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Missenlica plantan

Plantan (eac hattonwyrte, ac þes nama is hwilum gebrocen synderlice to etendlicum dælum plantena) sind libbendu þing on þæm þe þæt rice plantena stent. Heora heap belycð gecuþ and liflicu þing swelc treow, grasu, þyflas, wintreow, fearn, meos, and fleotwyrtan. Fornean þreo hund and fiftig þusenda plantena habbaþ geworden gefunden þurh þa cræftigan cneordnesse heora, þe iswyrtcræfte gecuþ; þas wyrtan sind tomearcod to sædigum wyrtum, meosum, fearnum, and fearnlicum wyrtum.

Niwu word

[adihtan |adihtan fruman]
Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican.
This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
  • rice (sn) (authentic with new meaning) - (taxonomy) kingdom
  • wyrtcræft (sm) - botany
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