


TLC59116 Library  v0.2
Bug List
GroupPWM Functions
Be careful with start/end arguments, if they are out of range (0..15) you will have mysterious problems.
GroupPWM Functions
Be careful with start/end arguments, if they are out of range (0..15) you will have mysterious problems.
MemberTLC59116::allcall_address (byte address, bool enable=true)
However, theTLC59116Manager.broadcast() objectonly assumes the default allcall_address 0x68. So, it won't work if you change the allcall_address.
MemberTLC59116::SUBADR_address (byte which, byte address, bool enable=true)

We don't track commands on SUBADR_n's, so this library will get very confused about the state of the devices and do confusing things if you mix broadcasts to SUBADR_n devices, and individual devices in that SUBADR_n group.

Also, this library provides no easy access to broadcast to a SUBADR_n group.

Also, this library provides no easy access to broadcast to a SUBADR_n group.

Also, this library provides no easy access to broadcast to a SUBADR_n group.

Also, this library provides no easy access to broadcast to a SUBADR_n group.

This collects all I2C devices between 0x60 and 0x6E. NonTLC59116 devices can appear in our list! TheTLC59116 doesn't have a feature that identifies it, so we just assume.

Generated on Sun Jun 21 2015 13:58:20 for TLC59116 Library by  doxygen 1.8.6
