Latest Version: (build against wxWidgets 3.0.2)
PECLThis extension is available in the official PHP C Extensions Library which you can find at For building from pecl type:
pecl install wxwidgets
Automated windows binaries are also available on the pecl page under a link labeled DLL (thanks to weltling).
All Platforms (source)GitHub repository: Interface File:wxwidgets.php (for use as describedhere)
Windows BinariesThread Safety Versions build against wxWidgets 3.0.2, PHP 5.4.41 for x86 andPHP 5.6.9 for x64
Windows installer bundled with PHP, wxPHP, documentation, examples and wxPHP Shell Note: You will need theVisual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable for x86 version orVisual C++ 2012 Redistributable for x64before installing.
LinuxRaspbian (wheezy) wxPHP v3.0.2.0
Ubuntu 14.04 wxPHP v3.0.2.0
Arch wxPHP Latest
Third Party build
wxFormBuilderGreat application to assist you on the design of graphical user interfaces. The latest nightlies include the changes we did in order to incorporate PHP code generation, Check it out at: