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a b ch d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u y z
chab n.ashes; fireplace; hearth.chab a mo er ngii a le medul a idungel, chebul a idungel.Cf.chebechab,mechab,mengab. chebmam n.poss.1pe. chebmiu n.poss.2p. chebrir n.poss.3p. chebud n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) ashes; fireplace; hearth. chebuk n.poss.1s. chebul n.poss.3s.chebul a chab er ngii el idungel. chabarer (Jap.)get angry, get violent. chabura bang seechaburabang.(Jap.) chabura sasi seechaburasasi.(Jap.) chaburabang n.(Jap.)fried bean paste bun. [syn:chabura bang] chaburasasi n.(Jap.)oil can (with long spout). [syn:chabura sasi] chach interj.Oh! (exclamation of surprise).chach a kibetiekl, cheii ng kau! ochoi! chioi! chach ke mlei! chachabl v.recip.(mother and child) walk together, with child carried under mother's arm.chachabl a kakuoku; di du el mengabl; choblii, chuabl, chachabl er a rengelekir, chachabl el ochad, cheblel. chachalb chachalb a di du el mengalb; chualb a mengchongch, cholbii a keai. chacham v.recip.break (each other's limbs).chacham a di du el mengam, chomur, chuam, chacham a sengsongd, chemul a sengsongd,. chachas v.recip.put soot on each other (as a joke).chachas a didu el mengas; chachas a mederir, chemas, chesil, mengas el olab a Chas. chachat₁ v.recip.praise each other. chachat₂ chachat a di du el mengat; chotur, chemat, chachat a ngikel, chetul. chachau v.s.redup.(nuts) stunted/empty.chachau a diak a techel, chachau el lius; chachau el buuch, chachongel. chachebangel face to face.chachebangel a di du el mengebangel; chachuchau e dengchokl, chobengelii a bechil, chobangel, chebengelel. chachebechub v.recip.pity each other; whine or whimper together (without tears).chachebechub a mengebechub, didu el mekngit a rengrir, lmangel el mengebechub. chachebechub a di du el mengebechub,chubur a chuodel, chuub a chelebuul. chacheblabl each other to walk.chacheblabl a di du el mengeblabl, chobleblii a mechitechut e orrael er ngii; mla choblabl a kloleklir; chebleblel. chacheblad v.recip.deceive or cheat each other.chacheblad a kabulak, di du el mengeblad, chobeldir, choblad a udoud, chacheblad er a delongelir. chachebtanget v.recip.walk, sit, etc. alongside each other.chachebtanget a di du el mengebtanget; mo bereked, chobtengetii a soal, chobtanget, chebtengetel. chachebtangt seechachebtanget. chachechei v.recip.envy each other.chachechei a di du el mechechei, chetil a lungil a tang; didu el di chetirir a ta er tir a bo el ungil; chelechil. chachedecheduch with each other.chachedecheduch a di du el mengedecheduch, katekoi el kirel a chutem, chudecheduch, kachedecheduch. chacheduib₁ v.recip.seduce each other by flattery.chacheduib a di du el mengeduib, chodibii, choduib a itabori, betok el chad el mengeduib; chedibel. chacheduib₂ seemengeduib.chacheduib a kangingai a ngar a uldesuir; mengeduib er a sechelil me ngii a dirrek el mengeduib; chedibel. chacheed v.recip.push each other.chacheed a di du el mengeed a mlirir, chemedii a mlil, chemeed a klauchad el mo ungil, chedel. chacheedbechedel chacheedbechedel a tereklel a cheldebechel el mo chad me ngii me a chad me ngii, di ngii el chedal. chachelaod v.recip.console each other.chachelaod a di du el mengelaod; chachelaod a klengit el reng, chelodel, mengelaod a reng. chachelebed seekachelebed.chachelebed a di du el mengelebed, cholebedii a ngelekel, cholebed a reng, chelebedel; kakoad el chachelebed. chachelechel₁ v.recip.remind each other.chachelechel a kauklatk; di du el mengelechel, cholechelii, lak douchais, cholechel, lak dobes. chachelechel₂ chachelechel a dmak me ng ungil a rengrir, te chachelechel er a rael, chachelechel el ngar a ungil klebesei. chachelechel₃ v.recip.ask each other to keep a secret. chachelim₁ v.recip.accompany each other. chachelim₂ v.recip.accompany each other; be companions (with each other).chachelim a kachelim, di du el mengelim, cholmengii a medakd, cholim a chelebuul, olengeseu el modiak a dakd me a klengit el reng, chelmengel. chachelooch v.recip.masturbate each other.chachelooch a di du el mengelooch. di menga a ongraol ma lechub e te kuk di menga a odoim, dibus a kirel el ngar er ngii. chacheluch v.recip.cajole each other.chacheluch a di du el mengeluch, kaiuengit el keruul a sorir, chulechur a soal, chemeluch a udoud. chachelulau seekakelulau. chacheluut v.recip.slap each other.chacheluut a di du el mengeluut, melai a ungil el eolt, melai a cheluut. chachem v.recip.flip each other (in wrestling; using leg as lever).chachem a di du el mengemcham a kerrekar el olab a ongem, chuem, betok el chad el mengem. chachemekl v.recip.throw/trip each other by putting lever between each other's legs.chachemekl a kabdebid el kirel a chutem; didu el mengemekl, di du el omid, chomeklii, chomekl a rengrir, diak a omoket, chemeklel. chachemochem v.recip.urinate on each other.chachemochem a didu el mengemochem, chemechemel. chachemull v.recip.seemengemull.chachemull a kausau; di du el mengemull, ousau, sechal me a dil a chachemull. chacherakl with each other in a work party.chacherakl a betok el dmak el meruul a urrerir, mengerakl a sers; cherrakl, choreklii, chorakl a mvesei. chacherchur v.recip.laugh together. chacherechur chacherechur a kaocherechur, kaoderuakl, di du el ocherechur, chur, cheril. chacheremrum₁ v.recip.grumble about each other. chacheremrum₂ v.recip.grumble about each other.chacheremrum a kedaes; didu el mengeremrum, churemeremengii, churemrum a chelesang, chermermengel. chacherirs v.recip.(spouses) be jealous/over possesive about each other.chacherirs a chachechei; di du el mengerirs, cherresel a chebechiil; cherrirs, cherresir er a ungil el sechal; kakreos er a ekebil. chacheritem v.recip.put sticky substance on each other.chacheritem a chachesechusem; di du el mengeritem, chirtemii, chiritem, chacheritem er a chutem; chertemel. chacherodech v.recip.make noise or complain about (something) together; argue with each other noisily; (birds, bats, etc.) make clamor (over food, etc.).chacherodech a ngemuu; didu el mengerodech, chordechii a mesei, chorodech a chutem, cherdechel.
chacheroid v.recip.far from each other.chacheroid a kakengesakl; di du el cheroid, choridii, choroid, cherroid, cherridel. klechacheroid separation. chachesang v.recip.make each other busy; occupy each other.chachesang a di du el mengesang, chosengur er a ngalek, chosang a urreor er a cheldecheduch; chesengul; chachiseksikd. chachesbad v.recip.slap each other in the face.chachesbad a didu el mengesbad, chachelebed, chosbedengii a medal; chosbad a medal, kebar, chacheleb a mederir. chachesbereber chachesbereber a kakerous el mengesbereber, chosbereberii a mlil; chosbereber a blai, chesberberel. chachesbreber v.recip.put paint on each other. chacheseches v.recip.lock each other in.chacheseches a chachesimer; di du el mengeseches, chosechesii a mlil, choseches, chesechesel a blai. chachesechusem v.recip.smear food on each other.chachesechusem a di du el mengesechusem, chusechesemii, chusechusem, bechesechusem er a kall, chesechesemel. chacheseksikt v.recip.get each other involved. chachesemumk chachesemumk a kekerei el chachedecheduch; di du el mengesemumk, mengedecheduch el diak le klou a ngerir. chachesengsang to each other about trivial things.chachesengsang a chachesang. chachesimer v.recip.shut each other in (as a game).chachesimer a di du el mengesimer; chosmerii, chosimer, chachesimer a blirir, chesmerel. chachesols v.recip.sing chants together.chachesols a chachitakl; di du el mengesols, choselsii, chosols a cheselsir, cheselsel. chachesuar v.recip.slap each other in the face.chachesuar a chachelebed; di du el mengesuar; chosuerngak me ngak a chosuerngii; chosuerengii a kldmel, chosuar a medal. chachesuch₁ chachesuch a kakerous el mengesuch a chelderir el ngikel; chusuch a cheldil; chesechal a cheled. chachesuch₂ v.recip.string fish, etc. together.chachesuch a kesamborrau; di du el mengesuch; omais a blai; merael a delengchokl; chusuch a blai, chusechar a beluu, chesechaol. chachesuches v.recip.stick things into each other (as a game).chachesuches a di du el mengesuches; mellemakl a dellomel el diokang, chusechesii a delemelel; chesechesel a delomel. chachetakl v.recip.walking hand-in-hand; (boats, cars, etc.) connected by towling.chachetakl a kaiuereked chim; choteklii a sechelil, didu el chachetikaik el mo melim. chachetechat v.recip.wound each other.chachetechat a ketemall; di du el mengetechat; tomall a bedengir; chetechat a bedengeir; kedau a bedengir, chetechetil. chachetikaik v.recip.tempt each other; lead each other astray.chachetikaik a chachetakl. chachetiot v.recip.(children fishing together, etc.) break points of spear. chachetoem v.recip.smear each other.chachetoem a chachas; di du el mengetoem; chotemii, chotoem a mederir, chetemel, mengeritem. chacheuid v.recip.confuse each other; lose each other (in crowds, etc.).chacheuid a di du el mecheuid, mo diak le kaodengei, chouid a omerolir, cheludul. chachidabel v.recip.hang onto (something) together. chachidai chachidai a kaiuereked; di du el meringel mo kesaod; dmak e meringel el mesaod. chachidobel chachidobel a di du el mengidobel; choidebelii, choidobel a kerrekar, chidebelel a rachel er a mongkii. chachiil v.recip.wait for each other.chachiil a kaiuesingch; di du el mengiil; kachiil, choielii el mei, chemiil a mlai, chiielel. a rechad, kaiuesingch. chachiis v.recip.escape together. chachiklang chachiklang a kaiuetakchim er a chiukl; di du el mengiklang. chachilt v.recip.put oil on each other.chachilt a di du el mengilt; chiltii er a cheluch, chemilt a ngerir; bekerekard, chiltel. chachimer₁ together prying open (boxes, etc.) or lifting or moving (heavy objects); make each other fall (when wrestling) by tripping with the foot.chachimer a di du el mengimer; chimerii a bad, chuimer a chesimer, meruud a chesimer. chachimer₂ chachimer a di du el mengimer; kaiuedubech el olengit a udoud. chachimetemet v.recip.(crushed objects) lying together in a pile.chachimetenget a didu el mengimetemet, choimetemetii a babier, chachimetemet er a kerrasem. chachimkomk v.recip.cover each other (with blanket, etc.); sleep together covered.chachimkomk a kedekedek; di du el mengimkomk er tir er a bar. chachiroir v.recip.try to keep pace with each other.chachiroir a di du el mengiroir; kakoir; dmak el merael; chachiroir el merael, kachiroir. chachiseksikd chachiseksikd a chachesengsang; di du el mengiseksikd; chachidai, choiseksekdii, choiseksikd a tekoi, chiseksekdel. chachisemesem v.recip.embrace or hug each other.chachisemesem a kaiuechull; di du el mengisemesem; choisemesemii, choisemesem, chisemesemel. chachisngull seekachisngull.chachisngull a di du el mengisngull; choisngellii, chelisngull a medal, chisngeilel; bluks a ngerir. chachisois seekachisois.chachisois a kaiuetak; mengisois; choisois a babier, choisisii a blil, chisisel, kaiuetilech. chachiuaiu (all) asleep together.chachiuaiu a di du el mechiuaiu; kebedebad a rechad, rechad el di ulekedurs; cheliuel., kachiuaiu.
chachiud v.recip.twist (each other's arms).chachiud a mengitituokel; didu el mengiud, chachiudchim el kirel a chutem, chachiud a uldesuir el kirel a mesei. chachiuert v.recip.beat each other (with stick, club, etc.).chachiuert a chachelebed. chachoit v.recip.leave each other behind; divorce each other.chachoit a mo kesaod; di du el mengoit, choitii, chemoit, chachoit a chebechiil; chachoit a klalo, chitel. chachold v.recip.fart at each other.chachold a di du el mengold; choldii, chemold, chold, cheldel. chachosm v.recip.hit (each other's heads). chachub v.recip.give gifts to or bribe each other.chachub a kaiuedars; di du el mengub; chubur a klok, ngii a chuub a udoud, chebul a klaiuetoir. chachubel v.recip.spill (something) together.chachubel a di du el mengubel; chuubel a uasech; chubelii a ilaot, mengoit. chachuchau v.recip.facing each other.chachuchau a chachebangel; di du el kasoues; rubekel a chachebangel; kachebangel. chachuchet v.recip.chew on (sugarcane, etc.) together.chachuchet a di du el menguchet; betok el chad el menguchet a deb; chuchetii a ongchutel, chemuchet a deb; chechetel. chachuiu v.recip.look closely at each other; read (each other's) books.chachuiu a di du el menguiu, omes, chuieuii a smecher, chemuiu a babier, chiuel a smecher. chachusem v.recip.wipe (hands) onto (each other's clothing; etc.).chachusem a kakerous el mesuld; di du el mengusem; chuusem a ngerir, chusemii, chesemel a ngor. chachutem v.recip.put dirt on each other (as a game).chachutem a didu el mengachutem; locha dechudech, chutechetemii, chutechutem a mederir. chad₁; person; human being; living being; someone; somebody; anyone; anybody.chad a rokui el diak lulekoad el klaol; chad el dait; chad el babii; chad el ngikel; chad el lius. chad a sechal, dil, redil, ngalek, chad er a Belau, chad er a Merikel. chad v.s.alive; living. chad er a daob expression.person knowledgeable about the sea. chad er a government expression.government employee. chad er a moros expression.barbarian; cannibal. chad er a reng expression.considerate person. chedad n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) relative. chedak n.poss.1s. chedal n.poss.3s.his or her person or relative.chedal a kmeed er ngii el chad, kauchad, Calista a chedal a Toni. chedal a chelid expression.person having religion; believer. chedal a ochil expression.lap; upper thigh. chedam n.poss.2s.your (singular) relative. chedemam n.poss.1pe. chedemiu n.poss.2p. chedengang v.s.inch.becoming alive; reviving.chedengang a sobelang er a kodall mesisichang, dikea le mad. chederir n.poss.3p. mo chad expression.become alive; come to life.
chad₂ n.liver.chad a ta er a klekedellel a bedengel a chad, charm; chedengal a rrull. chedengal n.poss.3s.chedengal a chad; chedengal a babii, chedengal a rrull. chedengaol v.s.have a large liver.chedengaol a melaok a chedengal; chedengaol el rrull. chedengaol v.s.sick with jaundice.chedengaol a secher, rekdel a chad. chad₃ chad a bad, kerrekar el kllingellel a bai; chadelbad; titech, dik, dkel. chad e ngikel expression.half-human and half-fish; mermaid. chad el ngais developing egg (of bird). chad er a bakutsi expression.gambler. chad er a balech expression.archer. chad er a bekai expression.potter. chad er a bekall expression.driver. chad er a beluu fellow villager. chad er a bengall expression.inhabitant of Ngerechelong. chad er a Biskor expression.Peace Corps volunteer. chad er a blai expression.members of the family. chad er a blengur person who likes to eat a lot. chad er a buai expression.persons active in community affairs. chad er a chais expression.person who always has news to tell. chad er a charm expression.butcher; cattle-raiser. chad er a cheisei expression.sanitation inspector. chad er a cheldecheduch expression.story teller; person skilled in talking or having many girlfriends. chad er a chelebacheb expression.inhabitant of Beliliou or Ngeaur (pejorative term). chad er a cheleblad expression.deceiver; cheater. chad er a dangs person who likes dancing. chad er a daob expression.person knowledgeable about the sea. chad er a desachel expression.canoe builder. chad er a diall expression.sailor. chad er a Dois expression.German. chad er a government expression.government employee. chad er a honto expression.inhabitant of Babeldaob. chad er a iungs expression.islander (way of referring to inhabitants of other Micronesian districts). chad er a kansok expression.weatherman. chad er a kerrekeriil expression.judge; prosecutor. chad er a klekool expression.person skilled at games; player; team member; athlete; sportsman. chad er a koad expression.person knowledgeable about fighting techniques; person good at shirking responsibility. chad er a llach chad er a Marsial expression.Marshallese. chad er a mekaeb expression.inhabitant of Peleliu. chad er a mekemad expression.warrior. chad er a mengikai expression.good swimmer. chad er a menguiu expression.avid reader; bookworm. chad er a Merikel expression.American. chad er a Modekngei expression.follower of Modekngei. chad er a moros expression.barbarian; cannibal. chad er a ngebard expression.Westerner; foreigner (including Japanese). chad er a ochalechutem expression.inhabitant of Babeldaob. chad er a olai expression.magician. chad er a omelasech expression.carpenter. chad er a omenged expression.fisherman. chad er a omengkar expression.member of patrol. chad er a omenguiu expression.avid reader; bookworm. chad er a omesumech expression.masseur. chad er a ongedechuul expression.clever person; person with knack for doing things. chad er a ongelil expression.fortune-teller; seer. chad er a ongeu expression.rudderman; person who steers boat. chad er a ongos expression.legendary figurs who came from and showed Palauans how to use fire. chad er a oreomel expression.person knowledgeable about the forest; hermit. chad er a rael expression.outsiders. chad er a reng expression.considerate person. chad er a sbots expression.athlete; sportsman. chad er a sebadong expression.Seventh Day Adventists. chad er a sers expression.farmer. chad er a sers er a bung chad er a Siabal expression.Japanese (person). chad er a sibai; jokester. chad er a Sina expression.Chinese person. chad er a ta el renged expression.members of the same religious group; inhabitants of hamlets belonging to same municipality. chad er a techelbakl expression.good diver. chad er a temall expression.practitioner of black magic. chad er a uchul a eanged expression.foreigner. chad er a urech expression.midget. chad er H.O. rube (used pejoratively with reference to inhabitants of Babeldaob). chad era budech n.Peace Corps volunteer. chadalengobel chadalengobel a cheled el ko er a ngduul e kall. chadelekelek v.recip.slap each other's faces. chades n.road (originally paved with stones); causeway; jetty.chades a rael el cheldukl er a bad, chang, chedesel. chedesel n.poss.3s.chedesel a chades er ngii beluu. chadetaut chadetaut a chad el diak a kmal el ngera el sebechel el rullii; metitur e mesaik a chadetaut.
chadireng₁ seechaidireng.chadireng a klekedellel a bedengel a chad, chadirengul. chadireng₂ chadireng a olecholt er a omerellel a chad; ngar a emel tuobed. chadngais chadngais a ngais; ngisel a chad me a charm, chadngisel, meduu. chado n.roof.chado a chedouel a blai, chodeuii a bai, chemado a blai.Cf.mengado. chedoam n.poss.1pe. chedoed n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) roof. chedoek n.poss.1s. chedoel n.poss.3s. chedoem n.poss.2s. chedoir n.poss.3p.
Ucherkemul el chai of legendary chiefs of Ngeaur. chai₂ n.pestle.chai a orusech; klekedall el merusech a kall, cheiil a mechas. chaiamar v.t.(Jap.)apologize to. chaibebelau n.riddle.chaibebelau a tekoi el melekoi er a ta e berrotel el dengechel a belkul; mengaibebelau, blelau el tekoi. mengaibebelau v.i.speak in riddles.mengaibebelau a melekoi el meleliuekl el omelau e kid a melangch. chaibibeob seechaibibiob.chaibibeob a ibeob, chaibibeobel tebel, chelibeob el belatong; bleob a diak a bkul. chaibibiob v.r.s.round; circular; (sl.) ok or all right. chaibouch chaibouch a klekedall er a bedengel a charm; blil a kllel e dirrek el merusech a kall. chaibuchel₁ chaibuchel a chaibouch er ngii. chaibuchel₂ n.rotted wood at center of living tree. chaibuuch chaibuuch a klekedellel a chelsel a bedengel a charm el merusech a kelel; chaibuchel a belochel. chaichichiis chaichichiis a mla chemiis el rokui, chiis er tir, kaichichiis, betok el chad el chiesang el omart er tir. chaidireng n.heart (internal organ); one's deepest feelings. [syn:chadireng.chadireng a klekedellel a bedengel a chad, chadirengul.] chaidirengul n.poss.3s. [syn:chidirengul]
chaidirengul n.poss.3s.seechaidireng.
chaiko detsiu (Jap.)term meaning 'draw' or 'even' in the game of ziankeng (still a common activity among children). chaikodetsiu n.(Jap.)tie [breaker] in game of ziangkempo. chainoko n.(Jap.)half-caste child. chainoko er a Merikel expression.half-American and half-Palauan child. chainoko er a Siabal expression.half-Japanese and half-Palauan child. chainoko er a Merikel expression.half-American and half-Palauan child. chainoko er a Siabal expression.half-Japanese and half-Palauan child. chais₁ n.(: E, J)news.chais a ongasireng el tekoi; merael el tekoi, "chad a milengchii a bilis" a chais; chisel a desiu, chisel mekomad.Cf.bekechais. chad er a chais expression.person who always has news to tell. chisam n.poss.1pe. chised n.poss.1pi. chisek n.poss.1s. chisel n.poss.3s. chisel a beluu about one's village or country. chisel a kodall of (someone's) death. chisel a Toki about Toki. chisem n.poss.2s. chisir n.poss.3p. chisiu n.poss.2p. melai a chais expression.take a look at (something unusual). merael a chisel v.s.well-known; famous; infamous; (person) popular. (news) spreading quickly. chais₂ n.(Eng.: ice)ice (frozen water); ice cube;.chais a ralm el kmal imis er a kelekolt me ng medecherecher. chaiskeeki n.popsicle. chaiskurim cream. melim a chaiskurim ice cream. chais₃ n.(Eng.: ice)crystal methamphetamine. chaiskurim n.(Eng., Jap.)ice cream. chaisngemokel seeouchais.chaisngemokel a melekoi er a urrengulel, ouchais er a dirkak, ouchais er a tekoi el lengibes er ngii, omuachel. chakai seeakai. chakii seeakai. chakimer v.i.(Jap.)surrender; give up; yield. chakkai seeakai. chakkii seeakai. chakkoi seeakai. chaklsel n.reed (resembling bamboo). chakoi seeakai. chalb or part of house where precious or secret things are kept.chalb a chellibel er a blai; bliongel er a olsechall, chelbelel a bai a ngar a rebai, orars. chelbel n.poss.3s. [syn:chelbelel.chelbelel a chalb er a blai, chellibel, blimam a edei a chelbelel.chelbellel] chalech n.end of bamboo pole of sail or spear which holds kerrikr or spearhead.chalech a klekedall el orreked er a kerrikl er a mlai er a doab. challaklii challaklii a meoud, ngeuall, challaklii me a urreor a meoud; chellebed er a meolt. chamatter v.s.(Jap.)plenty; more than enough.
chambang n.(Jap.)baked bean paste bun. chambelangs n.(Eng.)ambulance. chameiu n.(Jap.)wheat gluten, coconut syrup. chami n.(Jap.: ami)screen (for window or fence). chamireng chamireng a chesebreng, chelemuul el reng, chomur, chuam a reng, chemul a reng. chamt n.(Ger.: amt)government; administration. chana kangari (Jap.)button hole (not known). chanakangari n.(Jap.)button hole. kemed asew up the button holes chang₁ n.jetty; road leading to dock.chang a chades, rael, bdelul a chang a siseball er a beluu. chang₂ interj.Oh! (exclamation of surprise used by males).chang a kibetiekl, chang kau ke ngar tiang! chang ng miting e diak a chad? changar v.i.(Jap.)(salary) increase; (person) get excited or nervous; promote.
changari n.(Jap.)rise; increase. chansing₁ v.s.(Jap.: anshin)feel relaxed, at ease. chansing₂ v.t.(Jap.: anshin)be too sure or proud of (oneself).Cf.ouchansing. chansing v.s.feel relaxed, at ease. chansing v.i.relax; be confident or reassured;.
chansing₃ v.i.relax; be confident or reassured;. chansing er ngii sure of himself; confident; overconfident. chanzang v.t.(Jap.)add; do sums. chanzeng n.(Jap.)[safety] razor blade.
char₁ n.price; cost; amount of money for purchase.char a udoud el omechar, cheral a blai, melai a char. cherad n.poss.1pi. cherak n.poss.1s. cheral n.poss.3s.cheral a char er ngii, cheral a mlai. cheram n.poss.2s. cheremam n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) price or cost. cheremiu n.poss.2p.your (plural) prices or costs. cherrir n.poss.3p.their prices or costs.
charai v.s.(Jap.)strict or harsh sounding. oucharai v.t.present (oneself) as strict; act tough. charm₁ n.animal.charm a babii, katuu, bilis me a malk; cheremel.Cf.oucharm. blil a charm expression.barn; shed for animals. chad er a charm expression.butcher; cattle-raiser. chermam n.poss.1pe. chermed n.poss.1pi. chermek n.poss.1s. chermek el bilis (pet) dog. chermel n.poss.3s. chermem n.poss.2s. chermem el katuu expression.your (pet) cat. chermir n.poss.3p. charm el kiamo seekiamo.
charmudrenges charmudrenges a charm er a medideriik el ked.
charrach n.term of address between males or spouses (when showing surprise). chars seechemars. charuminium₁ n.(Jap.)aluminum. charuminium₂ (Jap.)aluminum (English word aluminum is more common). chas₁ n.(Eng.)soot; ink; lead of pencil.chas a chesengel a oluches, chas er a desachel el llecheklel a blai; kitalong.Cf.bechachas,chesil. chesengel n.poss.3s.chesengel a chas er ngii. chesengel a kitalong expression.soot or ink used with kitalong. chesengel a luut expression.squid's ink. chesengel a oluches expression.mark from pencil lead. chas₂ n.(Eng.: ace)ace (in cards). chasagao n.(Jap.)morning glory.
chasbering n.(Eng., Jap.)aspirin. chasebo₁ (Jap.: asebo)rash. chasebo v.s.having rash or prickly heat.
chasebo₂ v.s.having rash or prickly heat. chasireng seeongasireng.chasireng a ongasireng, mechas a rengul. chat n.smoke; a chetul a ngau, mengchat a seseb.Cf.bekechat. blil a chat expression.muffler; chimney. chetechat n.fog; mist.chetechat a kelekolt el ko er a chat; chetechetil a kelekolt a mla mail a kerrekar. chetemam n.poss.1pe. chetemiu n.poss.2p. cheterir n.poss.3p. chetud n.poss.1pi. chetuk n.poss.1s. chetul n.poss.3s.chetul a klou el udoud er a Belau el klalo er a blai. chetum n.poss.2s. telechat puff of smoke (when smoking cigarette; etc.).telechat a ochur; ta lomeloko el dekool; ongellii a urreor e nguu a telechat.
chatabang v.s.(sl.) fine; okay. chatter v.s.(Jap.: atte iru)appropriate; suitable; (clothing, etc.) matching; (persons) well-suited for each other; just right for (situation, mood, etc.). chau n.coconut husk soaked in sea water and pounded into fiber for cord.chau a delilech el suld el mo kerreel, melechotech a chau. chauanai (Jap.: awanai)inappropriate, unsuitable.
chaus n.lime for betel nut.chaus a delul el merangd, kim, chaus er a chemachel, mengaus, chusel.Cf.ongaus. chusam n.poss.1pe. chused n.poss.1pi. chusek n.poss.1s. chusel n.poss.3s.chusel a chaus er ngii. chusem n.poss.2s. chusir n.poss.3p. chausbengdik (Ger.)know thoroughly; memorize. chautomatic v.s.(Eng.: automatic)automatic. chauts n.(Eng.)out (in baseball). chazi₁ n.(Jap.)flavor, taste. chazi v.s.tasty. chazinomoto n.flavor enhancer added to food (i.e. monosodium glutamate).
chazino moto (Jap.)flavor enhancer (written on containers of the product). chazinomoto n.(Jap.)flavor enhancer added to food (i.e. monosodium glutamate). chea n.(Jap.< Eng.)air (for tire). cheach interj.Oh! (exclamation of surprise). cheang interj.Oh! (exclamation of surprise used by females). Cheangel n.Ngcheangel (used in certain fixed expressions). cheatel v.a.s.(rope; wire; fishing line; etc.) is to be wound; (baby) is to be cuddled.cheatel a kirel el mechaet; chemetii, chemaet a ekil, mengaet, chetel.
cheball₁ n.white-leafed taro (yautia); gray/white hair.cheball a ta er a bedengel a bisech. cheball v.s.gray-haired; white-haired. chebellam n.poss.1pe. chebellang v.s.inch.graying.chebellang a mla mo cheball; becheleleu a chiul, chuodel a chebellang. chebelled n.poss.1pi. chebellek n.poss.1s. chebellel n.poss.3s. chebellem n.poss.2s. chebellir n.poss.3p. chebelliu n.poss.2p. checheball v.s.redup.rather gray haired. cheball₂ v.s.gray-haired; white-haired. chebangel chebangel a chad el mengebangel; chobengelii, chobangel, mengebangel, chebengelel. chebaod n.side (of house, etc.).chebaod a bitang; telkib er a cherrungel, chebodel a blai, bita el chebaod er a chad, bita el a tkul a blai; chebodel. bita el chebaod expression.other side (of). chebodel n.poss.3s.chebodel a chebaod er ngii el ked. [syn:chebodelel] chebaringul n.poss.3s.anus.
chebebingoi v.s.crooked; bent in many places.chebebingoi a diak el melemalt, chebebirukel, chebebingoi el rael. chebebirukel v.s.redup.bent in many places; zigzag.chebebirukel a telkib el chebirukel, chebebingoi. chebechab₁ n.redup.dust (esp. under house).chebechab a chutem el ua chab, chebechebuul, klou a chebechab er a rael a le medirt a chutem. chebechebul n.poss.3s.chebechebul a chebechab er ngii. chebecheb v.s.lying face down; place upside down.chebecheb a terrob; diak el dengarech, chemau eou, mechebechebii, mechebecheb, ochebechebel.Cf.omchebecheb. chebecheb a bdelul expression.(head) bowed. chebecheb a btil expression.woman with hard-to-reach vagina. chebecheb el redil expression.woman with hard-to-reach vagina. chebecheb a bdelul expression.(head) bowed. chebecheb a btil expression.woman with hard-to-reach vagina. chebecheb el redil expression.woman with hard-to-reach vagina. chebechebelang getting embarrassed.chebechebelang a chebechobel; chobechebelii er a seked, merrengang, debsechelang; chebechebelel, nglengelang. chebechebul n.poss.3s.seechebechab.chebechebul a chebechab er ngii. chebechebuul chebechebuul a betok a chebechab er ngii. chebechiil n.marriage.chebechiil a sechal me a dil el dmak, talechad, teru el kaubuch. chebechilelel n.poss.3s. chelbechiil given as payment to wife's family after death of husband.Udoud ma lechub e ng klalou el mo ra mle bechiil e mlad. [syn:chelebechiil.chelebechiil a udoud me a klalo el le ngai a melakl el dil me a lechub e ngii a mlad; mengebechiil, chelebechielel.] melekoi a chebechiil expression.propose marriage. chebechilelel n.poss.3s.seechebechiil. chebechobel v.s.embarrassed.chebechobel a merur e debsochel, chemolt a blulekngel a chebechobel, nglengael. chebedel₁ n.poss.3s.stem of leaf. chebedel₂ chebedel a chebaod er ngii el ked. chebedel a kesol n.nephew or niece of male (i.e. children of male's sister).Ngelekel a ochedal el sechal ma lechub e ng redil. chebedelakesol chebedelakesol a ngelekel a redil el ochedal a chad. chebedes n.leprosy.chebedes a ta er a bedengel a rekdel a buld.
chebelall to be poured out.chebelall a kirel el mochubel; moitel, ochebelall, olechubel a ralm, ochebelel. chebellam n.poss.1pe.seecheball. chebellang v.s.inch.graying.chebellang a mla mo cheball; becheleleu a chiul, chuodel a chebellang. chebelled n.poss.1pi.seecheball. chebellek n.poss.1s.seecheball. chebellel n.poss.3s.seecheball. chebellem n.poss.2s.seecheball. chebellir n.poss.3p.seecheball. chebelliu n.poss.2p.seecheball. chebeludes n.bush in soapberry family.chebeludes a ta er a bedengel a mekekerei el kerrekar. chebengall to have someone facing towards him, her or it. chebengelall v.a.s.chebengelall a kirel el mechebangel, chemau ngii; chobengelii a ouchais, mengebangel. chebengoll v.s.ashamed (of oneself, one's behavior); (behavior) shameful.chebengoll a klasekl, sekemerur, kmes a bedengel er a ngloik, chebengoll a cheldechedechal. cheberdil₁ n.poss.3s.young sprout or frond (of any tree or plant).cheberdil a blutek el llel a dellomel; beches el duubech el llel a lius, cheberdil a kerrekar; cheberdil a lius, cheberdil a kebui. cheberdil a redil expression.beautiful or appealing girl. cheberdil a rengul expression.object of one's feelings/affections. cheberdil₂ cheberdil a keseuaol, mekreos; cheberdil a kall ma klalo; klungiolel; mekreos er a reng el ngalek. cheberdil a redil expression.beautiful or appealing girl. cheberdil a rengul expression.object of one's feelings/affections. cheberdord cheberdord a mekekerei el suebek el charm el soal ngar er a olbidel. cheberdored beetle; stinkbug; pinwheel (toy made of coconut leaves). chebesad n.poss.1pi.seechebesal. chebesak n.poss.1s.seechebesal. chebesal n.poss.3s.underarm; armpit.chebesal a mesekmel a uchul a chimal, mesikm. chebesad n.poss.1pi. chebesak n.poss.1s. chebesam n.poss.2s. chebesmam n.poss.1pe. chebesmiu n.poss.2p. chebesam n.poss.2s.seechebesal. chebesechang₁ v.s.inch.becoming strange (in one's behavior). chebesechang₂ seechebosech.chebesechang a di kea le melaok; mla mo chebosech; mla mo diak a lekel. chebesmam n.poss.1pe.seechebesal. chebesmiu n.poss.2p.seechebesal. chebesrir n.poss.3p.seechebesal. chebiball to be made round or rounded. chebibeall v.a.s.chebibeall a kirel el mechibeob; mengibeob er ngii. chebibech n.looking-glass tree.chebibech a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chebicheb chebicheb a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chebiei n.seeded breadfruit; edible seed of breadfruit.chebiei a ta er a bedengel a meduu; kall a chiuesel. chebil n.woman (used only in names and titles). chebill₁ be carried under the arm.chebill a kiukuall; kirel el mechabl; choblii a ngalek; chuabl, a ngalek a chebill; cheblel. chebill₂ n.a.s.curtain or partition in house (hanging down to level of armpit).chebill a kiukuall; kirel el mechabl; choblii a ngalek; chuabl, a ngalek a chebill; cheblel. chebill₃ chebill a orars er a blai; mla ruebet a chebill er a smecher; orars el melenget. chebingel₁ n.a.s.papaya fruit. chebingel₂ n.large fishtrap.chebingel a cheldukl el bad el mengaud a ngikel, chebngelel. chebngelel n.poss.3s. mengebingel chebingel (in particular place).mengebingel a ngar er a chei er a chebingel; melemed er a ngikel er a chebingel. chebingel₃ v.a.s.(fruit) is to be picked or plucked.chebingel a kirel el mechib; chibngii,chuib, meradel a chebingel, chebngel. chebirekelel chebirekelel a chebirukel er ngii. chebirukel v.s.crooked; bent; (limbs) deformed.chebirukel a diak le melemalt, mengebirukel, chebirukel el rael; choibirekelii, chebirkelel.Cf.mengebirukel,chebirukerreng. chebebirukel v.s.redup.bent in many places; zigzag.chebebirukel a telkib el chebirukel, chebebingoi. chebirukel a osengel's vision is crooked. chebirukel el chad expression.unfair or deceptive person. chebirukel el oldasu expression.irrelevant thought. chebirukel el tekoi expression.false or deceptive speech or matter. A chelbirukel a diak lochellii a llemalt, engdi.Crookedness will not bear straight, it will always be crooked. chebirukel a osengel's vision is crooked. chebirukel el chad expression.unfair or deceptive person. chebirukel el oldasu expression.irrelevant thought. chebirukel el tekoi expression.false or deceptive speech or matter. chebirukerreng n.unfairness; inconsiderateness. chebis n.spinning top (with a string).chebis a klalo el mengebis, chobisur, chobis, chebisul.Cf.mengebis. chebisul n.poss.3s.seechebis. cheblad v.s.(person) deceptive; cheating; dishonest.cheblad a diak el melemalt a omerellel; mengereker el mengeblad, chobeldir a metitur, choblad a udoud, chebirukel el chad, chelebeldil. chebleblel seemengeblabl.chebleblel a omengeblabl er ngii; mengeblabl. cheblel cheblel a omengabl er ngii er a rengalek, mengabl. chebmam n.poss.1pe.seechab. chebmiu n.poss.2p.seechab. chebngelel n.poss.3s.seechebingel. chebodel n.poss.3s.seechebaod.chebodel a chebaod er ngii el ked. chebodelel seechebodel. chebosech v.s.(fish, meat) lean or lacking in fat.chebosech a otikereker; diak el melaok. chebesechang v.s.inch.becoming strange (in one's behavior). chebosech a ngerel expression.boring; dull; poor at speaking. chebosech a rengul expression.boring; dull; poor at speaking. chechebosech v.s.redup.rather lean or lacking in fat.chechebosech a telkib el chebosech. chebosech a ngerel expression.boring; dull; poor at speaking. chebosech a rengul expression.boring; dull; poor at speaking.
chebrir n.poss.3p.seechab. chebsadel₁ chebsadel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chebsadel₂ n.type of fishtrap. chebsel₁ n.poss.3s.seechubs.chebsel a omengubs er ngii; mengubs; merechorech a sers me a mesei. chebsel₂ n.poss.3s.seechubs.chebsel a mla mo mechubs, kltkat el uach a mla mo mechubs,. chebsuul₁ n.a.s.grindstone.chebsuul a klalo ngiterebis; mesil el ororem e omtanget e meruul a betok kakerous el klalo.Cf.mengebis. chebsuul ngau expression.grindstone which turns and produces sparks. [syn:chebsuulngau.chebsuulngau a klekedall el cheterebsuul er a omerorem el klalo; duorem a oles, dormii a kamang; meroremang; merorem a otilech.] chebsuul₂ to be spun;. chebsuul ngau expression.grindstone which turns and produces sparks. chebsuulngau seechebsuul ngau.chebsuulngau a klekedall el cheterebsuul er a omerorem el klalo; duorem a oles, dormii a kamang; meroremang; merorem a otilech.
chebubarmad chebubarmad a rdechel a lius el klou er a chesbad.
chebuchel n.poss.3s.seechebouch. chebud₁ n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) ashes; fireplace; hearth. chebud₂ n.grasshopper.chebud a mengelekel a charm el suebek el menga llel a dellomel. chebuk n.poss.1s.seechab. chebul₁ n.poss.3s.seechab. chebul₂ n.poss.3s.seechub.chebul a chub er ngii el udoud; mengub a klalo er a soal. chebum n.poss.2s.seechab. chebuul₁ v.s.poor; pitiful; miserable; of low family; unfortunate; pitiable.chebuul a olengesonges a lousbech; kesai a kelel me a ududel, diak a ngera er ngii; chelebulel, diak a mekerreuir. ousesechebuul v.i.pretend to be in poverty or misery.ousesechebuul a ouchechebuul er ngii, leko ng chebuul. remechebuul of low family; the poor.remechebuul a betok el chad el chebuul; ngar er eou el chad el mengebuul, chelebuul. chebuul₂ have ashes put on it.chebuul a kirel el mechab; locha chab er ngii; chobur, chuab a dellomel, mengab. chebuul₃ to be given gift (sometimes, out of pity); is to be bribed. chechall v.a.s.(ingredients for betel nut chewing) are to be supplemented with tobacco. cheche baby.defecate. (Similar word in many languages due to it being an ononomatopoeia.). checheball v.s.redup.rather gray haired. chechebangel v.s.redup.(man) always staying home with his wife.chechebangel a soal el mengebangel er a chebengelel. chechebosech v.s.redup.rather lean or lacking in fat.chechebosech a telkib el chebosech. chechedall v.a.s.chechidel.chechedall a kirel el mecheched; chochedii, mengeched a lius, chechedel. chechedel n.poss.3s.seecheleched. chechel n.poss.3s.seecheech. checherd v.s.redup.impatient; fed up with.checherd a seselk a rengul; checherd a rengul er a cherrodech, checherdel a rengul. bechecherd a rengul expression.irascible; easily fed up with. checherd a rengul v.s.redup.impatient; fed up with. checherd a rengul v.s.redup.impatient; fed up with. checherdel checherdel a seselk; checherdel a seselk a rengul; checherdel a rengul er a bleketekoi. chechetall seechechutel.chechetall a chechutel; menguchet a deb; ongchutel.a chechetall. chechetid n.poss.1pi.seechechetil. chechetik n.poss.1s.seechechetil. chechetil n.poss.3s.sort of dislike.chechetil a telkib el chetil. chechetid n.poss.1pi. chechetik n.poss.1s. chechetim n.poss.2s. chechetmam n.poss.1pe. chechetmiu n.poss.2p. chechetim n.poss.2s.seechechetil. chechetmam n.poss.1pe.seechechetil. chechetmiu n.poss.2p.seechechetil. chechetrir n.poss.3p.seechechetil. checheu n.rumor; news.checheu a klakelulau; omelaes, klou a checheu er a beluu el kirel a eoud er a omeluk el chutem. chechidel seechechedall.chechidel a chechedall. chechii chechuarm v.s.redup.suffer to some extent.chechuarm a telkib el chuarm.
chechutel to be chewed on.chechutel a deb me a ongchutel; menguchet a deb. ched₁ n.low tide.ched a meched; kesai a ralm; chedelchei; chedil a omouachel.Cf.meched,omekched. ched el kebesengei expression.low tide at night. ched el tutau expression.low tide in the morning. chederreng expression.thirst. chedil n.poss.3s. chedil a chei expression.low tide. chedil a reng expression.thirst. cheleched n.redup.area of shallow water (usually exposed at low tide and good for fishing).cheleched a chei, daob, kereker. ched₂ seemeched.ched a ched el reng, meched a rengul, soal melim a ralm. ched el chei (normal) low tide. ched el kebesengei expression.low tide at night. ched el keriik rising tide (in morning). ched el tuich expression.tide suitable for night fishing with torch. ched el tutau expression.low tide in the morning. chedad n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) relative. chedak n.poss.1s.seechad. chedal n.poss.3s.his or her person or relative.chedal a kmeed er ngii el chad, kauchad, Calista a chedal a Toni. Ngera rolem el mo?How are you related? chedal a cheldebechel expression.member of the group. chedal a chelid expression.person having religion; believer. chedal a ochil expression.lap; upper thigh. chedall₁ chedall a klou; chedall a rengul el chad a ulserechakl a rengul; klou a rengul. chedall₂ v.a.s.chedall a kirel el mecheed; mengeed a rechad; chemeed a klauchad, mo ungil el kerekikl a rechad. chedam₁ n.poss.2s.your (singular) relative. chedam₂ n.father (used as term of address).chedam a sechal el oungalek; chedam a okedongel a ngalek el mo er demal.Cf.klechedam. chedang n.father (term of address less formal than chedam). delal a demak paternal grandmother. demad n.poss.1pi. demak n.poss.1s. demal n.poss.3s.demal a chedam er ngii el ngalek; kldemaol; demal a sechelik. demal a delak maternal grandfather. demal a demak paternal grandfather. demam n.poss.2s. demerir n.poss.3p. demmam n.poss.1pe. chedameang chedameang a kibetiekl el mechas rengul; a chedameang a kekerei ngikell! chedang n.father (term of address less formal than chedam). chedaol v.s.holy; sacred; (woman's private parts) not to be touched.chedaol a meang; chengal a beluu; chedaol el ralm, blil a chelid a chedaol, chedolel.
chedaol el ralm expression.holy water. chedbechelel n.poss.3s.brain; seed still in pod; (edible) heart of palm. chedead₁ n.jellyfish; nettle;.chedead a charm er a daob. chedead v.s.not knowing where to go. chedead₂ v.s.not knowing where to go.
chedeaoch₂ chedeaoch a la er a bedengel a ngikel.
chedebsachel n.Eugenia plant/fruit.chedebsachel a kerrekar ei bekerekard me a becheleleu a rdechel; kall a rdechel.
chedebsungel n.goat fish.chedebsungel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.
chedechall to have glow cast upon it.chedechall a kirel el obtanget el mo mengeldoech; toluk a chedechall, cheldoech, cheldechel. chedechedechal v.a.s.chedechedechal a kirel mechiut el mo telengtungd; mengedeched er ngii. chedechedechaol to be talked about or discussed.chedechedechaol a kirel el mo rengii a tekoi; kirel el mechedecheduch; chedechedechaol el kirel a betok el ngodech el omerellel. chedechedoi chedechedoi a ungil el melekoi; melolaok a cheldechedechal; chedechedoi el ounged a rechad. Delmedemek ma blekongesenges, ma omengeluch. chedechellel n.poss.3s.seechedecholl. chedecheos n.time between mid-morning and late afternoon.chedecheos a mellomes el diak el klebesei, cheldecheos. chedecholl n.woven mat.chedecholl a chelaus el such el usbechall er a cheliuaiu. chedechuall to be fixed/arranged.chedechuall a udesuall; kirel el mechedechuul; chodechulii a smecher el mo er a osbitar; mengedechuul er a rengeasek el mo bekengerachel. chedechudel v.s.angry at (someone).chedechudel a rengul; checherd a rengul; seselk a rengul; cheldechudel el reng; chedechulel. bechedechudel a rengul expression.irritable. chedechulel₁ chedechulel a omengedechuul er ngii, mengedechuul, osiik a rolel; cheldechulel. chedechulel₂ n.poss.3s.seechedechuul. chedechuul₁ n.knack/magical power for doing things; blueprint; plan (for house, bai, etc).chedechuul a dachelbai; meduch el mengedechuul, chodechulii a oumekngit el mo ungil, chudechuul a chetituokel el tekoi, chedechulel.Cf.cheldechuul. chedechulel n.poss.3s. chedechuul v.s.ingenious; clever; inventive.chedechuul a dachelbai; meduch el mengedechuul, chodechulii a oumekngit el mo ungil, chudechuul a chetituokel el tekoi, chedechulel. chedechuul₂ v.s.ingenious; clever; inventive.chedechuul a dachelbai; meduch el mengedechuul, chodechulii a oumekngit el mo ungil, chudechuul a chetituokel el tekoi, chedechulel. chedei n.mother (term of address less formal than chedil).chedei a ngakl el usbechall er a okedongel er a chedil; e chedei. chedel n.poss.3s.cord or thread for patching.chedel a cheed er ngii, mengeed a klauchad. chedelall v.a.s.are to be collected/assembled. chedelam n.poss.1pe.seechudel. chedelang getting grassy.chedelang a mocha er ngii a chudel. chedelchei chedelchei a chedil a chei; meched. chedeled n.poss.1pi.seechudel.
chedelek n.poss.1s.seechudel. chedelekelek a ilkolk; ko er a bedengel a chas, chedelekelek a diak le bechachas.Cf.mengedelekelek,cheldelekelek. chedelekelek el chad expression.person of African descent. mechedelekelek (optional with plural objects).mechedlekelek a betok el chedelekelek; diak le becheleleu. chedelekelek el chad expression.person of African descent. chedelekelek el sausab expression.spade (in cards);. chedelekelekall₁ to be slapped.chedelekelekall a kirel el obar; chodelekelekii a chetelaol, chedelekelekel. chedelekelekall₂ to be blackened. chedelekelekel chedelekelekel a mengelebed er ngii, omengedelekelek er ngii. chedelel n.poss.3s.seechudel.chedelel a chudel er ngii. chedelem n.poss.2s.seechudel. chedelir n.poss.3p.seechudel. chedeliu n.poss.2p.seechudel. chedellumel₁ n.cooked tapioca.chedellumel a ngeasek el diokang el mereched el mo mark; chedellumel el diokang. chedellumel₂ chedellumel a ngar ngii a ralm er ngii; bail a deblechelech er a ralm, chedellumel el taor. chedelreng chedelreng a ousbech a ilumel, meched a rengul, aki medei er a chedelreng e le ng diak a ralm. chedemam n.poss.1pe.seechad. chedemiu n.poss.2p.seechad.
Ucherkemul el chedeng of legendary chiefs of Ngeaur. chedengal n.poss.3s.seechad.chedengal a chad; chedengal a babii, chedengal a rrull.
chedengang v.s.inch.becoming alive; reviving.chedengang a sobelang er a kodall mesisichang, dikea le mad. chedengaol₁ v.s.have a large liver.chedengaol a melaok a chedengal; chedengaol el rrull. chedengaol₂ v.s.sick with jaundice.chedengaol a secher, rekdel a chad. chedengaul v.s.have a large liver; sick with jaundice. chedenguchei n.type of shark.chedenguchei a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chederdall chederdall a derdall; kirel el merreder; rebeluu a chederdall er a bdelul a beluu, chederdellel. chederdellel chederdellel a beluu el derdellel, Oreor a chederdellel a lbedul. chederdubech n.(edible) heart of coconut tree; heart of palm.chederdubech a cherrengul a dellomel, kmeed er a cheberdil el medemedemek. chederedall₁ to be headed/ruled/governed/explained; under someone else's power/supervision. chederedall₂ n.a.s.subject; inferior.Cf.merredel,oumerredel. chederedall₃ to be explained. chederedall₄ v.a.s.are to be put together or into order; are to be arranged. chederedellel n.a.s.poss.3s.seechederedall. chederemotall chederemotall a ouedikel er ngii; kirel el mechederemaot; chodermotii a ralm; choderemaot, mengerechar a mengederemaot, chederemotel. chederemotel chederemotel a omengederemaot er ngii el ralm.
chederir n.poss.3p.seechad. chedermotall v.a.s.(water) is to be stirred or agitated. chederngais chederngais a urech, ngisel a kud. chedesall seechedukl.chedesall a kirel el mechades er a bad; chodesii, chemades, mengades a rael, chedesel. chedesaoch n.coconut frond just before beginning to turn brown; (white-capped) waves; old pepper leaves (used for chewing with betel nut).chedesaoch a ouiuul el daob; meklou el daob; daob a ouchedesaoch. mengedesaoch v.i.(boat, etc.) make waves.mengedesaoch a bekerurt el ert el meruul a chedesaoch; chedesochel a ert. ouchedesaoch v.i.(ocean) agitated with white-capped waves; (coconut tree) have chedesaoch.ouchedesaoch a ngar ngii a chedesaoch, daob a ouchedesaoch. chedesel n.poss.3s.seechades.chedesel a chades er ngii beluu. chedib n.small black ant. blil a chedib expression.anthill. chediball to be carved, whittled or seduced by flattery.chediball a kirel el mecheduib, chodibii a itabori, choduib a ordomel;.mengeduib a omekord. chedibel a ordomel. chedibel chedibel a omengeduib er ngii, mengeduib. chedidiich v.s.(skin) smooth or shiny. chediilchei n.sections of hull of canoe between bachedulematel and bachedchediilchei. bachedchediilchei n.protruding struts in middle of each end of canoe.bachedchediilchei a klekedellel a mlai er a daob. chediilechei chediilechei a klekedellel a mlai er a daob. chediilmekemad n.section inside hull of canoe at chediilchei used for protection during battle.chediilmekemad a klekedellel a kabekel er a mekemad.Cf.chediilchei. chedil₁ n.mother (used as term of address).chedil a okedongel a ngalek el mo er a delal, chedil a kubengkem.Cf.chedei,klauchedil,redil,klechedil,modil,kedelal. delad n.poss.1pi. delak n.poss.1s. delal n.poss.3s.delal a chedil er ngii; dil el oungalek er ngii a delal. delal a blai expression.very large house. delal a chelebuul expression.disaster; calamity. delal a delak maternal grandmother. delal a diall expression.tremendous ship. delal a kar expression.syn. ongael. delam n.poss.2s. delmam n.poss.1pe. delmiu n.poss.2p. derrir n.poss.3p.
chedil₂ interj.Uh-Oh! (exclamation uttered when accident occurs). Alas!chedil a okedongel a ngalek el mo er a delal, chedil a kubengkem. chedil₃ n.poss.3s.seeched. chedil a chei expression.low tide. chedil a orakiruu apogee tide at full moon. chedil a reng expression.thirst. chedil a tab el buil expression.apogee tide on first day of new moon. chedngisam n.poss.1pe.seechedngisel. chedngised n.poss.1pi.seechedngisel. chedngisek n.poss.1s.seechedngisel. chedngisel n.poss.3s.testicles. chedngisam n.poss.1pe. chedngised n.poss.1pi. chedngisek n.poss.1s. chedngisem n.poss.2s. chedngisir n.poss.3p. chedngisem n.poss.2s.seechedngisel. chedngisir n.poss.3p.seechedngisel. chedngisiu n.poss.2p.seechedngisel. chedoam n.poss.1pe.seechado.
chedoed₁ n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) roof.
chedoek n.poss.1s.seechado. chedoel n.poss.3s.seechado. chedoem n.poss.2s.seechado. chedoir n.poss.3p.seechado. chedoiu n.poss.2p.seechado. chedolall v.a.s.chedolall a kirel el mechedaol; mengedaol er a ongdibel, chemedolii, chemedaol a blai, chedolel. chedolii a mengedaol er ngii. chedongall to be blessed or sanctified. chedool to be roofed.chedool a lechengaol a chado er ngii; locha chado er a blai, chodeuii, chemado, mengado er ngii, chedouel. chedouel chedouel a chado er a blai; omengado er ngii; mengado.
chedukl to be paved with stones.chedukl a kirel el mechades; chodesii a rael, chemades, olbed a chedukl, chedesel. Chedul n.poss.3s.also, religion; belief.chedul a chelid er ngii, Dios a Chedul a beluulechad. chedul₁ chedul a kerrekar el llemolem er a uchub er a blai. chedul₂ chedul a bilas of boat. chedul a blai expression.main horizontal beam of thatched roof. chedul a bilas of boat. chedul a blai expression.main horizontal beam of thatched roof. chedull seechedelall.chedull a kirel el mechudel, oldak; chudelii, chemudel a lius, mengudei, chedelel. chedusongeb chedusongeb a chetngaid; chetekl diak le mesengaked, chedusongeb el chad, chedusongeb el lius. cheech₁ n.twisted tobacco or cigarette tobacco chewed with betel nut.Cf.mengeech. cheech₂ tobacco to multiple betel nut chews. cheed cheed a klekedall; kldachelbai el mengeed; oldak el mo tang; chedel a mlai, mengeed, chedel a klauchad. chei n.ocean; sea; place for fishing.chei a klou el daob; cheleched, chei a belual a rokui el cheled. bad el chei expression.porous stone in sea. dmolech a chei expression.high tide. kekere a chei expression.tide is low (but not as low as normal). klou a chei expression.tide is low. ngar er a chei for (food); take (food) from sea. tekoi er a chei expression.words of criticism for poor fishing ability. [syn:tekoi el chei]
cheii that so? (sarcastic).cheii a mechas a rengul; kongei, olengesenges, cheii ng mludechem el olab a ice! cheikl v.a.s.cheikl a kirel el mechais, choisii, chemais a kebui, mengais a llel a meradel; chisel a kebui. cheiko seemuiko.
cheio n.(Jap.)nutrition; nutritional value. cheisech₁ n.permanent stain.cheisech a osechel a tuu me a chemachel me a kerrekar el ngar a mamed, chisechel a dait. cheisech v.s.stained (permanently from betel nut juice; banana juice; etc.).cheisech a osechel a tuu me a chemachel me a kerrekar el ngar a mamed, chisechel a dait. chisecham n.poss.1pe. chiseched n.poss.1pi. chisechek n.poss.1s. chisechel n.poss.3s.chisechel a cheisech er ngii. chisechem n.poss.2s. chisechir n.poss.3p. cheisech₂ v.s.stained (permanently from betel nut juice; banana juice; etc.).cheisech a osechel a tuu me a chemachel me a kerrekar el ngar a mamed, chisechel a dait. cheisei n.(Jap.)sanitation (inspection); hygiene. chad er a cheisei expression.sanitation inspector. mekngit er a cheisei expression.bad for the health; (person) poor in personal hygiene.
cheiukl₁ cheiukl a klekedall er a chad el omech er a chelechad me a bedul. cheiukl₂ cheiukl a omengitakl; ungil el cheiukl a ungil a chiklel, ungil a cheliteklel. chekid n.poss.1pi.seechekil. chekik n.poss.1s.seechekil. chekil n.poss.3s.his/her/its rope.chekil a kedols e klou el kerreel, chekil a okul a bilas, cheklil. chekid n.poss.1pi. chekik n.poss.1s. chekim n.poss.2s. chekmam n.poss.1pe. chekmiu n.poss.2p. chekim n.poss.2s.seechekil. cheklechall v.a.s.cheklechall a kirel el mecheklachel; choklechelii a kar, mengklachel er ngii; choklachel, cheklechelel a kar. cheklecham n.poss.1pe.seechesulech. chekleched n.poss.1pi.seechesulech. cheklechek n.poss.1s.seechesulech. cheklechel₁ n.poss.3s.seechesulech.cheklechel a beldokel; bedengel ulekoad el chad. cheklechel₂ n.poss.3s.seechesulech. cheklechelall to be cleaned by shaking with water inside; is to be shaken. cheklechelel cheklechelel a omengklachel er ngii; mengklachel. cheklechem n.poss.2s.seechesulech. cheklechir n.poss.3p.seechesulech. cheklechiu n.poss.2p.seechesulech. cheklel₁ cheklel a oungeroel; omengokl er ngii; choklii er a omelim el rrom. cheklel₂ n.poss.3s.seecheokl.cheklel a cheleokl; mla mecheokl er a tengdel a ngikel, cheokl. cheklmuk v.s.(person) quiet, silent or taciturn.cheklmuk a chad el di lmuk; luk; chad el kesai a tekoi er a ngerel. chekmam n.poss.1pe.seechekil. chekmiu n.poss.2p.seechekil. chekngaid seechetngaid. chekngidam n.poss.1pe.seechekngidel. chekngided n.poss.1pi.seechekngidel. chekngidek n.poss.1s.seechekngidel. chekngidel n.poss.3s.skinniness.Cf.mengetngaid. chekngidam n.poss.1pe. chekngided n.poss.1pi. chekngidek n.poss.1s. chekngidem n.poss.2s. chekngidir n.poss.3p. chekngidem n.poss.2s.seechekngidel. chekngidir n.poss.3p.seechekngidel. chekngidiu n.poss.2p.seechekngidel. chekrir n.poss.3p.seechekil. chelab v.r.s.has ashes put on it.chelab a mla mechab; ngar ngii a chab, chobur, chuab, sers a chelab, chebul. Chelab n.hamlet in Ngerard.Chelab a chimo er a rengedel a beluu er a Ngeraard. chelabl v.r.s.carried under arm.chelabl a chelebill; mla mechabl, choblii a ngalek, chuabl a babier er ngi, cheblel.
chelad v.r.s.(ear) slapped.chelad a oumechad er ngii; diak el soal remenges, mla chemad a dingal. chelad a dingal expression.unconcerned; stoned; intoxicated from marijuana. cheladel v.a.s.easily consoled. chelades v.r.s.paved with stones; (stones) piled up.chelades a mla mechades; cheldukl. chelado v.r.s.roofed.chelado a mia mechado; cheldool, chodeuii, chemado a blai. chelaet v.r.s.(rope; wire; fishing line; etc.) wound; (baby) cuddled.chelaet a mla mechaet; iluodel iliud, chemetii, chemaet a ekil. chelaiechang n.type of lizard.chelaiechang a kekerei el charm el melekesako er a chutem; chelaich a kebliil er a tudaol. chelais₁ n.leaves (plucked off plant); fishing basket (made of coconut leaves).Cf.mengais. chelasam n.poss.1pe. chelased n.poss.1pi. chelasek n.poss.1s. chelasel n.poss.3s. [syn:chelisel.chelisel a chelasel.chelisel.chelisel a chelasel.] chelasem n.poss.2s. chelasir n.poss.3p. chelais₂ v.r.s.(leaves) plucked or stripped off plant.chelais a nglai; mla mechais; choisii, mengais a kebui, chemais a kebui, chisel a kebui. chelakngikl n.Palauan honey bee (does not sting). [syn:chelatngikl.chelatngikl a charm el melenges; meruul a ilaot.] blil a chelakngikl expression.bee hive. ilotel a chelakngikl expression.honey. chelalb v.r.s.(outer surface of betel nut fiber) stripped off; (wood) whittled. chelall v.r.s.dipped.chelall a mla medilech; mla mechall; chollii, chemall a chimal, mengall a chimai er a ralm; chellel a chim. chelam v.r.s.broken in two (see mengam).chelam a chelemuul; mla mecham; chomur, chuam a rachel, mengam, ochil a chelam, chemul a uach. chelam a rengul expression.heartbroken. chelamech v.r.s.(betel nut) chewed; (tobacco) smoked.chelamech a mla mechamech; chomechii, chuamech a buuch, chemelel a chelamech meng dikeang. chelang n.dessert made by adding coconut milk (disech) and sugar to boiled taro stems.chelang a chelabed; chelechedal a dait el kliou; cheliotel e ngar er ngii a merekos er ngii.
chelas₂ v.r.s.blackened with soot or ink; (pot) burned or discolored.chelas a delul; mla mechas; chosir, chemas a ngeliokl. chelasam n.poss.1pe.seechelais. chelased n.poss.1pi.seechelais. chelasek n.poss.1s.seechelais. chelasel n.poss.3s.seechelais. chelasem n.poss.2s.seechelais. chelasir n.poss.3p.seechelais. chelasiu n.poss.2p.seechelais. chelat₂ v.r.s.smoked (fish).chelat a ulekmarek el ngikel er a chat; cheltuul; mla mechat, chotur, chemat a ngikel, chetul. chelatngikl seechelakngikl.chelatngikl a charm el melenges; meruul a ilaot. Aikal a melnges.The Belauan honey bees are making honey.
chelaus₁ chelaus a mla mechaus; chousii a oruikl, chemaus a tet, chusel. chelaus₂ v.r.s.sprinkled with lime; woven.chelaus a mla mechaus; chemelel a chelaus, mengaus, chusel a chemachel. chelbakl n.sweetened crushed tapioca or taro wrapped in leaves and boiled.chelbakl a kall el rremet er a merekos e ngeliokl; chelbakl el brak, chelbeklel. chelbeklam n.poss.1pe. chelbekled n.poss.1pi. chelbeklek n.poss.1s. chelbeklel n.poss.3s. chelbeklem n.poss.2s. chelbeklir n.poss.3p. chelball v.a.s.(outer surface of betel nut fiber) is to be stripped off; (wood) is to be whittled. chelbechebel chelbechebel a ududel el chelebucheb. chelbechielel chelbechielel a udoud el ngii a mlengebechiil. A a delemam al silkur a okdememlam.Our uncle recieved her alimony. chelbechiil given as payment to wife's family after death of husband.Udoud ma lechub e ng klalou el mo ra mle bechiil e mlad. chelbechobel chelbechobel a nglengael el tekoi; klou el chellebechobel; dimlak a okedongam e mo duum. chelbeklam n.poss.1pe.seechelbakl. chelbekled n.poss.1pi.seechelbakl. chelbeklek n.poss.1s.seechelbakl. chelbeklel n.poss.3s.seechelbakl. chelbeklem n.poss.2s.seechelbakl. chelbeklir n.poss.3p.seechelbakl. chelbekliu n.poss.2p.seechelbakl. chelbel₁ n.poss.3s.seechalb. chelbel₂ chelbel a diak lodengei a sesaod, ng diak lodengei telngachet, kede mesaod e ngii a chelbel. chelbel₃ chelbel a omengalb el mengchongch er ngii. chelbelel seechelbel.chelbelel a chalb er a blai, chellibel, blimam a edei a chelbelel. chelbellel seechelbel.
chelbuil n.surgeon fish.chelbuil a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chelchelool chelechelool a cholo el ngar er a bedul e mekekad. cheldam n.poss.1pe.seechold. cheldebechel; society; association.cheldebechel a cheldellir a rechad el oba ta el uldasu, Ngarametal a cheldebechel er a Oreor. chedal a cheldebechel expression.member of the group. cheldebechelel of same status in neighboring villages; member of club who is responsible for being host to member of sister club. cheldebechelel of same status in neighboring villages; member of club who is responsible for being host to member of sister club. cheldechedechal n.poss.3s.seecheldecheduch.cheldechedechal a cheldecheduch er a mlad el chad. cheldecheduch₁ n.r.s.conversation; speech; meeting; story; folktale; conference about one month after death of spouse to settle estate.cheldecheduch a tekoi el medung, mengedecheduch el mesaod a chutem; omengedecheduch, chedechedechal. bekedechedechaol v.s.prone to talking/having conversation. chad er a cheldecheduch expression.story teller; person skilled in talking or having many girlfriends. cheldechedechal n.poss.3s.cheldechedechal a cheldecheduch er a mlad el chad. cheldecheduch₂ v.r.s.talked about; discussed. cheldecheduch₃ n.type of fish. cheldechel₁ n.poss.3s.seecheludech. cheldechel₂ n.poss.3s.seecheldoech.cheldechel a cheldoech er ngii, mengeldoech, cheldechel a toluk. cheldecheos n.time around noon; middle of day.cheldecheos a chedecheos. cheldechulel n.poss.3s.seecheldechuul.cheldechulel a cheldechuul er ngii, mengedechuul.
cheldechuul₁ v.r.s.fixed; arranged.cheldechuul a mengedechuul; mengituuk el osiik a rolel el mo ungil, chodechulii me ng mo er a skuul, chudechuul. cheldechuul₂ n.r.s.way or method of doing something; way of stopping or avoiding something. cheldechulel n.poss.3s.cheldechulel a cheldechuul er ngii, mengedechuul.
chelded n.poss.1pi.seechold. cheldek n.poss.1s.seechold. cheldeklel n.poss.3s.seecheldukl.cheldeklel a cheldukl el ngii a mlengades er ngii. cheldel n.poss.3s.seechold.cheldel a chold er a chad, chemold. cheldelekedekel n.poss.3s.seecheldelekelek. cheldelekelek₁ v.r.s.blackened; (face) slapped. cheldelekelek₂ n.r.s.blacknes; dark pigmentation of skin.cheldelekelek a chedelekelek er ngii. cheldelel n.poss.3s.seecheludel. cheldellel₁ n.poss.3s.seecheldull. cheldellel₂ n.poss.3s.gathering; assembly.cheldellel a cheldull er ngii; cheldellel a klobak, cheldellel a udoud a $5,000. cheldellumel v.r.s.(tapioca) cooked.chedellumel a mla mechedellumel; chedellumel el tuu. cheldem n.poss.2s.seechold. cheldemam n.poss.1pe.seecheled. Ng kmal mle meringel a daob meng dimlak a.We didnt catch anything as the waves were really strong. cheldemiu n.poss.2p.seecheled. cheldeng₁ n.r.s.enclosed part of house where precious family items are kept.cheldeng a telia er a blai, uchul a orengodel, kingellel a merreder.Cf.mengedeng. cheldeng₂ v.r.s.confused; puzzled; perplexed.cheldeng a milkolk a rengul; diak le mesaod a tekoi er ngii. cheldeng a rengul expression.confused; surprised; stubborn; dull-witted; slow (in understanding). cheldengokl v.s.unconscious.cheldengokl a smecher el di kea lolekoi; ng ocherur er a kodall. cheldereder v.r.s.explained.cheldereder a selaod; mla mechedereder me ng medengei;. chederderel. chelderemaot chelderemaot a cherrechar; mla mechedremaot; choderemotii a ralm, mengederemaot, chederemotel. chelderir n.poss.3p.seecheled. cheldermaot v.r.s.(water) stirred or agitated. chelderoder v.r.s.put together or into order; arranged. cheldid n.poss.1pi.seecheled. Cheldii Somebody's farted. cheldik n.poss.1s.seecheled. cheldik el ngikel expression.the fish I've caught. cheldil n.poss.3s.seecheled.cheldil a cheled er ngii el sechal. Aikel el iaus a kmal ungil cheltuul.The yellow striped sweet lips we caught last night are good smoked. cheldim n.poss.2s.seecheled.
cheldingel n.finger; appendage (of hand, foot, etc.).cheldingel a cheldngelel a chim me a ouach; cheldingel a eim er a bitang; cheldngelel a tuu. cheldngelel n.poss.3s. cheldngelel a chim expression.finger. cheldngelel a oach expression.toe. cheldngelel a tuu expression.banana (connected to or separated from a bunch). cheldir n.poss.3p.seechold. cheldiu n.poss.2p.seechold. cheldngelel n.poss.3s.seecheldingel. cheldngelel a chim expression.finger. cheldngelel a oach expression.toe. cheldngelel a tuu expression.banana (connected to or separated from a bunch). cheldoech₁ n.Palauan glass money.cheldoech a udoud er a Belau; olit er a kim. cheldechel n.poss.3s.cheldechel a cheldoech er ngii, mengeldoech, cheldechel a toluk. cheldoech n.glow; luster; heaven.cheldoech a beluu er a eanged; mengeldoech. cheldoech₂ n.glow; luster; heaven.cheldoech a beluu er a eanged; mengeldoech. cheldool seechelado.cheldool a chelado. chelduib v.r.s.carved; whittled; seduced by flattery.chelduib a mla obekord; mla mecheduib; chodibii, choduib, mengeduib a ordomel; chedibel. cheldukl₁ n.r.s.jetty; stone wall; mound or platform of stones on which bai is built.cheldukl a chelades er a bad; a odesongel a cheldukl; rael a cheldukl; mla mechades.Cf.mengades. cheldeklel n.poss.3s.cheldeklel a cheldukl el ngii a mlengades er ngii.
cheldukl₂ seechelades. cheldull₁ v.r.s.collected; assembled.cheldull a chelludel; uldak el rokui; mla mechudel; mengudel, chedelel. cheldull₂ n.r.s.core of canoe where mast, soaes, etc. connect. cheleas cheleas a kall me a klalo el ngeso el mo er a merrodel er a ngelekem mengeas, chelesengel. cheleatel n.r.s.wire.cheleatel a kerreel el deel. cheletelel n.poss.3s.cheletelel a cheleatel el kloleklel. chelebacheb n.rock island; promontory.chelebacheb a mekekerei el iungs; Ngerechong me a Ngemelis a chelebacheb, chelebechebel. chad er a chelebacheb expression.inhabitant of Beliliou or Ngeaur (pejorative term). chelebechebel n.poss.3s. mengelebacheb v.i.sail/pole canoe along coast of rock island.mengelebacheb a merael a delongelel me a tkul a chelebacheb.
chelebangel v.r.s.facing towards (at close range); (person) faced with (problems, etc.); (person) looking forward to expecting (future event) (and having to deal with it).chelebangel a mengebangel; chachuchau, chelebangel a kall, chebengelel.
chelebechebel n.poss.3s.seechelebacheb. chelebechielel chelebechielel a chelebechiil er ngii el dil; ngii a mlengebechiil. chelebechiil seechelbechiil.chelebechiil a udoud me a klalo el le ngai a melakl el dil me a lechub e ngii a mlad; mengebechiil, chelebechielel. chelebechobel v.r.s.embarrassed. chelebed n.hitting object;whip, club, bat.chelebed a klalo el usbechall er a omengelebed, cholebedii a chetelaol, cholebed, chelebedel.Cf.ongelebed. chelebedam n.poss.1pe. chelebeded n.poss.1pi. chelebedek n.poss.1s. chelebedel n.poss.3s. chelebedel a diokang expression.stem of tapioca plant. chelebedel a tuu expression.stem of banana tree. chelebedem n.poss.2s. chelebedir n.poss.3p. chelebedam n.poss.1pe.seechelebed. chelebeded n.poss.1pi.seechelebed. chelebedek n.poss.1s.seechelebed. chelebedel n.poss.3s.seechelebed. chelebedel a ding outer part of ear (including lobe). chelebedel a diokang expression.stem of tapioca plant. chelebedel a tuu expression.stem of banana tree. chelebedem n.poss.2s.seechelebed. chelebedir n.poss.3p.seechelebed. chelebediu n.poss.2p.seechelebed. chelebeldil n.poss.3s.seecheleblad.chelebeldil a omengeblad er ngii. mengeblad. chelebeludes chelebeludes a teleu a rekel el delul el ngikel; diak el ungil el mark. cheleberochel cheleberochel a meringel a rengul; cheleberochel a kall a lterrekakl; di mo er a babii.
chelebet n.type of fish.chelebet a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chelebill v.r.s.seemengabl.chelebill a ngar ngii a chebill, urrebet a orars er a smecher; smecher a chelebill. chelebingel₁ n.r.s.cup (originally made from coconut shell).chelebingel a kob; biul el blil a ilumel, cholechesobl er a ralm, chelebngelel. chelebingel₂ v.r.s.(fruit) picked or plucked.chelebingel a nglai; mla mechib, chibngii, chuib a buuch, mengib, chebngel.
chelebiob₂ chelebiob a rekdel a kebui me a dellomel; omekoad a dellomel. chelebirukel v.r.s.made crooked.chelebirukel a chebirukel; diak le melemalt el omeruul, chelebirekelel er a urreor, mengebirukel a melemalt el cheldecheduch. chelebis₁ n.r.s.mashed or crushed tapioca.chelebis a mla mechebis; chobisur, chobis a diokang, chebisul a chebis.Cf.mengebis. chelebis₂ v.r.s.mashed; crushed.chelebis a mla mechebis; chobisur, chobis a diokang, chebisul a chebis. chelebisul n.poss.3s.seechelebis. chelebitel n.deep-water fishtrap. cheleblabl v.r.s.helped to walk.cheleblabl a bereked; urrekodel; mla chobleblii a smecher el merael; choblabl a kloklel, mengeblabl, chebleblel. cheleblad₁ n.deception; cheating; wile.cheleblad a mengesuul e melai a soal; mla mecheblad e dmu berotel; choblad a udoud, chobeldir a chutem, chelebeldil. chad er a cheleblad expression.deceiver; cheater. chelebeldil n.poss.3s.chelebeldil a omengeblad er ngii. mengeblad. cheleblad₂ v.r.s.deceived; cheated.cheleblad a mengesuul e melai a soal; mla mecheblad e dmu berotel; choblad a udoud, chobeldir a chutem, chelebeldil. cheleblel cheleblel a tiul a dellomel el diak a ultutelel; cheleblel a dekool a ngeuul el cheitel. chelebodel₁ to be hit or struck. -.chelebodel a oleker a chelebed; kirel el mechelebed; cholebedii, cholebed, diak le chelbodel a chad; chelebedel. chelebodel₂ v.r.s.hit; struck. chelebsul a daob expression.whirlpool. chelebtanget v.r.s.skirted.chelebtanget a bereked; chobtengetii, chelebtanget er a bechil, chebtengetel. chelebtangt seechelebtanget. chelebud n.Palauan money: type of kldait.chelebud a ta er a bedengel a kldait, udoud er a Belau. chelebulam n.poss.1pe.seechelebuul. chelebuled n.poss.1pi.seechelebuul. chelebulek n.poss.1s.seechelebuul. chelebulel n.poss.3s.seechelebuul.chelebulel a chelebuul er ngii. chelebulem n.poss.2s.seechelebuul. chelebulir n.poss.3p.seechelebuul. chelebuliu n.poss.2p.seechelebuul. chelebus chelebus a such me a lechub a rekung el selubs er a mekeald, mengebus. chelebuul n.poverty; misery; pitifulness.chelebuul a kerrior el duubech; metacherebesul, betok a ngesonges er ngii; chelebulel.Cf.chebuul,mengebuul,klsesechebuul. chelebulam n.poss.1pe. chelebuled n.poss.1pi. chelebulek n.poss.1s. chelebulel n.poss.3s.chelebulel a chelebuul er ngii. chelebulem n.poss.2s. chelebulir n.poss.3p. chelebuliu n.poss.2p. chelebuul er a mekemad expression.war poverty. chelebuul er a mekemad expression.war poverty. chelechad n.association; political party. chelechall₁ to be reminded. chelechall₂ to be favored or spoiled. chelechang seeelechang.
Ochellek a lilngir a ukedek mla mechiseksikd.My brother borrowed my net and now it's all tangled. A okdemelek a ngarngii a chelsengul a bechil er.My uncle's wife has an obligation to go to today. Te kmal betok are ungil a chiklir el ngalk er.Theres a lot of good singers these days. chelecheall v.a.s.chelecheall a kirel el mecheleoch, mengeleoch, kirel a ungil el ulekerreu; rengalek a chelecheall, cholechii. cheleched₁ n.small sea crab. chechedel n.poss.3s. cheleched v.s.cheleched a chad el osisiu a klisichel a katrul me a kadekmel a chimal. cheleched el chad expression.ambidextrous person. cheleched₂ v.s.seecheleched.cheleched a chad el osisiu a klisichel a katrul me a kadekmel a chimal. cheleched₃ n.redup.area of shallow water (usually exposed at low tide and good for fishing).cheleched a chei, daob, kereker. cheleched₄ v.r.s.husked.cheleched a chelechidel; lius el mla mecheched; chechedel. cheleched el chad expression.ambidextrous person. chelechedad n.poss.1pi.seechelechedal. chelechedak n.poss.1s.seechelechedal. chelechedal n.poss.3s.trunk (of tree; plant; etc.); torso; basic part or principle of.chelechedal a chelechad er ngii. chelechedad n.poss.1pi. chelechedak n.poss.1s. chelechedal a bail expression.shirt; blouse. chelechedal a blai expression.frame or skeleton of house. chelechedal a ochur expression.basic principles of mathematics. chelechedal a tekoi expression.essence of the matter. chelechedam n.poss.2s. chelechedemam n.poss.1pe. chelechedemiu n.poss.2p. chelechederir n.poss.3p. ungil a chelechedal expression.have a good figure.
chelechedal a bail expression.shirt; blouse. chelechedal a blai expression.frame or skeleton of house. chelechedal a ochur expression.basic principles of mathematics. chelechedal a tekoi expression.essence of the matter. chelechedam n.poss.2s.seechelechedal. chelechedemam n.poss.1pe.seechelechedal. chelechedemiu n.poss.2p.seechelechedal. chelechederir n.poss.3p.seechelechedal. chelechei n.r.s.jealousy; envy.chelechei a mechechei; diak el soal a lungil a rebebil, chelechingil, mekekirenguul a rengul.Cf.mechechei. chachechei v.recip.envy each other.chachechei a di du el mechechei, chetil a lungil a tang; didu el di chetirir a ta er tir a bo el ungil; chelechil. chelechengel n.poss.3s. [syn:chelechingil.chelechingil a chelechei er ngii; mechechei.] kachechei v.recip.envy each other.kachechei a didu el mechechei; chetil a lungil a tang, kachechei el terung. chelechel n.poss.3s.action or instance of spoiling (child). chelechelid v.s.redup.(person) entertaining/funny/uninhibited.chelechelid a kladikm er a ngloik; diak el olbechall; chad el omeksemeriar a cheldechedechal. chellechelid n.r.s.entertaining/uninhibited personality.chellechelid a chelechelid; chelechelid a ungil er a seked. ouchelechelid v.t.redup.pretend or try to be funny; put on a joking air.ouchelechelid a meruul er ngii el chelechelid; ng di klasekl. chelechelil n.poss.3s.seechalech. chelecheloul₁ n.dandruff. chelecheloul v.s.having dandruff. chelecheloul₂ v.s.having dandruff. chelechelui n.type of fish.chelechelui a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chelechengel n.poss.3s.seechelechei. chelechidel seecheleched.chelechidel a cheleched. chelechil n.whale.chelechil a medob, ngikelngoaol. chelechingil seechelechengel.chelechingil a chelechei er ngii; mechechei. chelechol n.beach; sand.chelechol a chetemel a kederang el becheleleu.
Chelechui n.hamlet in Imeliik.Chelechui a beluu er a lmeliik. chelechul n.poss.3s.seecheluch. chelechuus n.type of tree.chelechuus a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar el ungil el besebes. cheled n.r.s.any product of the sea (or, sometimes, pigeons) caught but not yet cooked; shell.cheled a rokui el mengai er a daob el ua ngikel, kim, ngimes, bukitang me a kuk bebil.Cf.omcheled,chelled. bad el cheled expression.crab (which lives on reef). cheldemam n.poss.1pe. cheldemiu n.poss.2p. chelderir n.poss.3p. cheldid n.poss.1pi. cheldik n.poss.1s. cheldik el ngikel expression.the fish I've caught. cheldil n.poss.3s.cheldil a cheled er ngii el sechal. cheledaol v.r.s.blessed; sanctified.cheledaol a chedaol; meang, mla mechedaol; cheledolel. cheleech v.r.s.(ingredients for betel nut chewing) supplemented with tobacco. cheleed v.r.s.sewn, stitched or fixed temporarily; pushed.cheleed a mla mecheed; chemedii a mlai, chemeed a bail, mengeed, chedel a mechut el bail.
cheleid v.s.stuck in a precarious position.
cheleikl cheleikl a chelias; mla mechais, nglai er a chelechedal. chelekelekall to be rubbed (between hands). cheleklachel v.r.s.cleaned by shaking with water inside; shaken.cheleklachel a mla mecheklachel; choklechelii a ilumel, choklachel, mengklachel, cheklechelel. chelekloch chelekloch a beraom el ngikel el mechuum e mo er a ngau; odoim. cheleld v.r.s.knocked out of breath.cheleld a mla mecheld, chad el ruebet el metilech me ng meengel a telil; mo kedeb a telil. cheleldoech v.r.s.has glow cast upon it. chelelengel n.poss.3s.pallor.chelelengel a chelleleu er ngii; becheleleu. cheleleu₁ seemengeleleu.cheleleu a mla mengai, sersek a cheleleu, mla obadel a dellomel el rokui; chelelengang. cheleleu₂ v.s.pale (usually from fright); (land) desolate or destroyed (e.g. after typhoon, war, etc.).cheleleu a medal er a dakd; kmal mlo medakd me a lechub e ng merur a cheleleu a medal. cheleliuis₁ n.r.s.long, raised mounds for planting.cheleliuis a mekemanget el selib er a sers; cheleliuis a blil a chemutii.Cf.mengeliuis. cheleliuis₂ v.r.s.(garden) provided with long, raised mounds for planting. chelellakl v.r.s.quieted; pacified; held or made steady; (person) quiet or unassuming.chelellakl a kellechakl; diak el odikel, diak a uldikel er a beluu; chelellakl a belual el budech. chelelluut chelelluut a di teleu, diak le chelsimer, blimam a chelelluut me ng cheluatel. chelem v.r.s.pried up; lifted with lever.chelem a chelimer; mla mechem, klider el ngar a bab; klou el bad a chelem er a ongem. chelemakl who stuffs too much food into mouth. chelemcham v.r.s.broken into pieces. chelemedaol v.r.s.welcomed; called together. chelemekl v.r.s.stuck.chelemekl a diak le mededaes; chomeklii a chimal, mengemekl a tekoi; mengetituokel, chemeklel. chelemeklel n.poss.3s.seechelemakl. chelemesames v.s.redup.(person) having amputated limb (usually, arm). chelemimiil chelemimiil a diak le mengunguuch; cheldeng a rengul. chelemochem v.r.s.urinated on.chelemochem a mla mechemochem; chumechemii, mengemochem er a ulaol, chemechemel. chelemsengel n.poss.3s.seechelemus.chelemsengel a delebes er ngii, chelemus a chim. chelemtumt v.s.redup.very crowded with. chelemull v.r.s.engaged in sexual relations with.chelemull a mla moterebek, chad a mla mengemull er ngii. chelemus₁ v.r.s.amputated; (person) having amputated limb.chelemus a delebes; delebokl, chumsengii a chimal, chelemsengel. chelemus₂ n.r.s.stump (of amputated or mutilated limb). chelemesames v.s.redup.(person) having amputated limb (usually, arm). chelemsengel n.poss.3s.chelemsengel a delebes er ngii, chelemus a chim. chelemuul seechelam.chelemuul a mla mecham; chelam a ochil. cheleoch v.s.favored; spoiled.cheleoch a iliuekl er a ultoir me a beltik el reng. cheleodel v.r.s.patched; (injured limb) patched up and hard to move; sewn, stitched or fixed temporarily.cheleodel a mla mecheed; cheleed diak le melemalt, chimal a cheleodel. cheleokl₁ v.r.s.having something stuck in throat.cheleokl a mla mecheokl; merekeklii a tungd, ngar er ngii a tungd er a omerkolel;. cheleokl₂ cheleokl a telemall el mesil; bilas a cheleokl. chelerrumet v.r.s.washed or pumped out.chelerrumet a mla mecherumet; nglatech, churemetii a olekang, churumet, cheremetel. chelerrungel v.r.s.made whole; completed; perfected.chelerrungel a mla mecherrungel; churungel, mla mo merek, temek er a urreor a chelerrungel. chelert v.r.s.defecated on.chelert a mla mechert; chortii, ngar er ngii a dach er ngii; chertel. cheleseb₁ v.r.s.(taro tubers) cut.cheleseb a mla mecheseb, chosebii, cheleseb el dait a ileakl er a kukau, mla medebes. cheleseb₂ v.r.s.seemengeseb.cheleseb a ta er a ngerel a chelitakl; mla mecheseb; chueseb a chelitakl, ungil a ongesebel, chesebel. chelesengel chelesengel a cheleas er ngii, mengeas. cheletelel n.poss.3s.seecheleatel.cheletelel a cheleatel el kloleklel. cheleu n.whiteness of ocean floor.cheleu a chei, kereker el diak a bad er ngii, di chelechol. cheleuam n.poss.1pe.seecholo. cheleuatel cheleuatel a ngar er ngii a euatel er ngii; eotelel a beluu; sersel. cheleued n.poss.1pi.seecholo. cheleuek n.poss.1s.seecholo. cheleuel n.poss.3s.seecholo.cheleuel a cholo er ngii el ngikel. cheleuem n.poss.2s.seecholo. cheleuid₁ v.r.s.confused; mistaken; erred.cheleuid a diak le ngii a merang; ngodech el diak lemera el rolel, mecheuid er a belsechel a skuul, cheludul. cheleuid₂ n.r.s.mistake; error.cheleuid a diak le ngii a merang; ngodech el diak lemera el rolel, mecheuid er a belsechel a skuul, cheludul. cheludul n.poss.3s.cheludul a cheleuid er ngii, ngii a mlecheuid. cheleuikl cheleuikl a chelaus el tet; chelaus el chemachel, mla mechaus, chousii, chemaus, mengaus. cheleuir n.poss.3p.seecholo. cheleuiu n.poss.2p.seecholo. cheleuocho n.large fishing basket.cheleuocho a ta er a bedengel a oruikl. chelib seechelebingel.chelib a mla mechib; mla mengai el mo cheroid er a kerrekar; chibngii, chuib a bobai, chebngel. chelibel₁ seechelball.chelibel a kirel el mechalb, cholbii, chualb, mengalb a keai, chelbel a mengchongch. chelibel₂ n.poss.3s.seecheluib.chelibel a cheluib er ngii el uel. chelibeob chelibeob a chaibibeob, bleob, mla mechibeob. cheliberrengrang n.whiteness of clam shell.cheliberrengrang a chellelengel a ulseuechel el kim. chelibiob v.r.s.made round; rounded. chelid₁ n.god; deity; spirit; sacred object (about which some prohibition is made); center.chelid a bladek, betok el kakerous, ochao a chelid er a Ngchesar, Ngirabeliliou a chelid er a Beliliou, oumesingd el beluu a di ngar er ngii a chedul.Cf.klechelid,ngabtchelid. bedengel a chelid expression.sacred object; food forbidden to village or family. bedengel er a chelid expression.sacred object (e.g.; stone with image of deity); food forbidden to village or family. Chedul n.poss.3s.also, religion; belief.chedul a chelid er ngii, Dios a Chedul a beluulechad. kelel a chelid of the gods. tekoi el chelid expression.supernatural event. tekoi er a chelid expression.religious or spiritual matters.
chelid₂ n.third month of Palauan year.chelid a ongedei el buil er a rak er a Belau. Chelid Chelid a Dios el ulemeob a rechad, eanged, chutem me a rokui.
chelid₁ v.r.s.(neck) turned to one side.chelid a omur; chidir a chiklel, chelid a chiklel, mengid er a chiklel. chelid₂ chelid a telemall el delomel, dait el delebes el cheroid er techel me ng diak el dubech. chelidabel v.r.s.hang onto with hands; hanging. chelidadeb₁ chelidadeb a medingabet; mekebekabes, cheliraro, chelidadeb a usekerel a rubak, chidedebel. chelidadeb₂ v.r.s.(canoe) has curve made. chelidebaol's cradle.chelidebaol a klekool el ousbech a besebes, mengidebaol el meruul er a did. chelidobel seechelidabel.chelidobel a mengidobel; olik a chelidobel er a kerrekar, urrekodel er a rachel e cheliraro; chiidebel. cheliduid n.r.s.bullet.cheliduid a kelel a boes. chelieb v.r.s.seemengieb.chelieb a mla mechieb, medal a chelieb; ngar ngii a besbas er a chelsul a medal. chelii n.yesterday.chelii a sils er uchei er a chelechang. cheliil v.r.s.waited for; expected. chelik interj.exclamation of surprise (esp. directed at group of people).
chelikeang interj.exclamation upon hearing playful lie.chelikeang a chelik. chelikel seechelais. chelikiik v.s.having an overabundance of food, etc. and unable to carry it away. chelikikd seemengiseksikt.chelikikd a cheliseksikd; mechikikd, kmal mechesang, diak el rechebesul er a ildisel a urreor; chelikikd er a klengelakel.
chelilai er a ngebard expression.plumeria. chelilai er a ngebard expression.plumeria. chelilekelek₁ chelilekelek a merat; medirt, such a chelilekelek er a sils. chelilekelek₂ chelilekelek er a deroakl; kmal tuobed a cheril e melemolem el ocherechur. cheliliik v.s.(food, etc.) dry or having little moisture or juice.cheliliik a medirt; chemis, cheliliik el chutem, cheliliik el kall. cheliliik el ked expression.parched hillside. cheliliik el ked expression.parched hillside. chelilt v.r.s.oiled; greased; anointed; cared for.chelilt a mla mechilt; chelilt er a cheluch; chiltii, chemilt, ngalek a chelilt er a kar.
chelim n.protective mound (of earth or stones) surrounding house.chelim a cheldukl el bad el bereked er a blai; chelim a ngar a rebai me a kliu. chelim rakt Chedal a smecher el mengelim er ngii. chelimeluk v.s.confused; disorderly; chaotic.chelimeluk a diak le kldmokl; choimelkur a rael; di berriid a besbas e katotaod a klalo; mengimeluk, chimelkul. chelimer v.r.s.pried open; lifted or moved (by a wedge).chelimer a mla mechimer; beltikel, berruud, chimerii, chuimer a chesimer, mengimer. chelimetemet v.r.s.(hand) closed to make fist; crushed into ball.chelimetemet a mla mechimetemet diak le blerek, choimetemetii a chimal; choimetemet a babier, chimetemetel. chelimimii a rengul v.s.sullen; obstinate; uncooperative. chelimimuul a rengul seechelimimii a rengul. chelimkelukel chelimkelukel a chelimkemkall; chelimeluk. chelimkemkall v.s.dense; bushy; covered with vegetation; piled up in a mess.chelimkemkall a diak le mededaes; chelimeluk. chelimkemukl seechelimkemkall. chelimkomk v.r.s.covered over with (blanket, cloth, leaves, etc.).chelimkomk a mla mechimkomk; ilebeb, delekedek er a bar, choimkemkii, choimkomk, chimkemkel. cheliotel₁ to which coconut milk has been added.cheliotel a cheluit; kall el ngar er ngii a disech er ngii; klengoes er a disech; cheliotel el kim.Cf.menguit,chuit. [syn:cheluit.cheluit a cheliotel.] cheliotel₂ v.r.s.containing squeezed coconut milk. cheliraro v.r.s.hanging; dangling.cheliraro a telecherakl; ulekebekabes; mla mechiraro; mekebekabes, tuu a ulekabes, tuu a cheliraro. chelirocher v.r.s.bent into a hook.chelirocher a mla mechirocher, rruul el chirocher, choirecherii, choirocher a chiul, chircherel. cheliroir v.r.s.caught up with; (hair, etc.) cut to same length.cheliroir a osisiu a klemanget; kmoir a cheiul, choiririi, cheliroir a sngoselild. chelirreked chelirreked a chelemekl a rengul; mesisiich a rengul; chetil el ngar eou, chirekedii, choireked a rengrir. chelis n.holes at ends and center of hull of canoe for sails and mast.chelis a telkib el chelisb; chisir, blil a orrakl er a mlai a chelis. chelisb v.r.s.(food, liquid, dirt, etc.) having been scooped or spooned out.chelisb a mla mechisb; nglai er a ongisb, chisbii, chuisb a kall, chesbel. cheliseksikd seecheliseksikt.cheliseksikd a chelikikd, diak le mededaes. cheliseksikt v.r.s.tangled up; involved; confused; ambiguous. chelisel₁ seechelasel.chelisel a chelasel. chelisel₂ seechelasel.chelisel a chelasel. chelisemesem v.r.s.embraced; hugged.chelisemesem a mla mechisemesem, ulechull; choisemesemii a ngelekel; mechulii, choisemesem a chimal, chisemesemel. chelisemesomel seechelisemesem.chelisemesomel a chelisemesem. chelisemesomel a chim expression.arms folded. chelisemsum chelisemesum a uldekdak el cheldingel, mengisemsum a chimal. chelisngekl v.r.s.(head) turned to look. chelisngellam n.poss.1pe.seechelisngull. chelisngelled n.poss.1pi.seechelisngull. chelisngellek n.poss.1s.seechelisngull. chelisngellel n.poss.3s.frown.chelisngellel a ngii a mengisngull; bluks a ngerel e ultengel a medal; kesib a rengul. chelisngellem n.poss.2s.seechelisngull. chelisngellir n.poss.3p.seechelisngull. chelisngelliu n.poss.2p.seechelisngull. chelisngull₁ v.r.s.(face) frowning; vexed; offended. chelisngull₂ n.r.s.action of frowning/scowling. chelisngellam n.poss.1pe. chelisngelled n.poss.1pi. chelisngellek n.poss.1s. chelisngellel n.poss.3s.frown.chelisngellel a ngii a mengisngull; bluks a ngerel e ultengel a medal; kesib a rengul. chelisngellem n.poss.2s. chelisngellir n.poss.3p. chelisois v.r.s.piled up one on top of the other.chelisois a chachsois, mla mechisois; klalo el ultak er a bebil er a klalo; choisisii, choisois a babier, chisisel. chelitakl₁ a chesols; kelloi, rebetii, derebechesiil, choiteklii, choitakl, mengitakl, chiteklel. cheliteklam n.poss.1pe. chelitekled n.poss.1pi. cheliteklek n.poss.1s. cheliteklel n.poss.3s. cheliteklem n.poss.2s. cheliteklir n.poss.3p. chelitechetemam n.poss.1pe.seechelitechut. chelitechetemiu n.poss.2p.seechelitechut. chelitecheterir n.poss.3p.seechelitechut. chelitechetud n.poss.1pi.seechelitechut. chelitechetuk n.poss.1s.seechelitechut. chelitechetul n.poss.3s.seechelitechut.
chelitechetum n.poss.2s.seechelitechut. chelitechut n.weakness; softness; weakened condition (esp., due to old age).chelitechut a mechitechut; diak el mesisiich, choitechetur a rengul, choitechut a bedengel; chelitechetul.Cf.mechitechut. chelitechetemam n.poss.1pe. chelitechetemiu n.poss.2p. chelitecheterir n.poss.3p. chelitechetud n.poss.1pi. chelitechetuk n.poss.1s. chelitechetul n.poss.3s. chelitechetum n.poss.2s.
cheliteklam n.poss.1pe.seechelitakl. chelitekled n.poss.1pi.seechelitakl. cheliteklek n.poss.1s.seechelitakl. Ngarngii a el soak a omrengesii.I have a song that I would like you to hear. cheliteklel n.poss.3s.seechelitakl. cheliteklem n.poss.2s.seechelitakl. cheliteklir n.poss.3p.seechelitakl. chelitekliu n.poss.2p.seechelitakl. chelituuk₁ v.r.s.repaired; arranged; fixed; adjusted.chelituuk a ouedikel a le mechiuaiu. chelituuk a mengituuk; osiik a rolel; mengedechuul, choitukii a mesil el mo ungil, choituuk, chitukel a mechut el mlai. chelituuk₂ n.r.s.diligence.chelituuk a ouedikel a le mechiuaiu. chelituuk a mengituuk; osiik a rolel; mengedechuul, choitukii a mesil el mo ungil, choituuk, chitukel a mechut el mlai.Cf.mengituuk. cheliuaiu n.sleep; (action of) sleeping.cheliuaiu a mechiuaiu; bad, klebesei a chosul a cheliuaiu, imiit a medal, cheliuel. cheliuam n.poss.1pe. cheliued n.poss.1pi. cheliuek n.poss.1s. cheliuel n.poss.3s. cheliuem n.poss.2s. cheliuir n.poss.3p. cheliuiu n.poss.2p.
cheliuam n.poss.1pe.seecheliuaiu. cheliuch v.r.s.drilled; bored into.cheliuch a blsibs; mla mechiuch; ngar er ngii a metetoech er ngii; chuichiar, chiuch a kboub, mengiuch. cheliud₁ v.r.s.twisted; wrung out.cheliud a ngklel a ta er a bedengel a rrellel a dekool, melamech a cheliud. cheliud₂ n.r.s.twisted or stick tobacco; thorny bush.cheliud a ngklel a ta er a bedengel a rrellel a dekool, melamech a cheliud. cheliued n.poss.1pi.seecheliuaiu. cheliuek n.poss.1s.seecheliuaiu. cheliuel n.poss.3s.seecheliuaiu. cheliuem n.poss.2s.seecheliuaiu.
cheliuert v.r.s.beaten (with stick, club, etc.).cheliuert a chellebed; mla mechiuert; mechelebed, chiuertel. cheliuetokl v.r.s.wrung out; twisted.cheliuetokl a cheliud. cheliuir n.poss.3p.seecheliuaiu. cheliuis n.dike or low wall in taro patch; taro patch.cheliuis a mesei el blil a dait; chellusel.Cf.mengeliuis. cheliuiu n.poss.2p.seecheliuaiu. cheliull n.Palauan money: type of kldait.cheliull a ta er a bedengel a kldait; udoud er a Belau. cheliuongel cheliuongel a omengiuongel; sekebdebid el chad; mengiuongel, meringel el mesiik a soal,. chelius n.woman's turtle shell belt. chelius el techull Olkesongel el kldmokl ra cheluib ma lechub eng ulekngall. chellabed₁ chellabed a ta er a bedengel a cheled el kall; ko er a ksull.
chellabed₃ n.wall pillar or post in bai on which imuul beams are laid and from which rekoi projects.chellabed a klekedellel a bai. chellaklii v.s.slow-moving; unenergetic. chellam n.poss.1pe.seechull. chellang getting rainy.chellang a mocha chull, robeta chull; merema chull. chellaod v.r.s.comforted; consoled.chellaod a mechelaod; sosokol, semeremeriang, chellaod el meloik.
chellaol v.a.s.chellaol a kirel el mechelil; mo mengelil er ngii, siokel a uchul, smecher a chellaol. chelleanged n.location in sky relatively close to earth. chellebakl n.end or division between sections of thatched roof.chellebakl a klekedall er a chado er a bai me a blai. chellebed v.r.s.seemengelebed.chellebed a cheliuert, mla mechiuert. chellecheel chellecheel a omengeleoch er ngii; cheleoch., chelleoch. chellechel₁ v.r.s.reminded.chellechel a mla mechelechel; cholechelii me lak lobes; mengelechel lak louchais, chelechelel. chellechel₂ v.r.s.admonished; asked to keep a secret or hold something in confidence. chellechelid n.r.s.entertaining/uninhibited personality.chellechelid a chelechelid; chelechelid a ungil er a seked. chellechoes v.s.(woman) slender in waist or beautiful. chelled₁ n.poss.1pi.seechull. chelled₂ v.r.s.fished out;.chelled a chei el mla mokiid a cheled me a ngikel er ngii; mla mo diak a cheled er ngii. chelled₃ of fishermen.chelled a delebechel el chad el ngar a chei. chellek n.poss.1s.seechull. chellekelek v.r.s.rubbed (between hands); (plants) smashed or torn apart (by wind). chellel n.poss.3s.seechull. chellel a meas expression.rain which attracts large school of rabbit fish. chellel a ngebard expression.rain coming on west wind. chellel a ongos expression.rain coming on east wind. chellel a orakiruu expression.rain at time of full moon. chellelengel n.poss.3s.seechelleleu. chelleleu n.r.s.whiteness (of clothes, skin color, hair, etc.).chelleleu a blecheleleu er ngii; chellelengel, becheleleu. chellem n.poss.2s.seechull. chellengsel chellengsel a chellings er ngii; mechellings, diak el cherrechar. chelleoch₁ n.r.s.spoiling (of child).chelleoch a kllungel a omengeleoch, cheleoch el ngalek, chehecheel.Cf.mengeleoch,omengeleoch. chelechel n.poss.3s.action or instance of spoiling (child). cheleoch v.s.favored; spoiled.cheleoch a iliuekl er a ultoir me a beltik el reng. chelleoch₂ v.r.s.seemengeleoch. chellibel₁ n.r.s.story of house.chellibel a chachisois, blik a edei el chellibel. chellibel₂ seechelalb.chellibel a mla mechalb; cholbii, chualb, chelalb, mengchongch a chellibel; nglai a budel. chellibelmengchongch v.s.white; (woman) beautiful/white-skinned. chellil chellil a mla mechelil; mla mengelil er a secherel; chullur a smecher. chelliloil v.s.(long object) complete/in one piece.chelliloil a cherrungel; choiloil a sils, chelliloil el bail, chililel a omengeiung. chelliloil el bail expression.long dress. chelliloil el blauang expression.whole loaf of bread. chellim₁ v.r.s.accompanied; escorted. chellim₂ v.r.s.accompanied; escorted.chellim a mla mechelim; chelmongel me temengelim er ngii cholmengii a medakd, cholim a chelebuul, chelmengel. chellimong seechellimosk. chellimosk v.s.proficient; versatile; experienced; expert.chellimosk a kot el meduch er a tekoi, chellimosk er a urrereel a llach. [syn:chellimong.chellimong a chellimosk; mellomes e medenge betok el tekoi.] chellings n.clearness; transparency; purity; pristine condition.chellings a beches; mechellings a daob, chellings er a ralm; diak el cherechar el ralm; chellengsel. chellingsel n.poss.3s.its clearness; transparency; purity; pristine condition. mechellings v.s.(liquid, glass, etc.) clear or transparent.mechellings a chellings; beches, mechellings a ralm diak lecherrechar, chellengsel. chellingsel n.poss.3s.its clearness; transparency; purity; pristine condition. chellir n.poss.3p.seechull. chelliu n.poss.2p.seechull. chellius chellius a cheluib el bdek; techull er a redil. chellobel₁ v.s.covered; shady.chellobel a telengetongel; mla mecheleb; cholebii a tuangel, chueleb; blai a chellobel er a kerrekar. chellobel₂ v.r.s.protected; sheltered. chellochoes n.chellochoes a cheloes; kekerei el ungil a teletelel; chemosii a blengur, chellochoes el ekebil.Cf.mengoes. chelloklel n.poss.3s.chelloklel a chellochoes er ngii. chelloil v.r.s.completed; pursued to end. chellokl n.waistline; cut of clothes. chelloklel₁ n.poss.3s.seechellochoes.chelloklel a chellochoes er ngii. chelloklel₂ n.poss.3s.seechellokl. chellolel Mle chelil el tekoi. chellooch₁ v.r.s.masturbated.chellooch a mla mechelooch; mengelooch a odoim le ng diak ongraol, chelochel. chellooch₂ n.r.s.masturbation.chellooch a mla mechelooch; mengelooch a odoim le ng diak ongraol, chelochel. chelludel seecheldull.chelludel a kldibel; mla mechudel; mengudel, cheldull, rechad a cheldull er a bai, cheldellel. chelluklel chelluklel a ngii a chillusii; chelluklel el sualo me a tet. chellungel₁ v.r.s.carried (off) on the shoulders; carrying someone or something on the shoulders.chellungel a kall el longol a ngalek el dil el chedal a mlad el chad. chellungel₂ chellungel a chelol; mla mechol; mengol a beras; chellungel a idungel, chelngel. chellusakl chellusakl a ta er a bedengel a chelaus, chellusakl el oruikl. chellusel n.poss.3s.seecheliuis. chelluut₁ v.r.s.slapped; (eyes) smarting (from wind).chelluut a blar; mla mecheluut; chellebed a medal, cholutii a chetelaol, choluut, uldechelakl. chelluut₂ v.r.s.seemengeluut.chelluut a mla meruoru er a eolt; rruoru; cholutii er a sembuki; choluut a billum, mengeluut. chelmekl₁ chelmekl a mla mechemekl a rengul; mengemekl, chomeklii, mesisiich el oltaut a loumerang. chelmekl₂ chelmekl a mla mechemekl; chomekl a ochil, mengemekl a ouach e oukerrekeriil. chelmellam n.poss.1pe.seechelmoll. chelmelled n.poss.1pi.seechelmoll. chelmellek n.poss.1s.seechelmoll. chelmellel n.poss.3s.seechelmoll.chelmellel a chelmoll er ngii el beluu. chelmellem n.poss.2s.seechelmoll. chelmellir n.poss.3p.seechelmoll. chelmelliu n.poss.2p.seechelmoll. chelmengel n.poss.3s.companion; escort.chelmengel a chad el mengelim er ngii, chelmengel er a chelebuul. chelmoll n.reef (general area).chelmoll a chei; omedeklel a daob. chelmellam n.poss.1pe. chelmelled n.poss.1pi. chelmellek n.poss.1s. chelmellel n.poss.3s.chelmellel a chelmoll er ngii el beluu. chelmellem n.poss.2s. chelmellir n.poss.3p. chelmelliu n.poss.2p.
chelmongel₁ to be accompanied/escorted. chelmongel₂ to be accompanied or escorted.chelmongel a kirel el mechelim, mengelim er a medakd, cholmengii a mekngit a rengul; chelmengel. cheloadel₁ cheloadel a chad el di ngera e ng mo mechelaod e obes a ngerechelel. cheloadel₂ v.a.s.cheloadel a kirel el mechelaod, cholodii a ngalek, mengelaod er a mekngit a rengul. cheloall to be completed or pursued to end. cheloatel v.r.s.(village) protected by stone wall. chelobel₁ chelobel a dekedokel; kirel el echeleb; mengeleb er ngii, ngalek a chelobel er a sils; melenget. chelobel₂ n.anything which covers something (e.g., vine covering tree). chelochall to be masturbated.chelochall a sebechel el mechelooch; beras a chelochall. chelochel n.poss.3s.seechellooch.
cheloes₁ v.r.s.seemengoes.cheloes a mla mechoes; kekerei, cheloes a omengelel. cheloes₂ v.r.s.(rope, etc.) frayed. cheloit v.r.s.thrown away; abandoned; (money) spent unnecessarily.cheloit a blides; mla mechoit; choitii a mechut el mlai, chemoit a besbas.
cheloit a klemtengel expression.(person) free or unrestricted. chelokl v.r.s.scolded.chelokl a mla mechokl; mla choklii; oungeroel, mengokl, aki di chelokl el rokui. chelol₁ v.r.s.carried on the shoulder; carried away; picked up; stolen. chelol₂ paid to village for services of concubines. chelol₃ chelol a chellungel er a kemeldiil. chelold₁ v.r.s.farted at.chelold a mla mechold; choldii, chemold, cheldel. chelold₂ chelold a ngeliokl el delelualu a lmel e mekngit a ngeuil. Chelong n.Ngerechelong (used in certain fixed expressions). chelosm v.r.s.tapped or rapped on; rung.chelosm a mla mechosm; chosmii, mengosm er a kambalang, chesmel.
chelsakl n.wall pillar/post in bai or house.chelsakl a mesisiich el kerrekar el orreked a kboub er a bai me a blai, chelseklel. chelseklam n.poss.1pe. chelsekled n.poss.1pi. chelseklek n.poss.1s. chelseklel n.poss.3s. chelseklem n.poss.2s. chelseklir n.poss.3p. chelsam n.poss.1pe.seechelsel. chelsang; job; customary task; errand.chelsang a urreor; mechesang; omengereker, kemeldiil, ocheraol, cheldecheduch. chelsengmam n.poss.1pe. chelsengmiu n.poss.2p. chelsengrir n.poss.3p. chelsengud n.poss.1pi. chelsenguk n.poss.1s. chelsengul n.poss.3s.chelsengul a chelsang el kirel. chelsengum n.poss.2s. chelsau n.tree in linden family.chelsau a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chelsbad v.r.s.(face) slapped.chelsbad a mla obar; chellebed, chosbedengii a chetelaol, chosbad. chelsbekl chelsbekl a diak lemelemalt el delobech; kisbekl, brak a chelsbekl a teludelel; turekorek. chelsbocheb₁ v.r.s.(boat) has boards of frame put on.chelsbocheb a mla mechesbocheb; chosbechebii, mla melecha chosbocheb er a blai, mengesbocheb, chesbechebel. chelsbocheb₂ chelsbocheb a ulul me ng kedeb a telil, ulul a mla mechesbocheb. chelsbreber v.r.s.painted.chelsbreber a mla mechesbreber. chelsebelel n.poss.3s.seechelsobel. chelsebengos n.handsomeness.chelsebengos a kllebokel er ngii el sechal; chelsebengos er a ekebil; chesebengos; klebokel. chesbengos v.s.handsome; beautiful.chesbengos a klebokel e ungil el sechal me a redil; ungil el dil. chelseches v.r.s.locked; latched.chelseches a blai el chelsimer e ngar er ngii a chesechesel. chelsechosm v.r.s.dented all over (from tapping);.chelsechosm a ulduum e betok a blet er ngii; terretirem; ulduum, chelsechosm el olekang. chelsechosu v.r.s.splinted.chelsechosu a chelam; llechotel e uldak er a medecher me ng diak le medeu. chelsechusem₁ v.r.s.dirtied or smeared (with food).chelsechusem a bechesechusem, chusechesemii, chusechusem a chimal, chesechesemel a kall. chelsechusem₂ cheisechusem a teloi er a tirudii a bank, ta er a chelsechusem er ngii. chelsed n.poss.1pi.seechelsel. chelsek n.poss.1s.seechelsel. chelsekl₁ v.r.s.cooked with spices.chelsekl a mla mechesekl; kall el delul er a bebul a deel; choseklii, chosekl a diokang, mengesekl, cheseklel. chelsekl₂ n.r.s.grated tapioca (sometimes sweetened) wrapped in banana leaves and roasted. chelseklam n.poss.1pe.seechelsakl. chelsekled n.poss.1pi.seechelsakl. chelseklek n.poss.1s.seechelsakl. chelseklel₁ n.poss.3s.seechelsakl. chelseklel₂ n.poss.3s.seechelsekl. chelseklem n.poss.2s.seechelsakl. chelseklir n.poss.3p.seechelsakl. chelsekliu n.poss.2p.seechelsakl. chelsel n.poss.3s.inside; within.chelsel a diak el ikr; chelsel a rengul, chelsel a blai. chelsam n.poss.1pe. chelsed n.poss.1pi. chelsek n.poss.1s. chelsel a bad or among the coral. chelsel a blsibs expression.inside of the hole. chelsel a kall the food. chelsel a klengar expression.within (one's) lifetime. chelsel a skidas expression.inside of the drawer. chelsel a taoch the channel. chelsem n.poss.2s. chelsir n.poss.3p. chelsiu n.poss.2p.
chelsel a bad or among the coral. chelsel a bail expression.undershirt; T-shirt. chelsel a blsibs expression.inside of the hole. chelsel a kall the food. chelsel a klengar expression.within (one's) lifetime. chelsel a skidas expression.inside of the drawer. chelsel a taoch the channel. chelsem n.poss.2s.seechelsel. chelsemsum v.r.s.(fingers) twisted on over the other.chelsemsum a mla mechisemsum, mla choisemsum a chimal, chisemsemngel. chelsengmam n.poss.1pe.seechelsang. chelsengmiu n.poss.2p.seechelsang. chelsengrir n.poss.3p.seechelsang. chelsengsang v.r.s.redup.busy in bothering people; bothersome; nonsensical; trivial.chelsengsang a diak lultebechel; diak lodengei a mera el tekoi mengesengsang;.
chelsengud n.poss.1pi.seechelsang. chelsenguk n.poss.1s.seechelsang. chelsengul n.poss.3s.seechelsang.chelsengul a chelsang el kirel. A okdemelek a ngarngii a a bechil er chelechang.My uncle's wife has an obligation to go to today. chelsengum n.poss.2s.seechelsang. chelsiau v.r.s.assisted by contribution of food or labor.chelsiau a mla mechesiau; chosiur, chosiau, Ngaramecherocher a chelsiau. chelsimer v.r.s.closed; confined; locked in (e.g., as punishment).chelsimer a telengetongel, diak le belkais, diak le nglai a chesmerel; blutek, mla mechesimer; chosmerii er a kelebus, chesmerel. chelsir n.poss.3p.seechelsel. chelsiu n.poss.2p.seechelsel. chelsiuch₁ chelsiuch a kerul a kebui el di medalem e duubech el kebui. chelsiuch₂ v.r.s.having been given tortoise shell money.chelsiuch a buchelsechal el mla nguu a chesuchel; mla mechesiuch. chelsiuch₃ n.r.s.stern board of boat. chelskall v.s.(person) hurriedly or distractedly passing by. chelsmekemek₁ n.r.s.chelsmekemek a mesisiich el chelsimer; di chelsimer a blai, chesmekemekel.Cf.mengesmekemek. chelsmekemek₂ v.r.s.(house, etc.) closed up; (ideas, etc.) conservative. chelsmekemek a uldesuel v.s.(person) closed-minded; not willing to consider different ideas. chelsngekl chelsngekl a di omes el bedul a bitang; chelsngekl le ng kesib a rengul, olechib er a medal. chelsobel n.r.s.chelsobel a kall el ngeso er a mesurech, chelsebelel. Odingel era cheroll el telngot.Cf.mengeseb. chelsoim v.r.s.turned; wound; screwed.chelsoim a mla mechesoim; choslmii a seraub, chosoim a ralm, chesimel. chelsols v.r.s.(chant) sung.chelsols a mla mechesols; mla mechitak; choselsii a cheselsel a Oreor, mengesols, cheselsel. chelsuar v.r.s.(face) slapped; slapped in the face.chelsuar a chelsbad, chellebed a medal, mla mechesuar. chelsuart v.r.s.covered with asphalt. chelsuch v.r.s.threaded; strung.chelsuch a mla mechesuch; chusechar, chusuch a ngikel, mengesuch, chesechal. chelsuches n.r.s.wound from sharp, pointed object.chelsuches a selumes er a rasm; mla mechesuches; chusechesii, chusuches a medal, mengesuches; chesechesel.Cf.mengesuches. chelsul a mad n.pupil of eye.chelsul a se el omes er a mad, chelsuches a chelsul a medal.Cf.mad. bekerekard a chelsul a mad expression.have bloodshot eyes. chelsul a medad n.poss.1pi. chelsul a medak n.poss.1s. chelsul a medal n.poss.3s. chelsul a medam n.poss.2s. chelsul a medmam n.poss.1pe. chelsul a medmiu n.poss.2p. chelsul a medad n.poss.1pi.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medak n.poss.1s.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medal n.poss.3s.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medam n.poss.2s.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medmam n.poss.1pe.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medmiu n.poss.2p.seechelsul a mad. chelsul a medrir n.poss.3p.seechelsul a mad. chelsuloul v.r.s.burned thoroughly.chelsuloul a mla mechas; delul el mo imis; mechesuloul, chosululii, chosuloul a ngikel, chesululel. chelsureor v.r.s.cooked with coconut syrup.chelsureor a mla mechesureor; chosureor a miich er a ilaot, mengesureor. cheltachet v.r.s.touched impurely. cheltakl v.r.s.held/led by the hand.cheltakl a mla mechetakl; chotakl, choteklii a til, mengetakl a ngikel, cheteklel. cheltechat₁ v.r.s.wounded.cheltechat a selauch, berruchel er a biskang; mla mechetechat, chotechat a bedengel, chetechetil. Tekoi el mora deleuechel ma berruchel ma bloes. cheltechat₂ n.r.s.wound. cheltechetil n.poss.3s.seecheltechat. cheltekill v.r.s.held or led by the hand; carried; towed; persuaded; carrying something.cheltekill a cheltakl, mengetakl. cheltelaol v.r.s.made drunk.cheltelaol a chetelaol, ulekoad er a rrom, cheltiruir er a chemachel. cheltelel n.poss.3s.birthmark. cheltemakl cheltemakl a mekngit a ngerel el mengedecheduch; mengetemakl a cheldechedechal. chelterbis v.r.s.spun around.chelterbis a mla mecheterebis mengeterebis, choterebisur a mesil, cheterebisul a mesil. chelterchelel n.poss.3s.seechelterochel. chelterechelel seechelterchelel. chelterochel₁ v.r.s.neglected; abused. chelterochel₂ n.r.s.neglect.chelterochel a cheterochel; diak le cheleoch, omengeterochel, chelterchelel a ngalek, omengedakl. chelterchelel n.poss.3s. [syn:chelterechelel] cheltikaik v.r.s.tempted; led astray.cheltikaik a cheltakl; cheltekill, cheltimaim er a rengelekel. cheltikikelel cheltikikelel a ngii a mengetikaik er tir el mo melim. cheltimaim cheltimaim a cheltekill; meremang el cheltimaim a ngikel; cheltimaim er a reklechedolel el cheltelaol. cheltinget v.r.s.(pipe, etc.) blocked up.cheltinget a telenget a medal, mla mechetinget; chitngetii, cheltinget el ollumel. cheltiot v.r.s.(point of knife, spear, etc.) broken or bent.cheltiot a mla mechetiot; tmurk, obibais, telirm; choititii, chotiot a oles, chetitiel. cheltireuir cheltireuir a mla mechitireuir; cheltelaol er a chemachel,. cheltiruir v.r.s.made dizzy (by betel nut). cheltitau cheltitau a chetitau er ngii el ekebil. cheltitk v.r.s.(eye) pierced.cheltitk a chititk, smecher a medal. cheltiut v.r.s.(headwear) put on; inserted; impaled.cheltiut a mla mechetiut; ultuu; ulsiseb, cheltiut a oecherel e omais er a ulaol. cheltngaid₁ n.r.s.thinness.cheltngaid a chetekl; chetngaid, cheltingidel. cheltngidel n.poss.3s.seecheltngaid. cheltoem v.r.s.smeared or spread on.cheltoem a chelsechusem; mla mechetoem; chotemii, chotoem er a chesbereber, mengetoem, chetemel. cheltongel₁ seechelat. cheltongel₂ seechelat. cheltulel n.poss.3s.seecheltuul.cheltulel a chelat el ngii a mlengat. cheltumt v.s.crowded with; covered all over with; full of. chelemtumt v.s.redup.very crowded with. cheltuotel seecheltiut.cheltuotel a cheltiut. cheltuul₁ seechelat. cheltuul₂ seechelat.cheltuul a chelat; mla mechat, chotur, chemat, cheltuul el ngikel. cheltuul₃ n.r.s.smoked fish. cheltulel n.poss.3s.cheltulel a chelat el ngii a mlengat. cheluached n.r.s.bitterness.cheluached a telemtam; cheluchedel, mechuached el diokang.Cf.mechuached. cheluachederreng n.meanness. cheluchedam n.poss.1pe. chelucheded n.poss.1pi. cheluchedek n.poss.1s. cheluchedel n.poss.3s.cheluchedel a cheluached er a ngii, mechuached el kall. cheluchedem n.poss.2s. cheluchedir n.poss.3p. cheluchediu n.poss.2p.
cheluais n.type of tree.cheluais a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. cheluatel n.r.s.breezy place.cheluatel a mechecheluut; klou a eolt er ngii, ongeluatel a cheluatel, chelutel.Cf.ongeluatel. chelub₁ n.type of lizard.chelub a charm el ko er a ius; kekerei e kiei a klechutem. chelub₂ v.r.s.(person) given gift or bribed; (thing) given as a gift. chelubel v.r.s.spilled; poured out; used up; out of stock; (widower and children) left alone (without wife or mother).chelubel a mla mechubel; uleitel, chubelii, chuubel, chebelel, mengubel, chebelel a uasech. chelubs v.r.s.ongraol stolen from garden, etc..chelubs a mla mechubs; chubsii; dellomel el rrechorech er a mesei, chebsel a kukau. cheluch₁ n.person good at cajoling/persuading; act of cajoling; persuasion.cheluch a meduch el mengeluch; chulechur e melai a soal, smiik a rolel e nguu a soal. cheluch₂ n.coconut oil; fuel (e.g. gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, etc.); grease (from meat being cooked).cheluch a laok, cheluchul a lius, kerisil, mangtekang er a babii. bekecheluch v.s.smell of coconut oil.bekecheluch a bul a cheluch. cheluchul n.poss.3s.cheluchul a cheluch er ngii. cheluchul a skoki expression.castor bean. rengul a cheluch expression.dregs of coconut oil. cheluchau n.type of orange.cheluchau a merekos el meradel. chelucheb n.(taro or banana) leaf or bag used for covering food being cooked; type of coral which grows on top of or covers other corals.chelucheb a llel a brak el dekedekel a ngeliokl.Cf.omchelucheb. chellobel v.s.covered; shady.chellobel a telengetongel; mla mecheleb; cholebii a tuangel, chueleb; blai a chellobel er a kerrekar. cheluchedam n.poss.1pe.seecheluached. chelucheded n.poss.1pi.seecheluached. cheluchedek n.poss.1s.seecheluached. cheluchedel n.poss.3s.seecheluached.cheluchedel a cheluached er a ngii, mechuached el kall. cheluchedem n.poss.2s.seecheluached. cheluchedir n.poss.3p.seecheluached. cheluchediu n.poss.2p.seecheluached. cheluchet v.r.s.chewed on.cheluchet a mla mechuchet; chuchetii, chemuchet a deb, chechetel, menguchet. cheluchul n.poss.3s.seecheluch.cheluchul a cheluch er ngii.
cheluchul a kuzira expression.whale blubber. cheluchul a skoki expression.castor bean. cheludech₁ n.wooden float for fish net; light weight wood used to make corks.cheludech a merat el kerrekar el omechakl, kekebekakl, bechakl. cheldechel n.poss.3s. cheludech v.s.(wood) dried out (and light in weight).cheludech a merat el kerrekar el omechakl, kekebekakl, bechakl. cheludech₂ v.s.(wood) dried out (and light in weight).cheludech a merat el kerrekar el omechakl, kekebekakl, bechakl. cheludel n.pandanus leaves to be woven for sail. cheludoud n.flying sparks.cheludoud a mekekeriei el ngau el tuobed er a seseb e suebek. cheludul n.poss.3s.seecheleuid.cheludul a cheleuid er ngii, ngii a mlecheuid. chelui chelui a a ilumel el blulech er a sukal me a lechub e ng ilaot. cheluib n.(section of) turtle shell.cheluib a ukaeb, ukebel a uel. chelibel n.poss.3s.chelibel a cheluib er ngii el uel. cheluikl₁ seechelaus. cheluit₁ seecheliotel.cheluit a cheliotel. cheluit₂ seecheliotel. cheluiu; looked at closely.cheluiu a ules; mla mechuiu; menguiu, chuieuii a babier, chemuiu a mederir, chieuel. chelumelel n.poss.3s.seecheluomel.chelumelel a ngii a mlenguum er ngii, cheluomel el odoim. cheluml₁ v.r.s.(fire) started up or kindled.cheluml a mla mechuml; ngau a mla kmard. cheluml₂ cheluml a kekerei el delidui el klboub e chelado er a llel a kerrekar; ngar a oreomel el mengesuseu a belochel. chelungel to be carried (off) on the shoulders. cheluodel n.r.s.old age.cheluodel a kllou el chad, chuodel, cheludellel a mechas. cheluodellel cheluedellel a cheluodel er ngii, chuodel el chad. cheluomel₁ v.r.s.wrapped in leaves or betel nut fiber and baked. cheluomel₂ wrapped in leaves or betel nut fiber and baked. chelumelel n.poss.3s.chelumelel a ngii a mlenguum er ngii, cheluomel el odoim. chelusem v.r.s.(mouth) wiped; (hands) wiped of dirt, food, etc.chelusem a mla mechusem, blutek el ngor, diak lolekoi. chelusem a ngerel silent; not contributing to conversation. chelutall to be slapped. chelutel₁ n.poss.3s.seecheluut. chelutel₂ v.s.resembling someone in appearance or behavior; (esp., because baby acquired certain characteristics while still in the womb).
cheluum v.r.s.wrapped in leaves or betel nut fiber and baked.cheluum a cheluomel el ngikel. cheluut breeze; (action of) slapping.cheluut a eolt, cholutii, melai a cheluut; choluut a blai, chelutel. chemachel₁ v.a.s.(betel nut) is to be chewed; (tobacco) is to be smoked.chemachel a redil el ourrot er a blil el motobed er a ocheraolbai me a klomengelungel, oungerachel a udoud me a rokui el tekoi. chemachel₂ n.a.s.ingredients for betel nut chewing (i.e. betel nut, pepper leaf, lime, etc.).chemachel a kebui me a buuch me a chaus; chemelel.Cf.ullemachel,omengamech. chemelam n.poss.1pe. chemeled n.poss.1pi. chemelek n.poss.1s. chemelel n.poss.3s. chemelem n.poss.2s. chemelem el dekool expression.your cigarettes (for smoking). chemelir n.poss.3p. chemachel₃ n.titled persons in a village (usually, ten in number). chemachel era cheldebechel Btelul a cheldebechel. chemad a leko ng diak el rrenges; oumechad er ngii, chemad a dingal er a urreor, diak le kerekikl. chemadech₁ n.coconut sap.chemadech a osechel a bngal a lius el direkak le mesengoes el mo ilaot. chemadech v.s.(plant) unripe or green; (food) raw or uncooked; be in full standing position when dancing; brand new.chemadech a kall el diak le ngeliokl, diak el selengoes; chemedechel. chemadech a rebub expression.basil. chemadech₂ v.s.(plant) unripe or green; (food) raw or uncooked; be in full standing position when dancing; brand new.chemadech a kall el diak le ngeliokl, diak el selengoes; chemedechel. chemadech a rebub expression.basil. chemades a mengades; chemades a rael er a bad, chedesel. chemado a mengado, chodeuii a blai chemado a bai; chedouel. chemaeong chemaeong a mekekerei el suebek el charm. chemaet a mengaet; chemetii a kerreel, chemaet a chetakl, chetel. chemaidechedui tree lizard; green skink.chemaidechedui a charm el melemiakl e meleliuekl a kerrekar, maidui. [syn:maidui.maidui a chemaidechedui; mekekerei el charm el melemiakl a kerrekar.]
chemaiong₁ n.dragonfly;. chemaiong v.s.prone to moving from one boyfriend or girlfriend to another. chemaiong₂ v.s.prone to moving from one boyfriend or girlfriend to another. chemais₁ chemais a ta er a bedengel a chebud el mengemais, a leko ng "deleb". chemais₂ chemakl n.(sl.) food. chemall
bekechemang v.s.smell of crabs (after cooking or eating crabs). mengemang v.i.collect large sea crab.mengemang a melai a chemang. redil el chemang expression.female crab. sechal el chemang expression.male crab.
Ngak mea ius a mlo kaiberober er ngkal era taoch.The crocodile and I had a snatching match for the crab in the channel. Ng milruul a mea cherchur.He cooked crab and shrimps. chemaot v.i.wade; walk in water; be overwhelmed with.chemaot a merael er a chelsel a ralm.
Chemaredong n.legendary man, skilled in trapping fish, who lived in a cave near Oikull, totally unaware of Beriber who inhabited the adjacent cave. chemars₁ n.leak.chemars a ngar er ngii a metetoech me a lechub e ngelling, bilas a chemars, blai a chemars, chemersel. [syn:chars] chemars v.s.leaky; leaking.chemars a ngar er ngii a metetoech me a lechub e ngelling, bilas a chemars, blai a chemars, chemersel. [syn:chars] chemersam n.poss.1pe. chemersang getting leaky.chemersang a mla mo er ngii a lling er ngii; chemars, chemersel. chemersed n.poss.1pi. chemersek n.poss.1s. chemersel n.poss.3s. chemersem n.poss.2s. chemersir n.poss.3p. chemersiu n.poss.2p. mengerengars v.i.redup.(heavy substance) ooze; (light) filter down.mengerengars a olecherechars; mengerengars a ngbesel; tbal. chemars₂ v.s.leaky; leaking.chemars a ngar er ngii a metetoech me a lechub e ngelling, bilas a chemars, blai a chemars, chemersel. chemars a baketengel expression.have a mind like a sieve; talk through one's hat. chemas₁ chemas₂ a mengas; mengesuloul, mla chemas a ngeliokl, chesil. chemat₁ v.t.praise; admire.chemat a oldanges; melekoi a klungiolel a chad; chemat a tekoi.Cf.chetengel,chetengakl. chachat v.recip.praise each other. chelat v.r.s.praised. [syn:cheltongel,cheltuul] chemat multiple non-human objects.chemat a oldanges; melekoi a klungiolel a chad; chemat a tekoi. chetengakl v.s.praiseworthy; showing honor (towards).chetengakl a ungil el kirel a chad; odanges; chotengii, "ulekoad er a chetengakl"; chemat er ngii, chetengel. chetongel to be praised.chetongel a kirel a chetengakl; kirel a odanges, chetengel. chilat chiltengii (him/her/it). chotengii a chemat er ngii; oldanges.
chemat₂ multiple non-human objects.chemat a oldanges; melekoi a klungiolel a chad; chemat a tekoi. chemat₃ multiple fish.chemat a mengat, chemat a ngikel er a orrangel, chotur a omechell, chetul. chemau₁ v.t.face towards; face or confront (problem, difficulty, etc.).chemau a medal a bedul ngii, skuul a chemau a rael. chachuchau v.recip.facing each other.chachuchau a chachebangel; di du el kasoues; rubekel a chachebangel; kachebangel. chemau v.s.t.facing towards.
chemaus a mengaus; chemaus a chemachel, chemaus a oruikl, chusel. chemcherasech n.crossbeams in hull of canoe to which soaes beams are tied. chemchumel chemchumel a chei el delongelel a debeaot me a omedeklel a daob. chemchuml n.rocky area of reef. cheme el omtok er a ngesachel something which will backfire on oneself or have unpleasant consequences (literally; defecate against slope (so that excrement slides back down)). chemeched₁ a mengeched a lius. chemeched₂ v.s.(canoe) able to sail straight in spite of sidewind; (person) clever.chemeched a bekerurt el mlai; meduch e mesisiich er a usaso me a urreor a chemeched el chad. chemechemall to be urinated on. chemechemam n.poss.1pe.seechemochem. chemechemangel chemechemangel a cheseches; chemechemangel el brak, chemangel. chemechemed n.poss.1pi.seechemochem. chemechemek n.poss.1s.seechemochem.
chemechemel n.poss.3s.seechemochem. Ng ngar er ngii a chull e ng ko er a di a olik.It's raining here but only lightly. Ng di a olik.It's raining very lightly. chemechemel a olik n.very light drizzle; very light rain. chemechemem n.poss.2s.seechemochem. chemechemir n.poss.3p.seechemochem. chemechemiu n.poss.2p.seechemochem. chemechemuul to be broken into pieces. chemechemuul el oles expression.pocket knife; pen knife. chemecherasech n.tree in Connarus family.chemecherasech a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chemechimel seechemechemall.chemechimel a olsechelel a chemochem, ongemechimel, diak el chemechimel a rael. chemechisil chemechisil a chelsel a ding me a iis. Chemel era ding ma lechub e ng iis.
chemedall seecheodel. chemedaol a remuul el mo chedaol; mengedaol a blai, chemedolii a cheldecheduch, chemedaol a mechesang, chedolel. chemedechel n.poss.3s.seechemadech. chemedii a rosmii a telat el bail; rullii a mechut el mlai; mengeed er ngii; cheed, chedel. chemedolii seechedolii.chemedolii a mengedaol er ngii. chemedongall v.a.s.are to be welcomed or called together. chemeed a mengeed, chemedii a bilel, chemeed a mechut el mlai. chemei₁ v.i.evacuate the bowels; defecate.chemei a tuobed a dechil; tuong, chemert, chortii, ngalek a chemei. cheme el omtok er a ngesachel something which will backfire on oneself or have unpleasant consequences (literally; defecate against slope (so that excrement slides back down)). chemei n.anus.
chemekill₁ v.a.s.(object which is stuck) is to be freed by inserting lever and prying; (person) is to be tripped or thrown by putting lever (e.g., stick, leg) between his legs.chemekill a kirel el mechemekl; chomeklii, chomekl a kerrekar. chemekill₂ chemekill a oteruul, semum a chemekill. chemekl n.anything used as lever.chemekl a klekedall el mengemekl; ongemekl, chomeklii a kerrekar, chomekl, chemeklel. chemeklel n.poss.3s.action of throwing or tripping someone by putting lever between his legs.chemeklel a omengemekl er ngii, mengemekl. chemeklachel n.tree in Nutmeg family.chemeklachel a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chemeklel₁ n.poss.3s.action of throwing or tripping someone by putting lever between his legs. chemeklel₂ n.poss.3s.seechemakl. chemelam n.poss.1pe.seechemachel. chemeled n.poss.1pi.seechemachel. chemelek n.poss.1s.seechemachel. Aikal el kebui a meral di moalch.My chewing pepper leaves are withered. Ngmlo telkib el ngesonges a ududek meng dimlak kucherar a el dekool.My budget was low I couldn't buy cigarettes. Ak mo melai el kebui.I'm going to get my pepper leaves. chemelek el buuch betel nut (for chewing). chemelel n.poss.3s.seechemachel. chemelem n.poss.2s.seechemachel. chemelem el dekool expression.your cigarettes (for smoking). chemelir n.poss.3p.seechemachel. chemeliu n.poss.2p.seechemachel. chemelngel n.poss.3s.seechemlol. chemeluch chemeluch a mecheluch; chulechur a udoud, chemeluch a chutem, chelechul. chemengall to be pried up or lifted with lever.chemengall a ousbech er a ongem; kirel el mechem; mengem a kerrekar; mengider. chemeraech n.morning star; Venus.chemeraech a bduch er a mochu tutau. Chemerert n.location in Koror. chemeridech n.cerbera tree; reva. chemersam n.poss.1pe.seechemars. chemersang getting leaky.chemersang a mla mo er ngii a lling er ngii; chemars, chemersel. Tial chadou era blik a.My roof is leaking. chemersed n.poss.1pi.seechemars. chemersek n.poss.1s.seechemars. chemersel n.poss.3s.seechemars. chemersem n.poss.2s.seechemars. chemersir n.poss.3p.seechemars. chemersiu n.poss.2p.seechemars. chemert₁ a ngar ngii a dechil, deel a chemert. chemetii a mengaet er ngii.
chemiil a mengiil, olsingch, chemiil a bilas el mei. chemiis v.i.escape; flee; run away.chemiis a chiis; remurt el mo cheroid, chemiis er a bulis. chiesang v.i.inch.begin to escape.chiesang a mla chemiis; chiis, chemiis, chiesang er a urreor. chiesung v.i.pred.about to escape. mechechiis v.i.redup.keep avoiding/sneaking out.mechechiis a blechoel el chemiis; mengeroid er ngii; mesaik a mechechiis a urreor, chisel. [syn:mechichiis.mechichiis a mekudem el chemiis; mechichiis a urreor me a ongdibel; chiis.] chemilt a mengilt; chiltii, chemilt a chimal er a sob. chemireng n.brokenheartedness; sadness; loneliness. chemirt a mengirt; mengisb el ousbech er a chirt, chirti , chemirt a oasech. chemis v.s.(container) empty; (well) dry.chemis a mla mo diak; bechachau, olekang a chemis, diak a odoim, chemis el chutem a medidirt.
chemiud a choiuetokl, mengiuetokl, mengiud a chimal. chemlol n.fermented drink (made out of coconut or pineapple).chemlol a kles el lius el medechel mo mekemim; chemlol el chelang. chemelngel.Cf.mengemlol. chemochem n.urine.chemochem a ralm el diak a usbechel er a chad me ng tuobed; chemechemel.Cf.ongemechimel. blil a chemochem expression.bladder; bedpan. chemechemam n.poss.1pe. chemechemed n.poss.1pi. chemechemek n.poss.1s. chemechemel n.poss.3s. chemechemel a olik n.very light drizzle; very light rain. chemechemem n.poss.2s. chemechemir n.poss.3p. chemechemiu n.poss.2p.
Kemedengei, aikal a kerul a ongekad. did you know that urine cures jellyfish stings. chemodochii chemoes₁ v.s.(plant) immature or not ready to harvest.chemoes a dellomel el direke mekekerei me ng diak le kall; chemoes el diokang. mesabchemoes v.s.(person) tending to harvest plants too early.mesabchemoes a melngot a chemoes el dellomel; sobngii a kukau, musech a diokang. mesabchemoes v.s.prone to playing around sexually with someone too young.mesabchemoes a melngot a chemoes el dellomel; sobngii a kukau, musech a diokang. chemoes₂ chemoit a mengoit, mides, mla chemoit a kall er a daob, choitii a besbas, chitel.
chemol a mengol; kldoel a klalo er a ongelngelel; chelngel. chemold₁ v.t.fart; pass gas; break wind at.chemold a choldii, chold, cheldel. bechelchold v.s.redup.always farting; flatulent.bechelchold a mekudem el chemold, cheldel, chold. chachold v.recip.fart at each other.chachold a di du el mengold; choldii, chemold, chold, cheldel. chelold v.r.s.farted at.chelold a mla mechold; choldii, chemold, cheldel. chemold multiple farts.chemold a choldii, chold, cheldel. chileldii chilold choldii a mengold er ngii, cheldel. mechechelchold v.redup.keep farting.mechechelchold a mekudem el chemold; cheldel. mechold v.erg. chemold₂ multiple farts.chemold a choldii, chold, cheldel. chemolodii seecholodii.chemolodii a rullii el mo diak el mekngit a rengul; mengelaod er a chad. chemolt v.s.well-known; known for something.chemolt a diak le berrotel; kebekuul er a Belau a chemolt.
chemongel seechemengall.chemongel a kirel el mechem er a ongem, mechut el mlai a chemongel el mo mechoit. chemosii a mengoes er ngii el mo kekerei, chemosii a omengelel. chemous chemous a chous; mechubel; mo chebuul, beluu a chemous a le mad a bdelul. chemrengelel n.poss.3s.seechemrungel.chemrengelel a chemrungel er ngii. chemrungel between ground and floor of bai or house.chemrungel a delongelel a ulaol me a chutem, eungel a blai. chemrengelel n.poss.3s.chemrengelel a chemrungel er ngii. chemuchet a menguchet, chuchetii, chemuchet a deb, chechetel. chemudel a mengudel; oldak, chemudel a idungel, chedelel. chemudelach n.plant in coffee family.chemudelach a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chemuit chemuiu a menguiu, omes, chuieuii a babier, chemuiu a mechesang. chemull v.a.s.(fire) is to be started up or kindled. chemur v.s.(each) provided with his own thing, share, etc..chemur a bek el chad a ngar er ngii a blingelir, diak a ongok a rengul, chemur a dikesir. cherengam n.poss.1pe.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherenged n.poss.1pi.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherengir n.poss.3p.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherengiu n.poss.2p.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. chemut a mla ousbech; mla mo mechut, ng mla mengai a blechesul, chetul.
Ak mo melalm era tedobch er ngii el eia bitang a planting sweet potatoes on one half and cassava on the other half. Ak mo omadel a teblo er a diokang e mengiis a.I'm going to harvest some tapioca and dig up some sweet potato. chemuul v.a.s.about to be broken in two (see mengam).chemuul a kirel el mecham; kerrekar a chemuul; chomur, chuam a sengsongd, chemul. chengal chengal a chedolel; chedaol, beluu a ngar er ngii a chengal. Cheledolel. cheoatel n.stone wall along shore near village used for protection in war. [syn:euatel.Cheluelued era re cherarou.] cheloatel v.r.s.(village) protected by stone wall. cheotelel n.poss.3s.cheotelel a euatel er ngii, cheotelel a beluu; tengetengel. cheodel to be sewn, stitched or fixed temporarily.cheodel a kirel el mecheed; chemeed a mechut el bail, chemedii, mengeed, mlik a cheodel. cheokl n.bone or obstruction in throat; matter of concern.cheokl a tungd el metbard er a omerekaol; cheleokl, chemeklii, mecheokl, cheklel. cheklel n.poss.3s.cheklel a cheleokl; mla mecheokl er a tengdel a ngikel, cheokl. cheleokl v.r.s.having something stuck in throat.cheleokl a mla mecheokl; merekeklii a tungd, ngar er ngii a tungd er a omerkolel;. mecheokl v.i.get something stuck in throat.mecheokl a cheleokl; chelemekl a tungd er a omerkolel, chemeklii, cheokl, cheklel. mengeokl er a rengul expression.burden; bother; cause concern; weigh on.
cheolu₁ n.barnacles. cheolu v.s.covered with barnacles. cheolu₂ v.s.covered with barnacles. cheos n.sun, daytime.cheos a sils, cheldecheos; diak le klebesei. Sils. chedecheos n.time between mid-morning and late afternoon.chedecheos a mellomes el diak el klebesei, cheldecheos. cheldecheos n.time around noon; middle of day.cheldecheos a chedecheos. cheotelel n.poss.3s.seecheoatel.cheotelel a euatel er ngii, cheotelel a beluu; tengetengel. cheoul cheoul a cheled el bereked er a otaor me a bad.
Ak mo melai a.I'm going to catch lobsters. cheraches n.falling or outgoing tide; misfortune; scarcity.cheraches a omerolel el mo meched a chei; merael el mo mekesai, cheraches er a udoud, cherchesel.Cf.omcheraches. cherechesang v.s.inch.(tide) is just beginning to fall.cherechesang a mocha cheraches; merola el mo meched a chei. cherechesel n.poss.3s.cherechesel a cherasech er ngii, cheraches a chei. cherechesung v.s.pred.(tide) is about to start falling.cherechesung a mochu cheraches; kmedu el cheraches. cherad n.poss.1pi.seechar. cherak n.poss.1s.seechar. cherakl n.type of trigger fish. cheral n.poss.3s.seechar.cheral a char er ngii, cheral a mlai.
cheram n.poss.2s.seechar.
cheraro n.enemy. cherroam n.poss.1pe. cherroed n.poss.1pi. cherroek n.poss.1s. cherroel n.poss.3s. cherroem n.poss.2s. cherroir n.poss.3p. cherasech cherasech a ta er a bedengel a tuu. Cherasech n.passage in Ngcheangel.Cherasech a toachel er a Ngcheangel. cherchur n.redup.laughter.
Akimlora diosch er elii e ng mla er ngii a.We went to the small pond yesterday and there were shrimps. Ng milruul a chemang mea.He cooked crab and shrimps. cherdbechellel cherdbechellel a klekedall er a bedul; medemedemek; merreder er a omdasu er a chad. cherdechall to be complained about.cherdechall a kirel el mecherodech, chordechii, mengedecheduch el kirel, cherdechall a osisebel a mekngit el kar. cherdechedall to be fried.cherdechedall a kirel el mecherdoched; chordechedii, chordoched a ngikel, cherdechedel. cherdechedel for frying; action for frying. cherdechel cherdechel a omengerodech er ngii, mengedecheduch el kirel. cherdechengang v.s.inch.(skin, bark of tree) becoming rough. cherdechengaol v.s.(person) having rough skin all over. cherdechidel cherdechidel a bekelilangel; cherodech er a beot el secher, di beot e ng lmangel. cherdengall v.a.s.cherdengall a kirel mecherad; omriid er ngii, chordengii, risois a cherdengall, cherdengel. cherdoched v.s.(eyes, open wound) stinging or smarting from pain.cherdoched a telkib el meringel, merredes; cherdoched a medal er a kar. cheredechidel v.s.tending to yell out too much in pain. cherduch v.s.(skin, bark of tree) rough or leathery; (person) having rough skin.cherduch a diak le meaiu; telkib el keritbetbechel; chimal a sibai a cherduch. cherdechengang v.s.inch.(skin, bark of tree) becoming rough. cherdechengaol v.s.(person) having rough skin all over. cherebisul cheterbisul a omengeterebis er ngii; mengeterebis. cherechar₁ n.particles/residue suspended in water.cherechar a cherrecheruul el ralm, chorecherur, ngar ngii a cherechar er a daob, chercherul, mengerechar. cherechar₂ n.reminder from the past.cherechar a ngar medad el taem, cherechar a diak a ullebengelel; chelecha el mo cherechar. el mo cherechar expression.forever. ngesechel a cherechar expression.monument, memorial or artifact from the past. cherechel cherechel a melekoi er a merang e mo loia dechelel el ko er a besichel; melecha cherechel a cheldecheduch. cherecher n.phlegm; mucus.cherecher a ngibd el tuobed er a omerekaol; ocherecher, cherecherel. cherecherel n.poss.3s.seecherecher. cherecheriaol a laughing stock.cherecheriaol a omerellel me a teletelel a omekedong a omelenguul, rechad a ocherechur er ngii.
cherecheruul v.a.s.(liquid; etc.) is to be stirred up/agitated.cherecheruul a beot el mecherechar; mechecherechar, cherecheruul el omoachel. cherechesang v.s.inch.(tide) is just beginning to fall.cherechesang a mocha cheraches; merola el mo meched a chei. cherechesel n.poss.3s.seecheraches.cherechesel a cherasech er ngii, cheraches a chei. cherechesung v.s.pred.(tide) is about to start falling.cherechesung a mochu cheraches; kmedu el cheraches.
cheredechidel v.s.tending to yell out too much in pain. cheredengall to be crumbled or crushed. cherei e expression.wait until ....; never mind; forget it. cherellam n.poss.1pe.seecheroll. cherelled n.poss.1pi.seecheroll. cherellek n.poss.1s.seecheroll. cherellel n.poss.3s.seecheroll.cherellel a cheroll er ngii, sils le mlechell er ngii.
cherellem n.poss.2s.seecheroll. Ngmle uangerang a?How was your labor? cherellir n.poss.3p.seecheroll. cherelliu n.poss.2p.seecheroll.
cheremall₂ cheremall a udoud er a Belau el mla mo diak lourreor. cheremallucheang cheremallucheang a kerrekar el oumesingd el duubech a chelebacheb me a ocheang. cheremam₁ n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) price or cost. cheremam₂ n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) laughs. cherematel to be washed or pumped out.cherematel a kirel el mecherumet; mengatech, churemetii, churumet a ollumel, cheremetel. cheremekill to be looked for.cheremekill a kirel el mecheremakl; kirel el moues; choremeklii, mengeremakl, choremakl a bub; chermeklel. cheremelamerangd n.damsel fish. cheremelang getting forested. cheremelel n.poss.3s.seechereomel.cheremelel a oreomel er ngii, ongeromel er a beluu. cheremetel cheremetel a omengerumet er ngii; mengerumet. cheremiu₁ n.poss.2p.your (plural) prices or costs. cheremiu₂ n.poss.2p.your (plural) laughs. cheremremangel a rengul expression.greedy; stingy.
bekecheremrum v.s.smell of sea cucumber.bekecheremrum a ko er a bul a cheremrum.
cherengam n.poss.1pe.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherenged n.poss.1pi.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherengir n.poss.3p.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. cherengiu n.poss.2p.amount or quantity (of food) equal to those being served. chereomel₁ n.forest; woods.chereomel a oreomel; betok a kerrekar me a besebes er ngii.Cf.meltaltureomel. cheremelang getting forested. cheremelel n.poss.3s.cheremelel a oreomel er ngii, ongeromel er a beluu. chereomel v.s.forested; covered with vegetation. tekoi er a chereomel expression.special words spoken to ensure succesful passage through forest; vulgar words. chereomel₂ v.s.forested; covered with vegetation. chereomel a uchuchel expression.have a lot of pubic hair.
cherid n.poss.1pi.seechur. cheridall to be removed to a distance or moved away.cheridall a kirel mo cheroid; diak le keed, choridii, choroid; babii a cheridall er a blai; cheridel. cheridang becoming too far from desired mark or distance.cheridang a mla mo cheroid; diak le keed. cheridel cheridel a omengeroid er ngii, mo cheroid er a rechad. cheriich v.s.reddish brown.cheriich a mengeriich a bedengel. cheririich v.s.redup.light reddish brown.cheririich a cheriich. cheririich el chesbreber expression.brown paint. mengeriich v.s.sort of brown in color.mengeriich a telkib el cheriich; mengeriich el mamed. cherik n.poss.1s.seechur.
Tuobed a el tirkal chad era kabelment, aikal mlai lomekall a rengrir klokir a bedengir.Im smirking at the people working for the government, do they think they own these government vehicles when theyre behind the wheels. cheril n.poss.3s.seechur. cherim n.poss.2s.seechur.
cherirall to be caught up with; (hair, etc.) is to be cut to same length. cherireall v.a.s.seemengiroir.cherireall a kirel el mekoir; mengoir, koirii, kmoir, cheiul a ekebil a cherireall. cheririich v.s.redup.light reddish brown.cheririich a cheriich. cheririich el chesbreber expression.brown paint. cheritam n.poss.1pe.seecheriut. cherited n.poss.1pi.seecheriut. cheritek n.poss.1s.seecheriut. cheritel₁ n.poss.3s.seecheriut. cheritel₂ cheritel a mekemim el meradel.
cheritem₂ n.poss.2s.your (singular) grass skirt. cheritir n.poss.3p.seecheriut. cheritiu n.poss.2p.seecheriut. cheriut n.grass skirt.cheriut a baildil el ngar a uudes el me er eou, oucheriut, cheritel. cheritam n.poss.1pe. cherited n.poss.1pi. cheritek n.poss.1s. cheritel n.poss.3s. cheritem n.poss.2s.your (singular) grass skirt. cheritir n.poss.3p. chermall₁ n.hibiscus (bark used as a rope; leaves used as mulch for taro);. chermall v.s.having vagina which lubricates quickly. chermall₂ v.s.having vagina which lubricates quickly. chermall₃ seecheromel. chermall₄ n.Palauan money in form of green or blue glass beads. chermallucheang n.plant in cocoa family. chermam n.poss.1pe.seecharm. chermed n.poss.1pi.seecharm. chermek n.poss.1s.seecharm.
A el olik a chiliis.My pet fruit bat flew away. Ng mla er ngii a el bilis engdi mla mad.I had a pet dog but he died. chermek el bilis (pet) dog. chermek el katuu pet cat. chermel n.poss.3s.seecharm. Ngarngii a uos.He has horses. Ak medakd a uos.Im a bit afraid of his horses.
chermelamerangd cheremelamerangd a mengelekel a ngikel el kiei a merangd. chermem n.poss.2s.seecharm. chermem el katuu expression.your (pet) cat. chermir n.poss.3p.seecharm. chermiu n.poss.2p.seecharm.
cherodech v.s.noisy.cherodech a smau e mekudem el mengerodech; mesaod, chordechii a mesei, chorodech a chutem, cherdechel. cheroel n.poss.3s.palm (of hand); sole (of foot). cheroel a chim expression.palm of hand. cheroel a oach expression.sole of foot.
cheroel a chim expression.palm of hand. cheroel a oach expression.sole of foot. cheroid v.s.far; distant; deaf.cheroid a diak le keed; skuul a cheroid er a blik, cherridel. cheridang becoming too far from desired mark or distance.cheridang a mla mo cheroid; diak le keed. cheroid el beluu expression.foreign country; far-away land; abroad.
A Tom a kot el er a chesimer.Tom is the one farthest from the door cheroid el beluu expression.foreign country; far-away land; abroad.
cheroll n.birth; birthday.cheroll a omechell; mechell, mechellii a ngalek, cherellel.Cf.omecheroll,mechell. cherellam n.poss.1pe. cherelled n.poss.1pi. cherellek n.poss.1s. cherellel n.poss.3s.cherellel a cheroll er ngii, sils le mlechell er ngii. cherellem n.poss.2s. cherellir n.poss.3p. cherelliu n.poss.2p. tekoi er a cheroll expression.ancient chant sung to facilitate delivery of a baby. telecheroll generation.telecheroll a generation ; ngeltengat a rechedal tia el telecheroll el Merikel a mlo oba Belau me ng mleakl. ulemcheroll v.s.(woman) having already borne children. cheromel to be tasted.cheromel a dellomel el soal a charem el mengang, chemutii a cheromel. cherongel n.poss.3s.seecherou.cherongel a cherou er ngii, cherou a medal el chad a chad.
cherotel to be defecated on. cherou₁ n.white mushroom; white scar.cherou a teliluich, becheleleu. cherongel n.poss.3s.cherongel a cherou er ngii, cherou a medal el chad a chad. cherou v.s.having a white scar; whitish; Caucasian. cherou₂ v.s.having a white scar; whitish; Caucasian. cherouel cherouel a becheleleu er a chim me a uach; tutk a cherouel a ochil. cherrad v.r.s.crumbled; crushed; messed up; covered with sores; unhealed; rampant.cherrad a mla mecherad; chordengii chorad a kall; medeel er a rechad; a cherrad el kall.
cherrakl party.cherrakl a chacherakl; chelchad el dmak el ourreor, choreklii, chorakl a sers, chereklel.Cf.mengerakl. cherrang n.term of address between male or spouses (when making a suggestion). cherrechar v.r.s.(liquid, etc.) stirred up or agitated.cherrechar a mla mecherechar; churecherur, chorechar a ralm, diak el mechellings; cherecherul. cherrecheram n.poss.1pe.seecherrocher. cherrechered n.poss.1pi.seecherrocher. cherrecherek n.poss.1s.seecherrocher. cherrecherel n.poss.3s.seecherrocher.cherrecherel a cherrocher er ngii, cherrecherel a klengoes. cherrecherem n.poss.2s.seecherrocher. cherrecherir n.poss.3p.seecherrocher. cherrecheriu n.poss.2p.seecherrocher. cherredecham n.poss.1pe.seecherrodech. cherredeched n.poss.1pi.seecherrodech. cherredechek n.poss.1s.seecherrodech. cherredechel n.poss.3s.seecherrodech.cherredechel a cherrodech er ngii, mengerodech a chutem.
cherredechel a mlai expression.noise of cars of traffic. cherredechem n.poss.2s.seecherrodech. cherredechir n.poss.3p.seecherrodech. cherredechiu n.poss.2p.seecherrodech. cherredoched₁ v.r.s.seemengerdoched.cherredoched a kall el mukmark er a cheluch; chordoched a ngikel, cherdechedel. cherredoched₂ n.r.s.fried food; tapioca candy. cherreklel n.poss.3s.seecherrakl. cherremakl v.r.s.looked for.cherremakl a mla mecheremakl; mengeremakl, ules, choremeklii, choremakl a bub, cheremeklel. cherremetai v.r.s.messed up; disarranged; confused. cherremtai cherremtai a chelimeluk; cherrad, diak el ungil el kldmokl, choremtai a tbil a urreor, mengeremtai a tekoi. cherrengelall v.a.s.seemengerrungel.cherrengelall a kirel el mecherrungel; mo cherrungel, churrungel a kall, cherrengelel. cherrengelam n.poss.1pe.seecherrengelel. cherrengeled n.poss.1pi.seecherrengelel. cherrengelek n.poss.1s.seecherrengelel. cherrengelel n.poss.3s.wholeness; totality.cherrengelel a cherrungel; uldekial, tela cherrengelel a udoud? cherrengelam n.poss.1pe. cherrengeled n.poss.1pi. cherrengelek n.poss.1s. cherrengelel a klalo expression.the whole thing. cherrengelel a tekoi expression.the whole matter. cherrengelem n.poss.2s. cherrengelir n.poss.3p. cherrengelel a klalo expression.the whole thing. cherrengelel a tekoi expression.the whole matter. cherrengelem n.poss.2s.seecherrengelel. cherrengelir n.poss.3p.seecherrengelel. cherrengeliu n.poss.2p.seecherrengelel. cherresachel cherresachel a kudmokl a kelel a mechesang el miou e a mechesang a obosech; kall a cherresachel e mekerang; mengersachel. cherresel n.poss.3s.seecherrirs.cherresel a cherrirs er ngii el buch. cherretochet v.r.s.(pandanus leaf) having spines cut off; scratched; hemmed.cherretochet a mla mechertochet; rrasm a tkul, chortechetii a tet, chortochet, chertechetel. cherridam n.poss.1pe.seecherroid. cherrided n.poss.1pi.seecherroid. cherridek n.poss.1s.seecherroid. cherridel n.poss.3s.seecherroid.cherridel a cherroid er ngii, cheroid.
cherridem n.poss.2s.seecherroid.
cherridir n.poss.3p.seecherroid. cherridiu n.poss.2p.seecherroid. cherrir₁ n.poss.3p.their prices or costs. cherrir₂ n.poss.3p.their laughs. cherrirs n.r.s.jealousy or over-possessiveness about one's spouse.cherrirs a chelechingil a ultoir; cherresel a chebechiil, mengerirs.Cf.mengerirs. bechecherirs v.s.redup.continually jealous/over-possesive about one's spouse.bechecherirs a meses el mengerirs; mekreos, cherrirs, cherresel a chebechiil. cherresel n.poss.3s.cherresel a cherrirs er ngii el buch. cherritem v.r.s.having had a sticky substance applied.cherritem a mla mecheritem; chirtemii, cherritem er a chutem, mengesechusem er a medal el oba chas, chertemel. cherroakl₁ v.r.s.(fish) speared again. cherroakl₂ v.r.s.(ankle) twisted or sprained.cherroakl a mla mocheroakl; ulechoid a ulengeruaol er a ochil, ulecheroakl. cherroam n.poss.1pe.seecheraro. cherrocher n.r.s.(degree of) saltiness.cherrocher a cherrecherel; mecherocher. cherrecheram n.poss.1pe. cherrechered n.poss.1pi. cherrecherek n.poss.1s. cherrecherel n.poss.3s.cherrecherel a cherrocher er ngii, cherrecherel a klengoes. cherrecherem n.poss.2s. cherrecherir n.poss.3p. cherrodech n.noise (usually from people); complaint; clamor.cherrodech a nglemuu; mengerodech, ultok, cherdechel a chutem, klou a cherrodech er a usbechel a mekngit el kar. cherodech v.s.noisy.cherodech a smau e mekudem el mengerodech; mesaod, chordechii a mesei, chorodech a chutem, cherdechel. cherredecham n.poss.1pe. cherredeched n.poss.1pi. cherredechek n.poss.1s. cherredechel n.poss.3s.cherredechel a cherrodech er ngii, mengerodech a chutem. cherredechel a mlai expression.noise of cars of traffic. cherredechem n.poss.2s. cherredechir n.poss.3p. cherredechiu n.poss.2p.
cherroed n.poss.1pi.seecheraro. cherroek n.poss.1s.seecheraro. cherroel n.poss.3s.seecheraro. cherroem n.poss.2s.seecheraro. cherroid₁ n.distance; degree of advancement or achievement.cherroid a cherridel; diak le keed, cherroid er a blik.Cf.mengeroid. cherridam n.poss.1pe. cherrided n.poss.1pi. cherridek n.poss.1s. cherridel n.poss.3s.cherridel a cherroid er ngii, cheroid. cherridem n.poss.2s. cherridir n.poss.3p. cherridiu n.poss.2p.
cherroid₂ v.r.s.removed to a distance; moved away. cherroir n.poss.3p.seecheraro. cherroiu n.poss.2p.seecheraro. cherrotel seechelert.cherrotel a mla mechert; chelert; chortii, chemei, cherrotel a rael. cherrouel cherrouel a cheraro er ngii, cherrouel el chad. cherruakl cherruakl a chelisois; mrechii a ngikel e lmuut el omurech; cherruakl el burech. cherrum v.r.s.rotten; spoiled. cherrumet v.s.(inside) cracked or broken.cherrumet a mla mecherumet; mla mengatech, chelerrumet; churemetii, churumet a kob, mengerumet, chermetel. cherrumet a btil expression.(woman) having insides worn out from too much sexual intercourse. cherrungel v.s.whole; complete; entire.cherrungel a chelerrungel, mui; diak el tedobech, diak el ngesonges, temek a cherrungel el eai el sikang.
chersingel seechelsingel.chersingel a chersoi er ngii. chersoi n.uvula.chersoi a klekedellel a iis; telemall a chersingel el chad a mekngit a omelekingel, oubitenget. chelsingel n.poss.3s.uvula. [syn:chersingel.chersingel a chersoi er ngii.]
chert₁ n.boat.chert a bekerurt el mlai er a daob.Cf.ouchert. chertam n.poss.1pe. cherted n.poss.1pi. chertek n.poss.1s. chertel n.poss.3s. chertem n.poss.2s. chertir n.poss.3p. chert₂ n.excrement; fart.Cf.orchertoll,mengert. chertam n.poss.1pe. cherted n.poss.1pi. chertek n.poss.1s. chertel n.poss.3s. chertem n.poss.2s. chertir n.poss.3p. chertall seecherotel. chertam₁ n.poss.1pe.seechert. chertam₂ n.poss.1pe.seechert. chertbechellel Sei el omdasu ra elsel a btelul; delchil a btelul. chertechatel n.infected wound; ugly sore.chertechatel a rekdel a buld; diak le meaiu a bedengel, kerkertall. chertechetall v.a.s.(pandanus leaf) is to have spines cut off; is to be hemmed. chertechetel n.poss.3s.pricker of spine (of plant).chertechetel a omengertochet er ngii ungil a chertechetel. chertechetel a ongor expression.pandanus spine. cherted₁ n.poss.1pi.seechert. cherted₂ n.poss.1pi.seechert. chertek₁ n.poss.1s.seechert. chertek₂ n.poss.1s.seechert. chertel₁ n.poss.3s.seechert. chertel₂ n.poss.3s.seechert. chertel₃ n.poss.3s.seechirt. chertem₁ n.poss.2s.seechert. chertem₂ n.poss.2s.seechert. chertemall to have a sticky substance applied.chertemall a kirel el mecheritem; chirtemii er a kar; chiritem, mengilt. chertii interj.Oh! Somebody farted. chertir₁ n.poss.3p.seechert. chertir₂ n.poss.3p.seechert. chertiu₁ n.poss.2p.seechert. chertiu₂ n.poss.2p.seechert. chertochet₁ n.pandanus.chertochet a ta er a bedengel a such.Cf.mengertochet,ongertochet. chertechetel n.poss.3s.pricker of spine (of plant).chertechetel a omengertochet er ngii ungil a chertechetel. chertechetel a ongor expression.pandanus spine. chertochet₂ chertochet a klalo el mengertochet a tkul a tet, chortechetii a tet, chertechetel. cheruchem a ngerel expression.having a short or narrow chin. cherueklel cherueklel a cherruakl; chelisois el burech. cherungall to be made whole, completed or perfected.
chesbadedubech n.Immature coconut which starts to sprout. (a person whose physique makes him look much younger than his age.chesbadedubech a di kekerei e keloll me ng dubech. chesbecheball v.a.s.(boat) is to have boards of frame put on.chesbecheball a kirel el mechesbocheb, morngii a chesbocheb, chosbechebii a kboub, mengesbocheb. chesbechebel n.poss.3s.seechesbocheb. chesbechel chesbechel a chelsubech er ngii. chesbedengall v.a.s.(face) is to be slapped.chesbedengall a kirel el mechesbad; mechelebed, chosbedengii, chosbad, diak le chesbedengall a chad. chesbedengel₁ n.poss.3s.seeomengesbad.chesbedengel a omengesbad er ngii; mengesbad. chesbedengel₂ n.poss.3s.seechesbad. chesbedengel₃ n.poss.3s.nerve center (of fish, etc.). chesbengos v.s.handsome; beautiful.chesbengos a klebokel e ungil el sechal me a redil; ungil el dil. chesberball to be painted.chesberball a kirel el mechesbereber; chosbereberii a chado, chesbereber, mechilt er a chesbereber; mengesbereber er ngii, chesberberel. chesberberel n.poss.3s.seechesbreber.chesberberel a omengesbereber er ngii el blai. chesbocheb n.board (for building); prickly pear cactus (used as medicine for burns).chesbocheb a llecholech el meliliut el kerrekar, chesbechebel.Cf.mengesbocheb. chesbreber n.paint.chesbereber a medemedek el klalo el betok el bedengel; usbechall er a omengesbereber.Cf.ongesberball. chesberberel n.poss.3s.chesberberel a omengesbereber er ngii el blai. chesbungel to be scooped or spooned out.
cheschesemel seechesechesemel.chesechesemel a chesechusem er ngii, chelsechusem er a kall; bechesechusem. cheseangel to be assisted by contribution of food or labor. cheseb er a ngebard expression.first quarter of moon. cheseb er a ongos expression.third quarter of moon. cheseball seechesobel. chesebel n.poss.3s.curved cut in taro made with ngark. cheseb er a ngebard expression.first quarter of moon. cheseb er a ongos expression.third quarter of moon. chesebreng n.brokenheartedness.chesebreng a chelam a rengul; smecher er a chamireng. smecher er a chesebreng expression.brokenhearted. cheseberuaru v.s.prone to getting flustered and making mistake; prone to confusing things; tending to speak in confused or absent-minded manner.cheseberuaru a sekdii-chesengur; meleksakd a tekoi, omdasu er a tekoi e dulii a ngodech. chesebngebard n.first month of Palauan year.chesebngebard a kot el buil er a rak er a Belau. chesebreng n.brokenheartedness.chesebreng a chelam a rengul; smecher er a chamireng.
chesechad n.poss.1pi.seechesechal. chesechak n.poss.1s.seechesechal. chesechal n.poss.3s.cord or wire for stringing fish; action of sewing or stringing things on line. chesechad n.poss.1pi. chesechak n.poss.1s. chesecham n.poss.2s. chesechemam n.poss.1pe. chesechemiu n.poss.2p. chesecham n.poss.2s.seechesechal. chesechaol₁ v.a.s.are to be threaded/strung; always wandering from house to house.chesechaol a chad el soal el mengesuch; merael a blai, di omais el diak el ultebechel. chesechaol₂ n.a.s.small boils that spread over area of body. chesechemam n.poss.1pe.seechesechal. chesechemiu n.poss.2p.seechesechal. chesecherir n.poss.3p.seechesechal. cheseches₁ n.redup.leprosy; disease with sores.cheseches a rakd el keltkat el duubech a buld, dirrek el rekdel a brak. chesechesil n.poss.3s.sore; black scab. chesechesil a chimak expression.scab on my hand. cheseches₂ n.lock; latch.cheseches a klekedall el melenget; mengeseches, choseches a blai, chesechesel a mlai.Cf.mengeseches. chesechesall to be locked or latched. chesechesel n.poss.3s.seecheseches. chesechesemall to be dirtied or smeared (with food).chesechesemall a kirel el mechilt; mechesechusem a bedengel er a kar; chusechesechemii, chiltii, mengesechusem. chesechesemel n.redup.poss.3s.scraps (of food). [syn:cheschesemel.chesechesemel a chesechusem er ngii, chelsechusem er a kall; bechesechusem.] chesechesil n.poss.3s.sore; black scab. chesechesil a chimak expression.scab on my hand. chesechesomel v.s.redup.bearded and moustachioed.chesechesomel a ngar ngii a chesemel; chusem. chesechesuall v.a.s.chesechesuall a kirel mechesechosu; mengesechosu er ngii. chesechesuel n.poss.3s.seechesechosu.chesechesuel a chesechosu er ngii, mengesechosu er a chelam el uach.
chesechid₂ chesechid a cheldebechel; chesechid el buik el mo er a chei. chesechid₃ n.cluster of small twigs from which coconuts grow.chesechid a orreked a rdechel a lius, rodech a bereked er ngii. chesechil n.poss.3s.cockscomb; comb of cock, duck, etc.chesechil a omeketel a malk, besichel a bdelul. chesechil a malk expression.cockscomb plant. chesechil a malk expression.cockscomb plant.
chesechosu n.sheath holding cluster of coconuts (often used for kindling).chesechosu a bilel a bngal a lius, chesechesuel. chesechesuel n.poss.3s.chesechesuel a chesechosu er ngii, mengesechosu er a chelam el uach. chesechur n.Asiatic pennywort; type of sea clam.chesechur a cheled; kebliil er a kikoi.
mengesechuul v.i.catch ghost crabs. chesekill to be cooked with spices.chesekill a kirel el mechesekl; choseklii, chosekl a malk, mengesekl, cheseklel. chesekl el ked expression.dried out bamboo. cheseklked n.small bamboo growing on hillside. cheseksiktall v.a.s.(someone) is to be involved or mixed up in. chesel n.bamboo.chesel a bambuu. cheseklked n.small bamboo growing on hillside. [syn:cheselked.cheselked a bambuu er a ked.] cheselked seecheseklked.cheselked a bambuu er a ked. cheselsall v.a.s.(chant) is to be sung.cheselsall a kirel el mechesols; kirel el mechitakl, choselsii, chosols a cheselsir, mengesols, cheselsel. cheselsel n.poss.3s.seechesols. chesemall v.a.s.(mouth) is to be wiped; (hands) are to be wiped of dirt, food, etc. chesemam n.poss.1pe.seechusem. chesemed n.poss.1pi.seechusem. chesemek n.poss.1s.seechusem. chesemel n.poss.3s.seechusem. chesemelik v.s.have something hit target and bounce off.chesemelik a omurech e imiit, diak el taut er ngii. chesemem n.poss.2s.seechusem.
chesemir n.poss.3p.seechusem. chesemiu n.poss.2p.seechusem. chesemkel
chesengel₂ n.poss.3s.seechas.chesengel a chas er ngii. chesengel a kitalong expression.soot or ink used with kitalong. chesengel a luut expression.squid's ink. chesengel a oluches expression.mark from pencil lead. chesengelel chesengelel a chesingel er ngii, chesngelel a cheriut. chesenguul₁ chesenguul a mtechir a ungil er a diak el ungil, kolii a beras a bai ungiler a lak mongang, "omengang a chesenguul" ngii di bo medinges. chesenguul₂ to be occupied or busy. cheseos₁ cheseos a chetebtel . cheseos₂ n.type of tree.cheseos a chuodel e metongakl el lius, chesungai. chesiach n.plant in yam family.chesiach a besebes el duubech er a oreomel; kall a le bosech. chesiaol n.workers or helpers from another village. chesiau n.contribution of food or labor to help workers on house or community project.chesiau a rechad me a udoud me a kall me a klalo el ngeseu a urreor el beluu me a chous er a beluu; mengesiau er a Ngaramecherocher.Cf.mengesiau,chesiaol. chesibel₁ seechesbungel.chesibel a usbechall a ongisb er ngii; chuisb a uasech; mengisb a beras, chesbel a sukal. chesibel₂ v.s.ravenous; in a hurry to eat. ochesibel ravenously or in a hurry.ochesibel a kmal songerenger; ochesibel a blak a rengul el omengur. chesil n.poss.3s.burning or discoloration of pot (after water has boiled out).chesil a chelas er ngii; chosir, chemas, chesil a beras. chesilech interj.exclamation of disgust or teasing.chesilech a tekeiungel a le chetim a tekoi; ouchesilech er a ketiaol; chesilech er kau! chesill to be get blackened with soot or ink. chesimall to be turned, wound or screwed.chesimall a kirel el mechesoim; chosimii a seraub, chosoim, mengesoim er a ralm, chesimel. chesimel chesimel a omengesoim er ngii, mengesoim. chesimer n.door; cage; enclosure.chesimer a melenget; tengetengel a tuangel, chosmerii, chosimer a blai, chesmerel.Cf.mengesimer. chesmeram n.poss.1pe. chesmered n.poss.1pi. chesmerek n.poss.1s. chesmerel n.poss.3s.chesmerel a chesimer er ngii. chesmerel a mado expression.moving part of window. chesmerel a mlai door. chesmerem n.poss.2s. chesmerir n.poss.3p. chesmeriu n.poss.2p. melai a chesimer the door. ouchesimer v.t.have door made out of (particular product, substance, etc.).
chesimk v.s.scarred around mouth.chesimk a llechul a kerdik me a keltkat er a tkul a ngor; chesemkel. chesingel of grass skirt; waistband (of dress).chesingel a klalo el orreked a cheriut me a saiang; melechet er a chelechad, chesngelel. chesngelel n.poss.3s.chesngelel a chesingel er ngii.
chesiu n.sea demon.chesiu a mekngit el chelid; chesiulechei, chesiu a soal a berech, chesungel. chesungel n.poss.3s.chesungel a chesiu er ngii. chesiuch n.oyster; oyster shell (for scraping taro); tortoise shell money (used among women only).chesiuch a cheled el mengatech e ng klalo el omached a kall; chesuchel. chesuchel n.poss.3s. chesiul₁ v.a.s.chesiul a kirel el mechosu; chosuii, chemosu a chelbkakl, mengosu kall, chesuel. chesiul₂ chesiul a chesiau er ngii; mengesiau. chesiuul v.a.s.chesiuul a kirel el mechesiau; morengii a chesiau; chosiur, mengesiau; Ngara Mecherocher a chesiuul. cheskeam n.samadera.cheskeam a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar el kebliil er a keam. cheskiik n.tree in Myrtle family.cheskiik a kerrekar er a ked.
chesmachel n.male in-law of family.chesmachel a oldechelakl er a songel a bechil, kesib a rengul el mengerirs; mengesmachel. chesmachel a sechal el bechiil er a blai, chesmechelel. Ngeask el chad el bechil a ngeasek el dil ra blai. chesmechelam n.poss.1pe. chesmecheled n.poss.1pi. chesmechelek n.poss.1s. chesmechelel n.poss.3s.chesmechelel a chesmachel er ngii. chesmechelem n.poss.2s. chesmechelir n.poss.3p. chesmall to be tapped or rapped on; is to be rung.chesmall a kirel el mechosm; chesmoll, chosmii, chuosm a kambalang, mengosm, chesmel. chesmechelam n.poss.1pe.seechesmachel. chesmecheled n.poss.1pi.seechesmachel. chesmechelek n.poss.1s.seechesmachel. chesmechelel n.poss.3s.seechesmachel.chesmechelel a chesmachel er ngii. chesmechelem n.poss.2s.seechesmachel. chesmechelir n.poss.3p.seechesmachel. chesmecheliu n.poss.2p.seechesmachel. chesmekemekel n.poss.3s.seechelsmekemek. chesmel chesmel a omengosm er ngii el kambalang, mengosm. Kabong era me desang e kom kmal mellomes.Do as you say so everyone can see you are smart as you talk. chesmelleklel chesmelleklel a uldak el omeruul, a chimal me a ngerel me a teletelel el mengesechosm. Di mo ta tang a chimal ma ngerel ma teletelel. chesmerall to be closed, confined or locked in (e.g. as punishment). chesmeram n.poss.1pe.seechesimer. chesmered n.poss.1pi.seechesimer. chesmerek n.poss.1s.seechesimer. chesmerel n.poss.3s.seechesimer.chesmerel a chesimer er ngii.
chesmerel a mado expression.moving part of window. chesmerel a mlai door. chesmerem n.poss.2s.seechesimer. chesmerir n.poss.3p.seechesimer. chesmeriu n.poss.2p.seechesimer. chesmoll₁ v.a.s.chesmoll a kirel el mechesimer; chosmerii, chosimer, merechorech a chesmoll er a kelebus. chesmoll₂ chesmoll a chesmall. chesngelel n.poss.3s.seechesingel.chesngelel a chesingel er ngii. chesobel₁ n.type of large trepang.chesobel a cheled el ko er a bakelungal e ng di becheleleu. chesobel₂ v.a.s.(taro tubers) are to be cut.chesobel a kirel el mecheseb; cheklii a tech er a dait, chosebii, chueseb a dait, chesebel. chesobel₃ v.a.s.seemengeseb.chesobel a kirel el mecheseb; chosebii a chelitakl, chueseb a chesols, mengeseb, chesebel.
chesols (usually sung by old men).chesols a cheldecheduch el delecherul a chelitakl; choselsii, chosols, mengesols, cheselsel. chesomel v.a.s.seemengusem.chesomel a kirel el mechusem; chusemii, chuusem a ngor, mengusem, chesemel a ngerel. chesuall v.a.s.(food) is to be stirred so as not to stick to pan. chesuar n.slap (in the face). chesuerngam n.poss.1pe. chesuernged n.poss.1pi. chesuerngek n.poss.1s. chesuerngel n.poss.3s. chesuerngem n.poss.2s. chesuerngir n.poss.3p. chesubech v.s.toothless; having some teeth missing.chesubech a dibus a kirel ngar ngii el uingei; chelib a ungelel, chesbechel.
chesuchall to be given tortoise shell money.chesuchall a kirel el mechesiuch; chosuchii a buchelsechal, mengesiuch, msa chesuchel. chesuchel n.poss.3s.seechesiuch.
chesuchii chesuechesall to be splinted. chesuerngall v.a.s.(face) is to be slapped; is to be slapped in the face. chesuerngam n.poss.1pe.seechesuar. chesuernged n.poss.1pi.seechesuar. chesuerngek n.poss.1s.seechesuar. chesuerngel n.poss.3s.seechesuar. chesuerngem n.poss.2s.seechesuar. chesuerngir n.poss.3p.seechesuar. chesuerngiu n.poss.2p.seechesuar. chesuertall to be covered with asphalt. chesulech₁ n.corpse.chesulech a cheklechel a ulekoad el chad; beldokel. cheklecham n.poss.1pe. chekleched n.poss.1pi. cheklechek n.poss.1s. cheklechel n.poss.3s.cheklechel a beldokel; bedengel ulekoad el chad. cheklechem n.poss.2s. cheklechir n.poss.3p. chesulech₂ n.flat stone (crushed and used in making pottery).chesulech a urrekomel er a bad. chesungel n.poss.3s.seechesiu.chesungel a chesiu er ngii. chetakl n.trolling line. cheteklam n.poss.1pe. chetekled n.poss.1pi. cheteklek n.poss.1s. cheteklel n.poss.3s.cheteklel a omengetakl er ngii,. cheteklem n.poss.2s. cheteklir n.poss.3p. chetau₁ n.brief rain squall.chetau a kekerei el chull el obengkela eolt. chetau v.s.(skin) dark. chetitau v.s.(skin) brown.chetitau a cheltitau; telkib el chededlekelek e ungil, chetitau el dil. chetitau el dil expression.pretty girl.
chetbael₁ n.elephantiasis.chetbael a ngasecherakd; oburek, dellodel a bedengel, chetbelel. chetbael v.s.swollen from elephantiasis. chetbelel n.poss.3s.chetbelel a chetbael er ngii. chetbael₂ v.s.swollen from elephantiasis. chetbelel n.poss.3s.seechetbael.chetbelel a chetbael er ngii. chetebtel n.poss.3s.peak; summit; top.chetebtel a kot er bab; cheseos, chetetudil a kerekar.
chetechat n.fog; mist.chetechat a kelekolt el ko er a chat; chetechetil a kelekolt a mla mail a kerrekar. chetechem v.s.having speech defect.chetechem a oberaod a chural; diak el bleketakl a tekingel, mengetechem, chetechemel. chetechemel chetechemel a chetechem er ngii. chetechetil n.poss.3s.wound (esp., from sharp object).chetechetil a chetechat er ngii.Cf.mengetechat. chetechetioll to be wounded.chetechetioll a kirel el mechetechat; mengetechat er ngii, mekull, diak chetechetioll a chad me a charem. chetekill to be held or led by the hand; is to be carried, towed or persuaded; easily persuaded; (woman) easily seduced.chetekill a beot el mechetakl; di ngera e ng mechetakl; diak a uldesuel; di remurt a ngor; choteklii, cheteklel. chetekl v.s.thin and active.chetekl a chetngaid, mesengaked. cheteklam n.poss.1pe.seechetakl. chetekled n.poss.1pi.seechetakl. cheteklek n.poss.1s.seechetakl. cheteklel n.poss.3s.seechetakl.cheteklel a omengetakl er ngii,. cheteklem n.poss.2s.seechetakl. cheteklir n.poss.3p.seechetakl. chetekliu n.poss.2p.seechetakl. chetelaol v.s.drunk; dizzy.chetelaol a mengetelaol; ko er a mengeterbis a bdelul; smecher a chetelaol, chetelolel a rrom. chetelolang v.inch.chetelolang a mla mo chetelaol. Ng meringel a bdeluk e.My head is aching and I feel dizzy. Ng diak. Ng bai ko er a di.No. He or she only feels dizzy. chetellaok v.s.chetellaok a klou a rengul e soal el kuk di meruul a soal; meoud. chetellaok a rengul expression.very patient; calm; not easily excited; blase; casual. chetellaok a rengul expression.very patient; calm; not easily excited; blase; casual. chetellechelel chetellechelel a chetelluchel er ngii. chetelluchel v.s.(voice) low-pitched.chetelluchel a chebecheb el ngor; ngerel a sechal a chetelluchel, mengetelluchel, chetellechelel. chetelolang v.inch.seechetelaol.chetelolang a mla mo chetelaol. chetemall v.a.s.chetemall a kirel el mechetoem; chotemii, chotoem a mederir er a bekerekard, mengetoem, chetemel. chetemam₁ n.poss.1pe.seechat. chetemam₂ n.poss.1pe.seechutem. chetemed n.poss.1pi.seechutem. chetemek n.poss.1s.seechutem. chetemel₁ n.poss.3s.seechutem.chetemel a chutem el kloklel ingii. chetemel₂ chetemel a omengetoem er ngii, mengetoem er a medal er a chas. chetemem n.poss.2s.seechutem. chetemir n.poss.3p.seechutem. chetemiu₁ n.poss.2p.seechat. chetemiu₂ n.poss.2p.seechutem. chetengakl₁ v.s.(: )praiseworthy; showing honor (towards).chetengakl a ungil el kirel a chad; odanges; chotengii, "ulekoad er a chetengakl"; chemat er ngii, chetengel. chetengakl₂ n.praise; acclaim. chetengeklel n.poss.3s. chetengeklel a Droteo expression.praise for Droteo. chetengam n.poss.1pe.seechetengel. chetenged n.poss.1pi.seechetengel. chetengek n.poss.1s.seechetengel. chetengeklel n.poss.3s.seechetengakl. chetengeklel a Droteo expression.praise for Droteo. chetengel n.poss.3s.his/her praise.chetengel a chetengakl el kirel. chetengam n.poss.1pe. chetenged n.poss.1pi. chetengek n.poss.1s. chetengem n.poss.2s. chetengir n.poss.3p. chetengem n.poss.2s.seechetengel. chetengir n.poss.3p.seechetengel. chetengiu n.poss.2p.seechetengel. cheterbis n.spinning top (without a string); pulley (of canoe). cheterbisul n.poss.3s.seecheterbis. cheterebis cheterebis a klalo el mengeterebis; choterbis, choterbisur a chebis. cheterebsall to be spun or turned.cheterebsall a kirel el mecheterbis; choterbisur, choterbis a chebis, mengeterbis, cheterebisul. cheterechall to be neglected or abused. cheterechelel cheterechelel a omengeterochel er ngii; cheterochel.
cheteremall₂ cheteremall a ta er a bedengel a emull. chetererekel n.poss.3s.seecheterrerek.chetererekel a cheterrerek er ngii,. cheterir n.poss.3p.seechat.
cheterochel v.s.neglected; abused.cheterochel a diak le cheleoch, blengedakl, omengedakl el ngalek.Cf.mengeterochel,chelterochel. chelterochel v.r.s.neglected; abused. cheterechall to be neglected or abused. cheterrerek n.(voice) high-pitched; falsetto.cheterrerek a diak le chetelluchel; ngoldil a cheterrerek, dengarech el ngor; chetererekel.Cf.mengeterrerek. chetererekel n.poss.3s.chetererekel a cheterrerek er ngii,. chetetudil n.poss.3s.very top; point of summit.chetetudil a chetebtel, chetetudil a rois. chetid n.poss.1pi.seechetil. chetik n.poss.1s.seechetil.
chetikikall to be tempted or led astray.chetikikall a kirel el mechetikaik; choitikikii a ngalek, mengetikaik er a mesaik el mo ourreor, chetikikel. chetikol n.has come to dislike.chetikol a mla mo chetil; dikea el soal. chetil n.poss.3s.his/her disliking; he/she dislikes; he/she doesn't want/like.chetil a diak el soal; chetil el ngar er a skuul, chetikol. chetid n.poss.1pi. chetik n.poss.1s. chetim n.poss.2s.
chetim n.poss.2s.seechetil.
chetimall to be smeared or spread on. chetioll seechetiotel.chetioll a kirel el mechetiot; choititii, chotiot, mengetiot, diak le chetioll a biskang. chetiot n.any (dangerous) object protruding from ground; prow of boat. chetiotel v.a.s.(point of knife, spear, etc.) is to be broken or bent. Chetiruir n.mountain in Ngeremlengui.Chetiruir a rois er a Ngeremlengui.
chetitau v.s.(skin) brown.chetitau a cheltitau; telkib el chededlekelek e ungil, chetitau el dil.
Ak a bedengek e melemalt a chiuk e meklou a medak.I'm brown skinned with straight hair and big eyes. chetitau el dil expression.pretty girl. chetitel n.damsel fish.chetitel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chetituokel v.a.s.redup.complicated; tedious.chetituokel a diak le mededaes; chetituokel el chetil el mo er a skuul a siokel a rolel. chetkeam₁ n.type of fish.chetkeam a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chetkeam n.type of tree.chetkeam a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chetkeam₂ n.type of tree.chetkeam a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chetkengelel n.poss.3s.seechetkongel.chetkengelel a chetkongel er ngii. chetkongel for spear.chetkongel a blil a uloech; ngar er ngii e oboech. chetkengelel n.poss.3s.chetkengelel a chetkongel er ngii. chetngaid v.s.(person, long object) thin/slender; skinny.chetngaid a chetekl; diak le mekoar; chetngidel; mekekerei a bedengel. [syn:chekngaid] mechetngaid v.s.(person, long object) thin/slender; skinny (required with plural subject).
chetongel to be praised.chetongel a kirel a chetengakl; kirel a odanges, chetengel. chetor n.large red ant.chetor a ta er a bedengel a charm; ko er a chedib e ng di bekerekard. chetud n.poss.1pi.seechat. chetuk n.poss.1s.seechat. chetul₁ n.poss.3s.seechat.chetul a klou el udoud er a Belau el klalo er a blai. chetul₂ n.poss.3s.old or worn out or decayed condition (of something).chetul a chut er ngii, mechut el klalo; chetul a blai. chetum n.poss.2s.seechat. chetuotel₁ v.a.s.(headware) to be put on; to be inserted or stuck into or onto; to be impaled or plugged in.chetuotel a klalo el rruul el mechetiut; klalo, lkou a chetuotel; mengetiut a lochang; otuu; osiseb; chetutel, chetutall. chetuotel₂ n.a.s.funnel.chetuotel a klalo el rruul el mechetiut; klalo, lkou a chetuotel; mengetiut a lochang; otuu; osiseb; chetutel, chetutall. chetutall seechetuotel.chetutall a chetuotel. chetuul v.a.s.(fish) smoked; having the potential of giving off too much smoke.chetuul a kirel el mechat; techa mengat a ngikel? chotur, chemat a ngikel, chetul. cheuais cheuais a emull er a delomeklochel. cheuas cheuas a melekesako el charm; derecheuas; chedelekelek. Cheuchel n.area of ocean between two islands; passage in Ngcheangel.Cheuchel a toachel er a Ngcheangel. debel a cheuchel expression.the ocean between Babeldaob and Ngcheangel. cheuikl to be sprinkled with lime; is to be woven.cheuikl a kirel el mechaus; chousii, mengaus a sualo, chusel a tet. cheuiko seemuiko.cheuiko a meuiko; diak el sebechel el omes, a lechub e ng mekngit a osengel. chi n.(Jap.)stomach. kerul a chi expression.stomach medicine. chiach n.fifth month of Palauan year. Chiach n.fifth month of Palauan year.Chiach a ongeim el buil er a rak er a Belau. chibars n.type of fish.chibars a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chibaselei v.s.Topsy-turvy; scattered all over the place.chibaselei a mechesang; chachimeluk, cheliseksikd, kaokeangel; kede ua chibaselei er a urreor me a omenges. chibatter v.s.(Jap.)arrogant; boastful; snooty; condescending. chibedbad chibedbad a betok el mekekerei el bad, bedbad. chibeob chibeob a chaibibeob, bleob, bduu a chibeob. Chibeob Chibeob a kerodel er a Ngeremetengel. chibibeob seechaibibiob. chibibiob seechaibibiob. chibiob of docking place in channel at Ngeremlengui. chibiokl v.i.turn off from; turn in particular direction. chibngel n.poss.3s.seechieb. chibngii a mengib er ngii. chibokill chibokill a chiboklel, sel de bo dieuekl er ngii; chibokill er a rael, chebirekelel a rael.
chichachuu n.sound of rooster crowing; cock-a-doodle-doo. [syn:chichichachuu] chichial chichial a omengiuch er ngii, ngalek a mengiuch er a medal. chichiall v.a.s.chichiall a kirel el mechiuch; chuiuch a medal a ngikel, mengiuch, chichiall a brak. chichichachuu seechichachuu. chidadeb n.part of usaker drawn loosely through legs; curve.chidadeb a usaker el diak le kes; mekebekabes a metengal, chidedebel.Cf.mengidadeb. chidbengam n.poss.1pe.seechidib. chidbenged n.poss.1pi.seechidib. chidbengek n.poss.1s.seechidib. chidbengel n.poss.3s.seechidib.chidbengel a chidib er ngii. chidbengem n.poss.2s.seechidib. chidbengir n.poss.3p.seechidib. chidbengiu n.poss.2p.seechidib. chideball to be hung onto with hands.chideball a kirel el mechidobel, chimal a chedam a chideball er a rengelekel, choidebelii er a demal, mengidobel, chidebelel. chidebdib seechidebtib.chidebdib a blechoel el ouedikel, mengidebdib; odikel, chidebdib a urreor a merau. chidebelel chidebelel a omengidobel er ngii; mengidobel. chidebtib v.s.restless; squirming; fidgety. chidedebel n.poss.3s.seechidadeb. chidedesall chidedesall a betok a chidudes er ngii. chidib n.wallet; pouch for keeping pepper leaf.chidib a blil a udoud; chidbengel a mui er a udoud; olbedabel er a udoud. chidbengam n.poss.1pe. chidbenged n.poss.1pi. chidbengek n.poss.1s. chidbengel n.poss.3s.chidbengel a chidib er ngii. chidbengem n.poss.2s. chidbengir n.poss.3p. chidir₁ a mengid er ngii, chidir a dait; duebes el tomall a delomel. chidir₂ a dour; mengid, chidir a chiklel, chemid, mechid a chiukl. chidirengul seechaidirengul. chieb₁ n.speck/foreign body in the eye.chieb a besbas el ngar er a chelsul a mad, chiebengel. chieb₂ chiebengii chiebengii a mengieb er ngii; chieb. chiebngii chiebul chiebul a bung el dirkak el obok, di kmeed el obok. chiechab n.hole; hollow; cavity (in tooth).chiechab a mechiechab; blsibs el chutem, klalo; choichebengii a chutem, ochab a chiechab.Cf.mengiechab. mechiechab v.s.(teeth) full of cavities.mechiechab a chiechab; ochab a mechiechab; kliis el delluchel. chiechall to be drilled or bored into. chiechebengii chiechuis n.larva; small intestinal worm; maggots (esp., in swarm). [syn:chieuis] ouchiechuis v.i.(excrement) have larva or worms. [syn:ouchieuis] chiekl n.worm; maggot.chiekl a charm el duubech a bediu, me a beraom, mekekerei el charm el omuchel a secher, chiiklel. chiekl er a rebotel expression.fruit worm. chiekl er a rebotel expression.fruit worm. chiellel chiellel a chiull er ngii el chad. chiemum chiemum a mengiemum; menga odoim e dirrek el meldoim a rodech me a lius; rodech me a lius a chiemum. chiesang v.i.inch.begin to escape.chiesang a mla chemiis; chiis, chemiis, chiesang er a urreor. chiesung v.i.pred.about to escape. chietall v.a.s.(food) is to have squeezed coconut milk added to it.chietall a chiotel; kirel el mechuit; chemuit a odoim, menguit, morengii a chuit, chietel. chietel n.poss.3s.seechuit.chietel a chuit er ngii; menguit. chietel a odoim expression.coconut milk to be cooked with fish. chietel a ongraol expression.coconut milk to be cooked with tapioca, taro, etc. chieuis seechiechuis. chihukuro n.(Jap.)(pouch of) stomach. chiikel v.a.s.(leaves) are to be plucked or stripped off plant. chiiklel n.poss.3s.seechiekl. chiil chiil a kall me a ilumel el kelel a a klechedaol, klengoes el babii a chielel a omerael, . chiis n.escape; flight.chiis a chemiis; mo cheroid er a kdekudel, mle klou a chiis er a mekomad. chachiis v.recip.escape together. chiitel to be thrown away or abandoned. chikes n.(Jap.)place for storing live bait or fish in boat; net for holding caught fish (outside of boat).chikes a klalo el blil a chad el ngikel me a chemang. chikl n.neck.Cf.ouchaet a chiklel. chiklam n.poss.1pe. chikled n.poss.1pi. chiklek n.poss.1s. chiklel n.poss.3s. chiklem n.poss.2s. chiklir n.poss.3p. chiklam n.poss.1pe.seechikl. chikled n.poss.1pi.seechikl. chiklek n.poss.1s.seechikl.
chiklel₁ n.poss.3s.seechikl. chiklel₂ n.poss.3s.seechiukl. chiklem n.poss.2s.seechikl. chiklir n.poss.3p.seechikl. Te kmal betok are ungil a el ngalk er chelechang.Theres a lot of good singers these days. chikliu n.poss.2p.seechikl. chilab chilabl chilachetomel n.soft, muddy bottom of mangrove swamp (or sea). chilad chilades chilado chilaet chilais chilalb chilall chilam chilamech chilamrokl n.trigger fish.chilamrokl a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chilarm chilas₁ chilas₂ chilat₁ chilat₂ chilaus chilbangel chilbechebelii chilbedii chilbengelii childabel childebelii childechedechar childecheduch childechulii childechuul childelekelek childelekelekii childelii childellumel childeng childengii childengur childerderii childereder childermotii childeroder childesii childibii childir childochii childoech childolii childuib childuii chilebeldir chilebelii chilebibengii chilebibii seechilebibengii. chilebirekelii chilebirukel chilebis chilebisur chileblabl chileblad chilebleblii chileblii chilebngii₁ chilebngii₂ chilebsii chilebsur seechilebisur. chilebtanget chilebtangt seechilebtanget. chilebtengetii chilebtengtii seechilebtengetii. chilebulii chilebur₁ chilebur₂ chilechebii chileched chilechedii chilechetii chilechii chileech chilekelekall v.a.s.chilekelekall a kirel el mechilekelek; choilekelekii a bung, choilekelek a chimal, mengilekelek, chilekelekel. chilekelekii chilekelekii a omingelekelek er ngii; mengilekelek. chileklachel chileklechelii chileklii chileklterir chilelbii chileldii chilellii chilelngii chilem chilemcham chilemchemur chilemechemii chilemedii chilemeed chilemekl chilemeklii chilemengii chilemerii chilemkemkii chilemkomk chilemullii chilemur chilerdechedii chilerdoched chilermii chilert chilertechetii chilertii₁ chilertii₂ chilertochet chileseb chilesii chiletii₁ chiletii₂ chileuertii chilib chilibiob chilichiar chilieb chiliil chililii chililt chilimer chiliraro chiliririi chiliroir chilirt chilisb chilisech chilisemsum chilisii chilisisii chilisois chilitakl chilitii₁ chilitii₂ chilitiot chilititii chiliuades n.eternity. el mo er a chiliuades expression.forever; eternally. chiliuch chiliud chiliuedii chiliueteklii chiliuetokl chiliuii chillakl chillam n.poss.1pe.seechiull. chillaod chillechel chillechelii₁ chillechelii₂ chillechelterir chillechii chillechur chilled n.poss.1pi.seechiull. chillek n.poss.1s.seechiull. chillekelek chillekelekii chilleklii chillel n.poss.3s.seechiull. chillelengii chilleleu chillem n.poss.2s.seechiull. chillemengii chilleoch chillilii chillir n.poss.3p.seechiull. chilliu n.poss.2p.seechiull. chillochii chillodii chilloil chillooch chilluert chillum chillutii chilluut chilmechii chilmedaol₁ chilmedaol₂ chilmedolii₁ chilmedolii₂ seechildolii. chiloes chiloil n.rock in reef.chiloil a chelmoll el betok a bad er ngii; delongelel a debeaot me a omedeklel a daob.
chiloit chilol chilold chilosm chilosu chilotel to be oiled, greased or anointed. chilous chilous a mlo er ngii a chous er a kerrior; dilubech a chelebuul, beluu er a Belau a chilous er a le mongkangk a did er a toachelmid. chilsang chilsbad chilsbechebii chilsbedengii chilsberberii
chilsbii chilsbocheb chilsbreber chilsebii chilseches chilsechesemii chilsechesii₁ chilsechesii₂ chilsechesuii chilsechii chilsechusem chilsekl chilseklii chilseksektii chilseksikt chilselsii chilsemesem chilsemesemii chilsemii chilsengii chilsengsang chilsengsengur chilsengur chilsimer chilsimii chilsir chilsmerii chilsmii chilsngellii chilsngull chilsoim chilsols chilsuar chilsuart chilsuch chilsuches chilsuchii chilsuer chilsuerngii chilsuertii chilsuii chilsuloul chilsululii chilsureor chilt n.oil; ointment; grease; chrism.chilt a ngii di le ngerang el usbechall er a omengilt, reng a chilt, cheluch a chilt, mengilt a reng. chiltam n.poss.1pe. chilted n.poss.1pi. chiltek n.poss.1s. chiltel n.poss.3s.chiltel a omengilt er ngii; mengilt. chiltel a mekngit el rakt expression.oil to prevent disease caused by evil spirits. chiltel a mesil expression.sewing machine oil. chiltel a oeacher expression.shoe polish. chiltem n.poss.2s. chiltir n.poss.3p. chiltiu n.poss.2p. Kau kam a keled el blauang ra tsiam ma batabinats.Fix us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. chiltakl chiltall seechilotel.chiltall a kirel el mechilt; mengilt er ngii, chiltii a omechell er a reng, chiltel. chiltam n.poss.1pe.seechilt. chiltechetii chiltechetur chiltechut chilted n.poss.1pi.seechilt. chiltek n.poss.1s.seechilt. chilteklii₁ chilteklii₂ chiltel n.poss.3s.seechilt.chiltel a omengilt er ngii; mengilt. chiltel a mekngit el rakt expression.oil to prevent disease caused by evil spirits. chiltel a mesil expression.sewing machine oil. chiltel a oeacher expression.shoe polish. chiltelakl chiltelaol chilteleklii chiltelluchel chiltelolii chiltem n.poss.2s.seechilt. chiltemet chiltemetii chiltengetii chiltengii (him/her/it). chilterbis chilterbisur chilterechelii chilterochel chilterrerek chiltii a mengilt er ngii er a chilt. chiltikikii chiltimii chiltinget chiltir n.poss.3p.seechilt. chiltiu n.poss.2p.seechilt. chiltiut chiltngaid chiltngidii chiltoem chiltukii chiltur₁ chiltur₂ chiltutii chiltuuk chilubel chilubs chilucheb chiluchet chiludel chiludur chiluid chiluit chiluiu chilumii₁ chilumii₂ chiluml chilumlii chilusem chilusii chilut chiluub chiluum chim n.hand; arm; front paws (of animal); help; assistance; manual labor; person sent to help.chim a klekedellel a chad el uldeod er a cheiechad, chim a orreked a klalo; chimal. chimad n.poss.1pi. chimak n.poss.1s. chimal n.poss.3s. chimam n.poss.2s. chimomam n.poss.1pe. chimomiu n.poss.2p. chimorir n.poss.3p. kekemanget a chimal expression.prone to stealing things. kemanget a chimal expression.prone to stealing things. uchul a chim expression.shoulder; upper arm.
chimad n.poss.1pi.seechim.
chimak n.poss.1s.seechim.
chimal n.poss.3s.seechim.
chimam₁ n.poss.2s.seechim. chimam₂ n.poss.1pe.seechui. chimelkul chimelkul a omengimeluk er ngii; mengimeluk er a blai. chimelsibai chimelsibai a cherduch el chim; diak el merrengrang; cherduch er a urreor; cherdechengel. chimerii a mengimer er ngii el chesimer, omeruud. chimetemet chimi n.(Jap.)meaning; implication (of one's words).
chimiu n.poss.2p.seechui. chimkemkall to be covered over with (blanket, clothes, leave, etc.); (forest) choked with vegetation (and difficult to pass through).chimkemkall a kirel el mechimkomk; dokedekii, medekedek, imkemkii a smecher er a bar, mengimkomk, chimkemkel. chimkemkel chimkemkel a omengimkomk er ngii; mengimkomk. chimkemkii a mengimkomk er ngii. chimkomk a klalo el melekedek; bar a chimkomk. chimo num.1 [one] (animal; nonliving thing). chimo el babier letter. chimo el malk chicken. chimo el babier letter. chimo el mak expression.fifty cents. chimo el malk chicken. chimo er a edeitiud third. chimo er a euaitiud fourth. chimomam n.poss.1pe.seechim. chimomiu n.poss.2p.seechim. chimong chimong a tang a ; chimo el bad; chimo el kluk, udoud a di chimong. Ng di a stob er ngiiIt has one stove or oven. Ng ngar er ngii a el chaisbaks.It has one refrigerator. Ng di a olechelubel er ngii.It has only one bathroom. chimorir n.poss.3p.seechim.
Te meral betok a ngerir e diak a.Alot of talk but no action. chimtemetall v.a.s.chimtemetall a kirel el mechimetemet; choimetemetii, choimetemet a babier, mengimetemet. chimuum n.coconut used as odoim. mengimuum coconut as odoim. chioll₁ to be waited for.chioll a kirel el mechiil; merreder a chioll er a cheldecheduch, choielii., olsingch er ngii. chioll₂ n.a.s.action of waiting. chiollel n.poss.3s. chiollel a Toki expression.waiting for Toki. chiollel n.poss.3s.seechioll. chiollel a Toki expression.waiting for Toki. chirecheram n.poss.1pe.seechirocher. chirechered n.poss.1pi.seechirocher. chirecherek n.poss.1s.seechirocher. chirecherel n.poss.3s.seechirocher. chirecherem n.poss.2s.seechirocher. chirecherir n.poss.3p.seechirocher. chirecheriu n.poss.2p.seechirocher. chirekedii chirekedii a mengiereked er ngii, docherecherii a rengul e ourreor, cheliereked a mesisiich el chad. chirir n.poss.3p.seechui. chiritem chirocher hook.chirocher a techerakl; melecherakl a ngikel; chelirocher el ngar er a medal a kereel me a chetakl. chirecheram n.poss.1pe. chirechered n.poss.1pi. chirecherek n.poss.1s. chirecherel n.poss.3s. chirecherem n.poss.2s. chirecherir n.poss.3p. chirochiro v.s.(Jap.)many-colored; fathered by different men. chirrad chirrechar chirrecherii chirrecherur chirredechii chirredengii chirremakl chirremeklii chirremetai chirremetii chirrengelii chirretemii chirridii chirritem chirroakl chirrocher chirrodech chirroid chirroueklii chirrumet chirrungel chirt n.(large) spoon; ladle.chirt a ongisb; klekedall el mengirt; mengisb a kall, chirtii, mengirt a odoim, chertel. chirtemii a mengeritem er ngii er a bekerekard. chirtii a mengirt er ngii; mengisb, melecheseb. chis n.depression in sea floor; area just inside reef where water remains at low tide (good for fishing).chis a elis el delluchel; delelualu a daob er ngii er a chedil a chei. chisam n.poss.1pe.seechais. chisb n.hiccup.chisb a hiccup, ouchisb. chisbel n.poss.3s. ouchisb v.i.have hiccups.ouchisb a chisb, hicupps . chisbel n.poss.3s.seechisb. chisbii a mengisb er ngii. chisebsab n.crape or spiral ginger.chisebsab a ta er a bedengel a dellomel er a oreomel. chisecham n.poss.1pe.seecheisech. chiseched n.poss.1pi.seecheisech. chisechek n.poss.1s.seecheisech. chisechel n.poss.3s.seecheisech.chisechel a cheisech er ngii. chisechem n.poss.2s.seecheisech. chisechir n.poss.3p.seecheisech. chisechiu n.poss.2p.seecheisech. chised n.poss.1pi.seechais. chiseikl v.a.s.chiseikl a kirel el mechisois, mengisois a tekoi; chad el osiochel a chisekill a tekoi er ngii. chisek n.poss.1s.seechais. chiseksekdall v.a.s.chiseksekdall a kirel el mechiseksikd; choiseksikd, mengiseksikd, diak le chiseksekdall a cheldecheduch. chisel₁ n.poss.3s.seechais. chisel₂ n.poss.3s.seechiis. chisel a beluu about one's village or country. chisel a kodall of (someone's) death. chisel a Toki about Toki. chisem n.poss.2s.seechais. chisemesemall to be embraced or hugged.chisemesemall a kirel el mochull; mechisemesem, mechulii a ngalek, choisemesemii a ngelekel, megisemesem er a bechil, chisemesemel. chisemesemel chisemesemel a omengisemesem er ngii; mengisemesem. chisemsemngel chisemsemngel a chisemsum er ngii el chad. chisemsum v.s.having twisted finger or toes.chisemsum a selakd el cheldingel, chimal a chisemsum.Cf.mengisemsum. chisiklechol seeisiklechol. chisil₁ chisil a mla mo sesei; kesengei a medechel; chisil a odoim. chisil₂ n.banana blossom.chisil a bngal a tuu; chisil a tuu. chisil a tuu expression.banana blossom. chisil a tuu expression.banana blossom. chisingel chisingel a debsochel; di betok a mekngit er a uldesuel; di mes a mekngit; oumekngit er a rechad; diak el beruadel. chisiobing (Jap.)large (half gallon) bottle (only for certain size, only for container regardless of contents). chisir n.poss.3p.seechais. chisisall v.a.s.are to be piled up one on top of the other.chisisall a meleket; kirel el mechisois; choisisii, choisois a babier, mengisois er a blil, chisisel a blai. chisisel chisisel a omengisois er ngii, mengisois. chisiu n.poss.2p.seechais. chisngekl v.i.turn head to look.chisngekl a mesim a chiklel el bedul a bitang; chisngekl el mo e mei; mengesngekl. mechechisngekl v.redup.keep turning head from side to side. chitabori (Jap.)story board.
chitall seechiitel. chitechut v.s.paralyzed.chitechut a mechitechut; smecher el diak lorael, chitechut a ngesool. chitekill v.a.s.(: )to be sung.chitekill a kirel el mechitakl; choiteklii a "Belau el oba klisiich"; mengitakl er ngii. chiteklel chiteklel a omengitakl er ngii; mengitakl. chitel₁ chitel a urrebetellel; kuureng me kmengai er a urreor, becherei me lebo er a chitel. chitel₂ n.poss.3s.abandonment; renunciation; giving up.chitel a omengoit er ngii; mengoit a besbas. chitel₃ seechietel. chitemetall v.a.s.(hand) is to be closed to make fist; is to be crushed into ball. chitemetii chitengetii chitetkii chitimii chitinget chitiut a mengetiut; chitiut a oecherel; itutii a lkungel; chitutel. chito (Jap.)thread (think it is still used, but not that common, for people who sew they use the word, but now the people who sew now are mostly Pilipino word). chitoem
chitukall to be repaired, arranged or fixed.chitukall a kirel el mechituuk, kirel el meruul; chitukii, choituuk a mechut el mlai; chitukel. chitukel n.poss.3s.his/her/its movement while asleep.chitukel a omengituuk er ngii; mengituuk. chitukii a mengituuk er ngii. chitutii a mengetiut er ngii el kiis. chituuk₁ v.s.prone to moving while asleep. chituuk₂ a chidebdib; odikel, mengituuk a le mechiuaiu. chituuk₃ v.s.diligent.chituuk a chidebdib; odikel, mengituuk a le mechiuaiu. chiuall to be read or looked at closely. chiud n.poss.1pi.seechui. chiudall to be twisted or wrung. chiuedall v.a.s.chiuedall a kirel el mechiud; mengiud, mechiuetokl, chiuedii, chemiud a selokel, chiuedel. chiuedii a mengiud er ngii. chiuertall to be beaten (with stick, club, etc.).chiuertall a chelebodel; kirel el mechiuert,mechelebed, choiuertii, mekull el diak le chiuertall a chad. chiuesam n.poss.1pe.seechiuis. chiuesecham n.poss.1pe.seechiuosech. chiueseched n.poss.1pi.seechiuosech. chiuesechek n.poss.1s.seechiuosech. chiuesechel n.poss.3s.seechiuosech. chiuesechel a mad expression.tears. chiuesechem n.poss.2s.seechiuosech. chiuesechir n.poss.3p.seechiuosech. chiuesechiu n.poss.2p.seechiuosech. chiuesed n.poss.1pi.seechiuis. chiuesek n.poss.1s.seechiuis. chiuesel₁ n.poss.3s.seechiuis.chiuesel a chiuis er ngii; chiuesel a ulkel a chad. chiuesel₂ n.poss.3s.seechius.chiuesel a chius er ngii; chiuesel a bobai. chiuesel a ulul expression.breastbone. chiuesem n.poss.2s.seechiuis. chiuesir n.poss.3p.seechiuis. chiuesiu n.poss.2p.seechiuis. chiuis n.bone (of human being or animal).chiuis a tebechelel e klisichel a chelechad; chiuis a bliull er a tech, chiuesel a uach me a chim. chiuesam n.poss.1pe. chiuesed n.poss.1pi. chiuesek n.poss.1s. chiuesel n.poss.3s.chiuesel a chiuis er ngii; chiuesel a ulkel a chad. chiuesem n.poss.2s. chiuesir n.poss.3p. chiuk n.poss.1s.seechui.
Ak chetitau a bedengek e melemalt a e meklou a medak.I'm brown skinned with straight hair and big eyes. chiukl n.(singing) voice. chiklel n.poss.3s.
chiul₁ n.poss.3s.seechui.chiul a chui er ngii el dil; kerisebsub a chiul. chiul₂ n.poisonous centipede.chiul a kekerei el charm el meringel a bengchel; betok a ochil. chiul₃ n.kind of grass which produces stickers.chiul a emull er a mekesokes.
chiull₁ n.pillow.chiull a klekedall er a cheliuaiu, chiellel a ngalek, ouchiull. chillam n.poss.1pe. chilled n.poss.1pi. chillek n.poss.1s. chillel n.poss.3s. chillem n.poss.2s. chillir n.poss.3p. chilliu n.poss.2p. ouchiull v.i.have or sleep with pillow.ouchiull a ousbech er a chiull.
mengiull v.i.collect sea worms (by digging them out of sand).mengiull a melai a chiull el cheled; remechas a mengiull er a kereker. chium n.poss.2s.seechui. chiuoll n.swelling under skin with visible bruising; often due to infection. chiuongel chiuongel a chad el meringel el mesiik a soal; chetituokel a rengul, chelemekl, mengiuongel a tekoi, cheliuongel. chiuosech n.tears.chiuosech a ralm el me tuobed er a mad; lmangel a tuobed a chiuosech er a medal, chiusechel a mad. chiuesecham n.poss.1pe. chiueseched n.poss.1pi. chiuesechek n.poss.1s. chiuesechel n.poss.3s. chiuesechel a mad expression.tears. chiuesechem n.poss.2s. chiuesechir n.poss.3p. chiuesechiu n.poss.2p.
chiur n.type of grouper fish.chiur a ta er a bedengel a temekai. chius n.seed; kernel.chius a ngar er a chelsel a rodech el mo duubech; chiuesel a iedel. chiuesel n.poss.3s.chiuesel a chius er ngii; chiuesel a bobai. chiusechel chiusechel a chiuosech er ngii el mad. chiutekill₁ to be wrung out or twisted.chiutekill a kirel el mechiuetokl; mengiud, chiuteklii, choiuetokl a selokel. chiutekill₂ n.a.s.vine.chiutekill a besebes er a oreomel el meklou.Cf.mengiuetokl. cho interj.Oh!cho a ngesenges, olengesenges, cho ng uaisei, cho ng merang! choais n.grass which grows in swampy area. choalech v.s.(head) having bristly hair. choalech₂ v.s.(head) having bristly hair.
choas centipede.
chobangel a mengebangel; ngar er medal, chobangel a betok el kall, chobengelii; chebengelel. chobechebelii a mengebechobel er ngii; rullii el mo chebechobel, mekrengii; chebechebelel. chobeldir a mengeblad er ngii. chobengelii; chobengelii a mengebangel er ngii. chobengelid chobengelterir chobengii choberechelii choberechelii a mengeberochel er ngii el kall, torekeklii. choberochel cheberochel a mengeberochel; merrekakl, cheleberochel a kall. chobirekelii a mengebirukel er ngii el cheldecheduch. chobis a mengebis. chobisur a mengebis er ngii. choblabl a mengeblabl; chobleblii, choblabl a kloleklel. choblad a mengeblad e melai a diak le chetemel, ngmai el okiu a blulak, chobeldir a metitur. chobleblii a mengeblabl er ngii el mechitechut. choblid choblii a mengabl er ngii. choblterir chobsur seechobisur. chobtanget₁ a mla mtanget, mla chobtanget a toluk. chobtanget₂ chobtanget a beltanget, bereked, chobtanget a klalo e omes. chobtangt seechobtanget. chobtengetii a chelebtanget er ngii; bereked. chobtengtii seechobtengetii. chobulii a mengebuul er ngii; meruul er ngii el mo chebuul; mla nguu a bechil; chelebulel. chobur a mengab er ngii; locha chab. chochedii a mengeched er ngii el lius. chochiball v.a.s.chochiball a kirel el obkais; omechiib er ngii; ngeuul a dekedekel a kall; chochibel. chochibel chochibel a chomechiib er ngii; omkais, mechiib. chochod chochod a kerrekar el bechochod a bul, ungil a bul. chochoi interj.yes.chochoi a kengei, chochoi ng ungil besul, choi ng uaisei. chocholoall chocholoall a ngeiuul a cholo er ngii; kirel el mocholo; mecheleuii, mecholo a ngikel; chocheleuel. chodechosong seechodochosong.chodechosong a mocha er bab a sils; chodechosong e ke dirke mechiuaiu?
chodechulii a mengedechuul er ngii; mengituuk er ngii; osiik a rolel. chodechuul a mengedechuul; mengituuk, smiik a rolel el mo ungil. chodelekelek₁ a mengelebed, mengesbad. chodelekelek₂ a meruul el mo chedelekelek. chodelekelekii a mengedelekelek er ngii. chodeng a mengedeng; mesaod e bai chodeng a rengud, mo rrau a rengud; mo diak dodengei. chodengii chodengur a mengedeng; mo rrau a renguk, mesaod e bai chodengur a renguk; mo cheldeng a renguk. choderderii a mengedereder er ngii; mesaod er ngii. chodereder a mengedereder; doreder a tekoi, smaod. chodermotii a mengedermaot er ngii el ralm, chederemotel. choderoder a mengedereder; remuul el mo ungil a blechebechel. chodesii a mengades er ngii el rael. chodeuii chodeuii a mengado er ngii el blai. chodibii a mengeduib er ngii el dilukai; chedibel. chodochosong n.time approaching noon. [syn:chodechosong.chodechosong a mocha er bab a sils; chodechosong e ke dirke mechiuaiu?] omekchodochosong v.caus.make (oneself) late (to avoid working, etc.). ungil el chodochosong expression.good late morning (at a time approaching noon). Ungil.Greetings at midmorning (toward noon) choduib a mengeduib el omekord. choduii choesii₁ a mengoes er ngii; mo kekerei; mengkekerei er ngii. choesii₂ choetii seechemetii.choetii a chemetii, mengaet er ngii. choibeob choibeob a mengibeob, remuul el mo chaibibeob. choibibengii choibibii seechoibibengii. choibiob choibirekelii seechobirekelii.choibirekelii a mengebirukel er ngii; meluoik er ngii. choibirukel choidabel choidadeb choidebelii a mengidobel er ngii; chelidobel. choidobel choidobel a mengidobel, chelidobel. choidudur before full moon. choielii₁ choielii₂ choielii a mengiil er ngii; olsingch. choilekelek a mengilekelek. choilekelekii a mengilekelek er ngii. choililii a mengiloil er ngii; lomelemii. choiloil a mengiloil; rukui a klsel. choiltii choiltii mengilt er ngii; chiltii. choimetemet choimetemet a mengimetemet. choimetemetii choimetemetii a mengimetemet er ngii el chimal. choiraro a mengiraro, choiraro a chiul. choirecherii a mengirocher er ngii; mengebirukel. choireked choireked a mengiereked a rengrir; smisiich a rengrir. choiririi choirocher a mengirocher; mengebirukel. choiroir a mengiroir; mo ta besul. choisech a mengeisech; mo cheisech. choisechii a mengeisech er ngii. choiseksekdii choiseksekdii a mengiseksikd er ngii. choiseksektii choiseksikd choiseksikd a mengiseksikd; mo chelimeluk. choiseksikt choisemesem choisemesem a mengisemesem; omechull er tir. choisemesemii a mengisemesem er ngii; mechulii. choisemesm choisemsum a mengisemsum a chimal. choisii₁ (Jap.)tasty, delicious (commonly used). choisii₂ a mengais er ngii. choisisii a mengisois er ngii. choisngellii a mengisngull er ngii, chelisngull. choisngull a mengisngull a medal. choisois a mengisois; meleketek. choitakl a mengitakl. choitechet choitechetur a mengitechut er ngii. choitechut choitechut a mengitechut; remuul el mo mechitechut. choiteklii a mengitakl er ngii. choitii a mengoit er ngii.
choitikaik choitikaik a mengetikaik; mengetakl. choitikikii a mengetikaik er ngii. choititii a mengetiot er ngii. choiuert a mengiuert, mengelebed. choiuertii a mengiuert er ngii. choiueteklii a mengiuetokl er ngii. choiuetokl a mengiuetokl, mengiud. choklachel a mengeklachel. choklechelii a mengeklachel er ngii. chokleterir choklid choklii a mengokl er ngii, oungeroel. Chol n.hamlet in Ngerard.Chol a chimo er a rengedel a beluu er a Ngaraard. cholaod₁ a mengelaod; omotech a reng. cholaod₂ cholaod a taod; klekedall el melaod. cholbediang to hit. cholbii a mengalb er ngii el keai. chold n.fart.chold a mekngit el eolt tuobed er a basingul a chad, chemold, choldii, cheldel.Cf.chemold. cheldam n.poss.1pe. chelded n.poss.1pi. cheldek n.poss.1s. cheldel n.poss.3s.cheldel a chold er a chad, chemold. cheldem n.poss.2s. cheldir n.poss.3p. Choldiais n.old name of Ngchesar. choldii a mengold er ngii, cheldel. cholebed a mengelebed. cholebedeterir cholebedid cholebedii a mengelebed er ngii. cholecheii cholecheii a mengeleoch er ngii, omekerreu er ngii. cholechel a mengelechel; olterkokl. cholechelii₁ a mengelechel er ngii; lak e mobes. cholechelii₂ cholechelterir cholechii cholelengii a mengeleleu er ngii; mekerrengii, mo cheleleu a medal. choleleu cholengii choleoch cholitechel Omiongel ma lechub e ng klekakerous el omeruul. chollakl a mengellakl; mtebechel; mo diak a uldikel. cholleklii a mengellakl er ngii, mo chelellakl. Chollel n.hamlet in Ngerechelong. chollii a mengall er ngii; omarech a chimal. cholloi n.conversation (esp., between old men in bai).cholloi a cheldecheduch, meleb cholloi a di dobengii a mengedecheduch.Cf.mengelloi. cholmengii a mengelim er ngii. cholmesumech Udoud el melmesumech ra dil el merkong el bechiil. cholngii seecholengii.cholngii a mengol er ngii el ngikel. cholo₁ scales.Cf.ocholo,omcholo. cheleuam n.poss.1pe. cheleued n.poss.1pi. cheleuek n.poss.1s. cheleuel n.poss.3s.cheleuel a cholo er ngii el ngikel. cheleuem n.poss.2s. cheleuir n.poss.3p. cheleuiu n.poss.2p. cholochii a mengelooch er ngii. cholodall to be comforted or consoled.cholodall a kirel el mechelaod, mengelaod. cholodii a mengelaod er ngii. cholooch a mengelooch. cholutii₁ a mengeluut er ngii; mengelebed. cholutii₂ cholutii a olluut er ngii; ngoderii. choluut a mengeluut. chomcham chomchemur chomeachel Ngklel sel ongdibel el obang a mlechell a losurech. chomechii a melamech er ngii. chomekl a mengemekl; olsongeb. chomeklii₁ a mengemekl er ngii. chomeklii₂ (first month of pregnancy).chomeklii a mengemekl a buil; dioll. chomengii a mengem er ngii. chomodoech chomote nangio (Jap.)territory outside of Japanese Pacific mandate (only this term (not Pacific Island) is used). chomotenangio n.(Jap.)territory outside of Japanese Pacific mandate. chomulii chomulii a mengemull er ngii. chomullii chomur a mengam er ngii; meritech. chomus chorad a mengerad. chorall chorall a kot el chull er a uriul er a kemtimt. chorau Udoud el lomoket er ngii a re sechal el melisiich a deleuill ra chebechiil. chordechedii a mengerdoched er ngii. chordechii a mengerodech er ngii; ngemuu. chordengii chordengii a mengerad er ngii. chordoched a mengerdoched. chorechar a mengerechar. chorecherii chorecherur a mengerechar er ngii. choredengii choremakl a mengeremakl; oldingel, omes a bub. choremang choremang a mla mo chuarem; metemella er a urreor. choremeklii choremetai choremtai choremtai a mengemertai, ochoid, mengimeluk. choretech Udoud el cheral a debull. choridii a mengeroid er ngii. chormang beginning to suffer. chormii a mengarem er ngii. choroakl a kmeed el mo meduch, tuu a choroakl, telkib el mengur. chorodech a mengerodech. choroid a mengeroid. chorouekill chortechetii a mengertochet er ngii. chortii a mengert; chemei er ngii. chortochet a mengertochet. chorueklii chorueklii a mengeruakl er ngii; mengisois er ngii. chos (Jap.)holding tight (when dancing); making a play for; getting too close. chosang a mengesang. chosarai n.(Jap.)girls' game juggling cloth balls filled with seeds.chosarai a klekool; klokolir a rengalek. chosbad a mengesbad; mengelebed. chosbechebii a mengesbocheb er ngii. chosbedengii a mengesbad er ngii. chosberberii chosbereber chosbereber a mengesbereber. chosbocheb a mengesbocheb; locha chesbocheb er ngii. chosbreber chosebii₁ a mengeseb er ngii el dait. chosebii₂ a mengeseb er ngii el chesols. choseches a mengeseches a chesimer. chosechesii a mengeseches er ngii. chosechesuii a mengesechosu er ngii. chosekl a mengesekl a kall. choseklii a mengesekl er ngii. choselsii a mengesols er ngii; chesols. chosengii a mengas er ngii er a chas. chosengsang a chosang, smakd, mengesengsang. chosengsengur₁ chosengsengur a chosngur; smakd. chosengsengur₂ chosengur a mengesang er ngii, chosengsengur. chosimer a mengesimer. chosimii a mengesoim er ngii; omult er ngii el meliuekl. chosir₁ a mengas er ngii; chelas. chosir₂ chosir a mengasireng, chosir a renguk a seked er a Oreor. chosiruko (Jap.)powdered sweet bean soup (known).
chosmekemekii chosmerii a mengesimer er ngii; tongetengii. chosmii a mengosm er ngii. chosoim a mengesoim. chosols a mla oitakl a betok el chesols, mengesols. chosoroi v.s.(Jap.)of same clothes, wearing the same cloth (very commonly used); of uniform appearance. chosuar a mengesuar;.mengesbad, mengelebed. chosuart a mengesuart; melecha a chasuart er a bebul a rael. chosuch a mengesuch a blai. chosuerengii chosuerengii a mengesuar er ngii; mengelebed. chosuerngii chosuertii a mengesuart er ngii. chosuii chosuloul a mengesuloul, mo imis er a ngau. chosululii a mengesuloul er ngii. chosureor a mengesureor; omult a miich er a merekos. chotakl a mengetakl. chotechat a mengetechat; moes el tomall a bedengel a chad. chotechetii chotechetir a mengetechat er ngii. choteklii a mengetakl er ngii. chotelakl chotelaol choteleklii a mengetelakl el bau; me tuobed a bul. chotelluchel a mengetelluchel; meruul el mo chebecheb a ngor. chotelolii a mengetelaol er ngii. chotemba v.s.(Jap.)flirtatious; loose or fast (woman); acting like a hussy. chotemii chotemii a mengetoem er ngii. chotengii a chemat er ngii; oldanges. choterbis a mengeterbis. choterbisur a mengeterbis er ngii. choterechelii a mengeterochel er ngii; terrekakl er a omesiou. choterochel a mengeterochel. choterrerek choterrerk choterrerk a mengeterrerk; meruul el mo cheterrerek a ngerel. choteterir chotid chotimii seechitimii. chotiot a mengetiot; oturek a medal. chotitii seechoititii.chotitii a mengetiot er ngii. chotngaid a mengetngaid; meruul el mo mekekerei. chotngidii a mengetngaid er ngii; mo chetngaid. choto n.(Jap.)noise or sound (usu. mechanical). chotoem seechitoem.chotoem a mengetoem, mengesechusem. chotur₁ a mengat er ngii;. chotur₂ choudur a mengeuid er ngii. choues choues a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chouid a mengeuid, cheleuid. chous chous a chemous; duubech a klou el kerrior me a chelebuul, telemellel a did er a toachelmid a kiou el chous er a Belau. chousii a mengaus er ngii; chemachel. chuab chuabl a mengabl. chualb a mengalb a keai. chuam a mengam; chuam a kerrekar. chuamech a melamech a chemachel. chuaremadaob chuaremadaob a kot el kesus er a uriul er a orakiruu. chuarm₁ chuarm₂ v.i.suffer. chechuarm v.s.redup.suffer to some extent.chechuarm a telkib el chuarm. chormang beginning to suffer. chuarm v.s.suffering.chuarm a choremang, chuarm er a meringel el urreor.
chuarm₃ v.s.suffering.chuarm a choremang, chuarm er a meringel el urreor. chuarm a daob expression.first day after full moon. chub (esp., to woman, in hope of romantic relationship; bribe; inducement).chub a klalo el bsa chad el omsau er a rengul, mengub er a soal; chubur a klok, chebul. chebul n.poss.3s.chebul a chub er ngii el udoud; mengub a klalo er a soal. chubchub v.s.redup.merciful; compassionate; feeling pity for others.chubechub a mengebechub; melatk a rechad, chubechubechad; bekerurau.Cf.mengub,klechubchub. [syn:chubechub] chubchubchad n.compassionate person; one who always feels pity for others.chubechubechad a chubur a chad, bekokuii, chubur, mengebechub. [syn:chubechubechad] chubchubchad n.compassionate person; one who always feels pity for others.chubechubechad a chubur a chad, bekokuii, chubur, mengebechub. chubechub seechubchub. chubechubechad seechubchubchad. chubel chubel a chui el mla mo diak le chedelekelek; becheleleu kung, cheball a bdelul, chebelel. chubelii a mengubel er ngii, oleitel er ngii; omechachau er ollumel. chubkid chubkii seechubur. chubs₁ chubs a mengubs; merechorech a mesei, sers; chubsii, chuubs a kukau; chebsel.Cf.mengubs. chebsel n.poss.3s.chebsel a omengubs er ngii; mengubs; merechorech a sers me a mesei. chubs₂ n.action of healing.chubs a mechubs, mla mo diak a kltkat; chebsel. chebsel n.poss.3s.chebsel a mla mo mechubs, kltkat el uach a mla mo mechubs,.
chubs₃ n.disease of taro or tapioca. chubsii a mengubs er ngii. chubteterir chubur a mengebechub; mekngit a rengul er ngii. chuchab n.tree in linden family.chuchab a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar. chucheb n.darkening rain cloud.chucheb a milkolk el eabed el mengucheb, chuchebii a beluu,.Cf.mengucheb. chuchebii a mengucheb er ngii; meeleb er a chucheb. chucher n.tip of coconut frond.Chucher a rsel a dui, chucherdui. Chucher Chucher a kereker er a Ngerechelong. chuchetii a menguchet er ngii. chude (Jap.: chude)bicep or muscle.
chudechedechar a mengedecheduch er ngii; melekoi. chudecheduch a melekoi, mengedecheduch a ikel soal. chudechuul chudechuul a mengedechuul; smiik a rolel mo ungil, cheldechulel.
chedelam n.poss.1pe. chedelang getting grassy.chedelang a mocha er ngii a chudel. chedeled n.poss.1pi. chedelek n.poss.1s. chedelel n.poss.3s.chedelel a chudel er ngii. chedelem n.poss.2s. chedelir n.poss.3p. chedeliu n.poss.2p. chudel v.s.grassy.
chudelang getting old.chudelang a mla mo chuodel; diak le ngeasek, mechesei, rubekengang. chudelei n.term of address to male elders of male.chudelei a omekedong er a klou er ngii el sechal. chudelel n.poss.3s.older sister of female.chudelel a klou er ngii el dil, klou el odos er ngii. chudelel a delal expression.aunt. rechudelel n.poss.3s.her older sisters. [syn:remchudelel] chudelel a delal expression.aunt. chudelii a mengudel er ngii, chudelii a beluu e mengedecheduch. chudelleklang getting very old.chudelleklang a kmal chuodel; kmal klou, chudellekla el chad. chudellumel chudellumel a mengedellumel, chudellumel a tuu. chuem a mengem; ousbech a ongem el mengem a uchul a lius. chuemel chuemel a chuum er ngii, chuemel a odoim, menguum. chuemii chuemii a menguum er ngii. chueseb₁ chueseb a mengeseb a chelitakl. chueseb₂ a mengeseb a kukau. chui a mekemanget el busech el di ngar er a bedul, kerisebsub el chui. chimam n.poss.1pe. chimiu n.poss.2p. chirir n.poss.3p. chiud n.poss.1pi. chiuk n.poss.1s. chiul n.poss.3s.chiul a chui er ngii el dil; kerisebsub a chiul. chium n.poss.2s. kerisebsub el chui expression.curly hair. mekerisebsub el chui expression.curly hair. rsel a chui expression.end of a hair. uchul a chui expression.root of hair. chuib₁ a mengib a rodech. chuib₂ chuib a oleiit; olechib a medal. chuib₃ v.i.(period of time) pass by.
chuichiar a mengiuch er ngii; omsibs. chuiechab chuietii a menguit er ngii; melecha disech. chuieuii a menguiu er ngii; omes a babier; menguiu er a medal er a direk.
chuimer a mengimer; ometikel. chuis n.worm; maggot.chuis a chiekl; chiechuis; lot er a diil, chuis er a bediu el beab. bederechuis v.s.(starchy food) spoiled (by water); decomposing or moldy.bederechuis a mochu bekngiuk; A mengkengikem el ongraol a bederechuis. chuisb a mengisb; melecheseb. chuit₁ n.miserliness; avarice. chuit₂ n.coconut milk (usually added to other things when cooking).chuit a disech er a lius; chuietii, chemuit, menguit a kall. chietel n.poss.3s.chietel a chuit er ngii; menguit. [syn:chitel] chietel a odoim expression.coconut milk to be cooked with fish. chietel a ongraol expression.coconut milk to be cooked with tapioca, taro, etc. chuiuch a mengiuch; omsibs. chuklel n.a.s.poss.3s.weaving work. chulad or tape worm.chulad a mekemanget el cheremel a chutem el ko er a lot. chuldellumel chulechur chulekum seeulekum. chull₂ n.rain; rainy season.chull a ralm el ngar er a eanged e ruebet; chellel.Cf.mesesechull. chellam n.poss.1pe. chellang getting rainy.chellang a mocha chull, robeta chull; merema chull. chelled n.poss.1pi. chellek n.poss.1s. chellel n.poss.3s. chellel a meas expression.rain which attracts large school of rabbit fish. chellel a ngebard expression.rain coming on west wind. chellel a ongos expression.rain coming on east wind. chellel a orakiruu expression.rain at time of full moon. chellem n.poss.2s. chellir n.poss.3p. chelliu n.poss.2p. chull v.s.rainy. menga er a chull expression.get caught or drenched in the rain.
chum n.hermit crab.chum a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. chum₂ chum₃
chumechemii a mengemochem er ngii; omreu. chumii chumlii a menguml er ngii el ngau. chumochem chumochem a mengemochem; omreu. chumsengii chumur seechomur. chundo n.(Jap.)physical exercise. chundon gutsu (Jap.)athletic shoe (not used by young people who use shoes, Palau word oachoer). chundongutsu n.(Jap.)athletic shoes. chungam n.poss.1pe.seechuu. chunged n.poss.1pi.seechuu. chungek n.poss.1s.seechuu. chungel n.poss.3s.seechuu.chungel a chuu er ngii, mechuu. chungem n.poss.2s.seechuu. chungir n.poss.3p.seechuu. chungiu n.poss.2p.seechuu. chuob v.s.(rocks, etc.) exposed about surface of water.chuob a ulechob; ngar er a bebul a daob; diak el urresors, uldum.Cf.olechob. obngang v.s.inch.obngang a mla me chuob; mei er a bebul a daob; ochebngii a ert; olechob er ngii; ochebngel a ert. obngung v.s.pred.obngung a mochu chuob; uleiull a obngung. chuodel v.s.(person; village; house) old.chuodel a kmal klou, betok el rak, chuodel el beluu, chuodel el chad. chudelang getting old.chudelang a mla mo chuodel; diak le ngeasek, mechesei, rubekengang. chudelleklang getting very old.chudelleklang a kmal chuodel; kmal klou, chudellekla el chad. chuodel el klalo expression.old things. rechuodel n.very ancient times. chuodel el klalo expression.old things. chuomel to be wrapped in leaves or betel nut fiber and baked.chuomel a kirel el mechuum, chuemii, chuum a ngikel. chuosm a mengosm; mengelebed. chuosu chur₁ n.laugh.chur a dereuakl, ocherechur, rekebil a metemella er a chur.Cf.ocherchur. cherchur n.redup.laughter. cheremam n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) laughs. cheremiu n.poss.2p.your (plural) laughs. cherid n.poss.1pi. cherik n.poss.1s. cheril n.poss.3s. cherim n.poss.2s. cherrir n.poss.3p.their laughs. chur₂ n.tongue.chur a ngar er a chelsel a ngor el omeob a tekoi; chural a chad. churad n.poss.1pi. churak n.poss.1s. chural n.poss.3s. churam n.poss.2s. churemam n.poss.1pe. churemiu n.poss.2p. churerir n.poss.3p. medal a chur n.tongue tip. obult a chural expression.change one's mind. teleuidel a chural expression.have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next. teluo a chural expression.stick to what one has said; remain fixed in one's opinion; stubborn. uchul a chur expression.back or root of tongue.
chur₃ n.subsidiary rib of coconut frond (with leaves attached;.chur a churul a dui, temikel. churul n.poss.3s. churul a dul expression.rib of coconut frond. churad n.poss.1pi.seechur. churak n.poss.1s.seechur.
chural n.poss.3s.seechur.
chural a nguis expression.snake's tongue; plant in milkweed family. churam n.poss.2s.seechur. churemam n.poss.1pe.seechur. churemetii a mengerumet er ngii. churemiu n.poss.2p.seechur. churengelii churerir n.poss.3p.seechur. churrengelii churrengelii a mengerrungel er ngii; nguu el rokir. churul n.poss.3s.seechur. churul a dul expression.rib of coconut frond. churumet a mengerumet; omekbeches er a chelsel. churungel a mengerrungel; diak le blisaos. churur₁ n.surgeon fish; white cheeked.churur a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.
chusam n.poss.1pe.seechaus. chusechesemii a mengesechusem er ngii; chotemii. chusechesii a mengesuches er ngii, merumes er ngii. chusechil n.poss.3s.tail (of kite). chusechusem a mengesechusem; mengetoem. chused n.poss.1pi.seechaus. chusek n.poss.1s.seechaus. chusel₁ n.poss.3s.seechaus.chusel a chaus er ngii. chusel₂ n.poss.3s.seechuus.chusel a chuus er ngii, kelel. chusel a omengaus er ngii, chusel a oruikl. chusem₁ n.poss.2s.seechaus. chusem₂ n.facial hair; beard; moustache.chusem a mekekemanget el busech el ngar er a bebul a ngor, chesemel chesechesomel. chesechesomel v.s.redup.bearded and moustachioed.chesechesomel a ngar ngii a chesemel; chusem. chesemam n.poss.1pe. chesemed n.poss.1pi. chesemek n.poss.1s. chesemel n.poss.3s. chesemem n.poss.2s. chesemir n.poss.3p. chusem₃ chusem a mekekerei el emull el ngar er a delul a dait er a mesei. chusemii a mengusem er ngii el ngor. chusii seechousii. chusir n.poss.3p.seechaus. chusiu n.poss.2p.seechaus. chusuch seechosuch.chusuch a mengesuch, chusuch a ngikel, chusuch a blai. chusuches a mengesuches; merumes. chusui (Jap.)thin, weak, light (very common, used in the sense of mixing drinks or when ink or computer print is not dark enough to read, cannot be used in sense of thin boards, etc.); waning.
chut n.disease that causes plants to rot; rot; decay; cancer.chut a mechut; chutur a blai, diak le beches. chetul n.poss.3s.old or worn out or decayed condition (of something).chetul a chut er ngii, mechut el klalo; chetul a blai.
chutem; earth; dirt; soil; mud.chutem a beluulechad.Cf.klechutem. bechachutem v.s.redup.covered/soiled with dirt.bechachutem a di dechudech, beldebid er a chutem; cheltechetem. chetemam n.poss.1pe. chetemed n.poss.1pi. chetemek n.poss.1s. chetemel n.poss.3s.chetemel a chutem el kloklel ingii. chetemem n.poss.2s. chetemir n.poss.3p. chetemiu n.poss.2p.
Ak mesuub a ochur me a tekoi er a Belau, me a omesubel a melidiul me a.I'm studying math, Palauan, and Science. chutsius seechutsus.(Jap.) chutsus v.t.(Jap.)take (photo); copy a picture (needs no affix to make it a verb, also used for transfer files from USB flash memory to hard disk). [syn:chutsius] chutur seechotur. chuu n.shadow; shade.chuu a mechuu el diak a dichel a sils er ngii; chuu er a kerrekar, chungel.Cf.mechuu. chungam n.poss.1pe. chunged n.poss.1pi. chungek n.poss.1s. chungel n.poss.3s.chungel a chuu er ngii, mechuu. chungem n.poss.2s. chungir n.poss.3p. chuub chuubel a mengubel; mengoit. chuubs a mengubs; merechorech. chuucheb a mengucheb; omart er a dichel a sils; omekchuu; kerrekar a chuucheb a dellomel. chuum chuum a menguum; omail er a mengchongch. chuumel v.s.sleeping at someone else's house. chuumii chuuml₁ chuuml a mechiuaiu er a ngodech el blai, diak le bad er a blil. chuuml₂ chuus n.meal/food (esp. ongraol=starchy food).chuus a kall, ongraol, omechuus er a urreor, chusel a klechedaol. chusel n.poss.3s.chusel a chuus er ngii, kelel. chusel a omengaus er ngii, chusel a oruikl. chuusem |
a b ch d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u y z