.That is a mistake in the kind of game, it should motive the player, and be emotionaly pleasing.
-Music don't grow up. He should have to start slowly, and beas intensitive than the ennemis waves.
- Tuto understand by half of player.
- Jump can be to be more develop, it's a rich mecanics underuse
Worker:2 students,
Technologies:Shiva-> Lua and XML,Phaser -> JS
Production time:2 weeks,
This is a student project for the ETPA Game Design School.
Status | Prototype |
Platforms | Windows |
Author | Angelo's Portfolio |
Genre | Action |
Tags | 2D,aikido,dodge,High Score,Minimalist,square,teleportation,triangle |