Nintendo tācnNintendo (ǣr gehāten 任天堂株式会社 ǣrNintendō Kabushiki gaisha) biþ Iapanisc and manigrīcisc gegyld þe ƿyrceþ geƿorht spærcletelles gamensearu and gamen. Sumu his brēmostra ƿeorca sind; spærcletelles gamensearucræft -Famicom (ǣr gehāten Nintendo Entertainment System),Game Boy,Super Famicom (ǣr gehāten Super Nintendo),Virtual Boy,Nintendo 64,Game Boy Color,GameCube,Game Boy Advance,Nintendo DS,Nintendo Wii,Nintendo 3DS, éacNintendo Wii U; spærcletelles gamecræft -Super Mario Bros,The Legend of Zelda,Metroid,Pokémon, éac ac hīe habbaþ ēac ōðru ƿeorc. Nintendo ƿæs framFusajiro Yamauchi innanKyoto,Iapan, þæs 23 dæges Hāligmōnþes 1889, sƿá gegyld ƿeorpan cíepan gegyld.