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Photography of Alvaro Montoro being a doofus
Alvaro Montoro

Proud Spaniard

About Me

I was born in the 80s in a small town in the South of Spain: Jaen, a city known mainly for being the capital of the biggest olive oil producing region in the world.

There, I began studying Computer Science at the University of Jaen. I also studied as an exchange student at the University of Artois (Lens, France) and at the University of Texas (Austin, United States).

While studying atUT, I fell in love with Web technologies, and all their potential for software development. Exploring HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At the same time being fascinated and challenged by all the things that could be achieved. It was a matter of time until I made them my livelihood.

After some trips from one side to the other side of the Atlantic, I returned to Austin, where I have established now, and live happily with our newly formed (and growing) family.

I like to spend the spare time with my family, reading, cooking, and writing... and, sometimes can be found in San Antonio enjoying a Spurs' home game with the family, or trying to "master the art of cooking brisket."

Alvaro's numbers

