ECMA-262, 15th edition, June 2024 ECMAScript® 2024 Language Specification
About this Specification
The document at is the most accurate and up-to-date ECMAScript specification. It contains the content of the most recent yearly snapshot plus anyfinished proposals (those that have reached Stage 4 in theproposal process and thus are implemented in several implementations and will be in the next practical revision) since that snapshot was taken.
This specification is developed on GitHub with the help of the ECMAScript community. There are a number of ways to contribute to the development of this specification:
Refer to thecolophon for more information on how this document is created.
This Ecma Standard defines the ECMAScript 2024 Language. It is the fifteenth edition of the ECMAScript Language Specification. Since publication of the first edition in 1997, ECMAScript has grown to be one of the world's most widely used general-purpose programming languages. It is best known as the language embedded in web browsers but has also been widely adopted for server and embedded applications.
ECMAScript is based on several originating technologies, the most well-known being JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft). The language was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape and first appeared in that company's Navigator 2.0 browser. It has appeared in all subsequent browsers from Netscape and in all browsers from Microsoft starting with Internet Explorer 3.0.
The development of the ECMAScript Language Specification started in November 1996. The first edition of this Ecma Standard was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of June 1997.
That Ecma Standard was submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for adoption under the fast-track procedure, and approved as international standard ISO/IEC 16262, in April 1998. The Ecma General Assembly of June 1998 approved the second edition of ECMA-262 to keep it fully aligned with ISO/IEC 16262. Changes between the first and the second edition are editorial in nature.
The third edition of the Standard introduced powerful regular expressions, better string handling, new control statements, try/catch exception handling, tighter definition of errors, formatting for numeric output and minor changes in anticipation of future language growth. The third edition of the ECMAScript standard was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of December 1999 and published as ISO/IEC 16262:2002 in June 2002.
After publication of the third edition, ECMAScript achieved massive adoption in conjunction with the World Wide Web where it has become the programming language that is supported by essentially all web browsers. Significant work was done to develop a fourth edition of ECMAScript. However, that work was not completed and not published as the fourth edition of ECMAScript but some of it was incorporated into the development of the sixth edition.
The fifth edition of ECMAScript (published as ECMA-262 5th edition) codified de facto interpretations of the language specification that have become common among browser implementations and added support for new features that had emerged since the publication of the third edition. Such features includeaccessor properties, reflective creation and inspection of objects, program control of property attributes, additional array manipulation functions, support for the JSON object encoding format, and a strict mode that provides enhanced error checking and program security. The fifth edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of December 2009.
The fifth edition was submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for adoption under the fast-track procedure, and approved as international standard ISO/IEC 16262:2011. Edition 5.1 of the ECMAScript Standard incorporated minor corrections and is the same text as ISO/IEC 16262:2011. The 5.1 Edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of June 2011.
Focused development of the sixth edition started in 2009, as the fifth edition was being prepared for publication. However, this was preceded by significant experimentation and language enhancement design efforts dating to the publication of the third edition in 1999. In a very real sense, the completion of the sixth edition is the culmination of a fifteen year effort. The goals for this edition included providing better support for large applications, library creation, and for use of ECMAScript as a compilation target for other languages. Some of its major enhancements included modules, class declarations, lexical block scoping, iterators and generators, promises for asynchronous programming, destructuring patterns, and proper tail calls. The ECMAScript library of built-ins was expanded to support additional data abstractions including maps, sets, and arrays of binary numeric values as well as additional support for Unicode supplementary characters in strings and regular expressions. The built-ins were also made extensible via subclassing. The sixth edition provides the foundation for regular, incremental language and library enhancements. The sixth edition was adopted by the General Assembly of June 2015.
ECMAScript 2016 was the first ECMAScript edition released under Ecma TC39's new yearly release cadence and open development process. A plain-text source document was built from the ECMAScript 2015 source document to serve as the base for further development entirely on GitHub. Over the year of this standard's development, hundreds of pull requests and issues were filed representing thousands of bug fixes, editorial fixes and other improvements. Additionally, numerous software tools were developed to aid in this effort including Ecmarkup, Ecmarkdown, and Grammarkdown. ES2016 also included support for a new exponentiation operator and adds a new method toArray.prototype calledincludes.
ECMAScript 2017 introduced Async Functions, Shared Memory, and Atomics along with smaller language and library enhancements, bug fixes, and editorial updates. Async functions improve the asynchronous programming experience by providing syntax for promise-returning functions. Shared Memory and Atomics introduce a newmemory model that allows multi-agent programs to communicate using atomic operations that ensure a well-defined execution order even on parallel CPUs. It also included new static methods on Object:Object.values,Object.entries, andObject.getOwnPropertyDescriptors.
ECMAScript 2018 introduced support for asynchronous iteration via the AsyncIterator protocol and async generators. It also included four new regular expression features: thedotAll flag, named capture groups, Unicode property escapes, and look-behind assertions. Lastly it included object rest and spread properties.
ECMAScript 2019 introduced a few new built-in functions:flat andflatMap onArray.prototype for flattening arrays,Object.fromEntries for directly turning the return value ofObject.entries into a new Object, andtrimStart andtrimEnd onString.prototype as better-named alternatives to the widely implemented but non-standardString.prototype.trimLeft andtrimRight built-ins. In addition, it included a few minor updates to syntax and semantics. Updated syntax included optional catch binding parameters and allowing U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) and U+2029 (PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) in string literals to align with JSON. Other updates included requiring thatArray.prototype.sort be a stable sort, requiring thatJSON.stringify return well-formed UTF-8 regardless of input, and clarifyingFunction.prototype.toString by requiring that it either return the corresponding original source text or a standard placeholder.
ECMAScript 2020, the 11th edition, introduced thematchAll method for Strings, to produce an iterator for all match objects generated by a global regular expression;import(), a syntax to asynchronously import Modules with a dynamic specifier;BigInt, a new number primitive for working with arbitrary precisionintegers;Promise.allSettled, a new Promise combinator that does not short-circuit;globalThis, a universal way to access the globalthis value; dedicatedexport * as ns from 'module' syntax for use within modules; increased standardization offor-in enumeration order;import.meta, ahost-populated object available in Modules that may contain contextual information about the Module; as well as adding two new syntax features to improve working with “nullish” values (undefined ornull): nullish coalescing, a value selection operator; and optional chaining, a property access and function invocation operator that short-circuits if the value to access/invoke is nullish.
ECMAScript 2021, the 12th edition, introduced thereplaceAll method for Strings;Promise.any, a Promise combinator that short-circuits when an input value is fulfilled;AggregateError, a new Error type to represent multiple errors at once; logical assignment operators (??=,&&=,||=);WeakRef, for referring to a target object without preserving it from garbage collection, andFinalizationRegistry, to manage registration and unregistration of cleanup operations performed when target objects are garbage collected; separators for numeric literals (1_000); andArray.prototype.sort was made more precise, reducing the amount of cases that result in animplementation-definedsort order.
ECMAScript 2022, the 13th edition, introduced top-levelawait, allowing thekeyword to be used at the top level of modules; new class elements: public and private instance fields, public and private static fields, private instance methods and accessors, and private static methods and accessors; static blocks inside classes, to perform per-class evaluation initialization; the#x in obj syntax, to test for presence of private fields on objects; regular expression match indices via the/d flag, which provides start and end indices for matched substrings; thecause property onError objects, which can be used to record a causation chain in errors; theat method for Strings, Arrays, andTypedArrays, which allows relative indexing; andObject.hasOwn, a convenient alternative toObject.prototype.hasOwnProperty.
ECMAScript 2023, the 14th edition, introduced thetoSorted,toReversed,with,findLast, andfindLastIndex methods onArray.prototype andTypedArray.prototype, as well as thetoSpliced method onArray.prototype; added support for#! comments at the beginning of files to better facilitate executable ECMAScript files; and allowed the use of most Symbols as keys in weak collections.
ECMAScript 2024, the 15th edition, added facilities for resizing and transferring ArrayBuffers and SharedArrayBuffers; added a new RegExp/v flag for creating RegExps with more advanced features for working with sets of strings; and introduced thePromise.withResolvers convenience method for constructing Promises, theObject.groupBy andMap.groupBy methods for aggregating data, theAtomics.waitAsync method for asynchronously waiting for a change to shared memory, and theString.prototype.isWellFormed andString.prototype.toWellFormed methods for checking and ensuring that strings contain only well-formed Unicode.
Dozens of individuals representing many organizations have made very significant contributions within Ecma TC39 to the development of this edition and to the prior editions. In addition, a vibrant community has emerged supporting TC39's ECMAScript efforts. This community has reviewed numerous drafts, filed thousands of bug reports, performed implementation experiments, contributed test suites, and educated the world-wide developer community about ECMAScript. Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify and acknowledge every person and organization who has contributed to this effort.
Allen Wirfs-Brock ECMA-262, Project Editor, 6th Edition
Brian Terlson ECMA-262, Project Editor, 7th through 10th Editions
Jordan Harband ECMA-262, Project Editor, 10th through 12th Editions
Shu-yu Guo ECMA-262, Project Editor, 12th through 15th Editions
Michael Ficarra ECMA-262, Project Editor, 12th through 15th Editions
Kevin Gibbons ECMA-262, Project Editor, 12th through 15th Editions
1 Scope
This Standard defines the ECMAScript 2024 general-purpose programming language.
2 Conformance
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must provide and support all the types, values, objects, properties, functions, and program syntax and semantics described in this specification.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must interpret source text input in conformance with the latest version of the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC 10646.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript that provides an application programming interface (API) that supports programs that need to adapt to the linguistic and cultural conventions used by different human languages and countries must implement the interface defined by the most recent edition of ECMA-402 that is compatible with this specification.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript may provide additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions beyond those described in this specification. In particular, a conforming implementation of ECMAScript may provide properties not described in this specification, and values for those properties, for objects that are described in this specification.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript may support program and regular expression syntax not described in this specification. In particular, a conforming implementation of ECMAScript may support program syntax that makes use of any “futurereserved words” noted in subclause12.7.2 of this specification.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must not implement any extension that is listed as a Forbidden Extension in subclause17.1.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript may choose to implement or not implementNormative Optional subclauses. If any Normative Optional behaviour is implemented, all of the behaviour in the containing Normative Optional clause must be implemented. A Normative Optional clause is denoted in this specification with the words "Normative Optional" in a coloured box, as shown below.
A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must implementLegacy subclauses, unless they are also marked as Normative Optional. All of the language features and behaviours specified within Legacy subclauses have one or more undesirable characteristics. However, their continued usage in existing applications prevents their removal from this specification. These features are not considered part of the core ECMAScript language. Programmers should not use or assume the existence of these features and behaviours when writing new ECMAScript code.
2.3 Example Legacy Normative Optional Clause Heading
Example clause contents.
3 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEEE 754-2019,IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic.
ISO/IEC 10646,Information Technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) plus Amendment 1:2005, Amendment 2:2006, Amendment 3:2008, Amendment 4:2008, and additional amendments and corrigenda, or successor.
This section contains a non-normative overview of the ECMAScript language.
ECMAScript is an object-oriented programming language for performing computations and manipulating computational objects within ahost environment. ECMAScript as defined here is not intended to be computationally self-sufficient; indeed, there are no provisions in this specification for input of external data or output of computed results. Instead, it is expected that the computational environment of an ECMAScript program will provide not only the objects and other facilities described in this specification but also certain environment-specific objects, whose description and behaviour are beyond the scope of this specification except to indicate that they may provide certain properties that can be accessed and certain functions that can be called from an ECMAScript program.
ECMAScript was originally designed to be used as a scripting language, but has become widely used as a general-purpose programming language. Ascripting language is a programming language that is used to manipulate, customize, and automate the facilities of an existing system. In such systems, useful functionality is already available through a user interface, and the scripting language is a mechanism for exposing that functionality to program control. In this way, the existing system is said to provide ahost environment of objects and facilities, which completes the capabilities of the scripting language. A scripting language is intended for use by both professional and non-professional programmers.
ECMAScript was originally designed to be aWeb scripting language, providing a mechanism to enliven Web pages in browsers and to perform server computation as part of a Web-based client-server architecture. ECMAScript is now used to provide core scripting capabilities for a variety ofhost environments. Therefore the core language is specified in this document apart from any particularhost environment.
ECMAScript usage has moved beyond simple scripting and it is now used for the full spectrum of programming tasks in many different environments and scales. As the usage of ECMAScript has expanded, so have the features and facilities it provides. ECMAScript is now a fully featured general-purpose programming language.
4.1 Web Scripting
A web browser provides an ECMAScripthost environment for client-side computation including, for instance, objects that represent windows, menus, pop-ups, dialog boxes, text areas, anchors, frames, history, cookies, and input/output. Further, thehost environment provides a means to attach scripting code to events such as change of focus, page and image loading, unloading, error and abort, selection, form submission, and mouse actions. Scripting code appears within the HTML and the displayed page is a combination of user interface elements and fixed and computed text and images. The scripting code is reactive to user interaction, and there is no need for a main program.
A web server provides a differenthost environment for server-side computation including objects representing requests, clients, and files; and mechanisms to lock and share data. By using browser-side and server-side scripting together, it is possible to distribute computation between the client and server while providing a customized user interface for a Web-based application.
Each Web browser and server that supports ECMAScript supplies its ownhost environment, completing the ECMAScript execution environment.
4.2 Hosts and Implementations
To aid integrating ECMAScript intohost environments, this specification defers the definition of certain facilities (e.g.,abstract operations), either in whole or in part, to a source outside of this specification. Editorially, this specification distinguishes the following kinds of deferrals.
Animplementation is an external source that further defines facilities enumerated in AnnexD or those that are marked asimplementation-defined orimplementation-approximated. In informal use, an implementation refers to a concrete artefact, such as a particular web browser.
Animplementation-defined facility is one that defers its definition to an external source without further qualification. This specification does not make any recommendations for particular behaviours, and conforming implementations are free to choose any behaviour within the constraints put forth by this specification.
Animplementation-approximated facility is one that defers its definition to an external source while recommending an ideal behaviour. While conforming implementations are free to choose any behaviour within the constraints put forth by this specification, they are encouraged to strive to approximate the ideal. Some mathematical operations, such asMath.exp, areimplementation-approximated.
Ahost is an external source that further defines facilities listed in AnnexD but does not further define otherimplementation-defined orimplementation-approximated facilities. In informal use, ahost refers to the set of all implementations, such as the set of all web browsers, that interface with this specification in the same way via AnnexD. Ahost is often an external specification, such as WHATWG HTML ( In other words, facilities that arehost-defined are often further defined in external specifications.
Ahost hook is an abstract operation that is defined in whole or in part by an external source. Allhost hooks must be listed in AnnexD. Ahost hook must conform to at least the following requirements:
Ahost-defined facility is one that defers its definition to an external source without further qualification and is listed in AnnexD. Implementations that are nothosts may also provide definitions forhost-defined facilities.
Ahost environment is a particular choice of definition for allhost-defined facilities. Ahost environment typically includes objects or functions which allow obtaining input and providing output ashost-defined properties of theglobal object.
This specification follows the editorial convention of always using the most specific term. For example, if a facility ishost-defined, it should not be referred to asimplementation-defined.
Bothhosts and implementations may interface with this specification via the language types, specification types,abstract operations, grammar productions, intrinsic objects, and intrinsic symbols defined herein.
4.3 ECMAScript Overview
The following is an informal overview of ECMAScript—not all parts of the language are described. This overview is not part of the standard proper.
ECMAScript is object-based: basic language andhost facilities are provided by objects, and an ECMAScript program is a cluster of communicating objects. In ECMAScript, anobject is a collection of zero or moreproperties each withattributes that determine how each property can be used—for example, when the Writable attribute for a property is set tofalse, any attempt by executed ECMAScript code to assign a different value to the property fails. Properties are containers that hold other objects,primitive values, orfunctions. A primitive value is a member of one of the following built-in types:Undefined,Null,Boolean,Number,BigInt,String, andSymbol; an object is a member of the built-in typeObject; and a function is a callable object. A function that is associated with an object via a property is called amethod.
ECMAScript defines a collection ofbuilt-in objects that round out the definition of ECMAScript entities. These built-in objects include theglobal object; objects that are fundamental to theruntime semantics of the language includingObject,Function,Boolean,Symbol, and variousError objects; objects that represent and manipulate numeric values includingMath,Number, andDate; the text processing objectsString andRegExp; objects that are indexed collections of values includingArray and nine different kinds of Typed Arrays whose elements all have a specific numeric data representation; keyed collections includingMap andSet objects; objects supporting structured data including theJSON object,ArrayBuffer,SharedArrayBuffer, andDataView; objects supporting control abstractions including generator functions andPromise objects; and reflection objects includingProxy andReflect.
ECMAScript also defines a set of built-inoperators. ECMAScript operators include various unary operations, multiplicative operators, additive operators, bitwise shift operators, relational operators, equality operators, binary bitwise operators, binary logical operators, assignment operators, and the comma operator.
Large ECMAScript programs are supported bymodules which allow a program to be divided into multiple sequences of statements and declarations. Each module explicitly identifies declarations it uses that need to be provided by other modules and which of its declarations are available for use by other modules.
ECMAScript syntax intentionally resembles Java syntax. ECMAScript syntax is relaxed to enable it to serve as an easy-to-use scripting language. For example, a variable is not required to have its type declared nor are types associated with properties, and defined functions are not required to have their declarations appear textually before calls to them.
4.3.1 Objects
Even though ECMAScript includes syntax for class definitions, ECMAScript objects are not fundamentally class-based such as those in C++, Smalltalk, or Java. Instead objects may be created in various ways including via a literal notation or viaconstructors which create objects and then execute code that initializes all or part of them by assigning initial values to their properties. Eachconstructor is a function that has a property named"prototype" that is used to implementprototype-based inheritance andshared properties. Objects are created by usingconstructors innew expressions; for example,new Date(2009, 11) creates a new Date object. Invoking aconstructor without usingnew has consequences that depend on theconstructor. For example,Date() produces a string representation of the current date and time rather than an object.
Every object created by aconstructor has an implicit reference (called the object'sprototype) to the value of itsconstructor's"prototype" property. Furthermore, a prototype may have a non-null implicit reference to its prototype, and so on; this is called theprototype chain. When a reference is made to a property in an object, that reference is to the property of that name in the first object in the prototype chain that contains a property of that name. In other words, first the object mentioned directly is examined for such a property; if that object contains the named property, that is the property to which the reference refers; if that object does not contain the named property, the prototype for that object is examined next; and so on.
Figure 1: Object/Prototype Relationships
In a class-based object-oriented language, in general, state is carried by instances, methods are carried by classes, and inheritance is only of structure and behaviour. In ECMAScript, the state and methods are carried by objects, while structure, behaviour, and state are all inherited.
All objects that do not directly contain a particular property that their prototype contains share that property and its value. Figure 1 illustrates this:
CF is aconstructor (and also an object). Five objects have been created by usingnew expressions:cf1,cf2,cf3,cf4, andcf5. Each of these objects contains properties named"q1" and"q2". The dashed lines represent the implicit prototype relationship; so, for example,cf3's prototype isCFp. Theconstructor,CF, has two properties itself, named"P1" and"P2", which are not visible toCFp,cf1,cf2,cf3,cf4, orcf5. The property named"CFP1" inCFp is shared bycf1,cf2,cf3,cf4, andcf5 (but not byCF), as are any properties found inCFp's implicit prototype chain that are not named"q1","q2", or"CFP1". Notice that there is no implicit prototype link betweenCF andCFp.
Unlike most class-based object languages, properties can be added to objects dynamically by assigning values to them. That is,constructors are not required to name or assign values to all or any of the constructed object's properties. In the above diagram, one could add a new shared property forcf1,cf2,cf3,cf4, andcf5 by assigning a new value to the property inCFp.
Although ECMAScript objects are not inherently class-based, it is often convenient to define class-like abstractions based upon a common pattern ofconstructor functions, prototype objects, and methods. The ECMAScript built-in objects themselves follow such a class-like pattern. Beginning with ECMAScript 2015, the ECMAScript language includes syntactic class definitions that permit programmers to concisely define objects that conform to the same class-like abstraction pattern used by the built-in objects.
4.3.2 The Strict Variant of ECMAScript
The ECMAScript Language recognizes the possibility that some users of the language may wish to restrict their usage of some features available in the language. They might do so in the interests of security, to avoid what they consider to be error-prone features, to get enhanced error checking, or for other reasons of their choosing. In support of this possibility, ECMAScript defines a strict variant of the language. The strict variant of the language excludes some specific syntactic and semantic features of the regular ECMAScript language and modifies the detailed semantics of some features. The strict variant also specifies additional error conditions that must be reported by throwing error exceptions in situations that are not specified as errors by the non-strict form of the language.
The strict variant of ECMAScript is commonly referred to as thestrict mode of the language. Strict mode selection and use of the strict mode syntax and semantics of ECMAScript is explicitly made at the level of individualECMAScript source text units as described in11.2.2. Because strict mode is selected at the level of a syntactic source text unit, strict mode only imposes restrictions that have local effect within such a source text unit. Strict mode does not restrict or modify any aspect of the ECMAScript semantics that must operate consistently across multiple source text units. A complete ECMAScript program may be composed of both strict mode and non-strict modeECMAScript source text units. In this case, strict mode only applies when actually executing code that is defined within a strict mode source text unit.
In order to conform to this specification, an ECMAScript implementation must implement both the full unrestricted ECMAScript language and the strict variant of the ECMAScript language as defined by this specification. In addition, an implementation must support the combination of unrestricted and strict mode source text units into a single composite program.
4.4 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
4.4.1 implementation-approximated
animplementation-approximated facility is defined in whole or in part by an external source but has a recommended, ideal behaviour in this specification
4.4.2 implementation-defined
animplementation-defined facility is defined in whole or in part by an external source to this specification
The value of aconstructor's"prototype" property is a prototype object that is used to implement inheritance and shared properties.
4.4.8 prototype
object that provides shared properties for other objects
When aconstructor creates an object, that object implicitly references theconstructor's"prototype" property for the purpose of resolving property references. Theconstructor's"prototype" property can be referenced by the program expressionconstructor.prototype, and properties added to an object's prototype are shared, through inheritance, by all objects sharing the prototype. Alternatively, a new object may be created with an explicitly specified prototype by using theObject.create built-in function.
4.4.9 ordinary object
object that has the default behaviour for the essential internal methods that must be supported by all objects
4.4.10 exotic object
object that does not have the default behaviour for one or more of the essential internal methods
type consisting of the primitive valuestrue andfalse
4.4.19 Boolean object
member of theObject type that is an instance of the standard built-in Booleanconstructor
A Boolean object is created by using the Booleanconstructor in anew expression, supplying a Boolean value as an argument. The resulting object has an internal slot whose value is the Boolean value. A Boolean object can be coerced to a Boolean value.
4.4.20 String value
primitive value that is afinite ordered sequence of zero or more 16-bit unsignedinteger values
A String value is a member of theString type. Eachinteger value in the sequence usually represents a single 16-bit unit of UTF-16 text. However, ECMAScript does not place any restrictions or requirements on the values except that they must be 16-bit unsignedintegers.
A String object is created by using the Stringconstructor in anew expression, supplying a String value as an argument. The resulting object has an internal slot whose value is the String value. A String object can be coerced to a String value by calling the Stringconstructor as a function (
4.4.23 Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary formatIEEE 754-2019 value
A Number value is a member of theNumber type and is a direct representation of a number.
4.4.24 Number type
set of all possible Number values including the special “Not-a-Number” (NaN) value, positive infinity, and negative infinity
A Number object is created by using the Numberconstructor in anew expression, supplying a Number value as an argument. The resulting object has an internal slot whose value is the Number value. A Number object can be coerced to a Number value by calling the Numberconstructor as a function (
4.4.26 Infinity
Number value that is the positive infinite Number value
4.4.27 NaN
Number value that is anIEEE 754-2019 “Not-a-Number” value
4.4.28 BigInt value
primitive value corresponding to an arbitrary-precisioninteger value
member of theObject type that may be invoked as a subroutine
In addition to its properties, a function contains executable code and state that determine how it behaves when invoked. A function's code may or may not be written in ECMAScript.
4.4.35 built-in function
built-in object that is a function
Examples of built-in functions includeparseInt andMath.exp. Ahost or implementation may provide additional built-in functions that are not described in this specification.
Examples of built-inconstructors includeObject andFunction. Ahost or implementation may provide additional built-inconstructors that are not described in this specification.
4.4.37 property
part of an object that associates a key (either a String value or a Symbol value) and a value
Depending upon the form of the property the value may be represented either directly as a data value (a primitive value, an object, or afunction object) or indirectly by a pair of accessor functions.
4.4.38 method
function that is the value of a property
When a function is called as a method of an object, the object is passed to the function as itsthis value.
4.4.39 built-in method
method that is a built-in function
Standard built-in methods are defined in this specification. Ahost or implementation may provide additional built-in methods that are not described in this specification.
4.4.40 attribute
internal value that defines some characteristic of a property
4.4.41 own property
property that is directly contained by its object
4.4.42 inherited property
property of an object that is not an own property but is a property (either own or inherited) of the object's prototype
4.5 Organization of This Specification
The remainder of this specification is organized as follows:
Clause5 defines the notational conventions used throughout the specification.
Clauses6 through10 define the execution environment within which ECMAScript programs operate.
Clauses11 through17 define the actual ECMAScript programming language including its syntactic encoding and the execution semantics of all language features.
Clauses18 through28 define the ECMAScript standard library. They include the definitions of all of the standard objects that are available for use by ECMAScript programs as they execute.
Clause29 describes the memory consistency model of accesses on SharedArrayBuffer-backed memory and methods of the Atomics object.
5 Notational Conventions
5.1 Syntactic and Lexical Grammars
5.1.1 Context-Free Grammars
Acontext-free grammar consists of a number ofproductions. Each production has an abstract symbol called anonterminal as itsleft-hand side, and a sequence of zero or more nonterminal andterminal symbols as itsright-hand side. For each grammar, the terminal symbols are drawn from a specified alphabet.
Achain production is a production that has exactly one nonterminal symbol on its right-hand side along with zero or more terminal symbols.
Starting from a sentence consisting of a single distinguished nonterminal, called thegoal symbol, a given context-free grammar specifies alanguage, namely, the (perhaps infinite) set of possible sequences of terminal symbols that can result from repeatedly replacing any nonterminal in the sequence with a right-hand side of a production for which the nonterminal is the left-hand side.
Input elements other than white space and comments form the terminal symbols for the syntactic grammar for ECMAScript and are called ECMAScripttokens. These tokens are thereserved words, identifiers, literals, and punctuators of the ECMAScript language. Moreover, line terminators, although not considered to be tokens, also become part of the stream of input elements and guide the process of automatic semicolon insertion (12.10). Simple white space and single-line comments are discarded and do not appear in the stream of input elements for the syntactic grammar. AMultiLineComment (that is, a comment of the form/*…*/ regardless of whether it spans more than one line) is likewise simply discarded if it contains no line terminator; but if aMultiLineComment contains one or more line terminators, then it is replaced by a single line terminator, which becomes part of the stream of input elements for the syntactic grammar.
ARegExp grammar for ECMAScript is given in22.2.1. This grammar also has as its terminal symbols the code points as defined bySourceCharacter. It defines a set of productions, starting from thegoal symbolPattern, that describe how sequences of code points are translated into regular expression patterns.
Productions of the lexical and RegExp grammars are distinguished by having two colons “::” as separating punctuation. The lexical and RegExp grammars share some productions.
Productions of the numeric string grammar are distinguished by having three colons “:::” as punctuation, and are never used for parsing source text.
5.1.4 The Syntactic Grammar
Thesyntactic grammar for ECMAScript is given in clauses13 through16. This grammar has ECMAScript tokens defined by the lexical grammar as its terminal symbols (5.1.2). It defines a set of productions, starting from two alternativegoal symbolsScript andModule, that describe how sequences of tokens form syntactically correct independent components of ECMAScript programs.
When a stream of code points is to be parsed as an ECMAScriptScript orModule, it is first converted to a stream of input elements by repeated application of the lexical grammar; this stream of input elements is then parsed by a single application of the syntactic grammar. The input stream is syntactically in error if the tokens in the stream of input elements cannot be parsed as a single instance of the goal nonterminal (Script orModule), with no tokens left over.
When a parse is successful, it constructs aparse tree, a rooted tree structure in which each node is aParse Node. Each Parse Node is aninstance of a symbol in the grammar; it represents a span of the source text that can be derived from that symbol. The root node of the parse tree, representing the whole of the source text, is an instance of the parse'sgoal symbol. When a Parse Node is an instance of a nonterminal, it is also an instance of some production that has that nonterminal as its left-hand side. Moreover, it has zero or morechildren, one for each symbol on the production's right-hand side: each child is a Parse Node that is an instance of the corresponding symbol.
New Parse Nodes are instantiated for each invocation of the parser and never reused between parses even of identical source text. Parse Nodes are consideredthe same Parse Node if and only if they represent the same span of source text, are instances of the same grammar symbol, and resulted from the same parser invocation.
Note 1
Parsing the same String multiple times will lead to different Parse Nodes. For example, consider:
let str ="1 + 1;";eval(str);eval(str);
Each call toeval converts the value ofstr intoECMAScript source text and performs an independent parse that creates its own separate tree of Parse Nodes. The trees are distinct even though each parse operates upon a source text that was derived from the same String value.
Note 2
Parse Nodes are specification artefacts, and implementations are not required to use an analogous data structure.
Productions of the syntactic grammar are distinguished by having just one colon “:” as punctuation.
The syntactic grammar as presented in clauses13 through16 is not a complete account of which token sequences are accepted as a correct ECMAScriptScript orModule. Certain additional token sequences are also accepted, namely, those that would be described by the grammar if only semicolons were added to the sequence in certain places (such as before line terminator characters). Furthermore, certain token sequences that are described by the grammar are not considered acceptable if a line terminator character appears in certain “awkward” places.
In certain cases, in order to avoid ambiguities, the syntactic grammar uses generalized productions that permit token sequences that do not form a valid ECMAScriptScript orModule. For example, this technique is used for object literals and object destructuring patterns. In such cases a more restrictivesupplemental grammar is provided that further restricts the acceptable token sequences. Typically, anearly error rule will then state that, in certain contexts, "Pmust cover anN", whereP is a Parse Node (an instance of the generalized production) andN is a nonterminal from the supplemental grammar. This means:
The sequence of tokens originally matched byP is parsed again usingN as thegoal symbol. IfN takes grammatical parameters, then they are set to the same values used whenP was originally parsed.
If the sequence of tokens can be parsed as a single instance ofN, with no tokens left over, then:
We refer to that instance ofN (a Parse Node, unique for a givenP) as "theN that iscovered byP".
All Early Error rules forN and its derived productions also apply to theN that is covered byP.
Otherwise (if the parse fails), it is an early Syntax Error.
5.1.5 Grammar Notation Terminal Symbols
In the ECMAScript grammars, some terminal symbols are shown infixed-width font. These are to appear in a source text exactly as written. All terminal symbol code points specified in this way are to be understood as the appropriate Unicode code points from the Basic Latin block, as opposed to any similar-looking code points from other Unicode ranges. A code point in a terminal symbol cannot be expressed by a\UnicodeEscapeSequence.
In grammars whose terminal symbols are individual Unicode code points (i.e., the lexical, RegExp, and numeric string grammars), a contiguous run of multiple fixed-width code points appearing in a production is a simple shorthand for the same sequence of code points, written as standalone terminal symbols.
In contrast, in the syntactic grammar, a contiguous run of fixed-width code points is a single terminal symbol.
Terminal symbols come in two other forms:
In the lexical and RegExp grammars, Unicode code points without a conventional printed representation are instead shown in the form "<ABBREV>" where "ABBREV" is a mnemonic for the code point or set of code points. These forms are defined inUnicode Format-Control Characters,White Space, andLine Terminators.
In the syntactic grammar, certain terminal symbols (e.g.IdentifierName andRegularExpressionLiteral) are shown in italics, as they refer to the nonterminals of the same name in the lexical grammar. Nonterminal Symbols and Productions
Nonterminal symbols are shown initalic type. The definition of a nonterminal (also called a “production”) is introduced by the name of the nonterminal being defined followed by one or more colons. (The number of colons indicates to which grammar the production belongs.) One or more alternative right-hand sides for the nonterminal then follow on succeeding lines. For example, the syntactic definition:
states that the nonterminalWhileStatement represents the tokenwhile, followed by a left parenthesis token, followed by anExpression, followed by a right parenthesis token, followed by aStatement. The occurrences ofExpression andStatement are themselves nonterminals. As another example, the syntactic definition:
states that anArgumentList may represent either a singleAssignmentExpression or anArgumentList, followed by a comma, followed by anAssignmentExpression. This definition ofArgumentList is recursive, that is, it is defined in terms of itself. The result is that anArgumentList may contain any positive number of arguments, separated by commas, where each argument expression is anAssignmentExpression. Such recursive definitions of nonterminals are common. Optional Symbols
The subscripted suffix “opt”, which may appear after a terminal or nonterminal, indicates an optional symbol. The alternative containing the optional symbol actually specifies two right-hand sides, one that omits the optional element and one that includes it. This means that:
so, in this example, the nonterminalForStatement actually has four alternative right-hand sides. Grammatical Parameters
A production may be parameterized by a subscripted annotation of the form “[parameters]”, which may appear as a suffix to the nonterminal symbol defined by the production. “parameters” may be either a single name or a comma separated list of names. A parameterized production is shorthand for a set of productions defining all combinations of the parameter names, preceded by an underscore, appended to the parameterized nonterminal symbol. This means that:
Prefixing a parameter name with “?” on a right-hand side nonterminal reference makes that parameter value dependent upon the occurrence of the parameter name on the reference to the current production's left-hand side symbol. For example:
If a right-hand side alternative is prefixed with “[+parameter]” that alternative is only available if the named parameter was used in referencing the production's nonterminal symbol. If a right-hand side alternative is prefixed with “[~parameter]” that alternative is only available if the named parameter wasnot used in referencing the production's nonterminal symbol. This means that:
When the words “one of” follow the colon(s) in a grammar definition, they signify that each of the terminal symbols on the following line or lines is an alternative definition. For example, the lexical grammar for ECMAScript contains the production:
If the phrase “[empty]” appears as the right-hand side of a production, it indicates that the production's right-hand side contains no terminals or nonterminals. Lookahead Restrictions
If the phrase “[lookahead =seq]” appears in the right-hand side of a production, it indicates that the production may only be used if the token sequenceseq is a prefix of the immediately following input token sequence. Similarly, “[lookahead ∈set]”, whereset is afinite non-empty set of token sequences, indicates that the production may only be used if some element ofset is a prefix of the immediately following token sequence. For convenience, the set can also be written as a nonterminal, in which case it represents the set of all token sequences to which that nonterminal could expand. It is considered an editorial error if the nonterminal could expand to infinitely many distinct token sequences.
These conditions may be negated. “[lookahead ≠seq]” indicates that the containing production may only be used ifseq isnot a prefix of the immediately following input token sequence, and “[lookahead ∉set]” indicates that the production may only be used ifno element ofset is a prefix of the immediately following token sequence.
matches either the lettern followed by one or more decimal digits the first of which is even, or a decimal digit not followed by another decimal digit.
Note that when these phrases are used in the syntactic grammar, it may not be possible to unambiguously identify the immediately following token sequence because determining later tokens requires knowing which lexicalgoal symbol to use at later positions. As such, when these are used in the syntactic grammar, it is considered an editorial error for a token sequenceseq to appear in a lookahead restriction (including as part of a set of sequences) if the choices of lexicalgoal symbols to use could change whether or notseq would be a prefix of the resulting token sequence.
If the phrase “[noLineTerminator here]” appears in the right-hand side of a production of the syntactic grammar, it indicates that the production isa restricted production: it may not be used if aLineTerminator occurs in the input stream at the indicated position. For example, the production:
indicates that the production may not be used if aLineTerminator occurs in the script between thethrow token and theExpression.
Unless the presence of aLineTerminator is forbidden by a restricted production, any number of occurrences ofLineTerminator may appear between any two consecutive tokens in the stream of input elements without affecting the syntactic acceptability of the script. but not
The right-hand side of a production may specify that certain expansions are not permitted by using the phrase “but not” and then indicating the expansions to be excluded. For example, the production:
means that the nonterminalIdentifier may be replaced by any sequence of code points that could replaceIdentifierName provided that the same sequence of code points could not replaceReservedWord. Descriptive Phrases
Finally, a few nonterminal symbols are described by a descriptive phrase in sans-serif type in cases where it would be impractical to list all the alternatives:
The specification often uses a numbered list to specify steps in an algorithm. These algorithms are used to precisely specify the required semantics of ECMAScript language constructs. The algorithms are not intended to imply the use of any specific implementation technique. In practice, there may be more efficient algorithms available to implement a given feature.
Algorithms may be explicitly parameterized with an ordered, comma-separated sequence of alias names which may be used within the algorithm steps to reference the argument passed in that position. Optional parameters are denoted with surrounding brackets ([ ,name ]) and are no different from required parameters within algorithm steps. A rest parameter may appear at the end of a parameter list, denoted with leading ellipsis (, The rest parameter captures all of the arguments provided following the required and optional parameters into aList. If there are no such additional arguments, thatList is empty.
Algorithm steps may be subdivided into sequential substeps. Substeps are indented and may themselves be further divided into indented substeps. Outline numbering conventions are used to identify substeps with the first level of substeps labelled with lowercase alphabetic characters and the second level of substeps labelled with lowercase roman numerals. If more than three levels are required these rules repeat with the fourth level using numeric labels. For example:
1.Top-level step
A step or substep may be written as an “if” predicate that conditions its substeps. In this case, the substeps are only applied if the predicate is true. If a step or substep begins with the word “else”, it is a predicate that is the negation of the preceding “if” predicate step at the same level.
A step may specify the iterative application of its substeps.
A step that begins with “Assert:” asserts an invariant condition of its algorithm. Such assertions are used to make explicit algorithmic invariants that would otherwise be implicit. Such assertions add no additional semantic requirements and hence need not be checked by an implementation. They are used simply to clarify algorithms.
Algorithm steps may declare named aliases for any value using the form “Letx besomeValue”. These aliases are reference-like in that bothx andsomeValue refer to the same underlying data and modifications to either are visible to both. Algorithm steps that want to avoid this reference-like behaviour should explicitly make a copy of the right-hand side: “Letx be a copy ofsomeValue” creates a shallow copy ofsomeValue.
Once declared, an alias may be referenced in any subsequent steps and must not be referenced from steps prior to the alias's declaration. Aliases may be modified using the form “Setx tosomeOtherValue”.
5.2.1 Abstract Operations
In order to facilitate their use in multiple parts of this specification, some algorithms, calledabstract operations, are named and written in parameterized functional form so that they may be referenced by name from within other algorithms. Abstract operations are typically referenced using a functional application style such as OperationName(arg1,arg2). Some abstract operations are treated as polymorphically dispatched methods of class-like specification abstractions. Such method-like abstract operations are typically referenced using a method application style such assomeValue.OperationName(arg1,arg2).
5.2.2 Syntax-Directed Operations
Asyntax-directed operation is a named operation whose definition consists of algorithms, each of which is associated with one or more productions from one of the ECMAScript grammars. A production that has multiple alternative definitions will typically have a distinct algorithm for each alternative. When an algorithm is associated with a grammar production, it may reference the terminal and nonterminal symbols of the production alternative as if they were parameters of the algorithm. When used in this manner, nonterminal symbols refer to the actual alternative definition that is matched when parsing the source text. Thesource text matched by a grammar production orParse Node derived from it is the portion of the source text that starts at the beginning of the first terminal that participated in the match and ends at the end of the last terminal that participated in the match.
When an algorithm is associated with a production alternative, the alternative is typically shown without any “[ ]” grammar annotations. Such annotations should only affect the syntactic recognition of the alternative and have no effect on the associated semantics for the alternative.
Syntax-directed operations are invoked with a parse node and, optionally, other parameters by using the conventions on steps1,3, and4 in the following algorithm:
1.Letstatus be SyntaxDirectedOperation ofSomeNonTerminal.
2.LetsomeParseNode be the parse of some source text.
4.Perform SyntaxDirectedOperation ofsomeParseNode with argument"value".
Unless explicitly specified otherwise, allchain productions have an implicit definition for every operation that might be applied to that production's left-hand side nonterminal. The implicit definition simply reapplies the same operation with the same parameters, if any, to thechain production's sole right-hand side nonterminal and then returns the result. For example, assume that some algorithm has a step of the form: “ReturnEvaluation ofBlock” and that there is a production:
but theEvaluation operation does not associate an algorithm with that production. In that case, theEvaluation operation implicitly includes an association of the form:
The abstract operation Completion takes argumentcompletionRecord (aCompletion Record) and returns aCompletion Record. It is used to emphasize that aCompletion Record is being returned. It performs the following steps when called:
Similarly, prefix! is used to indicate that the following invocation of an abstract orsyntax-directed operation will never return anabrupt completion and that the resultingCompletion Record's[[Value]] field should be used in place of the return value of the operation. For example, the step:
In algorithms withinabstract operations which are declared to return aCompletion Record, and within all built-in functions, the returned value is first passed toNormalCompletion, and the result is used instead. This rule does not apply within theCompletion algorithm or when the value being returned is clearly marked as aCompletion Record in that step; these cases are:
when the result of constructing aCompletion Record is directly returned
It is an editorial error if aCompletion Record is returned from such an abstract operation through any other means. For example, within theseabstract operations,
1.ReturnCompletion Record {[[Type]]:normal,[[Value]]:true,[[Target]]:empty }.
Note that, through theReturnIfAbrupt expansion, the following example is allowed, as within the expanded steps, the result of applyingCompletion is returned directly in the abrupt case and the implicitNormalCompletion application occurs after unwrapping in the normal case.
1.Return ? completion.
The following example would be an editorial error because aCompletion Record is being returned without being annotated in that step.
Context-free grammars are not sufficiently powerful to express all the rules that define whether a stream of input elements form a valid ECMAScriptScript orModule that may be evaluated. In some situations additional rules are needed that may be expressed using either ECMAScript algorithm conventions or prose requirements. Such rules are always associated with a production of a grammar and are called thestatic semantics of the production.
Static Semantic Rules have names and typically are defined using an algorithm. Named Static Semantic Rules are associated with grammar productions and a production that has multiple alternative definitions will typically have for each alternative a distinct algorithm for each applicable named static semantic rule.
A special kind of static semantic rule is anEarly Error Rule.Early error rules defineearly error conditions (see clause17) that are associated with specific grammar productions.Evaluation of mostearly error rules are not explicitly invoked within the algorithms of this specification. A conforming implementation must, prior to the first evaluation of aScript orModule, validate all of theearly error rules of the productions used to parse thatScript orModule. If any of theearly error rules are violated theScript orModule is invalid and cannot be evaluated.
5.2.5 Mathematical Operations
This specification makes reference to these kinds of numeric values:
Mathematical values: Arbitrary real numbers, used as the default numeric type.
In the language of this specification, numerical values are distinguished among different numeric kinds using subscript suffixes. The subscript𝔽 refers to Numbers, and the subscriptℤ refers to BigInts. Numeric values without a subscript suffix refer tomathematical values.
Numeric operators such as +, ×, =, and ≥ refer to those operations as determined by the type of the operands. When applied tomathematical values, the operators refer to the usual mathematical operations. When applied toextended mathematical values, the operators refer to the usual mathematical operations over the extended real numbers; indeterminate forms are not defined and their use in this specification should be considered an editorial error. When applied to Numbers, the operators refer to the relevant operations withinIEEE 754-2019. When applied to BigInts, the operators refer to the usual mathematical operations applied to themathematical value of the BigInt.
In general, when this specification refers to a numerical value, such as in the phrase, "the length ofy" or "theinteger represented by the four hexadecimal digits ...", without explicitly specifying a numeric kind, the phrase refers to amathematical value. Phrases which refer to a Number or a BigInt value are explicitly annotated as such; for example, "theNumber value for the number of code points in …" or "theBigInt value for …".
Numeric operators applied to mixed-type operands (such as a Number and amathematical value) are not defined and should be considered an editorial error in this specification.
This specification denotes most numeric values in base 10; it also uses numeric values of the form 0x followed by digits 0-9 or A-F as base-16 values.
When the terminteger is used in this specification, it refers to amathematical value which is in the set ofintegers, unless otherwise stated. When the termintegral Number is used in this specification, it refers to a Number value whosemathematical value is in the set ofintegers.
The mathematical functionabs(x) produces the absolute value ofx, which is-x ifx < 0 and otherwise isx itself.
The mathematical functionmin(x1,x2, … ,xN) produces the mathematically smallest ofx1 throughxN. The mathematical functionmax(x1,x2, ...,xN) produces the mathematically largest ofx1 throughxN. The domain and range of these mathematical functions are theextended mathematical values.
The notation “x moduloy” (y must befinite and non-zero) computes a valuek of the same sign asy (or zero) such thatabs(k) <abs(y) andx -k =q ×y for someintegerq.
The phrase "the result ofclampingx betweenlower andupper" (wherex is anextended mathematical value andlower andupper aremathematical values such thatlower ≤upper) produceslower ifx <lower, producesupper ifx >upper, and otherwise producesx.
The mathematical functionfloor(x) produces the largestinteger (closest to +∞) that is not larger thanx.
The mathematical functiontruncate(x) removes the fractional part ofx by rounding towards zero, producing-floor(-x) ifx < 0 and otherwise producingfloor(x).
Mathematical functionsmin,max,abs,floor, andtruncate are not defined for Numbers and BigInts, and any usage of those methods that have non-mathematical value arguments would be an editorial error in this specification.
Aninterval from lower bounda to upper boundb is a possibly-infinite, possibly-empty set of numeric values of the same numeric type. Each bound will be described as either inclusive or exclusive, but not both. There are four kinds of intervals, as follows:
Aninterval froma (inclusive) tob (inclusive), also called aninclusive interval froma tob, includes all valuesx of the same numeric type such thata ≤x ≤b, and no others.
Aninterval froma (inclusive) tob (exclusive) includes all valuesx of the same numeric type such thata ≤x <b, and no others.
Aninterval froma (exclusive) tob (inclusive) includes all valuesx of the same numeric type such thata <x ≤b, and no others.
Aninterval froma (exclusive) tob (exclusive) includes all valuesx of the same numeric type such thata <x <b, and no others.
For example, theinterval from 1 (inclusive) to 2 (exclusive) consists of allmathematical values between 1 and 2, including 1 and not including 2. For the purpose of defining intervals,-0𝔽 <+0𝔽, so, for example, aninclusive interval with a lower bound of+0𝔽 includes+0𝔽 but not-0𝔽.NaN is never included in aninterval.
5.2.6 Value Notation
In this specification,ECMAScript language values are displayed inbold. Examples includenull,true, or"hello". These are distinguished fromECMAScript source text such asFunction.prototype.apply orlet n = 42;.
5.2.7 Identity
In this specification, both specification values andECMAScript language values are compared for equality. When comparing for equality, values fall into one of two categories.Values without identity are equal to other values without identity if all of their innate characteristics are the same — characteristics such as the magnitude of aninteger or the length of a sequence. Values without identity may be manifest without prior reference by fully describing their characteristics. In contrast, eachvalue with identity is unique and therefore only equal to itself. Values with identity are like values without identity but with an additional unguessable, unchangeable, universally-unique characteristic calledidentity. References to existing values with identity cannot be manifest simply by describing them, as the identity itself is indescribable; instead, references to these values must be explicitly passed from one place to another. Some values with identity are mutable and therefore can have their characteristics (except their identity) changed in-place, causing all holders of the value to observe the new characteristics. A value without identity is never equal to a value with identity.
From the perspective of this specification, the word “is” is used to compare two values for equality, as in “Ifbool istrue, then ...”, and the word “contains” is used to search for a value inside lists using equality comparisons, as in "Iflist contains aRecordr such thatr.[[Foo]] istrue, then ...". Thespecification identity of values determines the result of these comparisons and is axiomatic in this specification.
Algorithms within this specification manipulate values each of which has an associated type. The possible value types are exactly those defined in this clause. Types are further subclassified intoECMAScript language types and specification types.
Within this specification, the notation “Type(x)” is used as shorthand for “thetype ofx” where “type” refers to the ECMAScript language and specification types defined in this clause.
6.1 ECMAScript Language Types
AnECMAScript language type corresponds to values that are directly manipulated by an ECMAScript programmer using the ECMAScript language. The ECMAScript language types are Undefined, Null, Boolean, String, Symbol, Number, BigInt, and Object. AnECMAScript language value is a value that is characterized by an ECMAScript language type.
6.1.1 The Undefined Type
The Undefined type has exactly one value, calledundefined. Any variable that has not been assigned a value has the valueundefined.
6.1.2 The Null Type
The Null type has exactly one value, callednull.
6.1.3 The Boolean Type
TheBoolean type represents a logical entity having two values, calledtrue andfalse.
6.1.4 The String Type
TheString type is the set of all ordered sequences of zero or more 16-bit unsignedinteger values (“elements”) up to a maximum length of 2**53 - 1 elements. The String type is generally used to represent textual data in a running ECMAScript program, in which case each element in the String is treated as a UTF-16 code unit value. Each element is regarded as occupying a position within the sequence. These positions are indexed with non-negativeintegers. The first element (if any) is at index 0, the next element (if any) at index 1, and so on. The length of a String is the number of elements (i.e., 16-bit values) within it. The empty String has length zero and therefore contains no elements.
ECMAScript operations that do not interpret String contents apply no further semantics. Operations that do interpret String values treat each element as a single UTF-16 code unit. However, ECMAScript does not restrict the value of or relationships between these code units, so operations that further interpret String contents as sequences of Unicode code points encoded in UTF-16 must account for ill-formed subsequences. Such operations apply special treatment to every code unit with a numeric value in theinclusive interval from 0xD800 to 0xDBFF (defined by the Unicode Standard as aleading surrogate, or more formally as ahigh-surrogate code unit) and every code unit with a numeric value in theinclusive interval from 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF (defined as atrailing surrogate, or more formally as alow-surrogate code unit) using the following rules:
A sequence of two code units, where the first code unitc1 is aleading surrogate and the second code unitc2 atrailing surrogate, is asurrogate pair and is interpreted as a code point with the value (c1 - 0xD800) × 0x400 + (c2 - 0xDC00) + 0x10000. (See11.1.3)
The functionString.prototype.normalize (see22.1.3.15) can be used to explicitly normalize a String value.String.prototype.localeCompare (see22.1.3.12) internally normalizes String values, but no other operations implicitly normalize the strings upon which they operate. Operation results are not language- and/or locale-sensitive unless stated otherwise.
The rationale behind this design was to keep the implementation of Strings as simple and high-performing as possible. IfECMAScript source text is in Normalized Form C, string literals are guaranteed to also be normalized, as long as they do not contain any Unicode escape sequences.
In this specification, the phrase "thestring-concatenation ofA,B, ..." (where each argument is a String value, a code unit, or a sequence of code units) denotes the String value whose sequence of code units is the concatenation of the code units (in order) of each of the arguments (in order).
The phrase "thesubstring ofS frominclusiveStart toexclusiveEnd" (whereS is a String value or a sequence of code units andinclusiveStart andexclusiveEnd areintegers) denotes the String value consisting of the consecutive code units ofS beginning at indexinclusiveStart and ending immediately before indexexclusiveEnd (which is the empty String wheninclusiveStart =exclusiveEnd). If the "to" suffix is omitted, the length ofS is used as the value ofexclusiveEnd.
The phrase "the ASCII word characters" denotes the following String value, which consists solely of every letter and number in the Unicode Basic Latin block along with U+005F (LOW LINE): "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_". For historical reasons, it has significance to various algorithms.
The abstract operation StringIndexOf takes argumentsstring (a String),searchValue (a String), andfromIndex (a non-negativeinteger) and returns aninteger. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letlen be the length ofstring.
2.IfsearchValue is the empty String andfromIndex ≤len, returnfromIndex.
3.LetsearchLen be the length ofsearchValue.
4.For eachintegeri such thatfromIndex ≤i ≤len -searchLen, in ascending order, do
a.Letcandidate be thesubstring ofstring fromi toi +searchLen.
b.Ifcandidate issearchValue, returni.
5.Return -1.
Note 1
IfsearchValue is the empty String andfromIndex ≤ the length ofstring, this algorithm returnsfromIndex. The empty String is effectively found at every position within a string, including after the last code unit.
Note 2
This algorithm always returns -1 iffromIndex + the length ofsearchValue > the length ofstring.
6.1.5 The Symbol Type
TheSymbol type is the set of all non-String values that may be used as the key of an Object property (6.1.7).
Each possible Symbol value is unique and immutable.
Each Symbol value immutably holds an associated value called[[Description]] that is eitherundefined or a String value. Well-Known Symbols
Well-known symbols are built-in Symbol values that are explicitly referenced by algorithms of this specification. They are typically used as the keys of properties whose values serve as extension points of a specification algorithm. Unless otherwise specified, well-known symbols values are shared by allrealms (9.3).
Within this specification a well-known symbol is referred to by using a notation of the form @@name, where “name” is one of the values listed inTable 1.
Table 1: Well-known Symbols
Specification Name
Value and Purpose
A method that returns the default AsyncIterator for an object. Called by the semantics of thefor-await-of statement.
A method that determines if aconstructor object recognizes an object as one of theconstructor's instances. Called by the semantics of theinstanceof operator.
A Boolean valued property that if true indicates that an object should be flattened to its array elements byArray.prototype.concat.
A method that returns the default Iterator for an object. Called by the semantics of the for-of statement.
A regular expression method that matches the regular expression against a string. Called by theString.prototype.match method.
A regular expression method that returns an iterator, that yields matches of the regular expression against a string. Called by theString.prototype.matchAll method.
A regular expression method that replaces matched substrings of a string. Called by theString.prototype.replace method.
A regular expression method that returns the index within a string that matches the regular expression. Called by method.
A function valued property that is theconstructor function that is used to create derived objects.
A regular expression method that splits a string at the indices that match the regular expression. Called by theString.prototype.split method.
A method that converts an object to a corresponding primitive value. Called by theToPrimitive abstract operation.
A String valued property that is used in the creation of the default string description of an object. Accessed by the built-in methodObject.prototype.toString.
An object valued property whose own and inherited property names are property names that are excluded from thewith environment bindings of the associated object.
6.1.6 Numeric Types
ECMAScript has two built-in numeric types: Number and BigInt. The followingabstract operations are defined over these numeric types. The "Result" column shows the return type, along with an indication if it is possible for some invocations of the operation to return anabrupt completion.
Because the numeric types are in general not convertible without loss of precision or truncation, the ECMAScript language provides no implicit conversion among these types. Programmers must explicitly callNumber andBigInt functions to convert among types when calling a function which requires another type.
The first and subsequent editions of ECMAScript have provided, for certain operators, implicit numeric conversions that could lose precision ortruncate. These legacy implicit conversions are maintained for backward compatibility, but not provided for BigInt in order to minimize opportunity for programmer error, and to leave open the option of generalizedvalue types in a future edition. The Number Type
TheNumber type has exactly 18,437,736,874,454,810,627 (that is,2**64 - 2**53 + 3) values, representing the double-precision 64-bit formatIEEE 754-2019 values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, except that the 9,007,199,254,740,990 (that is,2**53 - 2) distinct “Not-a-Number” values of the IEEE Standard are represented in ECMAScript as a single specialNaN value. (Note that theNaN value is produced by the program expressionNaN.) In some implementations, external code might be able to detect a difference between various Not-a-Number values, but such behaviour isimplementation-defined; to ECMAScript code, allNaN values are indistinguishable from each other.
The bit pattern that might be observed in an ArrayBuffer (see25.1) or a SharedArrayBuffer (see25.2) after a Number value has been stored into it is not necessarily the same as the internal representation of that Number value used by the ECMAScript implementation.
There are two other special values, calledpositive Infinity andnegative Infinity. For brevity, these values are also referred to for expository purposes by the symbols+∞𝔽 and-∞𝔽, respectively. (Note that these two infinite Number values are produced by the program expressions+Infinity (or simplyInfinity) and-Infinity.)
The other 18,437,736,874,454,810,624 (that is,2**64 - 2**53) values are called thefinite numbers. Half of these are positive numbers and half are negative numbers; for everyfinite positive Number value there is a corresponding negative value having the same magnitude.
Note that there is both apositive zero and anegative zero. For brevity, these values are also referred to for expository purposes by the symbols+0𝔽 and-0𝔽, respectively. (Note that these two different zero Number values are produced by the program expressions+0 (or simply0) and-0.)
The 18,437,736,874,454,810,622 (that is,2**64 - 2**53 - 2)finite non-zero values are of two kinds:
18,428,729,675,200,069,632 (that is,2**64 - 2**54) of them are normalized, having the form
The remaining 9,007,199,254,740,990 (that is,2**53 - 2) values are denormalized, having the form
s ×m × 2**e
wheres is 1 or -1,m is aninteger in theinterval from 0 (exclusive) to 2**52 (exclusive), ande is -1074.
Note that all the positive and negativeintegers whose magnitude is no greater than 2**53 are representable in the Number type. Theinteger 0 has two representations in the Number type:+0𝔽 and-0𝔽.
Afinite number has anodd significand if it is non-zero and theintegerm used to express it (in one of the two forms shown above) is odd. Otherwise, it has aneven significand.
In this specification, the phrase “theNumber value forx” wherex represents an exact real mathematical quantity (which might even be an irrational number such as π) means a Number value chosen in the following manner. Consider the set of allfinite values of the Number type, with-0𝔽 removed and with two additional values added to it that are not representable in the Number type, namely 2**1024 (which is+1 × 2**53 × 2**971) and-2**1024 (which is-1 × 2**53 × 2**971). Choose the member of this set that is closest in value tox. If two values of the set are equally close, then the one with an even significand is chosen; for this purpose, the two extra values 2**1024 and-2**1024 are considered to have even significands. Finally, if 2**1024 was chosen, replace it with+∞𝔽; if-2**1024 was chosen, replace it with-∞𝔽; if+0𝔽 was chosen, replace it with-0𝔽 if and only ifx < 0; any other chosen value is used unchanged. The result is theNumber value forx. (This procedure corresponds exactly to the behaviour of theIEEE 754-2019 roundTiesToEven mode.)
Some ECMAScript operators deal only withintegers in specific ranges such as theinclusive interval from-2**31 to2**31 - 1 or theinclusive interval from 0 to2**16 - 1. These operators accept any value of the Number type but first convert each such value to aninteger value in the expected range. See the descriptions of the numeric conversion operations in7.1. Number::unaryMinus (x )
The abstract operation Number::unaryMinus takes argumentx (a Number) and returns a Number. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx isNaN, returnNaN.
2.Return the result of negatingx; that is, compute a Number with the same magnitude but opposite sign. Number::bitwiseNOT (x )
The abstract operation Number::bitwiseNOT takes argumentx (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Return the result of applying bitwise complement tooldValue. Themathematical value of the result is exactly representable as a 32-bit two's complement bit string. Number::exponentiate (base,exponent )
The abstract operation Number::exponentiate takes argumentsbase (a Number) andexponent (a Number) and returns a Number. It returns animplementation-approximated value representing the result of raisingbase to theexponent power. It performs the following steps when called:
11.Assert:exponent isfinite and is neither+0𝔽 nor-0𝔽.
12.Ifbase <-0𝔽 andexponent is not anintegral Number, returnNaN.
13.Return animplementation-approximated Number value representing the result of raisingℝ(base) to theℝ(exponent) power.
The result ofbase**exponent whenbase is1𝔽 or-1𝔽 andexponent is+∞𝔽 or-∞𝔽, or whenbase is1𝔽 andexponent isNaN, differs fromIEEE 754-2019. The first edition of ECMAScript specified a result ofNaN for this operation, whereas later revisions of IEEE 754 specified1𝔽. The historical ECMAScript behaviour is preserved for compatibility reasons. Number::multiply (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::multiply takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Number. It performs multiplication according to the rules ofIEEE 754-2019 binary double-precision arithmetic, producing the product ofx andy. It performs the following steps when called:
Finite-precision multiplication is commutative, but not always associative. Number::divide (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::divide takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Number. It performs division according to the rules ofIEEE 754-2019 binary double-precision arithmetic, producing the quotient ofx andy wherex is the dividend andy is the divisor. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Number::remainder takes argumentsn (a Number) andd (a Number) and returns a Number. It yields the remainder from an implied division of its operands wheren is the dividend andd is the divisor. It performs the following steps when called:
In C and C++, the remainder operator accepts only integral operands; in ECMAScript, it also accepts floating-point operands.
Note 2
The result of a floating-point remainder operation as computed by the% operator is not the same as the “remainder” operation defined byIEEE 754-2019. TheIEEE 754-2019 “remainder” operation computes the remainder from a rounding division, not a truncating division, and so its behaviour is not analogous to that of the usualinteger remainder operator. Instead the ECMAScript language defines% on floating-point operations to behave in a manner analogous to that of the Javainteger remainder operator; this may be compared with the C library function fmod. Number::add (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::add takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Number. It performs addition according to the rules ofIEEE 754-2019 binary double-precision arithmetic, producing the sum of its arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
Finite-precision addition is commutative, but not always associative. Number::subtract (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::subtract takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Number. It performs subtraction, producing the difference of its operands;x is the minuend andy is the subtrahend. It performs the following steps when called:
It is always the case thatx - y produces the same result asx + (-y). Number::leftShift (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::leftShift takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
4.Return the result of left shiftinglnum byshiftCount bits. Themathematical value of the result is exactly representable as a 32-bit two's complement bit string. Number::signedRightShift (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::signedRightShift takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
4.Return the result of performing a sign-extending right shift oflnum byshiftCount bits. The most significant bit is propagated. Themathematical value of the result is exactly representable as a 32-bit two's complement bit string. Number::unsignedRightShift (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::unsignedRightShift takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
4.Return the result of performing a zero-filling right shift oflnum byshiftCount bits. Vacated bits are filled with zero. Themathematical value of the result is exactly representable as a 32-bit unsigned bit string. Number::lessThan (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::lessThan takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Boolean orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Number::equal takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx isNaN, returnfalse.
2.Ify isNaN, returnfalse.
3.Ifx isy, returntrue.
4.Ifx is+0𝔽 andy is-0𝔽, returntrue.
5.Ifx is-0𝔽 andy is+0𝔽, returntrue.
6.Returnfalse. Number::sameValue (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::sameValue takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx isNaN andy isNaN, returntrue.
2.Ifx is+0𝔽 andy is-0𝔽, returnfalse.
3.Ifx is-0𝔽 andy is+0𝔽, returnfalse.
4.Ifx isy, returntrue.
5.Returnfalse. Number::sameValueZero (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::sameValueZero takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx isNaN andy isNaN, returntrue.
2.Ifx is+0𝔽 andy is-0𝔽, returntrue.
3.Ifx is-0𝔽 andy is+0𝔽, returntrue.
4.Ifx isy, returntrue.
5.Returnfalse. NumberBitwiseOp (op,x,y )
The abstract operation NumberBitwiseOp takes argumentsop (&,^, or|),x (a Number), andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
b.Letresult be the result of applying the bitwise inclusive OR operation tolbits andrbits.
8.Return theNumber value for theinteger represented by the 32-bit two's complement bit stringresult. Number::bitwiseAND (x,y )
The abstract operation Number::bitwiseAND takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Number::bitwiseXOR takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Number::bitwiseOR takes argumentsx (a Number) andy (a Number) and returns anintegral Number. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Number::toString takes argumentsx (a Number) andradix (aninteger in theinclusive interval from 2 to 36) and returns a String. It representsx as a String using a positional numeral system with radixradix. The digits used in the representation of a number using radixr are taken from the firstr code units of"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" in order. The representation of numbers with magnitude greater than or equal to1𝔽 never includes leading zeroes. It performs the following steps when called:
5.Letn,k, ands beintegers such thatk ≥ 1,radix**(k - 1) ≤s <radix**k,𝔽(s ×radix**(n -k)) isx, andk is as small as possible. Note thatk is the number of digits in the representation ofs using radixradix, thats is not divisible byradix, and that the least significant digit ofs is not necessarily uniquely determined by these criteria.
the code unit of the most significant digit of the decimal representation ofs
the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP)
the code units of the remainingk - 1 digits of the decimal representation ofs
the code unit 0x0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E)
the code units of the decimal representation ofabs(n - 1)
Note 1
The following observations may be useful as guidelines for implementations, but are not part of the normative requirements of this Standard:
If x is any Number value other than-0𝔽, thenToNumber(ToString(x)) is x.
The least significant digit of s is not always uniquely determined by the requirements listed in step5.
Note 2
For implementations that provide more accurate conversions than required by the rules above, it is recommended that the following alternative version of step5 be used as a guideline:
5.Letn,k, ands beintegers such thatk ≥ 1,radix**(k - 1) ≤s <radix**k,𝔽(s ×radix**(n -k)) isx, andk is as small as possible. If there are multiple possibilities fors, choose the value ofs for whichs ×radix**(n -k) is closest in value toℝ(x). If there are two such possible values ofs, choose the one that is even. Note thatk is the number of digits in the representation ofs using radixradix and thats is not divisible byradix.
Note 3
Implementers of ECMAScript may find useful the paper and code written by David M. Gay for binary-to-decimal conversion of floating-point numbers:
TheBigInt type represents aninteger value. The value may be any size and is not limited to a particular bit-width. Generally, where not otherwise noted, operations are designed to return exact mathematically-based answers. For binary operations, BigInts act as two's complement binary strings, with negative numbers treated as having bits set infinitely to the left. BigInt::unaryMinus (x )
The abstract operation BigInt::unaryMinus takes argumentx (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx is0ℤ, return0ℤ.
2.Return -x. BigInt::bitwiseNOT (x )
The abstract operation BigInt::bitwiseNOT takes argumentx (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It returns the one's complement ofx. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return -x -1ℤ. BigInt::exponentiate (base,exponent )
The abstract operation BigInt::exponentiate takes argumentsbase (a BigInt) andexponent (a BigInt) and returns either anormal completion containing a BigInt or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifexponent <0ℤ, throw aRangeError exception.
2.Ifbase is0ℤ andexponent is0ℤ, return1ℤ.
3.Returnbase raised to the powerexponent. BigInt::multiply (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::multiply takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Returnx ×y.
Even if the result has a much larger bit width than the input, the exact mathematical answer is given. BigInt::divide (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::divide takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns either anormal completion containing a BigInt or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::remainder takes argumentsn (a BigInt) andd (a BigInt) and returns either anormal completion containing a BigInt or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The sign of the result is the sign of the dividend. BigInt::add (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::add takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Returnx +y. BigInt::subtract (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::subtract takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Returnx -y. BigInt::leftShift (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::leftShift takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
Semantics here should be equivalent to a bitwise shift, treating the BigInt as an infinite length string of binary two's complement digits. BigInt::signedRightShift (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::signedRightShift takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::unsignedRightShift takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Throw aTypeError exception. BigInt::lessThan (x,y )
The abstract operation BigInt::lessThan takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BinaryAnd takes argumentsx (0 or 1) andy (0 or 1) and returns 0 or 1. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx = 1 andy = 1, return 1.
2.Else, return 0. BinaryOr (x,y )
The abstract operation BinaryOr takes argumentsx (0 or 1) andy (0 or 1) and returns 0 or 1. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx = 1 ory = 1, return 1.
2.Else, return 0. BinaryXor (x,y )
The abstract operation BinaryXor takes argumentsx (0 or 1) andy (0 or 1) and returns 0 or 1. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifx = 1 andy = 0, return 1.
2.Else ifx = 0 andy = 1, return 1.
3.Else, return 0. BigIntBitwiseOp (op,x,y )
The abstract operation BigIntBitwiseOp takes argumentsop (&,^, or|),x (a BigInt), andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::bitwiseAND takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::bitwiseXOR takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::bitwiseOR takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andy (a BigInt) and returns a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation BigInt::toString takes argumentsx (a BigInt) andradix (aninteger in theinclusive interval from 2 to 36) and returns a String. It representsx as a String using a positional numeral system with radixradix. The digits used in the representation of a BigInt using radixr are taken from the firstr code units of"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" in order. The representation of BigInts other than0ℤ never includes leading zeroes. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Return the String value consisting of the representation ofx using radixradix.
6.1.7 The Object Type
Each instance of theObject type, also referred to simply as “an Object”, represents a collection of properties. Each property is either a data property, or an accessor property:
Adata property associates a key value with anECMAScript language value and a set of Boolean attributes.
Anaccessor property associates a key value with one or two accessor functions, and a set of Boolean attributes. The accessor functions are used to store or retrieve anECMAScript language value that is associated with the property.
The properties of an object are uniquely identified using property keys. Aproperty key is either a String or a Symbol. All Strings and Symbols, including the empty String, are valid as property keys. Aproperty name is a property key thatis a String.
Property keys are used to access properties and their values. There are two kinds of access for properties:get andset, corresponding to value retrieval and assignment, respectively. The properties accessible via get and set access includes bothown properties that are a direct part of an object andinherited properties which are provided by another associated object via a property inheritance relationship. Inherited properties may be either own or inherited properties of the associated object. Each own property of an object must each have a key value that is distinct from the key values of the other own properties of that object.
All objects are logically collections of properties, but there are multiple forms of objects that differ in their semantics for accessing and manipulating their properties. Please see6.1.7.2 for definitions of the multiple forms of objects.
In addition, some objects are callable; these are referred to as functions orfunction objects and are described further below. All functions in ECMAScript are members of the Object type. Property Attributes
Attributes are used in this specification to define and explain the state of Object properties as described inTable 3. Unless specified explicitly, the initial value of each attribute is its Default Value.
If the valueis an Object it must be afunction object. The function's[[Call]] internal method (Table 5) is called with an empty arguments list to retrieve the property value each time a get access of the property is performed.
If the valueis an Object it must be afunction object. The function's[[Call]] internal method (Table 5) is called with an arguments list containing the assigned value as its sole argument each time a set access of the property is performed. The effect of a property's[[Set]] internal method may, but is not required to, have an effect on the value returned by subsequent calls to the property's[[Get]] internal method.
Iffalse, attempts to delete the property, change it from adata property to anaccessor property or from anaccessor property to adata property, or make any changes to its attributes (other than replacing an existing[[Value]] or setting[[Writable]] tofalse) will fail. Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
The actual semantics of objects, in ECMAScript, are specified via algorithms calledinternal methods. Each object in an ECMAScript engine is associated with a set of internal methods that defines its runtime behaviour. These internal methods are not part of the ECMAScript language. They are defined by this specification purely for expository purposes. However, each object within an implementation of ECMAScript must behave as specified by the internal methods associated with it. The exact manner in which this is accomplished is determined by the implementation.
Internal method names are polymorphic. This means that different object values may perform different algorithms when a common internal method name is invoked upon them. That actual object upon which an internal method is invoked is the “target” of the invocation. If, at runtime, the implementation of an algorithm attempts to use an internal method of an object that the object does not support, aTypeError exception is thrown.
Internal slots correspond to internal state that is associated with objects and used by various ECMAScript specification algorithms. Internal slots are not object properties and they are not inherited. Depending upon the specific internal slot specification, such state may consist of values of anyECMAScript language type or of specific ECMAScript specification type values. Unless explicitly specified otherwise, internal slots are allocated as part of the process of creating an object and may not be dynamically added to an object. Unless specified otherwise, the initial value of an internal slot is the valueundefined. Various algorithms within this specification create objects that have internal slots. However, the ECMAScript language provides no direct way to associate internal slots with an object.
All objects have an internal slot named[[PrivateElements]], which is aList ofPrivateElements. ThisList represents the values of the private fields, methods, and accessors for the object. Initially, it is an emptyList.
Internal methods and internal slots are identified within this specification using names enclosed in double square brackets [[ ]].
Table 4 summarizes theessential internal methods used by this specification that are applicable to all objects created or manipulated by ECMAScript code. Every object must have algorithms for all of the essential internal methods. However, all objects do not necessarily use the same algorithms for those methods.
Anordinary object is an object that satisfies all of the following criteria:
For the internal methods listed inTable 4, the object uses those defined in10.1.
If the object has a[[Call]] internal method, it uses either the one defined in10.2.1 or the one defined in10.3.1.
If the object has a[[Construct]] internal method, it uses either the one defined in10.2.2 or the one defined in10.3.2.
This specification recognizes different kinds ofexotic objects by those objects' internal methods. An object that is behaviourally equivalent to a particular kind ofexotic object (such as anArray exotic object or abound function exotic object), but does not have the same collection of internal methods specified for that kind, is not recognized as that kind ofexotic object.
The “Signature” column ofTable 4 and other similar tables describes the invocation pattern for each internal method. The invocation pattern always includes a parenthesized list of descriptive parameter names. If a parameter name is the same as an ECMAScript type name then the name describes the required type of the parameter value. If an internal method explicitly returns a value, its parameter list is followed by the symbol “→” and the type name of the returned value. The type names used in signatures refer to the types defined in clause6 augmented by the following additional names. “any” means the value may be anyECMAScript language type.
In addition to its parameters, an internal method always has access to the object that is the target of the method invocation.
Determine the object that provides inherited properties for this object. Anull value indicates that there are no inherited properties.
(Object | Null)→ Boolean
Associate this object with another object that provides inherited properties. Passingnull indicates that there are no inherited properties. Returnstrue indicating that the operation was completed successfully orfalse indicating that the operation was not successful.
( )→ Boolean
Determine whether it is permitted to add additional properties to this object.
( )→ Boolean
Control whether new properties may be added to this object. Returnstrue if the operation was successful orfalse if the operation was unsuccessful.
Return aProperty Descriptor for the own property of this object whose key ispropertyKey, orundefined if no such property exists.
(propertyKey,PropertyDescriptor)→ Boolean
Create or alter the own property, whose key ispropertyKey, to have the state described byPropertyDescriptor. Returntrue if that property was successfully created/updated orfalse if the property could not be created or updated.
(propertyKey)→ Boolean
Return a Boolean value indicating whether this object already has either an own or inherited property whose key ispropertyKey.
Return the value of the property whose key ispropertyKey from this object. If any ECMAScript code must be executed to retrieve the property value,Receiver is used as thethis value when evaluating the code.
(propertyKey,value,Receiver)→ Boolean
Set the value of the property whose key ispropertyKey tovalue. If any ECMAScript code must be executed to set the property value,Receiver is used as thethis value when evaluating the code. Returnstrue if the property value was set orfalse if it could not be set.
(propertyKey)→ Boolean
Remove the own property whose key ispropertyKey from this object. Returnfalse if the property was not deleted and is still present. Returntrue if the property was deleted or is not present.
Return aList whose elements are all of the ownproperty keys for the object.
Table 5 summarizes additional essential internal methods that are supported by objects that may be called as functions. Afunction object is an object that supports the[[Call]] internal method. Aconstructor is an object that supports the[[Construct]] internal method. Every object that supports[[Construct]] must support[[Call]]; that is, everyconstructor must be afunction object. Therefore, aconstructor may also be referred to as aconstructor function orconstructorfunction object.
Table 5: Additional Essential Internal Methods of Function Objects
Executes code associated with this object. Invoked via a function call expression. The arguments to the internal method are athis value and aList whose elements are the arguments passed to the function by a call expression. Objects that implement this internal method arecallable.
Creates an object. Invoked via thenew operator or asuper call. The first argument to the internal method is aList whose elements are the arguments of theconstructor invocation or thesuper call. The second argument is the object to which thenew operator was initially applied. Objects that implement this internal method are calledconstructors. Afunction object is not necessarily aconstructor and such non-constructorfunction objects do not have a[[Construct]] internal method.
The semantics of the essential internal methods forordinary objects and standardexotic objects are specified in clause10. If any specified use of an internal method of anexotic object is not supported by an implementation, that usage must throw aTypeError exception when attempted. Invariants of the Essential Internal Methods
The Internal Methods of Objects of an ECMAScript engine must conform to the list of invariants specified below. Ordinary ECMAScript Objects as well as all standardexotic objects in this specification maintain these invariants. ECMAScript Proxy objects maintain these invariants by means of runtime checks on the result of traps invoked on the[[ProxyHandler]] object.
Any implementation providedexotic objects must also maintain these invariants for those objects. Violation of these invariants may cause ECMAScript code to have unpredictable behaviour and create security issues. However, violation of these invariants must never compromise the memory safety of an implementation.
An implementation must not allow these invariants to be circumvented in any manner such as by providing alternative interfaces that implement the functionality of the essential internal methods without enforcing their invariants.
Thetarget of an internal method is the object upon which the internal method is called.
A target isnon-extensible if it has been observed to returnfalse from its[[IsExtensible]] internal method, ortrue from its[[PreventExtensions]] internal method.
Anon-existent property is a property that does not exist as an own property on a non-extensible target.
All references toSameValue are according to the definition of theSameValue algorithm.
Return value:
The value returned by any internal method must be aCompletion Record with either:
[[Type]] =normal,[[Target]] =empty, and[[Value]] = a value of the "normal return type" shown below for that internal method, or
If target is non-extensible, and[[GetPrototypeOf]] returns a valueV, then any future calls to[[GetPrototypeOf]] should return theSameValue asV.
Note 2
An object's prototype chain should havefinite length (that is, starting from any object, recursively applying the[[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method to its result should eventually lead to the valuenull). However, this requirement is not enforceable as an object level invariant if the prototype chain includes anyexotic objects that do not use theordinary object definition of[[GetPrototypeOf]]. Such a circular prototype chain may result in infinite loops when accessing object properties.
[[SetPrototypeOf]] (V )
The normal return type is Boolean.
If target is non-extensible,[[SetPrototypeOf]] must returnfalse, unlessV is theSameValue as the target's observed[[GetPrototypeOf]] value.
[[IsExtensible]] ( )
The normal return type is Boolean.
If[[IsExtensible]] returnsfalse, all future calls to[[IsExtensible]] on the target must returnfalse.
[[PreventExtensions]] ( )
The normal return type is Boolean.
If[[PreventExtensions]] returnstrue, all future calls to[[IsExtensible]] on the target must returnfalse and the target is now considered non-extensible.
IfP is described as a non-configurable, non-writable owndata property, all future calls to[[GetOwnProperty]] (P ) must returnProperty Descriptor whose[[Value]] isSameValue asP's[[Value]] attribute.
IfP's attributes other than[[Writable]] and[[Value]] may change over time, or if the property might be deleted, thenP's[[Configurable]] attribute must betrue.
If the[[Writable]] attribute may change fromfalse totrue, then the[[Configurable]] attribute must betrue.
If the target is non-extensible andP is non-existent, then all future calls to[[GetOwnProperty]] (P) on the target must describeP as non-existent (i.e.[[GetOwnProperty]] (P) must returnundefined).
Note 3
As a consequence of the third invariant, if a property is described as adata property and it may return different values over time, then either or both of the[[Writable]] and[[Configurable]] attributes must betrue even if no mechanism to change the value is exposed via the other essential internal methods.
[[DefineOwnProperty]] (P,Desc )
The normal return type is Boolean.
[[DefineOwnProperty]] must returnfalse ifP has previously been observed as a non-configurable own property of the target, unless either:
All attributes ofDesc are theSameValue asP's attributes.
[[DefineOwnProperty]] (P,Desc) must returnfalse if target is non-extensible andP is a non-existent own property. That is, a non-extensible target object cannot be extended with new properties.
[[HasProperty]] (P )
The normal return type is Boolean.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable own data oraccessor property of the target,[[HasProperty]] must returntrue.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable, non-writable owndata property of the target with valueV, then[[Get]] must return theSameValue asV.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable ownaccessor property of the target whose[[Get]] attribute isundefined, the[[Get]] operation must returnundefined.
[[Set]] (P,V,Receiver )
The normal return type is Boolean.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable, non-writable owndata property of the target, then[[Set]] must returnfalse unlessV is theSameValue asP's[[Value]] attribute.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable ownaccessor property of the target whose[[Set]] attribute isundefined, the[[Set]] operation must returnfalse.
[[Delete]] (P )
The normal return type is Boolean.
IfP was previously observed as a non-configurable own data oraccessor property of the target,[[Delete]] must returnfalse.
The returnedList must not contain any duplicate entries.
The Type of each element of the returnedList is either String or Symbol.
The returnedList must contain at least the keys of all non-configurable own properties that have previously been observed.
If the target is non-extensible, the returnedList must contain only the keys of all own properties of the target that are observable using[[GetOwnProperty]].
The target must also have a[[Call]] internal method. Well-Known Intrinsic Objects
Well-known intrinsics are built-in objects that are explicitly referenced by the algorithms of this specification and which usually haverealm-specific identities. Unless otherwise specified each intrinsic object actually corresponds to a set of similar objects, one perrealm.
Within this specification a reference such as %name% means the intrinsic object, associated with the currentrealm, corresponding to the name. A reference such as %name.a.b% means, as if the"b" property of the value of the"a" property of the intrinsic object %name% was accessed prior to any ECMAScript code being evaluated. Determination of the currentrealm and its intrinsics is described in9.4. The well-known intrinsics are listed inTable 6.
A specification type corresponds to meta-values that are used within algorithms to describe the semantics of ECMAScript language constructs andECMAScript language types. The specification types include Reference,List,Completion Record,Property Descriptor,Environment Record,Abstract Closure, andData Block. Specification type values are specification artefacts that do not necessarily correspond to any specific entity within an ECMAScript implementation. Specification type values may be used to describe intermediate results of ECMAScript expression evaluation but such values cannot be stored as properties of objects or values of ECMAScript language variables.
6.2.1 The Enum Specification Type
Enums are values which are internal to the specification and not directly observable from ECMAScript code. Enums are denoted using asans-serif typeface. For instance, aCompletion Record's[[Type]] field takes on values likenormal,return, orthrow. Enums have no characteristics other than their name. The name of an enum serves no purpose other than to distinguish it from other enums, and implies nothing about its usage or meaning in context.
6.2.2 The List and Record Specification Types
TheList type is used to explain the evaluation of argument lists (see13.3.8) innew expressions, in function calls, and in other algorithms where a simple ordered list of values is needed. Values of the List type are simply ordered sequences of list elements containing the individual values. These sequences may be of any length. The elements of a list may be randomly accessed using 0-origin indices. For notational convenience an array-like syntax can be used to access List elements. For example,arguments[2] is shorthand for saying the 3rd element of the Listarguments.
When an algorithm iterates over the elements of a List without specifying an order, the order used is the order of the elements in the List.
For notational convenience within this specification, a literal syntax can be used to express a new List value. For example, « 1, 2 » defines a List value that has two elements each of which is initialized to a specific value. A new empty List can be expressed as « ».
In this specification, the phrase "thelist-concatenation ofA,B, ..." (where each argument is a possibly empty List) denotes a new List value whose elements are the concatenation of the elements (in order) of each of the arguments (in order).
TheRecord type is used to describe data aggregations within the algorithms of this specification. A Record type value consists of one or more named fields. The value of each field is anECMAScript language value or specification value. Field names are always enclosed in double brackets, for example[[Value]].
For notational convenience within this specification, an object literal-like syntax can be used to express a Record value. For example, {[[Field1]]: 42,[[Field2]]:false,[[Field3]]:empty } defines a Record value that has three fields, each of which is initialized to a specific value. Field name order is not significant. Any fields that are not explicitly listed are considered to be absent.
In specification text and algorithms, dot notation may be used to refer to a specific field of a Record value. For example, if R is the record shown in the previous paragraph then R.[[Field2]] is shorthand for “the field of R named[[Field2]]”.
Schema for commonly used Record field combinations may be named, and that name may be used as a prefix to a literal Record value to identify the specific kind of aggregations that is being described. For example: PropertyDescriptor {[[Value]]: 42,[[Writable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
6.2.3 The Set and Relation Specification Types
TheSet type is used to explain a collection of unordered elements for use in thememory model. It is distinct from the ECMAScript collection type of the same name. To disambiguate, instances of the ECMAScript collection are consistently referred to as "Set objects" within this specification. Values of the Set type are simple collections of elements, where no element appears more than once. Elements may be added to and removed from Sets. Sets may be unioned, intersected, or subtracted from each other.
TheRelation type is used to explain constraints on Sets. Values of the Relation type are Sets of ordered pairs of values from its value domain. For example, a Relation on events is a set of ordered pairs of events. For a RelationR and two valuesa andb in the value domain ofR,aRb is shorthand for saying the ordered pair (a,b) is a member ofR. A Relation is least with respect to some conditions when it is the smallest Relation that satisfies those conditions.
Astrict partial order is a Relation valueR that satisfies the following.
For alla,b, andc inR's domain:
It is not the case thataRa, and
IfaRb andbRc, thenaRc.
Note 1
The two properties above are called irreflexivity and transitivity, respectively.
Astrict total order is a Relation valueR that satisfies the following.
For alla,b, andc inR's domain:
a isb oraRb orbRa, and
It is not the case thataRa, and
IfaRb andbRc, thenaRc.
Note 2
The three properties above are called totality, irreflexivity, and transitivity, respectively.
6.2.4 The Completion Record Specification Type
TheCompletion Record specification type is used to explain the runtime propagation of values and control flow such as the behaviour of statements (break,continue,return andthrow) that perform nonlocal transfers of control.
Completion Records have the fields defined inTable 7.
The following shorthand terms are sometimes used to refer to Completion Records.
normal completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value ofnormal.
break completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value ofbreak.
continue completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value ofcontinue.
return completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value ofreturn.
throw completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value ofthrow.
abrupt completion refers to any Completion Record with a[[Type]] value other thannormal.
anormal completion containing some type of value refers to a normal completion that has a value of that type in its[[Value]] field.
Callable objects that are defined in this specification only return a normal completion or a throw completion. Returning any other kind of Completion Record is considered an editorial error.
Implementation-defined callable objects must return either a normal completion or a throw completion. NormalCompletion (value )
The abstract operation NormalCompletion takes argumentvalue (any value except aCompletion Record) and returns anormal completion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.ReturnCompletion Record {[[Type]]:normal,[[Value]]:value,[[Target]]:empty }. ThrowCompletion (value )
The abstract operation ThrowCompletion takes argumentvalue (anECMAScript language value) and returns athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.ReturnCompletion Record {[[Type]]:throw,[[Value]]:value,[[Target]]:empty }. UpdateEmpty (completionRecord,value )
The abstract operation UpdateEmpty takes argumentscompletionRecord (aCompletion Record) andvalue (any value except aCompletion Record) and returns aCompletion Record. It performs the following steps when called:
2.IfcompletionRecord.[[Value]] is notempty, return ? completionRecord.
3.ReturnCompletion Record {[[Type]]:completionRecord.[[Type]],[[Value]]:value,[[Target]]:completionRecord.[[Target]] }.
6.2.5 The Reference Record Specification Type
TheReference Record type is used to explain the behaviour of such operators asdelete,typeof, the assignment operators, thesuperkeyword and other language features. For example, the left-hand operand of an assignment is expected to produce a Reference Record.
A Reference Record is a resolved name or property binding; its fields are defined byTable 8.
If notempty, theReference Record represents a property binding that was expressed using thesuperkeyword; it is called aSuper Reference Record and its[[Base]] value will never be anEnvironment Record. In that case, the[[ThisValue]] field holds thethis value at the time theReference Record was created.
The followingabstract operations are used in this specification to operate upon Reference Records: IsPropertyReference (V )
The abstract operation IsPropertyReference takes argumentV (aReference Record) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfV.[[Base]] isunresolvable, returnfalse.
2.IfV.[[Base]] is anEnvironment Record, returnfalse; otherwise returntrue. IsUnresolvableReference (V )
The abstract operation IsUnresolvableReference takes argumentV (aReference Record) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The object that may be created in step3.a is not accessible outside of the above abstract operation and theordinary object[[Get]] internal method. An implementation might choose to avoid the actual creation of the object.
The object that may be created in step3.a is not accessible outside of the above abstract operation and theordinary object[[Set]] internal method. An implementation might choose to avoid the actual creation of that object.
The abstract operation MakePrivateReference takes argumentsbaseValue (anECMAScript language value) andprivateIdentifier (a String) and returns aReference Record. It performs the following steps when called:
4.Return theReference Record {[[Base]]:baseValue,[[ReferencedName]]:privateName,[[Strict]]:true,[[ThisValue]]:empty }.
6.2.6 The Property Descriptor Specification Type
TheProperty Descriptor type is used to explain the manipulation and reification of Object property attributes. A Property Descriptor is aRecord with zero or more fields, where each field's name is an attribute name and its value is a corresponding attribute value as specified in6.1.7.1. The schema name used within this specification to tag literal descriptions of Property Descriptor records is “PropertyDescriptor”.
Property Descriptor values may be further classified as data Property Descriptors and accessor Property Descriptors based upon the existence or use of certain fields. A data Property Descriptor is one that includes any fields named either[[Value]] or[[Writable]]. An accessor Property Descriptor is one that includes any fields named either[[Get]] or[[Set]]. Any Property Descriptor may have fields named[[Enumerable]] and[[Configurable]]. A Property Descriptor value may not be both a data Property Descriptor and an accessor Property Descriptor; however, it may be neither (in which case it is a generic Property Descriptor). Afully populated Property Descriptor is one that is either an accessor Property Descriptor or a data Property Descriptor and that has all of the corresponding fields defined inTable 3.
The followingabstract operations are used in this specification to operate upon Property Descriptor values: IsAccessorDescriptor (Desc )
The abstract operation IsAccessorDescriptor takes argumentDesc (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfDesc isundefined, returnfalse.
2.IfDesc has a[[Get]] field, returntrue.
3.IfDesc has a[[Set]] field, returntrue.
4.Returnfalse. IsDataDescriptor (Desc )
The abstract operation IsDataDescriptor takes argumentDesc (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfDesc isundefined, returnfalse.
2.IfDesc has a[[Value]] field, returntrue.
3.IfDesc has a[[Writable]] field, returntrue.
4.Returnfalse. IsGenericDescriptor (Desc )
The abstract operation IsGenericDescriptor takes argumentDesc (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation FromPropertyDescriptor takes argumentDesc (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns an Object orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
b.IfIsCallable(setter) isfalse andsetter is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
c.Setdesc.[[Set]] tosetter.
15.Ifdesc has a[[Get]] field ordesc has a[[Set]] field, then
a.Ifdesc has a[[Value]] field ordesc has a[[Writable]] field, throw aTypeError exception.
16.Returndesc. CompletePropertyDescriptor (Desc )
The abstract operation CompletePropertyDescriptor takes argumentDesc (aProperty Descriptor) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letlike be theRecord {[[Value]]:undefined,[[Writable]]:false,[[Get]]:undefined,[[Set]]:undefined,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
a.IfDesc does not have a[[Value]] field, setDesc.[[Value]] tolike.[[Value]].
b.IfDesc does not have a[[Writable]] field, setDesc.[[Writable]] tolike.[[Writable]].
a.IfDesc does not have a[[Get]] field, setDesc.[[Get]] tolike.[[Get]].
b.IfDesc does not have a[[Set]] field, setDesc.[[Set]] tolike.[[Set]].
4.IfDesc does not have an[[Enumerable]] field, setDesc.[[Enumerable]] tolike.[[Enumerable]].
5.IfDesc does not have a[[Configurable]] field, setDesc.[[Configurable]] tolike.[[Configurable]].
6.2.7 The Environment Record Specification Type
TheEnvironment Record type is used to explain the behaviour of name resolution in nested functions and blocks. This type and the operations upon it are defined in9.1.
6.2.8 The Abstract Closure Specification Type
TheAbstract Closure specification type is used to refer to algorithm steps together with a collection of values. Abstract Closures are meta-values and are invoked using function application style such asclosure(arg1,arg2). Likeabstract operations, invocations perform the algorithm steps described by the Abstract Closure.
In algorithm steps that create an Abstract Closure, values are captured with the verb "capture" followed by a list of aliases. When an Abstract Closure is created, it captures the value that is associated with each alias at that time. In steps that specify the algorithm to be performed when an Abstract Closure is called, each captured value is referred to by the alias that was used to capture the value.
TheData Block specification type is used to describe a distinct and mutable sequence of byte-sized (8 bit) numeric values. Abyte value is aninteger in theinclusive interval from 0 to 255. A Data Block value is created with a fixed number of bytes that each have the initial value 0.
For notational convenience within this specification, an array-like syntax can be used to access the individual bytes of a Data Block value. This notation presents a Data Block value as a 0-originedinteger-indexed sequence of bytes. For example, ifdb is a 5 byte Data Block value thendb[2] can be used to access its 3rd byte.
A data block that resides in memory that can be referenced from multipleagents concurrently is designated aShared Data Block. A Shared Data Block has an identity (for the purposes of equality testing Shared Data Block values) that isaddress-free: it is tied not to the virtual addresses the block is mapped to in any process, but to the set of locations in memory that the block represents. Two data blocks are equal only if the sets of the locations they contain are equal; otherwise, they are not equal and the intersection of the sets of locations they contain is empty. Finally, Shared Data Blocks can be distinguished from Data Blocks.
The abstract operation CopyDataBlockBytes takes argumentstoBlock (aData Block or aShared Data Block),toIndex (a non-negativeinteger),fromBlock (aData Block or aShared Data Block),fromIndex (a non-negativeinteger), andcount (a non-negativeinteger) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:fromBlock andtoBlock are distinct values.
iii.Letbytes be aList whose sole element is a nondeterministically chosenbyte value.
iv.NOTE: In implementations,bytes is the result of a non-atomic read instruction on the underlying hardware. The nondeterminism is a semantic prescription of thememory model to describe observable behaviour of hardware with weak consistency.
The PrivateElement type is aRecord used in the specification of private class fields, methods, and accessors. AlthoughProperty Descriptors are not used for private elements, private fields behave similarly to non-configurable, non-enumerable, writabledata properties, private methods behave similarly to non-configurable, non-enumerable, non-writabledata properties, and private accessors behave similarly to non-configurable, non-enumerableaccessor properties.
Values of the PrivateElement type areRecord values whose fields are defined byTable 9. Such values are referred to asPrivateElements.
6.2.11 The ClassFieldDefinition Record Specification Type
The ClassFieldDefinition type is aRecord used in the specification of class fields.
Values of the ClassFieldDefinition type areRecord values whose fields are defined byTable 10. Such values are referred to asClassFieldDefinition Records.
ThePrivate Name specification type is used to describe a globally unique value (one which differs from any other Private Name, even if they are otherwise indistinguishable) which represents the key of a private class element (field, method, or accessor). Each Private Name has an associated immutable[[Description]] whichis a String value. A Private Name may be installed on any ECMAScript object withPrivateFieldAdd orPrivateMethodOrAccessorAdd, and then read or written usingPrivateGet andPrivateSet.
6.2.13 The ClassStaticBlockDefinition Record Specification Type
AClassStaticBlockDefinition Record is aRecord value used to encapsulate the executable code for a class static initialization block.
ClassStaticBlockDefinition Records have the fields listed inTable 11.
Thefunction object to be called during static initialization of a class.
7 Abstract Operations
These operations are not a part of the ECMAScript language; they are defined here solely to aid the specification of the semantics of the ECMAScript language. Other, more specializedabstract operations are defined throughout this specification.
7.1 Type Conversion
The ECMAScript language implicitly performs automatic type conversion as needed. To clarify the semantics of certain constructs it is useful to define a set of conversionabstract operations. The conversionabstract operations are polymorphic; they can accept a value of anyECMAScript language type. But no other specification types are used with these operations.
TheBigInt type has no implicit conversions in the ECMAScript language; programmers must call BigInt explicitly to convert values from other types.
7.1.1 ToPrimitive (input [ ,preferredType ] )
The abstract operation ToPrimitive takes argumentinput (anECMAScript language value) and optional argumentpreferredType (string ornumber) and returns either anormal completion containing anECMAScript language value or athrow completion. It converts itsinput argument to a non-Object type. If an object is capable of converting to more than one primitive type, it may use the optional hintpreferredType to favour that type. It performs the following steps when called:
When ToPrimitive is called without a hint, then it generally behaves as if the hint werenumber. However, objects may over-ride this behaviour by defining a@@toPrimitive method. Of the objects defined in this specification only Dates (see21.4.4.45) and Symbol objects (see20.4.3.5) over-ride the default ToPrimitive behaviour. Dates treat the absence of a hint as if the hint werestring.
The abstract operation ToBoolean takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It convertsargument to a value of type Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ToNumeric takes argumentvalue (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containing either a Number or a BigInt, or athrow completion. It returnsvalue converted to a Number or a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation RoundMVResult takes argumentn (amathematical value) and returns a Number. It convertsn to a Number in animplementation-defined manner. For the purposes of this abstract operation, a digit is significant if it is not zero or there is a non-zero digit to its left and there is a non-zero digit to its right. For the purposes of this abstract operation, "themathematical value denoted by" a representation of amathematical value is the inverse of "the decimal representation of" amathematical value. It performs the following steps when called:
1.If the decimal representation ofn has 20 or fewer significant digits, return𝔽(n).
2.Letoption1 be themathematical value denoted by the result of replacing each significant digit in the decimal representation ofn after the 20th with a 0 digit.
3.Letoption2 be themathematical value denoted by the result of replacing each significant digit in the decimal representation ofn after the 20th with a 0 digit and then incrementing it at the 20th position (with carrying as necessary).
The abstract operation ToIntegerOrInfinity takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containing either aninteger, +∞, or -∞, or athrow completion. It convertsargument to aninteger representing its Number value with fractional part truncated, or to +∞ or -∞ when that Number value is infinite. It performs the following steps when called:
𝔽(ToIntegerOrInfinity(x)) never returns-0𝔽 for any value ofx. The truncation of the fractional part is performed after convertingx to amathematical value.
8.Iff is even, return𝔽(f). Otherwise, return𝔽(f + 1).
Unlike most other ECMAScriptinteger conversion operations, ToUint8Clamp rounds rather than truncates non-integral values. It also uses “round half to even” tie-breaking, which differs from the “round half up” tie-breaking ofMath.round.
7.1.13 ToBigInt (argument )
The abstract operation ToBigInt takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containing a BigInt or athrow completion. It convertsargument to a BigInt value, or throws if an implicit conversion from Number would be required. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CanonicalNumericIndexString takes argumentargument (a String) and returns a Number orundefined. Ifargument is either"-0" or exactly matches the result ofToString(n) for some Number valuen, it returns the respective Number value. Otherwise, it returnsundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IsCallable takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines ifargument is a callable function with a[[Call]] internal method. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Ifargument has a[[Call]] internal method, returntrue.
7.2.4 IsConstructor (argument )
The abstract operation IsConstructor takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines ifargument is afunction object with a[[Construct]] internal method. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Ifargument has a[[Construct]] internal method, returntrue.
7.2.5 IsExtensible (O )
The abstract operation IsExtensible takes argumentO (an Object) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It is used to determine whether additional properties can be added toO. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return ? O.[[IsExtensible]]().
7.2.6 IsIntegralNumber (argument )
The abstract operation IsIntegralNumber takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines ifargument is afiniteintegral Number value. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IsPropertyKey takes argumentargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines ifargument is a value that may be used as aproperty key. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IsStringWellFormedUnicode takes argumentstring (a String) and returns a Boolean. It interpretsstring as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4, and determines whether it is awell formed UTF-16 sequence. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation SameValue takes argumentsx (anECMAScript language value) andy (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines whether or not the two arguments are the same value. It performs the following steps when called:
This algorithm differs from theIsStrictlyEqual Algorithm by treating allNaN values as equivalent and by differentiating+0𝔽 from-0𝔽.
7.2.11 SameValueZero (x,y )
The abstract operation SameValueZero takes argumentsx (anECMAScript language value) andy (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It determines whether or not the two arguments are the same value (ignoring the difference between+0𝔽 and-0𝔽). It performs the following steps when called:
SameValueZero differs fromSameValue only in that it treats+0𝔽 and-0𝔽 as equivalent.
7.2.12 SameValueNonNumber (x,y )
The abstract operation SameValueNonNumber takes argumentsx (anECMAScript language value, but not a Number) andy (anECMAScript language value, but not a Number) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
For expository purposes, some cases are handled separately within this algorithm even if it is unnecessary to do so.
Note 2
The specifics of what "x isy" means are detailed in5.2.7.
7.2.13 IsLessThan (x,y,LeftFirst )
The abstract operation IsLessThan takes argumentsx (anECMAScript language value),y (anECMAScript language value), andLeftFirst (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containing either a Boolean orundefined, or athrow completion. It provides the semantics for the comparisonx <y, returningtrue,false, orundefined (which indicates that at least one operand isNaN). TheLeftFirst flag is used to control the order in which operations with potentially visible side-effects are performed uponx andy. It is necessary because ECMAScript specifies left to right evaluation of expressions. IfLeftFirst istrue, thex parameter corresponds to an expression that occurs to the left of they parameter's corresponding expression. IfLeftFirst isfalse, the reverse is the case and operations must be performed upony beforex. It performs the following steps when called:
Step3 differs from step1.c in the algorithm that handles the addition operator+ (13.15.3) by using the logical-and operation instead of the logical-or operation.
Note 2
The comparison of Strings uses a simple lexicographic ordering on sequences of UTF-16 code unit values. There is no attempt to use the more complex, semantically oriented definitions of character or string equality and collating order defined in the Unicode specification. Therefore String values that are canonically equal according to the Unicode Standard but not in the same normalization form could test as unequal. Also note that lexicographic ordering bycode unit differs from ordering bycode point for Strings containingsurrogate pairs.
The abstract operation IsStrictlyEqual takes argumentsx (anECMAScript language value) andy (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It provides the semantics for the=== operator. It performs the following steps when called:
This algorithm differs from theSameValue Algorithm in its treatment of signed zeroes and NaNs.
7.3 Operations on Objects
7.3.1 MakeBasicObject (internalSlotsList )
The abstract operation MakeBasicObject takes argumentinternalSlotsList (aList of internal slot names) and returns an Object. It is the source of all ECMAScript objects that are created algorithmically, including bothordinary objects andexotic objects. It factors out common steps used in creating all objects, and centralizes object creation. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letobj be a newly created object with an internal slot for each name ininternalSlotsList.
2.Setobj's essential internal methods to the defaultordinary object definitions specified in10.1.
3.Assert: If the caller will not be overriding bothobj's[[GetPrototypeOf]] and[[SetPrototypeOf]] essential internal methods, theninternalSlotsList contains[[Prototype]].
4.Assert: If the caller will not be overriding all ofobj's[[SetPrototypeOf]],[[IsExtensible]], and[[PreventExtensions]] essential internal methods, theninternalSlotsList contains[[Extensible]].
Within this specification,exotic objects are created inabstract operations such asArrayCreate andBoundFunctionCreate by first calling MakeBasicObject to obtain a basic, foundational object, and then overriding some or all of that object's internal methods. In order to encapsulateexotic object creation, the object's essential internal methods are never modified outside those operations.
The abstract operation Set takes argumentsO (an Object),P (aproperty key),V (anECMAScript language value), andThrow (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to set the value of a specific property of an object.V is the new value for the property. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetnewDesc be the PropertyDescriptor {[[Value]]:V,[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:true,[[Configurable]]:true }.
2.Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P,newDesc).
This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator. Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist and is not configurable or ifO is not extensible,[[DefineOwnProperty]] will returnfalse.
7.3.6 CreateDataPropertyOrThrow (O,P,V )
The abstract operation CreateDataPropertyOrThrow takes argumentsO (an Object),P (aproperty key), andV (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to create a new own property of an object. It throws aTypeError exception if the requested property update cannot be performed. It performs the following steps when called:
This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator. Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist and is not configurable or ifO is not extensible,[[DefineOwnProperty]] will returnfalse causing this operation to throw aTypeError exception.
The abstract operation CreateNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow takes argumentsO (an Object),P (aproperty key), andV (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It is used to create a new non-enumerable own property of anordinary object. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:O is an ordinary, extensible object with no non-configurable properties.
2.LetnewDesc be the PropertyDescriptor {[[Value]]:V,[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator except it is not enumerable. Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist,DefinePropertyOrThrow is guaranteed to complete normally.
7.3.8 DefinePropertyOrThrow (O,P,desc )
The abstract operation DefinePropertyOrThrow takes argumentsO (an Object),P (aproperty key), anddesc (aProperty Descriptor) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to call the[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of an object in a manner that will throw aTypeError exception if the requested property update cannot be performed. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letsuccess be ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P,desc).
2.Ifsuccess isfalse, throw aTypeError exception.
7.3.9 DeletePropertyOrThrow (O,P )
The abstract operation DeletePropertyOrThrow takes argumentsO (an Object) andP (aproperty key) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to remove a specific own property of an object. It throws an exception if the property is not configurable. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation HasProperty takes argumentsO (an Object) andP (aproperty key) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It is used to determine whether an object has a property with the specifiedproperty key. The property may be either own or inherited. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return ? O.[[HasProperty]](P).
7.3.12 HasOwnProperty (O,P )
The abstract operation HasOwnProperty takes argumentsO (an Object) andP (aproperty key) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It is used to determine whether an object has an own property with the specifiedproperty key. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation Construct takes argumentF (aconstructor) and optional argumentsargumentsList (aList ofECMAScript language values) andnewTarget (aconstructor) and returns either anormal completion containing an Object or athrow completion. It is used to call the[[Construct]] internal method of afunction object.argumentsList andnewTarget are the values to be passed as the corresponding arguments of the internal method. IfargumentsList is not present, a new emptyList is used as its value. IfnewTarget is not present,F is used as its value. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfnewTarget is not present, setnewTarget toF.
2.IfargumentsList is not present, setargumentsList to a new emptyList.
IfnewTarget is not present, this operation is equivalent to:new F(...argumentsList)
7.3.15 SetIntegrityLevel (O,level )
The abstract operation SetIntegrityLevel takes argumentsO (an Object) andlevel (sealed orfrozen) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It is used to fix the set of own properties of an object. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TestIntegrityLevel takes argumentsO (an Object) andlevel (sealed orfrozen) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It is used to determine if the set of own properties of an object are fixed. It performs the following steps when called:
ii.Iflevel isfrozen andIsDataDescriptor(currentDesc) istrue, then
1.IfcurrentDesc.[[Writable]] istrue, returnfalse.
7.3.17 CreateArrayFromList (elements )
The abstract operation CreateArrayFromList takes argumentelements (aList ofECMAScript language values) and returns an Array. It is used to create an Array whose elements are provided byelements. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation LengthOfArrayLike takes argumentobj (an Object) and returns either anormal completion containing a non-negativeinteger or athrow completion. It returns the value of the"length" property of an array-like object. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CreateListFromArrayLike takes argumentobj (anECMAScript language value) and optional argumentelementTypes (aList of names of ECMAScript Language Types) and returns either anormal completion containing aList ofECMAScript language values or athrow completion. It is used to create aList value whose elements are provided by the indexed properties ofobj.elementTypes contains the names of ECMAScript Language Types that are allowed for element values of theList that is created. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfelementTypes is not present, setelementTypes to « Undefined, Null, Boolean, String, Symbol, Number, BigInt, Object ».
The abstract operation SpeciesConstructor takes argumentsO (an Object) anddefaultConstructor (aconstructor) and returns either anormal completion containing aconstructor or athrow completion. It is used to retrieve theconstructor that should be used to create new objects that are derived fromO.defaultConstructor is theconstructor to use if aconstructor@@species property cannot be found starting fromO. It performs the following steps when called:
The target passed in here is always a newly created object which is not directly accessible in case of an error being thrown.
7.3.26 PrivateElementFind (O,P )
The abstract operation PrivateElementFind takes argumentsO (an Object) andP (aPrivate Name) and returns aPrivateElement orempty. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfO.[[PrivateElements]] contains aPrivateElementpe such thatpe.[[Key]] isP, then
The abstract operation InitializeInstanceElements takes argumentsO (an Object) andconstructor (an ECMAScriptfunction object) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letmethods be the value ofconstructor.[[PrivateMethods]].
The abstract operation IteratorComplete takes argumentiterResult (an Object) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IteratorStep takes argumentiteratorRecord (anIterator Record) and returns either anormal completion containing either an Object orfalse, or athrow completion. It requests the next value fromiteratorRecord.[[Iterator]] by callingiteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]] and returns eitherfalse indicating that the iterator has reached its end or the IteratorResult object if a next value is available. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IteratorStepValue takes argumentiteratorRecord (anIterator Record) and returns either anormal completion containing either anECMAScript language value ordone, or athrow completion. It requests the next value fromiteratorRecord.[[Iterator]] by callingiteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]] and returns eitherdone indicating that the iterator has reached its end or the value from the IteratorResult object if a next value is available. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IteratorClose takes argumentsiteratorRecord (anIterator Record) andcompletion (aCompletion Record) and returns aCompletion Record. It is used to notify an iterator that it should perform any actions it would normally perform when it has reached its completed state. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AsyncIteratorClose takes argumentsiteratorRecord (anIterator Record) andcompletion (aCompletion Record) and returns aCompletion Record. It is used to notify an async iterator that it should perform any actions it would normally perform when it has reached its completed state. It performs the following steps when called:
7.IfinnerResult.[[Value]]is not an Object, throw aTypeError exception.
8.Return ? completion.
7.4.12 CreateIterResultObject (value,done )
The abstract operation CreateIterResultObject takes argumentsvalue (anECMAScript language value) anddone (a Boolean) and returns an Object that conforms to theIteratorResult interface. It creates an object that conforms to theIteratorResult interface. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CreateListIteratorRecord takes argumentlist (aList ofECMAScript language values) and returns anIterator Record. It creates an Iterator ( object record whosenext method returns the successive elements oflist. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letclosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that captureslist and performs the following steps when called:
The definitions for this operation are distributed over the "ECMAScript Language" sections of this specification. Each definition appears after the defining occurrence of the relevant productions.
"*default*" is used within this specification as a synthetic name for a module's default export when it does not have another name. An entry in the module's[[Environment]] is created with that name and holds the corresponding value, and resolving the export named"default" by callingResolveExport (exportName [ ,resolveSet ] ) for the module will return aResolvedBinding Record whose[[BindingName]] is"*default*", which will then resolve in the module's[[Environment]] to the above-mentioned value. This is done only for ease of specification, so that anonymous default exports can be resolved like any other export. This"*default*" string is never accessible to ECMAScript code or to the module linking algorithm.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
It is not necessary to treatexport defaultAssignmentExpression as a constant declaration because there is no syntax that permits assignment to the internal bound name used to reference a module's default object.
8.2.4 Static Semantics: LexicallyDeclaredNames
Thesyntax-directed operation LexicallyDeclaredNames takes no arguments and returns aList of Strings. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation LexicallyScopedDeclarations takes no arguments and returns aList ofParse Nodes. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation TopLevelLexicallyDeclaredNames takes no arguments and returns aList of Strings. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation TopLevelLexicallyScopedDeclarations takes no arguments and returns aList ofParse Nodes. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation TopLevelVarDeclaredNames takes no arguments and returns aList of Strings. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation TopLevelVarScopedDeclarations takes no arguments and returns aList ofParse Nodes. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation ContainsDuplicateLabels takes argumentlabelSet (aList of Strings) and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation ContainsUndefinedBreakTarget takes argumentlabelSet (aList of Strings) and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation ContainsUndefinedContinueTarget takes argumentsiterationSet (aList of Strings) andlabelSet (aList of Strings) and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
The abstract operation IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition takes argumentexpr (anAssignmentExpressionParse Node, anInitializerParse Node, or anExpressionParse Node) and returns a Boolean. It determines if its argument is a function definition that does not bind a name. It performs the following steps when called:
Thesyntax-directed operation ComputedPropertyContains takes argumentsymbol (a grammar symbol) and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
undefined is passed forenvironment to indicate that aPutValue operation should be used to assign the initialization value. This is the case forvar statements and formal parameter lists of somenon-strict functions (See10.2.11). In those cases a lexical binding is hoisted and preinitialized prior to evaluation of its initializer.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Whenundefined is passed forenvironment it indicates that aPutValue operation should be used to assign the initialization value. This is the case for formal parameter lists ofnon-strict functions. In that case the formal parameter bindings are preinitialized in order to deal with the possibility of multiple parameters with the same name.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation AssignmentTargetType takes no arguments and returnssimple orinvalid. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Environment Record is a specification type used to define the association ofIdentifiers to specific variables and functions, based upon the lexical nesting structure of ECMAScript code. Usually an Environment Record is associated with some specific syntactic structure of ECMAScript code such as aFunctionDeclaration, aBlockStatement, or aCatch clause of aTryStatement. Each time such code is evaluated, a new Environment Record is created to record the identifier bindings that are created by that code.
Every Environment Record has an[[OuterEnv]] field, which is eithernull or a reference to an outer Environment Record. This is used to model the logical nesting of Environment Record values. The outer reference of an (inner) Environment Record is a reference to the Environment Record that logically surrounds the inner Environment Record. An outer Environment Record may, of course, have its own outer Environment Record. An Environment Record may serve as the outer environment for multiple inner Environment Records. For example, if aFunctionDeclaration contains two nestedFunctionDeclarations then the Environment Records of each of the nested functions will have as their outer Environment Record the Environment Record of the current evaluation of the surrounding function.
Environment Records are purely specification mechanisms and need not correspond to any specific artefact of an ECMAScript implementation. It is impossible for an ECMAScript program to directly access or manipulate such values.
AFunction Environment Record corresponds to the invocation of an ECMAScriptfunction object, and contains bindings for the top-level declarations within that function. It may establish a newthis binding. It also captures the state necessary to supportsuper method invocations.
AnObject Environment Record is used to define the effect of ECMAScript elements such asWithStatement that associate identifier bindings with the properties of some object.
AGlobal Environment Record is used forScript global declarations. It does not have an outer environment; its[[OuterEnv]] isnull. It may be prepopulated with identifier bindings and it includes an associatedglobal object whose properties provide some of the global environment's identifier bindings. As ECMAScript code is executed, additional properties may be added to theglobal object and the initial properties may be modified.
TheEnvironment Record abstract class includes the abstract specification methods defined inTable 16. These abstract methods have distinct concrete algorithms for each of the concrete subclasses.
Determine if anEnvironment Record has a binding for the String valueN. Returntrue if it does andfalse if it does not.
CreateMutableBinding(N, D)
Create a new but uninitialized mutable binding in anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name. If the Boolean argumentD istrue the binding may be subsequently deleted.
CreateImmutableBinding(N, S)
Create a new but uninitialized immutable binding in anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name. IfS istrue then attempts to set it after it has been initialized will always throw an exception, regardless of the strict mode setting of operations that reference that binding.
InitializeBinding(N, V)
Set the value of an already existing but uninitialized binding in anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name.V is the value for the binding and is a value of anyECMAScript language type.
SetMutableBinding(N, V, S)
Set the value of an already existing mutable binding in anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name.V is the value for the binding and may be a value of anyECMAScript language type.Sis a Boolean flag. IfS istrue and the binding cannot be set throw aTypeError exception.
GetBindingValue(N, S)
Returns the value of an already existing binding from anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name.S is used to identify references originating instrict mode code or that otherwise require strict mode reference semantics. IfS istrue and the binding does not exist throw aReferenceError exception. If the binding exists but is uninitialized aReferenceError is thrown, regardless of the value ofS.
Delete a binding from anEnvironment Record. The String valueN is the text of the bound name. If a binding forN exists, remove the binding and returntrue. If the binding exists but cannot be removed returnfalse. If the binding does not exist returntrue.
Determine if anEnvironment Record establishes athis binding. Returntrue if it does andfalse if it does not.
Determine if anEnvironment Record establishes asuper method binding. Returntrue if it does andfalse if it does not.
If thisEnvironment Record is associated with awith statement, return the with object. Otherwise, returnundefined. Declarative Environment Records
EachDeclarative Environment Record is associated with an ECMAScript program scope containing variable, constant, let, class, module, import, and/or function declarations. A Declarative Environment Record binds the set of identifiers defined by the declarations contained within its scope.
The behaviour of the concrete specification methods for Declarative Environment Records is defined by the following algorithms. HasBinding (N )
The HasBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns anormal completion containing a Boolean. It determines if the argument identifier is one of the identifiers bound by the record. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfenvRec has a binding forN, returntrue.
2.Returnfalse. CreateMutableBinding (N,D )
The CreateMutableBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andD (a Boolean) and returns anormal completion containingunused. It creates a new mutable binding for the nameN that is uninitialized. A binding must not already exist in thisEnvironment Record forN. IfD istrue, the new binding is marked as being subject to deletion. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:envRec does not already have a binding forN.
2.Create a mutable binding inenvRec forN and record that it is uninitialized. IfD istrue, record that the newly created binding may be deleted by a subsequent DeleteBinding call.
3.Returnunused. CreateImmutableBinding (N,S )
The CreateImmutableBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns anormal completion containingunused. It creates a new immutable binding for the nameN that is uninitialized. A binding must not already exist in thisEnvironment Record forN. IfS istrue, the new binding is marked as a strict binding. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:envRec does not already have a binding forN.
2.Create an immutable binding inenvRec forN and record that it is uninitialized. IfS istrue, record that the newly created binding is a strict binding.
3.Returnunused. InitializeBinding (N,V )
The InitializeBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andV (anECMAScript language value) and returns anormal completion containingunused. It is used to set the bound value of the current binding of the identifier whose name isN to the valueV. An uninitialized binding forN must already exist. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:envRec must have an uninitialized binding forN.
2.Set the bound value forN inenvRec toV.
3.Record that the binding forN inenvRec has been initialized.
4.Returnunused. SetMutableBinding (N,V,S )
The SetMutableBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String),V (anECMAScript language value), andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It attempts to change the bound value of the current binding of the identifier whose name isN to the valueV. A binding forN normally already exists, but in rare cases it may not. If the binding is an immutable binding, aTypeError is thrown ifS istrue. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfenvRec does not have a binding forN, then
a.IfS istrue, throw aReferenceError exception.
b.Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(N,true).
c.Perform ! envRec.InitializeBinding(N,V).
2.If the binding forN inenvRec is a strict binding, setS totrue.
3.If the binding forN inenvRec has not yet been initialized, then
a.Throw aReferenceError exception.
4.Else if the binding forN inenvRec is a mutable binding, then
a.Change its bound value toV.
a.Assert: This is an attempt to change the value of an immutable binding.
b.IfS istrue, throw aTypeError exception.
An example of ECMAScript code that results in a missing binding at step1 is:
functionf() {eval("var x; x = (delete x, 0);"); } GetBindingValue (N,S )
The GetBindingValue concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containing anECMAScript language value or athrow completion. It returns the value of its bound identifier whose name isN. If the binding exists but is uninitialized aReferenceError is thrown, regardless of the value ofS. It performs the following steps when called:
2.If the binding forN inenvRec is an uninitialized binding, throw aReferenceError exception.
3.Return the value currently bound toN inenvRec. DeleteBinding (N )
The DeleteBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns anormal completion containing a Boolean. It can only delete bindings that have been explicitly designated as being subject to deletion. It performs the following steps when called:
2.If the binding forN inenvRec cannot be deleted, returnfalse.
3.Remove the binding forN fromenvRec.
4.Returntrue. HasThisBinding ( )
The HasThisBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsfalse. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasSuperBinding concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsfalse. It performs the following steps when called:
The WithBaseObject concrete method of aDeclarative Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Returnundefined. Object Environment Records
EachObject Environment Record is associated with an object called itsbinding object. An Object Environment Record binds the set of string identifier names that directly correspond to the property names of its binding object.Property keys that are not strings in the form of anIdentifierName are not included in the set of bound identifiers. Both own and inherited properties are included in the set regardless of the setting of their[[Enumerable]] attribute. Because properties can be dynamically added and deleted from objects, the set of identifiers bound by an Object Environment Record may potentially change as a side-effect of any operation that adds or deletes properties. Any bindings that are created as a result of such a side-effect are considered to be a mutable binding even if the Writable attribute of the corresponding property isfalse. Immutable bindings do not exist for Object Environment Records.
Object Environment Records created forwith statements (14.11) can provide their binding object as an implicitthis value for use in function calls. The capability is controlled by a Boolean[[IsWithEnvironment]] field.
Object Environment Records have the additional state fields listed inTable 17.
Indicates whether thisEnvironment Record is created for awith statement.
The behaviour of the concrete specification methods for Object Environment Records is defined by the following algorithms. HasBinding (N )
The HasBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It determines if its associated binding object has a property whose name isN. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetbindingObject beenvRec.[[BindingObject]].
2.LetfoundBinding be ? HasProperty(bindingObject,N).
The CreateMutableBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andD (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It creates in anEnvironment Record's associated binding object a property whose name isN and initializes it to the valueundefined. IfD istrue, the new property's[[Configurable]] attribute is set totrue; otherwise it is set tofalse. It performs the following steps when called:
NormallyenvRec will not have a binding forN but if it does, the semantics ofDefinePropertyOrThrow may result in an existing binding being replaced or shadowed or cause anabrupt completion to be returned. CreateImmutableBinding (N,S )
The CreateImmutableBinding concrete method of anObject Environment Record is never used within this specification.
In this specification, all uses of CreateMutableBinding forObject Environment Records are immediately followed by a call to InitializeBinding for the same name. Hence, this specification does not explicitly track the initialization state of bindings inObject Environment Records. SetMutableBinding (N,V,S )
The SetMutableBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String),V (anECMAScript language value), andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It attempts to set the value of theEnvironment Record's associated binding object's property whose name isN to the valueV. A property namedN normally already exists but if it does not or is not currently writable, error handling is determined byS. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetbindingObject beenvRec.[[BindingObject]].
2.LetstillExists be ? HasProperty(bindingObject,N).
The GetBindingValue concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containing anECMAScript language value or athrow completion. It returns the value of its associated binding object's property whose name isN. The property should already exist but if it does not the result depends uponS. It performs the following steps when called:
The DeleteBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It can only delete bindings that correspond to properties of the environment object whose[[Configurable]] attribute have the valuetrue. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetbindingObject beenvRec.[[BindingObject]].
2.Return ? bindingObject.[[Delete]](N). HasThisBinding ( )
The HasThisBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsfalse. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasSuperBinding concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsfalse. It performs the following steps when called:
The WithBaseObject concrete method of anObject Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returns an Object orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
AFunction Environment Record is aDeclarative Environment Record that is used to represent the top-level scope of a function and, if the function is not anArrowFunction, provides athis binding. If a function is not anArrowFunction function and referencessuper, its Function Environment Record also contains the state that is used to performsuper method invocations from within the function.
Function Environment Records have the additional state fields listed inTable 18.
If thisEnvironment Record was created by the[[Construct]] internal method,[[NewTarget]] is the value of the[[Construct]]newTarget parameter. Otherwise, its value isundefined.
Function Environment Records support all of theDeclarative Environment Record methods listed inTable 16 and share the same specifications for all of those methods except for HasThisBinding and HasSuperBinding. In addition, Function Environment Records support the methods listed inTable 19:
Set the[[ThisValue]] and record that it has been initialized.
Return the value of thisEnvironment Record'sthis binding. Throws aReferenceError if thethis binding has not been initialized.
Return the object that is the base forsuper property accesses bound in thisEnvironment Record. The valueundefined indicates that such accesses will produce runtime errors.
The behaviour of the additional concrete specification methods for Function Environment Records is defined by the following algorithms:
The HasThisBinding concrete method of aFunction Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasSuperBinding concrete method of aFunction Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
AGlobal Environment Record is used to represent the outer most scope that is shared by all of the ECMAScriptScript elements that are processed in a commonrealm. A Global Environment Record provides the bindings for built-in globals (clause19), properties of theglobal object, and for all top-level declarations (8.2.9,8.2.11) that occur within aScript.
Determines if the argument is the name of aglobal object property that may not be shadowed by a global lexical binding.
CanDeclareGlobalVar (N)
Determines if a corresponding CreateGlobalVarBinding call would succeed if called for the same argumentN.
CanDeclareGlobalFunction (N)
Determines if a corresponding CreateGlobalFunctionBinding call would succeed if called for the same argumentN.
CreateGlobalVarBinding(N, D)
Used to create and initialize toundefined a globalvar binding in the[[ObjectRecord]] component of aGlobal Environment Record. The binding will be a mutable binding. The correspondingglobal object property will have attribute values appropriate for avar. The String valueN is the bound name. IfD istrue, the binding may be deleted. Logically equivalent to CreateMutableBinding followed by a SetMutableBinding but it allows var declarations to receive special treatment.
CreateGlobalFunctionBinding(N, V, D)
Create and initialize a globalfunction binding in the[[ObjectRecord]] component of aGlobal Environment Record. The binding will be a mutable binding. The correspondingglobal object property will have attribute values appropriate for afunction. The String valueN is the bound name.V is the initialization value. If the Boolean argumentD istrue, the binding may be deleted. Logically equivalent to CreateMutableBinding followed by a SetMutableBinding but it allows function declarations to receive special treatment.
The behaviour of the concrete specification methods for Global Environment Records is defined by the following algorithms. HasBinding (N )
The HasBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It determines if the argument identifier is one of the identifiers bound by the record. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetDclRec beenvRec.[[DeclarativeRecord]].
2.If ! DclRec.HasBinding(N) istrue, returntrue.
3.LetObjRec beenvRec.[[ObjectRecord]].
4.Return ? ObjRec.HasBinding(N). CreateMutableBinding (N,D )
The CreateMutableBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andD (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It creates a new mutable binding for the nameN that is uninitialized. The binding is created in the associated DeclarativeRecord. A binding forN must not already exist in the DeclarativeRecord. IfD istrue, the new binding is marked as being subject to deletion. It performs the following steps when called:
The CreateImmutableBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It creates a new immutable binding for the nameN that is uninitialized. A binding must not already exist in thisEnvironment Record forN. IfS istrue, the new binding is marked as a strict binding. It performs the following steps when called:
The InitializeBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andV (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to set the bound value of the current binding of the identifier whose name isN to the valueV. An uninitialized binding forN must already exist. It performs the following steps when called:
The SetMutableBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String),V (anECMAScript language value), andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It attempts to change the bound value of the current binding of the identifier whose name isN to the valueV. If the binding is an immutable binding andS istrue, aTypeError is thrown. A property namedN normally already exists but if it does not or is not currently writable, error handling is determined byS. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetDclRec beenvRec.[[DeclarativeRecord]].
2.If ! DclRec.HasBinding(N) istrue, then
a.Return ? DclRec.SetMutableBinding(N,V,S).
3.LetObjRec beenvRec.[[ObjectRecord]].
4.Return ? ObjRec.SetMutableBinding(N,V,S). GetBindingValue (N,S )
The GetBindingValue concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containing anECMAScript language value or athrow completion. It returns the value of its bound identifier whose name isN. If the binding is an uninitialized binding throw aReferenceError exception. A property namedN normally already exists but if it does not or is not currently writable, error handling is determined byS. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetDclRec beenvRec.[[DeclarativeRecord]].
2.If ! DclRec.HasBinding(N) istrue, then
a.Return ? DclRec.GetBindingValue(N,S).
3.LetObjRec beenvRec.[[ObjectRecord]].
4.Return ? ObjRec.GetBindingValue(N,S). DeleteBinding (N )
The DeleteBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It can only delete bindings that have been explicitly designated as being subject to deletion. It performs the following steps when called:
b.Ifstatus istrue andenvRec.[[VarNames]] containsN, then
i.RemoveN fromenvRec.[[VarNames]].
7.Returntrue. HasThisBinding ( )
The HasThisBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnstrue. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasSuperBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsfalse. It performs the following steps when called:
The WithBaseObject concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnsundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasVarDeclaration concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns a Boolean. It determines if the argument identifier has a binding in this record that was created using aVariableStatement or aFunctionDeclaration. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetvarDeclaredNames beenvRec.[[VarNames]].
2.IfvarDeclaredNames containsN, returntrue.
3.Returnfalse. HasLexicalDeclaration (N )
The HasLexicalDeclaration concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns a Boolean. It determines if the argument identifier has a binding in this record that was created using a lexical declaration such as aLexicalDeclaration or aClassDeclaration. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetDclRec beenvRec.[[DeclarativeRecord]].
2.Return ! DclRec.HasBinding(N). HasRestrictedGlobalProperty (N )
The HasRestrictedGlobalProperty concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It determines if the argument identifier is the name of a property of theglobal object that must not be shadowed by a global lexical binding. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetObjRec beenvRec.[[ObjectRecord]].
2.LetglobalObject beObjRec.[[BindingObject]].
3.LetexistingProp be ? globalObject.[[GetOwnProperty]](N).
Properties may exist upon aglobal object that were directly created rather than being declared using a var or function declaration. A global lexical binding may not be created that has the same name as a non-configurable property of theglobal object. The global property"undefined" is an example of such a property. CanDeclareGlobalVar (N )
The CanDeclareGlobalVar concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It determines if a corresponding CreateGlobalVarBinding call would succeed if called for the same argumentN. Redundant var declarations and var declarations for pre-existingglobal object properties are allowed. It performs the following steps when called:
The CanDeclareGlobalFunction concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentN (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It determines if a corresponding CreateGlobalFunctionBinding call would succeed if called for the same argumentN. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetObjRec beenvRec.[[ObjectRecord]].
2.LetglobalObject beObjRec.[[BindingObject]].
3.LetexistingProp be ? globalObject.[[GetOwnProperty]](N).
6.IfIsDataDescriptor(existingProp) istrue andexistingProp has attribute values {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:true }, returntrue.
7.Returnfalse. CreateGlobalVarBinding (N,D )
The CreateGlobalVarBinding concrete method of aGlobal Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andD (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It creates and initializes a mutable binding in the associatedObject Environment Record and records the bound name in the associated[[VarNames]]List. If a binding already exists, it is reused and assumed to be initialized. It performs the following steps when called:
Global function declarations are always represented as own properties of theglobal object. If possible, an existing own property is reconfigured to have a standard set of attribute values. Step7 is equivalent to what calling the InitializeBinding concrete method would do and ifglobalObject is a Proxy will produce the same sequence of Proxy trap calls. Module Environment Records
AModule Environment Record is aDeclarative Environment Record that is used to represent the outer scope of an ECMAScriptModule. In additional to normal mutable and immutable bindings, Module Environment Records also provide immutable import bindings which are bindings that provide indirect access to a target binding that exists in anotherEnvironment Record.
Module Environment Records support all of theDeclarative Environment Record methods listed inTable 16 and share the same specifications for all of those methods except for GetBindingValue, DeleteBinding, HasThisBinding and GetThisBinding. In addition, Module Environment Records support the methods listed inTable 22:
The behaviour of the additional concrete specification methods for Module Environment Records are defined by the following algorithms: GetBindingValue (N,S )
The GetBindingValue concrete method of aModule Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String) andS (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containing anECMAScript language value or athrow completion. It returns the value of its bound identifier whose name isN. However, if the binding is an indirect binding the value of the target binding is returned. If the binding exists but is uninitialized aReferenceError is thrown. It performs the following steps when called:
The HasThisBinding concrete method of aModule Environment RecordenvRec takes no arguments and returnstrue. It performs the following steps when called:
The CreateImportBinding concrete method of aModule Environment RecordenvRec takes argumentsN (a String),M (aModule Record), andN2 (a String) and returnsunused. It creates a new initialized immutable indirect binding for the nameN. A binding must not already exist in thisEnvironment Record forN.N2 is the name of a binding that exists inM'sModule Environment Record. Accesses to the value of the new binding will indirectly access the bound value of the target binding. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:envRec does not already have a binding forN.
2.Assert: WhenM.[[Environment]] is instantiated, it will have a direct binding forN2.
3.Create an immutable indirect binding inenvRec forN that referencesM andN2 as its target binding and record that the binding is initialized.
The abstract operation NewObjectEnvironment takes argumentsO (an Object),W (a Boolean), andE (anEnvironment Record ornull) and returns anObject Environment Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation NewFunctionEnvironment takes argumentsF (an ECMAScriptfunction object) andnewTarget (an Object orundefined) and returns aFunction Environment Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation NewGlobalEnvironment takes argumentsG (an Object) andthisValue (an Object) and returns aGlobal Environment Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ResolvePrivateIdentifier takes argumentsprivEnv (aPrivateEnvironment Record) andidentifier (a String) and returns aPrivate Name. It performs the following steps when called:
Before it is evaluated, all ECMAScript code must be associated with arealm. Conceptually, arealm consists of a set of intrinsic objects, an ECMAScript global environment, all of the ECMAScript code that is loaded within the scope of that global environment, and other associated state and resources.
Arealm is represented in this specification as aRealm Record with the fields specified inTable 24:
Template objects are canonicalized separately for eachrealm using itsRealm Record's[[TemplateMap]]. Each[[Site]] value is aParse Node that is aTemplateLiteral. The associated[[Array]] value is the corresponding template object that is passed to a tag function.
Note 1
Once aParse Node becomes unreachable, the corresponding[[Array]] is also unreachable, and it would be unobservable if an implementation removed the pair from the[[TemplateMap]] list.
A map from the specifier strings imported by thisrealm to the resolvedModule Record. The list does not contain two differentRecords with the same[[Specifier]].
2.Set fields ofrealmRec.[[Intrinsics]] with the values listed inTable 6. The field names are the names listed in column one of the table. The value of each field is a new object value fully and recursively populated with property values as defined by the specification of each object in clauses19 through28. All object property values are newly created object values. All values that are built-infunction objects are created by performingCreateBuiltinFunction(steps,length,name,slots,realmRec,prototype) wheresteps is the definition of that function provided by this specification,name is the initial value of the function's"name" property,length is the initial value of the function's"length" property,slots is a list of the names, if any, of the function's specified internal slots, andprototype is the specified value of the function's[[Prototype]] internal slot. The creation of the intrinsics and their properties must be ordered to avoid any dependencies upon objects that have not yet been created.
The abstract operation SetRealmGlobalObject takes argumentsrealmRec (aRealm Record),globalObj (an Object orundefined), andthisValue (an Object orundefined) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
b.Letdesc be the fully populated dataProperty Descriptor for the property, containing the specified attributes for the property. For properties listed in19.2,19.3, or19.4 the value of the[[Value]] attribute is the corresponding intrinsic object fromrealmRec.
Anexecution context is a specification device that is used to track the runtime evaluation of code by an ECMAScript implementation. At any point in time, there is at most one execution context peragent that is actually executing code. This is known as theagent'srunning execution context. All references to therunning execution context in this specification denote therunning execution context of thesurrounding agent.
Theexecution context stack is used to track execution contexts. Therunning execution context is always the top element of this stack. A new execution context is created whenever control is transferred from the executable code associated with the currentlyrunning execution context to executable code that is not associated with that execution context. The newly created execution context is pushed onto the stack and becomes therunning execution context.
An execution context contains whatever implementation specific state is necessary to track the execution progress of its associated code. Each execution context has at least the state components listed inTable 25.
Table 25: State Components for All Execution Contexts
code evaluation state
Any state needed to perform, suspend, and resume evaluation of the code associated with thisexecution context.
Evaluation of code by therunning execution context may be suspended at various points defined within this specification. Once therunning execution context has been suspended a different execution context may become therunning execution context and commence evaluating its code. At some later time a suspended execution context may again become therunning execution context and continue evaluating its code at the point where it had previously been suspended. Transition of therunning execution context status among execution contexts usually occurs in stack-like last-in/first-out manner. However, some ECMAScript features require non-LIFO transitions of therunning execution context.
In most situations only therunning execution context (the top of theexecution context stack) is directly manipulated by algorithms within this specification. Hence when the terms “LexicalEnvironment”, and “VariableEnvironment” are used without qualification they are in reference to those components of therunning execution context.
An execution context is purely a specification mechanism and need not correspond to any particular artefact of an ECMAScript implementation. It is impossible for ECMAScript code to directly access or observe an execution context.
9.4.1 GetActiveScriptOrModule ( )
The abstract operation GetActiveScriptOrModule takes no arguments and returns aScript Record, aModule Record, ornull. It is used to determine the running script or module, based on therunning execution context. It performs the following steps when called:
3.If no suchexecution context exists, returnnull. Otherwise, returnec's ScriptOrModule.
9.4.2 ResolveBinding (name [ ,env ] )
The abstract operation ResolveBinding takes argumentname (a String) and optional argumentenv (anEnvironment Record orundefined) and returns either anormal completion containing aReference Record or athrow completion. It is used to determine the binding ofname.env can be used to explicitly provide theEnvironment Record that is to be searched for the binding. It performs the following steps when called:
3.If thesource text matched by the syntactic production that is being evaluated is contained instrict mode code, letstrict betrue; else letstrict befalse.
The result of ResolveBinding is always aReference Record whose[[ReferencedName]] field isname.
9.4.3 GetThisEnvironment ( )
The abstract operation GetThisEnvironment takes no arguments and returns anEnvironment Record. It finds theEnvironment Record that currently supplies the binding of thekeywordthis. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetNewTarget takes no arguments and returns an Object orundefined. It determines the NewTarget value using the LexicalEnvironment of therunning execution context. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetGlobalObject takes no arguments and returns an Object. It returns theglobal object used by the currentlyrunning execution context. It performs the following steps when called:
At some future point in time, when there is no running context in theagent for which the job is scheduled and thatagent'sexecution context stack is empty, the implementation must:
Host environments are not required to treatJobs uniformly with respect to scheduling. For example, web browsers and Node.js treat Promise-handlingJobs as a higher priority than other work; future features may addJobs that are not treated at such a high priority.
At any particular time,scriptOrModule (aScript Record, aModule Record, ornull) is theactive script or module if all of the following conditions are true:
The specific choice ofRealm is up to thehost environment. This initialexecution context andRealm is only in use before any callback function is invoked. When a callback function related to aJob, like a Promise handler, is invoked, the invocation pushes its ownexecution context andRealm.
Particular kinds ofJobs have additional conformance requirements.
The WHATWG HTML specification (, for example, uses thehost-defined value to propagate the incumbent settings object for Promise callbacks.
JobCallback Records have the fields listed inTable 28.
The default implementation of HostMakeJobCallback performs the following steps when called:
1.Return theJobCallback Record {[[Callback]]:callback,[[HostDefined]]:empty }.
ECMAScripthosts that are not web browsers must use the default implementation of HostMakeJobCallback.
This is called at the time that the callback is passed to the function that is responsible for its being eventually scheduled and run. For example,promise.then(thenAction) calls MakeJobCallback onthenAction at the time of invokingPromise.prototype.then, not at the time of scheduling the reactionJob.
ECMAScripthosts that are not web browsers must use the default implementation of HostCallJobCallback.
9.5.4 HostEnqueueGenericJob (job,realm )
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostEnqueueGenericJob takes argumentsjob (aJobAbstract Closure) andrealm (aRealm Record) and returnsunused. It schedulesjob in therealmrealm in theagent signified byrealm.[[AgentSignifier]] to be performed at some future time. TheAbstract Closures used with this algorithm are intended to be scheduled without additional constraints, such as priority and ordering.
An implementation of HostEnqueueGenericJob must conform to the requirements in9.5.
9.5.5 HostEnqueuePromiseJob (job,realm )
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostEnqueuePromiseJob takes argumentsjob (aJobAbstract Closure) andrealm (aRealm Record ornull) and returnsunused. It schedulesjob to be performed at some future time. TheAbstract Closures used with this algorithm are intended to be related to the handling of Promises, or otherwise, to be scheduled with equal priority to Promise handling operations.
An implementation of HostEnqueuePromiseJob must conform to the requirements in9.5 as well as the following:
LetscriptOrModule beGetActiveScriptOrModule() at the time HostEnqueuePromiseJob is invoked. Ifrealm is notnull, each timejob is invoked the implementation must performimplementation-defined steps such thatscriptOrModule is theactive script or module at the time ofjob's invocation.
Jobs must run in the same order as the HostEnqueuePromiseJob invocations that scheduled them.
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostEnqueueTimeoutJob takes argumentstimeoutJob (aJobAbstract Closure),realm (aRealm Record), andmilliseconds (a non-negativefinite Number) and returnsunused. It schedulestimeoutJob in therealmrealm in theagent signified byrealm.[[AgentSignifier]] to be performed after at leastmilliseconds milliseconds.
An implementation of HostEnqueueTimeoutJob must conform to the requirements in9.5.
9.6 InitializeHostDefinedRealm ( )
The abstract operation InitializeHostDefinedRealm takes no arguments and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
8.If thehost requires that thethis binding inrealm's global scope return an object other than theglobal object, letthisValue be such an object created in ahost-defined manner. Otherwise, letthisValue beundefined, indicating thatrealm's globalthis binding should be theglobal object.
The default value computed for theisLittleEndian parameter when it is needed by the algorithmsGetValueFromBuffer andSetValueInBuffer. The choice isimplementation-defined and should be the alternative that is most efficient for the implementation. Once the value has been observed it cannot change.
Initially a new emptyList, representing the list of objects and/or symbols to be kept alive until the end of the currentJob
Once the values of[[Signifier]],[[IsLockFree1]], and[[IsLockFree2]] have been observed by anyagent in theagent cluster they cannot change.
Note 2
The values of[[IsLockFree1]] and[[IsLockFree2]] are not necessarily determined by the hardware, but may also reflect implementation choices that can vary over time and between ECMAScript implementations.
There is no[[IsLockFree4]] field: 4-byte atomic operations are always lock-free.
In practice, if an atomic operation is implemented with any type of lock the operation is not lock-free. Lock-free does not imply wait-free: there is no upper bound on how many machine steps may be required to complete a lock-free atomic operation.
That an atomic access of sizen is lock-free does not imply anything about the (perceived) atomicity of non-atomic accesses of sizen, specifically, non-atomic accesses may still be performed as a sequence of several separate memory accesses. SeeReadSharedMemory andWriteSharedMemory for details.
Note 3
Anagent is a specification mechanism and need not correspond to any particular artefact of an ECMAScript implementation.
9.7.1 AgentSignifier ( )
The abstract operation AgentSignifier takes no arguments and returns anagent signifier. It performs the following steps when called:
In some environments it may not be reasonable for a givenagent to suspend. For example, in a web browser environment, it may be reasonable to disallow suspending a document's main event handling thread, while still allowing workers' event handling threads to suspend.
9.8 Agent Clusters
Anagent cluster is a maximal set ofagents that can communicate by operating on shared memory.
Note 1
Programs within differentagents may share memory by unspecified means. At a minimum, the backing memory for SharedArrayBuffers can be shared among theagents in the cluster.
There may beagents that can communicate by message passing that cannot share memory; they are never in the same agent cluster.
Theagents in a cluster need not all be alive at some particular point in time. IfagentA creates anotheragentB, after whichA terminates andB createsagentC, the threeagents are in the same cluster ifA could share some memory withB andB could share some memory withC.
Allagents within a cluster must have the same value for the[[LittleEndian]] field in their respectiveAgent Records.
Note 3
If differentagents within an agent cluster have different values of[[LittleEndian]] it becomes hard to use shared memory for multi-byte data.
Allagents within a cluster must have the same values for the[[IsLockFree1]] field in their respectiveAgent Records; similarly for the[[IsLockFree2]] field.
Allagents within a cluster must have different values for the[[Signifier]] field in their respectiveAgent Records.
An embedding may deactivate (stop forward progress) or activate (resume forward progress) anagent without theagent's knowledge or cooperation. If the embedding does so, it must not leave someagents in the cluster active while otheragents in the cluster are deactivated indefinitely.
Note 4
The purpose of the preceding restriction is to avoid a situation where anagent deadlocks or starves because anotheragent has been deactivated. For example, if an HTML shared worker that has a lifetime independent of documents in any windows were allowed to share memory with the dedicated worker of such an independent document, and the document and its dedicated worker were to be deactivated while the dedicated worker holds a lock (say, the document is pushed into its window's history), and the shared worker then tries to acquire the lock, then the shared worker will be blocked until the dedicated worker is activated again, if ever. Meanwhile other workers trying to access the shared worker from other windows will starve.
The implication of the restriction is that it will not be possible to share memory betweenagents that don't belong to the same suspend/wake collective within the embedding.
An embedding may terminate anagent without any of theagent's cluster's otheragents' prior knowledge or cooperation. If anagent is terminated not by programmatic action of its own or of anotheragent in the cluster but by forces external to the cluster, then the embedding must choose one of two strategies: Either terminate all theagents in the cluster, or provide reliable APIs that allow theagents in the cluster to coordinate so that at least one remaining member of the cluster will be able to detect the termination, with the termination data containing enough information to identify theagent that was terminated.
Note 5
Examples of that type of termination are: operating systems or users terminatingagents that are running in separate processes; the embedding itself terminating anagent that is running in-process with the otheragents when per-agent resource accounting indicates that theagent is runaway.
Each of the following specification values, and values transitively reachable from them, belong to exactly one agent cluster.
An agent cluster is a specification mechanism and need not correspond to any particular artefact of an ECMAScript implementation.
9.9 Forward Progress
For anagent tomake forward progress is for it to perform an evaluation step according to this specification.
Anagent becomesblocked when itsrunning execution context waits synchronously and indefinitely for an external event. Onlyagents whoseAgent Record's[[CanBlock]] field istrue can become blocked in this sense. Anunblockedagent is one that is not blocked.
Implementations must ensure that:
every unblockedagent with a dedicatedexecuting thread eventually makes forward progress
anagent does not cause anotheragent to become blocked except via explicit APIs that provide blocking.
This, along with the liveness guarantee in thememory model, ensures that allseq-cst writes eventually become observable to allagents.
9.10 Processing Model of WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry Targets
9.10.1 Objectives
This specification does not make any guarantees that any object or symbol will be garbage collected. Objects or symbols which are notlive may be released after long periods of time, or never at all. For this reason, this specification uses the term "may" when describing behaviour triggered by garbage collection.
The semantics ofWeakRefs andFinalizationRegistrys is based on two operations which happen at particular points in time:
WhenWeakRef.prototype.deref is called, the referent (ifundefined is not returned) is kept alive so that subsequent, synchronous accesses also return the same value. This list is reset when synchronous work is done using theClearKeptObjects abstract operation.
Some ECMAScript implementations include garbage collector implementations which run in the background, including when ECMAScript is idle. Letting thehost environment scheduleCleanupFinalizationRegistry allows it to resume ECMAScript execution in order to run finalizer work, which may free up held values, reducing overall memory usage.
9.10.2 Liveness
For some set of objects and/or symbolsS ahypothetical WeakRef-oblivious execution with respect toS is an execution whereby the abstract operationWeakRefDeref of aWeakRef whose referent is an element ofS always returnsundefined.
Note 1
WeakRef-obliviousness, together with liveness, capture two notions. One, that aWeakRef itself does not keep its referent alive. Two, that cycles in liveness does not imply that a value is live. To be concrete, if determiningv's liveness depends on determining the liveness of aWeakRef referent,r,r's liveness cannot assumev's liveness, which would be circular reasoning.
Note 2
WeakRef-obliviousness is defined on sets of objects or symbols instead of individual values to account for cycles. If it were defined on individual values, then aWeakRef referent in a cycle will be considered live even though its identity is only observed via otherWeakRef referents in the cycle.
Note 3
Colloquially, we say that an individual object or symbol is live if every set containing it is live.
At any point during evaluation, a set of objects and/or symbolsS is consideredlive if either of the following conditions is met:
Any element inS is included in anyagent's[[KeptAlive]]List.
There exists a valid future hypothetical WeakRef-oblivious execution with respect toS that observes the identity of any value inS.
Note 4
The second condition above intends to capture the intuition that a value is live if its identity is observable via non-WeakRef means. A value's identity may be observed by observing a strict equality comparison or observing the value being used as key in a Map.
Note 5
Presence of an object or a symbol in a field, an internal slot, or a property does not imply that the value is live. For example if the value in question is never passed back to the program, then it cannot be observed.
This is the case for keys in a WeakMap, members of a WeakSet, as well as the[[WeakRefTarget]] and[[UnregisterToken]] fields of aFinalizationRegistry Cell record.
The above definition implies that, if a key in a WeakMap is not live, then its corresponding value is not necessarily live either.
Note 6
Liveness is the lower bound for guaranteeing whichWeakRefs engines must not empty. Liveness as defined here is undecidable. In practice, engines use conservative approximations such as reachability. There is expected to be significant implementation leeway.
9.10.3 Execution
At any time, if a set of objects and/or symbolsS is notlive, an ECMAScript implementation may perform the following steps atomically:
1.For each elementvalue ofS, do
a.For eachWeakRefref such thatref.[[WeakRefTarget]] isvalue, do
i.Setref.[[WeakRefTarget]] toempty.
b.For eachFinalizationRegistryfg such thatfg.[[Cells]] contains aRecordcell such thatcell.[[WeakRefTarget]] isvalue, do
c.For each WeakMapmap such thatmap.[[WeakMapData]] contains aRecordr such thatr.[[Key]] isvalue, do
i.Setr.[[Key]] toempty.
ii.Setr.[[Value]] toempty.
d.For each WeakSetset such thatset.[[WeakSetData]] containsvalue, do
i.Replace the element ofset.[[WeakSetData]] whose value isvalue with an element whose value isempty.
Note 1
Together with the definition of liveness, this clause prescribes optimizations that an implementation may apply regardingWeakRefs.
It is possible to access an object without observing its identity. Optimizations such as dead variable elimination and scalar replacement on properties of non-escaping objects whose identity is not observed are allowed. These optimizations are thus allowed to observably emptyWeakRefs that point to such objects.
On the other hand, if an object's identity is observable, and that object is in the[[WeakRefTarget]] internal slot of aWeakRef, optimizations such as rematerialization that observably empty theWeakRef are prohibited.
Implementations are not obligated to emptyWeakRefs for maximal sets of non-live objects or symbols.
If an implementation chooses a non-live setS in which to emptyWeakRefs, this definition requires that it emptiesWeakRefs for all values inS simultaneously. In other words, it is not conformant for an implementation to empty aWeakRef pointing to a valuev without emptying out otherWeakRefs that, if not emptied, could result in an execution that observes the value ofv.
An implementation of HostEnqueueFinalizationRegistryCleanupJob schedulescleanupJob to be performed at some future time, if possible. It must also conform to the requirements in9.5.
9.11 ClearKeptObjects ( )
The abstract operation ClearKeptObjects takes no arguments and returnsunused. ECMAScript implementations are expected to call ClearKeptObjects when a synchronous sequence of ECMAScript executions completes. It performs the following steps when called:
When the abstract operation AddToKeptObjects is called with a target object or symbol, it adds the target to a list that will point strongly at the target untilClearKeptObjects is called.
The abstract operation CanBeHeldWeakly takes argumentv (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It returnstrue if and only ifv is suitable for use as a weak reference. Only values that are suitable for use as a weak reference may be a key of a WeakMap, an element of a WeakSet, the target of aWeakRef, or one of the targets of aFinalizationRegistry. It performs the following steps when called:
A language value withoutlanguage identity can be manifested without prior reference and is unsuitable for use as a weak reference. A Symbol value produced bySymbol.for, unlike other Symbol values, does not have language identity and is unsuitable for use as a weak reference.Well-known symbols are likely to never be collected, but are nonetheless treated as suitable for use as a weak reference because they are limited in number and therefore manageable by a variety of implementation approaches. However, any value associated to a well-known symbol in alive WeakMap is unlikely to be collected and could “leak” memory resources in implementations.
10 Ordinary and Exotic Objects Behaviours
10.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
Allordinary objects have an internal slot called[[Prototype]]. The value of this internal slot is eithernull or an object and is used for implementing inheritance. Assume a property namedP is missing from anordinary objectO but exists on its[[Prototype]] object. IfP refers to adata property on the[[Prototype]] object,O inherits it for get access, making it behave as ifP was a property ofO. IfP refers to a writabledata property on the[[Prototype]] object, set access ofP onO creates a newdata property namedP onO. IfP refers to a non-writabledata property on the[[Prototype]] object, set access ofP onO fails. IfP refers to anaccessor property on the[[Prototype]] object, the accessor is inherited byO for both get access and set access.
Everyordinary object has a Boolean-valued[[Extensible]] internal slot which is used to fulfill the extensibility-related internal method invariants specified in6.1.7.3. Namely, once the value of an object's[[Extensible]] internal slot has been set tofalse, it is no longer possible to add properties to the object, to modify the value of the object's[[Prototype]] internal slot, or to subsequently change the value of[[Extensible]] totrue.
Eachordinary object internal method delegates to a similarly-named abstract operation. If such an abstract operation depends on another internal method, then the internal method is invoked onO rather than calling the similarly-named abstract operation directly. These semantics ensure thatexotic objects have their overridden internal methods invoked whenordinary object internal methods are applied to them.
10.1.1[[GetPrototypeOf]] ( )
The[[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method of anordinary objectO takes no arguments and returns anormal completion containing either an Object ornull. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf takes argumentO (an Object) and returns an Object ornull. It performs the following steps when called:
10.1.2[[SetPrototypeOf]] (V )
The[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of anordinary objectO takes argumentV (an Object ornull) and returns anormal completion containing a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinarySetPrototypeOf takes argumentsO (an Object) andV (an Object ornull) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
i.Ifp.[[GetPrototypeOf]] is not theordinary object internal method defined in10.1.1, setdone totrue.
ii.Else, setp top.[[Prototype]].
8.SetO.[[Prototype]] toV.
The loop in step7 guarantees that there will be no circularities in any prototype chain that only includes objects that use theordinary object definitions for[[GetPrototypeOf]] and[[SetPrototypeOf]].
10.1.3[[IsExtensible]] ( )
The[[IsExtensible]] internal method of anordinary objectO takes no arguments and returns anormal completion containing a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinaryIsExtensible takes argumentO (an Object) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
10.1.4[[PreventExtensions]] ( )
The[[PreventExtensions]] internal method of anordinary objectO takes no arguments and returns anormal completion containingtrue. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinaryGetOwnProperty takes argumentsO (an Object) andP (aproperty key) and returns aProperty Descriptor orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfO does not have an own property with keyP, returnundefined.
The abstract operation IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor takes argumentsExtensible (a Boolean),Desc (aProperty Descriptor), andCurrent (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor takes argumentsO (an Object orundefined),P (aproperty key),extensible (a Boolean),Desc (aProperty Descriptor), andcurrent (aProperty Descriptor orundefined) and returns a Boolean. It returnstrue if and only ifDesc can be applied as the property of an object with specifiedextensibility and current propertycurrent while upholdinginvariants. When such application is possible andO is notundefined, it is performed for the property namedP (which is created if necessary). It performs the following steps when called:
i.Create an ownaccessor property namedP of objectO whose[[Get]],[[Set]],[[Enumerable]], and[[Configurable]] attributes are set to the value of the corresponding field inDesc ifDesc has that field, or to the attribute'sdefault value otherwise.
i.Create an owndata property namedP of objectO whose[[Value]],[[Writable]],[[Enumerable]], and[[Configurable]] attributes are set to the value of the corresponding field inDesc ifDesc has that field, or to the attribute'sdefault value otherwise.
i.IfDesc has a[[Configurable]] field, letconfigurable beDesc.[[Configurable]]; else letconfigurable becurrent.[[Configurable]].
ii.IfDesc has a[[Enumerable]] field, letenumerable beDesc.[[Enumerable]]; else letenumerable becurrent.[[Enumerable]].
iii.Replace the property namedP of objectO with anaccessor property whose[[Configurable]] and[[Enumerable]] attributes are set toconfigurable andenumerable, respectively, and whose[[Get]] and[[Set]] attributes are set to the value of the corresponding field inDesc ifDesc has that field, or to the attribute'sdefault value otherwise.
i.IfDesc has a[[Configurable]] field, letconfigurable beDesc.[[Configurable]]; else letconfigurable becurrent.[[Configurable]].
ii.IfDesc has a[[Enumerable]] field, letenumerable beDesc.[[Enumerable]]; else letenumerable becurrent.[[Enumerable]].
iii.Replace the property namedP of objectO with adata property whose[[Configurable]] and[[Enumerable]] attributes are set toconfigurable andenumerable, respectively, and whose[[Value]] and[[Writable]] attributes are set to the value of the corresponding field inDesc ifDesc has that field, or to the attribute'sdefault value otherwise.
i.For each field ofDesc, set the corresponding attribute of the property namedP of objectO to the value of the field.
The abstract operation OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys takes argumentO (an Object) and returns aList ofproperty keys. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinaryObjectCreate takes argumentproto (an Object ornull) and optional argumentadditionalInternalSlotsList (aList of names of internal slots) and returns an Object. It is used to specify the runtime creation of newordinary objects.additionalInternalSlotsList contains the names of additional internal slots that must be defined as part of the object, beyond[[Prototype]] and[[Extensible]]. IfadditionalInternalSlotsList is not provided, a new emptyList is used. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetinternalSlotsList be «[[Prototype]],[[Extensible]] ».
2.IfadditionalInternalSlotsList is present, setinternalSlotsList to thelist-concatenation ofinternalSlotsList andadditionalInternalSlotsList.
Although OrdinaryObjectCreate does little more than callMakeBasicObject, its use communicates the intention to create anordinary object, and not an exotic one. Thus, within this specification, it is not called by any algorithm that subsequently modifies the internal methods of the object in ways that would make the result non-ordinary. Operations that createexotic objects invokeMakeBasicObject directly.
The abstract operation OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor takes argumentsconstructor (aconstructor) andintrinsicDefaultProto (a String) and optional argumentinternalSlotsList (aList of names of internal slots) and returns either anormal completion containing an Object or athrow completion. It creates anordinary object whose[[Prototype]] value is retrieved from aconstructor's"prototype" property, if it exists. Otherwise the intrinsic named byintrinsicDefaultProto is used for[[Prototype]].internalSlotsList contains the names of additional internal slots that must be defined as part of the object. IfinternalSlotsList is not provided, a new emptyList is used. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:intrinsicDefaultProto is this specification's name of an intrinsic object. The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the[[Prototype]] value of an object.
The abstract operation GetPrototypeFromConstructor takes argumentsconstructor (afunction object) andintrinsicDefaultProto (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing an Object or athrow completion. It determines the[[Prototype]] value that should be used to create an object corresponding to a specificconstructor. The value is retrieved from theconstructor's"prototype" property, if it exists. Otherwise the intrinsic named byintrinsicDefaultProto is used for[[Prototype]]. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:intrinsicDefaultProto is this specification's name of an intrinsic object. The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the[[Prototype]] value of an object.
Ifconstructor does not supply a[[Prototype]] value, the default value that is used is obtained from therealm of theconstructor function rather than from therunning execution context.
10.1.15 RequireInternalSlot (O,internalSlot )
The abstract operation RequireInternalSlot takes argumentsO (anECMAScript language value) andinternalSlot (an internal slot name) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It throws an exception unlessOis an Object and has the given internal slot. It performs the following steps when called:
ThePrivateEnvironment Record forPrivate Names that the function was closed over.null if this function is not syntactically contained within a class. Used as the outer PrivateEnvironment for inner classes when evaluating the code of the function.
The script or module in which the function was created.
lexical,strict, orglobal
Defines howthis references are interpreted within the formal parameters and code body of the function.lexical means thatthis refers to thethis value of a lexically enclosing function.strict means that thethis value is used exactly as provided by an invocation of the means that athis value ofundefined ornull is interpreted as a reference to theglobal object, and any otherthis value is first passed toToObject.
If the function is created as the initializer of a class field, the name to use forNamedEvaluation of the field;empty otherwise.
a Boolean
Indicates whether the function is a classconstructor. (Iftrue, invoking the function's[[Call]] will immediately throw aTypeError exception.)
All ECMAScriptfunction objects have the[[Call]] internal method defined here. ECMAScript functions that are alsoconstructors in addition have the[[Construct]] internal method.
WhencalleeContext is removed from theexecution context stack in step7 it must not be destroyed if it is suspended and retained for later resumption by an accessible Generator. PrepareForOrdinaryCall (F,newTarget )
The abstract operation PrepareForOrdinaryCall takes argumentsF (an ECMAScriptfunction object) andnewTarget (an Object orundefined) and returns anexecution context. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation OrdinaryCallBindThis takes argumentsF (an ECMAScriptfunction object),calleeContext (anexecution context), andthisArgument (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetthisMode beF.[[ThisMode]].
2.IfthisMode islexical, returnunused.
3.LetcalleeRealm beF.[[Realm]].
4.LetlocalEnv be the LexicalEnvironment ofcalleeContext.
5.ReturnCompletion Record {[[Type]]:return,[[Value]]:value,[[Target]]:empty }.
Even though field initializers constitute a function boundary, callingFunctionDeclarationInstantiation does not have any observable effect and so is omitted.
The abstract operation OrdinaryFunctionCreate takes argumentsfunctionPrototype (an Object),sourceText (a sequence of Unicode code points),ParameterList (aParse Node),Body (aParse Node),thisMode (lexical-this ornon-lexical-this),env (anEnvironment Record), andprivateEnv (aPrivateEnvironment Record ornull) and returns an ECMAScriptfunction object. It is used to specify the runtime creation of a new function with a default[[Call]] internal method and no[[Construct]] internal method (although one may be subsequently added by an operation such asMakeConstructor).sourceText is the source text of the syntactic definition of the function to be created. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetinternalSlotsList be the internal slots listed inTable 30.
The abstract operation AddRestrictedFunctionProperties takes argumentsF (afunction object) andrealm (aRealm Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MakeConstructor takes argumentF (an ECMAScriptfunction object or a built-infunction object) and optional argumentswritablePrototype (a Boolean) andprototype (an Object) and returnsunused. It convertsF into aconstructor. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MakeClassConstructor takes argumentF (an ECMAScriptfunction object) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MakeMethod takes argumentsF (an ECMAScriptfunction object) andhomeObject (an Object) and returnsunused. It configuresF as a method. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation SetFunctionName takes argumentsF (afunction object) andname (aproperty key orPrivate Name) and optional argumentprefix (a String) and returnsunused. It adds a"name" property toF. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:F is an extensible object that does not have a"name" own property.
The abstract operation SetFunctionLength takes argumentsF (afunction object) andlength (a non-negativeinteger or +∞) and returnsunused. It adds a"length" property toF. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:F is an extensible object that does not have a"length" own property.
When anexecution context is established for evaluating an ECMAScript function a newFunction Environment Record is created and bindings for each formal parameter are instantiated in thatEnvironment Record. Each declaration in the function body is also instantiated. If the function's formal parameters do not include any default value initializers then the body declarations are instantiated in the sameEnvironment Record as the parameters. If default value parameter initializers exist, a secondEnvironment Record is created for the body declarations. Formal parameters and functions are initialized as part of FunctionDeclarationInstantiation. All other bindings are initialized during evaluation of the function body.
ii.Letfn be the sole element of theBoundNames ofd.
iii.IffunctionNames does not containfn, then
1.Insertfn as the first element offunctionNames.
2.NOTE: If there are multiple function declarations for the same name, the last declaration is used.
3.Insertd as the first element offunctionsToInitialize.
15.LetargumentsObjectNeeded betrue.
16.Iffunc.[[ThisMode]] islexical, then
a.NOTE: Arrow functions never have an arguments object.
b.SetargumentsObjectNeeded tofalse.
17.Else ifparameterNames contains"arguments", then
a.SetargumentsObjectNeeded tofalse.
18.Else ifhasParameterExpressions isfalse, then
a.IffunctionNames contains"arguments" orlexicalNames contains"arguments", then
i.SetargumentsObjectNeeded tofalse.
19.Ifstrict istrue orhasParameterExpressions isfalse, then
a.NOTE: Only a singleEnvironment Record is needed for the parameters, since calls toeval instrict mode code cannot create new bindings which are visible outside of theeval.
b.Letenv be the LexicalEnvironment ofcalleeContext.
a.NOTE: A separateEnvironment Record is needed to ensure that bindings created bydirect eval calls in the formal parameter list are outside the environment where parameters are declared.
b.LetcalleeEnv be the LexicalEnvironment ofcalleeContext.
d.Assert: The VariableEnvironment ofcalleeContext iscalleeEnv.
e.Set the LexicalEnvironment ofcalleeContext toenv.
21.For each StringparamName ofparameterNames, do
a.LetalreadyDeclared be ! env.HasBinding(paramName).
b.NOTE:Early errors ensure that duplicate parameter names can only occur innon-strict functions that do not have parameter default values or rest parameters.
i.NOTE: A mapped argument object is only provided fornon-strict functions that don't have a rest parameter, any parameter default value initializers, or any destructured parameters.
a.NOTE: Only a singleEnvironment Record is needed for the parameters and top-level vars.
b.LetinstantiatedVarNames be a copy of theListparameterBindings.
c.For each elementn ofvarNames, do
i.IfinstantiatedVarNames does not containn, then
1.Appendn toinstantiatedVarNames.
2.Perform ! env.CreateMutableBinding(n,false).
3.Perform ! env.InitializeBinding(n,undefined).
d.LetvarEnv beenv.
a.NOTE: A separateEnvironment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body.
b.NOTE:Non-strict functions use a separateEnvironment Record for top-level lexical declarations so that adirect eval can determine whether any var scoped declarations introduced by the eval code conflict with pre-existing top-level lexically scoped declarations. This is not needed forstrict functions because a strictdirect eval always places all declarations into a newEnvironment Record.
a.LetlexEnv bevarEnv.
32.Set the LexicalEnvironment ofcalleeContext tolexEnv.
a.NOTE: A lexically declared name cannot be the same as a function/generator declaration, formal parameter, or a var name. Lexically declared names are only instantiated here but not initialized.
B.3.2 provides an extension to the above algorithm that is necessary for backwards compatibility with web browser implementations of ECMAScript that predate ECMAScript 2015.
A built-infunction object must have a[[Call]] internal method that conforms to the definition in10.3.1.
A built-infunction object has a[[Construct]] internal method if and only if it is described as a “constructor”, or some algorithm in this specification explicitly sets its[[Construct]] internal method. Such a[[Construct]] internal method must conform to the definition in10.3.2.
An implementation may provide additional built-infunction objects that are not defined in this specification.
10.Letresult be theCompletion Record that isthe result of evaluatingF in a manner that conforms to the specification ofF. IfthisArgument isuninitialized, thethis value is uninitialized; otherwise,thisArgument provides thethis value.argumentsList provides the named parameters.newTarget provides the NewTarget value.
11.NOTE: IfF is defined in this document, “the specification ofF” is the behaviour specified for it via algorithm steps or other means.
WhencalleeContext is removed from theexecution context stack it must not be destroyed if it has been suspended and retained by an accessible Generator for later resumption.
The abstract operation CreateBuiltinFunction takes argumentsbehaviour (anAbstract Closure, a set of algorithm steps, or some other definition of a function's behaviour provided in this specification),length (a non-negativeinteger or +∞),name (aproperty key or aPrivate Name), andadditionalInternalSlotsList (aList of names of internal slots) and optional argumentsrealm (aRealm Record),prototype (an Object ornull), andprefix (a String) and returns afunction object.additionalInternalSlotsList contains the names of additional internal slots that must be defined as part of the object. This operation creates a built-infunction object. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Ifprototype is not present, setprototype torealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Function.prototype%]].
3.LetinternalSlotsList be aList containing the names of all the internal slots that10.3 requires for the built-infunction object that is about to be created.
4.Append tointernalSlotsList the elements ofadditionalInternalSlotsList.
5.Letfunc be a new built-infunction object that, when called, performs the action described bybehaviour using the provided arguments as the values of the corresponding parameters specified bybehaviour. The newfunction object has internal slots whose names are the elements ofinternalSlotsList, and an[[InitialName]] internal slot.
Each built-in function defined in this specification is created by calling the CreateBuiltinFunction abstract operation.
10.4 Built-in Exotic Object Internal Methods and Slots
This specification defines several kinds of built-inexotic objects. These objects generally behave similar toordinary objects except for a few specific situations. The followingexotic objects use theordinary object internal methods except where it is explicitly specified otherwise below:
An object is abound function exotic object if its[[Call]] and (if applicable)[[Construct]] internal methods use the following implementations, and its other essential internal methods use the definitions found in10.1. These methods are installed inBoundFunctionCreate.
An Array is anexotic object that gives special treatment toarray indexproperty keys (see6.1.7). A property whoseproperty name is anarray index is also called anelement. Every Array has a non-configurable"length" property whose value is always a non-negativeintegral Number whosemathematical value is strictly less than 2**32. The value of the"length" property is numerically greater than the name of every own property whose name is anarray index; whenever an own property of an Array is created or changed, other properties are adjusted as necessary to maintain this invariant. Specifically, whenever an own property is added whose name is anarray index, the value of the"length" property is changed, if necessary, to be one more than the numeric value of thatarray index; and whenever the value of the"length" property is changed, every own property whose name is anarray index whose value is not smaller than the new length is deleted. This constraint applies only to own properties of an Array and is unaffected by"length" orarray index properties that may be inherited from its prototypes.
An object is anArray exotic object (or simply, an Array) if its[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method uses the following implementation, and its other essential internal methods use the definitions found in10.1. These methods are installed inArrayCreate.
The abstract operation ArrayCreate takes argumentlength (a non-negativeinteger) and optional argumentproto (an Object) and returns either anormal completion containing anArray exotic object or athrow completion. It is used to specify the creation of new Arrays. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ArraySpeciesCreate takes argumentsoriginalArray (an Object) andlength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing an Object or athrow completion. It is used to specify the creation of a new Array or similar object using aconstructor function that is derived fromoriginalArray. It does not enforce that theconstructor function returns an Array. It performs the following steps when called:
IforiginalArray was created using the standard built-in Arrayconstructor for arealm that is not therealm of therunning execution context, then a new Array is created using therealm of therunning execution context. This maintains compatibility with Web browsers that have historically had that behaviour for theArray.prototype methods that now are defined using ArraySpeciesCreate.
In steps3 and4, ifDesc.[[Value]] is an object then itsvalueOf method is called twice. This is legacy behaviour that was specified with this effect starting with the 2nd Edition of this specification.
10.4.3 String Exotic Objects
A String object is anexotic object that encapsulates a String value and exposes virtualinteger-indexeddata properties corresponding to the individual code unit elements of the String value.String exotic objects always have adata property named"length" whose value is the length of the encapsulated String value. Both the code unitdata properties and the"length" property are non-writable and non-configurable.
An object is aString exotic object (or simply, a String object) if its[[GetOwnProperty]],[[DefineOwnProperty]], and[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal methods use the following implementations, and its other essential internal methods use the definitions found in10.1. These methods are installed inStringCreate.
7.For each ownproperty keyP ofO such thatPis a String andP is not anarray index, in ascending chronological order of property creation, do
a.AppendP tokeys.
8.For each ownproperty keyP ofO such thatPis a Symbol, in ascending chronological order of property creation, do
a.AppendP tokeys.
9.Returnkeys. StringCreate (value,prototype )
The abstract operation StringCreate takes argumentsvalue (a String) andprototype (an Object) and returns aString exotic object. It is used to specify the creation of newString exotic objects. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation StringGetOwnProperty takes argumentsS (an Object that has a[[StringData]] internal slot) andP (aproperty key) and returns aProperty Descriptor orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
10.LetresultStr be thesubstring ofstr fromℝ(index) toℝ(index) + 1.
11.Return the PropertyDescriptor {[[Value]]:resultStr,[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:true,[[Configurable]]:false }.
10.4.4 Arguments Exotic Objects
Most ECMAScript functions make an arguments object available to their code. Depending upon the characteristics of the function definition, its arguments object is either anordinary object or anarguments exotic object. Anarguments exotic object is anexotic object whosearray index properties map to the formal parameters bindings of an invocation of its associated ECMAScript function.
An object is anarguments exotic object if its internal methods use the following implementations, with the ones not specified here using those found in10.1. These methods are installed inCreateMappedArgumentsObject.
Arguments exotic objects have the same internal slots asordinary objects. They also have a[[ParameterMap]] internal slot. Ordinary arguments objects also have a[[ParameterMap]] internal slot whose value is always undefined. For ordinary argument objects the[[ParameterMap]] internal slot is only used byObject.prototype.toString ( to identify them as such.
Note 2
Theinteger-indexeddata properties of anarguments exotic object whose numeric name values are less than the number of formal parameters of the correspondingfunction object initially share their values with the corresponding argument bindings in the function'sexecution context. This means that changing the property changes the corresponding value of the argument binding and vice-versa. This correspondence is broken if such a property is deleted and then redefined or if the property is changed into anaccessor property. If the arguments object is anordinary object, the values of its properties are simply a copy of the arguments passed to the function and there is no dynamic linkage between the property values and the formal parameter values.
Note 3
The ParameterMap object and its property values are used as a device for specifying the arguments object correspondence to argument bindings. The ParameterMap object and the objects that are the values of its properties are not directly observable from ECMAScript code. An ECMAScript implementation does not need to actually create or use such objects to implement the specified semantics.
Note 4
Ordinary arguments objects define a non-configurableaccessor property named"callee" which throws aTypeError exception on access. The"callee" property has a more specific meaning forarguments exotic objects, which are created only for some class ofnon-strict functions. The definition of this property in the ordinary variant exists to ensure that it is not defined in any other manner by conforming ECMAScript implementations.
Note 5
ECMAScript implementations ofarguments exotic objects have historically contained anaccessor property named"caller". Prior to ECMAScript 2017, this specification included the definition of a throwing"caller" property on ordinary arguments objects. Since implementations do not contain this extension any longer, ECMAScript 2017 dropped the requirement for a throwing"caller" accessor.
The abstract operation CreateUnmappedArgumentsObject takes argumentargumentsList (aList ofECMAScript language values) and returns anordinary object. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letlen be the number of elements inargumentsList.
The abstract operation MakeArgGetter takes argumentsname (a String) andenv (anEnvironment Record) and returns afunction object. It creates a built-infunction object that when executed returns the value bound forname inenv. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetgetterClosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesname andenv and performs the following steps when called:
3.NOTE:getter is never directly accessible to ECMAScript code.
4.Returngetter. MakeArgSetter (name,env )
The abstract operation MakeArgSetter takes argumentsname (a String) andenv (anEnvironment Record) and returns afunction object. It creates a built-infunction object that when executed sets the value bound forname inenv. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetsetterClosure be a newAbstract Closure with parameters (value) that capturesname andenv and performs the following steps when called:
TypedArrays have the same internal slots asordinary objects and additionally[[ViewedArrayBuffer]],[[ArrayLength]],[[ByteOffset]],[[ContentType]], and[[TypedArrayName]] internal slots.
An object is aTypedArray if its[[GetOwnProperty]],[[HasProperty]],[[DefineOwnProperty]],[[Get]],[[Set]],[[Delete]], and[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal methods use the definitions in this section, and its other essential internal methods use the definitions found in10.1. These methods are installed byTypedArrayCreate.
5.For each ownproperty keyP ofO such thatPis a Symbol, in ascending chronological order of property creation, do
a.AppendP tokeys.
6.Returnkeys. TypedArray With Buffer Witness Records
AnTypedArray With Buffer Witness Record is aRecord value used to encapsulate aTypedArray along with a cached byte length of the viewed buffer. It is used to help ensure there is a single shared memory read event of the byte length data block when the viewed buffer is agrowable SharedArrayBuffer.
TypedArray With Buffer Witness Records have the fields listed inTable 32.
The abstract operation MakeTypedArrayWithBufferWitnessRecord takes argumentsobj (aTypedArray) andorder (seq-cst orunordered) and returns aTypedArray With Buffer Witness Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TypedArrayCreate takes argumentprototype (an Object) and returns aTypedArray. It is used to specify the creation of newTypedArrays. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetinternalSlotsList be «[[Prototype]],[[Extensible]],[[ViewedArrayBuffer]],[[TypedArrayName]],[[ContentType]],[[ByteLength]],[[ByteOffset]],[[ArrayLength]] ».
9.SetA.[[OwnPropertyKeys]] as specified in10.4.5.7.
10.SetA.[[Prototype]] toprototype.
11.ReturnA. TypedArrayByteLength (taRecord )
The abstract operation TypedArrayByteLength takes argumenttaRecord (aTypedArray With Buffer Witness Record) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TypedArrayLength takes argumenttaRecord (aTypedArray With Buffer Witness Record) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IsTypedArrayOutOfBounds takes argumenttaRecord (aTypedArray With Buffer Witness Record) and returns a Boolean. It checks if any of the object's numeric properties reference a value at an index not contained within the underlying buffer's bounds. It performs the following steps when called:
9.NOTE: 0-lengthTypedArrays are not considered out-of-bounds.
10.Returnfalse. IsValidIntegerIndex (O,index )
The abstract operation IsValidIntegerIndex takes argumentsO (aTypedArray) andindex (a Number) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TypedArrayGetElement takes argumentsO (aTypedArray) andindex (a Number) and returns a Number, a BigInt, orundefined. It performs the following steps when called:
This operation always appears to succeed, but it has no effect when attempting to write past the end of aTypedArray or to aTypedArray which is backed by a detached ArrayBuffer. IsArrayBufferViewOutOfBounds (O )
The abstract operation IsArrayBufferViewOutOfBounds takes argumentO (aTypedArray or a DataView) and returns a Boolean. It checks if either any of aTypedArray's numeric properties or a DataView object's methods can reference a value at an index not contained within the underlying data block's bounds. This abstract operation exists as a convenience for upstream specifications. It performs the following steps when called:
Amodule namespace exotic object is anexotic object that exposes the bindings exported from an ECMAScriptModule (See16.2.3). There is a one-to-one correspondence between the String-keyed own properties of amodule namespace exotic object and the binding names exported by theModule. The exported bindings include any bindings that are indirectly exported usingexport * export items. Each String-valued ownproperty key is theStringValue of the corresponding exported binding name. These are the only String-keyed properties of amodule namespace exotic object. Each such property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:true,[[Configurable]]:false }.Module namespace exotic objects are not extensible.
An object is amodule namespace exotic object if its[[GetPrototypeOf]],[[SetPrototypeOf]],[[IsExtensible]],[[PreventExtensions]],[[GetOwnProperty]],[[DefineOwnProperty]],[[HasProperty]],[[Get]],[[Set]],[[Delete]], and[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal methods use the definitions in this section, and its other essential internal methods use the definitions found in10.1. These methods are installed byModuleNamespaceCreate.
AList whose elements are the String values of the exported names exposed as own properties of this object. The list is ordered as if an Array of those String values had been sorted using %Array.prototype.sort% usingundefined ascomparefn.
ResolveExport is side-effect free. Each time this operation is called with a specificexportName,resolveSet pair as arguments it must return the same result. An implementation might choose to pre-compute or cache the ResolveExport results for the[[Exports]] of eachmodule namespace exotic object.
4.SetM's essential internal methods to the definitions specified in10.4.6.
5.SetM.[[Module]] tomodule.
6.LetsortedExports be aList whose elements are the elements ofexports ordered as if an Array of the same values had been sorted using %Array.prototype.sort% usingundefined ascomparefn.
7.SetM.[[Exports]] tosortedExports.
8.Create own properties ofM corresponding to the definitions in28.3.
An object is animmutable prototype exotic object if its[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method uses the following implementation. (Its other essential internal methods may use any implementation, depending on the specificimmutable prototype exotic object in question.)
The abstract operation SetImmutablePrototype takes argumentsO (an Object) andV (an Object ornull) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
10.5 Proxy Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
A Proxy object is anexotic object whose essential internal methods are partially implemented using ECMAScript code. Every Proxy object has an internal slot called[[ProxyHandler]]. The value of[[ProxyHandler]] is an object, called the proxy'shandler object, ornull. Methods (seeTable 34) of a handler object may be used to augment the implementation for one or more of the Proxy object's internal methods. Every Proxy object also has an internal slot called[[ProxyTarget]] whose value is either an object or thenull value. This object is called the proxy'starget object.
An object is aProxy exotic object if its essential internal methods (including[[Call]] and[[Construct]], if applicable) use the definitions in this section. These internal methods are installed inProxyCreate.
Table 34: Proxy Handler Methods
Internal Method
Handler Method
When a handler method is called to provide the implementation of a Proxy object internal method, the handler method is passed the proxy's target object as a parameter. A proxy's handler object does not necessarily have a method corresponding to every essential internal method. Invoking an internal method on the proxy results in the invocation of the corresponding internal method on the proxy's target object if the handler object does not have a method corresponding to the internal trap.
The[[ProxyHandler]] and[[ProxyTarget]] internal slots of a Proxy object are always initialized when the object is created and typically may not be modified. Some Proxy objects are created in a manner that permits them to be subsequentlyrevoked. When a proxy is revoked, its[[ProxyHandler]] and[[ProxyTarget]] internal slots are set tonull causing subsequent invocations of internal methods on that Proxy object to throw aTypeError exception.
Because Proxy objects permit the implementation of internal methods to be provided by arbitrary ECMAScript code, it is possible to define a Proxy object whose handler methods violates the invariants defined in6.1.7.3. Some of the internal method invariants defined in6.1.7.3 are essential integrity invariants. These invariants are explicitly enforced by the Proxy object internal methods specified in this section. An ECMAScript implementation must be robust in the presence of all possible invariant violations.
[[GetPrototypeOf]] for Proxy objects enforces the following invariants:
The result of[[GetPrototypeOf]] must be either an Object ornull.
If the target object is not extensible,[[GetPrototypeOf]] applied to the Proxy object must return the same value as[[GetPrototypeOf]] applied to the Proxy object's target object.
[[IsExtensible]] applied to the Proxy object must return the same value as[[IsExtensible]] applied to the Proxy object's target object with the same argument.
[[GetOwnProperty]] for Proxy objects enforces the following invariants:
The result of[[GetOwnProperty]] must be either an Object orundefined.
A property cannot be reported as non-existent, if it exists as a non-configurable own property of the target object.
A property cannot be reported as non-existent, if it exists as an own property of a non-extensible target object.
A property cannot be reported as existent, if it does not exist as an own property of the target object and the target object is not extensible.
A property cannot be reported as non-configurable, unless it exists as a non-configurable own property of the target object.
A property cannot be reported as both non-configurable and non-writable, unless it exists as a non-configurable, non-writable own property of the target object.
c.IfIsDataDescriptor(targetDesc) istrue,targetDesc.[[Configurable]] isfalse, andtargetDesc.[[Writable]] istrue, then
i.IfDesc has a[[Writable]] field andDesc.[[Writable]] isfalse, throw aTypeError exception.
[[DefineOwnProperty]] for Proxy objects enforces the following invariants:
The result of[[DefineOwnProperty]]is a Boolean value.
A property cannot be added, if the target object is not extensible.
A property cannot be non-configurable, unless there exists a corresponding non-configurable own property of the target object.
A non-configurable property cannot be non-writable, unless there exists a corresponding non-configurable, non-writable own property of the target object.
If a property has a corresponding target object property then applying theProperty Descriptor of the property to the target object using[[DefineOwnProperty]] will not throw an exception.
b.IfIsAccessorDescriptor(targetDesc) istrue andtargetDesc.[[Get]] isundefined, then
i.IftrapResult is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
[[Get]] for Proxy objects enforces the following invariants:
The value reported for a property must be the same as the value of the corresponding target object property if the target object property is a non-writable, non-configurable owndata property.
The value reported for a property must beundefined if the corresponding target object property is a non-configurable ownaccessor property that hasundefined as its[[Get]] attribute.
Cannot change the value of a property to be different from the value of the corresponding target object property if the corresponding target object property is a non-writable, non-configurable owndata property.
Cannot set the value of a property if the corresponding target object property is a non-configurable ownaccessor property that hasundefined as its[[Set]] attribute.
AProxy exotic object only has a[[Call]] internal method if the initial value of its[[ProxyTarget]] internal slot is an object that has a[[Call]] internal method.
AProxy exotic object only has a[[Construct]] internal method if the initial value of its[[ProxyTarget]] internal slot is an object that has a[[Construct]] internal method.
Note 2
[[Construct]] for Proxy objects enforces the following invariants:
The result of[[Construct]] must be an Object.
10.5.14 ValidateNonRevokedProxy (proxy )
The abstract operation ValidateNonRevokedProxy takes argumentproxy (aProxy exotic object) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It throws aTypeError exception ifproxy has been revoked. It performs the following steps when called:
ECMAScript source text is a sequence of Unicode code points. All Unicode code point values from U+0000 to U+10FFFF, including surrogate code points, may occur in ECMAScript source text where permitted by the ECMAScript grammars. The actual encodings used to store and interchange ECMAScript source text is not relevant to this specification. Regardless of the external source text encoding, a conforming ECMAScript implementation processes the source text as if it was an equivalent sequence ofSourceCharacter values, eachSourceCharacter being a Unicode code point. Conforming ECMAScript implementations are not required to perform any normalization of source text, or behave as though they were performing normalization of source text.
The components of a combining character sequence are treated as individual Unicode code points even though a user might think of the whole sequence as a single character.
In string literals, regular expression literals, template literals and identifiers, any Unicode code point may also be expressed using Unicode escape sequences that explicitly express a code point's numeric value. Within a comment, such an escape sequence is effectively ignored as part of the comment.
ECMAScript differs from the Java programming language in the behaviour of Unicode escape sequences. In a Java program, if the Unicode escape sequence\u000A, for example, occurs within a single-line comment, it is interpreted as a line terminator (Unicode code point U+000A is LINE FEED (LF)) and therefore the next code point is not part of the comment. Similarly, if the Unicode escape sequence\u000A occurs within a string literal in a Java program, it is likewise interpreted as a line terminator, which is not allowed within a string literal—one must write\n instead of\u000A to cause a LINE FEED (LF) to be part of the String value of a string literal. In an ECMAScript program, a Unicode escape sequence occurring within a comment is never interpreted and therefore cannot contribute to termination of the comment. Similarly, a Unicode escape sequence occurring within a string literal in an ECMAScript program always contributes to the literal and is never interpreted as a line terminator or as a code point that might terminate the string literal.
The abstract operation CodePointsToString takes argumenttext (a sequence of Unicode code points) and returns a String. It convertstext into a String value, as described in6.1.4. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation UTF16SurrogatePairToCodePoint takes argumentslead (a code unit) andtrail (a code unit) and returns a code point. Two code units that form a UTF-16surrogate pair are converted to a code point. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CodePointAt takes argumentsstring (a String) andposition (a non-negativeinteger) and returns aRecord with fields[[CodePoint]] (a code point),[[CodeUnitCount]] (a positiveinteger), and[[IsUnpairedSurrogate]] (a Boolean). It interpretsstring as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4, and reads from it a single code point starting with the code unit at indexposition. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation StringToCodePoints takes argumentstring (a String) and returns aList of code points. It returns the sequence of Unicode code points that results from interpretingstring as UTF-16 encoded Unicode text as described in6.1.4. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ParseText takes argumentssourceText (a sequence of Unicode code points) andgoalSymbol (a nonterminal in one of the ECMAScript grammars) and returns aParse Node or a non-emptyList ofSyntaxError objects. It performs the following steps when called:
2.If the parse succeeded and noearly errors were found, return theParse Node (an instance ofgoalSymbol) at the root of the parse tree resulting from the parse.
3.Otherwise, return aList of one or moreSyntaxError objects representing the parsing errors and/orearly errors. If more than one parsing error orearly error is present, the number and ordering of error objects in the list isimplementation-defined, but at least one must be present.
Note 1
Consider a text that has anearly error at a particular point, and also a syntax error at a later point. An implementation that does a parse pass followed by anearly errors pass might report the syntax error and not proceed to theearly errors pass. An implementation that interleaves the two activities might report theearly error and not proceed to find the syntax error. A third implementation might report both errors. All of these behaviours are conformant.
Eval code is the source text supplied to the built-ineval function. More precisely, if the parameter to the built-ineval functionis a String, it is treated as an ECMAScriptScript. The eval code for a particular invocation ofeval is the global code portion of thatScript.
then thesource text matched by theBindingIdentifier (if any) of that declaration or expression is also included in the function code of the corresponding function.
Function code is generally provided as the bodies of Function Definitions (15.2), Arrow Function Definitions (15.3), Method Definitions (15.4), Generator Function Definitions (15.5), Async Function Definitions (15.8), Async Generator Function Definitions (15.6), and Async Arrow Functions (15.9). Function code is also derived from the arguments to the Functionconstructor (, the GeneratorFunctionconstructor (, and the AsyncFunctionconstructor (
Note 2
The practical effect of including theBindingIdentifier in function code is that the Early Errors forstrict mode code are applied to aBindingIdentifier that is the name of a function whose body contains a "use strict" directive, even if the surrounding code is notstrict mode code.
11.2.1 Directive Prologues and the Use Strict Directive
An ECMAScript syntactic unit may be processed using either unrestricted or strict mode syntax and semantics (4.3.2). Code is interpreted asstrict mode code in the following situations:
ECMAScript code that is not strict mode code is callednon-strict code.
11.2.3 Non-ECMAScript Functions
An ECMAScript implementation may support the evaluation of functionexotic objects whose evaluative behaviour is expressed in somehost-defined form of executable code other thanECMAScript source text. Whether afunction object is defined within ECMAScript code or is a built-in function is not observable from the perspective of ECMAScript code that calls or is called by such afunction object.
12 ECMAScript Language: Lexical Grammar
The source text of an ECMAScriptScript orModule is first converted into a sequence of input elements, which are tokens, line terminators, comments, or white space. The source text is scanned from left to right, repeatedly taking the longest possible sequence of code points as the next input element.
The use of multiple lexical goals ensures that there are no lexical ambiguities that would affect automatic semicolon insertion. For example, there are no syntactic grammar contexts where both a leading division or division-assignment, and a leadingRegularExpressionLiteral are permitted. This is not affected by semicolon insertion (see12.10); in examples such as the following:
a = b/hi/g.exec(c).map(d);
where the first non-whitespace, non-comment code point after aLineTerminator is U+002F (SOLIDUS) and the syntactic context allows division or division-assignment, no semicolon is inserted at theLineTerminator. That is, the above example is interpreted in the same way as:
The Unicode format-control characters (i.e., the characters in category “Cf” in the Unicode Character Database such as LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK or RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK) are control codes used to control the formatting of a range of text in the absence of higher-level protocols for this (such as mark-up languages).
It is useful to allow format-control characters in source text to facilitate editing and display. All format control characters may be used within comments, and within string literals, template literals, and regular expression literals.
U+200C (ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER) and U+200D (ZERO WIDTH JOINER) are format-control characters that are used to make necessary distinctions when forming words or phrases in certain languages. InECMAScript source text these code points may also be used in anIdentifierName after the first character.
U+FEFF (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE) is a format-control character used primarily at the start of a text to mark it as Unicode and to allow detection of the text's encoding and byte order. <ZWNBSP> characters intended for this purpose can sometimes also appear after the start of a text, for example as a result of concatenating files. InECMAScript source text <ZWNBSP> code points are treated as white space characters (see12.2).
The special treatment of certain format-control characters outside of comments, string literals, and regular expression literals is summarized inTable 35.
White space code points are used to improve source text readability and to separate tokens (indivisible lexical units) from each other, but are otherwise insignificant. White space code points may occur between any two tokens and at the start or end of input. White space code points may occur within aStringLiteral, aRegularExpressionLiteral, aTemplate, or aTemplateSubstitutionTail where they are considered significant code points forming part of a literal value. They may also occur within aComment, but cannot appear within any other kind of token.
The ECMAScript white space code points are listed inTable 36.
Table 36: White Space Code Points
Code Points
any code point in general category “Space_Separator”
Note 1
U+0020 (SPACE) and U+00A0 (NO-BREAK SPACE) code points are part of <USP>.
Note 2
Other than for the code points listed inTable 36, ECMAScriptWhiteSpace intentionally excludes all code points that have the Unicode “White_Space” property but which are not classified in general category “Space_Separator” (“Zs”).
Like white space code points, line terminator code points are used to improve source text readability and to separate tokens (indivisible lexical units) from each other. However, unlike white space code points, line terminators have some influence over the behaviour of the syntactic grammar. In general, line terminators may occur between any two tokens, but there are a few places where they are forbidden by the syntactic grammar. Line terminators also affect the process of automatic semicolon insertion (12.10). A line terminator cannot occur within any token except aStringLiteral,Template, orTemplateSubstitutionTail. <LF> and <CR> line terminators cannot occur within aStringLiteral token except as part of aLineContinuation.
Line terminators are included in the set of white space code points that are matched by the\s class in regular expressions.
The ECMAScript line terminator code points are listed inTable 37.
Table 37: Line Terminator Code Points
Code Point
Unicode Name
Only the Unicode code points inTable 37 are treated as line terminators. Other new line or line breaking Unicode code points are not treated as line terminators but are treated as white space if they meet the requirements listed inTable 36. The sequence <CR><LF> is commonly used as a line terminator. It should be considered a singleSourceCharacter for the purpose of reporting line numbers.
Comments can be either single or multi-line. Multi-line comments cannot nest.
Because a single-line comment can contain any Unicode code point except aLineTerminator code point, and because of the general rule that a token is always as long as possible, a single-line comment always consists of all code points from the// marker to the end of the line. However, theLineTerminator at the end of the line is not considered to be part of the single-line comment; it is recognized separately by the lexical grammar and becomes part of the stream of input elements for the syntactic grammar. This point is very important, because it implies that the presence or absence of single-line comments does not affect the process of automatic semicolon insertion (see12.10).
Comments behave like white space and are discarded except that, if aMultiLineComment contains a line terminator code point, then the entire comment is considered to be aLineTerminator for purposes of parsing by the syntactic grammar.
IdentifierName andReservedWord are tokens that are interpreted according to the Default Identifier Syntax given in Unicode Standard Annex #31, Identifier and Pattern Syntax, with some small modifications.ReservedWord is an enumerated subset ofIdentifierName. The syntactic grammar definesIdentifier as anIdentifierName that is not aReservedWord. The Unicode identifier grammar is based on character properties specified by the Unicode Standard. The Unicode code points in the specified categories in the latest version of the Unicode Standard must be treated as in those categories by all conforming ECMAScript implementations. ECMAScript implementations may recognize identifier code points defined in later editions of the Unicode Standard.
Note 1
This standard specifies specific code point additions: U+0024 (DOLLAR SIGN) and U+005F (LOW LINE) are permitted anywhere in anIdentifierName, and the code points U+200C (ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER) and U+200D (ZERO WIDTH JOINER) are permitted anywhere after the first code point of anIdentifierName.
The sets of code points with Unicode properties “ID_Start” and “ID_Continue” include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties “Other_ID_Start” and “Other_ID_Continue”.
TwoIdentifierNames that are canonically equivalent according to the Unicode Standard arenot equal unless, after replacement of eachUnicodeEscapeSequence, they are represented by the exact same sequence of code points.
Thesyntax-directed operation IdentifierCodePoints takes no arguments and returns aList of code points. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
1.Return the code point whose numeric value is the MV ofCodePoint.
12.7.2 Keywords and Reserved Words
Akeyword is a token that matchesIdentifierName, but also has a syntactic use; that is, it appears literally, in afixed width font, in some syntactic production. The keywords of ECMAScript includeif,while,async,await, and many others.
Areserved word is anIdentifierName that cannot be used as an identifier. Many keywords are reserved words, but some are not, and some are reserved only in certain contexts.if andwhile are reserved words.await is reserved only inside async functions and modules.async is not reserved; it can be used as a variable name or statement label without restriction.
This specification uses a combination of grammatical productions andearly error rules to specify which names are valid identifiers and which are reserved words. All tokens in theReservedWord list below, except forawait andyield, are unconditionally reserved. Exceptions forawait andyield are specified in13.1, using parameterized syntactic productions. Lastly, severalearly error rules restrict the set of valid identifiers. See13.1.1,,, and15.7.1. In summary, there are five categories of identifier names:
Those that are always allowed as identifiers, and are not keywords, such asMath,window,toString, and_;
Those that are never allowed as identifiers, namely theReservedWords listed below exceptawait andyield;
Those that are contextually allowed as identifiers, namelyawait andyield;
Those that are contextually disallowed as identifiers, instrict mode code:let,static,implements,interface,package,private,protected, andpublic;
Those that are always allowed as identifiers, but also appear as keywords within certain syntactic productions, at places whereIdentifier is not allowed:as,async,from,get,meta,of,set, andtarget.
The termconditional keyword, orcontextual keyword, is sometimes used to refer to the keywords that fall in the last three categories, and thus can be used as identifiers in some contexts and as keywords in others.
Per5.1.5, keywords in the grammar match literal sequences of specificSourceCharacter elements. A code point in a keyword cannot be expressed by a\UnicodeEscapeSequence.
enum is not currently used as a keyword in this specification. It is afuture reserved word, set aside for use as a keyword in future language extensions.
Similarly,implements,interface,package,private,protected, andpublic are future reserved words instrict mode code.
A string literal is 0 or more Unicode code points enclosed in single or double quotes. Unicode code points may also be represented by an escape sequence. All code points may appear literally in a string literal except for the closing quote code points, U+005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS), U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN), and U+000A (LINE FEED). Any code points may appear in the form of an escape sequence. String literals evaluate to ECMAScript String values. When generating these String values Unicode code points are UTF-16 encoded as defined in11.1.1. Code points belonging to the Basic Multilingual Plane are encoded as a single code unit element of the string. All other code points are encoded as two code unit elements of the string.
<LF> and <CR> cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of aLineContinuation to produce the empty code points sequence. The proper way to include either in the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as\n or\u000A.
It is possible for string literals to precede aUse Strict Directive that places the enclosing code instrict mode, and implementations must take care to enforce the above rules for such literals. For example, the following source text contains a Syntax Error:
A string literal stands for a value of theString type. SV produces String values for string literals through recursive application on the various parts of the string literal. As part of this process, some Unicode code points within the string literal are interpreted as having amathematical value, as described below or in12.9.3.
A regular expression literal is an input element that is converted to a RegExp object (see22.2) each time the literal is evaluated. Two regular expression literals in a program evaluate to regular expression objects that never compare as=== to each other even if the two literals' contents are identical. A RegExp object may also be created at runtime bynew RegExp or calling the RegExpconstructor as a function (see22.2.4).
The productions below describe the syntax for a regular expression literal and are used by the input element scanner to find the end of the regular expression literal. The source text comprising theRegularExpressionBody and theRegularExpressionFlags are subsequently parsed again using the more stringent ECMAScript Regular Expression grammar (22.2.1).
An implementation may extend the ECMAScript Regular Expression grammar defined in22.2.1, but it must not extend theRegularExpressionBody andRegularExpressionFlags productions defined below or the productions used by these productions.
Regular expression literals may not be empty; instead of representing an empty regular expression literal, the code unit sequence// starts a single-line comment. To specify an empty regular expression, use:/(?:)/. Static Semantics: BodyText
Thesyntax-directed operation BodyText takes no arguments and returns source text. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation TV takes no arguments and returns a String orundefined. A template literal component is interpreted by TV as a value of theString type. TV is used to construct the indexed components of a template object (colloquially, the template values). In TV, escape sequences are replaced by the UTF-16 code unit(s) of the Unicode code point represented by the escape sequence.
Thesyntax-directed operation TRV takes no arguments and returns a String. A template literal component is interpreted by TRV as a value of theString type. TRV is used to construct the raw components of a template object (colloquially, the template raw values). TRV is similar toTV with the difference being that in TRV, escape sequences are interpreted as they appear in the literal.
Most ECMAScript statements and declarations must be terminated with a semicolon. Such semicolons may always appear explicitly in the source text. For convenience, however, such semicolons may be omitted from the source text in certain situations. These situations are described by saying that semicolons are automatically inserted into the source code token stream in those situations.
12.10.1 Rules of Automatic Semicolon Insertion
In the following rules, “token” means the actual recognized lexical token determined using the current lexicalgoal symbol as described in clause12.
There are three basic rules of semicolon insertion:
When, as the source text is parsed from left to right, a token (called theoffending token) is encountered that is not allowed by any production of the grammar, then a semicolon is automatically inserted before the offending token if one or more of the following conditions is true:
The offending token is separated from the previous token by at least oneLineTerminator.
The offending token is}.
The previous token is) and the inserted semicolon would then be parsed as the terminating semicolon of a do-while statement (14.7.2).
When, as the source text is parsed from left to right, the end of the input stream of tokens is encountered and the parser is unable to parse the input token stream as a single instance of the goal nonterminal, then a semicolon is automatically inserted at the end of the input stream.
When, as the source text is parsed from left to right, a token is encountered that is allowed by some production of the grammar, but the production is arestricted production and the token would be the first token for a terminal or nonterminal immediately following the annotation “[noLineTerminator here]” within the restricted production (and therefore such a token is called a restricted token), and the restricted token is separated from the previous token by at least oneLineTerminator, then a semicolon is automatically inserted before the restricted token.
However, there is an additional overriding condition on the preceding rules: a semicolon is never inserted automatically if the semicolon would then be parsed as an empty statement or if that semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of afor statement (see14.7.4).
The following are the only restricted productions in the grammar:
The practical effect of these restricted productions is as follows:
When a++ or-- token is encountered where the parser would treat it as a postfix operator, and at least oneLineTerminator occurred between the preceding token and the++ or-- token, then a semicolon is automatically inserted before the++ or-- token.
When acontinue,break,return,throw, oryield token is encountered and aLineTerminator is encountered before the next token, a semicolon is automatically inserted after thecontinue,break,return,throw, oryield token.
When arrow function parameter(s) are followed by aLineTerminator before a=> token, a semicolon is automatically inserted and the punctuator causes a syntax error.
When anasync token is followed by aLineTerminator before afunction orIdentifierName or( token, a semicolon is automatically inserted and theasync token is not treated as part of the same expression or class element as the following tokens.
When anasync token is followed by aLineTerminator before a* token, a semicolon is automatically inserted and the punctuator causes a syntax error.
The resulting practical advice to ECMAScript programmers is:
A postfix++ or-- operator should be on the same line as its operand.
AnExpression in areturn orthrow statement or anAssignmentExpression in ayield expression should start on the same line as thereturn,throw, oryield token.
ALabelIdentifier in abreak orcontinue statement should be on the same line as thebreak orcontinue token.
The end of an arrow function's parameter(s) and its=> should be on the same line.
Theasync token preceding an asynchronous function or method should be on the same line as the immediately following token.
12.10.2 Examples of Automatic Semicolon Insertion
This section is non-normative.
The source
{12 }3
is not a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar, even with the automatic semicolon insertion rules. In contrast, the source
{12 }3
is also not a valid ECMAScript sentence, but is transformed by automatic semicolon insertion into the following:
{1;2 ;}3;
which is a valid ECMAScript sentence.
The source
for (a; b)
is not a valid ECMAScript sentence and is not altered by automatic semicolon insertion because the semicolon is needed for the header of afor statement. Automatic semicolon insertion never inserts one of the two semicolons in the header of afor statement.
The source
returna + b
is transformed by automatic semicolon insertion into the following:
return;a + b;
Note 1
The expressiona + b is not treated as a value to be returned by thereturn statement, because aLineTerminator separates it from the tokenreturn.
The source
a = b++c
is transformed by automatic semicolon insertion into the following:
a = b;++c;
Note 2
The token++ is not treated as a postfix operator applying to the variableb, because aLineTerminator occurs betweenb and++.
The source
if (a > b)else c = d
is not a valid ECMAScript sentence and is not altered by automatic semicolon insertion before theelse token, even though no production of the grammar applies at that point, because an automatically inserted semicolon would then be parsed as an empty statement.
The source
a = b + c(d + e).print()
isnot transformed by automatic semicolon insertion, because the parenthesized expression that begins the second line can be interpreted as an argument list for a function call:
a = b +c(d + e).print()
In the circumstance that an assignment statement must begin with a left parenthesis, it is a good idea for the programmer to provide an explicit semicolon at the end of the preceding statement rather than to rely on automatic semicolon insertion.
12.10.3 Interesting Cases of Automatic Semicolon Insertion
This section is non-normative.
ECMAScript programs can be written in a style with very few semicolons by relying on automatic semicolon insertion. As described above, semicolons are not inserted at every newline, and automatic semicolon insertion can depend on multiple tokens across line terminators.
As new syntactic features are added to ECMAScript, additional grammar productions could be added that cause lines relying on automatic semicolon insertion preceding them to change grammar productions when parsed.
For the purposes of this section, a case of automatic semicolon insertion is considered interesting if it is a place where a semicolon may or may not be inserted, depending on the source text which precedes it. The rest of this section describes a number of interesting cases of automatic semicolon insertion in this version of ECMAScript. Interesting Cases of Automatic Semicolon Insertion in Statement Lists
In aStatementList, manyStatementListItems end in semicolons, which may be omitted using automatic semicolon insertion. As a consequence of the rules above, at the end of a line ending an expression, a semicolon is required if the following line begins with any of the following:
An opening parenthesis ((). Without a semicolon, the two lines together are treated as aCallExpression.
An opening square bracket ([). Without a semicolon, the two lines together are treated as property access, rather than anArrayLiteral orArrayAssignmentPattern.
A template literal (`). Without a semicolon, the two lines together are interpreted as a tagged Template (13.3.11), with the previous expression as theMemberExpression.
Unary+ or-. Without a semicolon, the two lines together are interpreted as a usage of the corresponding binary operator.
A RegExp literal. Without a semicolon, the two lines together may be parsed instead as the/MultiplicativeOperator, for example if the RegExp has flags. Cases of Automatic Semicolon Insertion and “[noLineTerminator here]”
This section is non-normative.
ECMAScript contains grammar productions which include “[noLineTerminator here]”. These productions are sometimes a means to have optional operands in the grammar. Introducing aLineTerminator in these locations would change the grammar production of a source text by using the grammar production without the optional operand.
The rest of this section describes a number of productions using “[noLineTerminator here]” in this version of ECMAScript. List of Grammar Productions with Optional Operands and “[noLineTerminator here]”
yield andawait are permitted asBindingIdentifier in the grammar, and prohibited withstatic semantics below, to prohibit automatic semicolon insertion in cases such as
It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained instrict mode code and theStringValue ofIdentifierName is one of"implements","interface","let","package","private","protected","public","static", or"yield".
AnArrayLiteral is an expression describing the initialization of an Array, using a list, of zero or more expressions each of which represents an array element, enclosed in square brackets. The elements need not be literals; they are evaluated each time the array initializer is evaluated.
Array elements may be elided at the beginning, middle or end of the element list. Whenever a comma in the element list is not preceded by anAssignmentExpression (i.e., a comma at the beginning or after another comma), the missing array element contributes to the length of the Array and increases the index of subsequent elements. Elided array elements are not defined. If an element is elided at the end of an array, that element does not contribute to the length of the Array.
CreateDataPropertyOrThrow is used to ensure that own properties are defined for the array even if the standard built-inArray prototype object has been modified in a manner that would preclude the creation of new own properties using[[Set]].
An object initializer is an expression describing the initialization of an Object, written in a form resembling a literal. It is a list of zero or more pairs ofproperty keys and associated values, enclosed in curly brackets. The values need not be literals; they are evaluated each time the object initializer is evaluated.
In certain contexts,ObjectLiteral is used as a cover grammar for a more restricted secondary grammar. TheCoverInitializedName production is necessary to fully cover these secondary grammars. However, use of this production results in an early Syntax Error in normal contexts where an actualObjectLiteral is expected.
The abstract operation IsValidRegularExpressionLiteral takes argumentliteral (aRegularExpressionLiteralParse Node) and returns a Boolean. It determines if its argument is a valid regular expression literal. It performs the following steps when called:
b.SetpatternText to the sequence of code points resulting from interpreting each of the 16-bit elements ofstringValue as a Unicode BMP code point. UTF-16 decoding is not applied to the elements.
Thesyntax-directed operation TemplateStrings takes argumentraw (a Boolean) and returns aList of either Strings orundefined. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
This operation returnsundefined ifraw isfalse andtemplateToken contains aNotEscapeSequence. In all other cases, it returns a String. GetTemplateObject (templateLiteral )
The abstract operation GetTemplateObject takes argumenttemplateLiteral (aParse Node) and returns an Array. It performs the following steps when called:
The creation of a template object cannot result in anabrupt completion.
Note 2
EachTemplateLiteral in the program code of arealm is associated with a unique template object that is used in the evaluation of tagged Templates ( The template objects are frozen and the same template object is used each time a specific tagged Template is evaluated. Whether template objects are created lazily upon first evaluation of theTemplateLiteral or eagerly prior to first evaluation is an implementation choice that is not observable to ECMAScript code.
Note 3
Future editions of this specification may define additional non-enumerable properties of template objects.
This algorithm does not applyGetValue toEvaluation ofExpression. The principal motivation for this is so that operators such asdelete andtypeof may be applied to parenthesized expressions.
The abstract operation EvaluatePropertyAccessWithIdentifierKey takes argumentsbaseValue (anECMAScript language value),identifierName (anIdentifierNameParse Node), andstrict (a Boolean) and returns aReference Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ContinueDynamicImport takes argumentspromiseCapability (aPromiseCapability Record) andmoduleCompletion (either anormal completion containing aModule Record or athrow completion) and returnsunused. It completes the process of a dynamic import originally started by animport() call, resolving or rejecting the promise returned by that call as appropriate. It performs the following steps when called:
6.LetlinkAndEvaluateClosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesmodule,promiseCapability, andonRejected and performs the following steps when called:
d.LetfulfilledClosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesmodule andpromiseCapability and performs the following steps when called:
A tagged template is a function call where the arguments of the call are derived from aTemplateLiteral (13.2.8). The actual arguments include a template object ( and the values produced by evaluating the expressions embedded within theTemplateLiteral.
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostFinalizeImportMeta takes argumentsimportMeta (an Object) andmoduleRecord (aModule Record) and returnsunused. It allowshosts to perform any extraordinary operations to prepare the object returned fromimport.meta.
Mosthosts will be able to simply defineHostGetImportMetaProperties, and leave HostFinalizeImportMeta with its default behaviour. However, HostFinalizeImportMeta provides an "escape hatch" forhosts which need to directly manipulate the object before it is exposed to ECMAScript code.
The default implementation of HostFinalizeImportMeta is to returnunused.
When adelete operator occurs withinstrict mode code, aSyntaxError exception is thrown if itsUnaryExpression is a direct reference to a variable, function argument, or function name. In addition, if adelete operator occurs withinstrict mode code and the property to be deleted has the attribute {[[Configurable]]:false } (or otherwise cannot be deleted), aTypeError exception is thrown.
Note 2
The object that may be created in step4.c is not accessible outside of the above abstract operation and theordinary object[[Delete]] internal method. An implementation might choose to avoid the actual creation of that object.
The result of evaluating a relational operator is always of type Boolean, reflecting whether the relationship named by the operator holds between its two operands.
The abstract operation InstanceofOperator takes argumentsV (anECMAScript language value) andtarget (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containing a Boolean or athrow completion. It implements the generic algorithm for determining ifV is an instance oftarget either by consultingtarget's@@hasInstance method or, if absent, determining whether the value oftarget's"prototype" property is present inV's prototype chain. It performs the following steps when called:
Steps4 and5 provide compatibility with previous editions of ECMAScript that did not use a@@hasInstance method to define theinstanceof operator semantics. If an object does not define or inherit@@hasInstance it uses the defaultinstanceof semantics.
13.11 Equality Operators
The result of evaluating an equality operator is always of type Boolean, reflecting whether the relationship named by the operator holds between its two operands.
String comparison can be forced by:`${a}` == `${b}`.
Numeric comparison can be forced by:+a == +b.
Boolean comparison can be forced by:!a == !b.
Note 2
The equality operators maintain the following invariants:
A != B is equivalent to!(A == B).
A == B is equivalent toB == A, except in the order of evaluation ofA andB.
Note 3
The equality operator is not always transitive. For example, there might be two distinct String objects, each representing the same String value; each String object would be considered equal to the String value by the== operator, but the two String objects would not be equal to each other. For example:
new String("a") == "a" and"a" == new String("a") are bothtrue.
new String("a") == new String("a") isfalse.
Note 4
Comparison of Strings uses a simple equality test on sequences of code unit values. There is no attempt to use the more complex, semantically oriented definitions of character or string equality and collating order defined in the Unicode specification. Therefore Strings values that are canonically equal according to the Unicode Standard could test as unequal. In effect this algorithm assumes that both Strings are already in normalized form.
The value produced by a&& or|| operator is not necessarily of type Boolean. The value produced will always be the value of one of the two operand expressions.
The grammar for aConditionalExpression in ECMAScript is slightly different from that in C and Java, which each allow the second subexpression to be anExpression but restrict the third expression to be aConditionalExpression. The motivation for this difference in ECMAScript is to allow an assignment expression to be governed by either arm of a conditional and to eliminate the confusing and fairly useless case of a comma expression as the centre expression.
When this expression occurs withinstrict mode code, it is a runtime error iflref in step1.d,2,2,2,2 is an unresolvable reference. If it is, aReferenceError exception is thrown. Additionally, it is a runtime error if thelref in step8,7,7,6 is a reference to adata property with the attribute value {[[Writable]]:false }, to anaccessor property with the attribute value {[[Set]]:undefined }, or to a non-existent property of an object for which theIsExtensible predicate returns the valuefalse. In these cases aTypeError exception is thrown.
No hint is provided in the calls toToPrimitive in steps1.a and1.b. All standard objects except Dates handle the absence of a hint as ifnumber were given; Dates handle the absence of a hint as ifstring were given.Exotic objects may handle the absence of a hint in some other manner.
Note 2
Step1.c differs from step3 of theIsLessThan algorithm, by using the logical-or operation instead of the logical-and operation.
The abstract operation EvaluateStringOrNumericBinaryExpression takes argumentsleftOperand (aParse Node),opText (a sequence of Unicode code points), andrightOperand (aParse Node) and returns either anormal completion containing either a String, a BigInt, or a Number, or anabrupt completion. It performs the following steps when called:
Left to right evaluation order is maintained by evaluating aDestructuringAssignmentTarget that is not a destructuring pattern prior to accessing the iterator or evaluating theInitializer.
The value of aStatementList is the value of the last value-producing item in theStatementList. For example, the following calls to theeval function all return the value 1:
eval("1;;;;;")eval("1;{}")eval("1;var a;")
14.2.3 BlockDeclarationInstantiation (code,env )
The abstract operation BlockDeclarationInstantiation takes argumentscode (aParse Node) andenv (aDeclarative Environment Record) and returnsunused.code is theParse Node corresponding to the body of the block.env is theEnvironment Record in which bindings are to be created.
Whenundefined is passed forenvironment it indicates that aPutValue operation should be used to assign the initialization value. This is the case for formal parameter lists ofnon-strict functions. In that case the formal parameter bindings are preinitialized in order to deal with the possibility of multiple parameters with the same name.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
The lookahead-restriction [lookahead ≠else] resolves the classic "dangling else" problem in the usual way. That is, when the choice of associatedif is otherwise ambiguous, theelse is associated with the nearest (innermost) of the candidateifs
The abstract operation LoopContinues takes argumentscompletion (aCompletion Record) andlabelSet (aList of Strings) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CreatePerIterationEnvironment takes argumentperIterationBindings (aList of Strings) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
undefined is passed forenvironment to indicate that aPutValue operation should be used to assign the initialization value. This is the case forvar statements and the formal parameter lists of somenon-strict functions (see10.2.11). In those cases a lexical binding is hoisted and preinitialized prior to evaluation of its initializer.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
The abstract operation EnumerateObjectProperties takes argumentO (an Object) and returns an Iterator. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return an Iterator object ( whosenext method iterates over all the String-valued keys of enumerable properties ofO. The iterator object is never directly accessible to ECMAScript code. The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified but must conform to the rules specified below.
The iterator'sthrow andreturn methods arenull and are never invoked. The iterator'snext method processes object properties to determine whether theproperty key should be returned as an iterator value. Returnedproperty keys do not include keys that are Symbols. Properties of the target object may be deleted during enumeration. A property that is deleted before it is processed by the iterator'snext method is ignored. If new properties are added to the target object during enumeration, the newly added properties are not guaranteed to be processed in the active enumeration. Aproperty name will be returned by the iterator'snext method at most once in any enumeration.
Enumerating the properties of the target object includes enumerating properties of its prototype, and the prototype of the prototype, and so on, recursively; but a property of a prototype is not processed if it has the same name as a property that has already been processed by the iterator'snext method. The values of[[Enumerable]] attributes are not considered when determining if a property of a prototype object has already been processed. The enumerable property names of prototype objects must be obtained by invoking EnumerateObjectProperties passing the prototype object as the argument. EnumerateObjectProperties must obtain the ownproperty keys of the target object by calling its[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method. Property attributes of the target object must be obtained by calling its[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method.
the value of the[[Prototype]] internal slot ofO or an object in its prototype chain changes,
a property is removed fromO or an object in its prototype chain,
a property is added to an object inO's prototype chain, or
the value of the[[Enumerable]] attribute of a property ofO or an object in its prototype chain changes.
Note 1
ECMAScript implementations are not required to implement the algorithm in14. directly. They may choose any implementation whose behaviour will not deviate from that algorithm unless one of the constraints in the previous paragraph is violated.
The following is an informative definition of an ECMAScript generator function that conforms to these rules:
The list ofexotic objects for which implementations are not required to matchCreateForInIterator was chosen because implementations historically differed in behaviour for those cases, and agreed in all others. For-In Iterator Objects
A For-In Iterator is an object that represents a specific iteration over some specific object. For-In Iterator objects are never directly accessible to ECMAScript code; they exist solely to illustrate the behaviour ofEnumerateObjectProperties. CreateForInIterator (object )
The abstract operation CreateForInIterator takes argumentobject (an Object) and returns a For-In Iterator. It is used to create a For-In Iterator object which iterates over the own and inherited enumerable string properties ofobject in a specific order. It performs the following steps when called: Properties of For-In Iterator Instances
For-In Iterator instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the%ForInIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object. For-In Iterator instances are initially created with the internal slots listed inTable 39.
Table 39: Internal Slots of For-In Iterator Instances
Internal Slot
an Object
The Object value whose properties are being iterated.
a Boolean
true if the iterator has invoked[[OwnPropertyKeys]] on[[Object]],false otherwise.
It is a Syntax Error if thisContinueStatement is not nested, directly or indirectly (but not crossing function orstatic initialization block boundaries), within anIterationStatement.
It is a Syntax Error if thisBreakStatement is not nested, directly or indirectly (but not crossing function orstatic initialization block boundaries), within anIterationStatement or aSwitchStatement.
Areturn statement causes a function to cease execution and, in most cases, returns a value to the caller. IfExpression is omitted, the return value isundefined. Otherwise, the return value is the value ofExpression. Areturn statement may not actually return a value to the caller depending on surrounding context. For example, in atry block, areturn statement'sCompletion Record may be replaced with anotherCompletion Record during evaluation of thefinally block.
Thewith statement adds anObject Environment Record for a computed object to the lexical environment of therunning execution context. It then executes a statement using this augmented lexical environment. Finally, it restores the original lexical environment.
No matter how control leaves the embeddedStatement, whether normally or by some form ofabrupt completion or exception, the LexicalEnvironment is always restored to its former state.
This operation does not executeC'sStatementList (if any). TheCaseBlock algorithm uses its return value to determine whichStatementList to start executing.
AStatement may be prefixed by a label. Labelled statements are only used in conjunction with labelledbreak andcontinue statements. ECMAScript has nogoto statement. AStatement can be part of aLabelledStatement, which itself can be part of aLabelledStatement, and so on. The labels introduced this way are collectively referred to as the “current label set” when describing the semantics of individual statements.
The abstract operation IsLabelledFunction takes argumentstmt (aStatementParse Node) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
Thetry statement encloses a block of code in which an exceptional condition can occur, such as a runtime error or athrow statement. Thecatch clause provides the exception-handling code. When a catch clause catches an exception, itsCatchParameter is bound to that exception.
Evaluating aDebuggerStatement may allow an implementation to cause a breakpoint when run under a debugger. If a debugger is not present or active this statement has no observable effect.
Various ECMAScript language elements cause the creation of ECMAScriptfunction objects (10.2).Evaluation of such functions starts with the execution of their[[Call]] internal method (10.2.1).
The ExpectedArgumentCount of aFormalParameterList is the number ofFormalParameters to the left of either the rest parameter or the firstFormalParameter with an Initializer. AFormalParameter without an initializer is allowed after the first parameter with an initializer but such parameters are considered to be optional withundefined as their default value.
Thesyntax-directed operation FunctionBodyContainsUseStrict takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
A"prototype" property is automatically created for every function defined using aFunctionDeclaration orFunctionExpression, to allow for the possibility that the function will be used as aconstructor.
Thesyntax-directed operation ConciseBodyContainsUseStrict takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
AnArrowFunction does not define local bindings forarguments,super,this, Any reference toarguments,super,this, within anArrowFunction must resolve to a binding in a lexically enclosing environment. Typically this will be the Function Environment of an immediately enclosing function. Even though anArrowFunction may contain references tosuper, thefunction object created in step5 is not made into a method by performingMakeMethod. AnArrowFunction that referencessuper is always contained within a non-ArrowFunction and the necessary state to implementsuper is accessible via theenv that is captured by thefunction object of theArrowFunction.
YieldExpression cannot be used within theFormalParameters of a generator function because any expressions that are part ofFormalParameters are evaluated before the resulting Generator is in a resumable state.
1.LetinnerResult be ? Call(throw,iterator, «received.[[Value]] »).
2.IfgeneratorKind isasync, setinnerResult to ? Await(innerResult).
3.NOTE: Exceptions from the inner iteratorthrow method are propagated.Normal completions from an innerthrow method are processed similarly to an innernext.
1.NOTE: Ifiterator does not have athrow method, this throw is going to terminate theyield* loop. But first we need to giveiterator a chance to clean up.
2.LetcloseCompletion beCompletion Record {[[Type]]:normal,[[Value]]:empty,[[Target]]:empty }.
It is a Syntax Error ifPrivateBoundIdentifiers ofClassElementList contains any duplicate entries, unless the name is used once for a getter and once for a setter and in no other entries, and the getter and setter are either both static or both non-static.
Thesyntax-directed operation ClassElementKind takes no arguments and returnsconstructor-method,non-constructor-method, orempty. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation AllPrivateIdentifiersValid takes argumentnames (aList of Strings) and returns a Boolean.
Every grammar production alternative in this specification which is not listed below implicitly has the following default definition of AllPrivateIdentifiersValid:
Thesyntax-directed operation PrivateBoundIdentifiers takes no arguments and returns aList of Strings. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Every grammar production alternative in this specification which is not listed below implicitly has the following default definition of ContainsArguments:
For ease of specification, private methods and accessors are included alongside private fields in the[[PrivateElements]] slot of class instances. However, any given object has either all or none of the private methods and accessors defined by a given class. This feature has been designed so that implementations may choose to implement private methods and accessors using a strategy which does not require tracking each method or accessor individually.
For example, an implementation could directly associate instance private methods with their correspondingPrivate Name and track, for each object, which classconstructors have run with that object as theirthis value. Looking up an instance private method on an object then consists of checking that the classconstructor which defines the method has been used to initialize the object, then returning the method associated with thePrivate Name.
This differs from private fields: because field initializers can throw during class instantiation, an individual object may have some proper subset of the private fields of a given class, and so private fields must in general be tracked individually.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
1.NOTE: This branch behaves similarly toconstructor(...args) { super(...args); }. The most notable distinction is that while the aforementionedECMAScript source text observably calls the@@iterator method on%Array.prototype%, this function does not.
await is parsed as akeyword of anAwaitExpression when the[Await] parameter is present. The[Await] parameter is present in the top level of the following contexts, although the parameter may be absent in some contexts depending on the nonterminals, such asFunctionBody:
Thesyntax-directed operation AsyncConciseBodyContainsUseStrict takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Tail Position calls are only defined instrict mode code because of a common non-standard language extension (see10.2.4) that enables observation of the chain of caller contexts.
call is aParse Node that represents a specific range of source text. When the following algorithms comparecall to anotherParse Node, it is a test of whether they represent the same source text.
Note 2
A potential tail position call that is immediately followed by returnGetValue of the call result is also a possible tail position call. A function call cannot return aReference Record, so such aGetValue operation will always return the same value as the actual function call result.
It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
The abstract operation PrepareForTailCall takes no arguments and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: The currentexecution context will not subsequently be used for the evaluation of any ECMAScript code or built-in functions. The invocation of Call subsequent to the invocation of this abstract operation will create and push a newexecution context before performing any such evaluation.
2.Discard all resources associated with the currentexecution context.
A tail position call must either release any transient internal resources associated with the currently executing functionexecution context before invoking the target function or reuse those resources in support of the target function.
For example, a tail position call should only grow an implementation's activation record stack by the amount that the size of the target function's activation record exceeds the size of the calling function's activation record. If the target function's activation record is smaller, then the total size of the stack should decrease.
A map from the specifier strings imported by this script to the resolvedModule Record. The list does not contain two differentRecords with the same[[Specifier]].
anything (default value isempty)
Field reserved for use byhost environments that need to associate additional information with a script.
The abstract operation ParseScript takes argumentssourceText (ECMAScript source text),realm (aRealm Record orundefined), andhostDefined (anything) and returns aScript Record or a non-emptyList ofSyntaxError objects. It creates aScript Record based upon the result of parsingsourceText as aScript. It performs the following steps when called:
3.ReturnScript Record {[[Realm]]:realm,[[ECMAScriptCode]]:script,[[LoadedModules]]: « »,[[HostDefined]]:hostDefined }.
An implementation may parse script source text and analyse it for Early Error conditions prior to evaluation of ParseScript for that script source text. However, the reporting of any errors must be deferred until the point where this specification actually performs ParseScript upon that source text.
When anexecution context is established for evaluating scripts, declarations are instantiated in the current global environment. Each global binding declared in the code is instantiated.
11.NOTE: No abnormal terminations occur after this algorithm step if theglobal object is anordinary object. However, if theglobal object is aProxy exotic object it may exhibit behaviours that cause abnormal terminations in some of the following steps.
12.NOTE: AnnexB.3.2.2 adds additional steps at this point.
Early errors specified in16.1.1 prevent name conflicts between function/var declarations and let/const/class declarations as well as redeclaration of let/const/class bindings for declaration contained within a singleScript. However, such conflicts and redeclarations that span more than oneScript are detected as runtime errors during GlobalDeclarationInstantiation. If any such errors are detected, no bindings are instantiated for the script. However, if theglobal object is defined usingProxy exotic objects then the runtime tests for conflicting declarations may be unreliable resulting in anabrupt completion and some global declarations not being instantiated. If this occurs, the code for theScript is not evaluated.
Unlike explicit var or function declarations, properties that are directly created on theglobal object result in global bindings that may be shadowed by let/const/class declarations.
The duplicateExportedNames rule implies that multipleexport defaultExportDeclaration items within aModuleBody is a Syntax Error. Additional error conditions relating to conflicting or duplicate declarations are checked during module linking prior to evaluation of aModule. If any such errors are detected theModule is not evaluated.
The abstract operation ImportedLocalNames takes argumentimportEntries (aList ofImportEntry Records) and returns aList of Strings. It creates aList of all of the local name bindings defined byimportEntries. It performs the following steps when called:
AModule Record encapsulates structural information about the imports and exports of a single module. This information is used to link the imports and exports of sets of connected modules. A Module Record includes four fields that are only used when evaluating a module.
For specification purposes Module Record values are values of theRecord specification type and can be thought of as existing in a simple object-oriented hierarchy where Module Record is an abstract class with both abstract and concrete subclasses. This specification defines the abstract subclass namedCyclic Module Record and its concrete subclass namedSource Text Module Record. Other specifications and implementations may define additional Module Record subclasses corresponding to alternative module definition facilities that they defined.
Module Record defines the fields listed inTable 41. All Module Definition subclasses include at least those fields. Module Record also defines the abstract method list inTable 42. All Module definition subclasses must provide concrete implementations of these abstract methods.
Prepares the module for linking by recursively loading all its dependencies, and returns a promise.
Return a list of all names that are either directly or indirectly exported from this module.
LoadRequestedModules must have completed successfully prior to invoking this method.
ResolveExport(exportName [,resolveSet])
Return the binding of a name exported by this module. Bindings are represented by aResolvedBinding Record, of the form {[[Module]]:Module Record,[[BindingName]]: String |namespace }. If the export is a Module Namespace Object without a direct binding in any module,[[BindingName]] will be set tonamespace. Returnnull if the name cannot be resolved, orambiguous if multiple bindings were found.
Each time this operation is called with a specificexportName,resolveSet pair as arguments it must return the same result.
LoadRequestedModules must have completed successfully prior to invoking this method.
Prepare the module for evaluation by transitively resolving all module dependencies and creating aModule Environment Record.
LoadRequestedModules must have completed successfully prior to invoking this method.
Returns a promise for the evaluation of this module and its dependencies, resolving on successful evaluation or if it has already been evaluated successfully, and rejecting for an evaluation error or if it has already been evaluated unsuccessfully. If the promise is rejected,hosts are expected to handle the promise rejection and rethrow the evaluation error.
Link must have completed successfully prior to invoking this method. Cyclic Module Records
ACyclic Module Record is used to represent information about a module that can participate in dependency cycles with other modules that are subclasses of theCyclic Module Record type.Module Records that are not subclasses of theCyclic Module Record type must not participate in dependency cycles withSource Text Module Records.
Initiallynew. Transitions tounlinked,linking,linked,evaluating, possiblyevaluating-async,evaluated (in that order) as the module progresses throughout its lifecycle.evaluating-async indicates this module is queued to execute on completion of its asynchronous dependencies or it is a module whose[[HasTLA]] field istrue that has been executed and is pending top-level completion.
Auxiliary field used during Link and Evaluate only. If[[Status]] is eitherlinking orevaluating, this non-negative number records the point at which the module was first visited during the depth-first traversal of the dependency graph.
Auxiliary field used during Link and Evaluate only. If[[Status]] is eitherlinking orevaluating, this is either the module's own[[DFSIndex]] or that of an "earlier" module in the same strongly connected component.
AList of all theModuleSpecifier strings used by the module represented by this record to request the importation of a module. TheList is in source text occurrence order.
A map from the specifier strings used by the module represented by this record to request the importation of a module to the resolvedModule Record. The list does not contain two differentRecords with the same[[Specifier]].
The first visited module of the cycle, the root DFS ancestor of the strongly connected component. For a module not in a cycle, this would be the module itself. Once Evaluate has completed, a module's[[DFSAncestorIndex]] is the[[DFSIndex]] of its[[CycleRoot]].
a Boolean
Whether this module is individually asynchronous (for example, if it's aSource Text Module Record containing a top-level await). Having an asynchronous dependency does not mean this field istrue. This field must not change after the module is parsed.
a Boolean
Whether this module is either itself asynchronous or has an asynchronous dependency. Note: The order in which this field is set is used to order queued executions, see16.
If this module is the[[CycleRoot]] of some cycle, and Evaluate() was called on some module in that cycle, this field contains thePromiseCapability Record for that entire evaluation. It is used to settle the Promise object that is returned from the Evaluate() abstract method. This field will beempty for any dependencies of that module, unless a top-level Evaluate() has been initiated for some of those dependencies.
If this module or a dependency has[[HasTLA]]true, and execution is in progress, this tracks the parent importers of this module for the top-level execution job. These parent modules will not start executing before this module has successfully completed execution.
If this module has any asynchronous dependencies, this tracks the number of asynchronous dependency modules remaining to execute for this module. A module with asynchronous dependencies will be executed when this field reaches 0 and there are no execution errors.
Evaluate the module's code within itsexecution context. If this module hastrue in[[HasTLA]], then aPromiseCapability Record is passed as an argument, and the method is expected to resolve or reject the given capability. In this case, the method must not throw an exception, but instead reject thePromiseCapability Record if necessary.
AGraphLoadingState Record is aRecord that contains information about the loading process of a module graph. It's used to continue loading after a call toHostLoadImportedModule. EachGraphLoadingState Record has the fields defined inTable 45:
It is a list of theCyclic Module Records that have been already loaded by the current loading process, to avoid infinite loops with circular dependencies.
The LoadRequestedModules concrete method of aCyclic Module Recordmodule takes optional argumenthostDefined (anything) and returns a Promise. It populates the[[LoadedModules]] of all theModule Records in the dependency graph ofmodule (most of the work is done by the auxiliary functionInnerModuleLoading). It takes an optionalhostDefined parameter that is passed to theHostLoadImportedModule hook. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfhostDefined is not present, lethostDefined beempty.
3.Letstate be theGraphLoadingState Record {[[IsLoading]]:true,[[PendingModulesCount]]: 1,[[Visited]]: « »,[[PromiseCapability]]:pc,[[HostDefined]]:hostDefined }.
ThehostDefined parameter can be used to pass additional information necessary to fetch the imported modules. It is used, for example, by HTML to set the correct fetch destination for<link rel="preload" as="..."> tags.import() expressions never set thehostDefined parameter. InnerModuleLoading (state,module )
The abstract operation InnerModuleLoading takes argumentsstate (aGraphLoadingState Record) andmodule (aModule Record) and returnsunused. It is used by LoadRequestedModules to recursively perform the actual loading process formodule's dependency graph. It performs the following steps when called:
The Link concrete method of aCyclic Module Recordmodule takes no arguments and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. On success, Link transitions this module's[[Status]] fromunlinked tolinked. On failure, an exception is thrown and this module's[[Status]] remainsunlinked. (Most of the work is done by the auxiliary functionInnerModuleLinking.) It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:module.[[Status]] is one ofunlinked,linked,evaluating-async, orevaluated.
The abstract operation InnerModuleLinking takes argumentsmodule (aModule Record),stack (aList ofCyclic Module Records), andindex (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing a non-negativeinteger or athrow completion. It is used by Link to perform the actual linking process formodule, as well as recursively on all other modules in the dependency graph. Thestack andindex parameters, as well as a module's[[DFSIndex]] and[[DFSAncestorIndex]] fields, keep track of the depth-first search (DFS) traversal. In particular,[[DFSAncestorIndex]] is used to discover strongly connected components (SCCs), such that all modules in an SCC transition tolinked together. It performs the following steps when called:
v.IfrequiredModule andmodule are the sameModule Record, setdone totrue.
14.Returnindex. Evaluate ( )
The Evaluate concrete method of aCyclic Module Recordmodule takes no arguments and returns a Promise. Evaluate transitions this module's[[Status]] fromlinked to eitherevaluating-async orevaluated. The first time it is called on a module in a given strongly connected component, Evaluate creates and returns a Promise which resolves when the module has finished evaluating. This Promise is stored in the[[TopLevelCapability]] field of the[[CycleRoot]] for the component. Future invocations of Evaluate on any module in the component return the same Promise. (Most of the work is done by the auxiliary functionInnerModuleEvaluation.) It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: This call to Evaluate is not happening at the same time as another call to Evaluate within thesurrounding agent.
2.Assert:module.[[Status]] is one oflinked,evaluating-async, orevaluated.
3.Ifmodule.[[Status]] is eitherevaluating-async orevaluated, setmodule tomodule.[[CycleRoot]].
4.Ifmodule.[[TopLevelCapability]] is notempty, then
The abstract operation InnerModuleEvaluation takes argumentsmodule (aModule Record),stack (aList ofCyclic Module Records), andindex (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing a non-negativeinteger or athrow completion. It is used by Evaluate to perform the actual evaluation process formodule, as well as recursively on all other modules in the dependency graph. Thestack andindex parameters, as well asmodule's[[DFSIndex]] and[[DFSAncestorIndex]] fields, are used the same way as inInnerModuleLinking. It performs the following steps when called:
vi.IfrequiredModule andmodule are the sameModule Record, setdone totrue.
vii.SetrequiredModule.[[CycleRoot]] tomodule.
Note 1
A module isevaluating while it is being traversed by InnerModuleEvaluation. A module isevaluated on execution completion orevaluating-async during execution if its[[HasTLA]] field istrue or if it has asynchronous dependencies.
Note 2
Any modules depending on a module of an asynchronous cycle when that cycle is notevaluating will instead depend on the execution of the root of the cycle via[[CycleRoot]]. This ensures that the cycle state can be treated as a single strongly connected component through its root module state. ExecuteAsyncModule (module )
The abstract operation ExecuteAsyncModule takes argumentmodule (aCyclic Module Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:module.[[Status]] is eitherevaluating orevaluating-async.
The abstract operation GatherAvailableAncestors takes argumentsmodule (aCyclic Module Record) andexecList (aList ofCyclic Module Records) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
When an asynchronous execution for a rootmodule is fulfilled, this function determines the list of modules which are able to synchronously execute together on this completion, populating them inexecList.
The abstract operation AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled takes argumentmodule (aCyclic Module Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
10.LetsortedExecList be aList whose elements are the elements ofexecList, in the order in which they had their[[AsyncEvaluation]] fields set totrue inInnerModuleEvaluation.
11.Assert: All elements ofsortedExecList have their[[AsyncEvaluation]] field set totrue,[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] field set to 0, and[[EvaluationError]] field set toempty.
The abstract operation AsyncModuleExecutionRejected takes argumentsmodule (aCyclic Module Record) anderror (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
This non-normative section gives a series of examples of the linking and evaluation of a few common module graphs, with a specific focus on how errors can occur.
First consider the following simple module graph:
Figure 2: A simple module graph
Let's first assume that there are no error conditions. When ahost first callsA.LoadRequestedModules(), this will complete successfully by assumption, and recursively load the dependencies ofB andC as well (respectively,C and none), and then setA.[[Status]] =B.[[Status]] =C.[[Status]] =unlinked. Then, when thehost callsA.Link(), it will complete successfully (again by assumption) such thatA.[[Status]] =B.[[Status]] =C.[[Status]] = linked. These preparatory steps can be performed at any time. Later, when thehost is ready to incur any possible side effects of the modules, it can callA.Evaluate(), which will complete successfully, returning a Promise resolving toundefined (again by assumption), recursively having evaluated firstC and thenB. Each module's[[Status]] at this point will beevaluated.
Consider then cases involving linking errors, after a successful call toA.LoadRequestedModules(). IfInnerModuleLinking ofC succeeds but, thereafter, fails forB, for example because it imports something thatC does not provide, then the originalA.Link() will fail, and bothA andB's[[Status]] remainunlinked.C's[[Status]] has becomelinked, though.
Finally, consider a case involving evaluation errors after a successful call to Link(). IfInnerModuleEvaluation ofC succeeds but, thereafter, fails forB, for example becauseB contains code that throws an exception, then the originalA.Evaluate() will fail, returning a rejected Promise. The resulting exception will be recorded in bothA andB's[[EvaluationError]] fields, and their[[Status]] will becomeevaluated.C will also becomeevaluated but, in contrast toA andB, will remain without an[[EvaluationError]], as it successfully completed evaluation. Storing the exception ensures that any time ahost tries to reuseA orB by calling their Evaluate() method, it will encounter the same exception. (Hosts are not required to reuseCyclic Module Records; similarly,hosts are not required to expose the exception objects thrown by these methods. However, the specification enables such uses.)
Now consider a different type of error condition:
Figure 3: A module graph with an unresolvable module
In this scenario, moduleA declares a dependency on some other module, but noModule Record exists for that module, i.e.HostLoadImportedModule callsFinishLoadingImportedModule with an exception when asked for it. This could occur for a variety of reasons, such as the corresponding resource not existing, or the resource existing butParseModule returning some errors when trying to parse the resulting source text.Hosts can choose to expose the cause of failure via the completion they pass toFinishLoadingImportedModule. In any case, this exception causes a loading failure, which results inA's[[Status]] remainingnew.
The difference here between loading, linking and evaluation errors is due to the following characteristic:
Evaluation must be only performed once, as it can cause side effects; it is thus important to remember whether evaluation has already been performed, even if unsuccessfully. (In the error case, it makes sense to also remember the exception because otherwise subsequent Evaluate() calls would have to synthesize a new one.)
Linking, on the other hand, is side-effect-free, and thus even if it fails, it can be retried at a later time with no issues.
Loading closely interacts with thehost, and it may be desiderable for some of them to allow users to retry failed loads (for example, if the failure is caused by temporarily bad network conditions).
Now, consider a module graph with a cycle:
Figure 4: A cyclic module graph
Here we assume that the entry point is moduleA, so that thehost proceeds by callingA.LoadRequestedModules(), which performsInnerModuleLoading onA. This in turn callsInnerModuleLoading onB andC. Because of the cycle, this again triggersInnerModuleLoading onA, but at this point it is a no-op sinceA's dependencies loading has already been triggered during this LoadRequestedModules process. When all the modules in the graph have been successfully loaded, their[[Status]] transitions fromnew tounlinked at the same time.
Then thehost proceeds by callingA.Link(), which performsInnerModuleLinking onA. This in turn callsInnerModuleLinking onB. Because of the cycle, this again triggersInnerModuleLinking onA, but at this point it is a no-op sinceA.[[Status]] is alreadylinking.B.[[Status]] itself remainslinking when control gets back toA andInnerModuleLinking is triggered onC. After this returns withC.[[Status]] beinglinked, bothA andB transition fromlinking tolinked together; this is by design, since they form a strongly connected component. It's possible to transition the status of modules in the same SCC at the same time because during this phase the module graph is traversed with a depth-first search.
An analogous story occurs for the evaluation phase of a cyclic module graph, in the success case.
Now consider a case whereA has a linking error; for example, it tries to import a binding fromC that does not exist. In that case, the above steps still occur, including the early return from the second call toInnerModuleLinking onA. However, once we unwind back to the originalInnerModuleLinking onA, it fails during InitializeEnvironment, namely right afterC.ResolveExport(). The thrownSyntaxError exception propagates up toA.Link, which resets all modules that are currently on itsstack (these are always exactly the modules that are stilllinking). Hence bothA andB becomeunlinked. Note thatC is left aslinked.
Alternatively, consider a case whereA has an evaluation error; for example, its source code throws an exception. In that case, the evaluation-time analog of the above steps still occurs, including the early return from the second call toInnerModuleEvaluation onA. However, once we unwind back to the originalInnerModuleEvaluation onA, it fails by assumption. The exception thrown propagates up toA.Evaluate(), which records the error in all modules that are currently on itsstack (i.e., the modules that are stillevaluating) as well as via[[AsyncParentModules]], which form a chain for modules which contain or depend on top-levelawait through the whole dependency graph through theAsyncModuleExecutionRejected algorithm. Hence bothA andB becomeevaluated and the exception is recorded in bothA andB's[[EvaluationError]] fields, whileC is left asevaluated with no[[EvaluationError]].
Lastly, consider a module graph with a cycle, where all modules complete asynchronously:
Figure 5: An asynchronous cyclic module graph
Loading and linking happen as before, and all modules end up with[[Status]] set tolinked.
CallingA.Evaluate() callsInnerModuleEvaluation onA,B, andD, which all transition toevaluating. ThenInnerModuleEvaluation is called onA again, which is a no-op because it is alreadyevaluating. At this point,D.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is 0, soExecuteAsyncModule(D) is called and we callD.ExecuteModule with a new PromiseCapability tracking the asynchronous execution ofD. We unwind back to theInnerModuleEvaluation onB, settingB.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] to 1 andB.[[AsyncEvaluation]] totrue. We unwind back to the originalInnerModuleEvaluation onA, settingA.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] to 1. In the next iteration of the loop overA's dependencies, we callInnerModuleEvaluation onC and thus onD (again a no-op) andE. AsE has no dependencies and is not part of a cycle, we callExecuteAsyncModule(E) in the same manner asD andE is immediately removed from the stack. We unwind once more to the originalInnerModuleEvaluation onA, settingC.[[AsyncEvaluation]] totrue. Now we finish the loop overA's dependencies, setA.[[AsyncEvaluation]] totrue, and remove the entire strongly connected component from the stack, transitioning all of the modules toevaluating-async at once. At this point, the fields of the modules are as given inTable 46.
Table 46: Module fields after the initial Evaluate() call
« »
2 (B andC)
«A »
1 (D)
«A »
2 (D andE)
«B,C »
«C »
Let us assume thatE finishes executing first. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called,E.[[Status]] is set toevaluated andC.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is decremented to become 1. The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 47.
Table 47: Module fields after moduleE finishes executing
«A »
1 (D)
«C »
D is next to finish (as it was the only module that was still executing). When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called again andD.[[Status]] is set toevaluated. ThenB.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is decremented to become 0,ExecuteAsyncModule is called onB, and it starts executing.C.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is also decremented to become 0, andC starts executing (potentially in parallel toB ifB contains anawait). The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 48.
Table 48: Module fields after moduleD finishes executing
«A »
«A »
«B,C »
Let us assume thatC finishes executing next. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called again,C.[[Status]] is set toevaluated andA.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is decremented to become 1. The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 49.
Table 49: Module fields after moduleC finishes executing
« »
1 (B)
«A »
Then,B finishes executing. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called again andB.[[Status]] is set toevaluated.A.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is decremented to become 0, soExecuteAsyncModule is called and it starts executing. The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 50.
Table 50: Module fields after moduleB finishes executing
« »
«A »
Finally,A finishes executing. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called again andA.[[Status]] is set toevaluated. At this point, the Promise inA.[[TopLevelCapability]] (which was returned fromA.Evaluate()) is resolved, and this concludes the handling of this module graph. The fields of the updated module are as given inTable 51.
Table 51: Module fields after moduleA finishes executing
« »
Alternatively, consider a failure case whereC fails execution and returns an error beforeB has finished executing. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionRejected is called, which setsC.[[Status]] toevaluated andC.[[EvaluationError]] to the error. It then propagates this error to all of the AsyncParentModules by performingAsyncModuleExecutionRejected on each of them. The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 52.
Table 52: Module fields after moduleC finishes with an error
« »
1 (B)
«A »
C's evaluation error
A will be rejected with the same error asC sinceC will callAsyncModuleExecutionRejected onA withC's error.A.[[Status]] is set toevaluated. At this point the Promise inA.[[TopLevelCapability]] (which was returned fromA.Evaluate()) is rejected. The fields of the updated module are as given inTable 53.
Then,B finishes executing without an error. When that happens,AsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled is called again andB.[[Status]] is set toevaluated.GatherAvailableAncestors is called onB. However,A.[[CycleRoot]] isA which has an evaluation error, so it will not be added to the returnedsortedExecList andAsyncModuleExecutionFulfilled will return without further processing. Any future importer ofB will resolve the rejection ofB.[[CycleRoot]].[[EvaluationError]] from the evaluation error fromC that was set on the cycle rootA. The fields of the updated modules are as given inTable 54.
Table 54: Module fields after moduleB finishes executing in an erroring graph
ASource Text Module Record is used to represent information about a module that was defined fromECMAScript source text (11) that was parsed using thegoal symbolModule. Its fields contain digested information about the names that are imported and exported by the module, and its concrete methods use these digests to link and evaluate the module.
AList of ExportEntry records derived from the code of this module that correspond to reexported imports that occur within the module or exports fromexport * as namespace declarations.
AList of ExportEntry records derived from the code of this module that correspond toexport * declarations that occur within the module, not includingexport * as namespace declarations.
AnImportEntry Record is aRecord that digests information about a single declarative import. EachImportEntry Record has the fields defined inTable 56:
The name under which the desired binding is exported by the module identified by[[ModuleRequest]]. The valuenamespace-object indicates that the import request is for the target module's namespace object.
a String
The name that is used to locally access the imported value from within the importing module.
Note 1
Table 57 gives examples of ImportEntry records fields used to represent the syntactic import forms:
The name under which the desired binding is exported by the module identified by[[ModuleRequest]].null if theExportDeclaration does not have aModuleSpecifier.all is used forexport * as ns from "mod" declarations.all-but-default is used forexport * from "mod" declarations.
a String ornull
The name that is used to locally access the exported value from within the importing module.null if the exported value is not locally accessible from within the module.
Note 2
Table 59 gives examples of the ExportEntry record fields used to represent the syntactic export forms:
12.ReturnSource Text Module Record {[[Realm]]:realm,[[Environment]]:empty,[[Namespace]]:empty,[[CycleRoot]]:empty,[[HasTLA]]:async,[[AsyncEvaluation]]:false,[[TopLevelCapability]]:empty,[[AsyncParentModules]]: « »,[[PendingAsyncDependencies]]:empty,[[Status]]:new,[[EvaluationError]]:empty,[[HostDefined]]:hostDefined,[[ECMAScriptCode]]:body,[[Context]]:empty,[[ImportMeta]]:empty,[[RequestedModules]]:requestedModules,[[LoadedModules]]: « »,[[ImportEntries]]:importEntries,[[LocalExportEntries]]:localExportEntries,[[IndirectExportEntries]]:indirectExportEntries,[[StarExportEntries]]:starExportEntries,[[DFSIndex]]:empty,[[DFSAncestorIndex]]:empty }.
An implementation may parse module source text and analyse it for Early Error conditions prior to the evaluation of ParseModule for that module source text. However, the reporting of any errors must be deferred until the point where this specification actually performs ParseModule upon that source text.
ResolveExport attempts to resolve an imported binding to the actual defining module and local binding name. The defining module may be the module represented by theModule Record this method was invoked on or some other module that is imported by that module. The parameterresolveSet is used to detect unresolved circular import/export paths. If a pair consisting of specificModule Record andexportName is reached that is already inresolveSet, an import circularity has been encountered. Before recursively calling ResolveExport, a pair consisting ofmodule andexportName is added toresolveSet.
If a defining module is found, aResolvedBinding Record {[[Module]],[[BindingName]] } is returned. This record identifies the resolved binding of the originally requested export, unless this is the export of a namespace with no local binding. In this case,[[BindingName]] will be set tonamespace. If no definition was found or the request is found to be circular,null is returned. If the request is found to be ambiguous,ambiguous is returned.
1.Assert: There is more than one* import that includes the requested name.
2.Ifresolution.[[Module]] andstarResolution.[[Module]] are not the sameModule Record, returnambiguous.
3.Ifresolution.[[BindingName]] is notstarResolution.[[BindingName]] and eitherresolution.[[BindingName]] orstarResolution.[[BindingName]] isnamespace, returnambiguous.
4.Ifresolution.[[BindingName]]is a String,starResolution.[[BindingName]]is a String, andSameValue(resolution.[[BindingName]],starResolution.[[BindingName]]) isfalse, returnambiguous.
The abstract operation GetImportedModule takes argumentsreferrer (aCyclic Module Record) andspecifier (a String) and returns aModule Record. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: Exactly one element ofreferrer.[[LoadedModules]] is aRecord whose[[Specifier]] isspecifier, since LoadRequestedModules has completed successfully onreferrer prior to invoking this abstract operation.
2.Letrecord be theRecord inreferrer.[[LoadedModules]] whose[[Specifier]] isspecifier.
If this operation is called multiple times with the same (referrer,specifier) pair and it performsFinishLoadingImportedModule(referrer,specifier,payload,result) whereresult is anormal completion, then it must performFinishLoadingImportedModule(referrer,specifier,payload,result) with the sameresult each time.
The actual process performed ishost-defined, but typically consists of performing whatever I/O operations are necessary to load the appropriateModule Record. Multiple different (referrer,specifier) pairs may map to the sameModule Record instance. The actual mapping semantics ishost-defined but typically a normalization process is applied tospecifier as part of the mapping process. A typical normalization process would include actions such as expansion of relative and abbreviated path specifiers.
The abstract operation GetModuleNamespace takes argumentmodule (an instance of a concrete subclass ofModule Record) and returns a Module Namespace Object orempty. It retrieves the Module Namespace Object representingmodule's exports, lazily creating it the first time it was requested, and storing it inmodule.[[Namespace]] for future retrieval. It performs the following steps when called:
GetModuleNamespace never throws. Instead, unresolvable names are simply excluded from the namespace at this point. They will lead to a real linking error later unless they are all ambiguous star exports that are not explicitly requested anywhere.
3.Return aList whose sole element is a newExportEntry Record {[[ModuleRequest]]:null,[[ImportName]]:null,[[LocalName]]:localName,[[ExportName]]:"default" }.
3.Return aList whose sole element is a newExportEntry Record {[[ModuleRequest]]:null,[[ImportName]]:null,[[LocalName]]:localName,[[ExportName]]:"default" }.
4.Return aList whose sole element is a newExportEntry Record {[[ModuleRequest]]:module,[[ImportName]]:importName,[[LocalName]]:localName,[[ExportName]]:sourceName }.
5.Return aList whose sole element is a newExportEntry Record {[[ModuleRequest]]:module,[[ImportName]]:importName,[[LocalName]]:localName,[[ExportName]]:exportName }.
An implementation must report most errors at the time the relevant ECMAScript language construct is evaluated. Anearly error is an error that can be detected and reported prior to the evaluation of any construct in theScript containing the error. The presence of anearly error prevents the evaluation of the construct. An implementation must reportearly errors in aScript as part of parsing thatScript inParseScript.Early errors in aModule are reported at the point when theModule would be evaluated and theModule is never initialized.Early errors ineval code are reported at the timeeval is called and prevent evaluation of theeval code. All errors that are notearly errors are runtime errors.
An implementation must report as anearly error any occurrence of a condition that is listed in a “Static Semantics: Early Errors” subclause of this specification.
An implementation shall not treat other kinds of errors asearly errors even if the compiler can prove that a construct cannot execute without error under any circumstances. An implementation may issue an early warning in such a case, but it should not report the error until the relevant construct is actually executed.
An implementation shall report all errors as specified, except for the following:
Except as restricted in17.1, ahost or implementation may extendScript syntax,Module syntax, and regular expression pattern or flag syntax. To permit this, all operations (such as callingeval, using a regular expression literal, or using the Function or RegExpconstructor) that are allowed to throwSyntaxError are permitted to exhibithost-defined behaviour instead of throwingSyntaxError when they encounter ahost-defined extension to the script syntax or regular expression pattern or flag syntax.
Except as restricted in17.1, ahost or implementation may provide additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions beyond those described in this specification. This may cause constructs (such as looking up a variable in the global scope) to havehost-defined behaviour instead of throwing an error (such asReferenceError).
17.1 Forbidden Extensions
An implementation must not extend this specification in the following ways:
If an implementation extends anyfunction object with an own property named"caller" the value of that property, as observed using[[Get]] or[[GetOwnProperty]], must not be astrict function object. If it is anaccessor property, the function that is the value of the property's[[Get]] attribute must never return astrict function when called.
Neither mapped nor unmapped arguments objects may be created with an own property named"caller".
The behaviour of built-in methods which are specified in ECMA-402, such as those namedtoLocaleString, must not be extended except as specified in ECMA-402.
The RegExp pattern grammars in22.2.1 andB.1.2 must not be extended to recognize any of the source characters A-Z or a-z asIdentityEscape[+UnicodeMode] when the[UnicodeMode] grammar parameter is present.
The Syntactic Grammar must not be extended in any manner that allows the token: to immediately follow source text that is matched by theBindingIdentifier nonterminal symbol.
There are certain built-in objects available whenever an ECMAScriptScript orModule begins execution. One, theglobal object, is part of the global environment of the executing program. Others are accessible as initial properties of theglobal object or indirectly as properties of accessible built-in objects.
Unless specified otherwise, a built-in object that is callable as a function is a built-infunction object with the characteristics described in10.3. Unless specified otherwise, the[[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the valuetrue. Every built-infunction object has a[[Realm]] internal slot whose value is theRealm Record of therealm for which the object was initially created.
Many built-in objects are functions: they can be invoked with arguments. Some of them furthermore areconstructors: they are functions intended for use with thenew operator. For each built-in function, this specification describes the arguments required by that function and the properties of thatfunction object. For each built-inconstructor, this specification furthermore describes properties of the prototype object of thatconstructor and properties of specific object instances returned by anew expression that invokes thatconstructor.
Unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function, if a built-in function orconstructor is given fewer arguments than the function is specified to require, the function orconstructor shall behave exactly as if it had been given sufficient additional arguments, each such argument being theundefined value. Such missing arguments are considered to be “not present” and may be identified in that manner by specification algorithms. In the description of a particular function, the terms “this value” and “NewTarget” have the meanings given in10.3.
Unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function, if a built-in function orconstructor described is given more arguments than the function is specified to allow, the extra arguments are evaluated by the call and then ignored by the function. However, an implementation may define implementation specific behaviour relating to such arguments as long as the behaviour is not the throwing of aTypeError exception that is predicated simply on the presence of an extra argument.
Note 1
Implementations that add additional capabilities to the set of built-in functions are encouraged to do so by adding new functions rather than adding new parameters to existing functions.
Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-inconstructor has theFunction prototype object, which is the initial value of the expressionFunction.prototype (20.2.3), as the value of its[[Prototype]] internal slot.
Unless otherwise specified every built-in prototype object has theObject prototype object, which is the initial value of the expressionObject.prototype (20.1.3), as the value of its[[Prototype]] internal slot, except theObject prototype object itself.
If this specification defines a built-inconstructor's behaviour via algorithm steps, then that is its behaviour for the purposes of both[[Call]] and[[Construct]]. If such an algorithm needs to distinguish the two cases, it checks whether NewTarget isundefined, which indicates a[[Call]] invocation.
Built-infunction objects that are not identified asconstructors do not implement the[[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function.
Built-infunction objects that are notconstructors do not have a"prototype" property unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function.
Each built-in function defined in this specification is created by calling theCreateBuiltinFunction abstract operation (10.3.4). The values of thelength andname parameters are the initial values of the"length" and"name" properties as discussed below. The values of theprefix parameter are similarly discussed below.
Every built-infunction object, includingconstructors, has a"length" property whose value is a non-negativeintegral Number. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the number of required parameters shown in the subclause heading for the function description. Optional parameters and rest parameters are not included in the parameter count.
Note 2
For example, thefunction object that is the initial value of the"map" property of theArray prototype object is described under the subclause heading « (callbackFn [ , thisArg])» which shows the two named arguments callbackFn and thisArg, the latter being optional; therefore the value of the"length" property of thatfunction object is1𝔽.
Unless otherwise specified, the"length" property of a built-infunction object has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
Every built-infunction object, includingconstructors, has a"name" property whose valueis a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the name that is given to the function in this specification. Functions that are identified as anonymous functions use the empty String as the value of the"name" property. For functions that are specified as properties of objects, the name value is theproperty name string used to access the function. Functions that are specified as get or set accessor functions of built-in properties have"get" or"set" (respectively) passed to theprefix parameter when callingCreateBuiltinFunction.
The value of the"name" property is explicitly specified for each built-in functions whoseproperty keyis a Symbol value. If such an explicitly specified value starts with the prefix"get " or"set " and the function for which it is specified is a get or set accessor function of a built-in property, the value without the prefix is passed to thename parameter, and the value"get" or"set" (respectively) is passed to theprefix parameter when callingCreateBuiltinFunction.
Unless otherwise specified, the"name" property of a built-infunction object has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
Every otherdata property described in clauses19 through28 and in AnnexB.2 has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true } unless otherwise specified.
Everyaccessor property described in clauses19 through28 and in AnnexB.2 has the attributes {[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true } unless otherwise specified. If only a get accessor function is described, the set accessor function is the default value,undefined. If only a set accessor is described the get accessor is the default value,undefined.
does not have a[[Construct]] internal method; it cannot be used as aconstructor with thenew operator.
does not have a[[Call]] internal method; it cannot be invoked as a function.
has a[[Prototype]] internal slot whose value ishost-defined.
may havehost-defined properties in addition to the properties defined in this specification. This may include a property whose value is the global object itself.
19.1 Value Properties of the Global Object
19.1.1 globalThis
The initial value of the"globalThis" property of theglobal object in aRealm Recordrealm isrealm.[[GlobalEnv]].[[GlobalThisValue]].
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
19.1.2 Infinity
The value ofInfinity is+∞𝔽 (see6.1.6.1). This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
19.1.3 NaN
The value ofNaN isNaN (see6.1.6.1). This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
19.1.4 undefined
The value ofundefined isundefined (see6.1.1). This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
15.NOTE: Ifdirect istrue,runningContext will be theexecution context that performed thedirect eval. Ifdirect isfalse,runningContext will be theexecution context for the invocation of theeval function.
The eval code cannot instantiate variable or function bindings in the variable environment of the calling context that invoked the eval if either the code of the calling context or the eval code isstrict mode code. Instead such bindings are instantiated in a new VariableEnvironment that is only accessible to the eval code. Bindings introduced bylet,const, orclass declarations are always instantiated in a new LexicalEnvironment.
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostEnsureCanCompileStrings takes argumentscalleeRealm (aRealm Record),parameterStrings (aList of Strings),bodyString (a String), anddirect (a Boolean) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It allowshost environments to block certain ECMAScript functions which allow developers to interpret and evaluate strings as ECMAScript code.
parameterStrings represents the strings that, when using one of the functionconstructors, will be concatenated together to build the parameters list.bodyString represents the function body or the string passed to aneval signifies whether the evaluation is adirect eval.
The default implementation of HostEnsureCanCompileStrings is to returnNormalCompletion(unused).
4.LettrimmedPrefix be the longest prefix oftrimmed that satisfies the syntax of aStrDecimalLiteral, which might betrimmed itself. If there is no such prefix, returnNaN.
This function may interpret only a leading portion ofstring as a Number value; it ignores any code units that cannot be interpreted as part of the notation of a decimal literal, and no indication is given that any such code units were ignored.
19.2.5 parseInt (string,radix )
This function produces anintegral Number dictated by interpretation of the contents ofstring according to the specifiedradix. Leading white space instring is ignored. Ifradix coerces to 0 (such as when it isundefined), it is assumed to be 10 except when the number representation begins with"0x" or"0X", in which case it is assumed to be 16. Ifradix is 16, the number representation may optionally begin with"0x" or"0X".
4.IfS is not empty and the first code unit ofS is the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), setsign to -1.
5.IfS is not empty and the first code unit ofS is either the code unit 0x002B (PLUS SIGN) or the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), setS to thesubstring ofS from index 1.
14.LetmathInt be theinteger value that is represented byZ in radix-R notation, using the lettersA throughZ anda throughz for digits with values 10 through 35. (However, ifR = 10 andZ contains more than 20 significant digits, every significant digit after the 20th may be replaced by a 0 digit, at the option of the implementation; and ifR is not one of 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, or 32, thenmathInt may be animplementation-approximatedinteger representing theinteger value denoted byZ in radix-R notation.)
This function may interpret only a leading portion ofstring as aninteger value; it ignores any code units that cannot be interpreted as part of the notation of aninteger, and no indication is given that any such code units were ignored.
19.2.6 URI Handling Functions
Uniform Resource Identifiers, or URIs, are Strings that identify resources (e.g. web pages or files) and transport protocols by which to access them (e.g. HTTP or FTP) on the Internet. The ECMAScript language itself does not provide any support for using URIs except for functions that encode and decode URIs as described in this section.encodeURI anddecodeURI are intended to work with complete URIs; they assume that any reserved characters are intended to have special meaning (e.g., as delimiters) and so are not encoded.encodeURIComponent anddecodeURIComponent are intended to work with the individual components of a URI; they assume that any reserved characters represent text and must be encoded to avoid special meaning when the component is part of a complete URI.
Note 1
The set of reserved characters is based upon RFC 2396 and does not reflect changes introduced by the more recent RFC 3986.
Note 2
Many implementations of ECMAScript provide additional functions and methods that manipulate web pages; these functions are beyond the scope of this standard. decodeURI (encodedURI )
This function computes a new version of a URI in which each escape sequence and UTF-8 encoding of the sort that might be introduced by theencodeURI function is replaced with the UTF-16 encoding of the code point that it represents. Escape sequences that could not have been introduced byencodeURI are not replaced.
This function computes a new version of a URI in which each escape sequence and UTF-8 encoding of the sort that might be introduced by theencodeURIComponent function is replaced with the UTF-16 encoding of the code point that it represents.
It is the%decodeURIComponent% intrinsic object.
It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetcomponentString be ? ToString(encodedURIComponent).
This function computes a new version of a UTF-16 encoded (6.1.4) URI in which each instance of certain code points is replaced by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the code point.
This function computes a new version of a UTF-16 encoded (6.1.4) URI in which each instance of certain code points is replaced by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the code point.
The abstract operation Encode takes argumentsstring (a String) andextraUnescaped (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a String or athrow completion. It performs URI encoding and escaping, interpretingstring as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points as described in6.1.4. If a character is identified as unreserved in RFC 2396 or appears inextraUnescaped, it is not escaped. It performs the following steps when called:
Because percent-encoding is used to represent individual octets, a single code point may be expressed as multiple consecutive escape sequences (one for each of its 8-bit UTF-8 code units). Decode (string,preserveEscapeSet )
The abstract operation Decode takes argumentsstring (a String) andpreserveEscapeSet (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a String or athrow completion. It performs URI unescaping and decoding, preserving any escape sequences that correspond to Basic Latin characters inpreserveEscapeSet. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letlen be the length ofstring.
2.LetR be the empty String.
3.Letk be 0.
4.Repeat, whilek <len,
a.LetC be the code unit at indexk withinstring.
b.LetS beC.
c.IfC is the code unit 0x0025 (PERCENT SIGN), then
i.Ifk + 3 >len, throw aURIError exception.
ii.Letescape be thesubstring ofstring fromk tok + 3.
RFC 3629 prohibits the decoding of invalid UTF-8 octet sequences. For example, the invalid sequence 0xC0 0x80 must not decode into the code unit 0x0000. Implementations of the Decode algorithm are required to throw aURIError when encountering such invalid sequences. ParseHexOctet (string,position )
The abstract operation ParseHexOctet takes argumentsstring (a String) andposition (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either a non-negativeinteger or a non-emptyList ofSyntaxError objects. It parses a sequence of two hexadecimal characters at the specifiedposition instring into an unsigned 8-bitinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
callbackfn should be a function that accepts two arguments.groupBy callscallbackfn once for each element initems, in ascending order, and constructs a new object. Each value returned bycallbackfn is coerced to aproperty key. For each suchproperty key, the result object has a property whose key is thatproperty key and whose value is an array containing all the elements for which thecallbackfn return value coerced to that key.
callbackfn is called with two arguments: the value of the element and the index of the element.
The return value ofgroupBy is an object that does not inherit from%Object.prototype%.
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Letgroups be ? GroupBy(items,callbackfn,property).
The ordering of steps1 and2 is chosen to ensure that any exception that would have been thrown by step1 in previous editions of this specification will continue to be thrown even if thethis value isundefined ornull. Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf (V )
This method performs the following steps when called:
The ordering of steps1 and2 preserves the behaviour specified by previous editions of this specification for the case whereV is not an object and thethis value isundefined ornull. Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable (V )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method does not consider objects in the prototype chain.
Note 2
The ordering of steps1 and2 is chosen to ensure that any exception that would have been thrown by step1 in previous editions of this specification will continue to be thrown even if thethis value isundefined ornull.
The optional parameters to this method are not used but are intended to correspond to the parameter pattern used by ECMA-402toLocaleString methods. Implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for other purposes.
Note 1
This method provides a generictoLocaleString implementation for objects that have no locale-sensitivetoString behaviour.Array,Number,Date, and%TypedArray% provide their own locale-sensitivetoLocaleString methods.
Note 2
ECMA-402 intentionally does not provide an alternative to this default implementation. Object.prototype.toString ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
1.If thethis value isundefined, return"[object Undefined]".
Historically, this method was occasionally used to access the String value of the[[Class]] internal slot that was used in previous editions of this specification as a nominal type tag for various built-in objects. The above definition oftoString preserves compatibility for legacy code that usestoString as a test for those specific kinds of built-in objects. It does not provide a reliable type testing mechanism for other kinds of built-in or program defined objects. In addition, programs can use@@toStringTag in ways that will invalidate the reliability of such legacy type tests. Object.prototype.valueOf ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
Object.prototype.__proto__ is anaccessor property with attributes {[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }. The[[Get]] and[[Set]] attributes are defined as follows: get Object.prototype.__proto__
The value of the[[Get]] attribute is a built-in function that requires no arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
is the initial value of the"Function" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a newfunction object when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callFunction(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew Function(…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Function behaviour must include asuper call to the Functionconstructor to create and initialize a subclass instance with the internal slots necessary for built-in function behaviour. All ECMAScript syntactic forms for definingfunction objects create instances of Function. There is no syntactic means to create instances of Function subclasses except for the built-in GeneratorFunction, AsyncFunction, and AsyncGeneratorFunction subclasses. Function ( ...parameterArgs,bodyArg )
The last argument (if any) specifies the body (executable code) of a function; any preceding arguments specify formal parameters.
This function performs the following steps when called:
It is permissible but not necessary to have one argument for each formal parameter to be specified. For example, all three of the following expressions produce the same result:
20.Ifbody is aList of errors, throw aSyntaxError exception.
21.NOTE: The parameters and body are parsed separately to ensure that each is valid alone. For example,new Function("/*", "*/ ) {") does not evaluate to a function.
22.NOTE: If this step is reached,sourceText must have the syntax ofexprSym (although the reverse implication does not hold). The purpose of the next two steps is to enforce any Early Error rules which apply toexprSym directly.
33.NOTE: Functions whosekind isasync are not constructible and do not have a[[Construct]] internal method or a"prototype" property.
CreateDynamicFunction defines a"prototype" property on any function it creates whosekind is notasync to provide for the possibility that the function will be used as aconstructor.
has a"name" property whose value is the empty String.
The Function prototype object is specified to be afunction object to ensure compatibility with ECMAScript code that was created prior to the ECMAScript 2015 specification.
ThethisArg value is passed without modification as thethis value. This is a change from Edition 3, where anundefined ornullthisArg is replaced with theglobal object andToObject is applied to all other values and that result is passed as thethis value. Even though thethisArg is passed without modification,non-strict functions still perform these transformations upon entry to the function.
Note 2
Iffunc is either an arrow function or abound function exotic object, then thethisArg will be ignored by the function[[Call]] in step6.
ThethisArg value is passed without modification as thethis value. This is a change from Edition 3, where anundefined ornullthisArg is replaced with theglobal object andToObject is applied to all other values and that result is passed as thethis value. Even though thethisArg is passed without modification,non-strict functions still perform these transformations upon entry to the function.
Note 2
Iffunc is either an arrow function or abound function exotic object, then thethisArg will be ignored by the function[[Call]] in step4. Function.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofFunction.prototype.constructor is%Function%. Function.prototype.toString ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
1.Letfunc be thethis value.
2.Iffuncis an Object,func has a[[SourceText]] internal slot,func.[[SourceText]] is a sequence of Unicode code points, andHostHasSourceTextAvailable(func) istrue, then
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
This is the default implementation of@@hasInstance that most functions inherit.@@hasInstance is called by theinstanceof operator to determine whether a value is an instance of a specificconstructor. An expression such as
vinstanceof F
evaluates as
Aconstructor function can control which objects are recognized as its instances byinstanceof by exposing a different@@hasInstance method on the function.
This property is non-writable and non-configurable to prevent tampering that could be used to globally expose the target function of a bound function.
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.hasInstance]".
The value of the"length" property is anintegral Number that indicates the typical number of arguments expected by the function. However, the language permits the function to be invoked with some other number of arguments. The behaviour of a function when invoked on a number of arguments other than the number specified by its"length" property depends on the function. This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }. name
The value of the"name" propertyis a String that is descriptive of the function. The name has no semantic significance but is typically a variable orproperty name that is used to refer to the function at its point of definition inECMAScript source text. This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
Anonymous functions objects that do not have a contextual name associated with them by this specification use the empty String as the value of the"name" property. prototype
Function instances that can be used as aconstructor have a"prototype" property. Whenever such a Function instance is created anotherordinary object is also created and is the initial value of the function's"prototype" property. Unless otherwise specified, the value of the"prototype" property is used to initialize the[[Prototype]] internal slot of the object created when that function is invoked as aconstructor.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostHasSourceTextAvailable takes argumentfunc (afunction object) and returns a Boolean. It allowshost environments to prevent the source text from being provided forfunc.
An implementation of HostHasSourceTextAvailable must conform to the following requirements:
It must be deterministic with respect to its parameters. Each time it is called with a specificfunc as its argument, it must return the same result.
The default implementation of HostHasSourceTextAvailable is to returntrue.
is the initial value of the"Boolean" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Boolean object when called as aconstructor.
performs a type conversion when called as a function rather than as aconstructor.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Boolean behaviour must include asuper call to the Booleanconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with a[[BooleanData]] internal slot. Boolean (value )
This function performs the following steps when called:
Boolean instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theBoolean prototype object. Boolean instances have a[[BooleanData]] internal slot. The[[BooleanData]] internal slot is the Boolean value represented by this Boolean object.
3.Assert: GlobalSymbolRegistry does not currently contain an entry forstringKey.
4.LetnewSymbol be a new Symbol whose[[Description]] isstringKey.
5.Append theRecord {[[Key]]:stringKey,[[Symbol]]:newSymbol } to the GlobalSymbolRegistryList.
The GlobalSymbolRegistry is an append-onlyList that is globally available. It is shared by allrealms. Prior to the evaluation of any ECMAScript code, it is initialized as a new emptyList. Elements of the GlobalSymbolRegistry areRecords with the structure defined inTable 60.
The initial value ofSymbol.prototype.constructor is%Symbol%. get Symbol.prototype.description
Symbol.prototype.description is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.toPrimitive]". Symbol.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Symbol".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
20.4.4 Properties of Symbol Instances
Symbol instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theSymbol prototype object. Symbol instances have a[[SymbolData]] internal slot. The[[SymbolData]] internal slot is the Symbol value represented by this Symbol object.
20.4.5 Abstract Operations for Symbols KeyForSymbol (sym )
The abstract operation KeyForSymbol takes argumentsym (a Symbol) and returns a String orundefined. Ifsym is in the GlobalSymbolRegistry (see20.4.2.2) the String used to registersym will be returned. It performs the following steps when called:
1.For each elemente of the GlobalSymbolRegistryList, do
2.Assert: GlobalSymbolRegistry does not currently contain an entry forsym.
20.5 Error Objects
Instances of Error objects are thrown as exceptions when runtime errors occur. The Error objects may also serve as base objects for user-defined exception classes.
When an ECMAScript implementation detects a runtime error, it throws a new instance of one of theNativeError objects defined in20.5.5 or a new instance of AggregateError object defined in20.5.7. Each of these objects has the structure described below, differing only in the name used as theconstructor name instead ofNativeError, in the"name" property of the prototype object, in theimplementation-defined"message" property of the prototype object, and in the presence of the%AggregateError%-specific"errors" property.
is the initial value of the"Error" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Error object when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callError(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew Error(…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Error behaviour must include asuper call to the Errorconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with an[[ErrorData]] internal slot. Error (message [ ,options ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.If NewTarget isundefined, letnewTarget be theactive function object; else letnewTarget be NewTarget.
6.Ifmsg isundefined, setmsg to the empty String; otherwise setmsg to ? ToString(msg).
7.Ifname is the empty String, returnmsg.
8.Ifmsg is the empty String, returnname.
9.Return thestring-concatenation ofname, the code unit 0x003A (COLON), the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE), andmsg.
20.5.4 Properties of Error Instances
Error instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theError prototype object and have an[[ErrorData]] internal slot whose value isundefined. The only specified uses of[[ErrorData]] is to identify Error, AggregateError, andNativeError instances as Error objects withinObject.prototype.toString.
20.5.5 Native Error Types Used in This Standard
A new instance of one of theNativeError objects below or of the AggregateError object is thrown when a runtime error is detected. AllNativeError objects share the same structure, as described in20.5.6.
Indicates that one of the global URI handling functions was used in a way that is incompatible with its definition.
20.5.6NativeError Object Structure
When an ECMAScript implementation detects a runtime error, it throws a new instance of one of theNativeError objects defined in20.5.5. Each of these objects has the structure described below, differing only in the name used as theconstructor name instead ofNativeError, in the"name" property of the prototype object, and in theimplementation-defined"message" property of the prototype object.
For each error object, references toNativeError in the definition should be replaced with the appropriate error object name from20.5.5.
creates and initializes a newNativeError object when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. A call of the object as a function is equivalent to calling it as aconstructor with the same arguments. Thus the function callNativeError(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnewNativeError(…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specifiedNativeError behaviour must include asuper call to theNativeErrorconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with an[[ErrorData]] internal slot. (message [ ,options ] )
EachNativeError function performs the following steps when called:
1.If NewTarget isundefined, letnewTarget be theactive function object; else letnewTarget be NewTarget.
The actual value of the string passed in step2 is either"%EvalError.prototype%","%RangeError.prototype%","%ReferenceError.prototype%","%SyntaxError.prototype%","%TypeError.prototype%", or"%URIError.prototype%" corresponding to whichNativeErrorconstructor is being defined. Properties of theNativeError Constructors
The initial value of the"constructor" property of the prototype for a givenNativeErrorconstructor is theconstructor itself.
The initial value of the"message" property of the prototype for a givenNativeErrorconstructor is the empty String.
The initial value of the"name" property of the prototype for a givenNativeErrorconstructor is the String value consisting of the name of theconstructor (the name used instead ofNativeError). Properties ofNativeError Instances
NativeError instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theirNativeError prototype object and have an[[ErrorData]] internal slot whose value isundefined. The only specified use of[[ErrorData]] is byObject.prototype.toString ( to identify Error, AggregateError, orNativeError instances.
is the initial value of the"AggregateError" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new AggregateError object when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callAggregateError(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew AggregateError(…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified AggregateError behaviour must include asuper call to the AggregateErrorconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with an[[ErrorData]] internal slot.
The initial value ofAggregateError.prototype.constructor is%AggregateError%. AggregateError.prototype.message
The initial value ofAggregateError.prototype.message is the empty String.
The initial value is"AggregateError". Properties of AggregateError Instances
AggregateError instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theirAggregateError prototype object and have an[[ErrorData]] internal slot whose value isundefined. The only specified use of[[ErrorData]] is byObject.prototype.toString ( to identify Error, AggregateError, orNativeError instances.
20.5.8 Abstract Operations for Error Objects InstallErrorCause (O,options )
The abstract operation InstallErrorCause takes argumentsO (an Object) andoptions (anECMAScript language value) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It is used to create a"cause" property onO when a"cause" property is present onoptions. It performs the following steps when called:
is the initial value of the"Number" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Number object when called as aconstructor.
performs a type conversion when called as a function rather than as aconstructor.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Number behaviour must include asuper call to the Numberconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with a[[NumberData]] internal slot. Number (value )
This function performs the following steps when called:
The value ofNumber.EPSILON is theNumber value for the magnitude of the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable as a Number value, which is approximately 2.2204460492503130808472633361816 × 10**-16.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.isFinite (number )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This function differs from the global isNaN function (19.2.3) in that it does not convert its argument to a Number before determining whether it isNaN.
Due to rounding behaviour necessitated by precision limitations ofIEEE 754-2019, theNumber value for everyinteger greater thanNumber.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is shared with at least one otherinteger. Such large-magnitudeintegers are therefore notsafe, and are not guaranteed to be exactly representable as Number values or even to be distinguishable from each other. For example, both9007199254740992 and9007199254740993 evaluate to the Number value9007199254740992𝔽.
The value ofNumber.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is9007199254740991𝔽 (𝔽(2**53 - 1)).
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.MAX_VALUE
The value ofNumber.MAX_VALUE is the largest positivefinite value of theNumber type, which is approximately1.7976931348623157 × 10**308.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
Due to rounding behaviour necessitated by precision limitations ofIEEE 754-2019, theNumber value for everyinteger less thanNumber.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is shared with at least one otherinteger. Such large-magnitudeintegers are therefore notsafe, and are not guaranteed to be exactly representable as Number values or even to be distinguishable from each other. For example, both-9007199254740992 and-9007199254740993 evaluate to the Number value-9007199254740992𝔽.
The value ofNumber.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is-9007199254740991𝔽 (𝔽(-(2**53 - 1))).
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.MIN_VALUE
The value ofNumber.MIN_VALUE is the smallest positive value of theNumber type, which is approximately5 × 10**-324.
In theIEEE 754-2019 double precision binary representation, the smallest possible value is a denormalized number. If an implementation does not support denormalized values, the value ofNumber.MIN_VALUE must be the smallest non-zero positive value that can actually be represented by the implementation.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.NaN
The value ofNumber.NaN isNaN.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
The value ofNumber.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is-∞𝔽.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Number.parseFloat (string )
The initial value of the"parseFloat" property is%parseFloat%. Number.parseInt (string,radix )
The initial value of the"parseInt" property is%parseInt%. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
The value ofNumber.POSITIVE_INFINITY is+∞𝔽.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the methods of the Number prototype object defined below are not generic and thethis value passed to them must be either a Number value or an object that has a[[NumberData]] internal slot that has been initialized to a Number value.
The phrase “this Number value” within the specification of a method refers to the result returned by calling the abstract operationThisNumberValue with thethis value of the method invocation passed as the argument. Number.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofNumber.prototype.constructor is%Number%.
This method returns a String containing this Number value represented in decimal exponential notation with one digit before the significand's decimal point andfractionDigits digits after the significand's decimal point. IffractionDigits isundefined, it includes as many significand digits as necessary to uniquely specify the Number (just like inToString except that in this case the Number is always output in exponential notation).
a.Letm be the String value consisting off + 1 occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO).
b.Lete be 0.
a.IffractionDigits is notundefined, then
i.Lete andn beintegers such that 10**f ≤n < 10**(f + 1) and for whichn × 10**(e -f) -x is as close to zero as possible. If there are two such sets ofe andn, pick thee andn for whichn × 10**(e -f) is larger.
i.Lete,n, andff beintegers such thatff ≥ 0, 10**ff ≤n < 10**(ff + 1),𝔽(n × 10**(e -ff)) is𝔽(x), andff is as small as possible. Note that the decimal representation ofn hasff + 1 digits,n is not divisible by 10, and the least significant digit ofn is not necessarily uniquely determined by these criteria.
ii.Setf toff.
c.Letm be the String value consisting of the digits of the decimal representation ofn (in order, with no leading zeroes).
For implementations that provide more accurate conversions than required by the rules above, it is recommended that the following alternative version of step10.b.i be used as a guideline:
i.Lete,n, andf beintegers such thatf ≥ 0, 10**f ≤n < 10**(f + 1),𝔽(n × 10**(e -f)) is𝔽(x), andf is as small as possible. If there are multiple possibilities forn, choose the value ofn for which𝔽(n × 10**(e -f)) is closest in value to𝔽(x). If there are two such possible values ofn, choose the one that is even.
This method returns a String containing this Number value represented in decimal fixed-point notation withfractionDigits digits after the decimal point. IffractionDigits isundefined, 0 is assumed.
a.Letn be aninteger for whichn / 10**f -x is as close to zero as possible. If there are two suchn, pick the largern.
b.Ifn = 0, letm be"0". Otherwise, letm be the String value consisting of the digits of the decimal representation ofn (in order, with no leading zeroes).
c.Iff ≠ 0, then
i.Letk be the length ofm.
ii.Ifk ≤f, then
1.Letz be the String value consisting off + 1 -k occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO).
The output oftoFixed may be more precise thantoString for some values because toString only prints enough significant digits to distinguish the number from adjacent Number values. For example,
(1000000000000000128).toString() returns"1000000000000000100", while (1000000000000000128).toFixed(0) returns"1000000000000000128".
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method produces a String value that represents this Number value formatted according to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale. This method isimplementation-defined, and it is permissible, but not encouraged, for it to return the same thing astoString.
The meanings of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
This method returns a String containing this Number value represented either in decimal exponential notation with one digit before the significand's decimal point andprecision - 1 digits after the significand's decimal point or in decimal fixed notation withprecision significant digits. Ifprecision isundefined, it callsToString instead.
a.Letm be the String value consisting ofp occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO).
b.Lete be 0.
a.Lete andn beintegers such that 10**(p - 1) ≤n < 10**p and for whichn × 10**(e -p + 1) -x is as close to zero as possible. If there are two such sets ofe andn, pick thee andn for whichn × 10**(e -p + 1) is larger.
b.Letm be the String value consisting of the digits of the decimal representation ofn (in order, with no leading zeroes).
a.Setm to thestring-concatenation of the firste + 1 code units ofm, the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP), and the remainingp - (e + 1) code units ofm.
a.Setm to thestring-concatenation of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO), the code unit 0x002E (FULL STOP), -(e + 1) occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO), and the Stringm.
This method is not generic; it throws aTypeError exception if itsthis valueis not a Number or a Number object. Therefore, it cannot be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
Number instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theNumber prototype object. Number instances also have a[[NumberData]] internal slot. The[[NumberData]] internal slot is the Number value represented by this Number object.
is the initial value of the"BigInt" property of theglobal object.
performs a type conversion when called as a function rather than as aconstructor.
is not intended to be used with thenew operator or to be subclassed. It may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition but asuper call to the BigIntconstructor will cause an exception. BigInt (value )
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.If NewTarget is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
The abstract operation NumberToBigInt takes argumentnumber (a Number) and returns either anormal completion containing a BigInt or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The phrase “this BigInt value” within the specification of a method refers to the result returned by calling the abstract operationThisBigIntValue with thethis value of the method invocation passed as the argument. BigInt.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofBigInt.prototype.constructor is%BigInt%.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method produces a String value that represents this BigInt value formatted according to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale. This method isimplementation-defined, and it is permissible, but not encouraged, for it to return the same thing astoString.
The meanings of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else. BigInt.prototype.toString ( [radix ] )
The optionalradix should be anintegral Number value in theinclusive interval from2𝔽 to36𝔽. Ifradix isundefined then10𝔽 is used as the value ofradix.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is not generic; it throws aTypeError exception if itsthis valueis not a BigInt or a BigInt object. Therefore, it cannot be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"BigInt".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
21.2.4 Properties of BigInt Instances
BigInt instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theBigInt prototype object. BigInt instances also have a[[BigIntData]] internal slot. The[[BigIntData]] internal slot is the BigInt value represented by this BigInt object.
21.3 The Math Object
The Math object:
is the initial value of the"Math" property of theglobal object.
does not have a[[Construct]] internal method; it cannot be used as aconstructor with thenew operator.
does not have a[[Call]] internal method; it cannot be invoked as a function.
In this specification, the phrase “theNumber value forx” has a technical meaning defined in6.1.6.1.
21.3.1 Value Properties of the Math Object Math.E
TheNumber value fore, the base of the natural logarithms, which is approximately 2.7182818284590452354.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Math.LN10
TheNumber value for the natural logarithm of 10, which is approximately 2.302585092994046.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Math.LN2
TheNumber value for the natural logarithm of 2, which is approximately 0.6931471805599453.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Math.LOG10E
TheNumber value for the base-10 logarithm ofe, the base of the natural logarithms; this value is approximately 0.4342944819032518.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
The value ofMath.LOG10E is approximately the reciprocal of the value ofMath.LN10. Math.LOG2E
TheNumber value for the base-2 logarithm ofe, the base of the natural logarithms; this value is approximately 1.4426950408889634.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
The value ofMath.LOG2E is approximately the reciprocal of the value ofMath.LN2. Math.PI
TheNumber value for π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, which is approximately 3.1415926535897932.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Math.SQRT1_2
TheNumber value for the square root of ½, which is approximately 0.7071067811865476.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
The value ofMath.SQRT1_2 is approximately the reciprocal of the value ofMath.SQRT2. Math.SQRT2
TheNumber value for the square root of 2, which is approximately 1.4142135623730951.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Math [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Math".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
21.3.2 Function Properties of the Math Object
The behaviour of the functionsacos,acosh,asin,asinh,atan,atanh,atan2,cbrt,cos,cosh,exp,expm1,hypot,log,log1p,log2,log10,pow,random,sin,sinh,sqrt,tan, andtanh is not precisely specified here except to require specific results for certain argument values that represent boundary cases of interest. For other argument values, these functions are intended to compute approximations to the results of familiar mathematical functions, but some latitude is allowed in the choice of approximation algorithms. The general intent is that an implementer should be able to use the same mathematical library for ECMAScript on a given hardware platform that is available to C programmers on that platform.
Although the choice of algorithms is left to the implementation, it is recommended (but not specified by this standard) that implementations use the approximation algorithms forIEEE 754-2019 arithmetic contained infdlibm, the freely distributable mathematical library from Sun Microsystems ( Math.abs (x )
This function returns the absolute value ofx; the result has the same magnitude asx but has positive sign.
6.Return animplementation-approximated Number value representing the result of the inverse hyperbolic tangent ofℝ(n). Math.atan2 (y,x )
This function returns the inverse tangent of the quotienty /x of the argumentsy andx, where the signs ofy andx are used to determine the quadrant of the result. Note that it is intentional and traditional for the two-argument inverse tangent function that the argument namedy be first and the argument namedx be second. The result is expressed in radians and is in theinclusive interval from -π to +π.
This function returns the result of subtracting 1 from the exponential function ofx (e raised to the power ofx, wheree is the base of the natural logarithms). The result is computed in a way that is accurate even when the value ofx is close to 0.
Implementations should take care to avoid the loss of precision from overflows and underflows that are prone to occur in naive implementations when this function is called with two or more arguments. Math.imul (x,y )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This function returns a Number value with positive sign, greater than or equal to+0𝔽 but strictly less than1𝔽, chosen randomly or pseudo randomly with approximately uniform distribution over that range, using animplementation-defined algorithm or strategy.
EachMath.random function created for distinctrealms must produce a distinct sequence of values from successive calls. Math.round (x )
This function returns the Number value that is closest tox and is integral. If twointegral Numbers are equally close tox, then the result is the Number value that is closer to +∞. Ifx is already integral, the result isx.
The value ofMath.round(x) is not always the same as the value ofMath.floor(x + 0.5). Whenx is-0𝔽 orx is less than+0𝔽 but greater than or equal to-0.5𝔽,Math.round(x) returns-0𝔽, butMath.floor(x + 0.5) returns+0𝔽.Math.round(x) may also differ from the value ofMath.floor(x + 0.5)because of internal rounding when computingx + 0.5. Math.sign (x )
This function returns the sign ofx, indicating whetherx is positive, negative, or zero.
2.Ifn is notfinite orn is either+0𝔽 or-0𝔽, returnn.
3.Ifn <1𝔽 andn >+0𝔽, return+0𝔽.
4.Ifn <-0𝔽 andn >-1𝔽, return-0𝔽.
5.Return theintegral Number nearestn in the direction of+0𝔽.
21.4 Date Objects
21.4.1 Overview of Date Objects and Definitions of Abstract Operations
The followingabstract operations operate ontime values (defined in21.4.1.1). Note that, in every case, if any argument to one of these functions isNaN, the result will beNaN. Time Values and Time Range
Time measurement in ECMAScript is analogous to time measurement in POSIX, in particular sharing definition in terms of the proleptic Gregorian calendar, anepoch of midnight at the beginning of 1 January 1970 UTC, and an accounting of every day as comprising exactly 86,400 seconds (each of which is 1000 milliseconds long).
An ECMAScripttime valueis a Number, either afiniteintegral Number representing an instant in time to millisecond precision orNaN representing no specific instant. A time value that is a multiple of24 × 60 × 60 × 1000 = 86,400,000 (i.e., is 86,400,000 ×d for someintegerd) represents the instant at the start of the UTC day that follows theepoch byd whole UTC days (preceding theepoch for negatived). Every otherfinite time valuet is defined relative to the greatest preceding time values that is such a multiple, and represents the instant that occurs within the same UTC day ass but follows it by (t -s) milliseconds.
Time values do not account for UTC leap seconds—there are no time values representing instants within positive leap seconds, and there are time values representing instants removed from the UTC timeline by negative leap seconds. However, the definition of time values nonetheless yields piecewise alignment with UTC, with discontinuities only at leap second boundaries and zero difference outside of leap seconds.
A Number can exactly represent allintegers from -9,007,199,254,740,992 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 ( and21.1.2.6). A time value supports a slightly smaller range of -8,640,000,000,000,000 to 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds. This yields a supported time value range of exactly -100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days relative to midnight at the beginning of 1 January 1970 UTC.
The exact moment of midnight at the beginning of 1 January 1970 UTC is represented by the time value+0𝔽.
In the proleptic Gregorian calendar, leap years are precisely those which are both divisible by 4 and either divisible by 400 or not divisible by 100.
The 400 year cycle of the proleptic Gregorian calendar contains 97 leap years. This yields an average of 365.2425 days per year, which is 31,556,952,000 milliseconds. Therefore, the maximum range a Number could represent exactly with millisecond precision is approximately -285,426 to 285,426 years relative to 1970. The smaller range supported by a time value as specified in this section is approximately -273,790 to 273,790 years relative to 1970. Time-related Constants
These constants are referenced by algorithms in the following sections.
The abstract operation Day takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number. It returns the day number of the day in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TimeWithinDay takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinterval from+0𝔽 (inclusive) tomsPerDay (exclusive). It returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the day in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation DaysInYear takes argumenty (anintegral Number) and returns365𝔽 or366𝔽. It returns the number of days in yeary. Leap years have 366 days; all other years have 365. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation DayFromYear takes argumenty (anintegral Number) and returns anintegral Number. It returns the day number of the first day of yeary. It performs the following steps when called:
2.NOTE: In the following steps,numYears1,numYears4,numYears100, andnumYears400 represent the number of years divisible by 1, 4, 100, and 400, respectively, that occur between theepoch and the start of yeary. The number is negative ify is before theepoch.
The abstract operation TimeFromYear takes argumenty (anintegral Number) and returns atime value. It returns thetime value of the start of yeary. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation YearFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number. It returns the year in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation InLeapYear takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns+0𝔽 or1𝔽. It returns1𝔽 ift is within a leap year and+0𝔽 otherwise. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MonthFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to11𝔽. It returns a Number identifying the month in whicht falls. A month value of+0𝔽 specifies January;1𝔽 specifies February;2𝔽 specifies March;3𝔽 specifies April;4𝔽 specifies May;5𝔽 specifies June;6𝔽 specifies July;7𝔽 specifies August;8𝔽 specifies September;9𝔽 specifies October;10𝔽 specifies November; and11𝔽 specifies December. Note thatMonthFromTime(+0𝔽) =+0𝔽, corresponding to Thursday, 1 January 1970. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation DateFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from1𝔽 to31𝔽. It returns the day of the month in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation WeekDay takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to6𝔽. It returns a Number identifying the day of the week in whicht falls. A weekday value of+0𝔽 specifies Sunday;1𝔽 specifies Monday;2𝔽 specifies Tuesday;3𝔽 specifies Wednesday;4𝔽 specifies Thursday;5𝔽 specifies Friday; and6𝔽 specifies Saturday. Note thatWeekDay(+0𝔽) =4𝔽, corresponding to Thursday, 1 January 1970. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation HourFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to23𝔽. It returns the hour of the day in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MinFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to59𝔽. It returns the minute of the hour in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation SecFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to59𝔽. It returns the second of the minute in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation msFromTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number in theinclusive interval from+0𝔽 to999𝔽. It returns the millisecond of the second in whicht falls. It performs the following steps when called:
Time zones in ECMAScript are represented bytime zone identifiers, which are Strings composed entirely of code units in theinclusive interval from 0x0000 to 0x007F. Time zones supported by an ECMAScript implementation may beavailable named time zones, represented by the[[Identifier]] field of theTime Zone Identifier Records returned byAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifiers, oroffset time zones, represented by Strings for whichIsTimeZoneOffsetString returnstrue.
Aprimary time zone identifier is the preferred identifier for an available named time zone. Anon-primary time zone identifier is an identifier for an available named time zone that is not a primary time zone identifier. Anavailable named time zone identifier is either a primary time zone identifier or a non-primary time zone identifier. Each available named time zone identifier is associated with exactly one available named time zone. Each available named time zone is associated with exactly one primary time zone identifier and zero or more non-primary time zone identifiers.
ECMAScript implementations must support an available named time zone with the identifier"UTC", which must be the primary time zone identifier for the UTC time zone. In addition, implementations may support any number of other available named time zones.
Implementations that follow the requirements for time zones as described in the ECMA-402 Internationalization API specification are calledtime zone aware. Time zone aware implementations must support available named time zones corresponding to the Zone and Link names of the IANA Time Zone Database, and only such names. In time zone aware implementations, a primary time zone identifier is a Zone name, and a non-primary time zone identifier is a Link name, respectively, in the IANA Time Zone Database except as specifically overridden byAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifiers as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. Implementations that do not support the entire IANA Time Zone Database are still recommended to use IANA Time Zone Database names as identifiers to represent time zones.
When the input represents a local time occurring more than once because of a negative time zone transition (e.g. when daylight saving time ends or the time zone offset is decreased due to a time zone rule change), the returnedList will have more than one element and will be sorted by ascending numerical value. When the input represents a local time skipped because of a positive time zone transition (e.g. when daylight saving time begins or the time zone offset is increased due to a time zone rule change), the returnedList will be empty. Otherwise, the returnedList will have one element.
The default implementation of GetNamedTimeZoneEpochNanoseconds, to be used for ECMAScript implementations that do not include local political rules for any time zones, performs the following steps when called:
1:30 AM on 5 November 2017 in America/New_York is repeated twice, so GetNamedTimeZoneEpochNanoseconds("America/New_York", 2017, 11, 5, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0) would return aList of length 2 in which the first element represents 05:30 UTC (corresponding with 01:30 US Eastern Daylight Time at UTC offset -04:00) and the second element represents 06:30 UTC (corresponding with 01:30 US Eastern Standard Time at UTC offset -05:00).
2:30 AM on 12 March 2017 in America/New_York does not exist, so GetNamedTimeZoneEpochNanoseconds("America/New_York", 2017, 3, 12, 2, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0) would return an emptyList.
Theimplementation-defined abstract operation GetNamedTimeZoneOffsetNanoseconds takes argumentstimeZoneIdentifier (a String) andepochNanoseconds (a BigInt) and returns aninteger.
The returnedinteger represents the offset from UTC of the named time zone identified bytimeZoneIdentifier, at the instant corresponding withepochNanoseconds relative to theepoch, both in nanoseconds.
The default implementation of GetNamedTimeZoneOffsetNanoseconds, to be used for ECMAScript implementations that do not include local political rules for any time zones, performs the following steps when called:
Time zone aware implementations, including all implementations that implement the ECMA-402 Internationalization API, must implement the AvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifiers abstract operation as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. For implementations that are nottime zone aware, AvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifiers performs the following steps when called:
1.If the implementation does not include local political rules for any time zones, then
Theimplementation-defined abstract operation SystemTimeZoneIdentifier takes no arguments and returns a String. It returns a String representing thehost environment's current time zone, which is either a String representing a UTC offset for whichIsTimeZoneOffsetString returnstrue, or aprimary time zone identifier. It performs the following steps when called:
1.If the implementation only supports the UTC time zone, return"UTC".
To ensure the level of functionality that implementations commonly provide in the methods of the Date object, it is recommended that SystemTimeZoneIdentifier return an IANA time zone name corresponding to thehost environment's time zone setting, if such a thing exists.GetNamedTimeZoneEpochNanoseconds andGetNamedTimeZoneOffsetNanoseconds must reflect the local political rules for standard time and daylight saving time in that time zone, if such rules exist.
For example, if thehost environment is a browser on a system where the user has chosen US Eastern Time as their time zone, SystemTimeZoneIdentifier returns"America/New_York". LocalTime (t )
The abstract operation LocalTime takes argumentt (afinitetime value) and returns anintegral Number. It convertst from UTC to local time. The local political rules for standard time and daylight saving time in effect att should be used to determine the result in the way specified in this section. It performs the following steps when called:
Two different inputtime valuestUTC are converted to the same local timetlocal at a negative time zone transition when there are repeated times (e.g. the daylight saving time ends or the time zone adjustment is decreased.).
LocalTime(UTC(tlocal)) is not necessarily always equal totlocal. Correspondingly,UTC(LocalTime(tUTC)) is not necessarily always equal totUTC. UTC (t )
The abstract operation UTC takes argumentt (a Number) and returns atime value. It convertst from local time to a UTCtime value. The local political rules for standard time and daylight saving time in effect att should be used to determine the result in the way specified in this section. It performs the following steps when called:
b.NOTE: The following steps ensure that whent represents local time repeating multiple times at a negative time zone transition (e.g. when the daylight saving time ends or the time zone offset is decreased due to a time zone rule change) or skipped local time at a positive time zone transition (e.g. when the daylight saving time starts or the time zone offset is increased due to a time zone rule change),t is interpreted using the time zone offset before the transition.
c.IfpossibleInstants is not empty, then
i.LetdisambiguatedInstant bepossibleInstants[0].
i.NOTE:t represents a local time skipped at a positive time zone transition (e.g. due to daylight saving time starting or a time zone rule change increasing the UTC offset).
Inputt is nominally atime value but may be any Number value. The algorithm must not limitt to thetime value range, so that inputs corresponding with a boundary of thetime value range can be supported regardless of local UTC offset. For example, the maximumtime value is 8.64 × 10**15, corresponding with"+275760-09-13T00:00:00Z". In an environment where the local time zone offset is ahead of UTC by 1 hour at that instant, it is represented by the larger input of 8.64 × 10**15 + 3.6 × 10**6, corresponding with"+275760-09-13T01:00:00+01:00".
1:30 AM on 5 November 2017 in America/New_York is repeated twice (fall backward), but it must be interpreted as 1:30 AM UTC-04 instead of 1:30 AM UTC-05. In UTC(TimeClip(MakeDate(MakeDay(2017, 10, 5),MakeTime(1, 30, 0, 0)))), the value ofoffsetMs is-4 ×msPerHour.
2:30 AM on 12 March 2017 in America/New_York does not exist, but it must be interpreted as 2:30 AM UTC-05 (equivalent to 3:30 AM UTC-04). In UTC(TimeClip(MakeDate(MakeDay(2017, 2, 12),MakeTime(2, 30, 0, 0)))), the value ofoffsetMs is-5 ×msPerHour.
Note 2
UTC(LocalTime(tUTC)) is not necessarily always equal totUTC. Correspondingly,LocalTime(UTC(tlocal)) is not necessarily always equal totlocal. MakeTime (hour,min,sec,ms )
The abstract operation MakeTime takes argumentshour (a Number),min (a Number),sec (a Number), andms (a Number) and returns a Number. It calculates a number of milliseconds. It performs the following steps when called:
The arithmetic in MakeTime is floating-point arithmetic, which is not associative, so the operations must be performed in the correct order. MakeDay (year,month,date )
The abstract operation MakeDay takes argumentsyear (a Number),month (a Number), anddate (a Number) and returns a Number. It calculates a number of days. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifyear is notfinite,month is notfinite, ordate is notfinite, returnNaN.
The abstract operation MakeDate takes argumentsday (a Number) andtime (a Number) and returns a Number. It calculates a number of milliseconds. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifday is notfinite ortime is notfinite, returnNaN.
The abstract operation MakeFullYear takes argumentyear (a Number) and returns anintegral Number orNaN. It returns the full year associated with theinteger part ofyear, interpreting any value in theinclusive interval from 0 to 99 as a count of years since the start of 1900. For alignment with the proleptic Gregorian calendar, "full year" is defined as the signed count of complete years since the start of year 0 (1 B.C.). It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TimeClip takes argumenttime (a Number) and returns a Number. It calculates a number of milliseconds. It performs the following steps when called:
ECMAScript defines a string interchange format for date-times based upon a simplification of the ISO 8601 calendar date extended format. The format is as follows:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Where the elements are as follows:
is the year in the proleptic Gregorian calendar as four decimal digits from 0000 to 9999, or as anexpanded year of"+" or"-" followed by six decimal digits.
"-" (hyphen) appears literally twice in the string.
is the month of the year as two decimal digits from 01 (January) to 12 (December).
is the day of the month as two decimal digits from 01 to 31.
"T" appears literally in the string, to indicate the beginning of the time element.
is the number of complete hours that have passed since midnight as two decimal digits from 00 to 24.
":" (colon) appears literally twice in the string.
is the number of complete minutes since the start of the hour as two decimal digits from 00 to 59.
is the number of complete seconds since the start of the minute as two decimal digits from 00 to 59.
"." (dot) appears literally in the string.
is the number of complete milliseconds since the start of the second as three decimal digits.
is the UTC offset representation specified as"Z" (for UTC with no offset) or as either"+" or"-" followed by a time expressionHH:mm (a subset of thetime zone offset string format for indicating local time ahead of or behind UTC, respectively)
This format includes date-only forms:
It also includes “date-time” forms that consist of one of the above date-only forms immediately followed by one of the following time forms with an optional UTC offset representation appended:
A string containing out-of-bounds or nonconforming elements is not a valid instance of this format.
Note 1
As every day both starts and ends with midnight, the two notations00:00 and24:00 are available to distinguish the two midnights that can be associated with one date. This means that the following two notations refer to exactly the same point in time:1995-02-04T24:00 and1995-02-05T00:00. This interpretation of the latter form as "end of a calendar day" is consistent with ISO 8601, even though that specification reserves it for describing time intervals and does not permit it within representations of single points in time.
Note 2
There exists no international standard that specifies abbreviations for civil time zones like CET, EST, etc. and sometimes the same abbreviation is even used for two very different time zones. For this reason, both ISO 8601 and this format specify numeric representations of time zone offsets. Expanded Years
Covering the fulltime value range of approximately 273,790 years forward or backward from 1 January 1970 ( requires representing years before 0 or after 9999. ISO 8601 permits expansion of the year representation, but only by mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange. In the simplified ECMAScript format, such an expanded year representation shall have 6 digits and is always prefixed with a + or - sign. The year 0 is considered positive and must be prefixed with a + sign. The representation of the year 0 as -000000 is invalid. Strings matching theDate Time String Format with expanded years representing instants in time outside the range of atime value are treated as unrecognizable byDate.parse and cause that function to returnNaN without falling back to implementation-specific behaviour or heuristics.
Examples of date-time values with expanded years:
271822 B.C.
2 B.C.
1 B.C.
1 A.D.
1970 A.D.
2009 A.D.
275760 A.D. Time Zone Offset String Format
ECMAScript defines a string interchange format for UTC offsets, derived from ISO 8601. The format is described by the following grammar. The usage of Unicode code points in this grammar is listed inTable 62.
The abstract operation IsTimeZoneOffsetString takes argumentoffsetString (a String) and returns a Boolean. The return value indicates whetheroffsetString conforms to the grammar given byUTCOffset. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation ParseTimeZoneOffsetString takes argumentoffsetString (a String) and returns aninteger. The return value is the UTC offset, as a number of nanoseconds, that corresponds to the StringoffsetString. It performs the following steps when called:
5.IfparsedSign is the single code point U+002D (HYPHEN-MINUS) or U+2212 (MINUS SIGN), then
a.Letsign be -1.
a.Letsign be 1.
7.NOTE: Applications ofStringToNumber below do not lose precision, since each of the parsed values is guaranteed to be a sufficiently short string of decimal digits.
is the initial value of the"Date" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Date when called as aconstructor.
returns a String representing the current time (UTC) when called as a function rather than as aconstructor.
is a function whose behaviour differs based upon the number and types of its arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Date behaviour must include asuper call to the Dateconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with a[[DateValue]] internal slot. Date ( ...values )
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.If NewTarget isundefined, then
a.Letnow be thetime value (UTC) identifying the current time.
This function returns thetime value designating the UTC date and time of the occurrence of the call to it. Date.parse (string )
This function applies theToString operator to its argument. IfToString results in anabrupt completion theCompletion Record is immediately returned. Otherwise, this function interprets the resulting String as a date and time; it returns a Number, the UTCtime value corresponding to the date and time. The String may be interpreted as a local time, a UTC time, or a time in some other time zone, depending on the contents of the String. The function first attempts to parse the String according to the format described in Date Time String Format (, including expanded years. If the String does not conform to that format the function may fall back to any implementation-specific heuristics or implementation-specific date formats. Strings that are unrecognizable or contain out-of-bounds format element values shall cause this function to returnNaN.
If the String conforms to theDate Time String Format, substitute values take the place of absent format elements. When theMM orDD elements are absent,"01" is used. When theHH,mm, orss elements are absent,"00" is used. When thesss element is absent,"000" is used. When the UTC offset representation is absent, date-only forms are interpreted as a UTC time and date-time forms are interpreted as a local time.
Ifx is any Date whose milliseconds amount is zero within a particular implementation of ECMAScript, then all of the following expressions should produce the same numeric value in that implementation, if all the properties referenced have their initial values:
is not required to produce the same Number value as the preceding three expressions and, in general, the value produced by this function isimplementation-defined when given any String value that does not conform to the Date Time String Format ( and that could not be produced in that implementation by thetoString ortoUTCString method.
This function differs from the Dateconstructor in two ways: it returns atime value as a Number, rather than creating a Date, and it interprets the arguments in UTC rather than as local time.
Unless explicitly defined otherwise, the methods of the Date prototype object defined below are not generic and thethis value passed to them must be an object that has a[[DateValue]] internal slot that has been initialized to atime value. Date.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofDate.prototype.constructor is%Date%. Date.prototype.getDate ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
Ifmonth is not present, this method behaves as ifmonth was present with the valuegetMonth(). Ifdate is not present, it behaves as ifdate was present with the valuegetDate().
Ifmin is not present, this method behaves as ifmin was present with the valuegetMinutes(). Ifsec is not present, it behaves as ifsec was present with the valuegetSeconds(). Ifms is not present, it behaves as ifms was present with the valuegetMilliseconds(). Date.prototype.setMilliseconds (ms )
This method performs the following steps when called:
Ifsec is not present, this method behaves as ifsec was present with the valuegetSeconds(). Ifms is not present, this behaves as ifms was present with the valuegetMilliseconds().
Ifmonth is not present, this method behaves as ifmonth was present with the valuegetUTCMonth(). Ifdate is not present, it behaves as ifdate was present with the valuegetUTCDate().
Ifmin is not present, this method behaves as ifmin was present with the valuegetUTCMinutes(). Ifsec is not present, it behaves as ifsec was present with the valuegetUTCSeconds(). Ifms is not present, it behaves as ifms was present with the valuegetUTCMilliseconds(). Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds (ms )
This method performs the following steps when called:
Ifsec is not present, this method behaves as ifsec was present with the valuegetUTCSeconds(). Ifms is not present, it behaves as ifms was present with the value return bygetUTCMilliseconds().
5.Iftv corresponds with a year that cannot be represented in theDate Time String Format, throw aRangeError exception.
6.Return a String representation oftv in theDate Time String Format on the UTC time scale, including all format elements and the UTC offset representation"Z". Date.prototype.toJSON (key )
This method provides a String representation of a Date for use byJSON.stringify (25.5.2).
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a Date. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. However, it does require that any such object have atoISOString method.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method returns a String value. The contents of the String areimplementation-defined, but are intended to represent the “date” portion of the Date in the current time zone in a convenient, human-readable form that corresponds to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale.
The meaning of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method returns a String value. The contents of the String areimplementation-defined, but are intended to represent the Date in the current time zone in a convenient, human-readable form that corresponds to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale.
The meaning of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method returns a String value. The contents of the String areimplementation-defined, but are intended to represent the “time” portion of the Date in the current time zone in a convenient, human-readable form that corresponds to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale.
The meaning of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else. Date.prototype.toString ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
For any Dated such thatd.[[DateValue]] is evenly divisible by 1000, the result ofDate.parse(d.toString()) =d.valueOf(). See21.4.3.2.
Note 2
This method is not generic; it throws aTypeError exception if itsthis value is not a Date. Therefore, it cannot be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. TimeString (tv )
The abstract operation TimeString takes argumenttv (a Number, but notNaN) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
7.Return thestring-concatenation ofweekday, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),month, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),day, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),yearSign, andpaddedYear.
Table 63: Names of days of the week
Table 64: Names of months of the year
"Dec" TimeZoneString (tv )
The abstract operation TimeZoneString takes argumenttv (anintegral Number) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
9.LettzName be animplementation-defined string that is either the empty String or thestring-concatenation of the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE), the code unit 0x0028 (LEFT PARENTHESIS), animplementation-defined timezone name, and the code unit 0x0029 (RIGHT PARENTHESIS).
This method returns a String value representing the instant in time corresponding to thethis value. The format of the String is based upon "HTTP-date" from RFC 7231, generalized to support the full range of times supported by ECMAScript Dates.
11.Return thestring-concatenation ofweekday,",", the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),day, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),month, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE),yearSign,paddedYear, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE), andTimeString(tv). Date.prototype.valueOf ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is called by ECMAScript language operators to convert a Date to a primitive value. The allowed values forhint are"default","number", and"string". Dates are unique among built-in ECMAScript object in that they treat"default" as being equivalent to"string", All other built-in ECMAScript objects treat"default" as being equivalent to"number".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.toPrimitive]".
21.4.5 Properties of Date Instances
Date instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theDate prototype object. Date instances also have a[[DateValue]] internal slot. The[[DateValue]] internal slot is thetime value represented by this Date.
is the initial value of the"String" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new String object when called as aconstructor.
performs a type conversion when called as a function rather than as aconstructor.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified String behaviour must include asuper call to the Stringconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with a[[StringData]] internal slot. String (value )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. String.raw (template, ...substitutions )
This function may be called with a variable number of arguments. The first argument istemplate and the remainder of the arguments form theListsubstitutions.
It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetsubstitutionCount be the number of elements insubstitutions.
This function is intended for use as a tag function of a Tagged Template (13.3.11). When called as such, the first argument will be a well formed template object and the rest parameter will contain the substitution values.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the methods of the String prototype object defined below are not generic and thethis value passed to them must be either a String value or an object that has a[[StringData]] internal slot that has been initialized to a String value.
This method returns a single element String containing the code unit at indexpos within the String value resulting from converting this object to a String. If there is no element at that index, the result is the empty String. The resultis a String value, not a String object.
Ifpos is anintegral Number, then the result ofx.charAt(pos) is equivalent to the result ofx.substring(pos, pos + 1).
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.charCodeAt (pos )
Note 1
This method returns a Number (a non-negativeintegral Number less than 2**16) that is the numeric value of the code unit at indexpos within the String resulting from converting this object to a String. If there is no element at that index, the result isNaN.
This method performs the following steps when called:
6.Return theNumber value for the numeric value of the code unit at indexposition within the StringS.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.codePointAt (pos )
Note 1
This method returns a non-negativeintegral Number less than or equal to0x10FFFF𝔽 that is the numeric value of the UTF-16 encoded code point (6.1.4) starting at the string element at indexpos within the String resulting from converting this object to a String. If there is no element at that index, the result isundefined. If a valid UTF-16surrogate pair does not begin atpos, the result is the code unit atpos.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.concat ( ...args )
Note 1
When this method is called it returns the String value consisting of the code units of thethis value (converted to a String) followed by the code units of each of the arguments converted to a String. The resultis a String value, not a String object.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofString.prototype.constructor is%String%.
7.IfendPosition isundefined, letpos belen; else letpos be ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(endPosition).
8.Letend be the result ofclampingpos between 0 andlen.
9.LetsearchLength be the length ofsearchStr.
10.IfsearchLength = 0, returntrue.
11.Letstart beend -searchLength.
12.Ifstart < 0, returnfalse.
13.Letsubstring be thesubstring ofS fromstart toend.
14.Ifsubstring issearchStr, returntrue.
Note 1
This method returnstrue if the sequence of code units ofsearchString converted to a String is the same as the corresponding code units of this object (converted to a String) starting atendPosition - length(this). Otherwise it returnsfalse.
Note 2
Throwing an exception if the first argument is a RegExp is specified in order to allow future editions to define extensions that allow such argument values.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
IfsearchString appears as asubstring of the result of converting this object to a String, at one or more indices that are greater than or equal toposition, this function returnstrue; otherwise, it returnsfalse. Ifposition isundefined, 0 is assumed, so as to search all of the String.
Note 2
Throwing an exception if the first argument is a RegExp is specified in order to allow future editions to define extensions that allow such argument values.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
IfsearchString appears as asubstring of the result of converting this object to a String, at one or more indices that are greater than or equal toposition, then the smallest such index is returned; otherwise,-1𝔽 is returned. Ifposition isundefined,+0𝔽 is assumed, so as to search all of the String.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.isWellFormed ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
IfsearchString appears as asubstring of the result of converting this object to a String at one or more indices that are smaller than or equal toposition, then the greatest such index is returned; otherwise,-1𝔽 is returned. Ifposition isundefined, the length of the String value is assumed, so as to search all of the String.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method returns a Number other thanNaN representing the result of animplementation-defined locale-sensitive String comparison of thethis value (converted to a StringS) withthat (converted to a StringthatValue). The result is intended to correspond with asort order of String values according to conventions of thehost environment's current locale, and will be negative whenS is ordered beforethatValue, positive whenS is ordered afterthatValue, and zero in all other cases (representing no relative ordering betweenS andthatValue).
Before performing the comparisons, this method performs the following steps to prepare the Strings:
The meaning of the optional second and third parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not assign any other interpretation to those parameter positions.
The actual return values areimplementation-defined to permit encoding additional information in them, but this method, when considered as a method of two arguments, is required to be aconsistent comparator defining a total ordering on the set of all Strings. This method is also required to recognize and honour canonical equivalence according to the Unicode Standard, including returning+0𝔽 when comparing distinguishable Strings that are canonically equivalent.
Note 1
This method itself is not directly suitable as an argument toArray.prototype.sort because the latter requires a function of two arguments.
Note 2
This method may rely on whatever language- and/or locale-sensitive comparison functionality is available to the ECMAScript environment from thehost environment, and is intended to compare according to the conventions of thehost environment's current locale. However, regardless of comparison capabilities, this method must recognize and honour canonical equivalence according to the Unicode Standard—for example, the following comparisons must all return+0𝔽:
It is recommended that this method should not honour Unicode compatibility equivalents or compatibility decompositions as defined in the Unicode Standard, chapter 3, section 3.7.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.match (regexp )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.matchAll (regexp )
This method performs a regular expression match of the String representing thethis value againstregexp and returns an iterator. Each iteration result's value is an Array containing the results of the match, ornull if the String did not match.
This method is intentionally generic, it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
Note 2
Similarly toString.prototype.split,String.prototype.matchAll is designed to typically act without mutating its inputs. String.prototype.normalize ( [form ] )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
The abstract operation StringPad takes argumentsS (a String),maxLength (a non-negativeinteger),fillString (a String), andplacement (start orend) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetstringLength be the length ofS.
2.IfmaxLength ≤stringLength, returnS.
3.IffillString is the empty String, returnS.
4.LetfillLen bemaxLength -stringLength.
5.LettruncatedStringFiller be the String value consisting of repeated concatenations offillString truncated to lengthfillLen.
The abstract operation ToZeroPaddedDecimalString takes argumentsn (a non-negativeinteger) andminLength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetS be the String representation ofn, formatted as a decimal number.
6.Return the String value that is made fromn copies ofS appended together.
Note 1
This method creates the String value consisting of the code units of thethis value (converted to String) repeatedcount times.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
The abstract operation GetSubstitution takes argumentsmatched (a String),str (a String),position (a non-negativeinteger),captures (aList of either Strings orundefined),namedCaptures (an Object orundefined), andreplacementTemplate (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing a String or athrow completion. For the purposes of this abstract operation, adecimal digit is a code unit in theinclusive interval from 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO) to 0x0039 (DIGIT NINE). It performs the following steps when called:
5.Repeat, whiletemplateRemainder is not the empty String,
a.NOTE: The following steps isolateref (a prefix oftemplateRemainder), determinerefReplacement (its replacement), and then append that replacement toresult.
b.IftemplateRemainder starts with"$$", then
i.Letref be"$$".
ii.LetrefReplacement be"$".
c.Else iftemplateRemainder starts with"$`", then
i.Letref be"$`".
ii.LetrefReplacement be thesubstring ofstr from 0 toposition.
d.Else iftemplateRemainder starts with"$&", then
i.Letref be"$&".
ii.LetrefReplacement bematched.
e.Else iftemplateRemainder starts with"$'" (0x0024 (DOLLAR SIGN) followed by 0x0027 (APOSTROPHE)), then
i.Letref be"$'".
ii.LetmatchLength be the length ofmatched.
iii.LettailPos beposition +matchLength.
iv.LetrefReplacement be thesubstring ofstr frommin(tailPos,stringLength).
v.NOTE:tailPos can exceedstringLength only if this abstract operation was invoked by a call to the intrinsic@@replace method of%RegExp.prototype% on an object whose"exec" property is not the intrinsic %RegExp.prototype.exec%.
f.Else iftemplateRemainder starts with"$" followed by 1 or more decimal digits, then
i.IftemplateRemainder starts with"$" followed by 2 or more decimal digits, letdigitCount be 2. Otherwise, letdigitCount be 1.
ii.Letdigits be thesubstring oftemplateRemainder from 1 to 1 +digitCount.
v.LetcaptureLen be the number of elements incaptures.
vi.Ifindex >captureLen anddigitCount = 2, then
1.NOTE: When a two-digit replacement pattern specifies an index exceeding the count of capturing groups, it is treated as a one-digit replacement pattern followed by a literal digit.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.slice (start,end )
This method returns asubstring of the result of converting this object to a String, starting from indexstart and running to, but not including, indexend (or through the end of the String ifend isundefined). Ifstart is negative, it is treated assourceLength +start wheresourceLength is the length of the String. Ifend is negative, it is treated assourceLength +end wheresourceLength is the length of the String. The resultis a String value, not a String object.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method returns an Array into which substrings of the result of converting this object to a String have been stored. The substrings are determined by searching from left to right for occurrences ofseparator; these occurrences are not part of any String in the returned array, but serve to divide up the String value. The value ofseparator may be a String of any length or it may be an object, such as a RegExp, that has a@@split method.
The value ofseparator may be an empty String. In this case,separator does not match the emptysubstring at the beginning or end of the input String, nor does it match the emptysubstring at the end of the previous separator match. Ifseparator is the empty String, the String is split up into individual code unit elements; the length of the result array equals the length of the String, and eachsubstring contains one code unit.
If thethis value is (or converts to) the empty String, the result depends on whetherseparator can match the empty String. If it can, the result array contains no elements. Otherwise, the result array contains one element, which is the empty String.
Ifseparator isundefined, then the result array contains just one String, which is thethis value (converted to a String). Iflimit is notundefined, then the output array is truncated so that it contains no more thanlimit elements.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
7.Ifposition isundefined, letpos be 0; else letpos be ? ToIntegerOrInfinity(position).
8.Letstart be the result ofclampingpos between 0 andlen.
9.LetsearchLength be the length ofsearchStr.
10.IfsearchLength = 0, returntrue.
11.Letend bestart +searchLength.
12.Ifend >len, returnfalse.
13.Letsubstring be thesubstring ofS fromstart toend.
14.Ifsubstring issearchStr, returntrue.
Note 1
This method returnstrue if the sequence of code units ofsearchString converted to a String is the same as the corresponding code units of this object (converted to a String) starting at indexposition. Otherwise it returnsfalse.
Note 2
Throwing an exception if the first argument is a RegExp is specified in order to allow future editions to define extensions that allow such argument values.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.substring (start,end )
This method returns asubstring of the result of converting this object to a String, starting from indexstart and running to, but not including, indexend of the String (or through the end of the String ifend isundefined). The resultis a String value, not a String object.
If either argument isNaN or negative, it is replaced with zero; if either argument is strictly greater than the length of the String, it is replaced with the length of the String.
Ifstart is strictly greater thanend, they are swapped.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
It works exactly the same astoLowerCase except that it is intended to yield a locale-sensitive result corresponding with conventions of thehost environment's current locale. There will only be a difference in the few cases (such as Turkish) where the rules for that language conflict with the regular Unicode case mappings.
The meaning of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used:
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
It works exactly the same astoUpperCase except that it is intended to yield a locale-sensitive result corresponding with conventions of thehost environment's current locale. There will only be a difference in the few cases (such as Turkish) where the rules for that language conflict with the regular Unicode case mappings.
The meaning of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.toLowerCase ( )
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
The result must be derived according to the locale-insensitive case mappings in the Unicode Character Database (this explicitly includes not only the fileUnicodeData.txt, but also all locale-insensitive mappings in the fileSpecialCasing.txt that accompanies it).
Note 1
The case mapping of some code points may produce multiple code points. In this case the result String may not be the same length as the source String. Because bothtoUpperCase andtoLowerCase have context-sensitive behaviour, the methods are not symmetrical. In other words,s.toUpperCase().toLowerCase() is not necessarily equal tos.toLowerCase().
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.toString ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
For a String object, this method happens to return the same thing as thevalueOf method. String.prototype.toUpperCase ( )
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
It behaves in exactly the same way asString.prototype.toLowerCase, except that the String is mapped using the toUppercase algorithm of the Unicode Default Case Conversion.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. TrimString (string,where )
The abstract operation TrimString takes argumentsstring (anECMAScript language value) andwhere (start,end, orstart+end) and returns either anormal completion containing a String or athrow completion. It interpretsstring as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4. It performs the following steps when called:
b.LetT be the String value that is a copy ofS with both leading and trailing white space removed.
The definition of white space is the union ofWhiteSpace andLineTerminator. When determining whether a Unicode code point is in Unicode general category “Space_Separator” (“Zs”), code unit sequences are interpreted as UTF-16 encoded code point sequences as specified in6.1.4. String.prototype.trimEnd ( )
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.trimStart ( )
This method interprets a String value as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. String.prototype.valueOf ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.iterator]".
22.1.4 Properties of String Instances
String instances areString exotic objects and have the internal methods specified for such objects. String instances inherit properties from theString prototype object. String instances also have a[[StringData]] internal slot. The[[StringData]] internal slot is the String value represented by this String object.
String instances have a"length" property, and a set of enumerable properties withinteger-indexed names. length
The number of elements in the String value represented by this String object.
Once a String object is initialized, this property is unchanging. It has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
22.1.5 String Iterator Objects
A String Iterator is an object, that represents a specific iteration over some specific String instance object. There is not a namedconstructor for String Iterator objects. Instead, String iterator objects are created by calling certain methods of String instance objects. The %StringIteratorPrototype% Object
The%StringIteratorPrototype% object:
has properties that are inherited by all String Iterator Objects.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"String Iterator".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
22.2 RegExp (Regular Expression) Objects
A RegExp object contains a regular expression and the associated flags.
The form and functionality of regular expressions is modelled after the regular expression facility in the Perl 5 programming language.
22.2.1 Patterns
The RegExpconstructor applies the following grammar to the input pattern String. An error occurs if the grammar cannot interpret the String as an expansion ofPattern.
The abstract operation CountLeftCapturingParensWithin takes argumentnode (aParse Node) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It returns the number of left-capturing parentheses innode. Aleft-capturing parenthesis is any( pattern character that is matched by the( terminal of theAtom::(GroupSpecifieroptDisjunction) production.
The abstract operation CountLeftCapturingParensBefore takes argumentnode (aParse Node) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It returns the number ofleft-capturing parentheses within the enclosing pattern that occur to the left ofnode.
Thesyntax-directed operation RegExpIdentifierCodePoints takes no arguments and returns aList of code points. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation RegExpIdentifierCodePoint takes no arguments and returns a code point. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
A regular expression pattern is converted into anAbstract Closure using the process described below. An implementation is encouraged to use more efficient algorithms than the ones listed below, as long as the results are the same. TheAbstract Closure is used as the value of a RegExp object's[[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot.
APattern is a BMP pattern if its associated flags contain neither au nor av. Otherwise, it is a Unicode pattern. A BMP pattern matches against a String interpreted as consisting of a sequence of 16-bit values that are Unicode code points in the range of the Basic Multilingual Plane. A Unicode pattern matches against a String interpreted as consisting of Unicode code points encoded using UTF-16. In the context of describing the behaviour of a BMP pattern “character” means a single 16-bit Unicode BMP code point. In the context of describing the behaviour of a Unicode pattern “character” means a UTF-16 encoded code point (6.1.4). In either context, “character value” means the numeric value of the corresponding non-encoded code point.
The syntax and semantics ofPattern is defined as if the source text for thePattern was aList ofSourceCharacter values where eachSourceCharacter corresponds to a Unicode code point. If a BMP pattern contains a non-BMPSourceCharacter the entire pattern is encoded using UTF-16 and the individual code units of that encoding are used as the elements of theList.
For example, consider a pattern expressed in source text as the single non-BMP character U+1D11E (MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF). Interpreted as a Unicode pattern, it would be a single element (character)List consisting of the single code point U+1D11E. However, interpreted as a BMP pattern, it is first UTF-16 encoded to produce a two elementList consisting of the code units 0xD834 and 0xDD1E.
Patterns are passed to the RegExpconstructor as ECMAScript String values in which non-BMP characters are UTF-16 encoded. For example, the single character MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF pattern, expressed as a String value,is a String of length 2 whose elements were the code units 0xD834 and 0xDD1E. So no further translation of the string would be necessary to process it as a BMP pattern consisting of two pattern characters. However, to process it as a Unicode patternUTF16SurrogatePairToCodePoint must be used in producing aList whose sole element is a single pattern character, the code point U+1D11E.
An implementation may not actually perform such translations to or from UTF-16, but the semantics of this specification requires that the result of pattern matching be as if such translations were performed. Notation
The descriptions below use the following internal data structures:
ACharSetElement is one of the two following entities:
Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] isfalse, then a CharSetElement is a character in the sense of the Pattern Semantics above.
Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] istrue, then a CharSetElement is a sequence whose elements are characters in the sense of the Pattern Semantics above. This includes the empty sequence, sequences of one character, and sequences of more than one character. For convenience, when working with CharSetElements of this kind, an individual character is treated interchangeably with a sequence of one character.
ACharSet is a mathematical set of CharSetElements.
ACaptureRange is aRecord {[[StartIndex]],[[EndIndex]] } that represents the range of characters included in a capture, where[[StartIndex]] is aninteger representing the start index (inclusive) of the range withinInput, and[[EndIndex]] is aninteger representing the end index (exclusive) of the range withinInput. For anyCaptureRange, these indices must satisfy the invariant that[[StartIndex]] ≤[[EndIndex]].
AMatchState is aRecord {[[Input]],[[EndIndex]],[[Captures]] } where[[Input]] is aList of characters representing the String being matched,[[EndIndex]] is aninteger, and[[Captures]] is aList of values, one for eachleft-capturing parenthesis in the pattern. States are used to represent partial match states in the regular expression matching algorithms. The[[EndIndex]] is one plus the index of the last input character matched so far by the pattern, while[[Captures]] holds the results of capturing parentheses. Thenth element of[[Captures]] is either aCaptureRange representing the range of characters captured by thenth set of capturing parentheses, orundefined if thenth set of capturing parentheses hasn't been reached yet. Due to backtracking, many States may be in use at any time during the matching process.
AMatchResult is either aMatchState or the special tokenfailure that indicates that the match failed.
AMatcherContinuation is anAbstract Closure that takes oneMatchState argument and returns aMatchResult result. TheMatcherContinuation attempts to match the remaining portion (specified by the closure's captured values) of the pattern againstInput, starting at the intermediate state given by itsMatchState argument. If the match succeeds, theMatcherContinuation returns the finalMatchState that it reached; if the match fails, theMatcherContinuation returnsfailure.
AMatcher is anAbstract Closure that takes two arguments—aMatchState and aMatcherContinuation—and returns aMatchResult result. AMatcher attempts to match a middle subpattern (specified by the closure's captured values) of the pattern against theMatchState's[[Input]], starting at the intermediate state given by itsMatchState argument. TheMatcherContinuation argument should be a closure that matches the rest of the pattern. After matching the subpattern of a pattern to obtain a newMatchState, theMatcher then callsMatcherContinuation on that newMatchState to test if the rest of the pattern can match as well. If it can, theMatcher returns theMatchState returned byMatcherContinuation; if not, theMatcher may try different choices at its choice points, repeatedly callingMatcherContinuation until it either succeeds or all possibilities have been exhausted. RegExp Records
ARegExp Record is aRecord value used to store information about a RegExp that is needed during compilation and possibly during matching.
d.Letcap be aList ofrer.[[CapturingGroupsCount]]undefined values, indexed 1 throughrer.[[CapturingGroupsCount]].
e.Letx be theMatchState {[[Input]]:Input,[[EndIndex]]:index,[[Captures]]:cap }.
A Pattern compiles to anAbstract Closure value.RegExpBuiltinExec can then apply this procedure to aList of characters and an offset within thatList to determine whether the pattern would match starting at exactly that offset within theList, and, if it does match, what the values of the capturing parentheses would be. The algorithms in22.2.2 are designed so that compiling a pattern may throw aSyntaxError exception; on the other hand, once the pattern is successfully compiled, applying the resultingAbstract Closure to find a match in aList of characters cannot throw an exception (except for anyimplementation-defined exceptions that can occur anywhere such as out-of-memory).
The| regular expression operator separates two alternatives. The pattern first tries to match the leftAlternative (followed by the sequel of the regular expression); if it fails, it tries to match the rightDisjunction (followed by the sequel of the regular expression). If the leftAlternative, the rightDisjunction, and the sequel all have choice points, all choices in the sequel are tried before moving on to the next choice in the leftAlternative. If choices in the leftAlternative are exhausted, the rightDisjunction is tried instead of the leftAlternative. Any capturing parentheses inside a portion of the pattern skipped by| produceundefined values instead of Strings. Thus, for example,
returns the result"a" and not"ab". Moreover,
returns the array
and not
The order in which the two alternatives are tried is independent of the value ofdirection.
ConsecutiveTerms try to simultaneously match consecutive portions ofInput. Whendirection isforward, if the leftAlternative, the rightTerm, and the sequel of the regular expression all have choice points, all choices in the sequel are tried before moving on to the next choice in the rightTerm, and all choices in the rightTerm are tried before moving on to the next choice in the leftAlternative. Whendirection isbackward, the evaluation order ofAlternative andTerm are reversed.
The abstract operation RepeatMatcher takes argumentsm (aMatcher),min (a non-negativeinteger),max (a non-negativeinteger or +∞),greedy (a Boolean),x (aMatchState),c (aMatcherContinuation),parenIndex (a non-negativeinteger), andparenCount (a non-negativeinteger) and returns aMatchResult. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifmax = 0, returnc(x).
2.Letd be a newMatcherContinuation with parameters (y) that capturesm,min,max,greedy,x,c,parenIndex, andparenCount and performs the following steps when called:
7.Letxr be theMatchState {[[Input]]:Input,[[EndIndex]]:e,[[Captures]]:cap }.
8.Ifmin ≠ 0, returnm(xr,d).
9.Ifgreedy isfalse, then
a.Letz bec(x).
b.Ifz is notfailure, returnz.
10.Letz bem(xr,d).
11.Ifz is notfailure, returnz.
Note 1
AnAtom followed by aQuantifier is repeated the number of times specified by theQuantifier. AQuantifier can be non-greedy, in which case theAtom pattern is repeated as few times as possible while still matching the sequel, or it can be greedy, in which case theAtom pattern is repeated as many times as possible while still matching the sequel. TheAtom pattern is repeated rather than the input character sequence that it matches, so different repetitions of theAtom can match different input substrings.
Note 2
If theAtom and the sequel of the regular expression all have choice points, theAtom is first matched as many (or as few, if non-greedy) times as possible. All choices in the sequel are tried before moving on to the next choice in the last repetition ofAtom. All choices in the last (nth) repetition ofAtom are tried before moving on to the next choice in the next-to-last (n - 1)st repetition ofAtom; at which point it may turn out that more or fewer repetitions ofAtom are now possible; these are exhausted (again, starting with either as few or as many as possible) before moving on to the next choice in the (n - 1)st repetition ofAtom and so on.
which returns"abcde" with
which returns"abc".
Consider also
which, by the choice point ordering above, returns the array
and not any of:
The above ordering of choice points can be used to write a regular expression that calculates the greatest common divisor of two numbers (represented in unary notation). The following example calculates the gcd of 10 and 15:
Step4 of the RepeatMatcher clearsAtom's captures each timeAtom is repeated. We can see its behaviour in the regular expression
which returns the array
and not
because each iteration of the outermost* clears all captured Strings contained in the quantifiedAtom, which in this case includes capture Strings numbered 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Note 4
Step2.b of the RepeatMatcher states that once the minimum number of repetitions has been satisfied, any more expansions ofAtom that match the empty character sequence are not considered for further repetitions. This prevents the regular expression engine from falling into an infinite loop on patterns such as:
or the slightly more complicated:
which returns the array
["b",""] EmptyMatcher ( )
The abstract operation EmptyMatcher takes no arguments and returns aMatcher. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return a newMatcher with parameters (x,c) that captures nothing and performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MatchTwoAlternatives takes argumentsm1 (aMatcher) andm2 (aMatcher) and returns aMatcher. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return a newMatcher with parameters (x,c) that capturesm1 andm2 and performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation MatchSequence takes argumentsm1 (aMatcher),m2 (aMatcher), anddirection (forward orbackward) and returns aMatcher. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifdirection isforward, then
a.Return a newMatcher with parameters (x,c) that capturesm1 andm2 and performs the following steps when called:
j.Letz be theMatchState {[[Input]]:Input,[[EndIndex]]:xe,[[Captures]]:cap }.
Note 3
The form(?=Disjunction) specifies a zero-width positive lookahead. In order for it to succeed, the pattern insideDisjunction must match at the current position, but the current position is not advanced before matching the sequel. IfDisjunction can match at the current position in several ways, only the first one is tried. Unlike other regular expression operators, there is no backtracking into a(?= form (this unusual behaviour is inherited from Perl). This only matters when theDisjunction contains capturing parentheses and the sequel of the pattern contains backreferences to those captures.
For example,
matches the empty String immediately after the firstb and therefore returns the array:
To illustrate the lack of backtracking into the lookahead, consider:
The form(?!Disjunction) specifies a zero-width negative lookahead. In order for it to succeed, the pattern insideDisjunction must fail to match at the current position. The current position is not advanced before matching the sequel.Disjunction can contain capturing parentheses, but backreferences to them only make sense from withinDisjunction itself. Backreferences to these capturing parentheses from elsewhere in the pattern always returnundefined because the negative lookahead must fail for the pattern to succeed. For example,
looks for ana not immediately followed by some positive number n ofa's, ab, another na's (specified by the first\2) and ac. The second\2 is outside the negative lookahead, so it matches againstundefined and therefore always succeeds. The whole expression returns the array:
The abstract operation IsWordChar takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record),Input (aList of characters), ande (aninteger) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetInputLength be the number of elements inInput.
Thesyntax-directed operation CompileQuantifier takes no arguments and returns aRecord with fields[[Min]] (a non-negativeinteger),[[Max]] (a non-negativeinteger or +∞), and[[Greedy]] (a Boolean). It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
Thesyntax-directed operation CompileQuantifierPrefix takes no arguments and returns aRecord with fields[[Min]] (a non-negativeinteger) and[[Max]] (a non-negativeinteger or +∞). It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
3.Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] isfalse, or if everyCharSetElement ofcs consists of a single character (including ifcs is empty), returnCharacterSetMatcher(rer,cs,cc.[[Invert]],direction).
3.Letr be theCaptureRange {[[StartIndex]]:ye,[[EndIndex]]:xe }.
viii.Setcap[parenIndex + 1] tor.
ix.Letz be theMatchState {[[Input]]:Input,[[EndIndex]]:ye,[[Captures]]:cap }.
Note 2
Parentheses of the form(Disjunction) serve both to group the components of theDisjunction pattern together and to save the result of the match. The result can be used either in a backreference (\ followed by a non-zero decimal number), referenced in a replace String, or returned as part of an array from the regular expression matchingAbstract Closure. To inhibit the capturing behaviour of parentheses, use the form(?:Disjunction) instead.
An escape sequence of the form\ followed by a non-zero decimal numbern matches the result of thenth set of capturing parentheses ( It is an error if the regular expression has fewer thann capturing parentheses. If the regular expression hasn or more capturing parentheses but thenth one isundefined because it has not captured anything, then the backreference always succeeds.
2.Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] isfalse, or if everyCharSetElement ofcs consists of a single character (including ifcs is empty), returnCharacterSetMatcher(rer,cs,false,direction).
The abstract operation CharacterSetMatcher takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record),A (aCharSet),invert (a Boolean), anddirection (forward orbackward) and returns aMatcher. It performs the following steps when called:
l.If there exists aCharSetElement inA containing exactly one charactera such thatCanonicalize(rer,a) iscc, letfound betrue. Otherwise, letfound befalse.
The abstract operation BackreferenceMatcher takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record),n (a positiveinteger), anddirection (forward orbackward) and returns aMatcher. It performs the following steps when called:
p.If there exists anintegeri in theinterval from 0 (inclusive) tolen (exclusive) such thatCanonicalize(rer,Input[rs +i]) is notCanonicalize(rer,Input[g +i]), returnfailure.
q.Lety be theMatchState {[[Input]]:Input,[[EndIndex]]:f,[[Captures]]:cap }.
r.Returnc(y). Canonicalize (rer,ch )
The abstract operation Canonicalize takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record) andch (a character) and returns a character. It performs the following steps when called:
a.If the fileCaseFolding.txt of the Unicode Character Database provides a simple or common case folding mapping forch, return the result of applying that mapping toch.
9.If the numeric value ofch ≥ 128 and the numeric value ofcu < 128, returnch.
In case-insignificant matches whenHasEitherUnicodeFlag(rer) istrue, all characters are implicitly case-folded using the simple mapping provided by the Unicode Standard immediately before they are compared. The simple mapping always maps to a single code point, so it does not map, for example,ß (U+00DF LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S) toss orSS. It may however map code points outside the Basic Latin block to code points within it—for example,ſ (U+017F LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S) case-folds tos (U+0073 LATIN SMALL LETTER S) andK (U+212A KELVIN SIGN) case-folds tok (U+006B LATIN SMALL LETTER K). Strings containing those code points are matched by regular expressions such as/[a-z]/ui.
In case-insignificant matches whenHasEitherUnicodeFlag(rer) isfalse, the mapping is based on Unicode Default Case Conversion algorithm toUppercase rather than toCasefold, which results in some subtle differences. For example,Ω (U+2126 OHM SIGN) is mapped by toUppercase to itself but by toCasefold toω (U+03C9 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA) along withΩ (U+03A9 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA), so"\u2126" is matched by/[ω]/ui and/[\u03A9]/ui but not by/[ω]/i or/[\u03A9]/i. Also, no code point outside the Basic Latin block is mapped to a code point within it, so strings such as"\u017F ſ" and"\u212A K" are not matched by/[a-z]/i. Runtime Semantics: CompileCharacterClass
Thesyntax-directed operation CompileCharacterClass takes argumentrer (aRegExp Record) and returns aRecord with fields[[CharSet]] (aCharSet) and[[Invert]] (a Boolean). It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
ClassContents can expand into a singleClassAtom and/or ranges of twoClassAtom separated by dashes. In the latter case theClassContents includes all characters between the firstClassAtom and the secondClassAtom, inclusive; an error occurs if eitherClassAtom does not represent a single character (for example, if one is \w) or if the firstClassAtom's character value is strictly greater than the secondClassAtom's character value.
Note 3
Even if the pattern ignores case, the case of the two ends of a range is significant in determining which characters belong to the range. Thus, for example, the pattern/[E-F]/i matches only the lettersE,F,e, andf, while the pattern/[E-f]/i matches all uppercase and lowercase letters in the Unicode Basic Latin block as well as the symbols[,\,],^,_, and`.
Note 4
A- character can be treated literally or it can denote a range. It is treated literally if it is the first or last character ofClassContents, the beginning or end limit of a range specification, or immediately follows a range specification.
2.Letc be the character whose character value iscv.
3.Return theCharSet containing the single characterc.
Note 5
AClassAtom can use any of the escape sequences that are allowed in the rest of the regular expression except for\b,\B, and backreferences. Inside aCharacterClass,\b means the backspace character, while\B and backreferences raise errors. Using a backreference inside aClassAtom causes an error.
4.Assert:p is a binary Unicode property or binary property alias listed in the “Property name and aliases” column ofTable 68, or a binary Unicode property of strings listed in the “Property name” column ofTable 69.
5.LetA be theCharSet containing all CharSetElements whose character database definition includes the propertyp with value “True”.
The result will often consist of two or more ranges. When UnicodeSets istrue and IgnoreCase istrue, thenMaybeSimpleCaseFolding(rer, [Ā-č]) will include only the odd-numbered code points of that range.
7.Return theCharSet containing all characters with a character value in theinclusive interval fromi toj. HasEitherUnicodeFlag (rer )
The abstract operation HasEitherUnicodeFlag takes argumentrer (aRegExp Record) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifrer.[[Unicode]] istrue orrer.[[UnicodeSets]] istrue, then
2.Returnfalse. WordCharacters (rer )
The abstract operation WordCharacters takes argumentrer (aRegExp Record) and returns aCharSet. Returns aCharSet containing the characters considered "word characters" for the purposes of\b,\B,\w, and\W It performs the following steps when called:
4.Return the union ofbasicWordChars andextraWordChars. AllCharacters (rer )
The abstract operation AllCharacters takes argumentrer (aRegExp Record) and returns aCharSet. Returns the set of “all characters” according to the regular expression flags. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] istrue andrer.[[IgnoreCase]] istrue, then
a.Return theCharSet containing all Unicode code pointsc that do not have aSimple Case Folding mapping (that is,scf(c)=c).
a.Return theCharSet containing all code point values.
a.Return theCharSet containing all code unit values. MaybeSimpleCaseFolding (rer,A )
The abstract operation MaybeSimpleCaseFolding takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record) andA (aCharSet) and returns aCharSet. Ifrer.[[UnicodeSets]] isfalse orrer.[[IgnoreCase]] isfalse, it returnsA. Otherwise, it uses theSimple Case Folding (scf(cp)) definitions in the fileCaseFolding.txt of the Unicode Character Database (each of which maps a single code point to another single code point) to map eachCharSetElement ofA character-by-character into a canonical form and returns the resultingCharSet. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CharacterComplement takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record) andS (aCharSet) and returns aCharSet. It performs the following steps when called:
Implementations must support the Unicode property names and aliases listed inTable 67,Table 68, andTable 69. To ensure interoperability, implementations must not support any other property names or aliases.
Note 1
For example,Script_Extensions (property name) andscx (property alias) are valid, butscript_extensions orScx aren't.
Note 2
The listed properties form a superset of whatUTS18 RL1.2 requires.
Note 3
The spellings of entries in these tables (including casing) match the spellings used in the filePropertyAliases.txt in the Unicode Character Database. The precise spellings in that file areguaranteed to be stable.
Table 67: Non-binary Unicode property aliases and their canonical property names
The abstract operation UnicodeMatchPropertyValue takes argumentsp (ECMAScript source text) andv (ECMAScript source text) and returns a Unicode property value. It performs the following steps when called:
Implementations must support the Unicode property values and property value aliases listed inPropertyValueAliases.txt for the properties listed inTable 67. To ensure interoperability, implementations must not support any other property values or property value aliases.
Note 1
For example,Xpeo andOld_Persian are validScript_Extensions values, butxpeo andOld Persian aren't.
Thesyntax-directed operation CompileClassSetString takes argumentrer (aRegExp Record) and returns a sequence of characters. It is defined piecewise over the following productions:
19.Letrer be theRegExp Record {[[IgnoreCase]]:i,[[Multiline]]:m,[[DotAll]]:s,[[Unicode]]:u,[[UnicodeSets]]:v,[[CapturingGroupsCount]]:capturingGroupsCount }.
20.Setobj.[[RegExpRecord]] torer.
21.Setobj.[[RegExpMatcher]] toCompilePattern ofparseResult with argumentrer.
The abstract operation ParsePattern takes argumentspatternText (a sequence of Unicode code points),u (a Boolean), andv (a Boolean) and returns aParse Node or a non-emptyList ofSyntaxError objects.
is the initial value of the"RegExp" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new RegExp object when called as aconstructor.
when called as a function rather than as aconstructor, returns either a new RegExp object, or the argument itself if the only argument is a RegExp object.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified RegExp behaviour must include asuper call to the RegExpconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the necessary internal slots. RegExp (pattern,flags )
This function performs the following steps when called:
If pattern is supplied using aStringLiteral, the usual escape sequence substitutions are performed before the String is processed by this function. If pattern must contain an escape sequence to be recognized by this function, any U+005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS) code points must be escaped within theStringLiteral to prevent them being removed when the contents of theStringLiteral are formed.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get RegExp [ @@species ]
RegExp[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
RegExp prototype methods normally use theirthis value'sconstructor to create a derived object. However, a subclassconstructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its@@species property.
The RegExp prototype object does not have a"valueOf" property of its own; however, it inherits the"valueOf" property from theObject prototype object. RegExp.prototype.constructor
The initial value ofRegExp.prototype.constructor is%RegExp%. RegExp.prototype.exec (string )
This method searchesstring for an occurrence of the regular expression pattern and returns an Array containing the results of the match, ornull ifstring did not match.
RegExp.prototype.dotAll is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0073 (LATIN SMALL LETTER S).
RegExp.prototype.flags is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called: is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0067 (LATIN SMALL LETTER G).
RegExp.prototype.hasIndices is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0064 (LATIN SMALL LETTER D).
RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0069 (LATIN SMALL LETTER I).
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.match]".
The@@match property is used by theIsRegExp abstract operation to identify objects that have the basic behaviour of regular expressions. The absence of a@@match property or the existence of such a property whose value does not Boolean coerce totrue indicates that the object is not intended to be used as a regular expression object.
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.matchAll]". get RegExp.prototype.multiline
RegExp.prototype.multiline is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x006D (LATIN SMALL LETTER M).
iv.NOTE: Whenn = 1, the preceding step puts the first element intocaptures (at index 0). More generally, thenth capture (the characters captured by thenth set of capturing parentheses) is atcaptures[n - 1].
ii.Letreplacement be ? GetSubstitution(matched,S,position,captures,namedCaptures,replaceValue).
m.Ifposition ≥nextSourcePosition, then
i.NOTE:position should not normally move backwards. If it does, it is an indication of an ill-behaving RegExp subclass or use of an access triggered side-effect to change the global flag or other characteristics ofrx. In such cases, the corresponding substitution is ignored.
ii.SetaccumulatedResult to thestring-concatenation ofaccumulatedResult, thesubstring ofS fromnextSourcePosition toposition, andreplacement.
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[]".
The"lastIndex" and"global" properties of this RegExp object are ignored when performing the search. The"lastIndex" property is left unchanged. get RegExp.prototype.source
RegExp.prototype.source is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation EscapeRegExpPattern takes argumentsP (a String) andF (a String) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
4.LetS be a String in the form of apatternSymbol equivalent toP interpreted as UTF-16 encoded Unicode code points (6.1.4), in which certain code points are escaped as described below.S may or may not differ fromP; however, theAbstract Closure that would result from evaluatingS as apatternSymbol must behave identically to theAbstract Closure given by the constructed object's[[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot. Multiple calls to this abstract operation using the same values forP andF must produce identical results.
5.The code points/ or anyLineTerminator occurring in the pattern shall be escaped inS as necessary to ensure that thestring-concatenation of"/",S,"/", andF can be parsed (in an appropriate lexical context) as aRegularExpressionLiteral that behaves identically to the constructed regular expression. For example, ifP is"/", thenS could be"\/" or"\u002F", among other possibilities, but not"/", because/// followed byF would be parsed as aSingleLineComment rather than aRegularExpressionLiteral. IfP is the empty String, this specification can be met by lettingS be"(?:)".
This method returns an Array into which substrings of the result of convertingstring to a String have been stored. The substrings are determined by searching from left to right for matches of thethis value regular expression; these occurrences are not part of any String in the returned array, but serve to divide up the String value.
Thethis value may be an empty regular expression or a regular expression that can match an empty String. In this case, the regular expression does not match the emptysubstring at the beginning or end of the input String, nor does it match the emptysubstring at the end of the previous separator match. (For example, if the regular expression matches the empty String, the String is split up into individual code unit elements; the length of the result array equals the length of the String, and eachsubstring contains one code unit.) Only the first match at a given index of the String is considered, even if backtracking could yield a non-emptysubstring match at that index. (For example,/a*?/[Symbol.split]("ab") evaluates to the array["a", "b"], while/a*/[Symbol.split]("ab") evaluates to the array["","b"].)
Ifstring is (or converts to) the empty String, the result depends on whether the regular expression can match the empty String. If it can, the result array contains no elements. Otherwise, the result array contains one element, which is the empty String.
If the regular expression contains capturing parentheses, then each timeseparator is matched the results (including anyundefined results) of the capturing parentheses are spliced into the output array. For example,
The value of the"name" property of this method is"[Symbol.split]".
Note 2
This method ignores the value of the"global" and"sticky" properties of this RegExp object. get RegExp.prototype.sticky
RegExp.prototype.sticky is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0079 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y).
The returned String has the form of aRegularExpressionLiteral that evaluates to another RegExp object with the same behaviour as this object. get RegExp.prototype.unicode
RegExp.prototype.unicode is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0075 (LATIN SMALL LETTER U).
RegExp.prototype.unicodeSets is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.LetR be thethis value.
2.Letcu be the code unit 0x0076 (LATIN SMALL LETTER V).
The abstract operation RegExpExec takes argumentsR (an Object) andS (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing either an Object ornull, or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
If a callable"exec" property is not found this algorithm falls back to attempting to use the built-in RegExp matching algorithm. This provides compatible behaviour for code written for prior editions where most built-in algorithms that use regular expressions did not perform a dynamic property lookup of"exec". RegExpBuiltinExec (R,S )
The abstract operation RegExpBuiltinExec takes argumentsR (an initialized RegExp instance) andS (a String) and returns either anormal completion containing either anArray exotic object ornull, or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AdvanceStringIndex takes argumentsS (a String),index (a non-negativeinteger), andunicode (a Boolean) and returns aninteger. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetStringIndex takes argumentsS (a String) andcodePointIndex (a non-negativeinteger) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It interpretsS as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4, and returns the code unit index corresponding to code point indexcodePointIndex when such an index exists. Otherwise, it returns the length ofS. It performs the following steps when called:
The number of code units from the start of a string at which the match ends (exclusive). GetMatchString (S,match )
The abstract operation GetMatchString takes argumentsS (a String) andmatch (aMatch Record) and returns a String. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:match.[[StartIndex]] ≤match.[[EndIndex]] ≤ the length ofS.
The abstract operation GetMatchIndexPair takes argumentsS (a String) andmatch (aMatch Record) and returns an Array. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:match.[[StartIndex]] ≤match.[[EndIndex]] ≤ the length ofS.
The abstract operation MakeMatchIndicesIndexPairArray takes argumentsS (a String),indices (aList of eitherMatch Records orundefined),groupNames (aList of either Strings orundefined), andhasGroups (a Boolean) and returns an Array. It performs the following steps when called:
RegExp instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theRegExp prototype object. RegExp instances have internal slots[[OriginalSource]],[[OriginalFlags]],[[RegExpRecord]], and[[RegExpMatcher]]. The value of the[[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot is anAbstract Closure representation of thePattern of the RegExp object.
Prior to ECMAScript 2015, RegExp instances were specified as having the owndata properties"source","global","ignoreCase", and"multiline". Those properties are now specified asaccessor properties ofRegExp.prototype.
RegExp instances also have the following property: lastIndex
The value of the"lastIndex" property specifies the String index at which to start the next match. It is coerced to anintegral Number when used (see22.2.7.2). This property shall have the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
22.2.9 RegExp String Iterator Objects
A RegExp String Iterator is an object, that represents a specific iteration over some specific String instance object, matching against some specific RegExp instance object. There is not a namedconstructor for RegExp String Iterator objects. Instead, RegExp String Iterator objects are created by calling certain methods of RegExp instance objects.
The abstract operation CreateRegExpStringIterator takes argumentsR (an Object),S (a String),global (a Boolean), andfullUnicode (a Boolean) and returns a Generator. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letclosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesR,S,global, andfullUnicode and performs the following steps when called:
is the initial value of the"Array" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Array when called as aconstructor.
also creates and initializes a new Array when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callArray(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew Array(…) with the same arguments.
is a function whose behaviour differs based upon the number and types of its arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the exotic Array behaviour must include asuper call to the Arrayconstructor to initialize subclass instances that areArray exotic objects. However, most of theArray.prototype methods are generic methods that are not dependent upon theirthis value being anArray exotic object. Array ( ...values )
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.If NewTarget isundefined, letnewTarget be theactive function object; else letnewTarget be NewTarget.
This method is an intentionally generic factory method; it does not require that itsthis value be the Arrayconstructor. Therefore it can be transferred to or inherited by any otherconstructors that may be called with a single numeric argument. Array.isArray (arg )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This method is an intentionally generic factory method; it does not require that itsthis value be the Arrayconstructor. Therefore it can be transferred to or inherited by otherconstructors that may be called with a single numeric argument.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get Array [ @@species ]
Array[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
Array prototype methods normally use theirthis value'sconstructor to create a derived object. However, a subclassconstructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its@@species property.
23.1.3 Properties of the Array Prototype Object
TheArray prototype object:
is anArray exotic object and has the internal methods specified for such objects.
has a"length" property whose initial value is+0𝔽 and whose attributes are {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
The Array prototype object is specified to be anArray exotic object to ensure compatibility with ECMAScript code that was created prior to the ECMAScript 2015 specification.
The explicit setting of the"length" property in step6 is intended to ensure the length is correct when the final non-empty element ofitems has trailing holes or whenA is not a built-in Array.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
Theend argument is optional. If it is not provided, the length of thethis value is used.
Note 2
Iftarget is negative, it is treated aslength +target wherelength is the length of the array. Ifstart is negative, it is treated aslength +start. Ifend is negative, it is treated aslength +end.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.entries ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments and returns a value that is coercible to a Boolean value.every callscallbackfn once for each element present in the array, in ascending order, until it finds one wherecallbackfn returnsfalse. If such an element is found,every immediately returnsfalse. Otherwise, ifcallbackfn returnedtrue for all elements,every will returntrue.callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
every does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed byevery is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements which are appended to the array after the call toevery begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timeevery visits them; elements that are deleted after the call toevery begins and before being visited are not visited.every acts like the "for all" quantifier in mathematics. In particular, for an empty array, it returnstrue.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments and returns a value that is coercible to a Boolean value.filter callscallbackfn once for each element in the array, in ascending order, and constructs a new array of all the values for whichcallbackfn returnstrue.callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
filter does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed byfilter is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements which are appended to the array after the call tofilter begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timefilter visits them; elements that are deleted after the call tofilter begins and before being visited are not visited.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method callspredicate once for each element of the array, in ascending index order, until it finds one wherepredicate returns a value that coerces totrue. If such an element is found,find immediately returns that element value. Otherwise,find returnsundefined.
3.LetfindRec be ? FindViaPredicate(O,len,ascending,predicate,thisArg).
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method callspredicate once for each element of the array, in ascending index order, until it finds one wherepredicate returns a value that coerces totrue. If such an element is found,findIndex immediately returns the index of that element value. Otherwise,findIndex returns -1.
3.LetfindRec be ? FindViaPredicate(O,len,ascending,predicate,thisArg).
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method callspredicate once for each element of the array, in descending index order, until it finds one wherepredicate returns a value that coerces totrue. If such an element is found,findLast immediately returns that element value. Otherwise,findLast returnsundefined.
3.LetfindRec be ? FindViaPredicate(O,len,descending,predicate,thisArg).
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method callspredicate once for each element of the array, in descending index order, until it finds one wherepredicate returns a value that coerces totrue. If such an element is found,findLastIndex immediately returns the index of that element value. Otherwise,findLastIndex returns -1.
3.LetfindRec be ? FindViaPredicate(O,len,descending,predicate,thisArg).
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
O should be anarray-like object or aTypedArray. This operation callspredicate once for each element ofO, in either ascending index order or descending index order (as indicated bydirection), until it finds one wherepredicate returns a value that coerces totrue. At that point, this operation returns aRecord that gives the index and value of the element found. If no such element is found, this operation returns aRecord that specifies-1𝔽 for the index andundefined for the value.
predicate should be a function. When called for an element of the array, it is passed three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed. Its return value will be coerced to a Boolean value.
thisArg will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofpredicate.
This operation does not directly mutate the object on which it is called, but the object may be mutated by the calls topredicate.
The range of elements processed is set before the first call topredicate, just before the traversal begins. Elements that are appended to the array after this will not be visited bypredicate. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed topredicate will be the value at the time that this operation visits them. Elements that are deleted after traversal begins and before being visited are still visited and are either looked up from the prototype or areundefined.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments.forEach callscallbackfn once for each element present in the array, in ascending order.callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
forEach does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed byforEach is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements which are appended to the array after the call toforEach begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timeforEach visits them; elements that are deleted after the call toforEach begins and before being visited are not visited.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
This method comparessearchElement to the elements of the array, in ascending order, using theSameValueZero algorithm, and if found at any position, returnstrue; otherwise, it returnsfalse.
The optional second argumentfromIndex defaults to+0𝔽 (i.e. the whole array is searched). If it is greater than or equal to the length of the array,false is returned, i.e. the array will not be searched. If it is less than-0𝔽, it is used as the offset from the end of the array to computefromIndex. If the computed index is less than or equal to+0𝔽, the whole array will be searched.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
Note 3
This method intentionally differs from the similarindexOf method in two ways. First, it uses theSameValueZero algorithm, instead ofIsStrictlyEqual, allowing it to detectNaN array elements. Second, it does not skip missing array elements, instead treating them asundefined.
This method comparessearchElement to the elements of the array, in ascending order, using theIsStrictlyEqual algorithm, and if found at one or more indices, returns the smallest such index; otherwise, it returns-1𝔽.
Note 1
The optional second argumentfromIndex defaults to+0𝔽 (i.e. the whole array is searched). If it is greater than or equal to the length of the array,-1𝔽 is returned, i.e. the array will not be searched. If it is less than-0𝔽, it is used as the offset from the end of the array to computefromIndex. If the computed index is less than or equal to+0𝔽, the whole array will be searched.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.join (separator )
This method converts the elements of the array to Strings, and then concatenates these Strings, separated by occurrences of theseparator. If no separator is provided, a single comma is used as the separator.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.keys ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method comparessearchElement to the elements of the array in descending order using theIsStrictlyEqual algorithm, and if found at one or more indices, returns the largest such index; otherwise, it returns-1𝔽.
The optional second argumentfromIndex defaults to the array's length minus one (i.e. the whole array is searched). If it is greater than or equal to the length of the array, the whole array will be searched. If it is less than-0𝔽, it is used as the offset from the end of the array to computefromIndex. If the computed index is less than or equal to+0𝔽,-1𝔽 is returned.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three callscallbackfn once for each element in the array, in ascending order, and constructs a new Array from the results.callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
map does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed bymap is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements which are appended to the array after the call tomap begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timemap visits them; elements that are deleted after the call tomap begins and before being visited are not visited.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.pop ( )
Note 1
This method removes the last element of the array and returns it.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.push ( ...items )
Note 1
This method appends the arguments to the end of the array, in the order in which they appear. It returns the new length of the array.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
callbackfn should be a function that takes four arguments.reduce calls the callback, as a function, once for each element after the first element present in the array, in ascending order.
callbackfn is called with four arguments: thepreviousValue (value from the previous call tocallbackfn), thecurrentValue (value of the current element), thecurrentIndex, and the object being traversed. The first time that callback is called, thepreviousValue andcurrentValue can be one of two values. If aninitialValue was supplied in the call toreduce, thenpreviousValue will beinitialValue andcurrentValue will be the first value in the array. If noinitialValue was supplied, thenpreviousValue will be the first value in the array andcurrentValue will be the second. It is aTypeError if the array contains no elements andinitialValue is not provided.
reduce does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed byreduce is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements that are appended to the array after the call toreduce begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timereduce visits them; elements that are deleted after the call toreduce begins and before being visited are not visited.
This method performs the following steps when called:
ii.Setaccumulator to ? Call(callbackfn,undefined, «accumulator,kValue,𝔽(k),O »).
d.Setk tok + 1.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
callbackfn should be a function that takes four arguments.reduceRight calls the callback, as a function, once for each element after the first element present in the array, in descending order.
callbackfn is called with four arguments: thepreviousValue (value from the previous call tocallbackfn), thecurrentValue (value of the current element), thecurrentIndex, and the object being traversed. The first time the function is called, thepreviousValue andcurrentValue can be one of two values. If aninitialValue was supplied in the call toreduceRight, thenpreviousValue will beinitialValue andcurrentValue will be the last value in the array. If noinitialValue was supplied, thenpreviousValue will be the last value in the array andcurrentValue will be the second-to-last value. It is aTypeError if the array contains no elements andinitialValue is not provided.
reduceRight does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed byreduceRight is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements that are appended to the array after the call toreduceRight begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed bycallbackfn, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the timereduceRight visits them; elements that are deleted after the call toreduceRight begins and before being visited are not visited.
This method performs the following steps when called:
ii.Setaccumulator to ? Call(callbackfn,undefined, «accumulator,kValue,𝔽(k),O »).
d.Setk tok - 1.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.reverse ( )
Note 1
This method rearranges the elements of the array so as to reverse their order. It returns the object as the result of the call.
This method performs the following steps when called:
i.Assert:lowerExists andupperExists are bothfalse.
ii.NOTE: No action is required.
l.Setlower tolower + 1.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.shift ( )
This method removes the first element of the array and returns it.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.slice (start,end )
This method returns an array containing the elements of the array from elementstart up to, but not including, elementend (or through the end of the array ifend isundefined). Ifstart is negative, it is treated aslength +start wherelength is the length of the array. Ifend is negative, it is treated aslength +end wherelength is the length of the array.
The explicit setting of the"length" property in step15 is intended to ensure the length is correct even whenA is not a built-in Array.
Note 2
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments and returns a value that is coercible to a Boolean value.some callscallbackfn once for each element present in the array, in ascending order, until it finds one wherecallbackfn returnstrue. If such an element is found,some immediately returnstrue. Otherwise,some returnsfalse.callbackfn is called only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called for missing elements of the array.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
some does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
The range of elements processed bysome is set before the first call tocallbackfn. Elements that are appended to the array after the call tosome begins will not be visited bycallbackfn. If existing elements of the array are changed, their value as passed tocallbackfn will be the value at the time thatsome visits them; elements that are deleted after the call tosome begins and before being visited are not visited.some acts like the "exists" quantifier in mathematics. In particular, for an empty array, it returnsfalse.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.sort (comparefn )
This method sorts the elements of this array. The sort must be stable (that is, elements that compare equal must remain in their original order). Ifcomparefn is notundefined, it should be a function that accepts two argumentsx andy and returns a negative Number ifx <y, a positive Number ifx >y, or a zero otherwise.
It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifcomparefn is notundefined andIsCallable(comparefn) isfalse, throw aTypeError exception.
9.NOTE: The call toSortIndexedProperties in step5 usesskip-holes. The remaining indices are deleted to preserve the number of holes that were detected and excluded from the sort.
Because non-existent property values always compare greater thanundefined property values, andundefined always compares greater than any other value (seeCompareArrayElements),undefined property values always sort to the end of the result, followed by non-existent property values.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
There must be some mathematical permutation π of the non-negativeintegers less thanitemCount, such that for every non-negativeintegerj less thanitemCount, the elementold[j] is exactly the same asnew[π(j)].
Then for all non-negativeintegersj andk, each less thanitemCount, ifℝ(SortCompare(old[j], old[k])) < 0, thenπ(j) < π(k).
Here the notationold[j] is used to refer toitems[j] before step4 is executed, and the notationnew[j] to refer toitems[j] after step4 has been executed.
An abstract closure or functioncomparator is aconsistent comparator for a set of valuesS if all of the requirements below are met for all valuesa,b, andc (possibly the same value) in the setS: The notationa <Cb meansℝ(comparator(a,b)) < 0;a =Cb meansℝ(comparator(a,b)) = 0; anda >Cb meansℝ(comparator(a,b)) > 0.
Callingcomparator(a,b) always returns the same valuev when given a specific pair of valuesa andb as its two arguments. Furthermore,vis a Number, andv is notNaN. Note that this implies that exactly one ofa <Cb,a =Cb, anda >Cb will be true for a given pair ofa andb.
Callingcomparator(a,b) does not modifyobj or any object onobj's prototype chain.
a =Ca (reflexivity)
Ifa =Cb, thenb =Ca (symmetry)
Ifa =Cb andb =Cc, thena =Cc (transitivity of =C)
Ifa <Cb andb <Cc, thena <Cc (transitivity of <C)
Ifa >Cb andb >Cc, thena >Cc (transitivity of >C)
The above conditions are necessary and sufficient to ensure thatcomparator divides the setS into equivalence classes and that these equivalence classes are totally ordered.
This method deletes thedeleteCount elements of the array starting atinteger indexstart and replaces them with the elements ofitems. It returns an Array containing the deleted elements (if any).
This method performs the following steps when called:
The explicit setting of the"length" property in steps15 and20 is intended to ensure the lengths are correct even when the objects are not built-in Arrays.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
An ECMAScript implementation that includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API must implement this method as specified in the ECMA-402 specification. If an ECMAScript implementation does not include the ECMA-402 API the following specification of this method is used.
Note 1
The first edition of ECMA-402 did not include a replacement specification for this method.
The meanings of the optional parameters to this method are defined in the ECMA-402 specification; implementations that do not include ECMA-402 support must not use those parameter positions for anything else.
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method converts the elements of the array to Strings using theirtoLocaleString methods, and then concatenates these Strings, separated by occurrences of animplementation-defined locale-sensitive separator String. This method is analogous totoString except that it is intended to yield a locale-sensitive result corresponding with conventions of thehost environment's current locale.
Note 3
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.toReversed ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.unshift ( ...items )
This method prepends the arguments to the start of the array, such that their order within the array is the same as the order in which they appear in the argument list.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be an Array. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Array.prototype.values ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
The own property names of this object are property names that were not included as standard properties ofArray.prototype prior to the ECMAScript 2015 specification. These names are ignored forwith statement binding purposes in order to preserve the behaviour of existing code that might use one of these names as a binding in an outer scope that is shadowed by awith statement whose binding object is an Array.
The reason that"with" is not included in theunscopableList is because it is already areserved word.
Array instances have a"length" property, and a set of enumerable properties witharray index names. length
The"length" property of an Array instance is adata property whose value is always numerically greater than the name of every configurable own property whose name is anarray index.
The"length" property initially has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
Reducing the value of the"length" property has the side-effect of deleting own array elements whosearray index is between the old and new length values. However, non-configurable properties can not be deleted. Attempting to set the"length" property of an Array to a value that is numerically less than or equal to the largest numeric ownproperty name of an existing non-configurablearray-indexed property of the array will result in the length being set to a numeric value that is one greater than that non-configurable numeric ownproperty name. See10.4.2.1.
23.1.5 Array Iterator Objects
An Array Iterator is an object, that represents a specific iteration over some specific Array instance object. There is not a namedconstructor for Array Iterator objects. Instead, Array iterator objects are created by calling certain methods of Array instance objects. CreateArrayIterator (array,kind )
The abstract operation CreateArrayIterator takes argumentsarray (an Object) andkind (key+value,key, orvalue) and returns a Generator. It is used to create iterator objects for Array methods that return such iterators. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letclosure be a newAbstract Closure with no parameters that captureskind andarray and performs the following steps when called:
a.Letindex be 0.
i.Ifarray has a[[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, then
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Array Iterator".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
23.2 TypedArray Objects
ATypedArray presents an array-like view of an underlying binary data buffer (25.1). ATypedArray element type is the underlying binary scalar data type that all elements of aTypedArray instance have. There is a distinctTypedArrayconstructor, listed inTable 71, for each of the supported element types. Eachconstructor inTable 71 has a corresponding distinct prototype object.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get %TypedArray% [ @@species ]
%TypedArray%[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
%TypedArray%.prototype.buffer is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
3.Assert:O has a[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot.
4.Letbuffer beO.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
5.Returnbuffer. get %TypedArray%.prototype.byteLength
%TypedArray%.prototype.byteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
%TypedArray%.prototype.byteOffset is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
This method is not generic. Thethis value must be an object with a[[TypedArrayName]] internal slot. get %TypedArray%.prototype.length
%TypedArray%.prototype.length is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
This method sets multiple values in thisTypedArray, reading the values fromsource. The details differ based upon the type ofsource. The optionaloffset value indicates the first element index in thisTypedArray where values are written. If omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
The abstract operation SetTypedArrayFromTypedArray takes argumentstarget (aTypedArray),targetOffset (a non-negativeinteger or +∞), andsource (aTypedArray) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It sets multiple values intarget, starting at indextargetOffset, reading the values fromsource. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation SetTypedArrayFromArrayLike takes argumentstarget (aTypedArray),targetOffset (a non-negativeinteger or +∞), andsource (anECMAScript language value, but not aTypedArray) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It sets multiple values intarget, starting at indextargetOffset, reading the values fromsource. It performs the following steps when called:
This is a distinct method that, except as described below, implements the same requirements as those ofArray.prototype.sort as defined in23.1.3.30. The implementation of this method may be optimized with the knowledge that thethis value is an object that has a fixed length and whoseinteger-indexed properties are not sparse.
This method is not generic. Thethis value must be an object with a[[TypedArrayName]] internal slot.
It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifcomparefn is notundefined andIsCallable(comparefn) isfalse, throw aTypeError exception.
BecauseNaN always compares greater than any other value (seeCompareTypedArrayElements),NaN property values always sort to the end of the result whencomparefn is not provided.
This method returns a newTypedArray whose element type is the element type of thisTypedArray and whose ArrayBuffer is the ArrayBuffer of thisTypedArray, referencing the elements in theinterval fromstart (inclusive) toend (exclusive). If eitherstart orend is negative, it refers to an index from the end of the array, as opposed to from the beginning.
This is a distinct method that implements the same algorithm asArray.prototype.toLocaleString as defined in23.1.3.32 except thatTypedArrayLength is called in place of performing a[[Get]] of"length". The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that thethis value has a fixed length when the underlying buffer is not resizable and whoseinteger-indexed properties are not sparse. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm.
This method is not generic.ValidateTypedArray is called with thethis value andseq-cst as arguments prior to evaluating the algorithm. If its result is anabrupt completion that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm.
If the ECMAScript implementation includes the ECMA-402 Internationalization API this method is based upon the algorithm forArray.prototype.toLocaleString that is in the ECMA-402 specification. %TypedArray%.prototype.toReversed ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@iterator property is %TypedArray.prototype.values%, defined in23.2.3.35. get %TypedArray%.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
%TypedArray%.prototype[@@toStringTag] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation TypedArrayElementSize takes argumentO (aTypedArray) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return the Element Size value specified inTable 71 forO.[[TypedArrayName]]. TypedArrayElementType (O )
The abstract operation TypedArrayElementType takes argumentO (aTypedArray) and returns aTypedArray element type. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Return the Element Type value specified inTable 71 forO.[[TypedArrayName]].
The abstract operation CompareTypedArrayElements takes argumentsx (a Number or a BigInt),y (a Number or a BigInt), andcomparefn (afunction object orundefined) and returns either anormal completion containing a Number or anabrupt completion. It performs the following steps when called:
is an intrinsic object that has the structure described below, differing only in the name used as theconstructor name instead ofTypedArray, inTable 71.
is a function whose behaviour differs based upon the number and types of its arguments. The actual behaviour of a call ofTypedArray depends upon the number and kind of arguments that are passed to it.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specifiedTypedArray behaviour must include asuper call to theTypedArrayconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support the%TypedArray%.prototype built-in methods. ( ...args )
EachTypedArrayconstructor performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AllocateTypedArray takes argumentsconstructorName (a String which is the name of aTypedArrayconstructor inTable 71),newTarget (aconstructor), anddefaultProto (a String) and optional argumentlength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing aTypedArray or athrow completion. It is used to validate and create an instance of aTypedArrayconstructor. If thelength argument is passed, an ArrayBuffer of that length is also allocated and associated with the newTypedArray instance. AllocateTypedArray provides common semantics that is used byTypedArray. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation InitializeTypedArrayFromArrayLike takes argumentsO (aTypedArray) andarrayLike (an Object, but not aTypedArray or an ArrayBuffer) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AllocateTypedArrayBuffer takes argumentsO (aTypedArray) andlength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It allocates and associates an ArrayBuffer withO. It performs the following steps when called:
does not have a[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] or any other of the internal slots that are specific toTypedArray instance objects.
The value ofTypedArray.prototype.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT is the Element Size value specified inTable 71 forTypedArray.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
The initial value of the"constructor" property of the prototype for a givenTypedArrayconstructor is theconstructor itself.
23.2.8 Properties ofTypedArray Instances
TypedArray instances areTypedArrays. EachTypedArray instance inherits properties from the correspondingTypedArray prototype object. EachTypedArray instance has the following internal slots:[[TypedArrayName]],[[ViewedArrayBuffer]],[[ByteLength]],[[ByteOffset]], and[[ArrayLength]].
24 Keyed Collections
24.1 Map Objects
Maps are collections of key/value pairs where both the keys and values may be arbitraryECMAScript language values. A distinct key value may only occur in one key/value pair within the Map's collection. Distinct key values are discriminated using theSameValueZero comparison algorithm.
Maps must be implemented using either hash tables or other mechanisms that, on average, provide access times that are sublinear on the number of elements in the collection. The data structure used in this specification is only intended to describe the required observable semantics of Maps. It is not intended to be a viable implementation model.
is the initial value of the"Map" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Map when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Map behaviour must include asuper call to the Mapconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theMap.prototype built-in methods. Map ( [iterable ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
If the parameteriterable is present, it is expected to be an object that implements an@@iterator method that returns an iterator object that produces a two elementarray-like object whose first element is a value that will be used as a Map key and whose second element is the value to associate with that key.
The parameteriterable is expected to be an object that implements an@@iterator method that returns an iterator object that produces a two elementarray-like object whose first element is a value that will be used as a Map key and whose second element is the value to associate with that key.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts two arguments.groupBy callscallbackfn once for each element initems, in ascending order, and constructs a new Map. Each value returned bycallbackfn is used as a key in the Map. For each such key, the result Map has an entry whose key is that key and whose value is an array containing all the elements for whichcallbackfn returned that key.
callbackfn is called with two arguments: the value of the element and the index of the element.
The return value ofgroupBy is a Map.
This function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get Map [ @@species ]
Map[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
Methods that create derived collection objects should call@@species to determine theconstructor to use to create the derived objects. Subclassconstructor may over-ride@@species to change the defaultconstructor assignment.
3.For eachRecord {[[Key]],[[Value]] }p ofM.[[MapData]], do
a.Ifp.[[Key]] is notempty andSameValueZero(p.[[Key]],key) istrue, then
i.Setp.[[Key]] toempty.
ii.Setp.[[Value]] toempty.
The valueempty is used as a specification device to indicate that an entry has been deleted. Actual implementations may take other actions such as physically removing the entry from internal data structures. Map.prototype.entries ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
ii.NOTE: The number of elements inentries may have increased during execution ofcallbackfn.
iii.SetnumEntries to the number of elements inentries.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments.forEach callscallbackfn once for each key/value pair present in the Map, in key insertion order.callbackfn is called only for keys of the Map which actually exist; it is not called for keys that have been deleted from the Map.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the item, the key of the item, and the Map being traversed.
forEach does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn. Each entry of a map's[[MapData]] is only visited once. New keys added after the call toforEach begins are visited. A key will be revisited if it is deleted after it has been visited and then re-added before theforEach call completes. Keys that are deleted after the call toforEach begins and before being visited are not visited unless the key is added again before theforEach call completes. Map.prototype.get (key )
This method performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@iterator property is %Map.prototype.entries%, defined in24.1.3.4. Map.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Map".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.1.4 Properties of Map Instances
Map instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the Map prototype. Map instances also have a[[MapData]] internal slot.
24.1.5 Map Iterator Objects
A Map Iterator is an object, that represents a specific iteration over some specific Map instance object. There is not a namedconstructor for Map Iterator objects. Instead, map iterator objects are created by calling certain methods of Map instance objects. CreateMapIterator (map,kind )
The abstract operation CreateMapIterator takes argumentsmap (anECMAScript language value) andkind (key+value,key, orvalue) and returns either anormal completion containing a Generator or athrow completion. It is used to create iterator objects for Map methods that return such iterators. It performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Map Iterator".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.2 Set Objects
Set objects are collections ofECMAScript language values. A distinct value may only occur once as an element of a Set's collection. Distinct values are discriminated using theSameValueZero comparison algorithm.
Set objects must be implemented using either hash tables or other mechanisms that, on average, provide access times that are sublinear on the number of elements in the collection. The data structure used in this specification is only intended to describe the required observable semantics of Set objects. It is not intended to be a viable implementation model.
is the initial value of the"Set" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Set object when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Set behaviour must include asuper call to the Setconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theSet.prototype built-in methods. Set ( [iterable ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get Set [ @@species ]
Set[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
Methods that create derived collection objects should call@@species to determine theconstructor to use to create the derived objects. Subclassconstructor may over-ride@@species to change the defaultconstructor assignment.
a.Ife is notempty andSameValueZero(e,value) istrue, then
i.Replace the element ofS.[[SetData]] whose value ise with an element whose value isempty.
The valueempty is used as a specification device to indicate that an entry has been deleted. Actual implementations may take other actions such as physically removing the entry from internal data structures. Set.prototype.entries ( )
This method performs the following steps when called:
ii.NOTE: The number of elements inentries may have increased during execution ofcallbackfn.
iii.SetnumEntries to the number of elements inentries.
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments.forEach callscallbackfn once for each value present in the Set object, in value insertion order.callbackfn is called only for values of the Set which actually exist; it is not called for keys that have been deleted from the set.
If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as thethis value for each invocation ofcallbackfn. If it is not provided,undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the first two arguments are a value contained in the Set. The same value is passed for both arguments. The Set object being traversed is passed as the third argument.
Thecallbackfn is called with three arguments to be consistent with the call back functions used byforEach methods for Map and Array. For Sets, each item value is considered to be both the key and the value.
forEach does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but the object may be mutated by the calls tocallbackfn.
Each value is normally visited only once. However, a value will be revisited if it is deleted after it has been visited and then re-added before theforEach call completes. Values that are deleted after the call toforEach begins and before being visited are not visited unless the value is added again before theforEach call completes. New values added after the call toforEach begins are visited. Set.prototype.has (value )
This method performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@iterator property is %Set.prototype.values%, defined in24.2.3.10. Set.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Set".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.2.4 Properties of Set Instances
Set instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the Set prototype. Set instances also have a[[SetData]] internal slot.
24.2.5 Set Iterator Objects
A Set Iterator is anordinary object, with the structure defined below, that represents a specific iteration over some specific Set instance object. There is not a namedconstructor for Set Iterator objects. Instead, set iterator objects are created by calling certain methods of Set instance objects. CreateSetIterator (set,kind )
The abstract operation CreateSetIterator takes argumentsset (anECMAScript language value) andkind (key+value orvalue) and returns either anormal completion containing a Generator or athrow completion. It is used to create iterator objects for Set methods that return such iterators. It performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Set Iterator".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.3 WeakMap Objects
WeakMaps are collections of key/value pairs where the keys are objects and/or symbols and values may be arbitraryECMAScript language values. A WeakMap may be queried to see if it contains a key/value pair with a specific key, but no mechanism is provided for enumerating the values it holds as keys. In certain conditions, values which are notlive are removed as WeakMap keys, as described in9.10.3.
An implementation may impose an arbitrarily determined latency between the time a key/value pair of a WeakMap becomes inaccessible and the time when the key/value pair is removed from the WeakMap. If this latency was observable to ECMAScript program, it would be a source of indeterminacy that could impact program execution. For that reason, an ECMAScript implementation must not provide any means to observe a key of a WeakMap that does not require the observer to present the observed key.
WeakMaps must be implemented using either hash tables or other mechanisms that, on average, provide access times that are sublinear on the number of key/value pairs in the collection. The data structure used in this specification is only intended to describe the required observable semantics of WeakMaps. It is not intended to be a viable implementation model.
WeakMap and WeakSet are intended to provide mechanisms for dynamically associating state with an object or symbol in a manner that does not “leak” memory resources if, in the absence of the WeakMap or WeakSet instance, the object or symbol otherwise became inaccessible and subject to resource reclamation by the implementation's garbage collection mechanisms. This characteristic can be achieved by using an inverted per-object/symbol mapping of WeakMap or WeakSet instances to keys. Alternatively, each WeakMap or WeakSet instance may internally store its key and value data, but this approach requires coordination between the WeakMap or WeakSet implementation and the garbage collector. The following references describe mechanism that may be useful to implementations of WeakMap and WeakSet:
Barry Hayes. 1997. Ephemerons: a new finalization mechanism. InProceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (OOPSLA '97), A. Michael Berman (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 176-183,
is the initial value of the"WeakMap" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new WeakMap when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified WeakMap behaviour must include asuper call to the WeakMapconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theWeakMap.prototype built-in methods. WeakMap ( [iterable ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
If the parameteriterable is present, it is expected to be an object that implements an@@iterator method that returns an iterator object that produces a two elementarray-like object whose first element is a value that will be used as a WeakMap key and whose second element is the value to associate with that key.
4.For eachRecord {[[Key]],[[Value]] }p ofM.[[WeakMapData]], do
a.Ifp.[[Key]] is notempty andSameValue(p.[[Key]],key) istrue, then
i.Setp.[[Key]] toempty.
ii.Setp.[[Value]] toempty.
The valueempty is used as a specification device to indicate that an entry has been deleted. Actual implementations may take other actions such as physically removing the entry from internal data structures. WeakMap.prototype.get (key )
This method performs the following steps when called:
4.For eachRecord {[[Key]],[[Value]] }p ofM.[[WeakMapData]], do
a.Ifp.[[Key]] is notempty andSameValue(p.[[Key]],key) istrue, then
i.Setp.[[Value]] tovalue.
5.Letp be theRecord {[[Key]]:key,[[Value]]:value }.
6.Appendp toM.[[WeakMapData]].
7.ReturnM. WeakMap.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"WeakMap".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.3.4 Properties of WeakMap Instances
WeakMap instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the WeakMap prototype. WeakMap instances also have a[[WeakMapData]] internal slot.
24.4 WeakSet Objects
WeakSets are collections of objects and/or symbols. A distinct object or symbol may only occur once as an element of a WeakSet's collection. A WeakSet may be queried to see if it contains a specific value, but no mechanism is provided for enumerating the values it holds. In certain conditions, values which are notlive are removed as WeakSet elements, as described in9.10.3.
An implementation may impose an arbitrarily determined latency between the time a value contained in a WeakSet becomes inaccessible and the time when the value is removed from the WeakSet. If this latency was observable to ECMAScript program, it would be a source of indeterminacy that could impact program execution. For that reason, an ECMAScript implementation must not provide any means to determine if a WeakSet contains a particular value that does not require the observer to present the observed value.
WeakSets must be implemented using either hash tables or other mechanisms that, on average, provide access times that are sublinear on the number of elements in the collection. The data structure used in this specification is only intended to describe the required observable semantics of WeakSets. It is not intended to be a viable implementation model.
is the initial value of the"WeakSet" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new WeakSet when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified WeakSet behaviour must include asuper call to the WeakSetconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theWeakSet.prototype built-in methods. WeakSet ( [iterable ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
a.Ife is notempty andSameValue(e,value) istrue, then
i.Replace the element ofS.[[WeakSetData]] whose value ise with an element whose value isempty.
The valueempty is used as a specification device to indicate that an entry has been deleted. Actual implementations may take other actions such as physically removing the entry from internal data structures. WeakSet.prototype.has (value )
This method performs the following steps when called:
a.Ife is notempty andSameValue(e,value) istrue, returntrue.
5.Returnfalse. WeakSet.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"WeakSet".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
24.4.4 Properties of WeakSet Instances
WeakSet instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the WeakSet prototype. WeakSet instances also have a[[WeakSetData]] internal slot.
25 Structured Data
25.1 ArrayBuffer Objects
25.1.1 Notation
The descriptions below in this section,25.4, and29 use the read-modify-write modification function internal data structure.
Aread-modify-write modification function is a mathematical function that is notationally represented as an abstract closure that takes twoLists ofbyte values as arguments and returns aList ofbyte values. These abstract closures satisfy all of the following properties:
They perform all their algorithm steps atomically.
Their individual algorithm steps are not observable.
To aid verifying that a read-modify-write modification function's algorithm steps constitute a pure, mathematical function, the following editorial conventions are recommended:
They do not access, directly or transitively via invokedabstract operations and abstract closures, any language or specification values except their parameters and captured values.
The abstract operation AllocateArrayBuffer takes argumentsconstructor (aconstructor) andbyteLength (a non-negativeinteger) and optional argumentmaxByteLength (a non-negativeinteger orempty) and returns either anormal completion containing an ArrayBuffer or athrow completion. It is used to create an ArrayBuffer. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letslots be «[[ArrayBufferData]],[[ArrayBufferByteLength]],[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] ».
2.IfmaxByteLength is present andmaxByteLength is notempty, letallocatingResizableBuffer betrue; otherwise letallocatingResizableBuffer befalse.
a.If it is not possible to create aData Blockblock consisting ofmaxByteLength bytes, throw aRangeError exception.
b.NOTE: Resizable ArrayBuffers are designed to be implementable with in-place growth. Implementations may throw if, for example, virtual memory cannot be reserved up front.
The abstract operation ArrayBufferByteLength takes argumentsarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer) andorder (seq-cst orunordered) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfIsSharedArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) istrue andarrayBuffer has an[[ArrayBufferByteLengthData]] internal slot, then
14.NOTE: Neither creation of the newData Block nor copying from the oldData Block are observable. Implementations may implement this method as a zero-copy move or arealloc.
The abstract operation IsDetachedBuffer takes argumentarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or a SharedArrayBuffer) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation DetachArrayBuffer takes argumentarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer) and optional argumentkey (anything) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CloneArrayBuffer takes argumentssrcBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or a SharedArrayBuffer),srcByteOffset (a non-negativeinteger), andsrcLength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing an ArrayBuffer or athrow completion. It creates a new ArrayBuffer whose data is a copy ofsrcBuffer's data over the range starting atsrcByteOffset and continuing forsrcLength bytes. It performs the following steps when called:
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostResizeArrayBuffer takes argumentsbuffer (an ArrayBuffer) andnewByteLength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing eitherhandled orunhandled, or athrow completion. It gives thehost an opportunity to performimplementation-defined resizing ofbuffer. If thehost chooses not to handle resizing ofbuffer, it may returnunhandled for the default behaviour.
The implementation of HostResizeArrayBuffer must conform to the following requirements:
The abstract operation does not detachbuffer.
If the abstract operation completes normally withhandled,buffer.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] isnewByteLength.
The default implementation of HostResizeArrayBuffer is to returnNormalCompletion(unhandled). IsFixedLengthArrayBuffer (arrayBuffer )
The abstract operation IsFixedLengthArrayBuffer takes argumentarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or a SharedArrayBuffer) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfarrayBuffer has an[[ArrayBufferMaxByteLength]] internal slot, returnfalse.
2.Returntrue. IsUnsignedElementType (type )
The abstract operation IsUnsignedElementType takes argumenttype (aTypedArray element type) and returns a Boolean. It verifies if the argumenttype is an unsignedTypedArray element type. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Iftype is one ofuint8,uint8clamped,uint16,uint32, orbiguint64, returntrue.
2.Returnfalse. IsUnclampedIntegerElementType (type )
The abstract operation IsUnclampedIntegerElementType takes argumenttype (aTypedArray element type) and returns a Boolean. It verifies if the argumenttype is anIntegerTypedArray element type not includinguint8clamped. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Iftype is one ofint8,uint8,int16,uint16,int32, oruint32, returntrue.
1.Iftype is eitherbiguint64 orbigint64, returntrue.
2.Returnfalse. IsNoTearConfiguration (type,order )
The abstract operation IsNoTearConfiguration takes argumentstype (aTypedArray element type) andorder (seq-cst,unordered, orinit) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation RawBytesToNumeric takes argumentstype (aTypedArray element type),rawBytes (aList ofbyte values), andisLittleEndian (a Boolean) and returns a Number or a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetelementSize be the Element Size value specified inTable 71 for Element Typetype.
2.IfisLittleEndian isfalse, reverse the order of the elements ofrawBytes.
3.Iftype isfloat32, then
a.Letvalue be the byte elements ofrawBytes concatenated and interpreted as a little-endian bit string encoding of anIEEE 754-2019 binary32 value.
b.Ifvalue is anIEEE 754-2019 binary32 NaN value, return theNaN Number value.
c.Return the Number value that corresponds tovalue.
4.Iftype isfloat64, then
a.Letvalue be the byte elements ofrawBytes concatenated and interpreted as a little-endian bit string encoding of anIEEE 754-2019 binary64 value.
b.Ifvalue is anIEEE 754-2019 binary64 NaN value, return theNaN Number value.
c.Return the Number value that corresponds tovalue.
a.LetintValue be the byte elements ofrawBytes concatenated and interpreted as a bit string encoding of an unsigned little-endian binary number.
a.LetintValue be the byte elements ofrawBytes concatenated and interpreted as a bit string encoding of a binary little-endian two's complement number of bit lengthelementSize × 8.
7.IfIsBigIntElementType(type) istrue, return the BigInt value that corresponds tointValue.
8.Otherwise, return the Number value that corresponds tointValue.
The abstract operation GetRawBytesFromSharedBlock takes argumentsblock (aShared Data Block),byteIndex (a non-negativeinteger),type (aTypedArray element type),isTypedArray (a Boolean), andorder (seq-cst orunordered) and returns aList ofbyte values. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetelementSize be the Element Size value specified inTable 71 for Element Typetype.
5.LetrawValue be aList of lengthelementSize whose elements are nondeterministically chosenbyte values.
6.NOTE: In implementations,rawValue is the result of a non-atomic or atomic read instruction on the underlying hardware. The nondeterminism is a semantic prescription of thememory model to describe observable behaviour of hardware with weak consistency.
The abstract operation GetValueFromBuffer takes argumentsarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer),byteIndex (a non-negativeinteger),type (aTypedArray element type),isTypedArray (a Boolean), andorder (seq-cst orunordered) and optional argumentisLittleEndian (a Boolean) and returns a Number or a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation NumericToRawBytes takes argumentstype (aTypedArray element type),value (a Number or a BigInt), andisLittleEndian (a Boolean) and returns aList ofbyte values. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Iftype isfloat32, then
a.LetrawBytes be aList whose elements are the 4 bytes that are the result of convertingvalue toIEEE 754-2019 binary32 format using roundTiesToEven mode. The bytes are arranged in little endian order. Ifvalue isNaN,rawBytes may be set to any implementation chosenIEEE 754-2019 binary32 format Not-a-Number encoding. An implementation must always choose the same encoding for each implementation distinguishableNaN value.
2.Else iftype isfloat64, then
a.LetrawBytes be aList whose elements are the 8 bytes that are theIEEE 754-2019 binary64 format encoding ofvalue. The bytes are arranged in little endian order. Ifvalue isNaN,rawBytes may be set to any implementation chosenIEEE 754-2019 binary64 format Not-a-Number encoding. An implementation must always choose the same encoding for each implementation distinguishableNaN value.
a.Letn be the Element Size value specified inTable 71 for Element Typetype.
b.LetconvOp be the abstract operation named in the Conversion Operation column inTable 71 for Element Typetype.
The abstract operation SetValueInBuffer takes argumentsarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer),byteIndex (a non-negativeinteger),type (aTypedArray element type),value (a Number or a BigInt),isTypedArray (a Boolean), andorder (seq-cst,unordered, orinit) and optional argumentisLittleEndian (a Boolean) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetModifySetValueInBuffer takes argumentsarrayBuffer (an ArrayBuffer or a SharedArrayBuffer),byteIndex (a non-negativeinteger),type (aTypedArray element type),value (a Number or a BigInt), andop (aread-modify-write modification function) and returns a Number or a BigInt. It performs the following steps when called:
c.LetrawBytesRead be aList of lengthelementSize whose elements are nondeterministically chosenbyte values.
d.NOTE: In implementations,rawBytesRead is the result of a load-link, of a load-exclusive, or of an operand of a read-modify-write instruction on the underlying hardware. The nondeterminism is a semantic prescription of thememory model to describe observable behaviour of hardware with weak consistency.
is the initial value of the"ArrayBuffer" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new ArrayBuffer when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified ArrayBuffer behaviour must include asuper call to the ArrayBufferconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the internal state necessary to support theArrayBuffer.prototype built-in methods. ArrayBuffer (length [ ,options ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get ArrayBuffer [ @@species ]
ArrayBuffer[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
does not have an[[ArrayBufferData]] or[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slot. get ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength
ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
The initial value ofArrayBuffer.prototype.constructor is%ArrayBuffer%. get ArrayBuffer.prototype.detached
ArrayBuffer.prototype.detached is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
ArrayBuffer.prototype.maxByteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
ArrayBuffer.prototype.resizable is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
13.NOTE: Neither creation of the newData Block nor copying from the oldData Block are observable. Implementations may implement this method as in-place growth or shrinkage.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"ArrayBuffer".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
25.1.7 Properties of ArrayBuffer Instances
ArrayBuffer instances inherit properties from theArrayBuffer prototype object. ArrayBuffer instances each have an[[ArrayBufferData]] internal slot, an[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slot, and an[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] internal slot. ArrayBuffer instances which are resizable each have an[[ArrayBufferMaxByteLength]] internal slot.
ArrayBuffer instances whose[[ArrayBufferData]] isnull are considered to be detached and all operators to access or modify data contained in the ArrayBuffer instance will fail.
ArrayBuffer instances whose[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] is set to a value other thanundefined need to have allDetachArrayBuffer calls passing that same "detach key" as an argument, otherwise a TypeError will result. This internal slot is only ever set by certain embedding environments, not by algorithms in this specification.
25.1.8 Resizable ArrayBuffer Guidelines
Note 1
The following are guidelines for ECMAScript programmers working withresizable ArrayBuffer.
We recommend that programs be tested in their deployment environments where possible. The amount of available physical memory differs greatly between hardware devices. Similarly, virtual memory subsystems also differ greatly between hardware devices as well as operating systems. An application that runs without out-of-memory errors on a 64-bit desktop web browser could run out of memory on a 32-bit mobile web browser.
When choosing a value for the"maxByteLength" option forresizable ArrayBuffer, we recommend that the smallest possible size for the application be chosen. We recommend that"maxByteLength" does not exceed 1,073,741,824 (2**30 bytes or 1GiB).
Please note that successfully constructing aresizable ArrayBuffer for a particular maximum size does not guarantee that future resizes will succeed.
Note 2
The following are guidelines for ECMAScript implementers implementingresizable ArrayBuffer.
Resizable ArrayBuffer can be implemented as copying upon resize, as in-place growth via reserving virtual memory up front, or as a combination of both for different values of theconstructor's"maxByteLength" option.
If ahost is multi-tenanted (i.e. it runs many ECMAScript applications simultaneously), such as a web browser, and its implementations choose to implement in-place growth by reserving virtual memory, we recommend that both 32-bit and 64-bit implementations throw for values of"maxByteLength" ≥ 1GiB to 1.5GiB. This is to reduce the likelihood a single application can exhaust the virtual memory address space and to reduce interoperability risk.
If ahost does not have virtual memory, such as those running on embedded devices without an MMU, or if ahost only implements resizing by copying, it may accept anyNumber value for the"maxByteLength" option. However, we recommend aRangeError be thrown if a memory block of the requested size can never be allocated. For example, if the requested size is greater than the maximium amount of usable memory on the device.
25.2 SharedArrayBuffer Objects
25.2.1 Fixed-length and Growable SharedArrayBuffer Objects
Afixed-length SharedArrayBuffer is a SharedArrayBuffer whose byte length cannot change after creation.
The abstract operation AllocateSharedArrayBuffer takes argumentsconstructor (aconstructor) andbyteLength (a non-negativeinteger) and optional argumentmaxByteLength (a non-negativeinteger orempty) and returns either anormal completion containing a SharedArrayBuffer or athrow completion. It is used to create a SharedArrayBuffer. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letslots be «[[ArrayBufferData]] ».
2.IfmaxByteLength is present andmaxByteLength is notempty, letallocatingGrowableBuffer betrue; otherwise letallocatingGrowableBuffer befalse.
The abstract operation IsSharedArrayBuffer takes argumentobj (an ArrayBuffer or a SharedArrayBuffer) and returns a Boolean. It tests whether an object is an ArrayBuffer, a SharedArrayBuffer, or a subtype of either. It performs the following steps when called:
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostGrowSharedArrayBuffer takes argumentsbuffer (a SharedArrayBuffer) andnewByteLength (a non-negativeinteger) and returns either anormal completion containing eitherhandled orunhandled, or athrow completion. It gives thehost an opportunity to performimplementation-defined growing ofbuffer. If thehost chooses not to handle growing ofbuffer, it may returnunhandled for the default behaviour.
The implementation of HostGrowSharedArrayBuffer must conform to the following requirements:
If the abstract operation does not complete normally withunhandled, andnewByteLength < the current byte length of thebuffer ornewByteLength >buffer.[[ArrayBufferMaxByteLength]], throw aRangeError exception.
LetisLittleEndian be the value of the[[LittleEndian]] field of thesurrounding agent'sAgent Record. If the abstract operation completes normally withhandled, aWriteSharedMemory orReadModifyWriteSharedMemory event whose[[Order]] isseq-cst,[[Payload]] isNumericToRawBytes(biguint64,newByteLength,isLittleEndian),[[Block]] isbuffer.[[ArrayBufferByteLengthData]],[[ByteIndex]] is 0, and[[ElementSize]] is 8 is added to thesurrounding agent'scandidate execution such that racing calls toSharedArrayBuffer.prototype.grow are not "lost", i.e. silently do nothing.
The second requirement above is intentionally vague about how or when the current byte length ofbuffer is read. Because the byte length must be updated via an atomic read-modify-write operation on the underlying hardware, architectures that use load-link/store-conditional or load-exclusive/store-exclusive instruction pairs may wish to keep the paired instructions close in the instruction stream. As such, SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.grow itself does not perform bounds checking onnewByteLength before calling HostGrowSharedArrayBuffer, nor is there a requirement on when the current byte length is read.
This is in contrast withHostResizeArrayBuffer, which is guaranteed that the value ofnewByteLength is ≥ 0 and ≤buffer.[[ArrayBufferMaxByteLength]].
The default implementation of HostGrowSharedArrayBuffer is to returnNormalCompletion(unhandled).
is the initial value of the"SharedArrayBuffer" property of theglobal object, if that property is present (see below).
creates and initializes a new SharedArrayBuffer when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified SharedArrayBuffer behaviour must include asuper call to the SharedArrayBufferconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the internal state necessary to support theSharedArrayBuffer.prototype built-in methods.
Whenever ahost does not provide concurrent access to SharedArrayBuffers it may omit the"SharedArrayBuffer" property of theglobal object.
Unlike anArrayBuffer, aSharedArrayBuffer cannot become detached, and its internal[[ArrayBufferData]] slot is nevernull. SharedArrayBuffer (length [ ,options ] )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. get SharedArrayBuffer [ @@species ]
SharedArrayBuffer[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
25.2.5 Properties of the SharedArrayBuffer Prototype Object
does not have an[[ArrayBufferData]] or[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slot. get SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength
SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
a.NOTE: This is a compare-and-exchange loop to ensure that parallel, racing grows of the same buffer are totally ordered, are not lost, and do not silently do nothing. The loop exits if it was able to attempt to grow uncontended.
f.If it is impossible to create a newShared Data Block value consisting ofbyteLengthDelta bytes, throw aRangeError exception.
g.NOTE: No newShared Data Block is constructed and used here. The observable behaviour of growable SharedArrayBuffers is specified by allocating amax-sizedShared Data Block at construction time, and this step captures the requirement that implementations that run out of memory must throw aRangeError.
Spurious failures of the compare-exchange to update the length are prohibited. If the bounds checking for the new length passes and the implementation is not out of memory, aReadModifyWriteSharedMemory event (i.e. a successful compare-exchange) is always added into thecandidate execution.
Parallel calls to SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.grow are totally ordered. For example, consider two racing calls:sab.grow(10) andsab.grow(20). One of the two calls is guaranteed to win the race. The call tosab.grow(10) will never shrinksab even ifsab.grow(20) happened first; in that case it will instead throw a RangeError. get SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.growable
SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.growable is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called: get SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.maxByteLength
SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.maxByteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"SharedArrayBuffer".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
25.2.6 Properties of SharedArrayBuffer Instances
SharedArrayBuffer instances inherit properties from theSharedArrayBuffer prototype object. SharedArrayBuffer instances each have an[[ArrayBufferData]] internal slot. SharedArrayBuffer instances which are not growable each have an[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slot. SharedArrayBuffer instances which are growable each have an[[ArrayBufferByteLengthData]] internal slot and an[[ArrayBufferMaxByteLength]] internal slot.
SharedArrayBuffer instances, unlike ArrayBuffer instances, are never detached.
We recommend that programs be tested in their deployment environments where possible. The amount of available physical memory differ greatly between hardware devices. Similarly, virtual memory subsystems also differ greatly between hardware devices as well as operating systems. An application that runs without out-of-memory errors on a 64-bit desktop web browser could run out of memory on a 32-bit mobile web browser.
When choosing a value for the"maxByteLength" option forgrowable SharedArrayBuffer, we recommend that the smallest possible size for the application be chosen. We recommend that"maxByteLength" does not exceed 1073741824, or 1GiB.
Please note that successfully constructing agrowable SharedArrayBuffer for a particular maximum size does not guarantee that future grows will succeed.
Not all loads of agrowable SharedArrayBuffer's length are synchronizingseq-cst loads. Loads of the length that are for bounds-checking of aninteger-indexed property access, e.g.u8[idx], are not synchronizing. In general, in the absence of explicit synchronization, one property access being in-bound does not imply a subsequent property access in the sameagent is also in-bound. In contrast, explicit loads of the length via thelength andbyteLength getters on SharedArrayBuffer,%TypedArray%.prototype, and DataView.prototype are synchronizing. Loads of the length that are performed by built-in methods to check if aTypedArray is entirely out-of-bounds are also synchronizing.
We recommendgrowable SharedArrayBuffer be implemented as in-place growth via reserving virtual memory up front.
Because grow operations can happen in parallel with memory accesses on agrowable SharedArrayBuffer, the constraints of thememory model require that even unordered accesses do not "tear" (bits of their values will not be mixed). In practice, this means the underlying data block of agrowable SharedArrayBuffer cannot be grown by being copied without stopping the world. We do not recommend stopping the world as an implementation strategy because it introduces a serialization point and is slow.
Grown memory must appear zeroed from the moment of its creation, including to any racy accesses in parallel. This can be accomplished via zero-filled-on-demand virtual memory pages, or careful synchronization if manually zeroing memory.
Integer-indexed property access onTypedArray views of growable SharedArrayBuffers is intended to be optimizable similarly to access onTypedArray views of non-growable SharedArrayBuffers, becauseinteger-indexed property loads on are not synchronizing on the underlying buffer's length (see programmer guidelines above). For example, bounds checks for property accesses may still be hoisted out of loops.
In practice it is difficult to implementgrowable SharedArrayBuffer by copying onhosts that do not have virtual memory, such as those running on embedded devices without an MMU. Memory usage behaviour of growable SharedArrayBuffers on suchhosts may significantly differ from that ofhosts with virtual memory. Suchhosts should clearly communicate memory usage expectations to users.
25.3 DataView Objects
25.3.1 Abstract Operations For DataView Objects DataView With Buffer Witness Records
ADataView With Buffer Witness Record is aRecord value used to encapsulate a DataView along with a cached byte length of the viewed buffer. It is used to help ensure there is a single shared memory read event of the byte length data block when the viewed buffer is a growable SharedArrayBuffers.
DataView With Buffer Witness Records have the fields listed inTable 72.
The abstract operation MakeDataViewWithBufferWitnessRecord takes argumentsobj (a DataView) andorder (seq-cst orunordered) and returns aDataView With Buffer Witness Record. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetViewByteLength takes argumentviewRecord (aDataView With Buffer Witness Record) and returns a non-negativeinteger. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation IsViewOutOfBounds takes argumentviewRecord (aDataView With Buffer Witness Record) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
is the initial value of the"DataView" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new DataView when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified DataView behaviour must include asuper call to the DataViewconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the internal state necessary to support theDataView.prototype built-in methods.
does not have a[[DataView]],[[ViewedArrayBuffer]],[[ByteLength]], or[[ByteOffset]] internal slot. get DataView.prototype.buffer
DataView.prototype.buffer is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
3.Assert:O has a[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot.
4.Letbuffer beO.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
5.Returnbuffer. get DataView.prototype.byteLength
DataView.prototype.byteLength is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
DataView.prototype.byteOffset is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"DataView".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
25.3.5 Properties of DataView Instances
DataView instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from theDataView prototype object. DataView instances each have[[DataView]],[[ViewedArrayBuffer]],[[ByteLength]], and[[ByteOffset]] internal slots.
The value of the[[DataView]] internal slot is not used within this specification. The simple presence of that internal slot is used within the specification to identify objects created using the DataViewconstructor.
25.4 The Atomics Object
The Atomics object:
is the initial value of the"Atomics" property of theglobal object.
does not have a[[Construct]] internal method; it cannot be used as aconstructor with thenew operator.
does not have a[[Call]] internal method; it cannot be invoked as a function.
The Atomics object provides functions that operate indivisibly (atomically) on shared memory array cells as well as functions that letagents wait for and dispatch primitive events. When used with discipline, the Atomics functions allow multi-agent programs that communicate through shared memory to execute in a well-understood order even on parallel CPUs. The rules that govern shared-memory communication are provided by thememory model, defined below.
For informative guidelines for programming and implementing shared memory in ECMAScript, please see the notes at the end of thememory model section.
25.4.1 Waiter Record
AWaiter Record is aRecord value used to denote a particular call toAtomics.wait orAtomics.waitAsync.
Theagent cluster has a store of WaiterList Records; the store is indexed by (block,i), whereblock is aShared Data Block andi a byte offset into the memory ofblock. WaiterList Records areagent-independent: a lookup in the store of WaiterList Records by (block,i) will result in the same WaiterList Record in anyagent in theagent cluster.
Each WaiterList Record has acritical section that controls exclusive access to that WaiterList Record during evaluation. Only a singleagent may enter a WaiterList Record's critical section at one time. Entering and leaving a WaiterList Record's critical section is controlled by theabstract operationsEnterCriticalSection andLeaveCriticalSection. Operations on a WaiterList Record—adding and removing waitingagents, traversing the list ofagents, suspending and notifyingagents on the list, setting and retrieving theSynchronize event—may only be performed byagents that have entered the WaiterList Record's critical section.
The abstract operation RevalidateAtomicAccess takes argumentstypedArray (aTypedArray) andbyteIndexInBuffer (aninteger) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. This operation revalidates the index within the backing buffer for atomic operations after all argument coercions are performed in Atomics methods, as argument coercions can have arbitrary side effects, which could cause the buffer to become out of bounds. This operation does not throw whentypedArray's backing buffer is a SharedArrayBuffer. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation GetWaiterList takes argumentsblock (aShared Data Block) andi (a non-negativeinteger that is evenly divisible by 4) and returns aWaiterList Record. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:i andi + 3 are valid byte offsets within the memory ofblock.
2.Return theWaiterList Record that is referenced by the pair (block,i). EnterCriticalSection (WL )
The abstract operation EnterCriticalSection takes argumentWL (aWaiterList Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
EnterCriticalSection hascontention when anagent attempting to enter thecritical section must wait for anotheragent to leave it. When there is no contention, FIFO order of EnterCriticalSection calls is observable. When there is contention, an implementation may choose an arbitrary order but may not cause anagent to wait indefinitely. LeaveCriticalSection (WL )
The abstract operation LeaveCriticalSection takes argumentWL (aWaiterList Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AddWaiter takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andwaiterRecord (aWaiter Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Assert: There is noWaiter Record inWL.[[Waiters]] whose[[PromiseCapability]] field iswaiterRecord.[[PromiseCapability]] and whose[[AgentSignifier]] field iswaiterRecord.[[AgentSignifier]].
3.AppendwaiterRecord toWL.[[Waiters]].
4.Returnunused. RemoveWaiter (WL,waiterRecord )
The abstract operation RemoveWaiter takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andwaiterRecord (aWaiter Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation RemoveWaiters takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andc (a non-negativeinteger or +∞) and returns aList ofWaiter Records. It performs the following steps when called:
4.LetL be aList whose elements are the firstn elements ofWL.[[Waiters]].
5.Remove the firstn elements ofWL.[[Waiters]].
6.ReturnL. SuspendThisAgent (WL,waiterRecord )
The abstract operation SuspendThisAgent takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andwaiterRecord (aWaiter Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
7.PerformLeaveCriticalSection(WL) and suspend thesurrounding agent until the time iswaiterRecord.[[TimeoutTime]], performing the combined operation in such a way that a notification that arrives after thecritical section is exited but before the suspension takes effect is not lost. Thesurrounding agent can only wake from suspension due to a timeout or due to anotheragent callingNotifyWaiter with argumentsWL andthisAgent (i.e. via a call toAtomics.notify).
The abstract operation NotifyWaiter takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andwaiterRecord (aWaiter Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetresolveJob be a newJobAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesagentSignifier,promiseCapability, andresolution and performs the following steps when called:
a.NOTE: There is no special handling of synchronous immediate timeouts. Asynchronous immediate timeouts have special handling in order to fail fast and avoid unnecessary Promise jobs.
27.LetwaiterRecord be a newWaiter Record {[[AgentSignifier]]:thisAgent,[[PromiseCapability]]:promiseCapability,[[TimeoutTime]]:timeoutTime,[[Result]]:"ok" }.
additionalTimeout allows implementations to pad timeouts as necessary, such as for reducing power consumption or coarsening timer resolution to mitigate timing attacks. This value may differ from call to call of DoWait.
The abstract operation EnqueueAtomicsWaitAsyncTimeoutJob takes argumentsWL (aWaiterList Record) andwaiterRecord (aWaiter Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.LettimeoutJob be a newJobAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesWL andwaiterRecord and performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AtomicCompareExchangeInSharedBlock takes argumentsblock (aShared Data Block),byteIndexInBuffer (aninteger),elementSize (a non-negativeinteger),expectedBytes (aList ofbyte values), andreplacementBytes (aList ofbyte values) and returns aList ofbyte values. It performs the following steps when called:
3.LetrawBytesRead be aList of lengthelementSize whose elements are nondeterministically chosenbyte values.
4.NOTE: In implementations,rawBytesRead is the result of a load-link, of a load-exclusive, or of an operand of a read-modify-write instruction on the underlying hardware. The nondeterminism is a semantic prescription of thememory model to describe observable behaviour of hardware with weak consistency.
5.NOTE: The comparison of the expected value and the read value is performed outside of theread-modify-write modification function to avoid needlessly strong synchronization when the expected value is not equal to the read value.
6.IfByteListEqual(rawBytesRead,expectedBytes) istrue, then
a.Letsecond be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (oldBytes,newBytes) that captures nothing and performs the following steps atomically when called:
The abstract operation ByteListBitwiseOp takes argumentsop (&,^, or|),xBytes (aList ofbyte values), andyBytes (aList ofbyte values) and returns aList ofbyte values. The operation atomically performs a bitwise operation on allbyte values of the arguments and returns aList ofbyte values. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:xBytes andyBytes have the same number of elements.
ii.LetresultByte be the result of applying the bitwise inclusive OR operation toxByte andyByte.
e.Seti toi + 1.
f.AppendresultByte toresult.
5.Returnresult. ByteListEqual (xBytes,yBytes )
The abstract operation ByteListEqual takes argumentsxBytes (aList ofbyte values) andyBytes (aList ofbyte values) and returns a Boolean. It performs the following steps when called:
1.IfxBytes andyBytes do not have the same number of elements, returnfalse.
2.Leti be 0.
3.For each elementxByte ofxBytes, do
a.LetyByte beyBytes[i].
b.IfxByte ≠yByte, returnfalse.
c.Seti toi + 1.
25.4.4 Atomics.add (typedArray,index,value )
This function performs the following steps when called:
3.Letadd be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (xBytes,yBytes) that capturestype andisLittleEndian and performs the following steps atomically when called:
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Letand be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (xBytes,yBytes) that captures nothing and performs the following steps atomically when called:
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Letsecond be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (oldBytes,newBytes) that captures nothing and performs the following steps atomically when called:
This function is an optimization primitive. The intuition is that if the atomic step of an atomic primitive (compareExchange,load,store,add,sub,and,or,xor, orexchange) on a datum of sizen bytes will be performed without thesurrounding agent acquiring a lock outside then bytes comprising the datum, thenAtomics.isLockFree(n) will returntrue. High-performance algorithms will use this function to determine whether to use locks or atomic operations incritical sections. If an atomic primitive is not lock-free then it is often more efficient for an algorithm to provide its own locking.
Atomics.isLockFree(4) always returnstrue as that can be supported on all known relevant hardware. Being able to assume this will generally simplify programs.
Regardless of the value returned by this function, all atomic operations are guaranteed to be atomic. For example, they will never have a visible operation take place in the middle of the operation (e.g., "tearing").
25.4.9 Atomics.load (typedArray,index )
This function performs the following steps when called:
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Letor be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (xBytes,yBytes) that captures nothing and performs the following steps atomically when called:
3.Letsubtract be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (xBytes,yBytes) that capturestype andisLittleEndian and performs the following steps atomically when called:
This function puts thesurrounding agent in a wait queue and suspends it until notified or until the wait times out, returning a String differentiating those cases.
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Letxor be a newread-modify-write modification function with parameters (xBytes,yBytes) that captures nothing and performs the following steps atomically when called:
does not have a[[Construct]] internal method; it cannot be used as aconstructor with thenew operator.
does not have a[[Call]] internal method; it cannot be invoked as a function.
The JSON Data Interchange Format is defined in ECMA-404. The JSON interchange format used in this specification is exactly that described by ECMA-404. Conforming implementations ofJSON.parse andJSON.stringify must support the exact interchange format described in the ECMA-404 specification without any deletions or extensions to the format.
25.5.1 JSON.parse (text [ ,reviver ] )
This function parses a JSON text (a JSON-formatted String) and produces anECMAScript language value. The JSON format represents literals, arrays, and objects with a syntax similar to the syntax for ECMAScript literals, Array Initializers, and Object Initializers. After parsing, JSON objects are realized as ECMAScript objects. JSON arrays are realized as ECMAScript Array instances. JSON strings, numbers, booleans, and null are realized as ECMAScript Strings, Numbers, Booleans, andnull.
The optionalreviver parameter is a function that takes two parameters,key andvalue. It can filter and transform the results. It is called with each of thekey/value pairs produced by the parse, and its return value is used instead of the original value. If it returns what it received, the structure is not modified. If it returnsundefined then the property is deleted from the result.
2.ParseStringToCodePoints(jsonString) as a JSON text as specified in ECMA-404. Throw aSyntaxError exception if it is not a valid JSON text as defined in that specification.
Valid JSON text is a subset of the ECMAScriptPrimaryExpression syntax. Step2 verifies thatjsonString conforms to that subset, and step10 asserts that that parsing and evaluation returns a value of an appropriate type.
However, because13.2.5.5 behaves differently duringJSON.parse, the same source text can produce different results when evaluated as aPrimaryExpression rather than as JSON. Furthermore, the Early Error for duplicate"__proto__" properties in object literals, which likewise does not apply duringJSON.parse, means that not all texts accepted byJSON.parse are valid as aPrimaryExpression, despite matching the grammar.
It is not permitted for a conforming implementation ofJSON.parse to extend the JSON grammars. If an implementation wishes to support a modified or extended JSON interchange format it must do so by defining a different parse function.
Note 2
In the case where there are duplicate name Strings within an object, lexically preceding values for the same key shall be overwritten.
This function returns a String in UTF-16 encoded JSON format representing anECMAScript language value, orundefined. It can take three parameters. Thevalue parameter is anECMAScript language value, which is usually an object or array, although it can also be a String, Boolean, Number ornull. The optionalreplacer parameter is either a function that alters the way objects and arrays are stringified, or an array of Strings and Numbers that acts as an inclusion list for selecting the object properties that will be stringified. The optionalspace parameteris a String or Number that allows the result to have white space injected into it to improve human readability.
12.Letstate be theJSON Serialization Record {[[ReplacerFunction]]:ReplacerFunction,[[Stack]]:stack,[[Indent]]:indent,[[Gap]]:gap,[[PropertyList]]:PropertyList }.
JSON structures are allowed to be nested to any depth, but they must be acyclic. Ifvalue is or contains a cyclic structure, then this function must throw aTypeError exception. This is an example of a value that cannot be stringified:
a = [];a[0] = a;my_text =JSON.stringify(a);// This must throw a TypeError.
Note 2
Symbolic primitive values are rendered as follows:
Thenull value is rendered in JSON text as the String value"null".
Theundefined value is not rendered.
Thetrue value is rendered in JSON text as the String value"true".
Thefalse value is rendered in JSON text as the String value"false".
Note 3
String values are wrapped in QUOTATION MARK (") code units. The code units" and\ are escaped with\ prefixes. Control characters code units are replaced with escape sequences\uHHHH, or with the shorter forms,\b (BACKSPACE),\f (FORM FEED),\n (LINE FEED),\r (CARRIAGE RETURN),\t (CHARACTER TABULATION).
Note 4
Finite numbers are stringified as if by callingToString(number).NaN andInfinity regardless of sign are represented as the String value"null".
Note 5
Values that do not have a JSON representation (such asundefined and functions) do not produce a String. Instead they produce theundefined value. In arrays these values are represented as the String value"null". In objects an unrepresentable value causes the property to be excluded from stringification.
Note 6
An object is rendered as U+007B (LEFT CURLY BRACKET) followed by zero or more properties, separated with a U+002C (COMMA), closed with a U+007D (RIGHT CURLY BRACKET). A property is a quoted String representing theproperty name, a U+003A (COLON), and then the stringified property value. An array is rendered as an opening U+005B (LEFT SQUARE BRACKET) followed by zero or more values, separated with a U+002C (COMMA), closed with a U+005D (RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET). JSON Serialization Record
AJSON Serialization Record is aRecord value used to enable serialization to the JSON format.
JSON Serialization Records have the fields listed inTable 75.
The abstract operation SerializeJSONProperty takes argumentsstate (aJSON Serialization Record),key (a String), andholder (an Object) and returns either anormal completion containing either a String orundefined, or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation QuoteJSONString takes argumentvalue (a String) and returns a String. It wrapsvalue in 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK) code units and escapes certain other code units within it. This operation interpretsvalue as a sequence of UTF-16 encoded code points, as described in6.1.4. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letproduct be the String value consisting solely of the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK).
3.Setproduct to thestring-concatenation ofproduct and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK).
Table 76: JSON Single Character Escape Sequences
Code Point
Unicode Character Name
Escape Sequence
\\ UnicodeEscape (C )
The abstract operation UnicodeEscape takes argumentC (a code unit) and returns a String. It representsC as a Unicode escape sequence. It performs the following steps when called:
i.Letproperties be the String value formed by concatenating all the element Strings ofpartial with each adjacent pair of Strings separated with the code unit 0x002C (COMMA). A comma is not inserted either before the first String or after the last String.
i.Letseparator be thestring-concatenation of the code unit 0x002C (COMMA), the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED), andstate.[[Indent]].
ii.Letproperties be the String value formed by concatenating all the element Strings ofpartial with each adjacent pair of Strings separated withseparator. Theseparator String is not inserted either before the first String or after the last String.
iii.Letfinal be thestring-concatenation of"{", the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED),state.[[Indent]],properties, the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED),stepback, and"}".
i.Letproperties be the String value formed by concatenating all the element Strings ofpartial with each adjacent pair of Strings separated with the code unit 0x002C (COMMA). A comma is not inserted either before the first String or after the last String.
i.Letseparator be thestring-concatenation of the code unit 0x002C (COMMA), the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED), andstate.[[Indent]].
ii.Letproperties be the String value formed by concatenating all the element Strings ofpartial with each adjacent pair of Strings separated withseparator. Theseparator String is not inserted either before the first String or after the last String.
iii.Letfinal be thestring-concatenation of"[", the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED),state.[[Indent]],properties, the code unit 0x000A (LINE FEED),stepback, and"]".
11.Remove the last element ofstate.[[Stack]].
12.Setstate.[[Indent]] tostepback.
The representation of arrays includes only the elements in theinterval from+0𝔽 (inclusive) toarray.length (exclusive). Properties whose keys are notarray indices are excluded from the stringification. An array is stringified as an opening LEFT SQUARE BRACKET, elements separated by COMMA, and a closing RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET.
25.5.3 JSON [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"JSON".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
26 Managing Memory
26.1 WeakRef Objects
AWeakRef is an object that is used to refer to a target object or symbol without preserving it from garbage collection.WeakRefs can be dereferenced to allow access to the target value, if the target hasn't been reclaimed by garbage collection.
is the initial value of the"WeakRef" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new WeakRef when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specifiedWeakRef behaviour must include asuper call to theWeakRefconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theWeakRef.prototype built-in methods. WeakRef (target )
This function performs the following steps when called:
If theWeakRef returns atarget value that is notundefined, then thistarget value should not be garbage collected until the current execution of ECMAScript code has completed. TheAddToKeptObjects operation makes sure read consistency is maintained.
let target = {foo() {} };let weakRef =newWeakRef(target);// ... later ...if (weakRef.deref()) { weakRef.deref().foo();}
In the above example, if the first deref does not evaluate toundefined then the second deref cannot either. WeakRef.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"WeakRef".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
26.1.4 WeakRef Abstract Operations WeakRefDeref (weakRef )
The abstract operation WeakRefDeref takes argumentweakRef (aWeakRef) and returns anECMAScript language value. It performs the following steps when called:
AFinalizationRegistry is an object that manages registration and unregistration of cleanup operations that are performed when target objects and symbols are garbage collected.
is the initial value of the"FinalizationRegistry" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new FinalizationRegistry when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specifiedFinalizationRegistry behaviour must include asuper call to theFinalizationRegistryconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support theFinalizationRegistry.prototype built-in methods. FinalizationRegistry (cleanupCallback )
This function performs the following steps when called:
a.IfunregisterToken is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
b.SetunregisterToken toempty.
6.Letcell be theRecord {[[WeakRefTarget]]:target,[[HeldValue]]:heldValue,[[UnregisterToken]]:unregisterToken }.
7.Appendcell tofinalizationRegistry.[[Cells]].
Based on the algorithms and definitions in this specification,cell.[[HeldValue]] islive whenfinalizationRegistry.[[Cells]] containscell; however, this does not necessarily mean thatcell.[[UnregisterToken]] orcell.[[Target]] arelive. For example, registering an object with itself as its unregister token would not keep the object alive forever.
An interface is a set ofproperty keys whose associated values match a specific specification. Any object that provides all the properties as described by an interface's specificationconforms to that interface. An interface is not represented by a distinct object. There may be many separately implemented objects that conform to any interface. An individual object may conform to multiple interfaces. TheIterable Interface
TheIterable interface includes the property described inTable 77:
Table 77:Iterable Interface Required Properties
a function that returns anIterator object
The returned object must conform to theIterator interface. TheIterator Interface
An object that implements theIterator interface must include the property inTable 78. Such objects may also implement the properties inTable 79.
Table 78:Iterator Interface Required Properties
a function that returns anIteratorResult object
The returned object must conform to theIteratorResult interface. If a previous call to thenext method of anIterator has returned anIteratorResult object whose"done" property istrue, then all subsequent calls to thenext method of that object should also return anIteratorResult object whose"done" property istrue. However, this requirement is not enforced.
Note 1
Arguments may be passed to thenext function but their interpretation and validity is dependent upon the targetIterator. The for-of statement and other common users ofIterators do not pass any arguments, soIterator objects that expect to be used in such a manner must be prepared to deal with being called with no arguments.
Table 79:Iterator Interface Optional Properties
a function that returns anIteratorResult object
The returned object must conform to theIteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies theIterator object that the caller does not intend to make any morenext method calls to theIterator. The returnedIteratorResult object will typically have a"done" property whose value istrue, and a"value" property with the value passed as the argument of thereturn method. However, this requirement is not enforced.
a function that returns anIteratorResult object
The returned object must conform to theIteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies theIterator object that the caller has detected an error condition. The argument may be used to identify the error condition and typically will be an exception object. A typical response is tothrow the value passed as the argument. If the method does notthrow, the returnedIteratorResult object will typically have a"done" property whose value istrue.
Note 2
Typically callers of these methods should check for their existence before invoking them. Certain ECMAScript language features includingfor-of,yield*, and array destructuring call these methods after performing an existence check. Most ECMAScript library functions that acceptIterable objects as arguments also conditionally call them. TheAsyncIterable Interface
TheAsyncIterable interface includes the properties described inTable 80:
The returned object must conform to theAsyncIterator interface. TheAsyncIterator Interface
An object that implements theAsyncIterator interface must include the properties inTable 81. Such objects may also implement the properties inTable 82.
a function that returns a promise for anIteratorResult object
The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to theIteratorResult interface. If a previous call to thenext method of anAsyncIterator has returned a promise for anIteratorResult object whose"done" property istrue, then all subsequent calls to thenext method of that object should also return a promise for anIteratorResult object whose"done" property istrue. However, this requirement is not enforced.
Additionally, theIteratorResult object that serves as a fulfillment value should have a"value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"). However, this requirement is also not enforced.
Note 1
Arguments may be passed to thenext function but their interpretation and validity is dependent upon the targetAsyncIterator. Thefor-await-of statement and other common users ofAsyncIterators do not pass any arguments, soAsyncIterator objects that expect to be used in such a manner must be prepared to deal with being called with no arguments.
a function that returns a promise for anIteratorResult object
The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to theIteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies theAsyncIterator object that the caller does not intend to make any morenext method calls to theAsyncIterator. The returned promise will fulfill with anIteratorResult object which will typically have a"done" property whose value istrue, and a"value" property with the value passed as the argument of thereturn method. However, this requirement is not enforced.
Additionally, theIteratorResult object that serves as a fulfillment value should have a"value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"). If the argument value is used in the typical manner, then if it is a rejected promise, a promise rejected with the same reason should be returned; if it is a fulfilled promise, then its fulfillment value should be used as the"value" property of the returned promise'sIteratorResult object fulfillment value. However, these requirements are also not enforced.
a function that returns a promise for anIteratorResult object
The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to theIteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies theAsyncIterator object that the caller has detected an error condition. The argument may be used to identify the error condition and typically will be an exception object. A typical response is to return a rejected promise which rejects with the value passed as the argument.
If the returned promise is fulfilled, theIteratorResult fulfillment value will typically have a"done" property whose value istrue. Additionally, it should have a"value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"), but this requirement is not enforced.
Note 2
Typically callers of these methods should check for their existence before invoking them. Certain ECMAScript language features includingfor-await-of andyield* call these methods after performing an existence check. TheIteratorResult Interface
TheIteratorResult interface includes the properties listed inTable 83:
Table 83:IteratorResult Interface Properties
a Boolean
This is the result status of aniteratornext method call. If the end of the iterator was reached"done" istrue. If the end was not reached"done" isfalse and a value is available. If a"done" property (either own or inherited) does not exist, it is considered to have the valuefalse.
If done isfalse, this is the current iteration element value. If done istrue, this is the return value of the iterator, if it supplied one. If the iterator does not have a return value,"value" isundefined. In that case, the"value" property may be absent from the conforming object if it does not inherit an explicit"value" property.
All objects defined in this specification that implement the Iterator interface also inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. The %IteratorPrototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all iterator objects may be added.
The following expression is one way that ECMAScript code can access the %IteratorPrototype% object:
All objects defined in this specification that implement the AsyncIterator interface also inherit from %AsyncIteratorPrototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %AsyncIteratorPrototype%. The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all async iterator objects may be added.
This function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"[Symbol.asyncIterator]".
27.1.4 Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects
An Async-from-Sync Iterator object is an async iterator that adapts a specific synchronous iterator. There is not a namedconstructor for Async-from-Sync Iterator objects. Instead, Async-from-Sync iterator objects are created by theCreateAsyncFromSyncIterator abstract operation as needed.
The abstract operation CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator takes argumentsyncIteratorRecord (anIterator Record) and returns anIterator Record. It is used to create an asyncIterator Record from a synchronousIterator Record. It performs the following steps when called: Properties of Async-from-Sync Iterator Instances
Async-from-Sync Iterator instances areordinary objects that inherit properties from the%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object. Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are initially created with the internal slots listed inTable 84. Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are not directly observable from ECMAScript code.
Table 84: Internal Slots of Async-from-Sync Iterator Instances
The abstract operation AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation takes argumentsresult (an Object) andpromiseCapability (aPromiseCapability Record for an intrinsic%Promise%) and returns a Promise. It performs the following steps when called:
1.NOTE: BecausepromiseCapability is derived from the intrinsic%Promise%, the calls topromiseCapability.[[Reject]] entailed by the useIfAbruptRejectPromise below are guaranteed not to throw.
10.NOTE:onFulfilled is used when processing the"value" property of an IteratorResult object in order to wait for its value if it is a promise and re-package the result in a new "unwrapped" IteratorResult object.
A Promise is an object that is used as a placeholder for the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computation.
Any Promise is in one of three mutually exclusive states:fulfilled,rejected, andpending:
A promisep is fulfilled ifp.then(f, r) will immediately enqueue aJob to call the functionf.
A promisep is rejected ifp.then(f, r) will immediately enqueue aJob to call the functionr.
A promise is pending if it is neither fulfilled nor rejected.
A promise is said to besettled if it is not pending, i.e. if it is either fulfilled or rejected.
A promise isresolved if it is settled or if it has been “locked in” to match the state of another promise. Attempting to resolve or reject a resolved promise has no effect. A promise isunresolved if it is not resolved. An unresolved promise is always in the pending state. A resolved promise may be pending, fulfilled or rejected.
27.2.1 Promise Abstract Operations PromiseCapability Records
APromiseCapability Record is aRecord value used to encapsulate a Promise or promise-like object along with the functions that are capable of resolving or rejecting that promise. PromiseCapability Records are produced by theNewPromiseCapability abstract operation.
PromiseCapability Records have the fields listed inTable 85.
APromiseReaction Record is aRecord value used to store information about how a promise should react when it becomes resolved or rejected with a given value. PromiseReaction Records are created by thePerformPromiseThen abstract operation, and are used by theAbstract Closure returned byNewPromiseReactionJob.
PromiseReaction Records have the fields listed inTable 86.
The function that should be applied to the incoming value, and whose return value will govern what happens to the derived promise. If[[Handler]] isempty, a function that depends on the value of[[Type]] will be used instead. CreateResolvingFunctions (promise )
The abstract operation CreateResolvingFunctions takes argumentpromise (a Promise) and returns aRecord with fields[[Resolve]] (afunction object) and[[Reject]] (afunction object). It performs the following steps when called:
1.LetalreadyResolved be theRecord {[[Value]]:false }.
The"length" property of a promise resolve function is1𝔽. FulfillPromise (promise,value )
The abstract operation FulfillPromise takes argumentspromise (a Promise) andvalue (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: The value ofpromise.[[PromiseState]] ispending.
2.NOTE:C is assumed to be aconstructor function that supports the parameter conventions of the Promiseconstructor (see27.2.3.1).
3.LetresolvingFunctions be theRecord {[[Resolve]]:undefined,[[Reject]]:undefined }.
4.LetexecutorClosure be a newAbstract Closure with parameters (resolve,reject) that capturesresolvingFunctions and performs the following steps when called:
a.IfresolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]] is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
b.IfresolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] is notundefined, throw aTypeError exception.
9.Return thePromiseCapability Record {[[Promise]]:promise,[[Resolve]]:resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]],[[Reject]]:resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] }.
This abstract operation supports Promise subclassing, as it is generic on anyconstructor that calls a passed executor function argument in the same way as the Promiseconstructor. It is used to generalize static methods of the Promiseconstructor to any subclass. IsPromise (x )
The abstract operation IsPromise takes argumentx (anECMAScript language value) and returns a Boolean. It checks for the promise brand on an object. It performs the following steps when called:
2.Ifx does not have a[[PromiseState]] internal slot, returnfalse.
3.Returntrue. RejectPromise (promise,reason )
The abstract operation RejectPromise takes argumentspromise (a Promise) andreason (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: The value ofpromise.[[PromiseState]] ispending.
The abstract operation TriggerPromiseReactions takes argumentsreactions (aList ofPromiseReaction Records) andargument (anECMAScript language value) and returnsunused. It enqueues a newJob for each record inreactions. Each suchJob processes the[[Type]] and[[Handler]] of thePromiseReaction Record, and if the[[Handler]] is notempty, calls it passing the given argument. If the[[Handler]] isempty, the behaviour is determined by the[[Type]]. It performs the following steps when called:
Thehost-defined abstract operation HostPromiseRejectionTracker takes argumentspromise (a Promise) andoperation ("reject" or"handle") and returnsunused. It allowshost environments to track promise rejections.
The default implementation of HostPromiseRejectionTracker is to returnunused.
Note 1
HostPromiseRejectionTracker is called in two scenarios:
When a promise is rejected without any handlers, it is called with itsoperation argument set to"reject".
When a handler is added to a rejected promise for the first time, it is called with itsoperation argument set to"handle".
A typical implementation of HostPromiseRejectionTracker might try to notify developers of unhandled rejections, while also being careful to notify them if such previous notifications are later invalidated by new handlers being attached.
Note 2
Ifoperation is"handle", an implementation should not hold a reference topromise in a way that would interfere with garbage collection. An implementation may hold a reference topromise ifoperation is"reject", since it is expected that rejections will be rare and not on hot code paths.
The abstract operation NewPromiseReactionJob takes argumentsreaction (aPromiseReaction Record) andargument (anECMAScript language value) and returns aRecord with fields[[Job]] (aJobAbstract Closure) and[[Realm]] (aRealm Record ornull). It returns a newJobAbstract Closure that applies the appropriate handler to the incoming value, and uses the handler's return value to resolve or reject the derived promise associated with that handler. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letjob be a newJobAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturesreaction andargument and performs the following steps when called:
d.NOTE:handlerRealm is nevernull unless the handler isundefined. When the handler is a revoked Proxy and no ECMAScript code runs,handlerRealm is used to create error objects.
The abstract operation NewPromiseResolveThenableJob takes argumentspromiseToResolve (a Promise),thenable (an Object), andthen (aJobCallback Record) and returns aRecord with fields[[Job]] (aJobAbstract Closure) and[[Realm]] (aRealm Record). It performs the following steps when called:
1.Letjob be a newJobAbstract Closure with no parameters that capturespromiseToResolve,thenable, andthen and performs the following steps when called:
ThisJob uses the supplied thenable and itsthen method to resolve the given promise. This process must take place as aJob to ensure that the evaluation of thethen method occurs after evaluation of any surrounding code has completed.
is the initial value of the"Promise" property of theglobal object.
creates and initializes a new Promise when called as aconstructor.
is not intended to be called as a function and will throw an exception when called in that manner.
may be used as the value in anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified Promise behaviour must include asuper call to the Promiseconstructor to create and initialize the subclass instance with the internal state necessary to support thePromise andPromise.prototype built-in methods. Promise (executor )
This function performs the following steps when called:
Theexecutor argument must be afunction object. It is called for initiating and reporting completion of the possibly deferred action represented by this Promise. The executor is called with two arguments:resolve andreject. These are functions that may be used by theexecutor function to report eventual completion or failure of the deferred computation. Returning from the executor function does not mean that the deferred action has been completed but only that the request to eventually perform the deferred action has been accepted.
Theresolve function that is passed to anexecutor function accepts a single argument. Theexecutor code may eventually call theresolve function to indicate that it wishes to resolve the associated Promise. The argument passed to theresolve function represents the eventual value of the deferred action and can be either the actual fulfillment value or another promise which will provide the value if it is fulfilled.
Thereject function that is passed to anexecutor function accepts a single argument. Theexecutor code may eventually call thereject function to indicate that the associated Promise is rejected and will never be fulfilled. The argument passed to thereject function is used as the rejection value of the promise. Typically it will be an Error object.
The resolve and reject functions passed to anexecutor function by the Promiseconstructor have the capability to actually resolve and reject the associated promise. Subclasses may have differentconstructor behaviour that passes in customized values for resolve and reject.
This function returns a new promise which is fulfilled with an array of fulfillment values for the passed promises, or rejects with the reason of the first passed promise that rejects. It resolves all elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
APromise.all resolve element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to resolve a specificPromise.all element. EachPromise.all resolve element function has[[Index]],[[Values]],[[Capability]],[[RemainingElements]], and[[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.
When aPromise.all resolve element function is called with argumentx, the following steps are taken:
The"length" property of aPromise.all resolve element function is1𝔽. Promise.allSettled (iterable )
This function returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array of promise state snapshots, but only after all the original promises have settled, i.e. become either fulfilled or rejected. It resolves all elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm. Resolve Element Functions
APromise.allSettled resolve element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to resolve a specificPromise.allSettled element. EachPromise.allSettled resolve element function has[[Index]],[[Values]],[[Capability]],[[RemainingElements]], and[[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.
When aPromise.allSettled resolve element function is called with argumentx, the following steps are taken:
The"length" property of aPromise.allSettled resolve element function is1𝔽. Reject Element Functions
APromise.allSettled reject element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to reject a specificPromise.allSettled element. EachPromise.allSettled reject element function has[[Index]],[[Values]],[[Capability]],[[RemainingElements]], and[[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.
When aPromise.allSettled reject element function is called with argumentx, the following steps are taken:
The"length" property of aPromise.allSettled reject element function is1𝔽. Promise.any (iterable )
This function returns a promise that is fulfilled by the first given promise to be fulfilled, or rejected with anAggregateError holding the rejection reasons if all of the given promises are rejected. It resolves all elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
APromise.any reject element function is an anonymous built-in function that is used to reject a specificPromise.any element. EachPromise.any reject element function has[[Index]],[[Errors]],[[Capability]],[[RemainingElements]], and[[AlreadyCalled]] internal slots.
When aPromise.any reject element function is called with argumentx, the following steps are taken:
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }. Promise.race (iterable )
This function returns a new promise which is settled in the same way as the first passed promise to settle. It resolves all elements of the passediterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
If theiterable argument yields no values or if none of the promises yielded byiterable ever settle, then the pending promise returned by this method will never be settled.
Note 2
This function expects itsthis value to be aconstructor function that supports the parameter conventions of the Promiseconstructor. It also expects that itsthis value provides aresolve method.
This function expects itsthis value to be aconstructor function that supports the parameter conventions of the Promiseconstructor. Promise.resolve (x )
This function returns either a new promise resolved with the passed argument, or the argument itself if the argument is a promise produced by thisconstructor.
Promise[@@species] is anaccessor property whose set accessor function isundefined. Its get accessor function performs the following steps when called:
1.Return thethis value.
The value of the"name" property of this function is"get [Symbol.species]".
Promise prototype methods normally use theirthis value'sconstructor to create a derived object. However, a subclassconstructor may over-ride that default behaviour by redefining its@@species property.
The abstract operation PerformPromiseThen takes argumentspromise (a Promise),onFulfilled (anECMAScript language value), andonRejected (anECMAScript language value) and optional argumentresultCapability (aPromiseCapability Record) and returns anECMAScript language value. It performs the “then” operation onpromise usingonFulfilled andonRejected as its settlement actions. IfresultCapability is passed, the result is stored by updatingresultCapability's promise. If it is not passed, then PerformPromiseThen is being called by a specification-internal operation where the result does not matter. It performs the following steps when called:
creates and initializes a new GeneratorFunction when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callGeneratorFunction (…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew GeneratorFunction (…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified GeneratorFunction behaviour must include asuper call to the GeneratorFunctionconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the internal slots necessary for built-in GeneratorFunction behaviour. All ECMAScript syntactic forms for defining generatorfunction objects create direct instances of GeneratorFunction. There is no syntactic means to create instances of GeneratorFunction subclasses.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"GeneratorFunction".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
27.3.4 GeneratorFunction Instances
Every GeneratorFunction instance is an ECMAScriptfunction object and has the internal slots listed inTable 30. The value of the[[IsClassConstructor]] internal slot for all such instances isfalse.
Each GeneratorFunction instance has the following own properties: length
The specification for the"length" property of Function instances given in20.2.4.1 also applies to GeneratorFunction instances. name
The specification for the"name" property of Function instances given in20.2.4.2 also applies to GeneratorFunction instances. prototype
Whenever a GeneratorFunction instance is created anotherordinary object is also created and is the initial value of the generator function's"prototype" property. The value of the prototype property is used to initialize the[[Prototype]] internal slot of a newly created Generator when the generatorfunction object is invoked using[[Call]].
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
Unlike Function instances, the object that is the value of a GeneratorFunction's"prototype" property does not have a"constructor" property whose value is the GeneratorFunction instance.
creates and initializes a new AsyncGeneratorFunction when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callAsyncGeneratorFunction (...) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew AsyncGeneratorFunction (...) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified AsyncGeneratorFunction behaviour must include asuper call to the AsyncGeneratorFunctionconstructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the internal slots necessary for built-in AsyncGeneratorFunction behaviour. All ECMAScript syntactic forms for defining async generatorfunction objects create direct instances of AsyncGeneratorFunction. There is no syntactic means to create instances of AsyncGeneratorFunction subclasses.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"AsyncGeneratorFunction".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
27.4.4 AsyncGeneratorFunction Instances
Every AsyncGeneratorFunction instance is an ECMAScriptfunction object and has the internal slots listed inTable 30. The value of the[[IsClassConstructor]] internal slot for all such instances isfalse.
Each AsyncGeneratorFunction instance has the following own properties: length
The value of the"length" property is anintegral Number that indicates the typical number of arguments expected by the AsyncGeneratorFunction. However, the language permits the function to be invoked with some other number of arguments. The behaviour of an AsyncGeneratorFunction when invoked on a number of arguments other than the number specified by its"length" property depends on the function.
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }. name
The specification for the"name" property of Function instances given in20.2.4.2 also applies to AsyncGeneratorFunction instances. prototype
Whenever an AsyncGeneratorFunction instance is created, anotherordinary object is also created and is the initial value of the async generator function's"prototype" property. The value of the prototype property is used to initialize the[[Prototype]] internal slot of a newly created AsyncGenerator when the generatorfunction object is invoked using[[Call]].
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:true,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
Unlike function instances, the object that is the value of an AsyncGeneratorFunction's"prototype" property does not have a"constructor" property whose value is the AsyncGeneratorFunction instance.
27.5 Generator Objects
A Generator is an instance of a generator function and conforms to both theIterator andIterable interfaces.
Generator instances directly inherit properties from the object that is the initial value of the"prototype" property of the Generator function that created the instance. Generator instances indirectly inherit properties from the Generator Prototype intrinsic,%GeneratorFunction.prototype.prototype%.
27.5.1 Properties of the Generator Prototype Object
The abstract operation GeneratorStart takes argumentsgenerator (a Generator) andgeneratorBody (aFunctionBodyParse Node or anAbstract Closure with no parameters) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert: The value ofgenerator.[[GeneratorState]] isundefined.
h.NOTE: Once a generator enters thecompleted state it never leaves it and its associatedexecution context is never resumed. Any execution state associated withacGenerator can be discarded at this point.
The abstract operation GeneratorValidate takes argumentsgenerator (anECMAScript language value) andgeneratorBrand (a String orempty) and returns either anormal completion containing one ofsuspended-start,suspended-yield, orcompleted, or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
9.Resume the suspended evaluation ofgenContext usingNormalCompletion(value) as the result of the operation that suspended it. Letresult be the value returned by the resumed computation.
b.NOTE: Once a generator enters thecompleted state it never leaves it and its associatedexecution context is never resumed. Any execution state associated withgenerator can be discarded at this point.
10.Resume the suspended evaluation ofgenContext usingabruptCompletion as the result of the operation that suspended it. Letresult be theCompletion Record returned by the resumed computation.
8.ResumecallerContext passingNormalCompletion(iterNextObj). IfgenContext is ever resumed again, letresumptionValue be theCompletion Record with which it is resumed.
The abstract operation CreateIteratorFromClosure takes argumentsclosure (anAbstract Closure with no parameters),generatorBrand (a String orempty), andgeneratorPrototype (an Object) and returns a Generator. It performs the following steps when called:
1.NOTE:closure can contain uses of theYield operation to yield an IteratorResult object.
2.LetinternalSlotsList be «[[GeneratorState]],[[GeneratorContext]],[[GeneratorBrand]] ».
An AsyncGenerator is an instance of an async generator function and conforms to both the AsyncIterator and AsyncIterable interfaces.
AsyncGenerator instances directly inherit properties from the object that is the initial value of the"prototype" property of the AsyncGenerator function that created the instance. AsyncGenerator instances indirectly inherit properties from the AsyncGenerator Prototype intrinsic,%AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype.prototype%.
27.6.1 Properties of the AsyncGenerator Prototype Object
Records which represent requests to resume the async generator. Except during state transitions, it is non-empty if and only if[[AsyncGeneratorState]] is eitherexecuting orawaiting-return.
a String orempty
A brand used to distinguish different kinds of async generators. The[[GeneratorBrand]] of async generators declared byECMAScript source text is alwaysempty.
27.6.3 AsyncGenerator Abstract Operations AsyncGeneratorRequest Records
AnAsyncGeneratorRequest is aRecord value used to store information about how an async generator should be resumed and contains capabilities for fulfilling or rejecting the corresponding promise.
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorStart takes argumentsgenerator (an AsyncGenerator) andgeneratorBody (aFunctionBodyParse Node or anAbstract Closure with no parameters) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorEnqueue takes argumentsgenerator (an AsyncGenerator),completion (aCompletion Record), andpromiseCapability (aPromiseCapability Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorCompleteStep takes argumentsgenerator (an AsyncGenerator),completion (aCompletion Record), anddone (a Boolean) and optional argumentrealm (aRealm Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:generator.[[AsyncGeneratorQueue]] is not empty.
2.Letnext be the first element ofgenerator.[[AsyncGeneratorQueue]].
3.Remove the first element fromgenerator.[[AsyncGeneratorQueue]].
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorResume takes argumentsgenerator (an AsyncGenerator) andcompletion (aCompletion Record) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
1.Assert:generator.[[AsyncGeneratorState]] is eithersuspended-start orsuspended-yield.
7.Resume the suspended evaluation ofgenContext usingcompletion as the result of the operation that suspended it. Letresult be theCompletion Record returned by the resumed computation.
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorAwaitReturn takes argumentgenerator (an AsyncGenerator) and returns either anormal completion containingunused or athrow completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation AsyncGeneratorDrainQueue takes argumentgenerator (an AsyncGenerator) and returnsunused. It drains the generator's AsyncGeneratorQueue until it encounters anAsyncGeneratorRequest which holds areturn completion. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation CreateAsyncIteratorFromClosure takes argumentsclosure (anAbstract Closure with no parameters),generatorBrand (a String orempty), andgeneratorPrototype (an Object) and returns an AsyncGenerator. It performs the following steps when called:
1.NOTE:closure can contain uses of theAwait operation and uses of theYield operation to yield an IteratorResult object.
2.LetinternalSlotsList be «[[AsyncGeneratorState]],[[AsyncGeneratorContext]],[[AsyncGeneratorQueue]],[[GeneratorBrand]] ».
creates and initializes a new AsyncFunction when called as a function rather than as aconstructor. Thus the function callAsyncFunction(…) is equivalent to the object creation expressionnew AsyncFunction(…) with the same arguments.
may be used as the value of anextends clause of a class definition. Subclassconstructors that intend to inherit the specified AsyncFunction behaviour must include asuper call to the AsyncFunctionconstructor to create and initialize a subclass instance with the internal slots necessary for built-in async function behaviour. All ECMAScript syntactic forms for defining asyncfunction objects create direct instances of AsyncFunction. There is no syntactic means to create instances of AsyncFunction subclasses.
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"AsyncFunction".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:true }.
27.7.4 AsyncFunction Instances
Every AsyncFunction instance is an ECMAScriptfunction object and has the internal slots listed inTable 30. The value of the[[IsClassConstructor]] internal slot for all such instances isfalse. AsyncFunction instances are notconstructors and do not have a[[Construct]] internal method. AsyncFunction instances do not have a prototype property as they are not constructible.
Each AsyncFunction instance has the following own properties: length
The specification for the"length" property of Function instances given in20.2.4.1 also applies to AsyncFunction instances. name
The specification for the"name" property of Function instances given in20.2.4.2 also applies to AsyncFunction instances.
The abstract operation AsyncBlockStart takes argumentspromiseCapability (aPromiseCapability Record),asyncBody (aParse Node), andasyncContext (anexecution context) and returnsunused. It performs the following steps when called:
4.Set the code evaluation state ofasyncContext such that when evaluation is resumed for thatexecution context,closure will be called with no arguments.
8.Assert:result is anormal completion with a value ofunused. The possible sources of this value areAwait or, if the async function doesn't await anything, step3.h above.
A Module Namespace Object is amodule namespace exotic object that provides runtime property-based access to a module's exported bindings. There is noconstructor function for Module Namespace Objects. Instead, such an object is created for each module that is imported by anImportDeclaration that contains aNameSpaceImport.
In addition to the properties specified in10.4.6 each Module Namespace Object has the following own property:
28.3.1 @@toStringTag
The initial value of the@@toStringTag property is the String value"Module".
This property has the attributes {[[Writable]]:false,[[Enumerable]]:false,[[Configurable]]:false }.
29 Memory Model
The memory consistency model, ormemory model, specifies the possible orderings ofShared Data Block events, arising via accessingTypedArray instances backed by a SharedArrayBuffer and via methods on the Atomics object. When the program has no data races (defined below), the ordering of events appears as sequentially consistent, i.e., as an interleaving of actions from eachagent. When the program has data races, shared memory operations may appear sequentially inconsistent. For example, programs may exhibit causality-violating behaviour and other astonishments. These astonishments arise from compiler transforms and the design of CPUs (e.g., out-of-order execution and speculation). The memory model defines both the precise conditions under which a program exhibits sequentially consistent behaviour as well as the possible values read from data races. To wit, there is no undefined behaviour.
The memory model is defined as relational constraints on events introduced byabstract operations on SharedArrayBuffer or by methods on the Atomics object during an evaluation.
This section provides an axiomatic model on events introduced by theabstract operations on SharedArrayBuffers. It bears stressing that the model is not expressible algorithmically, unlike the rest of this specification. The nondeterministic introduction of events byabstract operations is the interface between the operational semantics of ECMAScript evaluation and the axiomatic semantics of the memory model. The semantics of these events is defined by considering graphs of all events in an evaluation. These are neither Static Semantics nor Runtime Semantics. There is no demonstrated algorithmic implementation, but instead a set of constraints that determine if a particular event graph is allowed or disallowed.
29.1 Memory Model Fundamentals
Shared memory accesses (reads and writes) are divided into two groups, atomic accesses and data accesses, defined below. Atomic accesses are sequentially consistent, i.e., there is a strict total ordering of events agreed upon by allagents in anagent cluster. Non-atomic accesses do not have a strict total ordering agreed upon by allagents, i.e., unordered.
Note 1
No orderings weaker than sequentially consistent and stronger than unordered, such as release-acquire, are supported.
AShared Data Block event is either aReadSharedMemory,WriteSharedMemory, orReadModifyWriteSharedMemoryRecord.
These events are introduced byabstract operations or by methods on the Atomics object.
Some operations may also introduceSynchronize events. ASynchronize event has no fields, and exists purely to directly constrain the permitted orderings of other events.
In addition toShared Data Block and Synchronize events, there arehost-specific events.
Let the range of a ReadSharedMemory, WriteSharedMemory, or ReadModifyWriteSharedMemory event be the Set of contiguousintegers from its[[ByteIndex]] to[[ByteIndex]] +[[ElementSize]] - 1. Two events' ranges are equal when the events have the same[[Block]], and the ranges are element-wise equal. Two events' ranges are overlapping when the events have the same[[Block]], the ranges are not equal and their intersection is non-empty. Two events' ranges are disjoint when the events do not have the same[[Block]] or their ranges are neither equal nor overlapping.
Note 2
Examples ofhost-specific synchronizing events that should be accounted for are: sending a SharedArrayBuffer from oneagent to another (e.g., bypostMessage in a browser), starting and stoppingagents, and communicating within theagent cluster via channels other than shared memory. It is assumed those events are appended toagent-order during evaluation like the other SharedArrayBuffer events.
Anempty candidate execution is a candidate executionRecord whose fields are emptyLists andRelations.
29.5 Abstract Operations for the Memory Model
29.5.1 EventSet (execution )
The abstract operation EventSet takes argumentexecution (acandidate execution) and returns a Set of events. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation SharedDataBlockEventSet takes argumentexecution (acandidate execution) and returns a Set of events. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operation HostEventSet takes argumentexecution (acandidate execution) and returns a Set of events. It performs the following steps when called:
The read-modify-write modification[[ModifyOp]] is given by the function properties on the Atomics object that introduceReadModifyWriteSharedMemory events.
For acandidate executionexecution,execution.[[AgentOrder]] is aRelation on events that satisfies the following.
For each pair (E,D) inEventSet(execution),execution.[[AgentOrder]] contains (E,D) if there is someAgent Events Recordaer inexecution.[[EventsRecords]] such thatE andD are inaer.[[EventList]] andE is beforeD inList order ofaer.[[EventList]].
Ifexecution.[[HostSynchronizesWith]] contains (E,D),E andD are inHostEventSet(execution).
There is no cycle in the union ofexecution.[[HostSynchronizesWith]] andexecution.[[AgentOrder]].
Note 1
For twohost-specific eventsE andD,E host-synchronizes-withD impliesEhappens-beforeD.
Note 2
The host-synchronizes-with relation allows thehost to provide additional synchronization mechanisms, such aspostMessage between HTML workers.
29.6.5 synchronizes-with
For acandidate executionexecution,execution.[[SynchronizesWith]] is the leastRelation on events that satisfies the following.
For each pair (R,W) inexecution.[[ReadsFrom]],execution.[[SynchronizesWith]] contains (W,R) ifR.[[Order]] isseq-cst,W.[[Order]] isseq-cst, andR andW have equal ranges.
For each elementeventsRecord ofexecution.[[EventsRecords]], the following is true.
For each pair (S,Sw) ineventsRecord.[[AgentSynchronizesWith]],execution.[[SynchronizesWith]] contains (S,Sw).
For each pair (E,D) inexecution.[[HostSynchronizesWith]],execution.[[SynchronizesWith]] contains (E,D).
Note 1
Owing to convention, write events synchronizes-with read events, instead of read events synchronizes-with write events.
Note 2
init events do not participate in synchronizes-with, and are instead constrained directly byhappens-before.
Note 3
Not allseq-cst events related byreads-from are related by synchronizes-with. Only events that also have equal ranges are related by synchronizes-with.
For acandidate executionexecution,execution.[[HappensBefore]] is the leastRelation on events that satisfies the following.
For each pair (E,D) inexecution.[[AgentOrder]],execution.[[HappensBefore]] contains (E,D).
For each pair (E,D) inexecution.[[SynchronizesWith]],execution.[[HappensBefore]] contains (E,D).
For each pair (E,D) inSharedDataBlockEventSet(execution),execution.[[HappensBefore]] contains (E,D) ifE.[[Order]] isinit andE andD have overlapping ranges.
For each pair (E,D) inEventSet(execution),execution.[[HappensBefore]] contains (E,D) if there is an eventF such that the pairs (E,F) and (F,D) are inexecution.[[HappensBefore]].
Because happens-before is a superset ofagent-order,candidate executions are consistent with the single-thread evaluation semantics of ECMAScript.
29.7 Properties of Valid Executions
29.7.1 Valid Chosen Reads
Acandidate executionexecution has valid chosen reads if the following algorithm returnstrue.
i.Ifexecution.[[HappensBefore]] contains (R,W), then
ii.If there exists aWriteSharedMemory orReadModifyWriteSharedMemory eventV that hasbyteLocation in its range such that the pairs (W,V) and (V,R) are inexecution.[[HappensBefore]], then
iii.SetbyteLocation tobyteLocation + 1.
29.7.3 Tear Free Reads
Acandidate executionexecution has tear free reads if the following algorithm returnstrue.
i.Assert: The remainder of dividingR.[[ByteIndex]] byR.[[ElementSize]] is 0.
ii.For each eventW such thatexecution.[[ReadsFrom]] contains (R,W) andW.[[NoTear]] istrue, do
1.IfR andW have equal ranges and there exists an eventV such thatV andW have equal ranges,V.[[NoTear]] istrue,W is notV, andexecution.[[ReadsFrom]] contains (R,V), then
An event's[[NoTear]] field istrue when that event was introduced via accessing anintegerTypedArray, andfalse when introduced via accessing a floating pointTypedArray or DataView.
Intuitively, this requirement says when a memory range is accessed in an aligned fashion via anintegerTypedArray, a single write event on that range must "win" when in a data race with other write events with equal ranges. More precisely, this requirement says an aligned read event cannot read a value composed of bytes from multiple, different write events all with equal ranges. It is possible, however, for an aligned read event to read from multiple write events with overlapping ranges.
For each pair (E,D) inexecution.[[HappensBefore]], (E,D) is in memory-order.
For each pair (R,W) inexecution.[[ReadsFrom]], there is noWriteSharedMemory orReadModifyWriteSharedMemory eventV inSharedDataBlockEventSet(execution) such thatV.[[Order]] isseq-cst, the pairs (W,V) and (V,R) are in memory-order, and any of the following conditions are true.
execution.[[SynchronizesWith]] contains the pair (W,R), andV andR have equal ranges.
The pairs (W,R) and (V,R) are inexecution.[[HappensBefore]],W.[[Order]] isseq-cst, andW andV have equal ranges.
The pairs (W,R) and (W,V) are inexecution.[[HappensBefore]],R.[[Order]] isseq-cst, andV andR have equal ranges.
Note 1
This clause additionally constrainsseq-cst events on equal ranges.
This clause together with the forward progress guarantee onagents ensure the liveness condition thatseq-cst writes become visible toseq-cst reads with equal range infinite time.
Acandidate execution has sequentially consistent atomics if a memory-order exists.
Note 3
While memory-order includes all events inEventSet(execution), those that are not constrained byhappens-before orsynchronizes-with are allowed to occur anywhere in the order.
29.7.5 Valid Executions
Acandidate executionexecution is a valid execution (or simply an execution) if all of the following are true.
ii.Ifexecution.[[ReadsFrom]] contains either (E,D) or (D,E), then
29.9 Data Races
For an executionexecution, two eventsE andD inSharedDataBlockEventSet(execution) are in a data race if the following algorithm returnstrue.
1.IfE andD are in a race inexecution, then
a.IfE.[[Order]] is notseq-cst orD.[[Order]] is notseq-cst, then
b.IfE andD have overlapping ranges, then
29.10 Data Race Freedom
An executionexecution is data race free if there are no two events inSharedDataBlockEventSet(execution) that are in a data race.
A program is data race free if all its executions are data race free.
Thememory model guarantees sequential consistency of all events for data race free programs.
29.11 Shared Memory Guidelines
Note 1
The following are guidelines for ECMAScript programmers working with shared memory.
We recommend programs be kept data race free, i.e., make it so that it is impossible for there to be concurrent non-atomic operations on the same memory location. Data race free programs have interleaving semantics where each step in the evaluation semantics of eachagent are interleaved with each other. For data race free programs, it is not necessary to understand the details of thememory model. The details are unlikely to build intuition that will help one to better write ECMAScript.
More generally, even if a program is not data race free it may have predictable behaviour, so long as atomic operations are not involved in any data races and the operations that race all have the same access size. The simplest way to arrange for atomics not to be involved in races is to ensure that different memory cells are used by atomic and non-atomic operations and that atomic accesses of different sizes are not used to access the same cells at the same time. Effectively, the program should treat shared memory as strongly typed as much as possible. One still cannot depend on the ordering and timing of non-atomic accesses that race, but if memory is treated as strongly typed the racing accesses will not "tear" (bits of their values will not be mixed).
Note 2
The following are guidelines for ECMAScript implementers writing compiler transformations for programs using shared memory.
It is desirable to allow most program transformations that are valid in a single-agent setting in a multi-agent setting, to ensure that the performance of eachagent in a multi-agent program is as good as it would be in a single-agent setting. Frequently these transformations are hard to judge. We outline some rules about program transformations that are intended to be taken as normative (in that they are implied by thememory model or stronger than what thememory model implies) but which are likely not exhaustive. These rules are intended to apply to program transformations that precede the introductions of the events that make up theagent-order.
Let anagent-order slice be the subset of theagent-order pertaining to a singleagent.
Letpossible read values of a read event be the set of all values ofValueOfReadEvent for that event across all valid executions.
Any transformation of an agent-order slice that is valid in the absence of shared memory is valid in the presence of shared memory, with the following exceptions.
Atomics are carved in stone: Program transformations must not cause theseq-cst events in an agent-order slice to be reordered with itsunordered operations, nor itsseq-cst operations to be reordered with each other, nor may a program transformation remove aseq-cst operation from theagent-order.
(In practice, the prohibition on reorderings forces a compiler to assume that everyseq-cst operation is a synchronization and included in the finalmemory-order, which it would usually have to assume anyway in the absence of inter-agent program analysis. It also forces the compiler to assume that every call where the callee's effects on thememory-order are unknown may containseq-cst operations.)
Reads must be stable: Any given shared memory read must only observe a single value in an execution.
(For example, if what is semantically a single read in the program is executed multiple times then the program is subsequently allowed to observe only one of the values read. A transformation known as rematerialization can violate this rule.)
Writes must be stable: All observable writes to shared memory must follow from program semantics in an execution.
(For example, a transformation may not introduce certain observable writes, such as by using read-modify-write operations on a larger location to write a smaller datum, writing a value to memory that the program could not have written, or writing a just-read value back to the location it was read from, if that location could have been overwritten by anotheragent after the read.)
Possible read values must be non-empty: Program transformations cannot cause the possible read values of a shared memory read to become empty.
(Counterintuitively, this rule in effect restricts transformations on writes, because writes have force inmemory model insofar as to be read by read events. For example, writes may be moved and coalesced and sometimes reordered between twoseq-cst operations, but the transformation may not remove every write that updates a location; some write must be preserved.)
Examples of transformations that remain valid are: merging multiple non-atomic reads from the same location, reordering non-atomic reads, introducing speculative non-atomic reads, merging multiple non-atomic writes to the same location, reordering non-atomic writes to different locations, and hoisting non-atomic reads out of loops even if that affects termination. Note in general that aliasedTypedArrays make it hard to prove that locations are different.
Note 3
The following are guidelines for ECMAScript implementers generating machine code for shared memory accesses.
For architectures with memory models no weaker than those of ARM or Power, non-atomic stores and loads may be compiled to bare stores and loads on the target architecture. Atomic stores and loads may be compiled down to instructions that guarantee sequential consistency. If no such instructions exist, memory barriers are to be employed, such as placing barriers on both sides of a bare store or load. Read-modify-write operations may be compiled to read-modify-write instructions on the target architecture, such asLOCK-prefixed instructions on x86, load-exclusive/store-exclusive instructions on ARM, and load-link/store-conditional instructions on Power.
Specifically, thememory model is intended to allow code generation as follows.
Every atomic operation in the program is assumed to be necessary.
Atomic operations are never rearranged with each other or with non-atomic operations.
Functions are always assumed to perform atomic operations.
Atomic operations are never implemented as read-modify-write operations on larger data, but as non-lock-free atomics if the platform does not have atomic operations of the appropriate size. (We already assume that every platform has normal memory access operations of every interesting size.)
Naive code generation uses these patterns:
Regular loads and stores compile to single load and store instructions.
Lock-free atomic loads and stores compile to a full (sequentially consistent) fence, a regular load or store, and a full fence.
Lock-free atomic read-modify-write accesses compile to a full fence, an atomic read-modify-write instruction sequence, and a full fence.
Non-lock-free atomics compile to a spinlock acquire, a full fence, a series of non-atomic load and store instructions, a full fence, and a spinlock release.
That mapping is correct so long as an atomic operation on an address range does not race with a non-atomic write or with an atomic operation of different size. However, that is all we need: thememory model effectively demotes the atomic operations involved in a race to non-atomic status. On the other hand, the naive mapping is quite strong: it allows atomic operations to be used as sequentially consistent fences, which thememory model does not actually guarantee.
Local improvements to those basic patterns are also allowed, subject to the constraints of thememory model. For example:
There are obvious platform-dependent improvements that remove redundant fences. For example, on x86 the fences around lock-free atomic loads and stores can always be omitted except for the fence following a store, and no fence is needed for lock-free read-modify-write instructions, as these all useLOCK-prefixed instructions. On many platforms there are fences of several strengths, and weaker fences can be used in certain contexts without destroying sequential consistency.
Most modern platforms support lock-free atomics for all the data sizes required by ECMAScript atomics. Should non-lock-free atomics be needed, the fences surrounding the body of the atomic operation can usually be folded into the lock and unlock steps. The simplest solution for non-lock-free atomics is to have a single lock word per SharedArrayBuffer.
There are also more complicated platform-dependent local improvements, requiring some code analysis. For example, two back-to-back fences often have the same effect as a single fence, so if code is generated for two atomic operations in sequence, only a single fence need separate them. On x86, even a single fence separating atomic stores can be omitted, as the fence following a store is only needed to separate the store from a subsequent load.
The ECMAScript language syntax and semantics defined in this annex are required when the ECMAScripthost is a web browser. The content of this annex is normative but optional if the ECMAScripthost is not a web browser.
This annex describes various legacy features and other characteristics of web browser ECMAScripthosts. All of the language features and behaviours specified in this annex have one or more undesirable characteristics and in the absence of legacy usage would be removed from this specification. However, the usage of these features by large numbers of existing web pages means that web browsers must continue to support them. The specifications in this annex define the requirements for interoperable implementations of these legacy features.
These features are not considered part of the core ECMAScript language. Programmers should not use or assume the existence of these features and behaviours when writing new ECMAScript code. ECMAScript implementations are discouraged from implementing these features unless the implementation is part of a web browser or is required to run the same legacy ECMAScript code that web browsers encounter.
B.1 Additional Syntax
B.1.1 HTML-like Comments
The syntax and semantics of12.4 is extended as follows except that this extension is not allowed when parsing source text using thegoal symbolModule:
The syntax of22.2.1 is modified and extended as follows. These changes introduce ambiguities that are broken by the ordering of grammar productions and by contextual information. When parsing using the following grammar, each alternative is considered only if previous production alternatives do not match.
This alternative pattern grammar and semantics only changes the syntax and semantics of BMP patterns. The following grammar extensions include productions parameterized with the [UnicodeMode] parameter. However, none of these extensions change the syntax of Unicode patterns recognized when parsing with the [UnicodeMode] parameter present on thegoal symbol.
1.Return theCharSet containing the single character\ U+005C (REVERSE SOLIDUS).
This production can only be reached from the sequence\c within a character class where it is not followed by an acceptable control character.
B. CharacterRangeOrUnion (rer,A,B )
The abstract operation CharacterRangeOrUnion takes argumentsrer (aRegExp Record),A (aCharSet), andB (aCharSet) and returns aCharSet. It performs the following steps when called:
The abstract operationParsePattern takes argumentspatternText (a sequence of Unicode code points),u (a Boolean), andv (a Boolean). It performs the following steps when called:
1.Ifv istrue andu istrue, then
a.LetparseResult be aList containing one or moreSyntaxError objects.
This function is a property of theglobal object. It computes a new version of a String value in which certain code units have been replaced by a hexadecimal escape sequence.
When replacing a code unit of numeric value less than or equal to 0x00FF, a two-digit escape sequence of the form%xx is used. When replacing a code unit of numeric value strictly greater than 0x00FF, a four-digit escape sequence of the form%uxxxx is used.
The encoding is partly based on the encoding described in RFC 1738, but the entire encoding specified in this standard is described above without regard to the contents of RFC 1738. This encoding does not reflect changes to RFC 1738 made by RFC 3986.
B.2.1.2 unescape (string )
This function is a property of theglobal object. It computes a new version of a String value in which each escape sequence of the sort that might be introduced by theescape function is replaced with the code unit that it represents.
B.2.2 Additional Properties of the String.prototype Object
B.2.2.1 String.prototype.substr (start,length )
This method returns asubstring of the result of converting thethis value to a String, starting from indexstart and running forlength code units (or through the end of the String iflength isundefined). Ifstart is negative, it is treated assourceLength +start wheresourceLength is the length of the String. The resultis a String value, not a String object.
This method is intentionally generic; it does not require that itsthis value be a String object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
B.2.2.2 String.prototype.anchor (name )
This method performs the following steps when called:
b.LetescapedV be the String value that is the same asV except that each occurrence of the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK) inV has been replaced with the six code unit sequence""".
The property"trimStart" is preferred. The"trimLeft" property is provided principally for compatibility with old code. It is recommended that the"trimStart" property be used in new ECMAScript code.
The initial value of the"trimLeft" property is %String.prototype.trimStart%, defined in22.1.3.34.
B.2.2.16 String.prototype.trimRight ( )
The property"trimEnd" is preferred. The"trimRight" property is provided principally for compatibility with old code. It is recommended that the"trimEnd" property be used in new ECMAScript code.
The initial value of the"trimRight" property is %String.prototype.trimEnd%, defined in22.1.3.33.
B.2.3 Additional Properties of the Date.prototype Object
B.2.3.1 Date.prototype.getYear ( )
ThegetFullYear method is preferred for nearly all purposes, because it avoids the “year 2000 problem.”
This method performs the following steps when called:
This method completely reinitializes thethis value RegExp with a new pattern and flags. An implementation may interpret use of this method as an assertion that the resulting RegExp object will be used multiple times and hence is a candidate for extra optimization.
B.3 Other Additional Features
B.3.1 Labelled Function Declarations
Prior to ECMAScript 2015, the specification ofLabelledStatement did not allow for the association of a statement label with aFunctionDeclaration. However, a labelledFunctionDeclaration was an allowable extension fornon-strict code and most browser-hosted ECMAScript implementations supported that extension. In ECMAScript 2015 and later, the grammar production forLabelledStatement permits use ofFunctionDeclaration as aLabelledItem but14.13.1 includes an Early Error rule that produces a Syntax Error if that occurs. That rule is modified with the addition of thehighlighted text:
B.3.2 Block-Level Function Declarations Web Legacy Compatibility Semantics
Prior to ECMAScript 2015, the ECMAScript specification did not define the occurrence of aFunctionDeclaration as an element of aBlock statement'sStatementList. However, support for that form ofFunctionDeclaration was an allowable extension and most browser-hosted ECMAScript implementations permitted them. Unfortunately, the semantics of such declarations differ among those implementations. Because of these semantic differences, existing webECMAScript source text that usesBlock level function declarations is only portable among browser implementations if the usage only depends upon the semantic intersection of all of the browser implementations for such declarations. The following are the use cases that fall within that intersection semantics:
A function is declared and only referenced within a single block.
One or moreFunctionDeclarations whoseBindingIdentifier is the namef occur within the function code of an enclosing functiong and that declaration is nested within aBlock.
No other declaration off that is not avar declaration occurs within the function code ofg.
A function is declared and possibly used within a singleBlock but also referenced by an inner function definition that is not contained within that sameBlock.
One or moreFunctionDeclarations whoseBindingIdentifier is the namef occur within the function code of an enclosing functiong and that declaration is nested within aBlock.
No other declaration off that is not avar declaration occurs within the function code ofg.
There is at least one occurrence off as anIdentifierReference within another functionh that is nested withing and no other declaration off shadows the references tof from withinh.
All invocations ofh occur after the declaration off has been evaluated.
A function is declared and possibly used within a single block but also referenced within subsequent blocks.
One or moreFunctionDeclaration whoseBindingIdentifier is the namef occur within the function code of an enclosing functiong and that declaration is nested within aBlock.
No other declaration off that is not avar declaration occurs within the function code ofg.
There is at least one occurrence off as anIdentifierReference within the function code ofg that lexically follows theBlock containing the declaration off.
The first use case is interoperable with the semantics ofBlock level function declarations provided by ECMAScript 2015. Any pre-existingECMAScript source text that employs that use case will operate using the Block level function declarations semantics defined by clauses10,14, and15.
ECMAScript 2015 interoperability for the second and third use cases requires the following extensions to the clause10, clause15, clause19.2.1 and clause16.1.7 semantics.
If an ECMAScript implementation has a mechanism for reporting diagnostic warning messages, a warning should be produced when code contains aFunctionDeclaration for which these compatibility semantics are applied and introduce observable differences from non-compatibility semantics. For example, if a var binding is not introduced because its introduction would create anearly error, a warning message should not be produced.
B.3.2.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation
1.NOTE: A var binding forF is only instantiated here if it is neither a VarDeclaredName, the name of a formal parameter, or anotherFunctionDeclaration.
2.IfinstantiatedVarNames does not containF andF is not"arguments", then
TheBlock of aCatch clause may containvar declarations that bind a name that is also bound by theCatchParameter. At runtime, such bindings are instantiated in the VariableDeclarationEnvironment. They do not shadow the same-named bindings introduced by theCatchParameter and hence theInitializer for suchvar declarations will assign to the corresponding catch parameter rather than thevar binding.
This modified behaviour also applies tovar andfunction declarations introduced bydirect eval calls contained within theBlock of aCatch clause. This change is accomplished by modifying the algorithm of19.2.1.3 as follows:
Objects with an[[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot are never created by this specification. However, thedocument.all object in web browsers is ahost-definedexotic object with this slot that exists for web compatibility purposes. There are no other known examples of this type of object and implementations should not create any with the exception ofdocument.all.
Assignment to an undeclared identifier or otherwise unresolvable reference does not create a property in theglobal object. When a simple assignment occurs withinstrict mode code, itsLeftHandSideExpression must not evaluate to an unresolvable Reference. If it does aReferenceError exception is thrown ( TheLeftHandSideExpression also may not be a reference to adata property with the attribute value {[[Writable]]:false }, to anaccessor property with the attribute value {[[Set]]:undefined }, nor to a non-existent property of an object whose[[Extensible]] internal slot isfalse. In these cases aTypeError exception is thrown (13.15).
Arguments objects forstrict functions do not dynamically share theirarray-indexed property values with the corresponding formal parameter bindings of their functions. (10.4.4).
Forstrict functions, if an arguments object is created the binding of the local identifierarguments to the arguments object is immutable and hence may not be the target of an assignment expression. (10.2.11).
Strict mode eval code cannot instantiate variables or functions in the variable environment of the caller to eval. Instead, a new variable environment is created and that environment is used for declaration binding instantiation for the eval code (19.2.1).
Ifthis is evaluated withinstrict mode code, then thethis value is not coerced to an object. Athis value of eitherundefined ornull is not converted to theglobal object and primitive values are not converted to wrapper objects. Thethis value passed via a function call (including calls made usingFunction.prototype.apply do not coerce the passedthis value to an object (,,
When adelete operator occurs withinstrict mode code, aSyntaxError is thrown if itsUnaryExpression is a direct reference to a variable, function argument, or function name (
When adelete operator occurs withinstrict mode code, aTypeError is thrown if the property to be deleted has the attribute {[[Configurable]]:false } or otherwise cannot be deleted (
An implementation may not extend, beyond that defined in this specification, the meanings withinstrict functions of properties named"caller" or"arguments" of function instances.
Any of the essential internal methods inTable 4 for anyexotic object not specified within this specification.
D.6 Built-in Objects and Methods
Any built-in objects and methods not defined within this specification, except as restricted in17.1.
E Corrections and Clarifications in ECMAScript 2015 with Possible Compatibility Impact Edition 5 and 5.1 used a property existence test to determine whether aglobal object property corresponding to a new global declaration already existed. ECMAScript 2015 uses an own property existence test. This corresponds to what has been most commonly implemented by web browsers. The 5th Edition moved the capture of the current array length prior to theinteger conversion of thearray index or new length value. However, the captured length value could become invalid if the conversion process has the side-effect of changing the array length. ECMAScript 2015 specifies that the current array length must be captured after the possible occurrence of such side-effects. Previous editions permitted theTimeClip abstract operation to return either+0𝔽 or-0𝔽 as the representation of a 0time value. ECMAScript 2015 specifies that+0𝔽 always returned. This means that for ECMAScript 2015 thetime value of a Date is never observably-0𝔽 and methods that returntime values never return-0𝔽. If a UTC offset representation is not present, the local time zone is used. Edition 5.1 incorrectly stated that a missing time zone should be interpreted as"z". If the year cannot be represented using the Date Time String Format specified in21.4.1.32 a RangeError exception is thrown. Previous editions did not specify the behaviour for that case. Previous editions did not specify the value returned byDate.prototype.toString when thetime value isNaN. ECMAScript 2015 specifies the result to be the String value"Invalid Date"., Any LineTerminator code points in the value of the"source" property of a RegExp instance must be expressed using an escape sequence. Edition 5.1 only required the escaping of/., In previous editions, the specifications forString.prototype.match andString.prototype.replace was incorrect for cases where the pattern argument was a RegExp value whoseglobal flag is set. The previous specifications stated that for each attempt to match the pattern, iflastIndex did not change, it should be incremented by 1. The correct behaviour is thatlastIndex should be incremented by 1 only if the pattern matched the empty String. Previous editions did not specify how aNaN value returned by acomparefn was interpreted byArray.prototype.sort. ECMAScript 2015 specifies that such as value is treated as if+0𝔽 was returned from thecomparefn. ECMAScript 2015 also specifies thatToNumber is applied to the result returned by acomparefn. In previous editions, the effect of acomparefn result thatis not a Number value wasimplementation-defined. In practice, implementations callToNumber.
F Additions and Changes That Introduce Incompatibilities with Prior Editions
6.2.5: In ECMAScript 2015, Function calls are not allowed to return aReference Record.
9.3: In ECMAScript 2018, Template objects are canonicalized based onParse Node (source location), instead of across all occurrences of that template literal or tagged template in aRealm in previous editions.
12.2: In ECMAScript 2016, Unicode 8.0.0 or higher is mandated, as opposed to ECMAScript 2015 which mandated Unicode 5.1. In particular, this caused U+180E MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR, which was in theSpace_Separator (Zs) category and thus treated as whitespace in ECMAScript 2015, to be moved to theFormat (Cf) category (as of Unicode 6.3.0). This causes whitespace-sensitive methods to behave differently. For example,"\u180E".trim().length was0 in previous editions, but1 in ECMAScript 2016 and later. Additionally, ECMAScript 2017 mandated always using the latest version of the Unicode Standard.
12.7: In ECMAScript 2015, the valid code points for anIdentifierName are specified in terms of the Unicode properties “ID_Start” and “ID_Continue”. In previous editions, the validIdentifierName orIdentifier code points were specified by enumerating various Unicode code point categories.
12.10.1: In ECMAScript 2015, Automatic Semicolon Insertion adds a semicolon at the end of a do-while statement if the semicolon is missing. This change aligns the specification with the actual behaviour of most existing implementations. In ECMAScript 2015, it is no longer anearly error to have duplicate property names in Object Initializers.
13.15.1: In ECMAScript 2015,strict mode code containing an assignment to an immutable binding such as the function name of aFunctionExpression does not produce anearly error. Instead it produces a runtime error.
14.2: In ECMAScript 2015, aStatementList beginning with the token let followed by the input elementsLineTerminator thenIdentifier is the start of aLexicalDeclaration. In previous editions, automatic semicolon insertion would always insert a semicolon before theIdentifier input element.
14.7: In ECMAScript 2015, if the( token of a for statement is immediately followed by the token sequencelet [ then thelet is treated as the start of aLexicalDeclaration. In previous editions such a token sequence would be the start of anExpression.
14.7: In ECMAScript 2015, if the ( token of a for-in statement is immediately followed by the token sequencelet [ then thelet is treated as the start of aForDeclaration. In previous editions such a token sequence would be the start of anLeftHandSideExpression.
14.7: Prior to ECMAScript 2015, an initialization expression could appear as part of theVariableDeclaration that precedes theinkeyword. In ECMAScript 2015, theForBinding in that same position does not allow the occurrence of such an initializer. In ECMAScript 2017, such an initializer is permitted only innon-strict code.
14.15: In ECMAScript 2015, it is anearly error for aCatch clause to contain avar declaration for the sameIdentifier that appears as theCatch clause parameter. In previous editions, such a variable declaration would be instantiated in the enclosing variable environment but the declaration'sInitializer value would be assigned to theCatch parameter.
14.15, In ECMAScript 2015, a runtimeSyntaxError is thrown if aCatch clause evaluates a non-strict directeval whose eval code includes avar orFunctionDeclaration declaration that binds the sameIdentifier that appears as theCatch clause parameter. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.freeze is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.getOwnPropertyDescriptor is not an object an attempt is made to coerce the argument usingToObject. If the coercion is successful the result is used in place of the original argument value. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.getOwnPropertyNames is not an object an attempt is made to coerce the argument usingToObject. If the coercion is successful the result is used in place of the original argument value. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.getPrototypeOf is not an object an attempt is made to coerce the argument usingToObject. If the coercion is successful the result is used in place of the original argument value. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.isExtensible is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.isFrozen is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.isSealed is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.keys is not an object an attempt is made to coerce the argument usingToObject. If the coercion is successful the result is used in place of the original argument value. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.preventExtensions is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, if the argument toObject.seal is not an object it is treated as if it was a non-extensibleordinary object with no own properties. In the previous edition, a non-object argument always causes aTypeError to be thrown. In ECMAScript 2015, the[[Prototype]] internal slot of a bound function is set to the[[GetPrototypeOf]] value of its target function. In the previous edition,[[Prototype]] was always set to%Function.prototype%. In ECMAScript 2015, the"length" property of function instances is configurable. In previous editions it was non-configurable.
21.4.4 In ECMAScript 2015, theDate prototype object is not a Date instance. In previous editions it was a Date instance whose TimeValue wasNaN. In ECMAScript 2015, theString.prototype.localeCompare function must treat Strings that are canonically equivalent according to the Unicode Standard as being identical. In previous editions implementations were permitted to ignore canonical equivalence and could instead use a bit-wise comparison. and22.1.3.30 In ECMAScript 2015, lowercase/upper conversion processing operates on code points. In previous editions such the conversion processing was only applied to individual code units. The only affected code points are those in the Deseret block of Unicode. In ECMAScript 2015, theString.prototype.trim method is defined to recognize white space code points that may exist outside of the Unicode BMP. However, as of Unicode 7 no such code points are defined. In previous editions such code points would not have been recognized as white space. In ECMAScript 2015, If thepattern argument is a RegExp instance and theflags argument is notundefined, a new RegExp instance is created just likepattern except thatpattern's flags are replaced by the argumentflags. In previous editions aTypeError exception was thrown whenpattern was a RegExp instance andflags was notundefined.
22.2.6 In ECMAScript 2015, theRegExp prototype object is not a RegExp instance. In previous editions it was a RegExp instance whose pattern is the empty String.
25.4.15: In ECMAScript 2019,Atomics.wake has been renamed toAtomics.notify to prevent confusion withAtomics.wait., In ECMAScript 2019, the number ofJobs enqueued byawait was reduced, which could create an observable difference in resolution order between athen() call and anawait expression.
G Colophon
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Prior editions of this specification were authored using Word—the Ecmarkup source text that formed the basis of this edition was produced by converting the ECMAScript 2015 Word document to Ecmarkup using an automated conversion tool.
H Bibliography
IEEE 754-2019:IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New York (2019)Note
There are no normative changes between IEEE 754-2008 and IEEE 754-2019 that affect the ECMA-262 specification.
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