


AIWARDS — Adult Industry Awards Database
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18+ Warning

If you are under the age of 18 years old you do not have permission to access this website.Please leave this site if you do not meet the proper age requirements for viewing adult material. Anyone that is above the age of 18 is allowed to access the site ONLY after they agree and comply with ourTerms of Service.

18+ Warning

This website contains nudity and age-restricted materials. If you are under the age of 18 years, or under the age of majority in the location from where you are accessing this website, you do not have authorization or permission to enter this website and should immediatelyexit. Otherwise you may enter this site ONLY if you agree to, and comply with, all theTerms of Service.

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Contact Us

General questions

We are constantly working on our site, however, no one is safe from errors. So if you find any mistakes, including, wrong texts and data, missing pictures or design bugs, please contact us through e-mail. We are developing a better contact system, so users could easily provide feedback. E-mail is the best way to contact us. A reply to your e-mail may take a few business days, so keep checking your inbox (and Junk folder too).

If you have any other questions or concerns, please also contact us by the e-mail provided below.

You may also contact us ontwitter / @aiwards.

Press contacts

If you want to write an article about us or refer us, we would be more than happy to help. If you need some data from us, feel free to ask. We may combine something for you directly from our database, so you don't need to manually traverse the site. Send us the link to your work, so we may publish it on our site and promote in our social network accounts. And don't forget to mention or tag us.


If you want to help the project or promote your products, you may place an order on our website. For more information visit theAdvertisement section.

