About Me
My name is Andrew Wooldridge. I’m a webdev ateBay who loves all things JavaScript. I’m also a growing fan of theGodot game engine andRust. I’m a husband and father.
You can reach me via email attriptych (at gmail dot com)
. Or you can find me on Twitter @triptych .
- 🖊️ I am a technical writer on LeanPub ->triptych.
- 🐲 I am a fantasy writer on WattPad ->triptych.
- ✨ I also write on Inkitt ->triptych.
- 💻 I am a coder on GitHub ->triptych.
- 🐘 I am a friend on Mastodon ->@triptych@whisperstorm.xyz
- 🕹️ I am a game developer on itch.io ->triptych
- 🔑 My identity lives here on KeyBase ->triptych
- 🏺 My tip jar ->triptych
- 📜 My resume ->triptych
- 🏠 My site ->Andreww.xyz
- ⚗️ My GumRoad ->triptych
- 📧 My Mailing List ->Click here to show popup
- 🧙♂️ My Right Brained Site ->triptych.neocities.org
- 🌌 My Blog ->triptych.writeas.com
(Thanks tothis article for the inspiration for this site)
This website is generated by Hugo.
Merry Christmas!
Keep it simple
Posted on December 10, 2019Merry Christmas!
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
More blog posts coming. Honest.
First real post!
Starting something new
Posted on May 18, 2019I just went through the process of setting up this Hugo based website where I can edit pages via gitlab, and have it post through Netlify.
I feel like I’ve ‘leveled up’ in my goals to finally have a static site.
Big thanks tothis post for showing me the way.
Photoswipe Gallery Sample
Making a Gallery
Posted on March 20, 2017Beautiful Hugo adds a few custom shortcodes created byLi-Wen Yip andGert-Jan van den Berg for making galleries withPhotoSwipe .
[Read More]Big Image Sample
Using Multiple Images
Posted on March 7, 2017The image banners at the top of the page are refered to as “bigimg” in this theme. They are optional, and one more more can be specified. If more than one is specified, the images rotate every 10 seconds. In the front matter, bigimgs are specified using an array of hashes.
[Read More]Math Sample
Using KaTeX
Posted on March 5, 2017KaTeX can be used to generate complex math formulas server-side.
$$\phi = \frac{(1+\sqrt{5})}{2} = 1.6180339887\cdots$$
Additional details can be found onGitHub or on theWiki.
[Read More]Code Sample
Using Hugo or Pygments
Posted on March 8, 2016The following are two code samples using syntax highlighting.
[Read More]