


Powered by You!
Xoops, easy to use dynamic web content management
system written in PHP
Get it Now!Quick Overview

XOOPS is maintained by a team of several hard-working volunteers working from all over the world with more than dozen official sites.

XOOPS uses a relational database (currently MySQL) to store data required for running a web-based content management system.

The ability to search for users by various criteria, send email and private messages to users through a template-based messaging system.

With a powerful theme system, both admins and users can change the look of the entire website with just a click of a mouse.


  • Why you should choose XOOPS

    • XOOPS uses a database (currently MySql) to store all the content
    • XOOPS is multi-lingual allowing all major languages to use the system and modules.
    • XOOPS uses templates that can be easily customised to suite your design needs.
  • XOOPS Features

    • Personalization: Registered users can edit their profiles, select site themes,
    • User Management: The ability to search for users by various criteria,
    • Fully Modularized: Modules can be installed/uninstalled/activated/deactivated
  • XOOPS Modules

    • Publisher Module to manage articles or news.
    • Extgallery If you want to build a photo community, you can not miss this module.
    • NewBB A very powerful Forum Module for group discussions

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Latest Themes

UpConstruction Theme

UpConstruction is a light and clean construction website template built with the Bootstrap framework.The template is ideal for any construction company, architect

Xrestoran Theme

A new version of the restaurant theme designed by HTML Codex, adapted for Xoops.The theme has an upper middle block and a lower middle block.

webuild theme

Webuild Xoops ThemeFree Responsive Bootstrap 5 HTML5 Construction Company Website TemplateCompatible Modules* XMNEWS* XMCONTENTDemo:

Recommended Modules


PublisherVersion: 1.08

Content Publishing module for XOOPS CMS for static/HTML content and dynamic articles stored and presented in a hierarchical manner.

XmcontentVersion: 1.0

Xmcontent is a simple content module. It allows you to create static pages in Xoops.

TagVersion: 2.34

Tag module for XOOPS CMS is designed for site-wide tag management, handling tag input, display and stats for each module that enables tag plugin.

XsitemapVersion: 1.56

xSiteMap module for XOOPS CMS automatically creates sitemap for website submittal to web crawlers and a visual sitemap for site visitors.

WgGalleryVersion: 1.15

wgGallery module for XOOPS CMS enables you to create beautiful galleries for your XOOPS website. You can select between different templates.

NewBBVersion: 5.0

Forum module for XOOPS CMS for discussions. It has been designed and developed upon the combination of features, flexibity, permission control and performance for high traffic volume.

TdmDownloadsVersion: 2.0

TdmDownloads module for XOOPS CMS creates a downloads section where users can download/submit/rate various files.

ModuleBuilderVersion: 3.04

ModuleBuilder is a module that create other basic modules for XOOPS CMS.Recommended for use with Xoops version 2.5.10 and higher.

WgTeamsVersion: 1.10

wgTeams is a simple module for XOOPS CMS to present one or more teams.You can select between different templates, which have also various settings.

XmnewsVersion: 1.00

A great blog module with powerful coding and easy to use. Useful blogs and features..

