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UK:**UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈsɒftwɛər/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈsɔftˌwɛr, ˈsɑft-/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(sôftwâr′, soft-)

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2025
soft•ware /ˈsɔftˌwɛr, ˈsɑft-/USA pronunciation  n. [uncountable* used with a singular verb]
  1. Computing
    • Computingprograms for directing a computer or processing electronic data (distinguished fromhardware).
  2. Radio and Televisionany material requiring the use of equipment, esp. audiovisual material such as film, tapes, or records.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025
soft•ware (sôftwâr′, soft-),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Computingthe programs used to direct the operation of a computer, as well as documentation giving instructions on how to use them. Cf. hardware (def. 5).
  2. Radio and Televisionanything that is not hardware but is used with hardware, esp. audiovisual materials, as film, tapes, records, etc.:a studio fully equipped but lacking software.
  3. Show Business[Television Slang.]prepackaged materials, as movies or reruns, used to fill out the major part of a station's program schedule.
  • soft +ware1 1955–60

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
  1. the programs that can be used with a particular computer system
'software' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):
Collocations:[architecture, accounting, gaming, video-editing, antivirus] software, software for [architecture], free software (for), more...

Forum discussions with the word(s) "software" in the title:

... my knowledge in handling computer software
a computer program <vs> a piece of software
a dedicated email software program
A defect is raised (in/on/against/towards?) the software application
a herculean task to code <up> custom mapping software
A mobile phone with the latest software
a primer on the architecture [software]
a separate unit of software
a software and a transportation problems.
a software called/named/- SPSS
A software for PC for kids
acquistion software
adjective in phrase - internal software error
America’s non-residential private sector spent more on computers, software and...
Animal testing / software testing
Another/Other software is used
Anti-virus software programme
any other social software
application (software)
Application for the position of a/the/(-) Software Engineer
application of a software to understand/understanding interactions.
Are software programs (Excel etc.) countable or uncountable?
As a software engineer, I make a living by my laptop
As is often the case with software in general.
availability of software
"business software application"
By contrast, American software .... [By contrast?]
calculating pressure by using/using the software X
calibrated with the software
Can a mobile app be called a software?

Look up "software" at Merriam-Webster
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