


Pardipicus cariliNomenclature2021.06.01
ChlorostilbonType species2021.02.06
Cinclodes comechingonusNomenclature2020.07.14
Passer cinnamomeusNomenclature2017.09.27
Eurystomus orientalis cyanocollisNomenclature2015.07.18
CarellinaCitation2015.05.31Aglaiocercus kingii caudatusCitation2014.04.07
Centropus viridis carpenteriNomenclature2013.11.26
Leptoptilos crumeniferNomenclature.2011.10.16
Megascops choliba crucigerNomenclature.2011.10.16
Pogoniulus coryphaeaNomenclature.2011.10.16
Vestiaria coccineaNomenclature2011.01.09
Ailuroedus crassirostrisCitation2010.10.02
Amazilia franciae cyanocollisCitation2010.09.06; 2010.09.20
Myioborus castaneocapillaNomenclature....; 2010.07.24
Trochalopteron cachinnausNomenclature2010.07.06; 2010.12.26
Foudia eminentissima cosobrinaNomenclature2010.05.15; 2019.02.05
Macronus gularis condorensisCitation2010.04.2published0
Anthus spinoletta coutelliiCitation2010.01.06; 2010.03.28
Leptotila cassiniiNomenclature2009.12.12
Cinclus cinclus cashmeriensisCitation2009.09.20
Saxicola torquatus clanceyiCitation2009.08.25
Luscinia calliopeSystematics2009.08.08
Pseudalethe poliocephala compsonotaNomenclature2009.08.02
Brachypteryx montana cruralisCitation2009.08.01
Glaucidium castanotumCitation2009.07.16
Zoothera citrina cyanotusNomenclature2009.06.27
Terpsiphone mutata comorensisNomenclature2009.06.22
Toxostoma curvirostreSystematics2009.06.09
Glaucidium castanotumNomenclature2009.06.06; 2010.01.03
Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vol.6 Date 1882.... (intial note before 2005); edited 2008.12.02; 2009.04.30
Ortalis columbianaSystematics2009.04.02
Zosterops capensisSystematics2009.03.29
Zosterops lateralis caerulescensNomenclature2009.03.25; 2009.04.18
Garrulax erythrocephalus connectansNomenclature2009.03.01
Garrulax chrysopterusSystematics2009.03.01
Garrulax courtoisiSystematics2009.02.26
Garrulax castanotisSystematics2009.02.26
Garrulax calvusSystematics2009.02.25
Macronous gularis connectensNomenclature2009.02.17; 2017.12.12
Pterodroma leucoptera caledonicaNomenclature2009.01.30; 2014.03.31
Pellorneum capistratum capistratoidesNomenclature2009.01.25
Parus cinereus caschmirensisNomenclature....; 2010.08.09
Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastraeNomenclature2008.12.28
Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastraeNomenclature
Pitohui kirhocephalus cerviniventrisNomenclature2008.12.28
Arachnothera longirostra cinireicollisNomenclature2008.12.27
Anthreptes malacensis bornensisNomenclature2008.12.27
Arachnothera modesta concolorCitation2008.08.28
Alauda gugula coelivoxCitation2008.08.19
Anthreptes malacensis celebensisCitation2007.07.12
Cyanomitra verticalis cyanocephalaNomenclature2008.07.12
Periparus ater chorassanicusCitation2008.06.09
Periparus ater cypriotesCitation2008.06.02; 2008.12.05; 2021.03.01:w
Aphelocoma californica cactophilaNomenclature2008.05.15
Cyanopica cyanus cookiCitation2008.05.14
Cyanocorax yncas cyanodorsalisCitation2008.05.01
Dendropicos goertae centralisCitation2008.03.12; 2021.01.23; 2021.02.20
Dicrurus bracteatus carbonariusNomenclature2008.03.08
Vireo leucophrys costaricensisNomenclature2008.01.19
Bleda canicapillusCitation2008.01.14
Chlorophanes spiza caerulescensCitation2008.01.13
Acanthiza chrysorrhoaCitation2008.01.12
Pachycephala cinereaNomenclature2007.12.24
Hemipus picatus capitalisCitation2007.10.06
CerococcyxCitation 2007.09.21
CoccothraustesSystematics2007.09.15; 2007.12.28
Philentoma velatum coesiaNomenclature2019.02.12
Sporophila cinnamomeaCitation 2007.07.31
Eudyptes chrysocomeSystematics2007.06.22
Xiphocolaptes carajaensisSystematics2007.06.20
Neopipo cinnamomeaCitation 2007.06.16
Dacnis cayana caerebicolorNomenclature 2007.05.06
Tangara chilensis caelicolorNomenclature2007.04.30
Thraupis episcopus canaCitation2007.04.22
Carduelis psaltria colombianaNomenclature2007.03.25; 2007.03.26
Serinus mozambicus canicepsConcept2007.03.19
Cettia acanthizoides concolorNomenclature2007.02.24
Poospiza erythrophrus cochabambaeCitation2007.01.28
Aimophila carpalisCitation2007.01.18
Melospiza melodia coronatorumSystematics2006.12.27
Melospiza melodia clementaeSystematics 2006.12.26
Melospiza melodia cooperiSystematics 2006.12.26
Psittacula calthropaeNomenclature2006.12.23
Cacicus chrysonotusCitation 2006.11.01; 2010.10.24
Lophornis chalybeusNomenclature2006.10.21; 2006.10.22; 2010.01.04
Myrmotherula menetriesii cinereiventrisDate
Riparia congicaCitation2006.09.29; 2006.09.30
Thamnophilus caerulescensSystematics2006.09.08
Thamnophilus amazonicus cinereicepsCitation2006.09.07
Thamnophilus nigrocinereus cinereonigerCitation2006.09.06
Gerygone olivacea cinerascensCitation2006.08.21
Heliangelus micraster cutervensisNomenclature2006.08.03
Falco cuvieriiNomenclature2006.08.02;2006.08.03;2006.08.05;2006.10.15
Phaethon lepturus catesbyiCitation date2006.07.02
Furnarius rufus commersoniNomenclature2006.06.23
Leptocoma calcostethaCitation2006.06.12; 2006.07.08
Pterodroma hasitata caribbaeaCitation2006.04.02
Pachyptila crassirostrisNomenclature and Systematics2006.04.02
Buteo jamaicensis calurusCitation 2006.03.25
Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 20Citation2006.01.25; 2006.01.27; 2006.02.18
Charadrius leschenaultii crassirostrisCitation2005.12.07
Treron calvusCitation2005.11.07
Pitta granatina coccineaCitation2005.11.05; 2010.09.05
Malurus cyaneusCitation2005.09.17; 2020.11.08
Malurus cyaneusConcept 2005.09.17
Sipodotus wallacii coronatusCitation2005.09.17
Fulica atra columbianaSpelling2005.08.21
Neocrex colombianaSpelling....;2005.08.07
Rallus longirostris coryiNomenclature2005.07.06
Cinclosoma castanotumCitation2005.06.08
Cinclosoma castanotumSpelling2005.06.08; 2006.04.08
Ducula constansSystematics2005.05.08
Ptilinopus fischeri centralisCitation 2005.04.27
Ptilinopus coronulatus coronulatusCitation 2005.04.25
Ptilinopus purpuratus chrysogasterCitation2005.04.24
Treron capelleiCitation2005.04.14
Treron pompadora chloropterusNomenclature2005.04.10
Catalogue Mammals and Birds ThibetPublication Date2005.01.11
Picus chlorolophus chlorigasterCitation 2004.12.19
Capsiempis flaveola cerulaNomenclature 2004.12.17
ColaptesCitation2004.11.24; 2005.01.01; 2006.01.05; 2006.01.12
Ara macao cyanopterusCitation2004.11.19
Myiophobus fasciatus crypterythrusDate2004.11.07
Pseudelaenia leucopodia cinereifronsCitation2004.11.06; 2005.12.16
Touit surdus chryseurusCitation2004.09.12
Forpus passerinus cyanochlorusConcept2004.09.11
Eclectus corneliaCitation2004.08.21; 2008.05.05
Pachycephala cinereaNomenclature2004.08.11
Smithornis capensisCitation2004.05.15
Halcyon cyanoventrisCitation2004.05.06
Pitta erythrogaster cyanonotaDate2004.04.23
Hemicircus canente [Picus canente]Date2004.03.26
Forpus coelestisCitation2004.03.12
Brotergis cyanopteraCitation2004.02.03
Lampornis amethystinus circumventusSpelling2004.02.09 (RMR)
Dendrocopos minor comminutusCitation2004.01.29; 2008.05.16
Colibri thalassinus crissalisCitation 2004.01.27(RMR)
Ammomanes cincturusCitation2004.01.16
Syanllaxis cherrieiCitation2003.12.26
Anthracoceros albirostris convexusCitation2003.12.22
Philydor rufus columbianumSpelling2003.12.14
Synallaxis gujanensis columbianaSpelling 2003.12.06
Cincloides excelsior columbianusSpelling2003.11.30
Centropus chlororhyncosSpelling2003.11.17
Nunidea meleagris coronatusNomenclature2003.11.13
Colinus virginianus coyolcosNomenclature2003.10.07
Glaucidium capense castaneumCitation2003.09.06
Coturnix ypsilophorus subspecies Citations2003.06.25
Perdicula asiatica ceylonensisAuthorPerdicula asiatica vidaliAuthor2003.06.20
CymbirhynchusAuthor 2003.06.01
Ortalis guttata columbianaSpelling2003.05.18
Zoothera camaronensisSpelling2003.05.07
Dryoscopus cublaCitation2003.05.05
Goura cristataConcept
Eupodotis coerulescensAuthor....;2009.07.27; 2010.07.11

Gymnogyps californianus1797

Peters Checklist1:277 and most modern works (e.g. AOU 1983 Checklist) cite this as1798.

  • Earlier workers cited this as 1797, which the publishing historyofNat.Misc. shows to be correct.
  • Correctly cited by the Richmond Index to 1797, and despite initialresistance, H&M 3rd eventually accommodated themselves to theidea of 1797.

  • Caloramphus....,2004.01.10
    Malurus campbelliauthour
    Phalacrocorax campbellip.133
    Myiopagis caniceps1835
    Prionops caniceps1850
    Melierax canorusAuthor
    Treron capellei1822


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.2.

    Myza celebensis1894 ....; 2005.10.16


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.

    Chlamydera cerviniventrispage number

    Ptilorrhoa castanonota1876

    Peters Checklist Vol.10 p.237 has 1875; but seePoggi R, 1996.

    Loriculus catamene1871

    Richmond, et al. 1992 show this date as 1871,contra 1873 as in Peters Checklist 3:258.


    Peters Checklist10:164 has 1851. SeeBrowning and Monroe, 1991.

    Chiroxiphia caudataauthour
    Myza celebensis1894
    Ptilonopus chalcurus1860....;2005.04.27
    Centropus chalybeus1876

    Synallaxis cherrieicitation page

    Both p.2 and p.3 are given as the citation for this species.

    Pipreola chlorolepidota1838

    Usually listed as 1837, but seeBrowning and Monroe, 1991.


    Though this name is widely used,Richmond, et al. 1992 consider it a nomen nudem.

    Ptilinopus cinctus1809 ....; 2005.04.20
    Xenus cinereus1775
    Pseudoscops clamator1808
    Caprimulgus climacurus1824....;2004.05.03


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol. 5.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.8.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.2.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.3.



    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.3.

    Campylopterus curvipennisauthor


    Phaeochroa cuvieriiparentheses
    Motacillacinerea....;2007.03.17; 2008.07.01
    Rhiphidura cockerelliCitation
    Colaptes1825....; 2004.02.09
    Contopus (Muscicapa > Nuttalornis)
    Contopuscooperi....; 2004.11.14

    Caracara vs. Polyborus

  • Often listed asPolyborus plancus, and this is used by Griffiths in her treatment of the Falconidae, which I otherwise follow here.
    Griffiths CS. 1999. Phylogeny of the Falconidae inferred from molecular and morphological data. Auk 116(1):116-130..
  • However, I agree with the interpretation ofBanks RC, Dove CJ. 1992. The Generic Name for Crested Caracaras. Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash. 105(3):420-425.. In this, they argue thatPolyborus Vieillot, 1816, is based on a type of uncertain, and in their opinion, indeterminate identity.
  • The 1998 AOU Checklist follows this and iscontra Griffiths.

    I wrote Griffiths (99.01.28) to see if she had additional information here, or an opinion onPolyborus vsCaracara.Her response indicates she had changedPolyborus toCaracara in the proofs, but this change was not able to be included.

    She also notes:
    "HOWEVER - ifCaracara plancus andIbycter americanus are sister taxa, thenameCaracara will be sunk. I am currently acquiring samples of allspecies and subspecies within the Caracarini to resolve relationships ofthe caracaras." in litt. Email 99.02.03

    Cacatua vs Kakatoe Cuvier

  • Peters Checklist Vol.3 p.173 uses Kakatoe Cuvier 1800, commenting in a footnote that it "Replaces Cacatua Vieillot of Sharpe's Hand-list."
  • Sibley & Monroe use Cacatua following Wolters.
  • Wolters (1975:68) says: '"Kakatoe" Cuv., 1800 ist ein nomen suppressum'.
  • To date I have not found such a suppressing action by the ICZN, but follow Wolters and Sibley & Monroe here.

    A discussion of the phylogeny of this groupBrown DM, Toft CA. 1999. Molecular Systematics and Biogeography of the Cockatoos. Auk. 116(1):141-157.uses Cacatua and does not refer toKakatoe.

    Colin Jones tells me the Australian C/L has a note saying seeMayr, Keast and Serventy 1964 Bull.Zool.Nom.21(5) for use of this name

    Lanius colluroides1832

    Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.347 has 1834. Sherborn, Richmond, and the history of publication of this work indicate it was published in Aug. of 1832.

    Muscicapa cassini1860

    Peters Checklist Vol.11 p.331 has 1859. The Richmond Index indicates this was not published until after Jan 22, 1860.

    Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventrisCitation

    Peters Checklist Vol.10 p.120 gives "Rev.Zool." (sic). The journal is Mag.Zool.

    Acridotheres cristatellusCitation

    I see no reason not to cite the 10th edition here, and in this am consistent with the AOU Checklist 7th ed.


    Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.391 has 1851. See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.

    Andropadus curvirostris1859


    As a subpecies in Peters Checklist Vol.4 p.130.

    Considered byRobbins and Styles Auk 116 p.313, 1999 to be part of a superspecies withG. nubicola,costaricanum, andgnoma.

    Chrysothlypischrysomelaena spelling....;2007.05.19
    Phyllastrephus cabanisi1882....; initial note prior to 2004; edited 2008.12.02; 2010.03.27

    Caracara cheriwayConcept

  • Not in Sibley and Monroe as a species.
  • Listed in Peters Checklist Vol.1 as subspecies.
  • SeeDove and Banks. 1999. A Taxonomic study of the Crested Caracaras. The Wilson Bulletin111(3):330-339. for a discussion of Caracara taxonomy, and the recommendation for elevation to speciesstatus.


  • Peters Checklist Vol.1 affords subspecies status.
  • Kennedy and Spencer 2000. "Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Taxonomy of Australasian Teals" Auk 117:154-163 . argue for elevation to full specific status, based on DNA, morphological, and behavioural data.


  • The original description reads: (formatting follows original)
     PTILONOPUS CHALCURUSB.M.Ptilononpus chalcurus, G. R. GRAY. Cook's Islands (Harvey or Hervey Island). Very similar to thePtilonopus coralensis, but the front and topof the head shining greyish-purple.
  • It is of some interest that Gray lists his name following the taxon, in contrast to the other two taxa that arenomina nova in this work.
  • The letters "B.M." are thus described in the Preface:"This species contained in the Museum Collection, from one or other of the localities noticed, are exemplified by the letters B.M."
    Criniger chloronotus1859....;2008.12.04
    Arachloropterus spelling....; 2006.02.04

    In the past referred to asForpus xanthopterygius.

    Collar, in Handbook of Birds of the World Vol.4 states "...F. xanthopterygius was shown in 1905 to have been applied to an immatureBrotogeris chiriri, but which was mistakenly reinstated in 1945, when present species was separated fromF. passerinus."

    Odontospiza canicepsgeneric placement

    Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention.

    More thanks yet to Normand David for pointing out the problem here.
    His comments (slightly edited) are:
    All mannikins are treated inLonchura Sykes 1832, which haspriority over all other genera.
    Except thatnana is maintained inLemuresthes Wolters, 1949, a replacementname forLepidopygia (see Peters XIV: 369-370).

    But nowSpermestes is lumped intoLonchura, andcucullata is the typespecies ofSpermestes, now calledLonchura cucullata.

    Then I think that it is not possible to useSpermestes as a distinct genusfromLonchura for onlycaniceps Reichenow, 1879, whencucullata -the typespecies- is not included.

    Ifcaniceps alone is not placed inLonchura, then the correct name would beOdontospiza caniceps (Reichenow, 1879) becausecaniceps is the type speciesofOdontospiza -see Peters XIV: 368.

    [End of N. David's comment]

    All this makes sense to me, suggestingSpermestes can not stand as the genus group name.

    Pteroptochos castaneusSytematics
    Cardueliscorsicana....;2007.03.18; 2007.03.27; 2008.07.17

    Conuropsis carolinensisExtinct

    The last known individual of this species died on February 21, 1918 in the Cincinnati Zoological Gardens, Ohio.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol. 5.


    Placement with the family is uncertain, and no authority should be afforded my locating it betweenRandia andNewtonia. This speculative placement is based on a suggestion from Paul Salaman. Further work is being done on the genetic relationships, and I expect it's placement to change.

    Ibis 138(2): 153-159. 1996..


    SeeRasmussen PC, Schulenberg TS, Hawkins F and Voninavoko R. 2000. "Geographic variation in the Malagasy Scops-Owl (Otus rutilus auct.): the existence of an unrecognized species on Madagascar and the taxonomy of other Indian Ocean taxa. BBOC. 120:75-102.

    The name is derived from the greek word for "smoky".

    The type is felt (by Richmond) to be either in the Norwich museum or in the Cambridge museum.
    Rasmussen et al. consider all the Cambridge museum examples to be syntypes, and the Norwich museum example to be the selected type.

    Parus carpisystematics

    Treated by Peters Checklist as a subspecies ofParus niger. While it may be more associated withParus leucomelas. Clancy (1995( presents morphologic and geographic arguments in support of his separation as a full speciess. (First presented by him in 1980, but now with additional data to support.) Clancy PA. Taxonomic relationships in Namibian Black TitParus spp. 1995. BBOC 115(3):181-185.


    Slikas et al. show genetic evidence that argueCleptornis is a the sister clade toZosterops (at least the ones in their study).Slikas B, Jones IB, Derrickson SR, Fleischer RC. Phylogenetic relationships of Micronesian White-eyes based on mitochondrial sequencedata. 2000. Auk 117(2):355-365.

    Certhilauda chaunasystematics

    Based on morphologic, genetic and geographic data, Ryan and Bloomerhave revised the Long-billed Lark complex. The position ofC. chauna is not resolved.Ryan PR, Bloomer P. The Long-Billed Lark complex: A speciesmosaic in southwestern Africa. 1999. Auk 116(1):194-208.

    Odontophorus columbianusCitation

    Peters Checklist Vol.2 p.55 lists Gould's name in parntheses,though he described this bird inOdontophorus.

    Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.

    Leucippus chionogasterSystematics

    Often placed inAmazilia.
    Karl Schuchmann's student A.A. Weller at Institut und Museum Konig in Bonn. has been working on the group. He states in HBW vol.5 p.593 that "morphology, behaviour, and biogeography" argue for inclusion inLeucippus.

    Otus cooperiSystematics

    Described inScops.Recognized as a full species by the AOU CL 7th ed. and HBW vol.5.

    Otus colombianusSystematics

    Recognized as a full species by HBW vol.5 p.179, though its distinctness fromO. ingens is "still debated".
    HBW erroneously indicates Traylor as having described the bird as a fullspecies ofOtus. He desccribed it as a subspecies ofOtus ingens

    Bubo cinerascensSystematics

    HBW5:188 indicates that while this is usually treated asconspecific withB. africanus the difference in plumage and bare-partcolors, and the fact that it does not interbreed in areas of overlap indicate full species status.

    Strix chacoensisSystematics

    HBW5:201 states it it is usually treated as a race ofS. rufipes, but it differs in voice, plumage and morphology.

    Glaucidium cobanenseSystematics

    HBW vol.5 p.211 states that separation fromG. gnoma "perhaps currentlyunwarranted as vocalizations undescribed."

    Asio clamatorSystematics

    Placed by Peters Checklist vol.4 p.166 in a monospecific genusRhinoptynx Kaup 1851.
    Placed by Sibley & Monroe inPseudoscops.
    HBW vol.5 p.239 places it inAsio and says recent DNA studies support this.

    Anser canagicusSpelling

    Otus collariNote

    In the index of HBW vol.5 they list this bird as appearing on p.165; in fact it is on p.167.


    See HBW vol.4.
    AlsoBrown DM, Toft CA. 1999. Molecular systematics and biogeography of the Cockatoos (PSITTACIFORMES: CACATUIDAE). AUK 116(1):141-157.


    In HBW vol.4 T. Zucher mergesAcestrura intoChaetocercus arguing that there is no evidence based on external morphology to maintainas separate.

  • Acestrura Gould 1861Intr.Trochil.p.91


    Speciesjacobinus andlevaillantii are often placed inOxylophus, which R.B. Payne in HBW vol.4 does not recognize.

    Cochlearius cochleariusSpelling

    Spelt cochlearia by Sibley & Monroe, cochlearius by most others.David N & Gosselin M. 2000. "The supposed significance of originallycapitalized species-group names." BBOC. 120(4):263 discuss this issuein detail and indicate that the name is not a Latin noun, but is a Latin adjectival name and is cochlearius as it is a Latin adjectival,not a noun.

    Procellaria conspicillatastatus

    Procellaria conspicillata appears to be distinct.A case (plumage and voice differences) is made byRyan, P. G. 1998. The taxonomic and conservation status of the SpectacledPetrel Procellaria conspicillata. Bird Conservation International 8:223-235.

    Glossopsita concinnaCitation

    The citational details here are a bit confusing. The citation in Peters Vol.3 is:

  • Glossopsitta concinna (Shaw) 1791Nat.Misc. 3 p.[57] pl.[sig.H]
    HBW vol.3 lists "p.57". I follow the Richmond index here.

  • Larus canusSystematics

    Pycnopygius cinereus1874

    Peters Checklist 12:402 (Finn Salomensen) lists this as 1873.The Richmond Index shows that it was published in Apr. 1874.

    Pachycephala caledonica1789

    Peters Checklist 12:31 (Mayr) has 1788.
    The Richmond Index Muscicapa calidonica has "1788" with last "8" crossed out and"9" written in.

    Irena cyanogastraSpelling

  • Peters Checklist 9:308 spells thisI. cyanogaster
  • Vigors originally published it asI. chyanaogastra.

    Normand David writes (2001.03.10):
    The genus nameIrena is feminine, being the latinized Greek wordEirene with a feminine Latin ending (ICZN 1999, Art. 30.1.3). Theoriginal nameIrena cyanogastra Vigors, 1831, must remain as is, andshould not be changed to "I. cyanogaster". The full explication isvery complicated; it is part of a long paper now submitted to the BBOC, andaccepted. Will be published in late 2001 or early 2002. In short:cyanogastra is the feminine form of the latinized Greek adjectivalwordkuanogastros [blue-bellied].

    Malaconotus cruentusCitation....;2007.08.16
    Alcedo cyanopectusSpelling

    SpeltAlcedo cyanopecta, by Sibley & Monroe p.87, HBW 6:235,hadAlcedo cyanopectus, Peters 5:179 hasCeyx cyano-pectus.

    Coracias caudatusSpelling

    Often speltCoracias caudata, however as noted in HBW 6:371-2,Coracias is masculine.

    Emberiza calandrasystematics

    Conventionally listed in the monotypic genus:

  • Miliaria Brehm,CL 1831Handb.Naturgesch.Vog.Deutschl.p.290 based on the work of Vous 1977. Ibis 119:376-406. The separation was based on its being the largestbunting, with the least distinct plumage. It differs from otherEmberiza in a having a curved tomia to the bill, having a complete post-juvenile molt, and being sexually dimorphicin size, but not color.


  • skeletal analysis failed to support a separation fromEmberiza (Webster & Webster. 1999. Auk 116: 1054-1074).
  • Studies of the mitochondrial control region DNA-sequences also fail to support separation fromEmberiza (Lee PLM, Richardson LJ & Bradbury RB. 2001. "The phylogenetic status of theCorn BuntingMilaria calandra based on mitochondrial control-region DNA sequences." Ibis. 143 p.299-303).

    Therefore, until further work is available, I placecalandra back inEmberiza. Though it mustbe noted thatEmberiza is characterized by Webster & Webster as "amorphous and unwieldy". More revisions can be expected.

    Lysurus castaneiceps1860

  • Listed by Peters 13:208 (Paynter) as 1859.
  • This portion of the Proceedings was published in 1860.
    Tregellasia captioDate
    Orthotomus cuculatusSpelling
  • HOWEVER, in the current atmosphere of "linguistic cleansing" the savants now feel emboldened to dismiss the Latinization of previous authors, which they hold as most decidedly inferior to their own.In this state of virtuous zeal the name that had been explicitly intended by Temminck is swept asideand the spelling "improved" by these superior authors.It is now speltcucullatus, and any effort to recover the name using the old original string (cuculatus) will FAIL. Clearly it is so much better to destroy a name than have it exist ina form that linguistic experts find distasteful. I had not recognized that science was subservient to linguistics.
  • 2019.02.12
    Chloropsis cochinchinensisDate
    Hirundinapus celebensis1866
    Pternistis capensisCitation
  • Peters Checklist 2:77 gives the page number as p."795"
  • The Richmond Index gives p.759.
  • The Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum XX (Ogilvie-Grant) gives p.759 (p.174) forTetrao nudicollis Gmelin.
  • It appears that Peters' "795" is a transposition.
    Myiophobus cryptoxanthusDate
    Anurolimnas castaneicepsDate
  • Peters Checklist 2:181 gives a date of 1868.
  • HBW 3:156 (PB Taylor) gives a date of 1868.
  • Sharpe Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 22 p.88 gives 1868.
  • The Richmond Index gives a date of Apr. 1869.
  • Duncan's 1937 listing of dates of Publication of the PZS gives March 1869.
  • I follow the Richmond Index and Duncan here.
    Bycanistes cylindricusConcept
  • Peters 5:269 listsB. albotibialis as a subspecies ofB. cylindricus
  • Sibley & Monroe list as a full species inCeratogymna
  • Cacatua Brisson Orn. 4 1760 p.204,206 is not available asa binomialname.
  • Thanks to Steven Gregory for explaining this.

  • Myiarchus cephalotusDate
  • Peters Checklist 8:200 (Traylor) lists the date as 1879.
  • Duncan and the Richmond Index show that this was published in April of 1880.
    Cisticola genderNomenclature
  • Many specific names were formed, or used with the understandable expectation that the gender ofCisticola was feminine.
  • The ICZN rules are clear: ( ICZN, 1999 p.34)
  • "30.1.1 a genus-group name that is or ends in a Latin word takes the gendergiven for that word in standard Latin dictionaries; if it is a compound wordfromed from two or more components, the gender is given by the final component(in the case of a noun, the gender of that noun; in the case of any other component, sucha asa Latin suffix, the gender appropriate to that component);"
  • In this case the component in question is-cola.
  • The Oxford Latin Dictionary (Glare, ed.) 1982 p.349 gives:
    "-cola ~ae,m. suff. From COLO + A; denotes one who inhabits, tills, or worships."
  • HenceCisticola is a male gender genus-group name;nana becomesnanus,incana toincanus &c.
    Ptilorrhoa caerulescensDate
    Anas carolinensisConcept
    Aramidescajaneus Nomenclature.2011.10.16
    Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward
    Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
    POB 1999
    Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999

    Last updated 2021.06.01
