


Zoological Citation Notes --A

Manucodia ater alteraNomenclature2021.07.24
Percnostola arenarumNomenclature2021.03.12
Centropus ateralbusSpelling2021.03.12Macropygia rufipennis andamanicaCitation2019.02.08; 2019.03.19
Psilopsiagon aymara Citation2018.12.30; 2019.03.11; 2019.03.18
Arachnothera robusta armata Citation2016.05.03
Ploceus bicolor amaurocephalusDate2014.04.03
Schiffornis turdina amazonumNomenclature.2011.10.16
Sicalis aureiventrisNomenclature
Accipiter virgatus affinisCitation2011.01.30
Coracina tenuirostris aruensisCitation2010.08.31
Coeligena iris auroraCitation2010.08.16
Oriolus larvatus additusNomenclature2009.01.30; 2010.07.15 END PREVIOUS NOTE:]


Arch.Mus.Nac.RiodeJaniero vol. 13 Date2010.01.11

Anthreptes aurantiusNomenclature2010.01.03
Poephila cincta atropygialisCitation2009.12.12; 2010.01.05
Euplectes albonotatus asymmetrurusNomenclature2009.11.18
Ploceus badius axillarisNomenclature2009.11.06
Ficedula hyperythra annalisaNomenclature2009.09.12; 2009.09.13
Copsychus saularis adamsiCitation2009.08.19
Pycnonotus xanthorrhous andersoniNomenclature2009.07.16
Lichmera argentaurisCitation2009.07.14
Hylophilus aurantiifronsCitation2009.07.10
Lamprotornis purpuroptera aeneocephalusCitation2009.06.20
Sturnia erythropygia andamanensisCitation Authority2009.06.17
Caprimulgus atripennisCitation2009.06.17
Aplonis opaca aeneaNomenclature2009.06.14
Poliptila plumbea atricapillaCitation2009.05.30
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus anthonyiNomenclature2009.04.29
Ortalis araucanSystematics2009.04.02
Zosterops citrinella albiventrisCitation2009.03.22; 2009.03.23
Chaetops aurantiusSystematics2009.03.15
Paradoxornis alphonsianusSystematics2009.03.14
Conostoma aemodiumNomenclature2009.03.13; 2009.08.27
Pseudoalcippe atricepsSystematics2009.03.07
Garrulax annamensisSystematics2009.03.05
Hippolais pallida alulensisConcept2009.01.03
Apalis argenteaSystematics2008.10.19
Cisticola lateralis antinoriiCitation2008.08.29; 2006.08.30
Chalcomitra adelbertiCitation2008.07.13
Platysmurus leucopterus aterrimusNomenclature2008.04.20
Dicrurus bracteatus atrocaeruleusCitation 2008.03.08
Platalea ajajaNomenclature2007.11.10
Coracina papuensis angustifronsCitation2007.09.17
Threskiornis aethiopicus abbottiCitation2007.09.14
Rostratual australisSystematics2007.09.07
Artamella viridis annaeCitation2007.08.26 2020.12.24
Fringilla coelebs alexandroviNomenclature2007.04.03
Megascops kennecottii aikeniCitation Preprint2007.03.18
Ciridops annaNomenclature2007.02.24
Cettia acanthizoidesSystematics2007.02.24; 2008.12.25
Oryzoborus funereus aethiopsCitation2007.02.13
Aquila adalbertiCitation 2007.02.08
Atlapetes albinuchaCitation2007.01.27; 2013.08.16
Milvus migrans affinisCitation2007.01.21
Dendroica domininca albiloraNomenclature2007.01.11; 2007.01.13; 2007.01.14
Passerculus sandwichensis anulusNomenclature2007.01.09
Passerculus sandwichensis anthinusNomenclature2007.01.07
Melospiza melodia aztecaSystematics2006.12.31
ArgusianusCitation2006.11.30; 2007.12.22
Dendroica petechiae aequatorialisCitation2006.11.28
AgelasticusNomenclature2006.11.05; 2007.04.19
Psaricolius atrovirensCitation2006.11.01
Batis pririt affinisCitation2006.10.14
Scleroptila afraNomenclature2006.10.04; 2010.07.10 ; 2020.03.08 ;2020.03.09
Illadopsis albipectusCitation2006.09.29; 2006.09.30; 2014.04.01
Dysithamnus mentalis affinisCitation2006.09.10
Calamanthus fuliginosus albilorisCitation2006.08.26
Agaia Nomenclature2006.07.13
Phalacrocorax albiventerNomenclature2006.07.09; 2010.01.23
Fregata minor aldabrensisCitation2006.07.02
Bostrychia olivacea akeleyorumNomenclature2006.05.29
Dicrurus aldabranusCitation2006.05.16
Podiceps cristatus australisCitation2006.04.28
AnthociclaCitation - year2006.04.26
Fulmar glacialis auduboniNomenclature2006.04.02
Accipiter gentilis arrigoniiCitation2006.03.21
Cacomantis castaneiventris arfakianusCitation2006.03.19
Macheiramphus alcinus andersonniConcept2006.02.19
Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidusCitation2006.01.22; 2011.03.20
Larus argentatus argenteusCitation2005.12.30; 2006.01.20
Pluvialis apricariaSystematics2005.12.03
Aulacorhynchus prasinus atrogularisCitation2005.11.10
Entomyzon cyanotis albipennisNomenclature2005.10.02
Bubo virginianus algistusSystematics2005.09.16
Porzana pusilla affinisNomenclature2005.08.07
Ptilinopus aurantiifronsNomenclature 2005.04.28
Ptilinopus cinctus alligatorCitation2005.04.26
Ptilinopus magnificus assimilisCitation2005.04.23
Macropygia amboinensis albicepsCitation2005.01.29
Steptopelia decipiens ambiguaCitation2004.01.23
Hirunda arielCitation 2005.01.23
Caprimulgus andamanicusSystematics2005.01.22
Agricola andicolaNomenclature2004.12.26
Cettia acanthizoidesCitation2004.12.16
Hymenops perspicillatus andinusCitation2004.12.08
Knipolegus aterrimus anthracinusCitation2004.12.06; 2005.12.15; 2005.12.16; 2009.06.19
Empidonax trailii adastusType locality 2004.11.28
Tolmomyias sulphurescens aequatorialisDate2004.11.15
Pseudotriccus pelzelni annectensCitation2004.11.03; 2004.11.06
Macronyx ameliaeCitation2004.10.16
Shiffornis turdina amazonaCitation2004.10.02
Agelaius / Chrysomus / AgelasticusSystematics2004.09.29
Cyclopsitta diophthalma aruensisCitation2004.09.19
Pyrrhura molinae asutralisCitation2004.09.09
Charmosyna aureicinctaNomenclature2004.07.01; 2010.01.03
Alphabetical ordering of subspecies within taxa.2004.05.22
AglaiocercusCitation2004.05.16; 2009.08.16
Lichmera alboauricularisCitation2004.04.25
Todiramphus albonotatusCitation2004.04.25
Coracias benghalensis affinisAuthor2004.04.21
Ficedula albicillaSystematics2004.01.23
Capito auratus aurantiicinctusCitation2004.01.04
Neomorphus geoffroyi australisCitation2003.12.19
Heterophasia annectansNomenclature2003.10.12
Prunella atrogularisCitation2003.07.03; 2005.06.05
Prunella atragularisNomenclature2005.06.05; 2017.05.12
Ploceus alienusConcept and Nomenclature2003.05.10; 2003.05.11; 2003.05.12
Motacilla aguimpCitation2002.12.24
Chloroceryle aeneaConcept2002.11.15; 2007.02.14
Pionopsitta aurantiocephalaSystematics2002.09.28
Cyphorhinus aradaConcept Citation 2002.07.19
Cyphorhinus aradaSpelling2002.07.19
Gallinula andicolusSpelling 2002.07.14
Poecile atricapillusSpelling 2002.07.13
Aratinga auricapillusSpelling 2002.07.12
Aulacorhynchus speciesConcept 2002.07.12
Lorius albidinuchaSpelling 2002.07.11
Otus atricapillaSpelling2002.07.11
Vireo atricapillaSpelling2002.07.11
Zosterops atricapillaSpelling2002.07.11
ArgicusConcept02.06.27; 2003.10.31
Pelargopsis amauropteraSpelling....;2006.03.17
Serinus alarioConcept
  • Linnaeus's 1758 entry (p.179) reads:
  • Linnaeus's 1766 entry (p.319) reads:
  • It appears that Linnaeus:
    1. Placed the taxon in another genus (FRINGILLApro EMBERIZA)
    2. corrected the ablative to the plural (atro foratris; head AND chestblack)
    3. described the body as chestnut colored (instead of wings as red).
    4. described the tail as having four lateral black lines
    5. added the Brisson reference.
    6. and left the locality as the Cape of Good Hope.
  • I presume it is the same bird, based especially on theAlb. av. reference being unchanged.
  • Subsequently I learned (2003.02.14) from Bob Dowsett that this issue was addressed by Brooke.Brooke R.K. 1967. "The original name of the Black-headed CanarySerinus alario (Linnaeus). BBOC87:123-124. Where Brooke reaches essentially the same conclusion.The name is based onPasser capensis ofE. Albin. 1740 A supplement to the natural historyof birdsIII:63. Brooke concludes: "I therefore conclude that the bird known asSerinus alario was first named for science asEmberiza alario Linnaeus 10th ed.Syst. Nat.1:179 (1758)and thatFringilla alario Linnaeus 12th ed.Syst. Nat.1:319 (1766) isan objective synonym."
  • 2002.06.17; 2003.02.15
    Otus alfrediSystematics
    Strix albitarsisSpelling
  • Often speltS. albitarsus. Originally described asSyrnium albitarse.

  • Acanthagenys
    Afrotis afraSpelling....;2005.09.11
    Francolinus ahantensis1854
    Otus albogularis1849
    Serinus albogularisSeries 2
    Meliphaga albonotataPeters Checklist citation typo


    Peters Checklist11:577 has 1876; remarkably, the rightidea, but applied in the wrong situation. SeePoggi,1996.

    Anairetes alpinusCitation
  • Peters Checklist8:45 lists p.27; the text for the articlestarts on the same page as the figures -- p.28.

  • Charmosyna amabilis 1875 vs 1876

    This may be 1876, as I am uncertain where the 1875-1876 breakoccurs in Vol.1.

    Turdus amaurochalinus

    Peters Checklist10:216 has 1851. SeeBrowning andMonroe, 1991

    Phapitreron amethystina1854


    I have not determined which Verreaux this is.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.1.

    Tchagra anchietae1869

    This date is uncertain, and may well be 1870. If the volume wasissued in parts, my best guess is that this will be 1869.

    Upucerthia andaecolaplates

    Peters Checklist7:63 does not include the plates, which Itake fromRichmond, et al. 1992.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.3.


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
    HBW5:264 indicates this was previously treated as a race ofA. albertisi, but is now seen as a sibling species,replacingA. albertisi at higher elevations.


    Not used by Peters Checklist Vol.2. AsChoriotis Gray GR 1855.

    Platylophus ardesiacus1850

    Peters Checklist15:205 has 1851. SeeBrowning andMonroe, 1991}.

    Columba argentina1854

    Peters Checklist3:71 lists 1855. The signatures of volume2 are dated 1854 up to at least p.71 according to taxa listed inRichmond, et al. 1992. Mathews suggests volume 2p.1-160 are from 1855. I followRichmond, et al. 1992here, though 1855 may be right.

    Anal. Nat.

    Peters Checklist2:132 cites "Rafinesque, Analyse,1815".
    On p.51 (for example) he cites "Vieillot, 1816, Analyse". Theconfusion results from two works:

    I follow the convention of referring to the latter as AnalyseNat.
    Pseudobulweria aterrima1857....;2004.06.14


    Not in Peters Checklist Vol.7.

    This date is somewhat uncertain:
    Catharus aurantiirostris1869....; 2004.02.14; 2009.07.11
    Lalage aurea1825


    Picus awokera1836

    Metriopelia aymara1840
    AnthropoidesThanks to Matt Fain for bringing this to my attention.
    Aeronautes andecolusCitation
    Zenaida aurita1809
    Rhipidura atra1876
    Lamprotornis acuticaudus1869....; 2004.03.20I am thankful to Prof. Doutor Jose Manuel Toscano Rico, Secretario-Greal Academia, for sending me copies of the title pagesof this work.
    Sicalis auriventrisCitation
    Phyllastrephus albigularis1882.... (intial note before 2005); edited 2008.12.02


    Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention.
  • Not in Sibley and Monroe
  • treated by Peters Checklist7:173 as asubspecies.
  • Isler et al. (1997), Orn. Monogr.48:355-381 revised theThamnophilus punctatus complexand recognized the following species therein:
    1. punctatus;
    2. stictocephalus;
    3. sticturus;
    4. pelzelni;
    5. ambiguus.
    Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention.
    Anabazenops dorsalisGeneric placement
    Pitta arcuata vs. arquataspellingAn argument may be made for either spelling.
    Saltator atripennis1857....;2007.06.12
    Troglodytes aedonTaxonomy systematics
  • The taxonomy of the House Wren group is confusing andunresolved. The specific status ofT. aedon,T.brunneicollis and,T. musculus are in question. A recentsummary of this is due toBrumfield RT, Capparella AP. 1996.Genetic diffferentiation and taxonomy in the House Wren Speciesgroup. The Condor 98:547-556. They resolved that the threetaxa should be afforded full specific status, as phylogenetic andas biologic species.
  • One qualification of their analysis, as they state, is that thebrunneicollis samples in their analysis were "collected farfrom the contact zone withaedon in southeastern Arizona."Other work, including song analysis and the presence of apparenthybrid nests betweenT. aedon andT. brunneicollishave been used to argue for conspecificity for these forms.
  • The evidence in support ofT. musculus as a species (bothbiologic and phylogenetic) appears strong. A recent paperArguedas N, Parker PG. 2000. Seasonal Migration and geneticpopulation structure in House Wren. The Condor 102:517-528.compares gene flow in populations ofT. aedon andT.musculus and treats them as sister species.
  • The AOU checklist treatsT. aedon andT.brunneicollis as conspecific. This is most easily done if onedoes not have to address the issue of the relation of these formstoT. musculus (lying outside the AOU checklist region).
  • I am consistent with the AOU checklist and its most recentsupplement (42nd). However, I expect it is appropriate to treatT. brunneicollis as a full species, and will probably includeit soon.
  • It is also worth noting that Wilson's nameT. domesticusindubitably has proirity for this bird; the nameT. aedon,familiar to us all and almost universal in the literature,prevails.
  • With reluctance, I have demotedT. musculus to subspecific status.It is not recognized as a species by the SACC, though they mentiononly Brumfield's 1996 article and there is no mention of Arguedas N, Parker PG. 2000, (for example) though there is support there for treating this as a full species.
  • Similarly IOC World Bird List (2.1; 2009.05.12) makes no acknowledgement ofT. muscularis.
  • ....;2007.02.10; 2009.05.16
    Gallinago andinaCitation
    Amazilia amaziliaCitation
    Donacobius atricapillaSpelling


    An extremely complex situation.

    Garcia-Moreno J & Fjeldsa J. 1999. "Evaluation ofspecies limits in the genus Atalapetes based on the mtDNA sequencedata." Ibis141:199-207.
    Is the best current treatment I am aware of.
    The current species listing I show (2001.01.12) undoubtedly isincorrect. It is not fully faithful to the Garcia-Moreno/Fjeldsalisting order, though it uses some of their concepts. They treat agood number, but far from all theAtalpetes species.
    Further changes are certain.

    Stercorarius antarcticusSpelling

    Moving this species intoStercorarius necessitateschanging the specific epithet toantarcticus, forgender agreement.
    Normand David tells meskua remains unchanged as it is anoun.

    Chlidonias albostriatusSystematics

    Sometimes place inSterna, for example byHandbookof Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds, Oxford UniversityPress.
    Thanks to Normand David for bringing this to my attention.


    The type by original designation isParra africana Gmelin.

    Nytyornis athertoni1828

    Peters Checklist5:239 has the date as 1830. The Richmond index gives Nov.of 1828, which fits more with collation of other taxa from thiswork.

    Oxyura australis1837

    Listed by Peters Checklist1:504 as 1836; HBW1:628 (Carles Carboneras)perpetuates this error.

    This portion of PZS (part IV, no. XLV) was published on Jan 16,1837 (Richmond Index, and PZS 1937 vol. 107 pt.1 April for alisting of dates of publication of the parts and numbers.)

    Laniarius aethiopicus1789


    An apparently complex situation here:

    Peters Checklist3:179 gives the citation as:
    'Anodorhynchus Spix, Av.Bras.,1, 1824,472 [i.e. 24 bis], pl.11."

    The footnote reads:
    '2 See Hellmayer, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2,22, 1906, p.576.'
    (not seen APP 2001.03.04)

    The card in the Richmond index reads:
    'Anodorynchus AVIUM SPECIES NOVAE, I, (2nd edition ofvol.1), 1838, p."47" '
    Then there is a note stating: 'additional to p.47 of theoriginal edition! ?'

    The note goes on to say:
    'Diagnosis here given of genus + species. Omitted in
    orig. ed., where name only occurs.
    The extra p.47 probably occurs insome copies of theorig.
    printing, as Sherborn writes me that it is in the copy
    consulted by him.'

    Several questions arrise:

    Siphonorhis americanaSpelling

    Normand David writes (2001.03.10):
    Cyclarhis Swainson, 1824, andSiphonorhis Sclater,1861, were formed from the feminine Greek nounris [nose],but with the latinizedrh spelling (ICZN 1985, Appendix B).Both names do not end in a truly transliterated Greek word asPtiloris andStachyris do. They are latinized Greekwords with a changed ending that, contrary to-us,-a, or-um , is not indicative of a particular gender,and in which case should be treated as words of common gender (ICZN1999, Arts. 30.1.3, wasestablished in combination withamericanus, it must betreated as masculine.

  • Normand David subsequently writes (2002.04.01) thatSiphonorhis is feminine.


    Abroscopus albogularisAuthor

    Peters Checklist (George Watson)11:264 gives the author as Hodgson; Ifollow the Richmond Index here.

    Coracias abyssinicusSpelling

    Often speltCoracias abyssinica,however as noted in HBW6:371-2,Coracias is masculine.

    Chersomanes albofasciataCitation....; 2008.08.09
    Saucerottia alfaroanaConcept

    Treated by most authors as a subspecies ofAmaziliacyanifrons. See Weller A-A. 2001. BBOC 121(2):98-107.

    Montifringilla adamsi1859
    Euryostomus azurea1861
    Moho apicalisDate
    Penelopides affinisConcept
    AgelaioidesNomenclaturePreviously the genus was:
    OreopsarSclater,WL 1939Ibis p.144
    Cinclosoma ajaxDate
    StreptocittaalbertinaeCitationThanks to Colin Jones for picking up this error.
    Oenanthe albonigraSpelling
    Comments&Suggestionsto Data Steward
    Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
    POB 1999
    Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999

    Last updated 2021.07.24
