Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Lesson plans and teaching resources
For introductory, background and other resources, try Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age . For links to other plays, try the Shakespeare Main Page. |
Teacher Guide to The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
How might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? Check the resources here. Includes essential questions, plot diagram, character maps, Aristotelian elements of the tragic hero, motifs and images, conflict analysis, more. Note: Storyboard That helps sponsor this site.
60-Second Shakespeare
On this page, a summary of the play in tabloid style from the BBC. Follow links to learn how your students can produce something similar.
CliffsNotes Macbeth video
The play in a 7-minute cartoon updated for contemporary audiences. Includes introduction of major themes. A great pre-reading activity!
English Class in Performance
If you want your students to get up and perform Shakespeare, here are some abridged scripts: The Merchant of Venice , A Midsummer Night's Dream , Macbeth , Romeo and Juliet , and The Tempest .
Enjoying Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Very extensive background, commentary, and analysis: enough gruesome trivia to keep a class fascinated.
Theme: Lust for Power Can Lead to Loss of Humanity. Summary, theme openers, cross curricular activities, research assignments from McDougal Littel.
Plot summary, themes, discussion of witchcraft, essay topics, more.
A variety of post-reading activities, organized by level of difficulty.
A variety of post-reading activities. Some projects address multiple intelligences.
Reading strategies, including an anticipation guide, a biopoem, and vocabulary crossword puzzles.
| Macbeth plans, p. 1| | Macbeth plans, p. 2 | | Macbeth plans, p. 3 |