Symbols ×
date The format is either YYYY-MM-DD or YY-MM-DD. [ ] Following the name of the champion(s): Indicates the number of times the wrestler has held that title at that point. [...] Indicates a gap in the listing where title changes are not known. * If usednext to the names of the wrestlers , they may, in fact, not have held the title in the period indicated. If usednext to the dates or places , either they are possibly wrong or the title changes are fictitious. < Title was held or changed hands no later than this. In these cases, it is known that a wrestler held the title at a certain time but not when he/she won it. + Broadcast date; the actual recording date is unknown. @ Order uncertain. Different titleholders may be known for the same year, for example, but it is not known who held the title before whom. # Unofficial or disputable claims. These are usually matches that certainly took place, but where there is doubt that the wrestler shown should be recognized as a true title holder. These listings are alsoitalicized in HTML files
Country Codes ×
Code Country AFG Afghanistan ALB Albania ALG Algeria AND Andorra ANG Angola ANT Antigua and Barbuda ARG Argentina ARM Armenia ARU Aruba ASA American Samoa AUS Australia AUT Austria AZE Azerbaijan BAH Bahamas BAN Bangladesh BAR Barbados BDI Burundi BEL Belgium BEN Benin BER Bermuda BHU Bhutan BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BIZ Belize BLR Belarus BOL Bolivia BOT Botswana BRA Brazil BRN Bahrain BRU Brunei BUL Bulgaria BUR Burkina Faso CAF Central African Republic CAM Cambodia CAN Canada CAY Cayman Islands CGO Republic of the Congo CHA Chad CHI Chile CHN China CIV Ivory Coast CMR Cameroon COD Democratic Republic of the Congo COK Cook Islands COL Colombia COM Comoros CPV Cape Verde CRC Costa Rica CRO Croatia CUB Cuba CYP Cyprus CZE Czech Republic DEN Denmark DJI Djibouti DMA Dominica DOM Dominican Republic ECU Ecuador EGY Egypt ERI Eritrea ESA El Salvador ESP Spain EST Estonia ETH Ethiopia FIJ Fiji FIN Finland FRA France FSM Federated States of Micronesia GAB Gabon GAM The Gambia GBR Great Britain GBS Guinea-Bissau GEO Georgia GEQ Equatorial Guinea GER Germany GGY Guernsey GHA Ghana GRE Greece GRN Grenada GUA Guatemala GUI Guinea GUM Guam GUY Guyana HAI Haiti HKG Hong Kong, China HON Honduras HUN Hungary INA Indonesia IND India IRI Iran IRL Ireland IRQ Iraq ISL Iceland ISR Israel ISV Virgin Islands ITA Italy IVB British Virgin Islands JAM Jamaica JOR Jordan JPN Japan KAZ Kazakhstan KEN Kenya KGZ Kyrgyzstan KIR Kiribati KOR Korea, South KOS Kosovo KSA Saudi Arabia KUW Kuwait LAO Laos LAT Latvia LBA Libya LBN Lebanon LBR Liberia LCA Saint Lucia LES Lesotho LIE Liechtenstein LTU Lithuania LUX Luxembourg MAD Madagascar MAR Morocco MAS Malaysia MAW Malawi MDA Moldova MDV Maldives MEX Mexico MGL Mongolia MHL Marshall Islands MKD North Macedonia MLI Mali MLT Malta MNE Montenegro MON Monaco MOZ Mozambique MRI Mauritius MTN Mauritania MYA Myanmar NAM Namibia NCA Nicaragua NED Netherlands NEP Nepal NGR Nigeria NIG Niger NOR Norway NRU Nauru NZL New Zealand OMA Oman PAK Pakistan PAN Panama PAR Paraguay PER Peru PHI Philippines PLE Palestine PLW Palau PNG Papua New Guinea POL Poland POR Portugal PRK Korea, North (DPR of Korea) PUR Puerto Rico QAT Qatar ROU Romania RSA South Africa RUS Russia RWA Rwanda SAM Samoa SEN Senegal SEY Seychelles SGP Singapore SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis SLE Sierra Leone SLO Slovenia SMR San Marino SOL Solomon Islands SOM Somalia SRB Serbia SRI Sri Lanka SSD South Sudan STP São Tomé and Príncipe SUD Sudan SUI Switzerland SUR Suriname SVK Slovakia SWE Sweden SWZ Swaziland SYR Syria TAN Tanzania TGA Tonga THA Thailand TJK Tajikistan TKM Turkmenistan TLS East Timor TOG Togo TPE Taiwan (Republic of China) TTO Trinidad and Tobago TUN Tunisia TUR Turkey TUV Tuvalu UAE United Arab Emirates UGA Uganda UKR Ukraine URU Uruguay USA United States UZB Uzbekistan VAN Vanuatu VEN Venezuela VIE Vietnam VIN Saint Vincent and the Grenadines YEM Yemen ZAM Zambia ZIM Zimbabwe
[日本語 ]
WWE Tag Team Title ( 2002-10 ~ 2016-09 ) RAW Tag Team Title ( 2016-09 ~ 2024-04 ) World Tag Team Title [WWE] ( 2024-04 ~ )
Tag Team Title(as of 2025-03-03)
KurtAngle &ChrisBenoit 2002-10-20 Little Rock, AR Defeat Edge & ReyMysterio in a tournament final to become the first champions. ReyMysterio Jr. &Edge 2002-11-05 Manchester, NH EddieGuerrero & ChavoGuerrero Jr.2002-11-17 New York, NY Win a 3-way match against Mysterio & Edge and KurtAngle & ChrisBenoit . SheltonBenjamin & CharlieHaas 2003-02-24 Philadelphia, PA EddieGuerrero & Tajiri2003-05-18 Charlotte, NC SheltonBenjamin & CharlieHaas [2] 2003-07-01 Rochester, NY EddieGuerrero & ChavoGuerrero Jr. [2]2003-09-16 Raleigh, NC DougBasham & DanBasham 2003-10-21 Albany, NY Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty 2004-02-03 Cleveland, OH Rico & CharlieHaas 2004-04-20 Kelowna, BC, CAN Dudley Boys: Buh-Buh Ray & D-Von 2004-06-15 Chicago, IL BillyKidman & PaulLondon 2004-07-06 Winnipeg, MB KenzōSuzuki & RenéDuprée 2004-09-07 Tulsa, OK RobVan Dam &ReyMysterio Jr. 2004-12-07 Greenville, SC DougBasham & DanBasham [2] 2005-01-11 Tampa, FL Defeat Van Dam & Mysterio, EddieGuerrero & Booker T., and LutherReigns & MarkJindrak in a 4-way match. EddieGuerrero &ReyMysterio Jr. 2005-02-20 Pittsburgh, PA MNM: Joey Mercury (JoeyMatthews ) &JohnnyNitro 2005-04-18 New York, NY Road Warrior Animal & JohnHeidenreich 2005-07-24 Buffalo, NY MNM [2] 2005-10-25 San Francisco, CA Batista &ReyMysterio Jr. 2005-12-13 Springfield, MA MNM [3] 2005-12-27 Uncasville, CT PaulLondon & BrianKendrick 2006-05-21 Phoenix, AZ Deuce & Domino 2007-04-17 Milan, ITA Montel VontaviousPorter &MattHardy 2007-08-28 Albany, NY JohnMorrison &The Miz (MikeMizanin ) 2007-11-13 Wichita, KS CurtHawkins & ZackRyder (MattCardona ) 2008-07-20 Uniondale, NY Defeat Morrison & Miz, Jesse & Festus, and Finlay & Hornswoggle in a 4-way match. Carlito (CarlyColón ) & Primo (EddieColón ) 2008-09-21 Columbus, OH Also defeatWorld (RAW) Tag Team champions JohnMorrison & The Miz on 09-04-05 in Houston, TX to become the unified champions. Edge &ChrisJericho 2009-06-28 Sacramento, CA Defeat Carlito & Primo and TedDiBiase Jr. & CodyRhodes in a 3-way match to win both titles. ChrisJericho & The Big Show2009-07-26 Jericho chooses Show as new partner when Edge is injured to win both titles. D-Generation X:Triple H &ShawnMichaels 2009-12-13 San Antonio, TX Win both titles. The Miz & The Big Show2010-02-09 Lafayette, LA Defeat 3-way match against D-Generation X and Straight Edge Society: C.M. Punk & LukeGallows to win both titles. Hart Dynasty: David HartSmith (HarySmith ) & TysonKidd (T.J.Wilson ) 2010-04-26 Richmond, VA Two titles are officially unified and become WWE Title on 10-08-16. CodyRhodes & DrewMcIntyre 2010-09-19 Rosemont, IL Defeat the Hart Dynasty, JimmyUso & JeyUso , SantinoMarella & VladimirKozlov , and EvanBourne & MarkHenry in a "Tag Team Turmoil". Nexus: DavidOtunga &JohnCena 2010-10-24 Minneapolis, MN Nexus: HeathSlater & JustinGabriel 2010-10-25 Green Bay, WI Nexus leader WadeBarrett orders Otunga to lie down for the opponent team. SantinoMarella & VladmirKozlov 2010-12-06 Louisville, KY Defeat the Nexus, MarkHenry & Yoshi Tatsu, and JimmyUso & JeyUso in a 4-way match. Corre: HeathSlater & JustinGabriel [2] 2011-02-20 Oakland, CA JohnCena &The Miz 2011-02-21 Fresno, CA Corre: HeathSlater & JustinGabriel [3] 2011-02-21 Fresno, CA Invoke the rematch clause immediately after the match and regain the title. Big Show &Kane 2011-04-19 London, ENG, GBR Nexus: DavidOtunga & MichaelMcGillicutty (JoeHennig ) 2011-05-23 Portland, OR Air Boom: EvanBourne & KofiKingston 2011-08-22 Edmonton, AB, CAN Primo & Epico (OrlandoColón ) 2012-01-15 Oakland, CA KofiKingston & R-Truth 2012-04-30 Dayton, OH Team Hell No:DanielBryan (BryanDanielson ) &Kane 2012-09-16 Boston, MA Shield: RomanReigns (JoeAnoa'i ) & SethRollins (TylerBlack ) 2013-05-19 St. Louis, MO Goldust & CodyRhodes 2013-10-14 St. Louis, MO New Age Outlaws: BillyGunn & JesseJames 2014-01-26 Pittsburgh, PA JimmyUso & JeyUso 2014-03-03 Chicago, IL Goldust & Stardust (CodyRhodes ) [2] 2014-09-21 Nashville, TN The Miz & DamienMizdow (DamienSandow ) 2014-11-23 St. Louis, MO Defeat Goldust & Stardust, JimmyUso & JeyUso , and Los Matadores: Diego & Fernando in a 4-way match. JimmyUso & JeyUso [2] 2014-12-29 Washington, DC Cesaro (ClaudioCastagnoli ) & TysonKidd (T.J.Wilson ) 2015-02-22 Memphis, TN New Day: Big E. (Langston) & KofiKingston & XavierWoods 2015-04-26 Chicago, IL Won by Big E. & Kingston. Prime Time Players: TitusO'Neil & DarrenYoung 2015-06-14 Columbus, OH Defeat Big E. & Woods. New Day [2] 2015-08-23 Brooklyn, NY Big E. & KofiKingston defeat Prime Time Players, Los Matadores: Diego & Fernando, and Lucha Dragons: Kalisto & Sin Cara in 4-way match; referred to as WWE RAW Title after 16-09. Cesaro & Sheamus 2016-12-18 Pittsburgh, PA KarlAnderson & LukeGallows 2017-01-29 San Antonio, TX Hardy Boyz : MattHardy & JeffHardy 2017-04-02 Orlando, FL Defeaet Anderson & Gallows, Big Cass & EnzoAmore , and Cesaro & Sheamus in 4-way elimination match. Cesaro & Sheamus [2] 2017-06-04 Baltimore, MD DeanAmbrose (JonMoxley ) & SethRollins (TylerBlack ) 2017-08-20 Brooklyn, NY Cesaro & Sheamus [3] 2017-11-06 Manchester, ENG, GBR SethRollins & JasonJordan 2017-12-25 Chicago, IL Cesaro & Sheamus [4] 2018-01-28 Philadelphia, PA BraunStrowman & Nicholas 2018-04-08 New Orleans, LA Strowman picks Nicholas, a 10 years old boy, from the audience as his tag team partner; vacate no 18-04-09 due to the "schedule conflict" of Nicholas as an elementary school student. Deleters of Worlds: MattHardy & BrayWyatt 2018-04-26 Jeddah, KSA Defeat Cesaro & Sheamus. B-Team: CurtisAxel (JoeHennig ) & BoDallas (TaylorRotunda ) 2018-07-15 Pittsburgh, PA DolphZiggler (NicNemeth ) &DrewMcIntyre (DrewGalloway ) 2018-09-03 Columbus, OH Shield: DeanAmbrose & SethRollins [2] 2018-10-22 Providence, RI Ambrose attacks Rollins right after the match. Authors of Pain: Akam (SunnyDhinsa ) & Rezar (GzimSelmani ) 2018-11-05 Manchester, ENG, GBR Defeat Rollins in a handicap match. BobbyRoode & ChadGable 2018-12-10 San Diego, CA Defeat Authors of Pain: Akam & Rezar & DrakeMaverick in a handicap match. Revival: DashWilder & ScottDawson 2019-02-11 Grand Rapids, MI CurtHawkins & ZackRyder [2] 2019-04-07 E. Rutherford, NJ Revival [2] 2019-06-10 San Jose, CA Defeat Hawkins & Ryder and JeyUso & JimmyUso in a 3-way match. OC: KarlAnderson & LukeGallows [2] 2019-07-29 N. Little Rock, AR Defeat The Revival and JeyUso & JimmyUso in a 3-way match. SethRollins & BraunStrowman 2019-08-19 St. Paul, MN DolphZiggler & RobertRoode 2019-09-15 Charlotte, NC Viking Raiders: Ivar (Hanson) & Eric (Rowe) 2019-10-14 Denver, CO SethRollins & BuddyMurphy (MattSilva ) 2020-01-20 Wichita, KS Street Profits: AngeloDawkins & MontezFord 2020-03-02 Brooklyn, NY New Day: KofiKingston & XavierWoods [3] 2020-10-12 Smackdown champions , drafted to RAW and officially swap the titles with RAW champions Street Profits who are drafted to Smackdown.Hurt Business: CedricAlexander & SheltonBenjamin 2020-12-20 St. Petersburg, FL New Day: KofiKingston & XavierWoods [4] 2021-03-15 St. Petersburg, FL A.J.Styles & Omos2021-04-10 Tampa, FL RK-Bro:RandyOrton & Riddle (MattRiddle ) 2021-08-21 Las Vegas, NV Alpha Academy:ChadGable & Otis 2022-01-10 Philadelphia, PA RK-Bro [2] 2022-03-07 Cleveland, OH Defeat Alpha Academy and SethRollins & KevinOwens in a 3-way match. JimmyUso & JeyUso [3] 2022-05-20 Grand Rapids, MI Smackdown champions , win the unification match.KevinOwens (KevinSteen ) & SamiZayn (El Generico) 2023-04-01 Inglewood, CA Judgment Day: DamianPriest (PunisherMartinez ) & FinnBálor (PrinceDevitt ) 2023-09-02 Pittsburgh, PA CodyRhodes & JeyUso 2023-10-07 Indianapolis, IN Judgment Day: DamianPriest & FinnBálor [2] 2023-10-16 Oklahoma City, OK Awesome Truth: The Miz & R-Truth 2024-04-06 Philadelphia, PA Win the title in the 6-team ladder match against the Judgment Day, A-Town Down Under: Austin Theory & Grayson Waller, #DIY: JohnnyGargano &TommasoCiampa , The New Day: KofiKingston & XavierWoods , and New Catch Republic: PeteDunne & TylerBate ; A-Town Down Under win theSmackdown Title ; renamed World Title on 24-04-15. Judgment Day: FinnBálor & J.D.McDonagh (JordanDevlin ) 2024-06-24 Indianapolis, IN War Raiders: Ivar & Eric [2] 2024-12-16 Boston, MA