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Photography of Alvaro Montoro being a doofus
Alvaro Montoro

Coffee Connoisseur

Projects and Demos


I like HTML and CSS. Like really like them. And I like testing and experimenting with properties inweird ways: drawing illustrations, creating games, coming up with different designs...

Here are some of the illustrations I've done with HTML and CSS:Skip drawings list

CSS Cartoon of personCSS Cartoon of peasantCSS Cartoon of person (2)CSS Cartoon of Santa ClausCSS Cartoon of snow manCSS Cartoon of thanksgiving turkeyCSS Cartoon of giraffeCSS Cartoon of Bill CipherCSS Cartoon of womanCSS Cartoon of PunchlineCSS Cartoon of Woman (2)CSS Cartoon of woman dreamingCSS Cartoon of a castleCSS Cartoon of beaverCSS Cartoon of la muerteCSS Cartoon of king and flyCSS Cartoon of witchCSS Cartoon of butterflyCSS Cartoon of little deathCSS Cartoon of boatCSS Cartoon of boyCSS Cartoon of nerdy boyCSS Cartoon of bart simpsonCSS Cartoon of a nunCSS Cartoon of spookyCSS Cartoon of draculaCSS Cartoon of monsterCSS Cartoon of sideshow bobCSS Cartoon of profileCSS Cartoon of the good eggCSS Cartoon of soccerCSS Cartoon of beachCSS Cartoon of whaleCSS Cartoon of profile girlCSS Cartoon of castleCSS Cartoon of red robinCSS Cartoon of animeCSS Cartoon of MessiCSS Cartoon of hummingbirdCSS Cartoon of woman

You can see hundreds more CSS drawings on this CodePen collection.

I often share demos and small snippets online, like aWord cloud, or anAnimated Login Form. Sometimes I share small components like thisInteractive Dropdown or a whole "CSS library":Almond.CSS.

As mentioned above, I also buildgames and apps with CSS. Their base is a simple automaton developed with HTML and CSS, so there's no need for JavaScript or any other programming language. They are fun to develop, and can be great for learning.

CSS Games


JavaScript is one of my favorite programming languages, and I develop many things in it... mainly for work at the moment, but also many for fun or just for learning. Here are some personal projects developed with #"/images/blog/gamepad.png" alt="illustration of a game controller" loading="lazy" decoding="async" />


A JavaScript library to handle gamepads connected to the browser. It provides a layer of abstraction for the Gamepad API so it works across browsers.

GameControllerJS Github Repository

Gamepad Simulator

A JS library that complements GameController.JS. It generates an in-browser digital gamepad that will simulate the Gamepad API events as if it was a real gamepad connected to the computer.

GamepadSimulator Github Repository

  • Screenshot of TourGuideJS


    A module that helps create onboarding tutorials on web apps. It sets a spotlight that moves from element to element changing size and shape.

    TourGuide Github Repository

  • screenshot of imagecloud plugin in action


    A jQuery plugin that simulates the Google Doodle for Christmas 2010. It creates an animated gallery of images that can be customized by the user.

    ImageCloud Docsite
  • Full-Stack

    Sometimes I get to develop some "larger" projects outside of work. They mostly involve web technologies, PHP, and MySQL for the database, and have some form of fun factor. One example would be this site, but there are many more.

    Here is a summary of some of the projects that I have developed recently:

    Summary of full-stack projects

    screenshot of Textivities


    Textivities is an e-learning platform focused on language teachers and students. I collaborate with different teachers developing Web mini-apps and mini-games, so I decided to put many of them under one Web site so the students could have easy access to them.

    It is fun to develop this site, not only I get to draw everything and test different styles, but I also get to program game-like activities that help people learn new languages (Spanish in particular), and at the same I can experiment with different technologies.

    Technologies used:

