An Android Library used to implement TicketView in android with normal, rounded and scallop corners.
For information : checkoutSample App Code in repository.
Using Gradle
dependencies { implementation'com.vipulasri:ticketview:1.1.2'}
See the project's Releases page for a list of versions with their change logs.
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Configure using xml attributes or setters in code:
Attribute Name | Default Value | Description |
app:ticketOrientation="vertical" | horizontal | sets orientation of divider and scallop |
app:ticketBackgroundColor="@android:color/black" | white | sets background color |
app:ticketScallopRadius="10dp" | 20dp | sets scallop radius |
app:ticketScallopPositionPercent="50" | 50 | sets position of scallop and divider |
app:ticketShowBorder="false" | false | shows border if `true` |
app:ticketBorderWidth="4dp" | 2dp | sets border width |
app:ticketBorderColor="@color/grey" | black | sets border color |
app:ticketShowDivider="true" | false | shows divider if `true` |
app:ticketDividerType="dash" | normal | sets type of divider ie `normal` or `dash` |
app:ticketDividerColor="@color/colorAccent" | dark gray | sets divider color |
app:ticketDividerWidth="2dp" | 2dp | sets divider width |
app:ticketDividerPadding="0dp" | 10dp | sets divider padding |
app:ticketDividerDashGap="4dp" | 4dp | sets divider dash gap |
app:ticketDividerDashLength="8dp" | 8dp | sets divider dash length |
app:ticketCornerType="rounded" | normal | sets type of corner ie `normal` or `rounded` or `scallop` |
app:ticketCornerRadius="15dp" | 4dp | sets corner radius if corner rounder or scallop |
app:ticketElevation="14dp" | 0dp | sets elevation to ticket view on android jellybean and above |
app:ticketBackgroundBeforeDivider | none | sets background to ticket view before divider |
app:ticketBackgroundAfterDivider | none | sets background to ticket view after divider |
app:ticketShadowColor | black | sets shadow to ticket view |
Apps using Ticket View, via AppBrain Stats
If you're using this library in your app and you'd like to list it here, Please let me know viaemail,pull requests orissues.
Nick Butcher for helping me out with TicketView Shadow/Elevation.
Copyright 2017 Vipul AsriLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.