Grammar of the Novegradian Language
Граматика Лизика Новеградескаево

The most current version of the Novegradian grammar is available as a pdf e-book here:
Otherwise, the entire text of the grammar may be browsed online.
Online Index of Topics
1.Background - Introduction, Relationships, History
2.Phonology - Vowels, Consonants, Allophony, Constraints, Stress
3.Writing - Alphabet, Spelling Rules, Foreign Loans
4.Verbal Morphology - Tenses, Aspects, Conjugation, Participles, Adverbials
5.Nominal Morphology - Gender, Cases, Declensions, Topicalization
6.Adjectival Morphology - Short Form Adjectives, Topicalized Adjectives, Comparatives, Superlatives
7.Numerals - Cardinals, Ordinals, Animacy
8.Pronouns - Personal pronouns, Declension, Possessives, Interrogatives, Correlatives
9.Names - Family names, Patronymics
10.Derivational Morphology - Nominalization, Adjectivalization, Verbalization, Adverbialization, Loaning
11.Verbal Syntax - The Use of the Verb
12.Nominal Syntax - The Use of the Noun
13.Adjectival and Adverbial Syntax - The Use of the Adjective, Numbers, The Use of the Adverb
14.Topicalization - Topic Reference, Topic Change, Examples
15.Pronominal Syntax - The Use of the Pronoun
16.Prepositions - Use, Form, Case Governance
17.Clauses and Conjunctions - Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, Reduplication
18.Questions - Interrogative Syntax, Echo Questions, Element Extraction
19.Reported Speech - Statements, Commands, Requests, Questions
20.Discourse Markers - Affirmation, Correction, Mood, Deixis
21.Emphasis and Word Order - Emphatic Particles, Word Order, Interaction with Topicalization
22.Spoken Novegradian - Reduction, Colloquial Language, New Formations
23.Dialects - Regional Varieties, Sound Correspondences, Foreign Influences
24.Historical Phonology and Morphology - Sound Changes, Grammar Changes
25.Appendices - Colors, Time and Date, Kinship, Punctuation, Common Slavic Morphology