


Wayne Messmer & Associates, LLCWayne Messmer & Associates, LLC

Providing Trusted Financial Guidance
Throughout Chicagoland

As an independent firm, Wayne Messmer & Associates enjoys the freedom and flexibility to work with our clients’ individual needs and to identify their unique journey to and in retirement.

Plans Unique to You
We believe not all investments, nor one financial plan is the same or right for everyone.

Financial Team
When you become a client, you will not work with a financial advisor, but a financial TEAM.

Financial Roadmap
We review our clients’ financial goals using their financial roadmap to monitor their progress because “if you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?“

The WMA Advisors

Wayne Messmer & Associates was founded in 1995 upon the principle of using a team approach.

Wayne Messmer, Co-Founder of Wayne Messmer and Associates
Read More About Wayne


Wayne P. Messmer

James Geake, Co-Founder of Wayne Messmer and Associates
Read More About Jim


James A. Geake

Ken Loebel, Associate at Wayne Messmer and Associates
Read More About Ken


Kenneth D. Loebel

Our Philosophy

Our aim is to build trusting relationships with our clients to effectively and efficiently identify, strategize, and achieve their lifetime financial goals.

world map with major cities highlighted by circles
3 professionals in a meeting discussing a report of some sort

Why We Think It’s Important To Have A Financial Advisor

4 professionals in a meeting

What Investing Means To Us

person writing notes on a chart

What Makes Us Different

WMA Services

We believe in providing a simple and straightforward approach to financial planning. We find quality financial tools to help grow our clients’ assets and combine them with world-class personal service.

a person looking over report with multiple charts and graphs
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Adaptively Managed Portfolio

We believe the world around us are changing too fast for the “buy and hold“ philosophy and take a different approach to managing your retirement dollars.


5 professionals at conference table discussing reports
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Principal protection has and will always be the primary goal at Wayne Messmer & Associates. This asset class has helped some of our more risk-averse clients limit the downside returns of the market while still participating in the upside.


3 professionals standing in background talking with reports, pens, and laptop at the table
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Life Insurance

Life insurance does not need to be a part of everyone’s estate plan but it can be useful. Furthermore, if you have an older policy, it may be a good time to get it reviewed to use the cash values to reduce payments or stop them altogether.


