




AlminFlux/CQRS patterns for JavaScript application.


Work with Medium-small(1,000LOC) – Large(100,000LOC) size project


Can Implement UseCase/Store/Domain as separated components

Layered Architecture

Work with DDD/CQRS architecture

State management library for JavaScript application

Now, We can implement web apps withFlux,Redux,MobX etc.But, We often hear a story like following:

The control flow of[[LIBRARY]] is cool!
But how to implement domain logic?

Almin aims to help you focus domain logic on your application.

The Concept of Almin

The concept is described inThe Concept of Almin slide.

  • WriteYour domain inYour code
  • Split upRead stack andWrite stack
  • Unidirectional data flow
  • PreferReadable code toWritable code
  • Monitor everything

For more details, seeThe Concept of Almin.

Focus your domain

You can writeYour domain inYour code.It means that you can control domain layer.

  • You can writeyour domain withPure JavaScript
  • Your domaindoesn't need to be a subclass of Almin things

Almin supports only application layer.

  • Application layer uses your domain model

If you stop to use Almin, youdon't need to rewrite your domain.

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