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Fred Dryer (gebore 6 Julie 1946) is 'nAmerikaanse akteur, vervaardiger, en skrywer. Hy is bekend vir sy rolle in die televisiereekseHunter (1984),Land's End (1995), enHunter (2003).
- 1987:Death Before Dishonor
- 1999:Stray Bullet
- 2000:Highway 395
- 2003:Fire Over Afghanistan
- 1983:The Rousters
- 1984:Hunter
- 1995:Land's End
- 2003:Hunter
- 1976:1976 NFL Pro Bowl
- 1981:A Girl's Life
- 1982:Something So Right
- 1984:The Fantastic World of D.C. Collins
- 1994:Day of Reckoning
- 1995:The Return of Hunter: Everyone Walks in L.A.
- 2000:Wild Grizzly
- 2002:Hunter: Return to Justice
- 2003:Hunter: Back in Force
- 2004:When Playboy Ruled the World
- 2012:The Return of Superstars
- 2013:The Wrong Woman