


A.C. Luke

Hi! I'm an independent author, editor, and tabletop RPG designer based out of Adelaide, Australia.
I'm a fan of narrative-focused and rules-light games and hope to produce content that sparks the imagination!

I also writeMythoi, a free newsletter about RPGs and folklore!

Main Games

Modern Action & Intrigue, Forged in the Dark
A Dark Fantasy RPG, Illuminated by LUMEN
Spectral Investigations, Forged in the Dark
A Medieval Fable, Forged in the Dark

Old-School Supplements

A Tricksy Class for OSE
A Fiendish Feline for Mausritter

Fate Supplements

Dungeonpunk, Powered by Fate
A Collection of NPCs for Fate Core
Spiritual NPCs for Fate Core

Dungeonpunk One-Shots

A One-Page, System-Neutral Dungeonpunk Adventure
A One-Page, System-Neutral Dungeonpunk Adventure
A One-Page, System-Neutral Dungeonpunk Adventure
A One-Page, System-Neutral Dungeonpunk Adventure
A One-Page, System-Neutral Dungeonpunk Adventure ·Community profile

