Ajv is used by a large number of JavaScript applications and libraries in all JavaScript environments - Node.js, browser, Electron apps, WeChat mini-apps etc.
It allows implementing complex data validation logic via declarative schemas for your JSON data, without writing code.
Out of the box, Ajv supportsJSON Schema (drafts 04, 06, 07, 2019-09 and 2020-12) andJSON Type Definition (RFC8927(opens new window)).
Learn Ajv
# What users say
Ajv stands out as the implementation of choice - it provides a rich API which many thousands of people use in production... Ajv is partly responsible for the success of JSON Schema.
Ben Hutton(opens new window), JSON Schema Specification Lead
ESLint(opens new window) has used Ajv for validating our complex configurations. Ajv has proven to be reliable over the years we’ve been using it and ESLint is proud to sponsor Ajv’s continued development.
Nicholas C. Zakas(opens new window), ESLint creator and TSC member
# News
Microsoft FOSS award
Ajv was awarded a sponsorship fromMicrosoft FOSS fund
This award will contribute to a long term maintenance of Ajv.
Ajv online event video uploaded
Huge thanks to everybody who joined, and to the speakers! The video of the event isavailable on YouTube
Ajv online event - May 20, 10am PT / 6pm UK
We will talk about:
- new features of Ajv version 8.
- the improvements sponsored by Mozilla's MOSS grant.
- how Ajv is used in JavaScript applications.
- Evgeny Poberezkin
, the creator of Ajv. - Mehan Jayasuriya
, Program Officer at Mozilla Foundation, leading theMOSS and other programs investing in the open source and community ecosystems. - Matteo Collina
, Technical Director at NearForm and Node.js Technical Steering Committee member, creator of Fastify web framework. - Kin Lane
, Chief Evangelist at Postman. Studying the tech, business & politics of APIs since 2010. Presidential Innovation Fellow during the Obama administration. - Ulysse Carion
, the creator of JSON Type Definition specification.
Gajus Kuizinas
Pleaseregister here
# Who uses Ajv
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# Contributors
Ajv is free to use and open-source that many developers contributed to. Join us!