Zaki Manian wears many hats in the blockspace. I am currently a cofounder of theiqlusion. We are working Armistice, an open source hardware security solution. Iqlusion advises, and supports a number of blockchain projects and you might see my name on their websites for that work. I’m an advisor to theElectric Coin Company.
I went to the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in 2005. I studied History of Science. I taught myself after college software engineering, programming and computer science. From 2008-2013, I was tech lead on scientific instrumentation product at ReaMetrix. I started an enterpise blockchain company called Skuchain in 2014 and started teaching myself cryptography. I started contributing more to projects like Bitcoin, Zcash, Tendermint, Ethereum etc. I got interested in weird ideas like scalable public blockchains.
In 2017, I co-founded the Trusted IoT Alliance and iqlusion. I also started contributing more to Cosmos. I helped build the first validator dashboard and then Figment ran with the idea. I helped launch the first public Cosmos testnets. I spent a lot of 2018 working part time at All In Bits, building out the validator ecosystem, and figuring how do actually do quality assurance to enable the Cosmos launch. In 2019, after the Hub launch, I joined All in Bits as Director of Research. Where I worked on finishing the Cosmos design goals by completing IBC.
After All In Bits provedtoo unstable to finish the work, I resigned in Feb 2019 and am completeing the IBC work with the community from contributors fromAgoric,Interchain Berlin andInformal.
The Cosmos Stack and the Velocity of Web3 by Zaki Manian at Web3 Summit 2018
MIT Bitcoin Expo 2019 - The Cosmos Launch: Defining an MVP for a Next Generation Blockchain