Jiffy is a model-based RESTful application services generator written in Go. Jiffy processes model files to generate Go source code for a complete backend services application. Jiffys goal is to generate a robust services application that implements all (most?) of the gritty parts, thereby allowing the developer to focus on their application’s model and functionality.
Jiffy and theunderlying sqac ORM were written as part of my effort to learn more about Go, jwt, consensus protocols, inter-nodal traffic / distributed | replicated cache, containerization and ORM design.
The idea of writing a services generator came to me while I was wishing for an alternative avenue for native SAP Hana application development and wrestling with some interesting OData related problems. While the result is probably not for everybody, it does reduce the mental cost of entry and allows deployment of a web-based application on SAP Hana with virtually no prior Hana knowledge. Jiffy also works nicely with other databases.
Jiffy was written in the go 1.9 / 1.10 time-frame, but has been minimally updated to use go modules and now requires a minimum Go version of 1.13.5.
A list of some of Jiffys features can be found in the followingWhat is Jiffy? section.
Jiffy makes use of a number of external packages provided by some really talented people. These are listed in theCREDITS section.