In addition to the classic “Web of documents” W3C is helping to build a technology stack to support a “Web of data,” the sort of data you find in databases. The ultimate goal of the Web of data is to enable computers to do more useful work and to develop systems that can support trusted interactions over the network. The term “Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of the Web of linked data. Semantic Web technologies enable people to create data stores on the Web, build vocabularies, and write rules for handling data. Linked data are empowered by technologies such asRDF,SPARQL,JSON-LD,OWL,SHACL andSKOS.
The goal of this wiki is to provide a “first stop” for more information on Semantic Web technologies, in particular onSemantic Web Standards published by the W3C. It does not aim to give a complete set on information on Semantic Web related events, conferences, ontologies or community efforts. There are already a number of sites maintained by the community that users can refer to (see some below).
Learn Books,Presentations,FAQ | Usage Examples Look at what others have done |
Main areas of SW Linked Data,Vocabularies,Queries,Inference,Vertical Applications | Develop Consult the list of availabledevelopment tools |
The Standards RDF,OWL,SPARQL,RDFa,JSON-LD,SKOS,RDFS, | Official publications W3C SW Publications |
Contribute to this Wiki E.g., addbooks,information on tools (ask for aW3C account to edit this wiki) | Participate Participate in Groups, mailing lists… |
This is certainly not the only wiki or general information site on Semantic Web. Here are some additional ones that might be of interest: