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Bud Spencer

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Bud Spencer
Bud Spencer in 2009
GeboortenaamCarlo Pedersoli
Geboorte(1929-10-31)31 Oktober 1929
Sterfte27 Junie 2016 (op 86)
Rome, Italië
NasionaliteitVlag van Italië Italië
LewensmaatMaria Amato (1960–2016; sy dood)
Beroep(e)Akteur, filmmaker
Aktiewe jare1951–2016
Bud Spencer - downtown Budapest

Bud Spencer (gebore op31 Oktober1929 inNapels asCarlo Pedersoli; oorlede op27 Junie2016 inRome) was 'n bekendeItaliaanseakteur. Hy het internasionale bekendheid verwerf vir die reeks rolprente waarin hy saam metTerence Hill opgetree het.


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Films met Terence Hill

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1959Hannibal -AnnibaleRutario
1967God Forgives, I Don't -Dio perdona... io no!Earp Hutch
1968Ace High -I quattro dell'Ave MariaHutch Bessy
1969Boot Hill of Boots Hill -La collina degli stivaliHutch
1970They Call Me Trinity -Lo chiamavano TrinitàBambino
1970Blackie, the Pirate -Il corsaro neroSkull
1971Trinity is Still My Name -...continuavano a chiamarlo TrinitàBambino
1972All the Way, Boys -...più forte ragazziSalud
1974Watch Out, We're Mad -Altrimenti ci arrabbiamoBen
1974The Two Missionaries -Porgi l'altra guanciaPadre Pedro
1977Crime Busters -I 2 superpiedi quasi piattiWilbur Walsh
1978Odds and Evens -Pari e dispariCharlie Firpo
1979I'm For the Hippopotamus -Io sto con gli ippopotamiTom
1981Who Finds a Friend, Finds a Treasure -Chi trova un amico trova un tesoroCharlie O'Brien
1983Go For It -Nati con la camiciaDoug
1984Double Trouble -Non c'`e due senza quattroGreg Wonder / Antonio Coimbra de la Coronilla y Azevedo
1985Miami Supercops -I poliziotti dell'ottava stradaSteve Forrest
1994Troublemakers -Botte di NataleMoses

Films sonder Terence Hill

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1951Quo Vadis (as Carlo Pedersoli)Imperial Guard
1954Human Torpedoes (as Carlo Pedersoli) -Siluri umaniMagrini
1955A hero of our times (as Carlo Pedersoli) -Un eroe dei nostri tempiFernando
1957A Farewell to Arms (as Carlo Pedersoli) -Addio alle armiCarabiniere
1959Hannibal (as Carlo Pedersoli) -Annibalesoldaat
1968Today its me, Tommorow its You -Oggi a me..domani a teO'Bannion
1968Beyond the law -Al di là della leggeJames Cooper
1969Crime of Defeat -Dio è con noiKpl. Jelinek
1969The Five Man Army -Un esercito di cinque uominiMesito
1971Four Flies on Grey Velvet -Quattro mosche di velluto grigioGodfrey 'God'
1972Black Turin -Torino neraRosario Rao
1972It Can Be done... Amigo! -Si può fare... amigoHiram Coburn
1972A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die -Una ragione per vivere, una per morireEli Sampson
1973Even Angels Eat Beans -Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioliCharlie Smith
1974Flatfoot: A Fistful of Hell -Piedone lo sbirroInspector 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
1974Turn the Other Cheek -Porgi láltra guanciaFather/Padre Pedro
1975Flatfoot in Hong Kong -Piedone a Hong KongInspector 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
1976Soldier of Fortune -Soldato di venturaHector Fieramosca
1978Knock-Out Cop -Piedone l'AfricanoInspekteur 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
1978They Call Him Bulldozer -Lo chiamavano BulldozerBulldozer
1979The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid -Uno sceriffo extraterrestre...poco extra e molto terrestreSheriff Hall
1979Flatfoot in Egypt -Piedone d'EgittoInspekteur 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
1980Why Do You Have A Pick On Me? -Chissà perché capitano tutte a meSheriff Hall
1981Buddy goes West -Occhio alla pennaBuddy
1982Thieves And Robbers -Cane e gattoSersant Parker
1982Banana JoeBanana Joe
1982Big Bomber -BomberBud Graziano
1986Aladdin -SuperfantagenioGenie
1988Big Man: The false EtruscanJack Clementi
1988Big Man: An unusual insuranceJack Clementi
1989Big Man: Let the buried lieJack Clementi
1989Big Man: A policy for hellJack Clementi
1989Big Man: Another falling starJack Clementi
1989Big Man: BoomerangJack Clementi
1991Speaking of the devil -Un piede in paradisoJohn "Bull" Webster
1991ExtraLarge I: Black and WhiteJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1991ExtraLarge I: Moving TargetJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1991ExtraLarge I: Black MagicJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1991ExtraLarge I: CannonballJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1991ExtraLarge I: Miami KillerJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1991ExtraLarge I: Jo-JoJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1992ExtraLarge II: Lord of the SunJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1993ExtraLarge II: Gonzales' RevengeJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1993ExtraLarge II: Ninja ShadowJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1993ExtraLarge II: DiamondsJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1993ExtraLarge II: Condor MissionJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1993ExtraLarge II: IndiansJack 'Extralarge' Costello
1997We are Angels (6 films) -Noi siamo angeliOrso
1997Fireworks -Fuochi d'artificioThe blind singer
1997To the Limit -Al limiteElorza
2000Sons of the wind -Hijos del vientoQuintero
2001Father Hope -Padre SperanzaDon Vasari
20023 - 4 EverBops
2003Singing Behind Screens -Cantando dietro i paraventiIl vecchio capitano'
2009Murder is my Business, HoneyPepe

Eksterne skakels

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