Rodney Waschka II (composer, performer, filmmaker, poet, visual artist) is perhaps best known for his music made with compositional algorithms and his theatrical pieces including three unusual one-act operas. Internationally recognized for his work in computer music, Waschka also performs as a narrator / vocalist / actor — often with electronic music. His works are regularly presented across the world and recorded by labels in the USA, England, Portugal, Canada, Poland, and Australia. Waschka welcomes commissions and other opportunities.
Astonishing Paris Transatlantic Magazine
A milestone in the repertoire Computer Music Journal
Cooler than cool Tim Perkis
Profound composition Computer Music Journal
Strikingly charismatic Paris Transatlantic Magazine
Great sophistication Computer Music Journal
Fluent and entertaining MusicalOpinion, London
Sit back and enjoy Saxophone Journal
Unparalleled! ComputerMusic Journal
Thoroughlyenjoyable TheDispatch, South Africa
Somethingnew Fanfare
Will make you put down your knitting and pay attention CVNC
Oddly moving Journal Seamus
Elegant Steve Benner
A unique voice 21st-Century Music
Often has a humorous twist Vital Weekly
The recordings on this page are an excerpt from the latest of Waschka's four string quartets, String Quartet No. 4, Mvt. 1 in a live performance by the Aizuri Quartet and an excerpt from the "tape" pieceLa Verdad(The Truth). La Verdad was made by manipulating a single, less-than-one-second sound -- the composer's voice saying "digame" (Spanish for "tell me"). No other source sounds were employed in the piece, except for the final sound of the piece -- not heard in this excerpt. The string quartet is a type of computer music -- it was composed with the help of a computer program designed and coded by the composer.