Copyright © 2000-2007 Dan Brickley and Libby Miller This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to theFOAF Vocabulary Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, FOAF uses W3C'sRDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.
This specification describes the FOAF language, defined as a dictionary of named properties and classes using W3C's RDF technology.
FOAF has been evolving gradually since its creation in mid-2000. There is now a stable core of classes and properties that will not be changed, beyond modest adjustments to their documentation to track implementation feedback and emerging best practices. New terms may be added at any time (as with a natural-language dictionary), and consequently this specification is an evolving work. The FOAF RDF namespace, by contrast, is fixed and it's identifier is not expected tochange. Furthermore, efforts are underway to ensure the long-term preservation of the FOAF namespace, its domain name and associated documentation.
This document is created by combining theRDFS/OWL machine-readable FOAF ontology with a set ofper-term documents. Future versions may incorporatemultilingual translations of the term definitions. The RDF version of the specification is also embedded in the HTML of this document, or available directly from the namespace URI by content negotiation.
The FOAF specification is produced as part of theFOAF project, to provide authoritative documentation of the contents, status and purpose of the RDF/XML vocabulary and document formats known informally as 'FOAF'.
The authors welcome comments on this document, preferably via the public FOAF developers;public archives are available. A historical backlog of known technical issues is acknowledged, and available for discussion in theFOAF wiki. Proposals for resolving these issues are welcomed, either on foaf-dev or via the wiki. Further work is also needed on the explanatory text in this specification and on theFOAF website; progress towards this will be measured in the version number of future revisions to the FOAF specification.
This revision of the specification consists mostly of editorial improvments. In addition the propertiesmaker andmade, as well as the clasesAgent andOrganization are now marked as "stable", in acknowledgement of their unproblematic usage in the Semantic Web community, and as an indicator that only minor changes to their document are anticipated for the future. See thechanges section for details of the changes in this version of the specification.
An a-z index of FOAF terms, by class (categories or types) and by property.
Classes: |Agent |Document |Group |Image |OnlineAccount |OnlineChatAccount |OnlineEcommerceAccount |OnlineGamingAccount |Organization |Person |PersonalProfileDocument |Project |
Properties: |accountName |accountServiceHomepage |aimChatID |based_near |birthday |currentProject |depiction |depicts |dnaChecksum |family_name |firstName |fundedBy |geekcode |gender |givenname |holdsAccount |homepage |icqChatID |img |interest |isPrimaryTopicOf |jabberID |knows |logo |made |maker |mbox |mbox_sha1sum |member |membershipClass |msnChatID |myersBriggs |name |nick |page |pastProject |phone |plan |primaryTopic |publications |schoolHomepage |sha1 |surname |theme |thumbnail |tipjar |title |topic |topic_interest |weblog |workInfoHomepage |workplaceHomepage |yahooChatID |
FOAF terms, grouped in broad categories.
Here is a very basic document describing a person:
<foaf:Person rdf:about="#me" xmlns:foaf=""> <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:name> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>241021fb0e6289f92815fc210f9e9137262c252e</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" /> <foaf:img rdf:resource="" /></foaf:Person>
This brief example introduces the basics of FOAF. It basically says, "there is afoaf:Person with afoaf:name property of 'Dan Brickley' and afoaf:mbox_sha1sum property of 241021fb0e6289f92815fc210f9e9137262c252e; this person stands in afoaf:homepage relationship to a thing called and afoaf:img relationship to a thing called
To a computer, the Web is a flat, boring world, devoid of meaning. This is a pity, as in fact documents on the Web describe real objects and imaginary concepts, and give particular relationships between them. For example, a document might describe a person. The title document to a house describes a house and also the ownership relation with a person. Adding semantics to the Web involves two things: allowing documents which have information in machine-readable forms, and allowing links to be created with relationship values. Only when we have this extra level of semantics will we be able to use computer power to help us exploit the information to a greater extent than our own reading.
- Tim Berners-Lee "W3 future directions" keynote, 1st World Wide Web Conference Geneva, May 1994
FOAF, like the Web itself, is a linked information system. It is built using decentralisedSemantic Web technology, and has been designed to allow for integration of data across a variety of applications, Web sites and services, and software systems. To achieve this, FOAF takes a liberal approach to data exchange. It does not require you to say anything at all about yourself or others, nor does it place any limits on the things you can say or the variety of Semantic Web vocabularies you may use in doing so. This current specification provides a basic "dictionary" of terms for talking about people and the things they make and do.
FOAF was designed to be used alongside other such dictionaries ("schemas" or "ontologies"), and to beusable with the wide variety of generic tools and services that have been created for the Semantic Web. For example, the W3C work onSPARQL provides us with a rich query language for consulting databases of FOAF data, while theSKOS initiative explores in more detail than FOAF the problem of describing topics, categories, "folksonomies" and subject hierarchies. Meanwhile, other W3C groups are working on improved mechanisms for encoding all kinds of RDF data (including but not limited to FOAF) within Web pages: see the work of theGRDDL andRDFa efforts for more detail. The Semantic Web provides us with anarchitecture for collaboration, allowing complex technical challenges to be shared by a loosely-coordinated community of developers.
The FOAF project is based around the use ofmachine readable Web homepages for people, groups, companies and other kinds of thing. To achieve this we use the "FOAF vocabulary" to provide a collection of basic terms that can be used in these Web pages. At the heart of the FOAF project is a set of definitions designed to serve as a dictionary of terms that can be used to express claims about the world. The initial focus of FOAF has been on the description of people, since people are the things that link together most of the other kinds of things we describe in the Web: they make documents, attend meetings, are depicted in photos, and so on.
The FOAF Vocabulary definitions presented here are written using a computer language (RDF/OWL) that makes it easy for software to process some basic facts about the terms in the FOAF vocabulary, and consequently about the things described in FOAF documents. A FOAF document, unlike a traditional Web page, can be combined with other FOAF documents to create a unified database of information. FOAF is aLinked Data system, in that it based around the idea of linking together a Web of decentralised descriptions.
The basic idea is pretty simple. If people publish information in the FOAF document format, machines will be able to make use of that information. If those files contain "see also" references to other such documents in the Web, we will have a machine-friendly version of today's hypertext Web. Computer programs will be able to scutter around a Web of documents designed for machines rather than humans, storing the information they find, keeping a list of "see also" pointers to other documents, checking digital signatures (for the security minded) and building Web pages and question-answering services based on the harvested documents.
So, what is the 'FOAF document format'? FOAF files are just text documents (well, Unicode documents). They are written in XML syntax, and adopt the conventions of the Resource Description Framework (RDF). In addition, the FOAF vocabulary defines some useful constructs that can appear in FOAF files, alongside other RDF vocabularies defined elsewhere. For example, FOAF defines categories ('classes') such asfoaf:Person
, alongside some handy properties of those things, such asfoaf:name
(ie. an internet mailbox),foaf:homepage
etc., as well as some useful kinds of relationship that hold between members of these categories. For example, one interesting relationship type isfoaf:depiction
. This relates something (eg. afoaf:Person
) to afoaf:Image
. The FOAF demos that feature photos and listings of 'who is in which picture' are based on software tools that parse RDF documents and make use of these properties.
The specific contents of the FOAF vocabulary are detailed in thisFOAF namespace document. In addition to the FOAF vocabulary, one of the most interesting features of a FOAF file is that it can contain "see Also" pointers to other FOAF files. This provides a basis for automatic harvesting tools to traverse a Web of interlinked files, and learn about new people, documents, services, data...
The remainder of this specification describes how to publish and interpret descriptions such as these on the Web, using RDF/XML for syntax (file format) and terms from FOAF. It introduces a number of categories (RDF classes such as 'Person') and properties (relationship and attribute types such as 'mbox' or 'workplaceHomepage'). Each term definition is provided in both human and machine-readable form, hyperlinked for quick reference.
For a good general introduction to FOAF, see Edd Dumbill's article,XML Watch: Finding friends with XML and RDF (June 2002, IBM developerWorks). Information about the use of FOAFwith image metadata is also available.
Theco-depiction experiment shows a fun use of the vocabulary. Jim Ley'sSVG image annotation tool show the use of FOAF with detailed image metadata, and provide tools for labelling image regions within a Web browser. To create a FOAF document, you can use Leigh Dodd'sFOAF-a-matic javascript tool. To query a FOAF dataset via IRC, you can use Edd Dumbill'sFOAFbot tool, an IRC 'community support agent'. For more information on FOAF and related projects, see theFOAF project home page.
FOAF is a collaborative effort amongst Semantic Web developers on the FOAF ( mailing list. The name 'FOAF' is derived from traditional internet usage, an acronym for 'Friend of a Friend'.
The name was chosen to reflect our concern with social networks and the Web, urban myths, trust and connections. Other uses of the name continue, notably in the documentation and investigation of Urban Legends (eg. see thealt.folklore.urban archive, and other FOAF stories. Our use of the name 'FOAF' for a Web vocabulary and document format is intended to complement, rather than replace, these prior uses. FOAF documents describe the characteristics and relationships amongst friends of friends, and their friends, and the stories they tell.
It is important to understand that the FOAFvocabulary as specified in this document is not a standard in the sense ofISO Standardisation, or that associated withW3CProcess.
FOAF depends heavily on W3C's standards work, specifically on XML, XML Namespaces, RDF, and OWL. All FOAFdocuments must be well-formed RDF/XML documents. The FOAF vocabulary, by contrast, is managed more in the style of anOpen Source orFree Software project than as an industry standardarisation effort (eg. seeJabber JEPs).
This specification contributes a vocabulary, "FOAF", to the Semantic Web, specifying it using W3C'sResource Description Framework (RDF). As such, FOAF adopts by reference both a syntax (using XML) a data model (RDF graphs) and a mathematically grounded definition for the rules that underpin the FOAF design.
This specification serves as the FOAF "namespace document". As such it describes the FOAF vocabulary and the terms (RDF classes and properties) that constitute it, so thatSemantic Web applications can use those terms in a variety of RDF-compatible document formats and applications.
This document presents FOAF as aSemantic Web vocabulary orOntology. The FOAF vocabulary is pretty simple, pragmatic and designed to allow simultaneous deployment and extension. FOAF is intended for widescale use, but its authors make no commitments regarding its suitability for any particular purpose.
The FOAF vocabulary is identified by the namespace URI '
'. Revisions and extensions of FOAF are conducted through edits to this document, which by convention is accessible in the Web via the namespace URI. For practical and deployment reasons, note thatwe do not update the namespace URI as the vocabulary matures.
The core of FOAF now is considered stable, and the version number ofthis specification reflects this stability. However, it long ago became impractical to update the namespace URI without causing huge disruption to both producers and consumers of FOAF data. We are therefore left with the digits "0.1" in our URI. This stands as a warning to all those who might embed metadata in their vocabulary identifiers.
The evolution of FOAF is best considered in terms of the stability of individual vocabulary terms, rather than the specification as a whole. As terms stabilise in usage and documentation, they progress through the categories 'unstable', 'testing' and 'stable'.
The properties and types defined here provide some basic useful concepts for use in FOAF descriptions. Other vocabulary (eg. theDublin Core metadata elements for simple bibliographic description), RSS 1.0 etc can also be mixed in with FOAF terms, as can local extensions. FOAF is designed to be extended. TheFoafVocab page in the FOAF wiki lists a number of extension vocabularies that are particularly applicable to use with FOAF.
If you publish a FOAF self-description (eg. usingfoaf-a-matic) you can make it easier for tools to find your FOAF by putting markup in thehead
of your HTML homepage. It doesn't really matter what filename you choose for your FOAF document, althoughfoaf.rdf
is a common choice. The linking markup is as follows:
<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="" />
...although of course change theURL to point to your own FOAF document. See also: more onFOAF autodiscovery and services that make use of it.
Why does FOAF useRDF?
FOAF is an application of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) because the subject area we're describing -- people -- has so many competing requirements that a standalone format could not do them all justice. By using RDF, FOAF gains a powerful extensibility mechanism, allowing FOAF-based descriptions can be mixed with claims made inany other RDF vocabulary
People are the things that link together most of the other kinds of things we describe in the Web: they make documents, attend meetings, are depicted in photos, and so on. Consequently, there are many many things that we might want to say about people, not to mention these related objects (ie. documents, photos, meetings etc).
FOAF as a vocabulary cannot incorporate everything we might want to talk about that is related to people, or it would be as large as a full dictionary. Instead of covering all topics within FOAF itself, we buy into a larger framework - RDF - that allows us to take advantage of work elsewhere on more specific description vocabularies (eg. for geographical / mapping data).
RDF provides FOAF with a way to mix together different descriptive vocabularies in a consistent way. Vocabularies can be created by different communites and groups as appropriate and mixed together as required, without needing any centralised agreement on how terms from different vocabularies can be written down in XML.
This mixing happens in two ways: firstly, RDF provides an underlying model of (typed) objects and their attributes or relationships.foaf:Person
is an example of a type of object (a "class"), whilefoaf:knows
are examples of a relationship and an attribute of anfoaf:Person
; in RDF we call these "properties". Any vocabulary described in RDF shares this basic model, which is discernable in the syntax for RDF, and which removes one level of confusion inunderstanding a given vocabulary, making it simpler to comprehend and therefore reuse a vocabulary that you have not written yourself. This is the minimalself-documentation that RDF gives you.
Secondly, there are mechanisms for saying which RDF properties are connected to which classes, and how different classes are related to each other, using RDF Syntax and OWL. These can be quite general (all RDF properties by default come from anrdf:Resource
for example) or very specific and precise (for example by usingOWL constructs, as in thefoaf:Group
example below. This is another form of self-documentation, which allows you to connect different vocabularies together as you please. An example of this is given below where thefoaf:based_near
property has a domain and range (types of class at each end of the property) from a different namespace altogether.
In summary then, RDF is self-documenting in ways which enable the creation and combination of vocabularies in a devolved manner. This is particularly important for a vocabulary which describes people, since people connect to many other domains of interest, which it would be impossible (as well as suboptimal) for a single group to describe adequately in non-geological time.
RDF is usually written using XML syntax, but behaves in rather different ways to 'vanilla' XML: the same RDF can be written in many different ways in XML. This means that SAX and DOM XML parsers are not adequate to deal with RDF/XML. If you want to process the data, you will need to use one of the many RDF toolkits available, such as Jena (Java) or Redland (C).RDF Interest Group members can help with issues which may arise; there is also mailing list which is the main list for FOAF, and two active and friendlyIRC channels:#rdfig and#foaf onfreenode.
FOAF introduces the following classes and properties. View this document's source markup to see the RDF/XML version.
class is the class of agents; things that do stuff. A well known sub-class isfoaf:Person
, representing people. Other kinds of agents includefoaf:Organization
class is useful in a few places in FOAF wherefoaf:Person
would have been overly specific. For example, the IM chat ID properties such asjabberID
are typically associated with people, but sometimes belong to software bots.
class represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'.
class is a sub-class offoaf:Document
, since all images are documents.
We do not (currently) distinguish precisely between physical and electronic documents, or between copies of a work and the abstraction those copies embody. The relationship between documents and their byte-stream representation needs clarification (seefoaf:sha1
for related issues).
Status: | stable |
in-domain-of: | foaf:member |
class represents a collection of individual agents (and may itself play the role of afoaf:Agent
, ie. something that can perform actions).
This concept is intentionally quite broad, covering informal and ad-hoc groups, long-lived communities, organizational groups within a workplace, etc. Some such groups may have associated characteristics which could be captured in RDF (perhaps afoaf:homepage
, mailing list etc.).
While afoaf:Group
has the characteristics of afoaf:Agent
, it is also associated with a number of otherfoaf:Agent
s (typically people) who constitute thefoaf:Group
. FOAF provides a mechanism, thefoaf:membershipClass
property, which relates afoaf:Group
to a sub-class of the classfoaf:Agent
who are members of the group. This is a little complicated, but allows us to make group membership rules explicit.
The markup (shown below) for defining a group is both complex and powerful. It allows group membership rules to match against any RDF-describable characteristics of the potential group members. As FOAF and similar vocabularies become more expressive in their ability to describe individuals, thefoaf:Group
mechanism for categorising them into groups also becomes more powerful.
While the formal description of membership criteria for afoaf:Group
maybe complex, the basic mechanism for saying that someone is in afoaf:Group
isvery simple. We simply use afoaf:member
property of thefoaf:Group
to indicate the agents that are members of the group. For example:
<foaf:Group> <foaf:name>ILRT staff</foaf:name> <foaf:member> <foaf:Person> <foaf:name>Libby Miller</foaf:name> <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:workplaceHomepage rdf:resource=""/> </foaf:Person> </foaf:member></foaf:Group>
Behind the scenes, further RDF statements can be used to express the rules for being a member of this group. End-users of FOAF need not pay attention to these details.
Here is an example. We define afoaf:Group
representing those people who are ILRT staff members. Thefoaf:membershipClass
property connects the group (conceived of as a social entity and agent in its own right) with the class definition for those people who constitute it. In this case, the rule is that all group members are in the ILRTStaffPerson class, which is in turn populated by all those things that are afoaf:Person
and which have afoaf:workplaceHomepage
of This is typical: FOAF groups are created by specifying a sub-class offoaf:Agent
(in fact usually this will be a sub-class offoaf:Person
), and giving criteria for which things fall in or out of the sub-class. For this, we use theowl:onProperty
properties, indicating the property/value pairs which must be true of matching agents.
<!-- here we see a FOAF group described. each foaf group may be associated with an OWL definition specifying the class of agents that constitute the group's membership --><foaf:Group> <foaf:name>ILRT staff</foaf:name> <foaf:membershipClass> <owl:Class rdf:about=""> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=""/> <owl:hasValue rdf:resource=""/> </owl:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf> </owl:Class> </foaf:membershipClass></foaf:Group>
Note that while these example OWL rules for being in the eg:ILRTStaffPerson class are based on afoaf:Person
having a particularfoaf:workplaceHomepage
, this places no obligations on the authors of actual FOAF documents to include this information. If the informationis included, then generic OWL tools may infer that some person is an eg:ILRTStaffPerson. To go the extra step and infer that some eg:ILRTStaffPerson is afoaf:member
of the group whosefoaf:name
is "ILRT staff", tools will need some knowledge of the way FOAF deals with groups. In other words, generic OWL technology gets us most of the way, but the fullfoaf:Group
machinery requires extra work for implimentors.
The current design names the relationship as pointingfrom the group, to the member. This is convenient when writing XML/RDF that encloses the members within markup that describes the group. Alternate representations of the same content are allowed in RDF, so you can write claims about the Person and the Group without having to nest either description inside the other. For (brief) example:
<foaf:Group> <foaf:member rdf:nodeID="libby"/> <!-- more about the group here --></foaf:Group><foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="libby"> <!-- more about libby here --></foaf:Person>
There is a FOAFissue tracker associated with this FOAF term. A design goal is to make the most of W3C'sOWL language for representing group-membership criteria, while also making it easy to leverage existing groups and datasets available online (eg. buddylists, mailing list membership lists etc). Feedback on the current design is solicited! Should we consider using SPARQL queries instead, for example?
Status: | testing |
in-range-of: | foaf:imgfoaf:depictionfoaf:thumbnail |
in-domain-of: | foaf:depictsfoaf:thumbnail |
The classfoaf:Image
is a sub-class offoaf:Document
corresponding to those documents which are images.
Digital images (such as JPEG, PNG, GIF bitmaps, SVG diagrams etc.) are examples offoaf:Image
Status: | unstable |
in-range-of: | foaf:holdsAccount |
in-domain-of: | foaf:accountServiceHomepagefoaf:accountName |
represents the provision of some form of online service, by some party (indicated indirectly via afoaf:accountServiceHomepage
) to somefoaf:Agent
. Thefoaf:holdsAccount
property of the agent is used to indicate accounts that are associated with the agent.
for an example. Other sub-classes includefoaf:OnlineEcommerceAccount
Status: | unstable |
is afoaf:OnlineAccount
devoted to chat / instant messaging.
This is a generalization of the FOAF Chat ID properties,foaf:jabberID
Unlike those simple properties,foaf:OnlineAccount
and associated FOAF terms allows us to describe a great variety of online accounts, without having to anticipate them in the FOAF vocabulary.
For example, here is a description of an IRC chat account, specific to the Freenode IRC network:
<foaf:Person> <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:name> <foaf:holdsAccount> <foaf:OnlineAccount> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:accountServiceHomepage rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:accountName>danbri</foaf:accountName> </foaf:OnlineAccount> </foaf:holdsAccount></foaf:Person>
Note that it may be impolite to carelessly reveal someone else's chat identifier (which might also serve as an indicate of email address) As with email, there are privacy and anti-SPAM considerations. FOAF does not currently provide a way to represent an obfuscated chat ID (ie. there is no parallel to thefoaf:mbox
In addition to the genericfoaf:OnlineAccount
mechanisms, FOAF also provides several convenience chat ID properties (foaf:jabberID
). These serve as as a shorthand for some common cases; their use may not always be appropriate.
We should specify some mappings between the abbreviated and full representations ofJabber,AIM,MSN,ICQ,Yahoo! andMSN chat accounts. This requires us to identify an appropriatefoaf:accountServiceHomepage
for each. If we wanted to make thefoaf:OnlineAccount
mechanism even more generic, we could invent a relationship that holds between afoaf:OnlineAccount
instance and a convenience property. To continue the example above, we could describe howFreenode could define a property 'fn:freenodeChatID' corresponding to Freenode online accounts.
Status: | unstable |
is afoaf:OnlineAccount
devoted to buying and/or selling of goods, services etc. Examples includeAmazon,eBay,PayPal,thinkgeek, etc.
Status: | unstable |
is afoaf:OnlineAccount
devoted to online gaming.
Examples might includeEverQuest,Xbox live,Neverwinter Nights, etc., as well as older text-based systems (MOOs, MUDs and suchlike).
Status: | stable |
class represents a kind offoaf:Agent
corresponding to social instititutions such as companies, societies etc.
This is a more 'solid' class thanfoaf:Group
, which allows for more ad-hoc collections of individuals. These terms, like the correspondingnatural language concepts, have some overlap, but different emphasis.
class represents people. Something is afoaf:Person
if it is a person. We don't nitpic about whether they're alive, dead, real, or imaginary. Thefoaf:Person
class is a sub-class of thefoaf:Agent
class, since all people are considered 'agents' in FOAF.
Status: | testing |
class represents thosethings that are afoaf:Document
, and that use RDF todescribe properties of the person who is thefoaf:maker
of the document. There is just onefoaf:Person
described inthe document, ie.the person whofoaf:made
it and who will be itsfoaf:primaryTopic
class, and FOAF'sassociated conventions for describing it, captures an importantdeployment pattern for the FOAF vocabulary. FOAF is very often used inpublic RDF documents made available through the Web. There is acolloquial notion that these "FOAF files" are oftensomebody'sFOAF file. Throughfoaf:PersonalProfileDocument
we providea machine-readable expression of this concept, providing a basis for FOAF documents to make claims about their maker and topic.
When describing afoaf:PersonalProfileDocument
it istypical (and useful) to describe its associatedfoaf:Person
using thefoaf:maker
property. Anything that is afoaf:Person
and that is thefoaf:maker
of somefoaf:Document
will be thefoaf:primaryTopic
. Although this can be inferred, it ishelpful to include this information explicitly within thefoaf:PersonalProfileDocument
For example, here is a fragment of a personal profile document whichdescribes its author explicitly:
<foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="p1"> <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:name> <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/> <!-- etc... --></foaf:Person><foaf:PersonalProfileDocument rdf:about=""> <foaf:maker rdf:nodeID="p1"/> <foaf:primaryTopic rdf:nodeID="p1"/></foaf:PersonalProfileDocument>
Note that afoaf:PersonalProfileDocument
will have somerepresentation as RDF. Typically this will be in W3C's RDF/XML syntax,however we leave open the possibility for the use of other notations, orrepresentational conventions including automated transformations fromHTML (GRDDL spec forone such technique).
Status: | unstable |
class represents the class of things that are 'projects'. These may be formal or informal, collective or individual. It is often useful to indicate thefoaf:homepage
of afoaf:Project
Further work is needed to specify the connections between this class and the FOAF propertiesfoaf:currentProject
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:OnlineAccount |
Range: | |
property of afoaf:OnlineAccount
is a textual representation of the account name (unique ID) associated with that account.
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:OnlineAccount |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property indicates a relationship between afoaf:OnlineAccount
and the homepage of the supporting service provider.
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a textual identifier ('screenname') assigned to them in the AOL Instant Messanger (AIM) system. See AOL'sAIM site for more details of AIM and AIM screennames. TheiChat tools fromApple also make use of AIM identifiers.
) for amore general (and verbose) mechanism for describing IM and chat accounts.
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | |
Range: | |
relationship relates two "spatial things"(anything that canbe somewhere), the latter typicallydescribed using the geo:lat / geo:longgeo-positioning vocabulary(SeeGeoInfo in the W3C semwebwiki for details). This allows us to say describe the typical latitute and longitude of, say, a Person (people are spatial things - they can be places) without implying that a precise location has been given.
We do not say much about what 'near' means in this context; it is a'rough and ready' concept. For a more precise treatment, seeGeoOnion vocab designdiscussions, which are aiming to produce a more sophisticated vocabulary for such purposes.
FOAF files often make use of thecontact:nearestAirport
property. Thisillustrates the distinction between FOAF documents (which may make claims usingany RDFvocabulary) and the core FOAF vocabulary defined by this specification. For further reading onthe use ofnearestAirport
seeUsingContactNearestAirport in the FOAF wiki.
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property is a relationship between afoaf:Agent
and a string representing the month and day in which they were born (Gregorian calendar).SeeBirthdayIssue for details of related properties that can be used to describe such things in more flexible ways.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
relates afoaf:Person
to afoaf:Document
indicating some collaborative orindividual undertaking. This relationshipindicates that thefoaf:Person
has some active role in theproject, such as development, coordination, or support.
When afoaf:Person
is no longer involved with a project, orperhaps is inactive for some time, the relationship becomes afoaf:pastProject
If thefoaf:Person
has stopped working on a project because ithas been completed (successfully or otherwise),foaf:pastProject
isapplicable. In general,foaf:currentProject
is used to indicatesomeone's current efforts (and implied interests, concerns etc.), whilefoaf:pastProject
describes what they've previously been doing.
Note that this property requires further work. There has been confusion about whether it points to a thing (eg. something you've made; a homepage for a project, ie. afoaf:Document
or to instances of the classfoaf:Project
, which might themselves have afoaf:homepage
. In practice, it seems to have been used in a similar way tofoaf:interest
, referencing homepages of ongoing projects.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | |
Range: | foaf:Image |
property is a relationship between a thing and anfoaf:Image
that depicts it. As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:depicts
A common use offoaf:depiction
) is to indicate the contents of a digital image, for example the people or objects represented in an online photo gallery.
Extensions to this basic idea include 'Co-Depiction' (social networks as evidenced in photos), as well as richer photo metadata through the mechanism of using SVG paths to indicate theregions of an image which depict some particular thing. See'Annotating Images With SVG' for tools and details.
The basic notion of 'depiction' could also be extended to deal with multimedia content (video clips, audio), or refined to deal with corner cases, such as pictures of pictures etc.
property is a super-property of the more specific propertyfoaf:img
, which is used more sparingly. You stand in afoaf:depiction
relation toanyfoaf:Image
that depicts you, whereasfoaf:img
is typically used to indicate a few images that are particularly representative.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Image |
Range: | |
property is a relationship between afoaf:Image
and something that the image depicts. As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:depiction
relationship. Seefoaf:depiction
for further notes.
Status: | unstable |
Range: | |
property is mostly a joke, but also a reminder that there will be lots of different identifying properties for people, some of which we might find disturbing.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
A number of naming constructs are under development to providenaming substructure; draft properties includefoaf:firstName
, andfoaf:surname
. These are not currently stable or consistent; see theissue tracker for design discussions, status and ongoing work on rationalising the FOAF naming machinery.
There is also a simplefoaf:name
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
A number of naming constructs are under development to providenaming substructure; draft properties includefoaf:firstName
, andfoaf:surname
. These are not currently stable or consistent; see theissue tracker for design discussions, status and ongoing work on rationalising the FOAF naming machinery.
There is also a simplefoaf:name
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | |
Range: | |
property relates something to something else that has provided funding for it.
This property is under-specified, experimental, and should be considered liable to change.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
property is used to represent a 'Geek Code' for somefoaf:Person
See theCode of the Geeks specification for details of the code, which provides a somewhat frivolous and willfully obscure mechanism for characterising technical expertise, interests and habits. Thefoaf:geekcode
property is not bound to any particular version of the code. The last published version of the code was v3.12 in March 1996.
As theGeek Code website notes, the code played a small (but amusing) part in the history of the Internet. Thefoaf:geekcode
property exists in acknowledgement of this history. It'll never be 1996 again.
Note that the Geek Code is a densely packed collections of claims about the person it applies to; to express these claims explicitly in RDF/XML would be incredibly verbose. The syntax of the Geek Code allows for '<' and '>' characters, which have special meaning in RDF/XML. Consequently these should be carefully escaped in markup.
An example Geek Code:
GED/J d-- s:++>: a-- C++(++++) ULU++ P+ L++ E---- W+(-) N+++ o+ K+++ w--- O- M+ V-- PS++>$ PE++>$ Y++ PGP++ t- 5+++ X++ R+++>$ tv+ b+ DI+++ D+++ G++++ e++ h r-- y++**
...would be written in FOAF RDF/XML as follows:
<foaf:geekcode> GED/J d-- s:++>: a-- C++(++++) ULU++ P+ L++ E---- W+(-) N+++ o+ K+++ w--- O- M+ V-- PS++>$ PE++>$ Y++ PGP++ t- 5+++ X++ R+++>$ tv+ b+ DI+++ D+++ G++++ e++ h r-- y++** </foaf:geekcode>
See also thegeek code entry ineverything2, which tells us thatthe geek code originated in 1993; it was inspired (according to the inventor) by previous "bear", "smurf" and "twink" style-and-sexual-preference codes from lesbian and gay newsgroups. There is also aGeek Code Decoder Page and a form-basedgenerator.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
(typically afoaf:Person
) to a string representing its gender. In most cases the value will be the string 'female' or 'male' (in lowercase without surrounding quotes or spaces). Like all FOAF properties, there is in general no requirement to usefoaf:gender
in any particular document or description. Values other than 'male' and 'female' may be used, but are not enumerated here. Thefoaf:gender
mechanism is not intended to capture the full variety of biological, social and sexual concepts associated with the word 'gender'.
Anything that has afoaf:gender
property will be some kind offoaf:Agent
. However there are kinds offoaf:Agent
to which the concept of gender isn't applicable (eg. afoaf:Group
). FOAF does not currently include a class corresponding directly to "the type of thing that has a gender".At any point in time, afoaf:Agent
has at most one value forfoaf:gender
. FOAF does not treatfoaf:gender
as astatic property; the same individual may have different values for this property at different times.
Note that FOAF's notion of gender isn't defined biologically or anatomically - this would be tricky since we have a broad notion that applies to allfoaf:Agent
s (including robots - eg. Bender from Futurama is 'male'). As stressed above, FOAF's notion of gender doesn't attempt to encompass the full range of concepts associated with human gender, biology and sexuality. As such it is a (perhaps awkward) compromise between the clinical and the social/psychological. In general, a person will be the best authority on theirfoaf:gender
. Feedback on this design is particularly welcome (via the FOAF mailing list,rdfweb-dev). We have tried to be respectful of diversity without attempting to catalogue or enumerate that diversity.
This may also be a good point for a periodic reminder: as with all FOAF properties, documents that use 'foaf:gender
' will on occassion be innacurate, misleading or outright false. FOAF, like all open means of communication, supportslying. Application authors using FOAF data should always be cautious in their presentation of unverified information, but be particularly sensitive to issues and risks surrounding sex and gender (including privacy and personal safety concerns). Designers of FOAF-based user interfaces should be careful to allow users to omitfoaf:gender
when describing themselves and others, and to allow at least for values other than 'male' and 'female' as options. Users of information conveyed via FOAF (as via information conveyed through mobile phone text messages, email, Internet chat, HTML pages etc.) should be skeptical of unverified information.
Status: | testing |
A number of naming constructs are under development to providenaming substructure; draft properties includefoaf:firstName
, andfoaf:surname
. These are not currently stable or consistent; see theissue tracker for design discussions, status and ongoing work on rationalising the FOAF naming machinery.
There is also a simplefoaf:name
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | foaf:OnlineAccount |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to anfoaf:OnlineAccount
for which they are the sole account holder. Seefoaf:OnlineAccount
for usage details.
Status: | stable |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates something to a homepage about it.
Many kinds of things have homepages. FOAF allows a thing to have multiple homepages, but constrainsfoaf:homepage
so that there can be only one thing that has any particular homepage.
A 'homepage' in this sense is a public Web document, typically but not necessarily available in HTML format. The page has as afoaf:topic
the thing whose homepage it is. The homepage is usually controlled, edited or published by the thing whose homepage it is; as such one might look to a homepage for information on its owner from its owner. This works for people, companies, organisations etc.
property is a sub-property of the more generalfoaf:page
property for relating a thing to a page about that thing. See alsofoaf:topic
, the inverse of thefoaf:page
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a textual identifier assigned to them in the ICQ Chat system. See theicq chat site for more details of the 'icq' service. Their "What is ICQ?" document provides a basic overview, while their "About Us page notes that ICQ has been acquired by AOL. Despite the relationship with AOL, ICQ is at the time of writing maintained as a separate identity from the AIM brand (seefoaf:aimChatID
) for amore general (and verbose) mechanism for describing IM and chat accounts.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Image |
property relates afoaf:Person
to afoaf:Image
that represents them. Unlike its super-propertyfoaf:depiction
, we only usefoaf:img
when an image is particularly representative of some person. The analogy is with the image(s) that might appear on someone's homepage, rather than happen to appear somewhere in their photo album.
Unlike the more generalfoaf:depiction
property (and its inverse,foaf:depicts
), thefoaf:img
property is only used with representations of people (ie. instances offoaf:Person
). So you can't use it to find pictures of cats, dogs etc. The basic idea is to have a term whose use is more restricted thanfoaf:depiction
so we can have a useful way of picking out a reasonable image to represent someone. FOAF definesfoaf:img
as a sub-property offoaf:depiction
, which means that the latter relationship is implied whenever two things are related by the former.
Note thatfoaf:img
does not have any restrictions on the dimensions, colour depth, format etc of thefoaf:Image
it references.
Terminology: note thatfoaf:img
is a property (ie. relationship), and thatcode:Image
is a similarly named class (ie. category, a type of thing). It might have been more helpful to callfoaf:img
'mugshot' or similar; instead it is named by analogy to the HTML IMG element.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property represents an interest of afoaf:Agent
, through indicating afoaf:Document
(s) broadly characterises that interest.
For example, we might claim that a person or group has an interest in RDF by saying theystand in afoaf:interest
relationship to theRDF home page. Loosly, such RDF would be saying"this agent is interested in the topic of this page".
Uses offoaf:interest
include a variety of filtering and resource discovery applications. It could be used, for example, to help find answers to questions such as "Find me members of this organisation with an interest in XML who have also contributed toCPAN)".
This approach to characterising interests is intended to compliment other mechanisms (such as the use of controlled vocabulary). It allows us to use a widely known set of unique identifiers (Web page URIs) with minimal pre-coordination. Since URIs have a controlled syntax, this makes data merging much easier than the use of free-text characterisations of interest.
Note that interest does not imply expertise, and that this FOAF term provides no support for characterising levels of interest: passing fads and lifelong quests are both examples of someone'sfoaf:interest
. Describing interests in full is a complex undertaking;foaf:interest
provides one basic component of FOAF's approach to these problems.
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates something to a document that is mainly about it.
property isinverse functional: forany document that is the value of this property, there is at most one thing in the worldthat is the primary topic of that document. This is useful, as it allows for data merging, as described in the documentation for its inverse,foaf:primaryTopic
is a super-property offoaf:isPrimaryTopicOf
. The change of terminology between the two property names reflects the utility of 'primaryTopic' and its inverse when identifying things. Anything that has anisPrimaryTopicOf
relation to some document X, also has afoaf:page
relationship to it.
Note thatfoaf:homepage
, is a sub-property of bothfoaf:page
. The awkwardly namedfoaf:isPrimarySubjectOf
is less specific, and can be used with any document that is primarily about the thing of interest (ie. not just on homepages).
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a textual identifier assigned to them in theJabber messaging system. See theJabber site for more information about the Jabber protocols and tools.
Jabber, unlike several other online messaging systems, is based on an open, publically documented protocol specification, and has a variety of open source implementations. Jabber IDs can be assigned to a variety of kinds of thing, including software 'bots', chat rooms etc. For the purposes of FOAF, these are all considered to be kinds offoaf:Agent
(ie. things thatdo stuff). The uses of Jabber go beyond simple IM chat applications. Thefoaf:jabberID
property is provided as a basic hook to help support RDF description of Jabber users and services.
) for amore general (and verbose) mechanism for describing IM and chat accounts.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Person |
property relates afoaf:Person
to anotherfoaf:Person
that he or she knows.
We take a broad view of 'knows', but do require some form of reciprocated interaction (ie. stalkers need not apply). Since social attitudes and conventions on this topic vary greatly between communities, counties and cultures, it is not appropriate for FOAF to be overly-specific here.
If someonefoaf:knows
a person, it would be usual for the relation to be reciprocated. However this doesn't mean that there is any obligation for either party to publish FOAF describing this relationship. Afoaf:knows
relationship does not imply friendship, endorsement, or that a face-to-face meeting has taken place: phone, fax, email, and smoke signals are all perfectly acceptable ways of communicating with people you know.
You probably know hundreds of people, yet might only list a few in your public FOAF file. That's OK. Or you might list them all. It is perfectly fine to have a FOAF file and not list anyone else in it at all. This illustrates the Semantic Web principle of partial description: RDF documents rarely describe the entire picture. There is always more to be said, more information living elsewhere in the Web (or in our heads...).
is vague by design, it may be suprising that it has uses. Typically these involve combining other RDF properties. For example, an application might look at properties of eachfoaf:weblog
that wasfoaf:made
by someone you "foaf:knows
". Or check the newsfeed of the online photo archive for each of these people, to show you recent photos taken by people you know.
To provide additional levels of representation beyond mere 'knows', FOAF applications can do several things.
They can use more precise relationships thanfoaf:knows
to relate people to people. The original FOAF design included two of these ('knowsWell','friend') which we removed because they were somewhatawkward to actually use, bringing an inappopriate air of precision to an intrinsically vague concept. Other extensions have been proposed, including Eric Vitiello'sRelationship module for FOAF.
In addition to using more specialised inter-personal relationship types (eg rel:acquaintanceOf etc) it is often just as good to use RDF descriptions of the states of affairs which imply particular kinds of relationship. So for example, two people who have the same value for theirfoaf:workplaceHomepage
property are typically colleagues. We don't (currently) clutter FOAF up with these extra relationships, but the facts can be written in FOAF nevertheless. Similarly, if there exists afoaf:Document
that has two people listed as itsfoaf:maker
s, then they are probably collaborators of some kind. Or if two people appear in 100s of digital photos together, there's a good chance they're friends and/or colleagues.
So FOAF is quite pluralistic in its approach to representing relationships between people. FOAF is built on top of a general purpose machine language for representing relationships (ie. RDF), so is quite capable of representing any kinds of relationship we care to add. The problems are generally social rather than technical; deciding on appropriate ways of describing these interconnections is a subtle art.
Perhaps the most important use offoaf:knows
is, alongside therdfs:seeAlso
property, to connect FOAF files together. Taken alone, a FOAF file is somewhat dull. But linked in with 1000s of other FOAF files it becomes more interesting, with each FOAF file saying a little more about people, places, documents, things... By mentioning other people (viafoaf:knows
or other relationships), and by providing anrdfs:seeAlso
link to their FOAF file, you can make it easy for FOAF indexing tools ('scutters') to find your FOAF and the FOAF of the people you've mentioned. And the FOAF of the people they mention, and so on. This makes it possible to build FOAF aggregators without the need for a centrally managed directory of FOAF files...
Status: | testing |
Domain: | |
Range: | |
property is used to indicate a graphical logo of some kind.It is probably underspecified...
Status: | stable |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to somethingfoaf:made
by it. As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:maker
property, which relates a thing to something that made it. Seefoaf:made
for more details on the relationship between these FOAF terms and related Dublin Core vocabulary.
Status: | stable |
Domain: | |
Range: | foaf:Agent |
property relates something to afoaf:Agent
it. As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:made
(or otherrdfs:label
) of thefoaf:maker
of something can be described as thedc:creator
of that thing.
For example, if the thing named by the URI has afoaf:maker
that is afoaf:Person
is 'Dan Brickley', we can conclude that has adc:creator
of 'Dan Brickley'.
FOAF descriptions are encouraged to usedc:creator
only for simple textual names, and to usefoaf:maker
to indicate creators, rather than risk confusing creators with their names. This follows most Dublin Core usage. SeeUsingDublinCoreCreator for details.
Status: | stable |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property is a relationship between the owner of a mailbox and a mailbox. These are typically identified using the mailto: URI scheme (seeRFC 2368).
Note that there are many mailboxes (eg. shared ones) which are not thefoaf:mbox
of anyone. Furthermore, a person can have multiplefoaf:mbox
In FOAF, we often seefoaf:mbox
used as an indirect way of identifying its owner. This works even if the mailbox is itself out of service (eg. 10 years old), since the property is defined in terms of its primary owner, and doesn't require the mailbox to actually be being used for anything.
Many people are wary of sharing information about their mailbox addresses in public. To address such concerns whilst continuing the FOAF convention of indirectly identifying people by referring to widely known properties, FOAF also provides thefoaf:mbox_sha1sum
mechanism, which is a relationship between a person and the value you get from passing a mailbox URI to the SHA1 mathematical function.
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
of afoaf:Person
is a textual representation of the result of applying the SHA1 mathematical functional to a 'mailto:' identifier (URI) for an Internet mailbox that they stand in afoaf:mbox
relationship to.
In other words, if you have a mailbox (foaf:mbox
) but don't want to reveal its address, you can take that address and generate afoaf:mbox_sha1sum
representation of it. Just as afoaf:mbox
can be used as an indirect identifier for its owner, we can do the same withfoaf:mbox_sha1sum
since there is only onefoaf:Person
with any particular value for that property.
Many FOAF tools usefoaf:mbox_sha1sum
in preference to exposing mailbox information. This is usually for privacy and SPAM-avoidance reasons. Other relevant techniques include the use of PGP encryption (seeEdd Dumbill's documentation) and the use ofFOAF-based whitelists for mail filtering.
Code examples for SHA1 in C#, Java, PHP, Perl and Python can be foundin Sam Ruby's weblog entry. Remember to include the 'mailto:' prefix, but no trailing whitespace, when computing afoaf:mbox_sha1sum
Status: | stable |
Domain: | foaf:Group |
Range: | foaf:Agent |
property relates afoaf:Group
to afoaf:Agent
that is a member of that group.
for details and examples.
Status: | unstable |
property relates afoaf:Group
to an RDF class representing a sub-class offoaf:Agent
whose instances are all the agents that are afoaf:member
of thefoaf:Group
for details and examples.
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a textual identifier assigned to them in the MSN online Chat system. See Microsoft's theMSN chat site for more details (or for a message saying"MSN Chat is not currently compatible with your Internet browser and/or computer operating system" if your computing platform is deemed unsuitable).
It is not currently clear how MSN chat IDs relate to the more general Microsoft Passport identifiers.
) for a more general (and verbose) mechanism for describing IM and chat accounts.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
property represents the Myers Briggs (MBTI) approach to personality taxonomy. It is included in FOAF as an example of a property that takes certain constrained values, and to give some additional detail to the FOAF files of those who choose to include it. Thefoaf:myersBriggs
property applies only to thefoaf:Person
class; wherever you see it, you can infer it is being applied to a person.
property is interesting in that it illustrates how FOAF can serve as a carrier for various kinds of information, without necessarily being commited to any associated worldview. Not everyone will find myersBriggs (or star signs, or blood types, or the four humours) a useful perspective on human behaviour and personality. The inclusion of a Myers Briggs property doesn't indicate that FOAF endorses the underlying theory, any more than the existence offoaf:weblog
is an endorsement of soapboxes.
The values forfoaf:myersBriggs
are the following 16 4-letter textual codes: ESTJ, INFP, ESFP, INTJ, ESFJ, INTP, ENFP, ISTJ, ESTP, INFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ENTJ, ISFP, ENTP, ISFJ. If multiple of these properties are applicable, they are represented by applying multiple properties to a person.
For further reading on MBTI, see various online sources (eg.this article). There are various online sites which offer quiz-based tools for determining a person's MBTI classification. The owners of the MBTI trademark have probably not approved of these.
This FOAF property suggests some interesting uses, some of which could perhaps be used to test the claims made by proponents of the MBTI (eg. an analysis of weblog postings filtered by MBTI type). However it should be noted that MBTI FOAF descriptions are self-selecting; MBTI categories may not be uniformly appealing to the people they describe. Further, there is probably a degree of cultural specificity implicit in the assumptions made by many questionaire-based MBTI tools; the MBTI system may not make sense in cultural settings beyond those it was created for.
See alsoCory Caplinger's summary table or the RDFWeb article,FOAF Myers Briggs addition for further background and examples.
Note: Myers Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI are registered trademarks of Consulting Psychologists Press Inc. Oxford Psycholgists Press Ltd has exclusive rights to the trademark in the UK.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | |
Range: | |
of something is a simple textual string.
XML language tagging may be used to indicate the language of the name. For example:
<foaf:name xml:lang="en">Dan Brickley</foaf:name>
FOAF provides some other naming constructs. While foaf:name does not explicitly represent name substructure (family vs given etc.) it does provide a basic level of interoperability. See theissue tracker for status of work on this issue.
property, like all RDF properties with a range of rdfs:Literal, may be used with XMLLiteral datatyped values. This usage is, however, not yet widely adopted. Feedback on this aspect of the FOAF design is particularly welcomed.
Status: | testing |
property relates afoaf:Person
to a short (often abbreviated) nickname, such as those use in IRC chat, online accounts, and computer logins.
This property is necessarily vague, because it does not indicate any particular naming control authority, and so cannot distinguish a person's login from their (possibly various) IRC nicknames or other similar identifiers. However it has some utility, since many people use the same string (or slight variants) across a variety of such environments.
For specific controlled sets of names (relating primarily to Instant Messanger accounts), FOAF provides some convenience properties:foaf:jabberID
. Beyond this, the problem of representing such accounts is not peculiar to Instant Messanging, and it is not scaleable to attempt to enumerate each naming database as a distinct FOAF property. Thefoaf:OnlineAccount
term (and supporting vocabulary) are provided as a more verbose and more expressive generalisation of these properties.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates a thing to a document about that thing.
As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:topic
property, which relates a document to a thing that the document is about.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
After afoaf:Person
is no longer involved with afoaf:currentProject
, or has been inactive for some time, afoaf:pastProject
relationship can be used. This indicates thatthefoaf:Person
was involved with the described project at onepoint.
If thefoaf:Person
has stopped working on a project because it has been completed (successfully or otherwise),foaf:pastProject
is applicable. In general,foaf:currentProject
is used to indicate someone's current efforts (and implied interests, concerns etc.), whilefoaf:pastProject
describes what they've previously been doing.
Status: | testing |
of something is a phone, typically identified using the tel: URI scheme.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
property provides a space for afoaf:Person
to hold some arbitrary content that would appear ina traditional '.plan' file. The plan file was stored in a user's homedirectory on a UNIX machine, and displayed to people when the user wasqueried with the finger utility.
A plan file could contain anything. Typical uses included briefcomments, thoughts, or remarks on what a person had been doing lately. Planfiles were also prone to being witty or simply osbscure. Others may be morecreative, writing any number of seemingly random compositions in their planfile for people to stumble upon.
SeeHistory of the Finger Protocol by Rajiv Shah for more on this piece of Internet history. Thefoaf:geekcode
property may also be of interest.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Document |
Range: | |
property relates a document to themain thing that the document is about.
property isfunctional: forany document it applies to, it can have at most one value. This isuseful, as it allows for data merging. In many cases it may be difficultfor third parties to determine the primary topic of a document, but ina useful number of cases (eg. descriptions of movies, restaurants,politicians, ...) it should be reasonably obvious. Documents are veryoften the most authoritative source of information about their ownprimary topics, although this cannot be guaranteed since documents cannot beassumed to be accurate, honest etc.
It is an inverse of thefoaf:isPrimaryTopicOf
property, which relates a thing to a documentprimarily about that thing. The choice between these two properties is purely pragmatic. When describing documents, we usefoaf:primaryTopic
former to point to the things they're about. When describing things (people etc.), it is useful to be able to directly cite documents which have those things as their main topic - so we usefoaf:isPrimaryTopicOf
. In this way, Web sites such asWikipedia orNNDB can provide indirect identification for the things they have descriptions of.
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property indicates afoaf:Document
listing (primarily in human-readable form) some publications associated with thefoaf:Person
. Such documents are typically published alongside one'sfoaf:homepage
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates afoaf:Person
to afoaf:Document
that is thefoaf:homepage
of a School that the person attended.
FOAF does not (currently) define a class for 'School' (if it did, it would probably be as a sub-class offoaf:Organization
). The original application area forfoaf:schoolHomepage
was for 'schools' in the British-English sense; however American-English usage has dominated, and it is now perfectly reasonable to describe Universities, Colleges and post-graduate study usingfoaf:schoolHomepage
This very basic facility provides a basis for a low-cost, decentralised approach to classmate-reunion and suchlike. Instead of requiring a central database, we can use FOAF to express claims such as 'I studiedhere' simply by mentioning a school's homepage within FOAF files. Given the homepage of a school, it is easy for FOAF aggregators to lookup this property in search of people who attended that school.
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | foaf:Document |
property relates afoaf:Document
to the textual form of a SHA1 hash of (some representation of) its contents.
The design for this property is neither complete nor coherent. Thefoaf:Document
class is currently used in a way that allows multiple instances at different URIs to have the 'same' contents (and hence hash). Iffoaf:sha1
is an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, we could deduce that several such documents were the self-same thing. A more careful design is needed, which distinguishes documents in a broad sense from byte sequences.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
A number of naming constructs are under development to providenaming substructure; draft properties includefoaf:firstName
, andfoaf:surname
. These are not currently stable or consistent; see theissue tracker for design discussions, status and ongoing work on rationalising the FOAF naming machinery.
There is also a simplefoaf:name
Status: | unstable |
Domain: | |
Range: | |
property is rarely used and under-specified. The intention was to use it to characterise interest / themes associated with projects and groups. Further work is needed to meet these goals.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Image |
Range: | foaf:Image |
property is a relationship between a full-sizefoaf:Image
and a smaller, representativefoaf:Image
that has been derrived from it.
It is typical in FOAF to expressfoaf:img
relationships in terms of the larger, 'main' (in some sense) image, rather than its thumbnail(s). Afoaf:thumbnail
might be clipped or otherwise reduced such that it does not depict everything that the full image depicts. Therefore FOAF does not specify that a thumbnailfoaf:depicts
everything that the image it is derrived from depicts.However, FOAF does expect that anything depicted in the thumbnail will also be depicted in the source image.
is typically small enough that it can beloaded and viewed quickly before a viewer decides to download the largerversion. They are often used in online photo gallery applications.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates anfoaf:Agent
to afoaf:Document
that describes some mechanisms forpaying or otherwise rewarding that agent.
property was created followingdiscussions about simple, lightweight mechanisms that could be used to encourage rewards and payment for content exchanged online. An agent'sfoaf:tipjar
page(s) could describe informal ("Send me apostcard!", "here's my book, music and movie wishlist") or formal(machine-readable micropayment information) information about how thatagent can be paid or rewarded. The reward is not associated with anyparticular action or content from the agent concerned. A link to a service such asPayPal is thesort of thing we might expect to find in a tipjar document.
Note that the value of afoaf:tipjar
property is just adocument (which can include anchors into HTML pages). We expect, but do not currently specify, that this will evolve into a hookfor finding more machine-readable information to support payments,rewards. Thefoaf:OnlineAccount
machinery is also relevant,although the information requirements for automating payments are not currently clear.
Status: | testing |
The approriate values forfoaf:title
are not formally constrained, and will vary across community and context. Values such as 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Dr' etc. are expected.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Document |
Range: | |
property relates a document to a thing that the document is about.
As such it is an inverse of thefoaf:page
property, which relates a thing to a document about that thing.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | |
property is generally found to be confusing and ill-defined and is a candidate for removal. The goal was to be link a person to some thing that is a topic of their interests (rather than, perfoaf:interest
to a page that is about such a topic).
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | foaf:Document |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a weblog of that agent.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Document |
of afoaf:Person
is afoaf:Document
that describes their work. It is generally (but not necessarily) a different document from theirfoaf:homepage
, and from anyfoaf:workplaceHomepage
(s) they may have.
The purpose of this property is to distinguish those pages you often see, which describe someone's professional role within an organisation or project. These aren't really homepages, although they share some characterstics.
Status: | testing |
Domain: | foaf:Person |
Range: | foaf:Document |
of afoaf:Person
is afoaf:Document
that is thefoaf:homepage
of afoaf:Organization
that they work for.
By directly relating people to the homepages of their workplace, we have a simple convention that takes advantage of a set of widely known identifiers, while taking care not to confuse the things those identifiers identify (ie. organizational homepages) with the actual organizations those homepages describe.
For example, Dan Brickley works at W3C. Dan is afoaf:Person
with afoaf:homepage
of; W3C is afoaf:Organization
with afoaf:homepage
of This allows us to say that Dan has afoaf:workplaceHomepage
<foaf:Person> <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:name> <foaf:workplaceHomepage rdf:resource=""/></foaf:Person>
Note that several other FOAF properties work this way;foaf:schoolHomepage
is the most similar. In general, FOAF often indirectly identifies things via Web page identifiers where possible, since these identifiers are widely used and known. FOAF does not currently have a term for the name of the relation (eg. "workplace") that holds between afoaf:Person
and anfoaf:Organization
that they work for.
Status: | testing |
OWL Type: | An InverseFunctionalProperty (uniquely identifying property) |
Domain: | foaf:Agent |
Range: | |
property relates afoaf:Agent
to a textual identifier assigned to them in the Yahoo online Chat system. See Yahoo's theYahoo! Chat site for more details of their service. Yahoo chat IDs are also used across several other Yahoo services, including email andYahoo! Groups.
) for amore general (and verbose) mechanism for describing IM and chat accounts.
There are far too many people who have contributed to the FOAF project to name everyone in this early-release of the new improved spec. FOAF wouldn't be such a fun project or be as widely known as it is today without the efforts, enthusiasm and intelligence of the folks who have contributed via therdfweb-dev list,#foaf IRC channel, andFoafProject wiki site.
That said, a few milestones in FOAF's recent history should be mentioned... We owe particular thanks to Edd Dumbill for his IBM developerWorks articles (which attracted the affections of the Weblogging crowd) and for his Foafbot application whose evolution those articles have tracked. Also Morten Frederiksen'sFoafExplorer, Daniel Krech'sWeb View aggregator, Jim Ley and Liz Turner's work onFOAFNaut, which alongside FOAFbot, ˆhave been instrumental in showing how FOAF data can be collected and used. Meanwhile Leigh Dodd'sfoaf-a-matic has been the data creation tool that has been most people's gateway to FOAFdom. FOAF also owes a lot to the folks atEcademy,TypePad and elsewhere for showing how end users can share FOAF self-descriptions on the Web without ever seeing a line of XML syntax. Jo Walsh has enthusedmany about hooking FOAF up to Geo and mapping data, as has Matt Biddulph byexplaining the workings of his FOAF harvesting and image metadata tools. FOAF has also benefited greatly from documentation contributed in non-English languages, many thanks to all contributors of translations (foaf-a-matic and other docs). FOAF is now arguably better documentedin Japanese andSpanish than in English, thanks to Masahide Kanzaki and Leandro Mariano Lopez (inkel) respectively. Thanks also toChris Schmidt for fixing up thespec generation tool (now a Python/Redland script), as well as for contributing numerouscool hacks to the FOAF community. And last but not least, Marc Canter is in a class of his own.
This brief survey only scratches the surface of a growing body of work. Sincere thanks to all who have contributed tools, documentation, brain cells and enthusiasm to this project. We should also mention that FOAF would not be possible without the collaborative and opensource efforts of the RDF/XML developer community, both in terms of idea sharing (#swig etc) and freely available tools (Jena, Redland, RDFlib, Cwm, Sesame, 3store etc).