Jason Robards (nombre artistico deJason Nelson Robards, Jr.), naixiu deChicago (Illinois) o26 de chulio de1922 y muerto enBridgeport (Connecticut) o26 d'aviento de2000, estió unactorestausunidense con una destacada carrera en ocine estausunidense dende meyaus d'osanyos 1940 y con cuantos premios recibius por o suyo treballo.
D'entre a suya filmografía, se puet destacar as cintasThe St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967,Roger Corman),C'era una volta il West (1968,Sergio Leone),The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970,Sam Peckinpah),All the President's Men (1976,Alan J. Pakula) uJulia (1977,Fred Zinnemann).
L'actor Jason Robards recibió en1976 unOscar a o Millor Actor Segundario por a suya interpretación enAll the President's Men, una cinta dirichida porAlan J. Pakula; en1977 recibió lo suyo segundo Oscar a o Millor Actor Segundario por o suyo papel en a cintaJulia, dirichita porFred Zinnemann.
- 1959:The Journey.
- 1962:By Love Possessed.
- 1962:Long Day's Journey Into Night.
- 1962:Tender Is the Night.
- 1963:Act One, en o papel deGeorge S. Kaufman.
- 1965:A Thousand Clowns.
- 1966:Any Wednesday.
- 1966:A Big Hand for the Little Lady.
- 1967:Hour of the Gun, en o papel deDoc Holliday.
- 1967:The St. Valentine's Day Massacre, deRoger Corman, en o papel d'Al Capone.
- 1967:Divorce American Style.
- 1968:Isadora.
- 1968:The Night They Raided Minsky's.
- 1968:C'era una volta il West, deSergio Leone.
- 1970:Fools.
- 1970:Julius Caesar, en o papel deBruto.
- 1970:Rosolino Paternò, soldato... (tamién conoixita comoOperation Snafu).
- 1970:Tora! Tora! Tora!, en o papel d'o cheneralWalter Short.
- 1970:The Ballad of Cable Hogue, deSam Peckinpah.
- 1971:Murders in the Rue Morgue.
- 1971:Jud.
- 1971:Johnny Got His Gun.
- 1972:The War Between Men and Women.
- 1973:The Death Merchants (tamién conoixita comoTod eines Fremden yThe Execution).
- 1973:Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, en o papel deLew Wallace.
- 1975:Mr. Sycamore.
- 1975:A Boy and His Dog.
- 1976:All the President's Men, d'Alan J. Pakula, en o papel deBen Bradlee.
- 1977:Julia, deFred Zinnemann.
- 1978:Comes a Horseman.
- 1979:Hurricane.
- 1980:Melvin and Howard, en o papel deHoward Hughes.
- 1980:Raise the Titanic!.
- 1980:Caboblanco.
- 1981:The Legend of the Lone Ranger, en o papel d'opresidentUlysses S. Grant.
- 1981:Fitzcarraldo (sin rematar)[1]
- 1983:Something Wicked this Way Comes.
- 1983:Max Dugan Returns.
- 1984:The World of Tomorrow (voz).
- 1984:America and Lewis Hine (voz).
- 1987:Square Dance.
- 1988:The Good Mother.
- 1988:Bright Lights, Big City.
- 1989:Black Rainbow.
- 1989:Parenthood.
- 1989:Reunion.
- 1989:Dream a Little Dream.
- 1990:Quick Change.
- 1991:Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio (voz).
- 1991:The Perfect Tribute.
- 1992:Storyville.
- 1993:Philadelphia.
- 1993:The Trial.
- 1993:The Adventures of Huck Finn.
- 1994:Little Big League.
- 1994:The Paper.
- 1995:Crimson Tide.
- 1997:A Thousand Acres.
- 1997:The Great American West (voz).
- 1998:Heartwood.
- 1998:Enemy of the State.
- 1998:Beloved.
- 1998:The Real Macaw.
- 1999:Magnolia.
- 2000:They Drew Fire: Combat Artists of World War II.