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Lionel Barrymore

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Lionel Barrymore
Lionel Barrymore en 1935 en a cinta David Copperfield.
Lionel Barrymore en1935 en a cintaDavid Copperfield.
Información personal
Nombre realLionel Herbert Blythe
Calendata naiximiento:28 d'abril de1878
Puesto naiximiento:Philadelphia (Pennsilvania)
Calendata muerte:15 de noviembre de1954
Puesto muerte:Beverly Hills (California)
Ocupación:Actor,director cinematografico yguionista
Conchuche:Doris Rankin (1904-1923)
Irene Fenwick (1923-1936)
Premios Oscar
Oscar a o Millor Actor:
-1931: porA Free Soul.[1]

Lionel Barrymore (nombre artistico deLionel Herbert Blythe) estió unactor,director cinematografico yguionistaestausunidense, naixito o28 d'abril de1878 enPhiladelphia (Pennsilvania) y muerto o15 de noviembre de1954 enBeverly Hills (California).[2] Activo en o mundo d'oteatro dende zaguerías d'osanyos 1890 y en o mundo d'ocine estausunidense dende primerías d'osanyos 1900, recibió cuantos premios mientres a suya carrera cinematografica, que no remató que dica losanyos 1950.

Tenió una extensa y dilatada carrera cinematografica, con mas de 200 títols en o suyo treballo como actor, ixo sin parar cuenta d'as cintas en que estió director u guionista, d'a suya labor teatral u d'os suyos treballos en aradio. D'entre a suya muit extensa carrera, se puet destacar as suyas interpretacions como actor en bellas cintas:Mata Hari (1931,George Fitzmaurice),Dinner at Eight (1933,George Cukor),You Can't Take It with You (1938,Frank Capra),Duel in the Sun (1946,King Vidor),It's a Wonderful Life (1946,Frank Capra) uKey Largo (John Huston).

Fa parte d'una familia prou vinclada a lo mundo do cine y d'o spectaclo, en estarchirmán d'os actorsEthel yJohn Barrymore ytío avuelo de l'actrizDrew Barrymore. De feito, la suya familia treballaba en o mundo d'a escena dende 1752.[3]


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Lionel Barrymore yera fillo d'os actors teatralsMaurice Barrymore yGeorgiana Drew, consideraus coomo una d'as familias con mayor prestichio profesional en primerías d'osieglo XX.[4] A mas, su mai yera chirmana de l'actorJohn Drew. Dende principios de sieglo Lionel treballaba activament en os escenarios, convertindo-se en un destacau actor en o mundo d'oteatro deBroadway. En1906 marchó entaParís t'adedicar-se a lapintura y albandonar o teatro, pero en tornar en Estaus Unius fació os suyos primers treballos en la naixient industria d'o cine, colaborando conD.W. Griffith en a-saber-los decurtometraches, dica finals de 1914.

Mientres osanyos 1920 desembolicó una important carrera como actor en ocine mudo y en osanyos 1930, en plegar ocine sonoro, s'esècializó en papels de viello entranyable, encara que una mica protestón. Un eixemplo en ye una serie de cintas a on interpretaba a loDr. Gillespie. En 1940 enIt's a Wonderful Life, dirichida porFrank Capra, fació una destacada interpretación d'o malvau Mr. Potter, intepretación que l'American Film Institute considera como una d'as mas destacadas interpretacions d'un malvau en o cine.[5]

As zagueras 15 anyadas d'a suya vida las pasó en unacadiera de ruedas como consecuencia d'una cayida mientres lo rodache d'una cinta, pero ixo no estió obstaclo ta que continase a suya carrera como actor.


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Lionel Barrymore recibió unpremio Oscar a oMillor Actor en1931 por o suyo papel en a cintaA Free Soul, deClarence Brown.[1]

O2 d'agosto de1960, se li adhibió una estrela a loPaseyo d'a Fama de Hollywood, estando a suya estrela situada en o 1724 deVine Street d'a ciudat deLos Angeles.[6]


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Como actor

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AnyoTítol d'a cintaPapelDirectorRepartoAtros
1905The White Caps[7][8]Esposo abusivoWallace McCutcheon,Edwin S. PorterKate Toncray,John R. Cumpson,Arthur V. JohnsonCurtometrache
1908The Paris Hat[9][10]Curtometrache
1911Fighting Blood[11]D. W. GriffithGeorge Nichols,Kate Bruce,Robert Harron,Mae Marsh,Blanche Sweet,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
The Battle[12]Conductor decarreta (no acreditau)D. W. GriffithCharles West,Blanche Sweet,Charles Hill Mailes,Robert Harron,Donald Crisp,Spottiswoode Aitken,Edwin August,Kate Bruce,William J. Butler,W. Christy Cabanne,Edna Foster,Joseph Graybill,Guy Hedlund,Dell Henderson,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,W. Chrystie Miller,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
The Miser's Heart[13]JulesD. W. GriffithLinda Arvidson,William J. Butler,Donald Crisp,Adele DeGarde,Edward Dillon,Frank Evans,Edith Haldeman,Robert Harron,Adolph Lestina,Wilfred Lucas,Charles Hill Mailes,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Ynez Seabury,Blanche Sweet,Kate Toncray,J. WalthamCurtometrache
1912Friends[14]Grizzley Fallon (amigo de Dandy Jack)D. W. GriffithMary Pickford,Henry B. Walthall,Harry Carey,Charles Hill Mailes,Elmer Booth,Frank Evans,Robert Harron,Adolph Lestina,Walter Miller,W. C. RobinsonCurtometrache
So Near, yet So Far[15]En ClubD. W. GriffithWalter Miller,Mary Pickford,Robert Harron,Elmer Booth,W. Christy Cabanne,Harry Carey,Courtenay Foote,Florence Geneva,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Adolph Lestina,Charles Hill Mailes,Claire McDowell,Antonio Moreno,Gus Pixley,W. C. Robinson,Henry B. Walthall,J. WalthamCurtometrache
The Chief's Blanket[16]O chovenD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,W. Chrystie Miller,Charles West,Alfred Paget,Adolph Lestina,Walter P. Lewis,Charles Gorman,Wilfred Lucas,Joseph McDermott,Jack Pickford,W. C. Robinson,Hector SarnoCurtometrache
The One She Loved[17]O vecínD. W. GriffithHenry B. Walthall,Mary Pickford,Kate Bruce,Gertrude Bambrick,Madge Kirby,Harry Carey,Lillian Gish,Eldean StuartCurtometrache
The Painted Lady[18]Lenyador en o Festival d'o ChelauD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Madge Kirby,Charles Hill Mailes,Kate Bruce,Joseph Graybill,William J. Butler,Elmer Booth,W. Christy Cabanne,Harry Carey,Josephine Crowell,Gladys Egan,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Charles Gorman,Robert Harron,W. E. Lawrence,Walter P. Lewis,Walter Long,Walter Miller,Jack Pickford,Henry B. WalthallCurtometrache
The Musketeers of Pig Alley[19]Amigo d'o musico (no acreditau)D. W. GriffithElmer Booth,Lillian Gish,Clara T. Bracy,Walter Miller,Alfred Paget,John T. Dillon,Madge Kirby,Harry Carey,Robert Harron,W. C. Robinson,Adolph Lestina,Jack PickfordCurtometrache
Heredity[20]LenyadorD. W. GriffithHarry Carey,Madge Kirby,Jack Pickford,Walter P. Lewis,Kate Bruce,W. Christy Cabanne,Robert Harron,George Nichols,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Hector Sarno,Marion Sunshine,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache,Cinta perdida
Gold and Glitter[21]L'amantD. W. Griffith,Frank PowellElmer Booth,Grace Lewis,Lillian Gish,William J. Butler,Walter P. Lewis,Gertrude Bambrick,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Joseph Graybill,Alfred Paget,W. C. RobinsonCurtometrache
My Baby[22]Hombre en amesaD. W. Griffith,Frank PowellMary Pickford,Henry B. Walthall,Eldean Stuart,W. Chrystie Miller,Alfred Paget,Madge Kirby,Elmer Booth,Clara T. Bracy,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Adolph Lestina,Walter P. Lewis,Joseph McDermott,Walter Miller,Jack Pickford,W.C. RobinsonCurtometrache
The Informer[23]Soldau de l'Exercito estausunidenseD. W. GriffithWalter Miller,Mary Pickford,Henry B. Walthall,Kate Bruce,Harry Carey,Elmer Booth,Clara T. Bracy,Christy Cabanne,Edward Dillon,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Joseph Graybill,Robert Harron,W. Chrystie Miller,Gertrude Norman,Alfred Paget,Jack Pickford,W. C. Robinson
Brutality[24]Hombre en avodaD. W. GriffithWalter Miller,Mae Marsh,Joseph Graybill,Elmer Booth,Clara T. Bracy,William J. Butler,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Robert Harron,Madge Kirby,Walter P. Lewis,Charles Hill Mailes,Alfred Paget,Jack Pickford,Gus Pixley,W. C. Robinson,Henry B. Walthall,J. WalthamCortometrache;Cinta perdida, nomás se conserva que bellos fragmentos
The New York Hat[25]Mosén BoltonD. W. GriffithMary Pickford,Charles Hill Mailes,Kate Bruce,Alfred Paget,Claire McDowell,Mae Marsh,Clara T. Bracy,Madge Kirby,Lillian Gish,Jack Pickford,Robert Harron
My Hero[26]Papel menor, sin confirmarD. W. GriffithDorothy Gish,Walter P. Lewis,Robert Harron,Henry B. Walthall,Kate Bruce,W. Christy Cabanne,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Frank Lanning,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Adolph Lestina,Charles Hill Mailes,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Hector Sarno,Charles WestCurtometrache
The Burglar's Dilemma[27]O cabeza de familiaD. W. GriffithHenry B. Walthall,Adolph Lestina,Gertrude Bambrick,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Robert Harron,Madge Kirby,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Charles WestCurtometrache; tamién en yeguionista
A Cry for Help[28]OvagabundoD. W. GriffithWalter Miller,Lillian Gish,Harry Carey,Kate Bruce,W. Christy Cabanne,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Robert Harron,Claire McDowell,Alfred PagetCurtometrache
The God Within[29]Amant d'a muller d'o campamentoD. W. GriffithHenry B. Walthall,Claire McDowell,Blanche Sweet,Charles Hill Mailes,Gertrude Bambrick,Clara T. Bracy,William J. Butler,W. Christy Cabanne,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Charles Gorman,Joseph Graybill,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Adolph Lestina,W. C. Robinson,Charles WestCurtometrache
Home Folks[30]Papel indeterminauD. W. GriffithMary Pickford,Charles Hill Mailes,Kate Bruce,Robert Harron,Wilfred Lucas,Charles Avery,W. Christy Cabanne,William A. Carroll,Frank Evans,Charles Gorman,Mae Marsh,Frank Opperman,Alfred Paget,W.C. Robinson,Kate Toncray,Henry B. Walthall,Charles H. WestCurtometrache
1913Three Friends[31]Segundo amigoD. W. GriffithHenry B. Walthall,Blanche Sweet,John T. Dillon,Joseph McDermott,Clara T. Bracy,Kathleen Butler,Harry Carey,Frank Evans,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Walter P. Lewis,Wilfred Lucas,Mae Marsh,W. C. Robinson,J. WalthamCurtometrache
The Telephone Girl and the Lady[32]Osarchento d'acomisaríaD. W. GriffithMae Marsh,Claire McDowell,Alfred Paget,Walter P. Lewis,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Madge Kirby,Joseph McDermott,Kate Bruce,Gertrude Bambrick,Charles Hill MailesCurtometrache
An Adventure in the Autumn Woods[33]O paiD. W. GriffithMae Marsh,W. Chrystie Miller,Walter Miller,Alfred Paget,Frank Opperman,Charles Hill Mailes,Harry Carey,Adolph Lestina,Walter P. Lewis,Joseph McDermottCurtometrache
The Tender Hearted Boy[34]Papel secundario no determinauD. W. GriffithRobert Harron,Kate Bruce,Mae Marsh,W. Chrystie Miller,John T. Dillon,Gertrude Norman,Clara T. Bracy,Walter P. Lewis,Alfred Paget,W.C. Robinson,J. WalthamCurtometrache;Guionista, no confirmau como actor
Oil and Water[35]Vesitant en primera y en segunda audienciasD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Henry B. Walthall,Walter Miller,Clara T. Bracy,Harry Carey,Gertrude Bambrick,Kathleen Butler,William J. Butler,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Dorothy Gish,Lillian Gish,Robert Harron,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Adolph Lestina,Charles Hill,Joseph McDermott,W. Chrystie Miller,Antonio Moreno,Alfred Paget,Matt Snyder,Charles WestCurtometrache
A Chance Deception[36]PolicíaD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Charles Hill Mailes,Harry Carey,Mildred Manning,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Bernard,Christy Cabanne,Adolph Lestina,Wilfred Lucas,Joseph McDermottCurtometrache
Love in an Apartment Hotel[37]Hombre en ovestibulo de l'hotelD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Adolph Lestina,Henry B. Walthall,Harry Carey,Mae Marsh,Edward Dillon,Robert Harron,Kate Toncray,Jack Pickford,Clara T. Bracy,John T. Dillon,Walter Miller,Gertrude Bambrick,Kathleen Butler,Hattie Delaro,Frank Evans,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Walter P. Lewis,Joseph McDermott,W. C. Robinson,Matt SnyderCurtometrache
The Wrong Bottle[38]O paiAnthony O'SullivanClaire McDowell,Charles Hill Mailes,Pearl Sindelar,Charles West,Hector Dion,Clara T. Bracy,Harry Carey,Walter Miller,W. C. RobinsonCurtometrache
The Unwelcome Guest[39]Hombre en asubhasta (no acreditau)D. W. GriffithMary Pickford,W. Chrystie Miller,Charles Hill Mailes,Claire McDowell,Jack Pickford,Elmer Booth,Kate Bruce,Harry Carey,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Frank Evans,Lillian Gish,Adolph Lestina,W. C. RobinsonCurtometrache
A Girl's Stratagem[40]No acreditauD. W. Griffith,Frank PowellMae Marsh,Charles West,Kate Bruce,Harry Carey,Dell Henderson,W. Chrystie Miller,Alfred PagetCurtometrache; a suya partecipación ye dubdosa
Near to Earth[41]GatoD. W. GriffithRobert Harron,Gertrude Bambrick,Mae Marsh,Kathleen Butler,Walter Miller,Dorothy Bernard,Christy Cabanne,Harry Carey,Donald Crisp,Charles Hill Mailes,Joseph McDermott,Mabel Normand,Frank Opperman,Wallace Reid,Blanche SweetCurtometrache
Fate[42]Pai d'a familia amorosaD. W. GriffithCharles Hill Mailes,Robert Harron,John T. Dillon,Mae Marsh,William J. Butler,Gladys Egan,Frank Evans,Charles Gorman,Adolph Lestina,Walter P. Lewis,Joseph McDermott,Alfred Paget,Jack Pickford,Mary PickforCurtometrache
The Sheriff's Baby[43]Tercer bandoleroD. W. GriffithAlfred Paget,Henry B. Walthall,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Kate Bruce,Robert Harron,Dorothy Bernard,Donald Crisp,Charles Hill Mailes,Joseph McDermottCurtometrache
The Perfidy of Mary[44]Pai de MaryD. W. GriffithDorothy Gish,Mae Marsh,Walter Miller,Harry Hyde,Kate Bruce,Henry B. WalthallCurtometrache
The Little Tease[45]Hombre en o barD. W. GriffithMae Marsh,W. Chrystie Miller,Kate Bruce,Robert Harron,Henry B. Walthall,Viola Barry,Dorothy Bernard,Edward Dillon,Edna Foster,Lillian Gish,Walter Miller,Frank Opperman,Alfred PagetCurtometrache
A Misunderstood Boy[46]O paiD. W. GriffithKate Bruce,Lillian Gish,Robert Harron,Alfred Paget,Charles Hill Mailes,Viola Barry,Christy Cabanne,William A. Carroll,Joseph McDermott,Antonio Moreno,Frank Opperman,W.C. RobinsonCurtometrache
The Lady and the Mouse[47]O pai d'a chovenD. W. GriffithLillian Gish,Harry Hyde,Dorothy Gish,Kate Toncray,Robert Harron,Adolph Lestina,Henry B. Walthall,Viola Barry,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Mae Marsh,Joseph McDermott,Frank Opperman,W. C. RobinsonCurtometrache
The Wanderer[48]L'hombre enamorauD. W. GriffithHenry B. Walthall,Charles Hill Mailes,Christy Cabanne,Kate Bruce,Claire McDowell,Kate Toncray,Frank Opperman,Mae Marsh,John T. Dillon,Walter Miller,Charles WestCurtometrache
The House of Darkness[49]OmedicoD. W. GriffithClaire McDowell,Charles Hill Mailes,Lillian Gish,Dorothy Bernard,Adelaide Bronti,Kate Bruce,William J. Butler,W. Christy Cabanne,William Elmer,Robert Harron,Adolph Lestina,Joseph McDermott,Walter Miller,Frank Opperman,Alfred Paget,W.C. Robinson,Henry B. WalthallCurtometrache
The Yaqui Cur[50]L'orientalD. W. GriffithRobert Harron,Kate Bruce,Walter Miller,Frank Opperman,Charles Hill Mailes,Victoria Forde,Jennie Lee,William J. Butler,Christy Cabanne,Frank Evans,Charles Gorman,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Audrey Littlefield,Joseph McDermott,Alfred Paget,Baby Lillian WadeCurtometrache
Just Gold[51]Primer chirmánD. W. GriffithAlfred Paget,Charles West,Joseph McDermott,Kate Bruce,Charles Hill Mailes,Lillian Gish,Dorothy Gish,Kathleen Butler,Adolph Lestina,W. Chrystie Miller,Frank OppermanCurtometrache
The Ranchero's Revenge[52]O rancheroD. W. GriffithHarry Carey,Claire McDowell,Clarence Barr,Viola Barry,William Courtright,Charles Hill MailesCurtometrache
A Timely Interception[53]O chirmán d'o grancheroD. W. GriffithW. Chrystie Miller,Lillian Gish,Robert Harron,Joseph McDermott,William J. Butler,Alfred Paget,Frank Evans,Frank Opperman,Adolph Lestina,Charles Gorman,Christy Cabanne,Mae MarshCurtometrache
Red Hicks Defies the World[54]L'arbitroDell HendersonCharles Murray,Edward Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Kate Toncray,Bud Duncan,William J. Butler,Adolph Lestina,Gertrude Bambrick,William Beaudine,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Frank Evans,Charles Gorman,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Charles Hill Mailes,Joseph McDermott,Walter Miller,Frank Opperman,Alfred Paget,Henry B. Walthall,Charles WestCurtometrache
The Well[55]O grancheroAnthony O'SullivanClaire McDowell,Harry Carey,George BerangerCurtometrache
Death's Marathon[56]O patrocinador financieroD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Henry B. Walthall,Walter Miller,Kate Bruce,Robert HarronCurtometrache
The Switch Tower[57]PrimerfalsificadorAnthony O'SullivanHenry B. Walthall,Claire McDowell,Marion Emmons,Charles West,John T. Dillon,William A. Carroll,Frank Evans,George Beranger,Anthony O'SullivanCurtometrache
Almost a Wild Man[58]Hombre en l'Audiencia, no acreditauDell HendersonCharles Murray,Gus Pixley,Edward Dillon,Clarence L. Barr,Bud Duncan,Kathleen Butler,Florence Lee,Dorothy Gish,William J. Butler,Gertrude Bambrick,Viola Barry,George Beranger,Adelaide Bronti,Christy Cabanne,William A. Carroll,Nan Christy,John T. Dillon,Charles Gorman,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Jennie Lee,Adolph Lestina,Charles Hill Mailes,Alfred Paget,W.C. Robinson,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
In Diplomatic Circles[59]EmbaixadorchaponésAnthony O'SullivanWalter Miller,William J. Butler,Constance Johnson,Charles West,William Courtright,Harry Hyde,Harry Carey,John T. DillonCurtometrache
A Gamble with Death[60]Jim Benton, ocamareroAnthony O'SullivanWalter Miller,Claire McDowell,Charles West,Harry CareyCurtometrache
The Enemy's Baby[61]Ben BrownD. W. GriffithWilliam J. Butler,Kate Bruce,Harry Carey,Claire McDowell,William Courtright,John T. Dillon,Charles GormanCurtometrache
Pa Says[62]O rival de TeddyDell HendersonDave Morris,Dorothy Gish,Edward DillonCurtometrache
The Mirror[63]Pai de DaisyAnthony O'SullivanHenry B. Walthall,Claire McDowell,Harry Carey,Charles West,John T. DillonCurtometrache
The Vengeance of Galora[64]Presencia no confirmadaAnthony O'SullivanClaire McDowell,Charles West,Nan Christy,Harry Carey,John T. Dillon,Dorothy Gish,Blanche Sweet,Henry B. WalthallCurtometrache
Under the Shadow of the Law[65]Charles Darnton, o patrónAnthony O'SullivanHarry Carey,Charles West,Claire McDowell,Walter Miller,Kate Toncray,John T. Dillon,Nan ChristyCurtometrache
I Was Meant for You[66]Pai de LavinaAnthony O'SullivanCharles West,Claire McDowell,Harry Carey,John T. DillonCurtometrache
An Indian's Loyalty[67]O mercador de ganauChristy CabanneFrank Opperman,Lillian Gish,Edward Dillon,Eagle Eye,Fred Burns,William A. Carroll,Dark CloudCurtometrache
The Suffragette Minstrels[68]Presencia sin confirmarDell HendersonSylvia Ashton,Gertrude Bambrick,William Beaudine,William J. Butler,William Courtright,Edward Dillon,William Elmer,Frank Evans,Dorothy Gish,Dell Henderson,Elmo Lincoln,Owen Moore,Dave Morris,Charles Murray,Gus Pixley,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
The Work Habit[69]O paiAnthony O'SullivanKathleen Butler,Claire McDowell,Harry Carey,W. Chrystie Miller,Kate Bruce,Charles Hill Mailes,Charles WestCurtometrache
The Crook and the Girl[70]OsobrínAnthony O'SullivanHarry Carey,Claire McDowell,Hector Dion,William J. ButlerCurtometrache
The Strong Man's Burden[71]JohnAnthony O'SullivanKate Bruce,Harry Carey,William J. Butler,Claire McDowellCurtometrache; Lionel disenyó lopóster promocional d'a cinta
The Stolen Treaty[72]OdiplomaticochaponésAnthony O'SullivanClaire McDowell,Reggie Morris,Harry Carey,William J. ButlerCurtometrache
So Runs the Way[73]Papel indeterminau; presencia no confirmadaChristy CabanneReggie Morris,Lillian Gish,Joseph McDermott,Owen Moore,Frances Nelson,W.C. Robinson,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
All for Cience[74]En l'Achencia de detectivesAnthony O'SullivanReggie Morris,Harry Carey,Joseph McDermott,Claire McDowell,Charles WestCurtometrache
The House of Discord[75]L'enamorau d'a fillaJames Kirkwood, Sr.Marshall Neilan,Blanche Sweet,Jack Mulhall,Dorothy Gish,James Kirkwood, Sr.,Antonio MorenoCurtometrache
The Battle at Elderbush Gulch[76]Papel sin determinarD. W. GriffithMae Marsh,Leslie Loveridge,Alfred Paget,Robert Harron,Lillian Gish,Charles Hill Mailes,William A. Carroll,Frank Opperman,Henry B. Walthall,Joseph McDermott,Jennie Lee,Elmer Booth,Kate Bruce,Harry Carey,Charles Gorman,Dell Henderson,Elmo Lincoln,W. Chrystie Miller,W. C. Robinson,Blanche SweetCurtometrache
1914The Bartered Crown[77]L'arrendadorA.L. HowieBetty GrayCurtometrache
Classmates[78]AbabolJames KirkwoodBlanche Sweet,Henry B. Walthall,Marshall Neilan,Gertrude Robinson,Augusta Anderson,Thomas JeffersonCurtometrache
Her Father's Silent Partner[79]Donald CrispHarry Carey,Claire McDowell,Dorothy GishCurtometrache
The Massacre[80]D. W. GriffithWilfred Lucas,Blanche Sweet,Charles West,Alfred Paget,Charles Craig,Edward Dillon,Charles Gorman,Robert Harron,Dell Henderson,Harry Hyde,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Charles Hill Mailes,Claire McDowell,W. Chrystie Miller,Frank Opperman,Jack Pickford,W. C. Robinson,Kate ToncrayCurtometrache
Judith of Bethulia[81]ExtraD. W. GriffithBlanche Sweet,Henry B. Walthall,Mae Marsh,Robert Harron,Lillian Gish,Dorothy Gish,Kate Bruce,J. Jiquel Lanoe,Harry Carey,W. Chrystie Miller,Gertrude Robinson,Charles Hill Mailes,Edward Dillon,Gertrude Bambrick,Clara T. Bracy,Kathleen Butler,William J. Butler,Christy Cabanne,William A. Carroll,Frank Evans,Mary Gish,Harry Hyde,Thomas Jefferson,Jennie Lee,Adolph Lestina,Elmo Lincoln,Antonio Moreno,Marshall Neilan,Frank Opperman,Alfred Paget,W. C. Robinson,Kate Toncray
Strongheart[82]Billy SaundersJames Kirkwood Sr.Antonio Moreno,Blanche Sweet,Henry B. Walthall,Gertrude Robinson,Tom McEvoy,Alan Hale Sr.,William J. Butler,W.C. Robinson,James Kirkwood,Jack MulhallCurtometrache
Woman Against Woman[83]Gilbert CravenPaul PowellBetty Gray,Millicent Evans,Alan Hale,Vivian Prescott,Charles WestCurtometrache
The Cracksman's Gratitude[84]Anthony O'SullivanClaire McDowellCurtometrache
Men and Women[85]Stephen Rodman/Robert StevensJames KirkwoodBlanche Sweet,Fred Hearn,Gertrude Robinson,Marshall Neilan,Frank Crane,Fred Herzog,Hattie Delaro,Claire McDowell,Frank M. Norcross,Alan Hale,Antonio Moreno,Gladys Egan,Lillian Gish,Vivian PrescottCurtometrache
The Power of the Press[86]Steve CarsonWilliam Russell,Vivian Prescott,Betty Gray,A.C. Marston,Charles E. Graham,Hector V. Sarno,Alan Hale,William Jefferson,Lawrence Marston,W.C. Robinson,Sidney D'AlbrookCurtometrache
The Woman in Black[87]Robert CraneLawrence MarstonAlan Hale,Lawrence Marston,Marie Newton,Millicent Evans,Charles Hill Mailes,Hector V. Sarno,Jack Drumier,Frank Evans
The Span of Life[88]Richard BluntEdward MacKayGladys Wynne,Lyster Chambers,Ogden ChildeCinta perdida
The Seats of the Mighty[89]Monsieur DoltaireT. Hayes HunterMillicent Evans,Lois Meredith,Thomas Jefferson,Glen White,Clinton Preston,Marjorie Brenner,Grace Leigh,A.P. Jackson,Jack Hopkins,Harold Hartsell,William Cavanaugh,N.J. Thompson,Charles E. Graham,Yona Landowska,John P. Wade,Arthur MorrisonCinta perdida
The Exploits of Elaine[90]Papel indeterminauLouis J. Gasnier,George B. Seiz,Leopold Wharton,Theodore WhartonPearl White,Arnold Daly,Creighton Hale,Raymond Owens,Sheldon Lewis,Edwin Arden,Leroy Baker,Bessie Wharton,Riley Hatch,Robin H. Townley,Floyd Buckley,M.W. Rale,George B. Seiz,Howard Cody,Paul Pancer
Under the Gaslight[91]William BykeLawrence MarstonWilliam Russell,Irene Howley,Millicent Evans,Isabel Rea,Thomas Jefferson,Hector Sarno,Zoe Gregory,Maurice Steuart,Rosanna LoganCinta perdida
Brute Force[92]D. W. GriffithRobert Harron,Mae Marsh,William J. Butler,Wilfred Lucas,Edwin Curglot,Alfred Paget,Jennie Lee
1915Wildfire[93]John Keefe,chugadorEdwin MiddletonLillian Russell,Leone Morgan,Richard Morris,W. H. Powers,Glenn White,Riley Hatch,George Mack,Walter Kendig,James J. Gorman,William C. Chamberlain,Ruby Rose,James Jeffrey
A Modern Magdalen[94]LindsayWill S. DavisCathrine Countiss,William H. Tooker,Charles E. Graham,Marjorie Nelson
The Curious Conduct of Judge Legarde[95]ChuezRandolph LegardeWill S. DavisEdna Pendleton,William H. Tooker,Roy Applegate,T.W.M. Draper,August Balfour,Charles E. Graham,Arthur Morrison,Ed Roseman,Thomas O'Keefe,Betty Young
The Romance of Elaine[96]Marcus Del Mar / Mr. XGeorge B. Seiz,Leopold Wharton,Theodore WhartonPearl White,Creighton Hale,Arnold Daly,Warner Oland,Bessie Wharton,George B. Seiz,Howard Cody,Paul Everton,Robin H. Townley,Louis Wolheim
The Flaming Sword[97]SteveEdwin MiddletonJane Grey,Edith Diestel,Mrs. Middleton,Glen White
Dora Thorne[98]Lord EarleLawrence MarstonWilliam Russell,Millicent Evans,Thomas Jefferson,Isabel Rea,Charles Hill Mailes,A.C. Marston,Betty Gray,Marie Newton,Alan Hale,William JeffersonCurtometrache,Cinta perdida
A Yellow Streak[99]Barry DaleWilliam NighIrene Howley,Dorothy Gwynne,John Goldsworthy,Niles Welch,R.A. Bresee,William Cowper,William B. Davidson,Martin Faust,John J. DonoughCinta perdida
1916Dorian's Divorce[100]Richard DorianO. A. C. LundGrace Valentine,Edgar L. Davenport,William B. Davidson,Louis Wolheim,Lindsay J. Hall,Bert Starkey,John Leach,Jerome N. Wilson
The Quitter[101]"Happy" Jack LewisCharles HoranMarguerite Skirvin,Paul Everton,Charles Prince,Julius D. Cowles,Edward Brennan,Saagar Bains
The Upheaval[102]Jim GordonCharles HoranMarguerite Skirvin,Franklyn Hanna,Edgar L. Davenport,John Smiley,Paul Lawrence,James C. Malaidy,Howard Truesdale,George Stevens,Frank A. Lyons,Myra Brooks
The Brand of Cowardice[103]Cyril HamiltonJohn W. NobleGrace Valentine,Robert Cummings,Kate Blancke,John Davidson,Frank Montgomery,Louis Wolheim,Tula Belle
1917The End of the Tour[104]Byron BennettGeorge D. BakerEthel Dayton,Frank Currier,Walter Hiers,J. Herbert Frank,Richard Thornton,Maud Hill,Kate Blancke,Hugh Jeffrey,Mary Taylor,Charles Eldridge,William Harvey,Louis Wolheim,Hal WilsonCinta perdida
His Father's Son[105]J. Dabney BarronGeorge D. BakerIrene Howley,Frank Currier,Charles Eldridge,George A. Wright,Phil Sanford,Walter Horton,Hugh Jeffrey,Florence Natol,Ilean Hume,Marien Dennis
The Millionaire's Double[106]Bide BenningtonHarry DavenportEvelyn Brent,Harry Northrup,H. H. Pattee,John Smiley,John Raymond,Louis WolheimCinta perdida
National Red Cross Pageant[107]Él mesmoChristy CabanneEdith Wynne Matthison,Douglas Wood,Ethel Barrymore,Kitty Gordon,Margaret Moreland,Adelaide Prince,Olive Tell,Irene Fenwick,Montgomery Irving,Annette Kellerman,Josephine Drake,Ethel McDonough,Norman Trevor,George Backus,Marjorie Wood,Maclyn Arbuckle,Lumsden Hare,Frank Keenan,Frederick Truesdell,Ben Ali Haggin,Clifton Webb,Ina Claire,Guy Favières,John Barrymore,George F. Smithfield,Alice Fischer,Howard Kyle,Blanche Yurka,Gladys Hanson,Tyrone Power, Sr.,E. H. Sothern,Rita Jolivet,Richard Bennett,Michio Itō,Marjorie Rambeau,H. P. Davison,Hacel Dawn,William T. Rock,Helen Ware,Frances WhiteCinta perdida
1920The Copperhead[108]Milt ShanksCharles MaigneWilliam P. Carleton,Francis Joyner,Richard Carlyle,Arthur Rankin,Leslie Stowe,Nicholas Schroell,William David,Harry Bartlett,Jack Ridgeway,Mayor N.M. Cartmell,Doris Rankin,Carolyn Lee,Anne Cornwall,Francis Haldorn
The Master Mind[109]Henry AllenKenneth WebbGypsy O'Brien,Ralph Kellard,Bradley Barker,Charles Brandt,Marie Shotwell,Bernard Randall,Charles Edwards,Louis Stern,Alma Aiken,Percy HeltonCinta perdida
The Devil's Garden[110]William DaleKenneth WebbDoris Rankin,May McAvoy,H. Cooper CliffeCinta perdida
1921The Great Adventure[111]Priam FarllKenneth WebbDoris Rankin,Octavia Broske,Thomas Braidon,Arthur Rankin,Paul Kelly,Maybeth Carr,Charles Land,Jed Prouty,E. J. Ratcliffe,Ivo Dawson,Katherine Stewart,Fredric March
Jim the Penman[112]James RalstonKenneth WebbNed Burton,Charles Coghlan,James Laffey,Gladys Leslie,Douglas MacPherson,Anders Randolf,Arthur Rankin,Doris Rankin
1922Boomerang Bill[113]Tom TerrissBoomerang BillMarguerite Marsh,Margaret Seddon,Frank Shannon,Matthew Bez,Charles Fang,Harry Lee,Miriam Battista,Helen KimCinta conservada nomás que parcialment
The Face in the Fog[114]Boston Blackie DawsonAlan CroslandSeena Owen,Lowell Sherman,George Nash,Louis Wolheim,Mary MacLaren,Macey Harlam,Gustav von Seyffertiz,Joe King,Tom Blake,Marie Burke,Joseph W. Smiley,Martin Faust,Mario MajeroniCinta conservada nomás que parcialment
1923Enemies of Women[115]Prencipe Michael LubimoffAlan CroslandAlma Rubens,Pedro de Cordoba,Gareth Hughes,Gladys Hulette,William H. Thompson,William Collier, Jr.,Mario Majeroni,Betty Bouton,Jeanne Brindeau,Ivan Linow,Paul Pancer,Clara Bow,Margaret Dumont,Helen Lee Worthing,Adolph MilarCinta conservada nomás que parcialment
Unseeing Eyes[116]Conrad DeanEdward H. GriffithSeena Owen,Louis Wolheim,Gustav von Seyffertiz,Walter Miller,Charles Byer,Helen Lindroth,Jack W. Johnston,Louis Deer,Francis Red Eagle,Dan Red Eagle,Paul Pancer,Mayo MethotCinta perdida
The Eternal City[117]Barón BonelliGeorge FitzmauriceBarbara La Marr,Bert Lytell,Richard Bennett,Montagu Love,William Ricciardi,Betty Bronson,Joan Bennett,Ronald ColmanNomás se conservan que dos d'os uieto rollos d'a cinta
1924America[118]CapitánWalter ButlerD. W. GriffithNeil Hamilton,Erville Alderson,Carol Dempster,Charles Emmett Mack,Lee Beggs,John Dunton,Arthur Donaldson,Charles Bennett,Downing Clarke,Frank Walsh,Frank McGlynn Sr.,Arthur Dewey,P. R. Scammon,Sydney Deane,Harry O'Neill,Louis Wolheim,Riley Hatch,Paul Doucet,Emil Hoch
Decameron Nights[119]SaladínHerbert WilcoxIvy Duke,Werner Krauss,Bernhard Goetzke,Randle Ayrton,Xenia Desni,Jameson Thomas,Hanna Ralph,Albert Steinrück
Meddling Women[120]Edwin Ainsworth/John WellsIvan AbramsonSigrid Holmquist,Dagmar Godowsky,Hugh Thompson,Ida Darling,Alice Hegeman,Antonio D'Algy,William Bechtel
I Am the Man[121]James McCuadeIvan AbramsonSeena Owen,Gaston Glass,Martin Faust,Flora le Breton,James Keane,Joseph Striker
Wedding Women[122]
1925A Man of Iron[123]Philip DurbanWhitman BennettMildred Harris,Winifred Barry,Dorothy Kingdon,Alfred Mack,J. Moy Bennett,Isobel De Leon,Jean Del Val
The Girl Who Wouldn't Work[124]Gordon KentMarcel De SanoMarguerite De La Motte,Henry B. Walthall,Lilyan Tashman,Forrest Stanley,Winter Hall,Tom Ricketts
Children of the Whirlwind[125]Joe EllisonWhitman BennettJohnnie Walker,Marguerite De La Motte,J.R. Roser,Marie Haynes,Bert Tuey,Frank Montgomery,Ruby Blaine
The Wrongdoers[126]Daniel AbbottHugh DierkerAnne Cornwall,Henry Hull,Henry Sedley,Blanche Craig,Flora Finch,William Calhoun,Harry Lee,Tammany Young,Tom Brown
Fifty-Fifty[127]Frederick HarmonHenri Diamant-BergerHope Hampton,Louise Glaum,J. Moy Bennett,Arthur Donaldson,Jean Del Val,Josephine NormanCinta perdida
The Splendid Road[128]Dan ClehollisFrank LloydAnna Q. Nilsson,Robert Fracer,Edwards Davis,Roy Laidlaw,DeWitt Jennings,Russell Simpson,George Bancroft,Gladys Brockwell,Pauline Garon,Marceline Day,Mary Jane Irving,Mickey McBan,Edward EarleCinta perdida
Die Frau mit dem schlechten Ruf[129]Allan MerrickBenjamin ChristensenGustav Fröhlich,Alexandra Sorina,Daisy Campbell,Marian Alma,Walter Bruckmann,Danielowitsch,Dembot,Hertha Müller,Frida Richard,Friz Richard,Mathilde Sussin,Robert Taube,Eugenie Teichgräbe
Ben-Hur A Tale of the Christ[130]Extra en a cursa de carrosFred Niblo,Charles Brabin (no acreditau)Ramon Novarro,Francis X. Bushman,May McAvoy,Betty Bronson,Claire McDowell,Kathleen Key,Carmel Myers,Nigel de Brulier,Mitchell Lewis,Leo White,Frank Currier,Charles Belcher,Dale Fuller,Winter Hall,Claude Payton,George Walsh
1926Brooding Eyes[131]Slim Jim CareyEdward LeSaintRuth Clifford,Robert Ellis,Montagu Love,William V. Mong,Lucien Littlefield,John Miljan,Dot Farley,Alma Bennett
The Barrier[132]Stark BennettGeorge W. HillMarceline Day,Norman Kerry,Henry B. Walthall,George Cooper,Bert Woodruff,Neola May,Mario Carillo,Pat Harmon,Shannon DayCinta perdida
Wife Tamers[133]Mr. BarryJames W. HorneClyde Cook,Gertrude Astor,Vivien Oakland,James Finlayson,John T. MurrayCurtometrache
Paris at Midnight[134]VautrinE. Mason Hopper,E. J. BabilleJetta Goudal,Mary Brian,Edmund Burns,Émile Chautard,Brandon Hurst,Jocelyn Lee,Mathilde Comont,Carrie Daumery,Fannie Yantis,Jean De Briac,Charles Recua
The Lucky Lady[135]Conte FerranzoRaoul WalshGreta Nissen,William Collier, Jr.,Marc McDermott,Carrie Daumery
The Bels[136]MathiasJames YoungCaroline Frances Cooke,Gustav von Seyffertiz,Lorimer Johnston,Eddie Phillips,Lola Todd,Laura La Varnie,Boris Karloff,E. Alyn Warren,John George
The Temptress[137]CanteracFred NibloGreta Garbo,Antonio Moreno,Marc McDermott,Armand Kaliz,Roy D'Arcy,Robert Anderson,Francis McDonald,Hector Sarno,Virginia Brown Faire
1927The Show[138]O griegoTod BrowningJohn Gilbert,Renée Adorée,Edward Connelly,Gertrude Short,Zalla Zarana,Andy MacLennan,Edna Tichenor,Polly Moran
Women Love Diamonds[139]Hugo HarlanEdmund GouldingPauline Starke,Owen Moore,Cissy Fitzgerald,Gwen Lee,Douglas Fairbanks Jr.,Pauline Neff,Constance Howard,George Cooper,Dorothy Phillips
Body and Soul[140]Dr. LeydenReginald BarkerAileen Pringle,Norman Kerry,T. Roy Barnes
The Thirteenth Hour[141]Profesor LeroyChester M. FranklinJacqueline Gadsdon,Charles Delaney,Fred Kelsey,Polly Moran,Sojin
1928Sadie Thompson[142]Mr. Alfred DavidsonRaoul WalshGloria Swanson,Blanche Friderici,Charles Willis Lane,Florence Midgley,James A. Marcus,Sophia Artega,Will Stanton,Raoul Walsh
Drums of Love[143]Duque Cathos de AlviaD. W. GriffithMary Philbin,Don Alvarado,Tully Marshall,William Austin,Eugenie Besserer,Charles Hill Mailes,Rosemary Cooper,Joyce Coad
The Lion and the Mouse[144]John RyderLloyd BaconMay McAvoy,Alec B. Francis,William Collier Jr.,Emmett Corrigan,Jack Ackroyd
Road House[145]Henry GraysonRichard RossonMaria Alba,Warren Burke,Julia Swayne Gordon,Tempe Pigott,Florence Allen,Eddie Clayton,Jack Oakie,Jane Keckley,Kay Bryant
Alias Jimmy Valentine[146]DoyleJack ConwayWilliam Haines,Leila Hyams,Karl Dane,Tully Marshall,Howard C. Hickman,Billy Butts,Evelyn Mills,Dolores Brinkman,Johnny HinesCinta perdida
West of Zancibar[147]CraneTod BrowningLon Chaney,Mary Nolan,Warner Baxter,Jacqueline Gadsden,Tiny Ward,Kalla Pasha,Curtis Nero
The River Woman[148]Bill LeftyJoseph HenaberyJacqueline Logan,Charles Delaney,Sheldon Lewis,Harry Todd,Mary Doran
1929The Mysterious Island[149]Conte DakkarLucien HubbardJacqueline Gadsden,Lloyd Hughes,Montagu Love,Harry Gribbon,Sniz Edwards,Gibson Gowland,Dolores Brinkman,Karl Dane,Robert Dudley,Angelo Rossitto,Carl 'Major' Roup,Billy Schuler,Pauline Starke,Jack Stoutenburg,Harry Tenbrook,Robert McKim
The Hollywood Revue[150]Él mesmoCharles ReisnerConrad Nagel,Jack Benny,Joan Crawford,Marion Davies,John Gilbert,Norma Shearer,Charles King,Bessie Love,Cliff Edwards,Anita Page,Marie Dressler,Polly Moran,William Haines,Buster Keaton,Stan Laurel,Oliver Hardy,George K. Arthur,Karl Dane,The Brox Sisters,Gwen Lee,Gus Edwards,Albertina Rasch
1930Free and Easy[151]DirectorEdward SedgwickBuster Keaton,Anita Page,Trixie Friganza,Robert Montgomery,Fred Niblo,David Burton,William Haines,Marion Shilling,Cecil B. DeMille
1931A Free Soul[152]Stephen AsheClarence BrownNorma Shearer,Leslie Howard,Clark Gable,James Gleason,Lucy BeaumontOscar a lo Millor Actor
Guilty Hands[153]Richard GrantW. S. Van Dyke, Él mesmo (no acreditau)Kay Francis,Madge Evans,William Bakewell,C. Aubrey Smith,Polly Moran,Alan Mowbray,Forrester Harvey,Charles Crockett,Henry Barrows,Sam McDaniel,Blue Washington
The Yellow Ticket[154]Barón Igor AndreyRaoul WalshElissa Landi,Laurence Olivier,Walter Byron,Arnold Korff,Mischa Auer,Edwin Maxwell,Rita La Roy,Sarah Padden,Boris Karloff
The Christmas Party[155]No acreditauCharles ReisnerWallace Beery,Jackie Cooper,Marion Davies,Bette Davis,Dorothy DeBorba,Reginald Denny,Marie Dressler,Jimmy Durante,Cliff Edwards,Clark Gable,Charlotte Greenwood,Donald Haines,Allen 'Farina' Hoskins,Bobby 'Wheecer' Hutchins,Leila Hyams,Mary Ann Jackson,Carmencita Johnson,Jerry Madden,Polly Moran,Ramon Novarro,Anita Page,Jesse Scott,Norma Shearer,Buster Slaven,Jerry TuckerCurtometrache
Mata Hari[156]Cheneral Serge ShubinGeorge FitzmauriceGreta Garbo,Ramon Novarro,Lewis Stone,C. Henry Gordon,Karen Morley,Alec B. Francis,Blanche Friderici,Edmund Breese,Helen Jerome Eddy,Frank Reicher
1932Broken Lullaby[157]Dr H. HolderlinErnst LubitschNancy Carroll,Phillips Holmes,Louise Carter,Lucien Littlefield,ZaSu Pitts,Frank Sheridan,Emma Dunn,George Irving,Tully Marshall
Arsène Lupin[158]Detective GuerchardJack ConwayJohn Barrymore,Karen Morley,John Miljan,Tully Marshall,Henry Armetta,George Davis,John Davidson,James Mack,Mary Jane Irving,Olaf Hytten,Leo White
Grand Hotel[159]Otto KringeleinEdmund GouldingGreta Garbo,John Barrymore,Joan Crawford,Wallace Beery,Lewis Stone,Jean Hersholt,Robert McWade,Purnell B. Pratt,Ferdinand Gottschalk,Rafaela Ottiano,Morgan Wallace,Tully Marshall,Frank Conroy,Murray Kinnell,Edwin Maxwell,Allen Jenkins
The Washington Masquerade[160]Jeff KeaneCharles BrabinKaren Morley,Diane Sinclair,Nils Asther,Reginald Barlow,William Collier, Sr.,William Morris,Rafaela Ottiano,C. Henry Gordon,Berton Churchill,Henry Kolker
Rasputin and the Empress[161]Grigori RasputinRichard BoleslawskiJohn Barrymore,Ethel Barrymore,Ralph Morgan,Diana Wynyard,Tad Alexander,C. Henry Gordon,Edward Arnold,Henry Armetta,Nigel De Brulier,Henry Kolker,Frank Reicher
1933Sweepings[162]Daniel PardwayJohn CromwellEric Linden,William Gargan,Gloria Stuart,Alan Dinehart,Gregory Ratoff,Helen Mack,Lucien Littlefield,George Meeker,Ninetta Sunderland,Esther Muir,Franklin Pangborn
Looking Forward[163]Tim BentonClarence BrownLewis Stone,Benita Hume,Elizabeth Allan,Phillips Holmes,Colin Clive,Alec B. Francis,Doris Lloyd,Halliwell Hobbes,Douglas Walton,Viva Tattersall,Lawrence Grant,George K. Arthur,Billy Bevan,Eily Malyon,Edgar Norton,Ethel Griffies,Alan Edwards,Rita Carlyle
The Stranger's Return[164]Grandpa StorrKing VidorMiriam Hopkins,Franchot Tone,Stuart Erwin,Irene Hervey,Beulah Bondi,Grant Mitchell
Dinner at Eight[165]Oliver JordanGeorge CukorMarie Dressler,John Barrymore,Wallace Beery,Jean Harlow,Billie Burke,Lee Tracy,Edmund Lowe,Madge Evans,Jean Hersholt,Karen Morley,Louise Closser Hale,Phillips Holmes,May Robson
One Man's Journey[166]Dr. Eli WattJohn S. Robertson,Charles Kerr (asistent)May Robson,Dorothy Jordan,Joel McCrea,Frances Dee,David Landau,Buster Phelps,June Filmer,James Bush,Oscar Apfel,Samuel S. Hinds,Hale Hamilton,Colin Kenny,John Ince,Lloyd Ingraham,Dave O'Brien,Frank O'Connor,Russ Powell,Forrest Taylor,Lucille Ward
Night Flight[167]Inspector RobineauClarence BrownJohn Barrymore,Helen Hayes,Clark Gable,Robert Montgomery,Myrna Loy,William Gargan,C. Henry Gordon,Leslie Fenton,Harry Beresford,Frank Conroy,Dorothy Burgess,Irving Pichel,Helen Jerome Eddy,Buster Phelps,Ralf Harolde,Marcia Ralston,Otto Hoffman
Christopher Bean[168]Dr. Milton HaggettSam WoodMarie Dressler,Helen Mack,Beulah Bondi,Russell Hardie,Jean Hersholt,H. B. Warner,Helen Shipman,George Coulouris
Should Ladies Behave[169]Augustus MerrickHarry BeaumontAlice Brady,Conway Tearle,Katharine Alexander,Mary Carlisle,William Janney,Halliwell Hobbes
1934This Side of Heaven[170]Martin TurnerWilliam K. HowardFay Bainter,Mae Clarke,Tom Brown,Una Merkel,Mary Carlisle,Onslow Stevens,Henry Wadsworth,Edward Nugent,C. Henry Gordon,Dickie Moore,Edwin Maxwell,Mickey Daniels
Carolina[171]Bob ConnellyHenry KingJanet Gaynor,Robert Young,Henrietta Crosman,Richard Cromwell,Mona Barrie,Stepin Fetchit,Ronnie Cosby,Jackie Cosbey,Almeda Fowler,Alden "Stephen" Chase,Shirley Temple
The Girl from Missouri[172]Thomas Randall 'T.R.' PaigeJack ConwayJean Harlow,Franchot Tone,Lewis Stone,Patsy Kelly,Alan Mowbray,Clara Blandick,Hale Hamilton,Garry Owen
Treasure Island[173]Billy BonesVictor FlemingWallace Beery,Jackie Cooper,Otto Kruger,Lewis Stone,Nigel Bruce,Charles "Chic" Sale,William V. Mong,Charles McNaughton,Dorothy Peterson,Vernon Downing,Douglass Dumbrille,Edmund Breese,Olin Howland,Charles Irwin,Edward Pawley,Richard Powell,James Burke,John Anderson,Charles Bennett
1935David Copperfield[174]Dan'l PeggottyGeorge CukorEdna May Oliver,Elizabeth Allan,Jessie Ralph,Harry Beresford,Freddie Bartholomew,Basil Rathbone,Hugh Walpole,Herbert Mundin,John Buckler,Faye Chaldecott,Una O'Connor,Violet Kemble Cooper,Elsa Lanchester,Jean Cadell,W. C. Fields,Lennox Pawle,Renee Gadd,Marilyn Knowlden,Lewis Stone,Roland Young,Frank Lawton,Madge Evans,Hugh Williams,Maureen O'Sullivan,Florine McKinney,Ivan F. Simpson,Mabel Colcord
The Little Colonel[175]Coronel LloydDavid ButlerShirley Temple,Evelyn Venable,John Lodge,Sidney Blackmer,Stephen Chase,William Burress,Frank Darien,Bill Robinson,Robert Warwick,Hattie McDaniel,Geneva Williams,Avonnie Jackson,Nyanza Potts
Mark of the Vampire[176]Profesor ZelenTod BrowningElizabeth Allan,Bela Lugosi,Lionel Atwill,Jean Hersholt,Henry Wadsworth,Donald Meek,Ivan F. Simpson,Carroll Borland,Leila Bennett,June Gittelson,Holmes Herbert,Michael Visaroff,James Bradbury, Jr.,Egon Brecher,Jessie Ralph
Public Hero Number 1[177]MedicoJ. Walter RubenJean Arthur,Chester Morris,Joseph Calleia,Paul Kelly,Lewis Stone,Paul Hurst,George E. Stone,Sam Baker
The Return of Peter Grimm[178]Peter GrimmGeorge Nicholls Jr.Helen Mack,Edward Ellis,Donald Meek,George Breakston,Allen Vincent,James Bush,Ethel Griffies,Lucien Littlefield,Greta Meyer,Ray Mayer
Ah, Wilderness![179]Nat MillerClarence BrownWallace Beery,Aline MacMahon,Eric Linden,Cecilia Parker,Spring Byington,Mickey Rooney,Charley Grapewin,Frank Albertson,Edward J. Nugent,Bonita Granville,Helen Flint,Helen Freeman
1936The Voice of Bugle Ann[180]Spring DavisRichard ThorpeMaureen O'Sullivan,Eric Linden,Dudley Digges,Spring Byington,Charley Grapewin,Henry Wadsworth,William Newell,James Macklin,Jonathan Hale,Frederick Burton
The Road to Glory[181]Papa La Roche /Soldau MorinHoward HawksFredric March,Warner Baxter,June Lang,Gregory Ratoff,Victor Kilian,Paul Stanton,John Cualen,Julius Tannen,Theodore von Elz,Paul Fix,Leonid Kinskey,Jacques Lory,Jacques Vanaire,Edythe Raynore,George Warrington
The Devil-Doll[182]Paul LavondTod BrowningMaureen O'Sullivan,Frank Lawton,Rafaela Ottiano,Robert Greig,Lucy Beaumont,Henry B. Walthall,Grace Ford,Pedro de Cordoba,Arthur Hohl,Juanita Quigley,Claire Du Brey,Rollo Lloyd,Frank Reicher
The Gorgeous Hussy[183]Andrew JacksonClarence BrownJoan Crawford,Robert Taylor,Franchot Tone,Melvyn Douglas,James Stewart,Alison Skipworth,Beulah Bondi,Louis Calhern,Melville Cooper,Sidney Toler,Gene Lockhart,Clara Blandick,Frank Conroy,Nydia Westman,Willard Robertson,Charles Trowbridge,Rubye De Remer,Betty Blythe,Zeffie Tilbury
Camille[184]Monsieur DuvalGeorge CukorRobert Taylor,Elizabeth Allan,Jessie Ralph,Henry Daniell,Lenore Ulric,Laura Hope Crews,Rex O'Malley,Mabel Colcord,Mariska Aldrich,Wilson Benge
1937A Family Affair[185]Chuez James K. HardyGeorge B. SeizCecilia Parker,Eric Linden,Mickey Rooney,Charley Grapewin,Spring Byington,Julie Haydon,Sara Haden,Allen Vincent,Margaret Marquis,Selmer Jackson
Captains Courageous[186]Capitán de barco Disko TroopVictor FlemingFreddie Bartholomew,Spencer Tracy,Melvyn Douglas,Charley Grapewin,Mickey Rooney,John Carradine,Oscar O'Shea,Jack La Rue,Walter Kingsford,Donald Briggs,Sam McDaniel,Bill Burrud,Gladden James,Frank Sully,Billy Gilbert,Charles Coleman,Lester Dorr
Saratoga[187]Grandpa ClaytonJack ConwayClark Gable,Jean Harlow,Frank Morgan,Walter Pidgeon,Una Merkel,Cliff Edwards,George Zucco,Jonathan Hale,Hattie McDaniel,Frankie Darro,Henry Stone,Dennis O'Keefe
Navy Blue and Gold[188]Capitán "Skinny" DawesSam WoodRobert Young,James Stewart,Florence Rice,Billie Burke,Tom Brown,Samuel S. Hinds,Paul Kelly,Barnett Parker,Roger Converse
1938A Yank at Oxford[189]Dan SheridanJack ConwayRobert Taylor,Maureen O'Sullivan,Vivien Leigh,Edmund Gwenn,Griffith Jones,C. V. France,Edward Rigby,Morton Selten,Claude Gillingwater,Tully Marshall,Walter Kingsford,Robert Coote,Peter Croft,Noel Howlett,Ronald Shiner,Jon Pertwee
Test Pilot[190]DrakeVictor FlemingClark Gable,Myrna Loy,Spencer Tracy,Samuel S. Hinds,Marjorie Main,Ted Pearson,Gloria Holden,Louis Jean Heydt,Virginia Grey,Priscilla Lawson,Arthur Aylesworth,Claudia Coleman,Fay Holden,Roger Converse,Gregory Gaye,Lester Dorr
Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 12[191]Él mesmoRalph StaubJean Arthur,Frank Capra,James Gleason,Buck Jones,Charles Ruggles,Silver,James StewartDocumental,Curtometrache
You Can't Take It with You[192]Grandpa Martin VanderhofFrank CapraJean Arthur,James Stewart,Edward Arnold,Mischa Aue,Ann Miller,Spring Byington,Samuel S. Hinds,Donald Meek,H.B. Warner,Halliwell Hobbes,Dub Taylor,Mary Forbes,Lillian Yarbo,Eddie Anderson,Clarence Wilson,Josef Swickard,Ann Doran,Christian Rub,Bodil Rosing,Charles Lane,Harry Davenport
Young Dr. Kildare[193]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Lynne Carver,Nat Pendleton,Jo Ann Sayers,Samuel S. Hinds,Emma Dunn,Walter Kingsford,Truman Bradley,Monty Woolley,Pierre Watkin,Nella Walker,Roger Converse
1939Let Freedom Ring[194]Thomas LoganJack ConwayNelson Eddy,Virginia Bruce,Victor McLaglen,Edward Arnold,Guy Kibbee,Charles Butterworth,H. B. Warner,Raymond Walburn,Dick Rich,Trevor Bardette,George 'Gabby' Hayes,Louis Jean Heydt,Sarah Padden,Eddie Dunn,Billy Bevan,Lionel Royce,Luis Alberni,Emory Parnell
Calling Dr. Kildare[195]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Nat Pendleton,Lana Turner,Lynne Carver,Samuel S. Hinds,Emma Dunn,Reed Hadley,Roger Converse
On Borrowed Time[196]Julian Northrup (Gramps)Harold S. BucquetCedric Hardwicke,Beulah Bondi,Una Merkel,Bobs Watson,Nat Pendleton,Henry Travers,Grant Mitchell,Eily Malyon,James Burke,Charles Waldron,Ian Wolfe,Phillip Terry,Truman Bradley,Barbara Bedford
The Secret of Dr. Kildare[197]Dr. Leonard Barry GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Lionel Atwill,Helen Gilbert,Nat Pendleton,Laraine Day,Sara Haden,Samuel S. Hinds,Emma Dunn,Walter Kingsford,Grant Mitchell,Alma Kruger,Robert Kent,Marie Blake,Martha O'Driscoll,Nell Craig,George Reed,Frank Orth,Alec Craig,Emory Parnell
1940The Stars Look Down[198]Voz d'a narración, no acreditauCarol ReedMichael Redgrave,Margaret Lockwood,Emlyn Williams,Nancy Price,Allan Jeayes,Edward Rigby,Linden Travers,Cecil Parker,Milton Rosmer,George Carney,Ivor Barnard,Olga Lindo,Desmond Tester,David Markham,Aubrey Mallalieu,Kynaston Reeves,Clive Baxter,James Harcourt,Frederick Burtwell,Dorothy Hamilton,Frank Atkinson,David Horne,Edmund Willard,Ben Williams,Scott Harrold
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case[199]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Shepperd Strudwick,Samuel S. Hinds,Emma Dunn,Nat Pendleton,Walter Kingsford,Alma Kruger,John Eldredge,Nell Craig,Marie Blake,Charles Waldron,George Lessey,Tom Collins,George Reed,Paul Porcasi,Horace McMahon,Frank Orth,Margaret Seddon,Fay Helm
Dr. Kildare Goes Home[200]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Samuel S. Hinds,Gene Lockhart,John Shelton,Nat Pendleton,Emma Dunn,Alma Kruger,Walter Kingsford,Nell Craig,Cliff Danielson,Henry Wadsworth,Tom Collins,George Reed
Dr. Kildare's Crisis[201]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Robert Young,Nat Pendleton,Walter Kingsford,Alma Kruger,Bobs Watson,Nell Craig,George H. Reed,Frank Orth,Marie Blake,Horace MacMahon
1941The Penalty[202]'Grandpop' LoganHarold S. BucquetEdward Arnold,Marsha Hunt,Robert Sterling,Gene Reynolds,Emma Dunn,Veda Ann Borg,Richard Lane,Gloria DeHaven,Grant Mitchell,Phil Silvers,Warren Ashe,William Haade,Ralph Byrd,Edgar Barrier
The Bad Man[203]Tío Henry JonesRichard ThorpeWallace Beery,Laraine Day,Ronald Reagan,Henry Travers,Chris-Pin Martin,Tom Conway,Chill Wills,Nydia Westman,Charles Stevens
The People vs. Dr. Kildare[204]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Bonita Granville,Alma Kruger,Red Skelton,Diana Lewis,Walter Kingsford,Nell Craig,Tom Conway,Marie Blake,Eddie Acuff,George H. Reed,Chick Chandler
Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day[205]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetLew Ayres,Laraine Day,Red Skelton,Alma Kruger,Samuel S. Hinds,Nils Asther,Walter Kingsford,Emma Dunn,Miles Mander,Nell Craig,Frank Orth,George H. Reed,Marie Blake,Margaret Seddon,Olive BlakeneyTamién ye autor de parti d'abanda sonora orichinal
Lady Be Good[206]Chuez MurdockNorman Z. McLeodEleanor Powell,Robert Young,Ann Sothern,John Carroll,Berry Brothers,Virginia O'Brien,Red Skelton,Phil Silvers,Dan Dailey,Mrs. Wardley,Singer
1942Dr. Kildare's Victory[207]Dr. Leonard GillespieW. S. Van DykeLew Ayres,Ann Ayars,Robert Sterling,Jean Rogers,Alma Kruger,Walter Kingsford,Nell Craig,Edward Gargan,Marie Blake,Frank Orth,George Reed,Barry Nelson,Eddie Acuff,Gus Schilling,Stuart Crawford,William Bakewell,Charlotte Wynters,Ray Walker
Calling Dr. Gillespie[208]Dr. Leonard GillespieHarold S. BucquetPhilip Dorn,Donna Reed,Phil Brown,Nat Pendleton,Alma Kruger,Mary Nash,Walter Kingsford,Nell Craig,Ruth Tobey,Jonathan Hale,Charles Dingle,Marie Blake,Nana Bryant,Eddie Acuff,Ava Gardner,Charles R. Moore,Ray Teal
Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant[209]Dr. Leonard GillespieWillis GoldbeckVan Johnson,Susan Peters,Richard Quine,Keye Luke,Alma Kruger,Nat Pendleton,Horace McNally,Frank Orth,Walter Kingsford,Nell Craig,Marie Blake,Paul Fix
Tennessee Johnson[210]Thaddeus StevensWilliam DieterleVan Heflin,Ruth Hussey,Marjorie Main,Regis Toomey,J. Edward Bromberg,Grant Withers,Alec Craig,Charles Dingle,Carl Benton Reid,Russell Hicks,Noah Beery,Robert Warwick,Montagu Love,Lloyd Corrigan,William Farnum,Charles Trowbridge,Russell Simpson,Morris Ankrum,Mark Daniels,William B. Davidson,Harrison Greene,Roger Imhof,Lloyd Ingraham,Alberto Morin,James Warren
1943Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case[211]Dr. Leonard B. GillespieWillis GoldbeckVan Johnson,Keye Luke,Alma Kruger,John Craven,Nat Pendleton,Margaret O'Brien,Donna Reed,Michael Duane,William Lundigan,Walter Kingsford,Marilyn Maxwell,Henry O'Neill,Marie Blake,Frances Rafferty
The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith[212]GrampsHarold S. BucquetGeorge Reeves,Walter Brennan,Barbara Britton,Walter AbelCurtometrache
A Guy Named Joe[213]OcheneralVictor Fleming,John E. Burch (asistent)Spencer Tracy,Irene Dunne,Van Johnson,Ward Bond,James Gleason,Barry Nelson,Esther Williams,Henry O'Neill,Don DeFore,Charles Smith,Addison Richards,Kirk Alyn,Maurice Murphy
1944Three Men in White[214]Dr. Leonard B. GillespieWillis GoldbeckVan Johnson,Marilyn Maxwell,Keye Luke,Ava Gardner,Alma Kruger,Rags Ragland,Nell Craig
Since You Went Away[215]MosénJohn CromwellClaudette Colbert,Jennifer Jones,Joseph Cotten,Shirley Temple,Monty Woolley,Robert Walker,Hattie McDaniel,Agnes Moorehead,Alla Nacimova,Albert Bassermann,Gordon Oliver,Keenan Wynn,Guy Madison,Craig Stevens,Lloyd Corrigan,Jackie Moran,Wallis Clark,George Chandler,Dorothy Dandridge,Warren Hymer,Rhonda Fleming,Byron Foulger,Andrew V. McLaglen,Edwin Maxwell,Terry Moore,Adeline De Walt Reynolds,Ruth Roman,Butterfly McQueen
Dragon Seed[216]Narrador (voz)Jack Conway,Harold S. BucquetKatharine Hepburn,Walter Huston,Aline MacMahon,Akim Tamiroff,Turhan Bey,Hurd Hatfield,J. Carrol Naish,Agnes Moorehead,Henry Travers,Robert Bice,Robert Lewis,Frances Rafferty,Leonard Strong,Jacqueline deWit,Clarence Lung,Paul E. Burns,Anna Demetrio
1945Between Two Women[217]Dr. Leonard B. GillespieWillis GoldbeckVan Johnson,Marilyn Maxwell,Gloria DeHaven,Keenan Wynn,Keye Luke,Alma Kruger,Walter Kingsford,Marie Blake,Nell Craig,Shirley Patterson,Edna Holland,Lorraine Miller,Eddie Acuff,Tom Trout
The Valley of Decision[218]Pat RaffertyTay GarnettGreer Garson,Gregory Peck,Donald Crisp,Preston Foster,Marsha Hunt,Gladys Cooper,Reginald Owen,Dan Duryea,Jessica Tandy,Barbara Everest,Marshall Thompson
1946Three Wise Fools[219]Dr. Richard GaughntEdward BuzcellMargaret O'Brien,Lewis Stone,Thomas Mitchell,Edward Arnold,Ray Collins,Jane Darwell,Charles Dingle,Harry Davenport,Henry O'Neill,Cyd Charisse,Warner Anderson,Billy Curtis,Olin Howland
It's a Wonderful Life[220]Henry F. PotterFrank CapraJames Stewart,Donna Reed,Thomas Mitchell,Henry Travers,Beulah Bondi,Frank Faylen,Ward Bond,Gloria Grahame,H. B. Warner,Frank Albertson,Todd Karns,Samuel S. Hinds,Mary Treen,Virginia Patton,Charles Williams,Sara Edwards,Bill Edmunds,Lillian Randolph,Argentina Brunetti,Bobbie Anderson,Ronnie Ralph,Jean Gale,Jeanine Ann Roose,Danny Mummert,Georgie Nokes,Sheldon Leonard,Frank Hagney,Ray Walker,Charlie Lane,Edward Kean,Carol Coomes,Karolyn Grimes,Larry Simms,Jimmy Hawkins
The Secret Heart[221]Dr. RossigerRobert Z. LeonardClaudette Colbert,Walter Pidgeon,June Allyson,Robert Sterling,Marshall Thompson,Elizabeth Patterson,Richard Derr,Patricia Medina,Eily Malyon,Dwayne Hickman
Duel in the Sun[222]Senador Jackson McCanlesKing VidorJennifer Jones,Joseph Cotten,Gregory Peck,Herbert Marshall,Lillian Gish,Walter Huston,Charles Bickford,Harry Carey,Charles Dingle,Sidney Blackmer,Butterfly McQueen,Otto Kruger,Joan Tecel,Tilly Losch,Scott McKay,Hank Bel,Bob McKencie
1947Dark Delusion[223]Dr. Leonard GillespieWillis GoldbeckJames Craig,Lucille Bremer,Jayne Meadows,Warner Anderson,Henry Stephenson,Alma Kruger,Keye Luke,Art Baker,Lester Matthews,Marie Blake,Ben Lessy,Geraldine Wall,Nell Craig,George Reed,Mary Currier
1948Key Largo[224]James TempleJohn HustonHumphrey Bogart,Edward G. Robinson,Lauren Bacall,Claire Trevor,Thomas Gomez,Harry Lewis,John Rodney,Marc Lawrence,Dan Seymour,Monte Blue,William Haade
1949Down to the Sea in Ships[225]Capitán Bering JoyHenry HathawayRichard Widmark,Dean Stockwell,Cecil Kellaway,Gene Lockhart,Berry Kroeger,John McIntire,Harry Morgan,Harry Davenport,Paul Harvey,Jay C. Flippen,Arthur Hohl,Dorothy Adams
Malaya[226]John ManchesterRichard ThorpeSpencer Tracy,James Stewart,Valentina Cortese,Sydney Greenstreet,John Hodiak,Richard Loo,Gilbert Roland,Roland Winters
1950Right Cross[227]Sean O'MalleyJohn SturgesJune Allyson,Dick Powell,Ricardo Montalban,Teresa Celli,Barry Kelley,Tom Powers,Mimi Aguglia,Marianne Stewart,John Gallaudet,Wally Maher,Larry Keating,Kenneth Tobey,Bert Davidson,Marilyn Monroe,Robert Osterloh
1951Bannerline[228]Hugo TrimbleDon WeisKeefe Brasselle,Sally Forrest,Lewis Stone,J. Carrol Naish,Larry Keating,Spring Byington,Warner Anderson,Elisabeth Risdon,Michael Ansara,John Morgan
1952Lone Star[229]Andrew JacksonVincent ShermanClark Gable,Ava Gardner,Broderick Crawford,Beulah Bondi,Ed Begley,James Burke,William Farnum,Lowell Gilmore,Moroni Olsen,Russell Simpso,William Conrad,Lucius Cook,Ralph Reed,Ric Roman,Victor Sutherland,Jonathan Cott,Charles Cane,Nacho Galindo,Trevor Bardette,Harry Woods,Dudley Sadler,Emmett Lynn,George Hamilton,Mitchell Lewis
1953Main Street to Broadway[230]Él mesmoTay GarnettTommy Morton,Mary Murphy,Agnes Moorehead,Herb Shriner,Rosemary DeCamp,Clinton Sundberg,Tallulah Bankhead,Ethel Barrymore,Gertrude Berg,Shirley Booth,Louis Calhern,Leo Durocher,Faye Emerson,Oscar Hammerstein II,Rex Harrison,Helen Hayes,Joshua Logan,Mary Martin,Lilli Palmer,Richard Rodgers,John Van Druten,Cornel Wilde,Bill Rigney,Chris Duroche,Arthur Shields,Florence Bates,Madge Kennedy,Carl Benton Reid,Frank Ferguson,Robert Bray
1956Our Mr. Sun[231]Voz d'oPai TiempoFrank Capra,William T. HurzDocumentalanimau

Vinclos externos

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George Arliss
Oscar a o Millor Actor
19314ena edición
Fredric March /Wallace Beery


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  1. 1,01,1(en)3th Academy Awards (1931) en a pachina web de l'Academia d'as Artes y as Ciencias Cinematograficas de Hollywood.
  2. (en)Lionel Barrymore enIMDb.
  3. (en) Cameron Ship:We Barrymores, en oSaturday Evening Post, 19 d’agosto de 1950, p. 17.
  4. (es)Historia universal del cine.Madrit,Editorial Planeta, 1982, p. 218.ISBN 84-7551-386-7.
  5. (en)AFI’s 100 YEARS…100 HEROES & VILLAINS.American Film Institute.
  6. (en)Lionel Barrymore enWalk of Fame Stars.
  7. (en)The White Caps enIMDb.
  8. Atras fuenz adchudican iste papel aJohn Wade.
  9. (en)The Paris Hat enIMDb.
  10. Ye una cinta muit dandaliosa. En primeras, sobre a presencia de Barrymore en ista cinta; pero también sobre o títol (podría estarThe New York Hat) y sobre l'anyo d'a cinta, que podría estar 1912.
  11. (en)Fighting Blood enIMDb.
  12. (en)The Battle enIMDb.
  13. (en)The Miser's Heart enIMDb.
  14. (en)Friends enIMDb.
  15. (en)So Near, yet So Far enIMDb.
  16. (en)The Chief's Blanket enIMDb.
  17. (en)The One She Loved enIMDb.
  18. (en)The Painted Lady enIMDb.
  19. (en)The Musketeers of Pig Alley enIMDb.
  20. (en)Heredity enIMDb.
  21. (en)Gold and Glitter enIMDb.
  22. (en)My Baby enIMDb.
  23. (en)The Informer enIMDb.
  24. (en)Brutality enIMDb.
  25. (en)The New York Hat enIMDb.
  26. (en)My Hero enIMDb.
  27. (en)The Burglar's Dilemma enIMDb.
  28. (en)A Cry for Help enIMDb.
  29. (en)The God Within enIMDb.
  30. (en)Home Folks enIMDb.
  31. (en)Three Friends enIMDb.
  32. (en)The Telephone Girl and the Lady enIMDb.
  33. (en)An Adventure in the Autumn Woods enIMDb.
  34. (en)The Tender Hearted Boy enIMDb.
  35. (en)Oil and Water enIMDb.
  36. (en)A Chance Deception enIMDb.
  37. (en)Love in an Apartment Hotel enIMDb.
  38. (en)The Wrong Bottle enIMDb.
  39. (en)The Unwelcome Guest enIMDb.
  40. (en)A Girl's Stratagem enIMDb.
  41. (en)Near to Earth enIMDb.
  42. (en)Fate enIMDb.
  43. (en)The Sheriff's Baby enIMDb.
  44. (en)The Perfidy of Mary enIMDb.
  45. (en)The Little Tease enIMDb.
  46. (en)A Misunderstood Boy enIMDb.
  47. (en)The Lady and the Mouse enIMDb.
  48. (en)The Wanderer enIMDb.
  49. (en)The House of Darkness enIMDb.
  50. (en)The Yaqui Cur enIMDb.
  51. (en)Just Gold enIMDb.
  52. (en)The Ranchero's Revenge enIMDb.
  53. (en)A Timely Interception enIMDb.
  54. (en)Red Hicks Defies the World enIMDb.
  55. (en)The Well enIMDb.
  56. (en)Death's Marathon enIMDb.
  57. (en)The Switch Tower enIMDb.
  58. (en)Almost a Wild Man enIMDb.
  59. (en)In Diplomatic Circles enIMDb.
  60. (en)A Gamble with Death enIMDb.
  61. (en)The Enemy's Baby enIMDb.
  62. (en)Pa Says enIMDb.
  63. (en)The Mirror enIMDb.
  64. (en)The Vengeance of Galora enIMDb.
  65. (en)Under the Shadow of the Law enIMDb.
  66. (en)I Was Meant for You enIMDb.
  67. (en)An Indian's Loyalty enIMDb.
  68. (en)The Suffragette Minstrels enIMDb.
  69. (en)The Work Habit enIMDb.
  70. (en)The Crook and the Girl enIMDb.
  71. (en)The Strong Man's Burden enIMDb.
  72. (en)The Stolen Treaty enIMDb.
  73. (en)So Runs the Way enIMDb.
  74. (en)All for Science enIMDb.
  75. (en)The House of Discord enIMDb.
  76. (en)The Battle at Elderbush Gulch enIMDb.
  77. (en)The Bartered Crown enIMDb.
  78. (en)Classmates enIMDb.
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  80. (en)The Massacre enIMDb.
  81. (en)Judith of Bethulia enIMDb.
  82. (en)Strongheart enIMDb.
  83. (en)Woman Against Woman enIMDb.
  84. (en)The Cracksman's Gratitude enIMDb.
  85. (en)Men and Women enIMDb.
  86. (en)The Power of the Press enIMDb.
  87. (en)The Woman in Black enIMDb.
  88. (en)The Span of Life enIMDb.
  89. (en)The Seats of the Mighty enIMDb.
  90. (en)The Exploits of Elaine enIMDb.
  91. (en)Under the Gaslight enIMDb.
  92. (en)Brute Force enIMDb.
  93. (en)Wildfire enIMDb.
  94. (en)A Modern Magdalen enIMDb.
  95. (en)The Curious Conduct of Judge Legarde enIMDb.
  96. (en)The Romance of Elaine enIMDb.
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  98. (en)Dora Thorne enIMDb.
  99. (en)A Yellow Streak enIMDb.
  100. (en)Dorian's Divorce enIMDb.
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  103. (en)The Brand of Cowardice enIMDb.
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  105. (en)His Father's Son enIMDb.
  106. (en)The Millionaire's Double enIMDb.
  107. (en)National Red Cross Pageant enIMDb.
  108. (en)The Copperhead enIMDb.
  109. (en)The Master Mind enIMDb.
  110. (en)The Devil's Garden enIMDb.
  111. (en)The Great Adventure enIMDb.
  112. (en)Jim the Penman enIMDb.
  113. (en)Boomerang Bill enIMDb.
  114. (en)The Face in the Fog enIMDb.
  115. (en)Enemies of Women enIMDb.
  116. (en)Unseeing Eyes enIMDb.
  117. (en)The Eternal City enIMDb.
  118. (en)America enIMDb.
  119. (en)Decameron Nights enIMDb.
  120. (en)Meddling Women enIMDb.
  121. (en)I Am the Man enIMDb.
  122. (en)Wedding Women enIMDb.
  123. (en)A Man of Iron enIMDb.
  124. (en)The Girl Who Wouldn't Work enIMDb.
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  126. (en)The Wrongdoers enIMDb.
  127. (en)Fifty-Fifty enIMDb.
  128. (en)The Splendid Road enIMDb.
  129. (en)Die Frau mit dem schlechten Ruf enIMDb.
  130. (en)Ben-Hur A Tale of the Christ enIMDb.
  131. (en)Brooding Eyes enIMDb.
  132. (en)The Barrier enIMDb.
  133. (en)Wife Tamers enIMDb.
  134. (en)Paris at Midnight enIMDb.
  135. (en)The Lucky Lady enIMDb.
  136. (en)The Bells enIMDb.
  137. (en)The Temptress enIMDb.
  138. (en)The Show enIMDb.
  139. (en)Women Love Diamonds enIMDb.
  140. (en)Body and Soul enIMDb.
  141. (en)The Thirteenth Hour enIMDb.
  142. (en)Sadie Thompson enIMDb.
  143. (en)Drums of Love enIMDb.
  144. (en)The Lion and the Mouse enIMDb.
  145. (en)Road House enIMDb.
  146. (en)Alias Jimmy Valentine enIMDb.
  147. (en)West of Zanzibar enIMDb.
  148. (en)The River Woman enIMDb.
  149. (en)The Mysterious Island enIMDb.
  150. (en)The Hollywood Revue enIMDb.
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  152. (en)A Free Soul enIMDb.
  153. (en)Guilty Hands enIMDb.
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  155. (en)The Christmas Party enIMDb.
  156. (en)Mata Hari enIMDb.
  157. (en)Broken Lullaby enIMDb.
  158. (en)Arsène Lupin enIMDb.
  159. (en)Grand Hotel enIMDb.
  160. (en)The Washington Masquerade enIMDb.
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  162. (en)Sweepings enIMDb.
  163. (en)Looking Forward enIMDb.
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  167. (en)Night Flight enIMDb.
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  180. (en)The Voice of Bugle Ann enIMDb.
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  182. (en)The Devil-Doll enIMDb.
  183. (en)The Gorgeous Hussy enIMDb.
  184. (en)Camille enIMDb.
  185. (en)A Family Affair enIMDb.
  186. (en)Captains Courageous enIMDb.
  187. (en)Saratoga enIMDb.
  188. (en)Navy Blue and Gold enIMDb.
  189. (en)A Yank at Oxford enIMDb.
  190. (en)Test Pilot enIMDb.
  191. (en)Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 12 enIMDb.
  192. (en)You Can't Take It with You enIMDb.
  193. (en)Young Dr. Kildare enIMDb.
  194. (en)Let Freedom Ring enIMDb.
  195. (en)Calling Dr. Kildare enIMDb.
  196. (en)On Borrowed Time enIMDb.
  197. (en)The Secret of Dr. Kildare enIMDb.
  198. (en)The Stars Look Down enIMDb.
  199. (en)Dr. Kildare's Strange Case enIMDb.
  200. (en)Dr. Kildare Goes Home enIMDb.
  201. (en)Dr. Kildare's Crisis enIMDb.
  202. (en)The Penalty enIMDb.
  203. (en)The Bad Man enIMDb.
  204. (en)The People vs. Dr. Kildare enIMDb.
  205. (en)Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day enIMDb.
  206. (en)Lady Be Good enIMDb.
  207. (en)Dr. Kildare's Victory enIMDb.
  208. (en)Calling Dr. Gillespie enIMDb.
  209. (en)Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant enIMDb.
  210. (en)Tennessee Johnson enIMDb.
  211. (en)Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case enIMDb.
  212. (en)The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith enIMDb.
  213. (en)A Guy Named Joe enIMDb.
  214. (en)Three Men in White enIMDb.
  215. (en)Since You Went Away enIMDb.
  216. (en)Dragon Seed enIMDb.
  217. (en)Between Two Women enIMDb.
  218. (en)The Valley of Decision enIMDb.
  219. (en)Three Wise Fools enIMDb.
  220. (en)It's a Wonderful Life enIMDb.
  221. (en)The Secret Heart enIMDb.
  222. (en)Duel in the Sun enIMDb.
  223. (en)Dark Delusion enIMDb.
  224. (en)Key Largo enIMDb.
  225. (en)Down to the Sea in Ships enIMDb.
  226. (en)Malaya enIMDb.
  227. (en)Right Cross enIMDb.
  228. (en)Bannerline enIMDb.
  229. (en)Lone Star enIMDb.
  230. (en)Main Street to Broadway enIMDb.
  231. (en)Our Mr. Sun enIMDb.
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