


Produced from the master edition maintained

updated: 6/21/2015   


 a    b    ch    d    e    f    g    h    i    k    l    m    n    o    p    r    s    t    u    y    z   


ba    bd    be    bi    bk    bl    bn    bo    br    bs    bt    bu    

ba first.a ba a uchelel a bebil er a cheldecheduch. Ba bo er uchei. Ba kurael. Ba bong. Ba molekoi.

bab  n.area/space above; top; surface. bab a bebul, melidiul, a sils a ngar bab. skoki a merael er a bab.

bebmam  n.poss.1pe.

bebmiu  n.poss.2p.

bebrir  n.poss.3p.

bebud  n.poss.1pi.

bebuk  n.poss.1s.

bebul  n.poss.3s.bebul a ngar er a bab er ngii, bebul a tebel.

bebul a daob  expression.surface of the sea.

bebul a rois  expression.mountain top.

bebul a tebel of the table.

bebum  n.poss.2s.

 A bebul a tebel a mla mo dekimes.The top of the table has gotten wet.

 A Droteo a kie er a bab.Droteo lives upstairs.

 A klok a ngar er a bebuk.The clock is up there above me.

 A Tony a ngar er a bab el chad.Tony is higher in the rank.

 Ng di Kot el Ngar er el Dios a diak lekiei a blai el rruul er a rechad.But the Most High God does not live in houses built by human hands.

babelbeluu  babelbeluu a beluu el ngar er a kedidai; betok a blai er a babelbeluu.

babelblai  babelblai a blai el ilteet; meteetel.

Babeldaob  n.Largest island of Palau; literally; upper sea.Babeldaob a ochallechutem er a Belau. Melekeok a beluu er a Babeldaob.

babeluades  n.heaven.babeluades a beluu er a bab; beluu er a eanged.

babeluu  n.type of tree.a babeluu a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

babier  n.(Ger.)paper; letter; book.a babier a klalo llechukl e chieuall; luchesii a babier; ng menguiu er a babier.

babilngam  n.poss.1pe.

babilnged  n.poss.1pi.

babilngek  n.poss.1s.

babilngel  n.poss.3s.babilngel a babier er ngii el chad.

babilngem  n.poss.2s.

babilngir  n.poss.3p.

babilngiu  n.poss.2p.

blil a babier  expression.bookcase.

 A a lluches.The letter is written.

 A Droteo a milluches a el oba a oluches.Droteo was writing a letter with a pencil.

 A sensei a meluches er a.The teacher is writing the letter.

 Ng mla meluches a.The letter has been written.
    »additional examples

babii  n.pig.babii a charm el ungil el odoim.Cf.babilchemang,oubabii.

babii er a daob in Ngeaur.

babiiureomel  n.wild pig.babiiureomel a tebelik el babii el kiei er a oreomel.

menga el babii like a pig.

 A rebek el el mla mo ungil el odoim a leblechoel el omekoad se el lebo lemekelekolt a beluu.All the pigs that are ready to eat are always killed in the winter.

 Ke dilu el kmo ng mo omekoad er a ngelekel a?Did you say he is going to kill the baby pig?

 A otirel a a meringel el tekoi.Catching a pig is a difficult task.

Ng telal a mo okodall er tial kemeldiil?How many pigs are to be killed for this funeral?
    »additional examples

 babii er a daob in Ngeaur.

babiiureomel  n.wild pig.babiiureomel a tebelik el babii el kiei er a oreomel.

babil  female.babil a redil, delaibabil.

 babilchemang  n.female crab.babilchemang a redil el chemang.Cf.oubabii.

babilngam  n.poss.1pe.seebabier.

babilnged  n.poss.1pi.seebabier.

babilngek  n.poss.1s.seebabier.

babilngel  n.poss.3s.seebabier.babilngel a babier er ngii el chad.

babilngem  n.poss.2s.seebabier.

Ng sebechek el longir a?Can I borrow your book

babilngir  n.poss.3p.seebabier.

babilngiu  n.poss.2p.seebabier.

bached  n.protruding struts on outrigger side of canoe (six in number) used for balance and for holding poles; spears; etc.bached a klekedellel a mlai er a daob; ongedoel er a dekel me a biskang.

bechedel  n.poss.3s.

bachedchediilchei  n.protruding struts in middle of each end of canoe.bachedchediilchei a klekedellel a mlai er a daob.

bachediil  n.diarrhea (substance).bachediil a dach el diak le medecherecher; ko er a ralm. omachediil, bachedilel.

bachedilel  n.poss.3s.

bachedilel  n.poss.3s.seebachediil.

bachediloel  seebachedilos.bachediloel a chad el omachediil.

bachedilos  v.s.always having diarrhea (used in mild insults).bachedilos a bachediloel; mekudem el omachediil.Cf.omachediil. [syn:bachediloel.bachediloel a chad el omachediil.]

bachedkuteling  n.protruding struts closest to each end of canoe.bachedkuteling a dangeb er a kuteling er a mlai er a daob.

bachedulematel  n.protruding struts closest to bluu.bachedulematel a dangeb er a olmatel er a mlai er a daob.

 bachel  n.collarbone; Palauan money in form of curved prisms.bachel a meklou el udoud er a Belau.

bechelam  n.poss.1pe.

becheled  n.poss.1pi.

bechelek  n.poss.1s.

bechelel  n.poss.3s.

bechelem  n.poss.2s.

bechelir  n.poss.3p.

becheliu  n.poss.2p.

bad₁  n.stone; rock; coral; crossbeams supporting floor or house.bad a medecherecher el klalo, risois, baderitech, badelchei, mlus, basech, badumoachel.Cf.bad.

bad el chelid  expression.type of trepang (colored like coral).

bedbeduul  v.s.redup.rocky; (taro patch, garden, etc.) having many rocks.bedbeduul a betok a bad er ngii, bedbeduul el sers.

bedemam  n.poss.1pe.

bedemiu  n.poss.2p.

bederir  n.poss.3p.

bedud  n.poss.1pi.

beduk  n.poss.1s.

bedul  n.poss.3s.his/her/its stone; rock; coral; crossbeams supporting floor or house.

bedum  n.poss.2s.

 A resechal a rengrir a bad. xx.

bad₂  v.s.asleep.bad a mechiuaiu; ngalek a bad er a ulaol.

bedengang (just) going to sleep.bedengang a mocha mechiuaiu; mla mo bad.

mo bad  expression.go to sleep.

 Bo er a blim me bo bad.Go home and sleep.

bad el chei  expression.porous stone in sea.

 bad el cheled  expression.crab (which lives on reef).

bad el chelid  expression.type of trepang (colored like coral).

bad el kerrekar  expression.crossbeams supporting floor of bai (including bad el umad).

bad el uel  expression.sound asleep.

bad el umad  expression.crossbeams supporting floor at ends of bai.

badediil  n.dark discoloration, or other color changes in the skin, due to pregnancy.badediil a ringeldiil er a omechell; rakd er a uriul er a cheroll.

badek  n.mat (or similar object) used as shroud (and brought or sent to house of deceased).badek a bar, chedecholl, mamed el omail er a ulekoad el chad, mla mengodech, me a udoud a badek.

bedekam  n.poss.1pe.

bedeked  n.poss.1pi.

bedekek  n.poss.1s.

bedekel  n.poss.3s.

bedekem  n.poss.2s.

bedekir  n.poss.3p.

bedekiu  n.poss.2p.

badelumad  badelumad a klekedellel a bai el klisichel a ulaol.

 baderirt  n.tree with medicinal uses.baderirt a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar; oumesingd el ngar a chelechol.

baderitech  n.basalt.baderitech a kot el mesisiich el bad.

bades  bades a beldukl, blechobech, mades a tekoi, medesii a ngloik, bedesel.

badk  badk a ngosuir a meluchel el loia obereod el telechull er a bdelul, omadk, medir a meluchel, bedkel.

Badluloi  n.location in Ngerekebesang where, in Palauan legend, Mengidabrudkoel arrived floating inside a dead uloi fish.

Badmechei   Badmechei a iungs er a Ngatbang.

badre  n.(Spa.)priest.

badrei  badrei a melekingel a chelid.

baeb  n.(Eng.)pipe (for plumbing).baeb a klekedall el omekuiaol, oeaol er a ralm, bebel.

bebam  n.poss.1pe.

bebed  n.poss.1pi.

bebek  n.poss.1s.

bebel  n.poss.3s.

bebel a omerkaol  expression.windpipe.

bebem  n.poss.2s.

bebir  n.poss.3p.

bebiu  n.poss.2p.

baelengel  baelengel a baeong er ngii.

baeong  seebaiong.baeong a omderungel er a chull ma sils; baelengel, oubaeong.

 bai₁  n.village meeting house; guest house; community house.bai a ongdboll; tbiil a llach er ngii; bai er a klobak.Cf.baibeluu. [syn:abai]

bai er a rubak  expression.bai for old men only.

bai₂  mod.comparatively; by comparison, instead; rather. Also used in conditional sentences to contrast two events.bai a omuchel a bebil er a omengedecheduch, bai ungil me ko mlei; bai ba morael, bai molekoi e kuleki kung; bai de kasmesumech er tiang e bo de kebii.

bai₃  bai er a remeau; oremuul, bai er a rengeasek, merael a kakerous el omeruul er a chelsel a ngellakel me a sius, me a klautok me a ngloik er a chesel.

bai₄  a bai a ongdboll er a beluu, orekuul, blil a kldibel, bailbeluu.

bai er a rubak  expression.bai for old men only.

baias  n.(Eng.)bias or slant (in sewing).

baibeluu  n.village meeting house.Cf.beluu.

baiking₁  n.(Jap.)disease; germs.baiking a charm el omuchel a rakd me a secher.

baiking  v.s.(person) unsanitary/unhygienic (in one's habits).

baiking₂  v.s.(person) unsanitary/unhygienic (in one's habits).

bail  n.article of clothing; clothes; wrapping material.bail a mamed me a klalo el omail, bilel a klalo, bilel a billum, ekebil a oubail.

bail er a skuul clothes.

bail er a ureor clothes.

bilel  n.poss.3s.bilel a bail el ngii a ouklalo er ngii.

chelsel a bail  expression.undershirt; T-shirt.

 Ng sebechek el mesang a ngalek e le ng oubail er a bibrurek el chelechedal a.I can see the child because he's wearing a yellow shirt.

 Ng sebechek el omes er a ngalek e le ng oubail er a bibrurek el chelechedal a.I can watch/babysit the child because he's wearing a yellow shirt.

 Ng sebechel a ngalek el obes e le ng oubail er a bibrurek el chelechedal a.The child is able to be seen because he is wearing a yellow shirt.

 Tia el a sebechel a Toki.This clothes fit Toki well.
    »additional examples

bail er a skuul clothes.

bail er a ureor clothes.

bailengel  n.poss.3s.seebaiong.

baiong  n.umbrella.

bailengel  n.poss.3s.

bais  n.action of wandering around.bais a merael el mo e mei, bisel; omais er a beluu.

bisam  n.poss.1pe.

bised  n.poss.1pi.

bisek  n.poss.1s.

bisel  n.poss.3s.bisel a bais er ngii el mo e mei, omais a beluu.

bisem  n.poss.2s.

bisir  n.poss.3p.

bisiu  n.poss.2p.

baiu  n.temporary protective covering against rain or sun; canopy.

 bakelungal  n.large, black trepang on reef.bakelungal a ter a bedengel a chelec el ko er a chesobel e ng di klou e chedelekelek.

Bakerus of clan in Imeliik.

bakes₁  n.step (in walking).bakes a blekeklel a uach; omakes, omekebakes, mekesii a ochil; bekesel.Cf.omakes.

bekesam  n.poss.1pe.

bekesed  n.poss.1pi.

bekesek  n.poss.1s.

bekesel  n.poss.3s.

bekesel a ochil  expression.fate; destiny.

bekesem  n.poss.2s.

bekesir  n.poss.3p.

bekesiu  n.poss.2p.

meklou a bekesel a ochil  expression.walk with short steps.


baket  n.(Eng.)bucket; pail.baket a blil a ralm, melekau a ralm; baketengel.

baketengel  n.poss.3s.baketengel a baket er ngii el chad.

chemars a baketengel  expression.have a mind like a sieve; talk through one's hat.

 Ke mla soiseb er a baketengel a Toki.You've fallen for everything Toki says./Toki really has you on a string.

 Ke mla tmuu er a baketengel a Toki.You've fallen for everything Toki says./Toki really has you on a string.

baketengel  n.poss.3s.seebaket.baketengel a baket er ngii el chad.

 Ke mla soiseb er a a Toki.You've fallen for everything Toki says./Toki really has you on a string.

 Ke mla tmuu er a a Toki.You've fallen for everything Toki says./Toki really has you on a string.

bakla  n.(Tag.)a gay, or effeminate, man.

 bakllild  n.scleria (plant with sharp-edged leaves).bakllild a ta er a bedengel a chudelel mekedorem a llel me a chelechedal.

baks (made of any material).baks a kahol, blil a klalo ma kall; beksel.

beksam  n.poss.1pe.

beksed  n.poss.1pi.

beksek  n.poss.1s.

beksel  n.poss.3s.

beksem  n.poss.2s.

beksir  n.poss.3p.

beksiu  n.poss.2p.

Aikal a kmal lolseked.These boxes are taking up so much space.

bakudang  n.(Jap.)dynamite; bomb; explosion.

bakuhats  v.i.(Jap.)explode.

bakutsi  n.(Jap.)gambling; "twenty one" (card game).

chad er a bakutsi  expression.gambler.

 A Toki a kitsingai er a.Toki is obsessed with gambling.

bal  bal a chasireng, obal, omal a reng, ng diak a belengel a rengul.

balang  n.Yapese stone money.balang a bad el udoud er a Beluulechab.

balas  n.(Eng.)ballast.balas a orrumk, orrumk er a mlai, bos a lomekall, rulli el mo diak lomitech.

balbai  n.bedding given to a visitor.balbai a bar el omech a klechedaol me a remerael el chad.

balbeluu  n.plant in Legume family.balbeluu a ta er a bedengel a dellomel.

balchad  n.9th day after death when usaker and cheriut are given to those at wake.

balchelid  n.13th day after death when usaker and cheriut are hung up for gods (chelid) to take.

balech₁  n.slingshot; any material (e.g.; rubber band) used as slingshot; arrow; action of shooting with slingshot.balech a klekedall el el omalech, er a ngikel me a charm; melechii, malech, belechel.

belecham  n.poss.1pe.

beleched  n.poss.1pi.

belechek  n.poss.1s.

belechel  n.poss.3s.

belechel a belochel  expression.shooting of pigeons with a slingshot.

belechel a ngikel  expression.spearing of fish with a spear-gun.

belechem  n.poss.2s.

belechir  n.poss.3p.

belechiu  n.poss.2p.

chad er a balech  expression.archer.

ngikel el balech caught with a spear-gun.

balech₂ a di bita medal, merakd el mad, smecher a bita er a medal.

ballas  n.ballast.

ballechad  ballechad a ta er a tebedall er a klomengiung; delebengel a mlad a dirk obengked.

ballechelid  seeballechad.ballechelid a ta er a tebedall er a klomengiung, delebengel a mlad a mla mo teloi er a rdeleb.

bals₁  n.mistake in song or singing.bals a cheleuid; ngar er ngii bals er a chesols, bals er a babier.

bals₂  bals a omlals er a dengerenger, msa ngkedel; melsii a merechorech, rullii el meluked; belsel.

belsel  n.poss.3s.

bambungel  n.poss.3s.seebambuu.

bambuu  n.(Eng.)bamboo.bambuu a chesel; bambuu er a ked, cheselked, bambungel.

bambungel  n.poss.3s.

redil el bambuu  expression.bamboo pole holding redil el kerrikr.

sechal el bambuu  expression.bamboo pole holding sechal el kerrikr.

ban  v.s.strong; healthy.

bandelengel  n.poss.3s.seebando.

bando  n.(Jap.)belt.

bandelengel  n.poss.3s.

 bang  n.bright-saddled goatfish.bang a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bangarnguis  seebangernguis.

bangch  n.bite.bangch a omangch; mengiok, mangch; katuu a omangch er a beab;.bengchel.Cf.omangch,omengechel.

bengcham  n.poss.1pe.

bengched  n.poss.1pi.

bengchek  n.poss.1s.

bengchel  n.poss.3s.

bengchem  n.poss.2s.

bengchir  n.poss.3p.

bengchiu  n.poss.2p.

meringel a bengchel  expression.have a nasty or sharp bite.

sekebangch  v.s.(animal, person) prone to biting.

bangd₁  n.(Eng.)bounce; rebound; suspension (of car).bangd a klalo el subechii er a ta er a klalo e lmuut, bduu a mla bangd er a chado; bengdel.

bedebangd  v.s.redup.bouncy; having a good bounce.

bengdel  n.poss.3s.

 Ng kmal a ungil a bangd er a mlim.Your car gives a very smooth ride.

bangd₂ (of musicians); orchestra.

bangderang  n.(Spa.)flag; banner.bangderang olangch er a beluu, me a cheldebechel; Belau a oubangderang.

oubangderang  v.i.have a flag; wave a flag.Belau a oubangderang; ngar ngii a banderang er ngii.

 Ng dechor a bangderang.The flag is raised/flying.

 bangderang er a Belau  n.the national flag of Palau.

 bangderang er a Beliliou  n.the state flag of Peleliu.

 bangderang er a Imeliik  n.the state flag of Aimeliik.

 bangderang er a Irrai  n.the state flag of Airai.

 bangderang er a Melekeok  n.the state flag of Melekeok.

 bangderang er a Ngaraard  n.the state flag of Ngaraard.

 bangderang er a Ngardmau  n.the state flag of Ngardmau.

 bangderang er a Ngatbang  n.the state flag of Ngatpang.

 bangderang er a Ngcheangel  n.the state flag of Kayangel.

 bangderang er a Ngchesar  n.the state flag of Ngchesar.

 bangderang er a Ngeaur  n.the state flag of Angaur.

 bangderang er a Ngerechelong  n.the state flag of Ngarchelong.

 bangderang er a Ngeremlengui  n.the state flag of Ngeremlengui.

 bangderang er a Ngiual  n.the state flag of Ngiwal.

 bangderang er a Oreor  n.the state flag of Koror.

 bangderang er a Sungesol  n.the state flag of Sonsorol.

 bangderang er a Techobei  n.the state flag of Hatohobei.

bangengei  bangengei a chad el mekngit a omelekingel, diak el bleketakl a tekingel; oubangengei a longedecheduch.

 bangernguis  n.flagelleria plant; bead from flagelleria plant (skips along ground when thrown).bangernguis a ta er a bedengel a dellomel; ko er a chaklsel. [syn:bangarnguis]

bangikoi₁  n.butterfly; moth.bangikoi a ta er a bedengel a mekekerei el charm el suebek.

bangikoi  v.s.prone to moving from one girlfriend/boyfriend to another.

bangikoi₂  v.s.prone to moving from one girlfriend/boyfriend to another.

bangk₁  n.(Eng.)bank; any storage place for money; safe; strongbox.bangk a omsangel er a udoud.

bengkel  n.poss.3s.

bangk₂  v.s.(Jap.)(tire) flat/punctured.bangk a mo diak a eolt er ngii; ochil a mlai a mla bangk.

bangk  v.i.(tire) go flat; (woman) give birth.

 Ng mla bangk a taia er a mlik.My tire's gone flat.

bangk₃  v.i.(tire) go flat; (woman) give birth.

bangkeik  n.(Eng.)pancake.

bangl  bangl a keterkokl; kirel merael e dikeang, mesngerekl; benglel.

bangngo  (Jap.)number (rarely used, young people use number, older people use the word to refer to dancing steps ('one, two, one, two'), also used in sense of 'what is your (phone) number?').

 Ng tela a bangngo er kau?What number (in line, etc.) are you?

baoch  n.water/run-off flowing in a ditch.baoch a klou el ralm el merael, tobeda imui, mla tuobed a baoch, bochel a omoachel, omaoch, omebaoch.

bochel  n.poss.3s.

bar₁  n.(Eng.)blanket; a klekedall er a cheliuaiu, blangket; balbelau a bar, berul.

beremam  n.poss.1pe.

beremiu  n.poss.2p.

berrir  n.poss.3p.

berud  n.poss.1pi.

beruk  n.poss.1s.

berul  n.poss.3s.

berum  n.poss.2s.

bar₂  n.(Eng.)steel bar; crowbar; metal bar/spike anchored in ground used for husking a ongimer; klekedall el usbechall er a omengimer.

bar₃  bar a olebedii; blar a medal a chad; omar, mengelebed, merengii, berengel.

bar₄  n.(Eng.)bar; tavern.

 bara  n.(Jap.)rose.bara a ta er a bedengel a bung el bechochod a bul.

baras  n.gravel for cement.baras a chibedbad; rrusech el mekekerei el bad.

barb  n.(Eng.)valve.barb a klekedelel a mesil.

barb er a mesil  expression.engine valve.

barb er a mesil  expression.engine valve.

barikang  n.(Jap.)hair clipper.barikang a klekedall er a omengimd el chui.

baror  n.(Spa.)table lamp.baror a ta er a bedengel a olbidel.

Barrak  n.bathing place in Ngerkerong.

barrill  n.(Spa.)wooden barrel.barrill a chabibeob el klalo el blil akall me a ralm el rruul er a kerrekar.

Aikal a mla mui.All the barrels are full.

 bars  n.tree in Verbena family.bars a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

bart  bart a omart, mo diak le meues, mertii, mart a udoud, bertel a udoud.

bas₁  n.(Eng.)bus.bas a meklou el mlai el oltak a rechad; bas er a skuul.

bas  n.embers; burned pieces of wood.bas a ulout, besengel a idungel me a dekool; oubas.

besengel  n.poss.3s.

besengel a dekool  expression.cigarette ashes.

bas₂  n.embers; burned pieces of wood.bas a ulout, besengel a idungel me a dekool; oubas.

bas₃  n.(Eng.: bass)bass (in singing).

basech₁  n.direction in which canoe is sailed against the wind (requiring zigzag movement of canoe; tack.basech a bekall el omtok a eolt; omasech el mo e mei; besechel a mlai.

besechel  n.poss.3s.besechel a seuis er ngii el dub.

basech₂  n.flint for starting fire; fuse.

besechel a dub  expression.fuse for bomb.

basech₃  n.white film over eye; cataract.

basi  n.barge.

basingmam  n.poss.1pe.seebasingul.

basingmiu  n.poss.2p.seebasingul.

basingrir  n.poss.3p.seebasingul.

basingud  n.poss.1pi.seebasingul.

basinguk  n.poss.1s.seebasingul.

basingul  n.poss.3s.anus.basingul a ingul; tebedellel a dach.

basingmam  n.poss.1pe.

basingmiu  n.poss.2p.

basingrir  n.poss.3p.

basingud  n.poss.1pi.

basinguk  n.poss.1s.

basingum  n.poss.2s.

basingum  n.poss.2s.seebasingul.

basio  n.(Jap.)place.

basket  n.(Eng.)basketball.basket a klekool; rengalek a oubasket.

Baskua  n.(Spa.)Easter.

baskua  baskua a chedaol el sils er a kisel a kristiano er a kodall.

 baslokil  n.fairy cod; lunar tailed cod.baslokil a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bastaor  n.(Jap.)bath towel.

bastor  n.(Eng.)pastor.

bat  n.(Eng.)bat.bat a chelebed er a bduu.

bat er a iukiu bat.

bat er a iukiu bat.

bat er a sabtbol  expression.softball bat.

 bata  n.(Jap.)avocado; butter.bata a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar el kall a rdechel.

baterflai  v.s.(Eng.)fickle; prone to changing one's mind; prone to moving from one boyfriend/girlfriend to another.

Batmechei  n.island in Ngetbang.

batrol  n.(Spa.)patrol; guardian; person in control/charge.

batteri  n.(Eng., Jap.)battery.

bau₁  n.smell; odor; scent.bau a bul a ngii di le ngerang; ungil el bau me a mekngit el bau; bediu a bau, bechochod a bau.Cf.buul.

bekebau  v.s.(cooked meat or fish, cooking pot, etc.) foul-smelling.bekebau a bau; bul a diak le rrar el klengoes.

bekebau  v.s.smell of vagina.

bekebul  n.poss.3s.smell identical to that of something else.

bud  n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) smell/odor/scent.

buk smell; my odor; my scent.buk a bkul a ngii di le ngerang, bkul a chim, bkul a beluu.

bul  n.poss.3s.his/her/its smell/odor/scent.

bum  n.poss.2s.

bumam  n.poss.1pe.

bumiu  n.poss.2p.

burir  n.poss.3p.

 A ngikel er a Ngerechelong a kmal buul.Fish from Ngerechelong have/leave a very strong odor.

 Ng ko er a bekebul a bung.It smells just like a flower.

 Ng ngar er ngii a ngodech el bau.There's a strange smell (here).

bau₂  v.s.(mouth, gums) sore and irritated (esp., when child teething).

 baungor  n.coral rock cod.baungor a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bdebdel  n.poss.3s.seebdibd.bdebdel a bdibd er ngii, nglangl er a kerrekar.

bdechall₁  v.a.s.are to be bound into sheaves/pacified.

bdechall₂  v.a.s.bdechall a kirel el obudech, omudech, rullii a budech er a beluu, rullii a kltalreng er a rechad; bdechel.

bdechall₃ to be vomited on.bdechall a kirel el obudech, otobed a kllel, mudech a kllel, mdechii; kirel el omudech; mdechel.

bdechel₁  n.poss.3s.seebudech.

bdechel₂  bdechel a mudech er ngii, smecher a omudech,.mdechel.

bdelmam  n.poss.1pe.seebedul.

bdelmiu  n.poss.2p.seebedul.

bdelrir  n.poss.3p.seebedul.

bdelud  n.poss.1pi.seebedul.

bdeluk  n.poss.1s.seebedul.

 A euid el klok e ak oubail e songdii a.At 7:00 a.m. I dress and comb my hair.

 A a merengelang.I'm getting a headache.

 Ng blechoel el me melecheluches a medam er a.The image of your face is always appearing in my mind.

Ng meringel a.My head hurts. I have a headache.
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bdelul  n.poss.3s.seebedul.bdelul a bedul er ngii; bdelul a chad bdelul a beluu, bdelul a cheldebechel; bdelulachang.

 A dachelbai el chad er a chei a milurech a a lluich el ngikel.The skillful fisherman speared 20 fish in the head.

 A lluich el ngikel a mle blurech a er a dachelbai el chad er a chei.20 fish were speared in the head by the skillful fisherman.

 A lluich el ngikel a uleburech a er a dachelbai el chad er a chei.20 fish were speared in the head by the skillful fisherman.

 Ng kmal meringel a sils e ng ngara sers el di blechetoel a.The sun is shining so hard and she's at the farm with nothing on her head.
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bdelul a chang  end of jetty; landing pier.

bdelul a cheldebechel leader.

bdelul a omerael  expression.tour leader.

bdelulachang  bdelulachang a olekerodel, omekuul er a mlai, bilas; kerodel.

bdelulechang  seebdelul a chang.

bdelum  n.poss.2s.seebedul.

 A a di kelkat.Your head is wounded all over.

 Kau, ng kmal milkolk a?Are you stupid or something?

bdesall to be thrown hard/pushed away.bdesall a kirel el obides; mechoit, mdesii, mides a besbas, bdesel.

bdesel  bdesel a bides er ngii,omides.

bdibd  n.termite; wood eating worm.bdibd a mekekerei el charm el menga kerrekar me ng mo er ngii a bdibd; bdebdel.

bdebdel  n.poss.3s.bdebdel a bdibd er ngii, nglangl er a kerrekar.

bdingel  n.welt.bdingel a omdingel, omkecharem, debsochel, oumekngit er a chad.

bdungam  n.poss.1pe.seebduu.

bdunged  n.poss.1pi.seebduu.

bdungek  n.poss.1s.seebduu.

bdungel  n.poss.3s.seebduu.

bdungem  n.poss.2s.seebduu.

bdungir  n.poss.3p.seebduu.

bdungiu  n.poss.2p.seebduu.

bduu  n.ball; boil; abscess.bduu a rakd; oburek e ngar er ngiia lalech er ngii; bdungel a ochil. bduu a klekedall er a klekool; ngalek a oba bduu el omduu, bdungel.

bdungam  n.poss.1pe.

bdunged  n.poss.1pi.

bdungek  n.poss.1s.

bdungel  n.poss.3s.

bdungem  n.poss.2s.

bdungir  n.poss.3p.

bdungiu  n.poss.2p.

ungelel a bduu  expression.core of a boil.

Ng techa oba a er a iakiu?who has the baseball?

 bduul  n.Barringtonia tree.bduul a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar el oumesingd el ngar er a chelechol.

be a ta er a telengtengil a tekoi el mengai er a tekoi el mei; be bong, be metengel.

  mtuu!Come in!

 Ng diak mrei el di merekmo a chobetik er ngii.Don't return until you've found her.

  msesei.Move a little closer.

 Alii! mtuu!Hello! Come in!
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Be mrei!  expression.Come home!

beab  n.rodent; rat; mouse.beab a ta er a bedengel a melekesako el charm; omuchel a rakd e dirrek el menga dellomel.

bedengel a beab  expression.gray.

blil a beab  expression.jail; prison.

olechiul a beab moss.

ullemachel el beab  expression.small mouse; field mouse.

 A a milsa a medal a sechelil el telemall.The mouse saw his friend's injured face.

 blil ajail; prison

 Ng ko er a cherellel a el di ta a keroker.It's like the birth of a rate (with just one offspring per mother) (i.e. it's something that happens just once, something I'll do or put with only once, etc.).

beached  n.tin; tin roofing; tin can.beached a ta er a bedengel a deel el sebechel mo chado er a blai, blil a kall me a ilumel, bechedel.

bechedel  n.poss.3s.

 A rechad er a Ngerechelong a sorir a beached.People from Ngerechelong (are so backward and isolated from the modern world that they) like (to collect) tin cans (out of curiosity).

Beachedarsai  n.legendary Palauan man who, after arriving in heaven, asked one of the gods for food. Though the food was small in quantity and Beachedarsal thought it wouldn't be enough, each time he finished eating a new portion appeared on the plate.

 beadel  n.yellow-tailed brown parrotfish.beadel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

beakl to be shot.beakl a kirel el oboes; malk a beakl, mosii a babii, moes.

bebael₁ be formed, shaped, created, or spanked.bebael a kirel el obeob, meob a kukau el mo medemedemek, bebel.

 bebael₂ spinefoot.bebael a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

beball  seebebael.beball a bebael.

bebam  n.poss.1pe.seebaeb.

bebeadel₁  v.s.(skin) smooth.

bebeadel₂  bebeadel a rekdel a buld el oudelmedimech; bebeadel a bedengel el chad.

bebeael  seebebael.

bebed  n.poss.1pi.seebaeb.

bebedeng  v.s.redup.rather stagnant.bebedeng a telkib el bedeng.

bebei  bebei a blilt e meoud a cheldechedechal, diak le bleketakl a tekingel, oubebei, oubangengei.

bebek  n.poss.1s.seebaeb.

bebel  n.poss.3s.seebaeb.

bebel a omerkaol  expression.windpipe.

bebem  n.poss.2s.seebaeb.

bebeot  v.s.redup.fairly easy/cheap.bebeot a telkib el beot; bebeot el urreor.

 Ng ko er a a cheral a kloker a Hong Kong.The prices for watches are pretty low in Hong Kong.

 Ng ko er a a rengul a Droteo er a omerael el mo er a Hawaii.Droteo is rather undecided about travelling to Hawaii.

bebeot a rengul  expression.rather undecided about something; not taking something too seriously.

beberruud₁  v.r.s.redup.seeomeruud.beberruud a nglubet a telkib er ngii; telkib el berrud.

beberruud₂  beberruud a telkib el berruud a rengul; diak el ultebechel a rengul; a beberruud a rengul a di merael a dengechokl; diak el chelellakl er a telkib.

bebersik  bebersik a telkib el bersik, telkib el odikel; telkib el meses, bebersik er a urror.

beberuadel  seeberuadel.beberuadel a telkib el beruadel; telkib el kladikm; telkib el meduch el omotech a reng; telkib el meduch el oldeu a reng.

bebetok  v.s.redup.just more than enough.bebetok a telkib el betok.

bebibrurek  v.s.redup.yellowish.

bebibrurk  seebebibrurek.bebibrurk a telkib el bibrurk.

bebil  n.a little; a few; some; other.bebil a sesei; bebil er a kall, bebil er a udoud.

er a bebil er a taem  expression.sometimes. [syn:bebil er a taem]

 Ng mle meched a omoachel er a chelsel a el sandei.The river was shallow in a few weeks.

 Ng mlo meched a omoachel er a chelsel a el sandei.The river became shallow in a few weeks.

 Ng mlo merek el meched a chei er a chelsel a el sikang.The tide went out in a few hours.

 Ng mlo merek el meched a rengrir er a chelsel a el sikang a remerael.The travelers stopped being thirsty in a few hours.
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bebil er a taem  seeer a bebil er a taem.

bebir  n.poss.3p.seebaeb.

bebiu  n.poss.2p.seebaeb.

bebleob  v.r.s.redup.(generally) round in shape.bebleob a ko er a bleob, telkib el bleob, blebelel.

bebmam  n.poss.1pe.seebab.

bebmiu  n.poss.2p.seebab.

bebrir  n.poss.3p.seebab.

bebubong  v.s.redup.somewhat senile.bebubong a telkib el bubong.

bebud  n.poss.1pi.seebab.

bebuk  n.poss.1s.seebab.

 A klok a ngar er a.The clock is up there above me.

bebul  n.poss.3s.seebab.bebul a ngar er a bab er ngii, bebul a tebel.

 Bom kodir sel kob ra a tebel; a John a mlo kmedii a kob ra a tebl; a John a kiledir a kob ra a tebel.Put the cup on the table; John was putting the cup on the table (just now, recently); John put the cup on the table (yesterday, a week ago, etc.).

 A a tebel a mla mo dekimes.The top of the table has gotten wet.
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bebul a daob  expression.surface of the sea.

bebul a rois  expression.mountain top.

bebul a tebel of the table.

bebulis  v.s.redup.half-witted; prone to wandering around and talking to oneself.bebulis a telkib el mekngit me a lechub e ng ngodech a bdelul; omais el chad a bebulis.

bebum  n.poss.2s.seebab.

bechach  bechach a telemtemul a mechut el ongor, meketeketa el ilaot; bobai a mla mo bechach.

bechachas; sooty.bechachas a chelsbereber er a chas, chesengel a olekang a bechachas. mamed a diak el bechachas ng chedelekelek.

bechachau  v.s.redup.empty.bechachau a diak a ngera er a chelsel, bechachau el ollumel, bechachau el idib, bechachongel.

bechachau a bdelul  expression.stupid; empty-headed.

chachau  v.s.redup.(nuts) stunted/empty.chachau a diak a techel, chachau el lius; chachau el buuch, chachongel.

 A el deromukang a klou a oto er ngii.An empty drum makes a large noise (i.e., those who talk a lot really have little to say).

bechachau a bdelul  expression.stupid; empty-headed.

bechachongall  v.a.s.empty.bechachongall a kirel el mo bechachau, mo diak; rullii el mo bechachau, mechachongii,diak el bechachongall a idib.

bechachongel  n.poss.3s.his/her action of emptying pot.

bechachutem  v.s.redup.covered/soiled with dirt.bechachutem a di dechudech, beldebid er a chutem; cheltechetem.

bechakl₁  n.float for fishnet.

becheklel  n.poss.3s.

bechakl₂  v.s.unable to submerge into water (because too fat, etc.).bechakl a diak el resors el mo er chelsel a daob, lius a bechakl, ng omechakl, becheklel.

bechakl₃  bechakl a smecher el omechell a rasech, merael a rasech er ngii.

bechall₁  v.a.s.(long object) is to be thrown.bechall a kirel el oboech; uloech a bechall. mechii, moech a biskang, bechel.

bechall₂  v.a.s.(firewood) is to be split.

bechars  n.cockroach.bechars a ta er a bedengel a mekekerei el charm, omuchel a secher er a rechad.

bechebechall₁ to be put into straight line or row.bechebechall a kirel el obechobech, omades er a rengalek, mechobech, mechebechii a ngloik, bechebechel.

bechebechall₂  n.a.s.picture puzzle.

bechebuchel   bechebuchel a diak le meaiu, tebtebull; ulaol a bechebuchel.

bechechedereder  seebechedereder.bechechedereder a soal el mengedereder a kirel me a diak.

bechechedreder  v.s.redup.always wanting to lead; domineering.

bechecherd  bechecherd a mereched el mo seselk a rengul; checherd a rengul.

bechecherd a rengul  expression.irascible; easily fed up with.

bechecherirs  v.s.redup.continually jealous/over-possesive about one's spouse.bechecherirs a meses el mengerirs; mekreos, cherrirs, cherresel a chebechiil.

bechechesis  Buul el lungil bau.

bechechisngull  v.s.always frowning.bechechisngull a soal e blechoel el mengisngull; chelisngull, mekngit a osengel, choisngull a medal.Cf.chelisngull.

bechedall to be broken off/broken into pieces.bechedall a kirel el obached, omached er ngii; kukau a bechidel, mechedii, bechedel.

bechedechudel  bechedechudel a smau el chedechudela rengul, bekesbesib a rengul, checherd a rengul.

bechedechudel a rengul  expression.irritable.

bechedel₁  n.poss.3s.seebeached.

bechedel₂  n.poss.3s.seebached.

bechedereder  v.s.always wanting to lead; domineering; bossing; pushy.

bechei snake.bechei a charm er a mesei me a dechel.

bechek el dil  expression.woman's title.

bechekiil  v.a.s.seeomechakl.

bechekill to be made to float/let to drift.bechekill a kirel el obechakl, ngera a kired el omechakl? becheklel.

becheklel₁  n.poss.3s.seebechakl.

becheklel₂  n.poss.3s.seebechukl.

bechel  n.poss.3s.seeboech.

 A kmu ng ngar er ngii a ududek, e ak mecherar a el mlai.If I had money, (then) I'd buy a new car.

bechelam  n.poss.1pe.seebachel.

bechelchold  v.s.redup.always farting; flatulent.bechelchold a mekudem el chemold, cheldel, chold.

bechelechelingaol  v.s.redup.continously jealous.bechelechelingaol a mechechei; mekekirenguul a rengul, chetil a chad a lungil besul; mekngit a rengul.

bechelechelingaol a rengul  v.s.selfish; greedy; stingy; self-centered.

blechelechelingaol  n.r.s.envy; jealosy; selfishness.blechelechelingaol a bechelechelingaol, chelechingil, mechechei.

bechelechelingaol a rengul  v.s.selfish; greedy; stingy; self-centered.

becheled  n.poss.1pi.seebachel.

bechelek  n.poss.1s.seebachel.

bechelel  n.poss.3s.seebachel.

bechelelengang  v.s.redup.inch.becoming white.

becheleleu  v.s.redup.white.becheleleu a chelleleu, becheleleu el mamed.

bechelelengang  v.s.redup.inch.becoming white.

becheleliol  v.s.very white.

 A bilel a Sam a bekerekard, me a bilek a becheleleu.Sam's shirt is red, and my shirt is white.

Ng a bedengel.He or she is white.

Ochoi, ng ngar er ngii a mellemau me a me a bekerkardYes, they have blue, white, and red.

A bilel er a Mark a a bedengel.Mark's socks are white.
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becheleliol  v.s.very white.

bechelem  n.poss.2s.seebachel.

becheliliol  becheliliol a kmal becheleleu, smiich el chelleleu.

bechelir  n.poss.3p.seebachel.

becheliu  n.poss.2p.seebachel.

bechemam  n.poss.1pe.seebuch.

bechemiu  n.poss.2p.seebuch.

bechengall to be stepped on and crushed.bechengall a kirel el meoch, omoch er ngii; mechengii, delul el meduu a ochengall.bechengel.

bechere  seebecherie.

 Dosei te mla mei, me me lebe ltuu er a blai.They've come after all, so you might as well let them into the house.

becherei  seebecherie.

becheremremangel a rengul  expression.greedy; stingy.

becherie  v.imp.Nevermind. Leave it alone.

  me uriul.Leave it until later.

becherir  n.poss.3p.seebuch.

becheritem  v.s.having appearance of cheritem; i.e.; dark red and shiny.becheritem a bul a cheritem, bul a rdechel a cheritem.

bechermeremangel  bechermeremangel a soal e smau el mengeremrum; churemeremengii, chermermengel, melekoi a kngtil a tekoi.

bechertotel  v.s.evacuating frequently.bechertotel a mekudem el chemei, tuong; chertel.

beches; clean.beches a kmal ungil, klikiid; bleches, beches el uldasu, beches el blai. bechesul.

beches el rak  expression.poinsetta.

beches el ralm  expression.clean/pure water.

bechesong getting clean.bechesong a mla mo beches.

 A el blimam a bilkedecherur er a demak.Our new house was built by my father.

 A demak a omekedechor er a el blimam.My father is building our new house.

 Ng diak momisaos a el buuch, ke melamech aike el blisaos el ngara tet.Don't split an unopened betelnut; (instead) chew (one of) the already split betelnuts in the betelnut bag.

 Ak di el dmu er kau.I'll tell you frankly/bluntly.
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beches el desomel  expression.newly married woman; bride.

beches el ears  expression.recent immigrants to village.

beches el rak  expression.poinsetta.

beches el ralm  expression.clean/pure water.

bechesechusem  v.s.dirty or smeared (with food).bechesechusem a berremit a bedengel; chelsechusem bechesechusem a chimal er a kall, chesechesemel.

bechesengel  n.poss.3s.seebechos.

bechesengel a chim  expression.thumb.

bechesengel a oach  expression.big toe.

bechesiil  n.sweetheart; object of affection in a love song. [Only heard in songs; not in conversational Palauan.].

derebechesiil song.

bechesong getting clean.bechesong a mla mo beches.

bechetall to be extracted or extirpated.bechetall a kirel el obechit, kirel el motobed, mechetir, medal ngikel a bechetall.

bechetemlemla  v.s.very old; aged; rusted; used up.

bechetemlemlang  seebechetemlemla.

bechid  n.poss.1pi.seebuch.

bechidel  seebechedall. bechidel a bechedall.

bechiil  v.s.married.bechiil a ngar ngii a bechil.

A ochedak a mla mo.My sister got married.

Ng soak el mo era uchei era bol okolm a rekik. I want to get married before I turn 60.

Ak mesobil. Ngdirkak a tang meng.I'm single. I have never been married.

bechik  n.poss.1s.seebuch.

 A a mle smecher.My wife was sick.

 Ng dimlak kbo er a party e le a a mle smecher.I didn't go to the party because my wife was sick.

Ngkal delal a a kora telkib el sesmecher.My mother in law is a bit under the weather.

A a milechell er a idelisb.My wife gave birth three days ago.
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bechil  n.poss.3s.seebuch.bechil a chad el le kaubuch, buch, ombil, kldemel.

 A Droteo a ulemeklatk er a me ng meruul a kall.Droteo reminded his wife to prepare the food.

 A Toki a metord er a me ng kie er a blil a demal.Toki is fed up with her husband, so she's living at her father's place.

Akmlo dengerenger era ochedal a ochedak.I had an affair with my brother in laws sister.

A a ngelekek a dillang.My son's wife may be pregnant.
    »additional examples

bechim  n.poss.2s.seebuch.

bechochod  v.s.fragrant; aromatic.bechochod a ungil el bau; ungil a bul; chochod, bechochod el bung.

blechochod  n.r.s.fragrant smell.blechochod a bechochod el bau; ungil bau.

Ng a bul.It's fragrant.

bechoderengesakl  seebekoderengesakl.bechoderengesakl a ungil a orengesel. mesubed a dingal; mereched el remenges, rongesii.

bechoel to be connected.bechoel a kirel el obech el mo ta medal, omech er a taem, mechir a omerael diak el dob, mech a eru el baeb el mo tang; bechil a baeb.

bechos  n.thumb; big toe.bechos a klou e kedeb el cheldingel er a uach me a chim; bechesengel.

bechesengel  n.poss.3s.

bechesengel a chim  expression.thumb.

bechesengel a oach  expression.big toe.

tmut er a bechos  expression.suck on one's thumb.

bechui  n.breadfruit blossom.bechui a bngal a meduu, bung.

bechukl  n.rope binding soaes to hull of canoe.bechukl a klekedall er a mlai er a daob.

becheklel  n.poss.3s.

bedachel₁  bedachel a kmal medemedemek; klengoes el babii a di bedachel kung.

bedachel₂  n.type of tree.

bedachel₃  v.a.s.(canoe, boat, etc.) is to have curve made in it.

bedakl  n.bag of waters; sac of amniotic fluid.

 bedaoch  n.white-capped noddy bird (dives rapidly into water to catch fish).bedaoch a chedelekelek el suebek el charm.Cf.omedaoch.

bedochel  n.poss.3s.action of beating sea with pole or knocking down fruit from tree.

chereselbedaoch  n.type of noddy bird.chereselbedaoch a ta er a bedengel a bedaoch.

mechadelbedaoch  n.brown noddy.mechadelbedaoch a ta er a bedengel a bedaoch.

bedbeduul  v.s.redup.rocky; (taro patch, garden, etc.) having many rocks.bedbeduul a betok a bad er ngii, bedbeduul el sers.

bedebadel  seenglosech.bedebadel a nglosech er a blai.

bedebangd  v.s.redup.bouncy; having a good bounce.

bedebedeakl  bedebedeakl a mereched el medir a klalo; ko er a merechorech; alii a bedebedeakl a ilekong.

 bedebedechakl₁  n.redup.sooty tern (swoops down to surface of water to catch fish).

bedebedechakl₂  n.redup.seeomedechakl.bedebedechakl a ta er a bedengel a omenged.

bedechal  bedechal a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

bedechall₁  v.a.s.seeomedaoch.bedechall a kirel el obodech, rullii el mo siesorech, omodech er ngii.

bedechall₂ to be picked up with fingers.bedechall a kirel el obodech, medechii a odoim, modech a kall el olab a cheldingel.

bedechall₃  seebedachel.

bedecheduches  bedecheduches a mechebuul el chad me a chebuul el beluu; ngar er a kemril a ues.

bedechekill to be thrown down (in fighting, etc.).bedechekill a kirel el obedechakl, medecheklii a sechelil, medecheklii, klaibedechakl, bedecheklel.

bedechel  n.poss.3s.seebodech.

bedekam  n.poss.1pe.seebadek.

bedeked  n.poss.1pi.seebadek.

bedekek  n.poss.1s.seebadek.

bedekel  n.poss.3s.seebadek.

bedekem  n.poss.2s.seebadek.

bedekir  n.poss.3p.seebadek.

bedekiu  n.poss.2p.seebadek.

bedeklam  n.poss.1pe.seebedikl.

bedekled  n.poss.1pi.seebedikl.

bedeklek  n.poss.1s.seebedikl.

bedeklel  n.poss.3s.seebedikl.

bedeklem  n.poss.2s.seebedikl.

bedeklir  n.poss.3p.seebedikl.

bedekliu  n.poss.2p.seebedikl.

bedektall  v.s.fearful; shy.bedektall a medakd; bedelkall, tulekdekudel, dakd, dekdel.

 bedel  n.macaranga tree (good for firewood).bedel a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

bedelkall  v.s.fearful; shy; cowardly.bedelkall a medakd; bedekdall. [syn:bedelkill]

bedelkill  seebedelkall.

bedemam  n.poss.1pe.seebad.

bedemiu  n.poss.2p.seebad.

bedeng  v.s.(liquid) stagnant or stale; giving off stagnant smell.bedeng a diak el ungil a bul, mekngit el bau; telelluk el ralm a bedeng; chemlol a mla mo bedeng. bedengul.

bebedeng  v.s.redup.rather stagnant.bebedeng a telkib el bedeng.

bldeng  n.r.s.stagnant state (of liquid).bldeng a bul a bedeng.

bedengam  n.poss.1pe.seebedengel.

bedengang (just) going to sleep.bedengang a mocha mechiuaiu; mla mo bad.

bedenged  n.poss.1pi.seebedengel.

bedengek  n.poss.1s.seebedengel.

 Ng ngar er ngii er a a kmo ng mo er ngii a mekngit.I have a premonition that something bad will hapen.

 Ak chetitau a e melemalt a chiuk e meklou a medak.I'm brown-skinned with straight hair and big eyes.

Ak chetitau a e melemalt a chiuk e meklou a medak.I'm brown skinned with straight hair and big eyes.

Ng betok a ultil a kelkat era.I have a lot of scars all over my body.

bedengel  n.poss.3s.body; corpse; skin; color; type; kind; appearance; physique.bedengel a chesbereberel, mamed a mellemau a bedengel. bedengel a chelechedal, ungil okerulel el ngalek a ungil a bedengel.

bedengam  n.poss.1pe.

bedenged  n.poss.1pi.

bedengek  n.poss.1s.

bedengel a chab  expression.gray.

bedengel a chudel

bedengel a chutem  expression.brown.

bedengel a daob  expression.deep blue.

bedengel a eanged blue.

bedengem  n.poss.2s.

bedengir  n.poss.3p.

bedengiu  n.poss.2p.

ngar er ngii er a bedengel a kmo  expression.have a premonition that; have a gut feeling that; feel in one's bones that.

olab bedengel  expression.well-built; able-bodied; ready and able.

 Ng ngar er ngii er a bedengek a kmo ng mo er ngii a mekngit.I have a premonition that something bad will hapen.

 Ng di tirke el silobel a kmal di ulebriid me te chiliis el di chad me a.The survivors scattered, each man running off by himself.

 Ng kmal kilurs a.He flinched (from fright, etc.).

 Ng mla er ngii a rebebil el chad el dimlak leklikiid e le te rirtechii a a ulekoad chad.There were some people who were ritually unclean because they had touched a corpse.

 Ng sebeched el koreel a bek el a ngikel.We can catch many kinds of fish.
    »additional examples

bedengel a beab  expression.gray.

bedengel a biib (in color).

bedengel a chab  expression.gray.

bedengel a chelid  expression.sacred object; food forbidden to village or family.

bedengel a chudel

bedengel a chutem  expression.brown.

bedengel a daob  expression.deep blue.

bedengel a eanged blue.

bedengel a kolt color.

bedengel er a chelid  expression.sacred object (e.g.; stone with image of deity); food forbidden to village or family.

bedengem  n.poss.2s.seebedengel.

Nge meringel a el dirrek?Does your whole body hurt also?

Ngarngii a delngod er a?Do you have any tattoos?

bedengir  n.poss.3p.seebedengel.

Tuobed a cherik el tirkal chad era kabelment, aikal mlai lomekall a rengrir klokir a.Im smirking at the people working for the government, do they think they own these government vehicles when theyre behind the wheels.

bedengiu  n.poss.2p.seebedengel.

bederechuis  v.s.(starchy food) spoiled (by water); decomposing or moldy.bederechuis a mochu bekngiuk; A mengkengikem el ongraol a bederechuis.

bederengachet  v.s.cowardly; clumsy; undependable.bederengachet a mechitechut a rengul; bederengachet a mesaik, bederengachet a soal el olengit a kall. [syn:beterengachet]

bederir  n.poss.3p.seebad.

bedesall₁  v.a.s.(fish) is to be boiled in water.bedesall a mereched el mo marek, modes a ngikel, bedakl el diokang.

bedesall₂ to be arranged/lined up/displayed.bedesall a kirel el obades; bedukl; omechobech; omades er a rengalek, mades, bedesel.

bedesil  n.poss.3s.seebesos.

bedesil a beluu  expression.village chief.

bedesong  bedesong a mla mo bedis.

bediangau  n.woman who spends a lot of time with kitchen duties.

bediiangau  bediiangau a chad er a osiungel; mesiou; sibai.

bedikel to be cut/slit/operated on.bedikel a kirel el obodk; smecher a bedikel, medkii a medal, bodk, bedkel.

bedikl  n.any trap used to catch animals on land; snare.bedikl a klekedall el omedikl, bedikl er a malk, bedikl er a beab.

bedeklam  n.poss.1pe.

bedekled  n.poss.1pi.

bedeklek  n.poss.1s.

bedeklel  n.poss.3s.

bedeklem  n.poss.2s.

bedeklir  n.poss.3p.

bedekliu  n.poss.2p.

bedikl er a beab  expression.mouse-trap.

bedikl er a Saibal  expression.chicken trap using decoy chicken.

bedikl er a beab  expression.mouse-trap.

bedikl er a Saibal  expression.chicken trap using decoy chicken.

bediong  v.s.inch.seebediu.bediong a mla mo bediu. ngikel a bediong.

bedis  v.s.(coconut; betel nut) rotten.bedis a bul a mechut el buuch me a mechut el lius me a mengur, bedesong, mekngit a bul.

bedis a rengul  expression.inconsiderate.

bedis a rengul  expression.inconsiderate.

bediu  v.s.putrid; foul-smelling.bediu a mekngit el bau; beraom, bediu el beab; bediong, bediul.

bediong  v.s.inch.bediong a mla mo bediu. ngikel a bediong.

bediu a ngor  expression.have bad breath.

bldiu  n.r.s.putrid smell.bldiu a bediu er ngii el beab.

bediu a ngor  expression.have bad breath.

bediul  bediul a beldiu er ngii, bediu.

bedkall to be trapped or ensnared.bedkall a kirel el obedikl; medeklii a malk, medikl a beab, bedeklel.

bedkel  n.poss.3s.seebodk.

bedngiuk  seebekngiuk.bedngiuk a mechut el kall; ouchebechubel; bedngiuk el kukau, bedngukel.

bedngukang  v.s.inch.seebekngiuk.bedngukang a mla mo bedngiuk.

bedobed  bedobed a obedobed; bedebedel er a lius, medebedii, mengai el mei er eou.

bedochel₁  n.poss.3s.action of beating sea with pole or knocking down fruit from tree.

bedochel₂  v.s.(words, medicine) effective/strong.bedochel a beketaut; oureor el kar; bldochel er a kar, bedochel a ongellul.

bldochel  n.r.s.efficac or strength (of medicine, etc.).bldochel a bedochel er ngii el kar, bldochel er a kar.

bedoel₁  v.a.s.(ball, etc.) is to be caught; is to be grabbed.bedoel a kirel el obed; bduu a bedoel. medir a bduu, med, omed, bedeel a bduu.

bedoel₂  v.a.s.(money) is to be borrowed.bedoel a lengiil, meleng; bangk a bedoel a udoud er ngii; medir, med a udoud, bedeel.

bedud  n.poss.1pi.seebad.

beduk  n.poss.1s.seebad.

bedukl₁  v.a.s.bedukl a kirel el obades; obechobech, beldeklel a klobak.

bedukl₂  seebedesall.

bedul₁  n.poss.3s.his/her/its stone; rock; coral; crossbeams supporting floor or house.

bedul₂  n.head; leader.bedul a bdelul; bdelul a chad, bingsbedul, bdelul a beluu; bedul er a omoachel.Cf.bingsbedul,tabderrir.

bdelmam  n.poss.1pe.

bdelmiu  n.poss.2p.

bdelrir  n.poss.3p.

bdelud  n.poss.1pi.

bdeluk  n.poss.1s.

bdelul  n.poss.3s.bdelul a bedul er ngii; bdelul a chad bdelul a beluu, bdelul a cheldebechel; bdelulachang.

bdelul a cheldebechel leader.

bdelul a omerael  expression.tour leader.

bdelum  n.poss.2s.

mekngit a bdelul  expression.stupid.

bedul₃  n.poss.3s.direction; area/space facing onto; upstream.

mobedmam  n.poss.1pe.

mobedmiu  n.poss.2p.

mobedrir  n.poss.3p.

mobedud  n.poss.1pi.

mobeduk  n.poss.1s.

mobedul  n.poss.3s.his/her/its general location/direction.

mobedum  n.poss.2s.

 A Droteo a melecholb er a bedul.Droteo is bathing upstream.

 A Droteo a millutk el bedul a kboub.Droteo pointed to the wall.

 A skuul a dechor el bedul a M-Dock.The school faces in the direction of M-Dock.

 A skuul a dechor er a mobedul a kederang.The school is situated in the general direction of the beach.

 A Toki a rirurt el bedul a skuul.Toki ran in the direction of the school.

bedul er a dmolech  expression.friend or mainstay in times of need.

bedull to be extracted; is to be pulled/plucked out.bedull a kirel el obadel; diokang a bedull. medelii, madel, omadel, bedelel.

bedum  n.poss.2s.seebad.

 beduut  n.type of fish (similar in shape to meas = rabbit fish).beduut a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

beek  v.t.(Eng.)bake.

beemech  v.s.(fish; etc.) somewhat rotten and smelly.beemech a bau; bul a mekngit el rerengel el klengoes.

bek₁  n.(Eng.)sack, bag.bek a tutuu el blil a lius, beras; bekengel.

bekengel  n.poss.3s.

bek₂  mod.each; every.bek a rokui; bek el chad, bek el klalo, bek el bedengel.

bek el bedengel a  expression.all kinds/sorts of; assorted.

bek el buil  expression.every month.

bek el chad  pro.everybody.

bek el sils  expression.every day.

bek el tutau  expression.every morning.

bek el bedengel a  expression.all kinds/sorts of; assorted.

bek el buil  expression.every month.

bek el chad  pro.everybody.

bek el sils  expression.every day.

bek el tutau  expression.every morning.

bekai  n.pottery; clay pot/jar.bekai a blil a ralm, ilaot el rruul er a chutem. bekiul.

bekiul  n.poss.3s.

chad er a bekai  expression.potter.

 A rechad er a Belau te mekera a loruul a?How do Palauans make pottery?

bekakbekak  n.cackling of hen.

oubekakbekak  v.i.cackle.

bekall  n.sail; canoe which is sailing; (action of) driving or sailing.bekall a omekall a mlai, bekall er a daob, beluu, bekellel.Cf.omekall.

bekellam  n.poss.1pe.

bekelled  n.poss.1pi.

bekellek  n.poss.1s.

bekellel  n.poss.3s.bekellel a teletelel bekall; omekall, bekellel a ngikel,bekellel a mlai.

bekellel a chedeng  n.shark's fin.

bekellel a mlai  expression.driving a car.

bekellem  n.poss.2s.

bekellir  n.poss.3p.

bekelliu  n.poss.2p.

chad er a bekall  expression.driver.

tekoi er a bekall  expression.special words spoken to ensure succes in sailing.

bekallituu  bekallituu a chelsengsang el bekall, metitur er a bekall.

bekasoch  v.s.(taro plant in storage, etc.) musty or moldy.bekasoch a bau; bul a mechut el klalo el diak lulekngiis er a sils.

bekatel₁ to be unwrapped, unravelled, unwound or undone.bekatel a kirel el oboket; meterakl, toreklii a kall, moket a cheuikl, omoket a uldurokl, beketel.

bekatel₂  v.a.s.bekatel a kirel el obuket, udoud a bekatel, moket a beldechelel, beketel a udoud.

bekbeduul  v.s.rocky; having many rocks.

bekbuk  bekbuk a betok e mekudem a bkul, bekbuk el deb, bekbuk el bambuu.

bekbuks  bekbuks a smau el omuks er a ngerel, bechechisngull.

bekeasem  v.s.prone to imitation; be a copy-cat.

bekebau₁  v.s.(cooked meat or fish, cooking pot, etc.) foul-smelling.bekebau a bau; bul a diak le rrar el klengoes.

bekebau₂  v.s.smell of vagina.

bekebed  v.s.skilled at catching (ball, etc.).

bekebekall to be gladdened or made happy.bekebekall a kirel el obekebek, mekebekii a medal, rullii a rengul el mo ungil, mo diak le merur; omekebek er ngii, bekebekel.

bekebekel  seeomekebek.bekebekel a omekebek er ngii, rullii el mo diak le merur, mo diak el debsochel.

bekebekoll  seeomekebek.bekebekoll a rengul a kmal soal el meruul a ungil el kirir a rechad.

bekebengur  bekebengur a mekudem el omengur; sekebengur.

bekeberech  v.s.smell of the sea or raw fish.

bekebesbes  seebesbes.

bekebet  v.s.prone to lying around/spending a lot of time in bed.

bekeblengur  v.s.prone to eating a lot of food at mealtimes. [syn:sekeblengur]

bekebloridang  v.s.smell of pomade.bekebloridang a bau; bul a bloridang.

bekebrotech  v.s.prone to slapping.bekebrotech a sekebrotech; mekudem el omrotech, mertechii, mrotech, bertechel.

bekebtiil  bekebtiil a klou a idekel a btil.

bekebtil  seebekebut.

bekebul₁  n.poss.3s.smell identical to that of something else.

bekebul₂  v.s.tending to place many restrictions on things.bekebul a soal el omul; mul a belochel; omul a uel, buuch.

bekebut  v.s.(woman) having large buttocks or vagina; (man) having large buttocks.

bekebuul  v.s.(person, animal) has strong (body) odor.bekebuul a buul; klou a bul, merredes el bau, a riamel a bekebuul el kall.

bekechais  v.s.boastful; bragging; prone to exaggerating or distorting stories (usually, unintentionally).

bekechat  v.s.(clothes, etc.) smelling of smoke.

bekecheluch  v.s.smell of coconut oil.bekecheluch a bul a cheluch.

bekechemang  v.s.smell of crabs (after cooking or eating crabs).

bekecheremrum  v.s.smell of sea cucumber.bekecheremrum a ko er a bul a cheremrum.

bekecheroll  v.s.(woman) fertile/having many children.bekecheroll a mekudem a cherellel; betok a rengelekel, cheroll.

bekedangesmad  v.s.(person) always making sure to behave properly.bekedangesmad a blechoel el melangesmad; medengei a reng, chad el omotech a reng.

bekedebedebek  v.s.having a good memory.bekedebedebek a bekelatk; ungil omelebedebekel. bekedechedechaok bekedechedechaol a meses el mengedecheduch; becheldechedechaol.Cf.melebedebek. [syn:sekedebedebek.sekedebedebek a sekelatk; bekelatk, dobedebekii aurreor; dobedebek a meldung, debedebekel.]

bekedechedechaol  v.s.prone to talking/having conversation.

bekededengmes  v.s.redup.always respectful.

bekedengmes  v.s.always respectful.bekedengmes a blechoel melengmes, mengull; omotech a reng a bekedidengmes.

bekededengmes  v.s.redup.always respectful. [syn:bekedidengmes.bekedidengmes a bekedengmes.]

bekedidengmes  seebekededengmes.bekedidengmes a bekedengmes.

bekeidek  bekeidek a bau, ko er a bul a iidek; idokel; mesaik el melechong a bekeidek a bul.

bekekatuu  v.s.smell of a cat.bekekatuu a ko er a bul a katuu.

bekekemim  v.s.redup.have sour or rotting smell (e.g., of garbage).

bekekerkard  v.s.redup.reddish.bekekerkard a ko er a telkib el bekerkard.

bekekesengorech  v.s.redup.smell rather like a pig's house.

bekekesib  seebekesbesib (a rengul).bekekesib a ko er a bul a klsib.

bekekesius  v.s.redup.rather vulgar in speech.bekekesius a telkib el bekesius.

bekekesngorech  bekekesngorech a telkib el bekesngorech.

bekeketekoi  v.s.redup.rather talkative.bekeketekoi a telkib el beketekoi.

bekekim  v.s.smell of clams (after cleaning or cooking clams).

bekekitel  seesekekitel.

bekeklang  v.s.inch.getting worried.

bekeklero  v.s.broad-shouldered.

bekeklsel  v.s.redup.asthmatic; always short-winded.bekeklsel a mereched el mo mesel; di telkib el merael e mo mesel.

bekeklubech  v.s.smell of smegma.bekeklubech a ko er a bul a telubech.

bekekosui  v.s.smell strongly of perfume.

bekekreos  v.s.always selfish or miserly.bekekreos a telkib el mekreos, olekemekem, kiresii, kireos, mengreos.

bekel  n.poss.3s.her female genitals (used only in insults).bekel a klekedellel a uuk.

bekelatk  v.s.good at remembering; have a sharp memory.bekelatk a ngelm a rengul; diak el obes, lotkii, mereched el lmatk. [syn:sekelatk.sekelatk a bekelatk; diak el besbes sekelatk er a klumech.]

bekelilangel  v.s.cry a lot; prone to crying.bekelilangel a di beot e ng lmangel; lengelel.

Hai, kemeral. ugh, you whine so much.

bekellam  n.poss.1pe.seebekall.

bekelled  n.poss.1pi.seebekall.

bekellek  n.poss.1s.seebekall.

bekellel  n.poss.3s.seebekall.bekellel a teletelel bekall; omekall, bekellel a ngikel,bekellel a mlai.

bekellel a chedeng  n.shark's fin.

bekellel a mlai  expression.driving a car.

bekellem  n.poss.2s.seebekall.

bekellir  n.poss.3p.seebekall.

bekelliu  n.poss.2p.seebekall.

bekelngol  v.s.smell of decomposing body.bekelngol a bau; bul a ulekouad el chad.

bekemechas  v.s.smell like an old woman.

bekemesei  v.s.smell of taro patch.

bekemilk  v.s.smell of milk.

bekemiom  v.s.smell of spittle (esp., when rubbed on arm, etc.); smell of sweat.bekemiom a bau el bul a tub.

bekemkum  v.s.smell of excrement.bekemkum a bau, bul a dach.

bekemongk  v.s.always complaining.

bekemudech  v.s.smell of vomit.

bekengall  v.a.s.seeomok.bekengall a kirel el obok; mkisii, omok a medal, mekengii a chesimer, bekengel.

bekengduul  v.s.smell of clams (after cleaning or cooking of clams, etc.).

bekengel₁  n.poss.3s.seebek.

bekengel₂  bekengel a blok er ngii, omok omkais.

bekengerachel  v.s.responsible; always attentive to one's duties or obligations.

bekengikel  v.s.smell of fish.bekengikel a bau el bul a ngikel; bengud.

bekenglemachel  v.s.prone to chewing (betelnut) or smoking (tobacco) excessively.bekenglemachel a mesisiich el melamech, soal a omelamech. [syn:sekenglemachel.sekenglemachel a soal a omelamech; bekenglemachel.]

 Ng kmal er a dekool.He smokes cigarettes constantly.

bekerdekekl  v.s.good at jumping.

bekerekard  bekerekard a bengungau; bekerkard el mamed.

 A bilel a Sam a, me a bilek a becheleleu.Sam's shirt is red, and my shirt is white.

A bilel a Tina a a bedengel.Tina's dress is red.?

bekerekard a chelsul a mad  expression.have bloodshot eyes.

bekerekung  v.s.smell of crabs (after cooking or eating crabs, etc.).

bekeremrum  v.s.prone to grumbling.

bekerenguokl  v.s.pimply.bekerenguokl a betok a renguokl er a medal.

bekeriamel  v.s.smell like football fruit; sweaty; have a strong body odor (especially, as result of diet or poor hygiene).bekeriamel a bau el ko er a bul a riamel.


bekekerkard  v.s.redup.reddish.bekekerkard a ko er a telkib el bekerkard.

bekerkard el udoud  expression.penny.

bekerkerdang getting red.bekerkerdang a mla mo bekerkard.

Ochoi, ng ngar er ngii a mellemau me a becheleleu me aYes, they have blue, white, and red.

A delak a milsa ta era el techel a til.My mom gave him some Palauan money for his wallet.

Ng uangerang a bedengel a mlim? Ng mellemau adang ng?what is the color or your car? is it blue? or is it red?

A bilel a eia sailengel a becheleleu.Her shirt is red and her skirt is white.

bekerkard el sausab  expression.heart (in cards).

bekerkard el udoud  expression.penny.

bekerkerdang getting red.bekerkerdang a mla mo bekerkard.

bekerredechel  v.s.(tree, plant) bearing fruit continually.bekerredechel a berikd; betok a rdechel, bekerredechel el lius.

bekerrekereongel  v.s.hard-working (with purpose of earning money).

bekerrekerongel  seebekerrekereongel.bekerrekerongel a mesisiich el mengereker; omsaso, bekerrekerongel a merau.

bekerrius  v.s.(baby) smell of drooling spittle.bekerrius a bau el bul a ngibes, bul a diak le beketelechelubel el chad.

bekersiu₁  bekersiu a ta er a bedengel a mekemim el meradel.

bekersiu₂  n.type of large clam.

bekerubak  v.s.smell like an old man.

bekerurau  v.s.generous; kind; charitable.bekerurau a mimokl a rengul bekokeuii, kerekikl el merous a ngar ngii er ngii. [syn:bekururau]

bekerurt  v.s.good in running; fast; prone to going around looking for girls.bekerurt a mereched e mesisiich el remurt; rurt, rretel, rurtii.Cf.rurt. [syn:sekerurt.sekerurt a bekerurt; rurtii a beluu; sekebais; blechoel el remurt.]

 A Droteo a kot el.Droteo runs the fastest.

bekesall  v.a.s.(leg) is to be moved to walk.bekesall a sebechel el obakes el imuu er ngii, makes, mekesii, bekesel.

bekesam  n.poss.1pe.seebakes.

bekesbesebek a rengul  expression.easily worried; worrisome.

bekesbesib  v.s.seemengesib.bekesbesib a mereched el ngmasech a rengul.

bekesbesib a rengul  expression.prone to sweating; easily angered; touchy.

bekesbesiil  seebesbesiil.bekesbesiil a betok a besbesil; berriid a besbas er a bita er ngii, omriid a besbas, besbesiil.

bekesebesebek  bekesebesebek a mereched el mo suebek rengul; mereched el mo bekikl. sebekreng.

bekesechal  v.s.have a male smell.

obilemesechal  v.s.(woman) capable of doing man's work.

sausechal  v.s.acting masculine or like a tomboy; (woman) prone to associating with men.

bekesechelei  v.s.friendly; having many friends.bekesechelei a betok a resechelil;beruadel el chad a bekesechelei.

bekesechesecher  v.s.redup.get sick a lot; prone to getting sick.bekesechesecher a mechitechut a bedengel el chad, mekudem a secherel.

bekesed  n.poss.1pi.seebakes.

bekesek  n.poss.1s.seebakes.

bekesekool to play; be a playboy.bekesekool a soal di ousekool; soal a klekool; klekolel.

bekesel  n.poss.3s.seebakes.

bekesel a ochil  expression.fate; destiny.

bekeselsel  seebekeklsel.bekeselsel a mereched el mo mesel; bekeklsel, blechoel el mesel, sel.

bekesem  n.poss.2s.seebakes.

bekesengchall to be forced open/pulled apart by force.bekesengchall a kirel el obekesangch, obok, mekesengchii a chesimer, mekengii, bekesengchel.

bekesengerenger  v.s.get hungry easily; always getting hungry.bekesengerenger a mereched el mo songerenger.

bekesengorech  v.s.smell of a male pig, forest, or bird.

bekekesengorech  v.s.redup.smell rather like a pig's house.


bekesils  v.s.(boys) smell sweaty or gamey (after perspiring in sun).

bekesir  n.poss.3p.seebakes.

bekesisaik  v.s.redup.constantly lazy.bekesisaik a mereched el mo mesaik; sikel.

bekesiu  n.poss.2p.seebakes.

bekesius  v.s.swear a lot; talk vividly.bekesius a smau e soal el melius; siuesii, meleboes. [syn:sekesius.sekesius a soal melius; bekesius, siuesii.]

bekekesius  v.s.redup.rather vulgar in speech.bekekesius a telkib el bekesius.

 A Dilbung a sekesius el ekebil.Dilbung is a girl who sweats a lot.

bekeskesib  seebekesbesib (a rengul).

bekesngorech  bekesngorech a bau el bul a sngorech.

bekesulaul  v.s.get sleepy easily.bekesulaul a blechoel el mesulaul;olngelloki, klululel.

bekesuul  v.s.chronically lying/misrepresenting.

beketall  seebekatel. beketall a bekatel.

beketaut  v.s.good at shooting.beketaut a meduch er a burech; taut, omurech a ngikel e tmaut, tutel.

beketaut a tekingel  expression.incisive; speaking to the point.

beketaut el tekoi  expression.words which are right to the point.

beketbotb  v.s.eloquent; capable of explaining things in detail.beketbotb a seketbotb; seketib, tibotb a urreor, tibetbii a omenged, tibetbel.

beketchetoched  beketchetoched a mereched el tmurk a rengul er a ureor; mesaik, diak a telekengelel el lomelemii a ta el tekoi.

beketechetoched up easily.

beketechiir  v.s.good at grasping or comprehending things.beketechiir a mereched e ungil el omtab e nguelem a medung, meduch el tichiir a cheldecheduch e mo ungil el medengei.

beketekoi  v.s.talkative.beketekoi a betok a tekoi er a ngerel; tulechoid, bleketekingel.

beketelechelubel  v.s.bathe or take showers often.beketelechelubel a mekudem e meses el melechong; melecholb.

beketertord  v.s.redup.easily irritated or frustrated.beketertord a mereched el metord; tord, metemall a rengul, tordii, terdel.

beketerturech  seebeketurech.

beketimel  v.s.slow-moving; slow (in running).beketimel a meoud el remurt, beketimer, mechitechut er a rurt; betimer.

beketimer  seebeketimel.

beketingaol  v.s.prone to lying.

beketiochel  v.s.(plant, person etc.) productive.beketiochel a tiochel; meklou e betok a techel, beketiochel el diokang.

beketiterechel  beketiterechel a kedelaol, di telkib e rullii a klou, brak er a Beliliou a beketiterechel di telkib e mekelii a toklechad.

beketungel  seebeketungl.

beketungl  v.s.have a keen sense of smell.beketungl a ungil a isngel el melungl, ungil el tmungl a bau. [syn:beketungel]

seketungl to smell things; smell things a lot.seketungl a beketungl; ungil a isngel el melungl; bilis a seketungl. [syn:seketungel]

beketurech  v.s.redup.smell like urine.beketurech a bul a turech; beterturech, terechel.

bekeu  v.s.brave; courageous.bekeu a diak le medakd, blekengel, bekeu el chad.

oubekeu  v.i.pretend (oneself) to be brave.oubekeu a medakd e meruul er ngii el bekeu, oubekeu er ngii.

bekeuel  v.s.smell of turtle (after eating turtle).bekeuel a bau el ko er a bul a uel.

Bekeulbechab of brave Palauan warrior.

bekidokel  v.s.easily soiled.

bekiit  v.s.poor in aiming. bekiit a diak el beketaut, omurech e imiit, ietel.

bekiit el tekoi  expression.words which are irrelevant or not to the point.

bekiit el tekoi  expression.words which are irrelevant or not to the point.

bekikl  v.s.worried; insecure.bekikl a suebek a rengul; sebekreng, bekikl er a smecher.

bekeklang  v.s.inch.getting worried.

Ak kmal era ikal meklou el kerrekar el nga era bita era blai al meukel lotelechid.Im so worried about these big trees by the house if they would break and crush us.

bekilekiakl  v.s.(person) always wanting to remain independent, uninvolved or free from obligations.

sekekeakl  v.s.always wanting to go one's one way; always wanting to keep one's belongings separate.

bekililangel  seebekelilangel.

bekititerachel  v.s.redup.slippery; slimy.bekititerachel a meaiu e ngebudel el soad el tmorch er ngii; ketiterachel el rael.

bekiul  n.poss.3s.seebekai.

bekngiuk₁  n.mold; (food) moldy/mildewed. [syn:bedngiuk.bedngiuk a mechut el kall; ouchebechubel; bedngiuk el kukau, bedngukel.]

bedngukang  v.s.inch.bedngukang a mla mo bedngiuk.

bekngiuk  v.s.(food) moldy/mildewed. [syn:bedngiuk.bedngiuk a mechut el kall; ouchebechubel; bedngiuk el kukau, bedngukel.]

bekngiukel  n.poss.3s.

bekngukang getting moldy/spoiled.

bekngiuk₂  v.s.(food) moldy/mildewed.

bekngiukel  n.poss.3s.seebekngiuk.

bekngukang getting moldy/spoiled.

bekoasech  v.s.smell of juice/gravy.bekoasech a bau el ko er a bul a uasech, odoim, urrekerek.

bekocheoch  v.s.persistent in asking for things.bekocheoch a ouengemek e mesisiich el omecheoch, melai el oba orimel, sekocheoch; mechechii a chutem, mecheoch a mesei, ochechel.Cf.omecheoch.

sekocheoch  v.s.persistent in asking for things.sekocheoch a bekocheoch; soal el omecheoch; mesisiich el olengit; mechechii a udoud, mecheoch a chutem.

bekoderdurech  seebekodurech.bekoderdurech a meses e olengesenges a oderuchel; beot el modurech, oderechel.

bekoderengesakl  v.s.having sharp hearing.Cf.rongerenges. [syn:bechoderengesakl.bechoderengesakl a ungil a orengesel. mesubed a dingal; mereched el remenges, rongesii.]

bekoderuchel  v.s.always ready or willing to go on errands.

bekodurech  v.s.always sending others on errand; always willing to go on errands.bekodurech a soal el oldurech. [syn:bekoderdurech.bekoderdurech a meses e olengesenges a oderuchel; beot el modurech, oderechel.]

bekoderuchel  v.s.always ready or willing to go on errands.

bekoiuiuul  v.s.(disease) contagious.bekoiuiuul a beot el imiuul; ngar a ta el mo imuul er a tang, oiuul a tereter er kid.

bekokitel  bekokitel a ourakd a keald; beot el secher e ng olekitel.

bekokoad  v.s.prone to fighting.bekokoad a ochemoll, soal a klakoad.

bekokuii  v.s.kind; generous.bekokuii a bekerurau; soal el merous, ometechakl er a ngar omerael, mengebechub a chelebuul a bekokuii.

bekokuii a rengul  v.s.kind; generous.

bekolik  v.s.(underarms) smelling sweaty.

bekongeng  seesekongeng.

bekongesengasech  bekongesengasech a bekesbesib a rengul; mereched el ngmasech a rengul.

bekongesengasech a rengul  v.s.easily angered; excitable.

bekongesengasech a rengul  v.s.easily angered; excitable.

bekongesenges  seebekosenges.bekongesenges a olengesenges; orrenges a tekoi e meruul.

bekongit  v.s.always asking for things.bekongit a smau el di olengit; sekongit, chetil el mo mesaul ng di soal el melai a lousbech, ng di smau el "oume tara".

bekord  v.s.about; approximately.bekord a locha; bekord el eim el klok e ak merael, bekord el teai el chad a mei.

 Ng locha bekord el tela a rekil a rubak.I wonder what the approximate age of the old man may be.

bekorekmall  bekorekmall a soal a ungil e mereched, bekorekmall era tekoiibeluu me a ngloik.

bekoreomel  v.s.smell of the forest; smell of fresh plants.

bekorkmall  Kerkikel ra rokui el tekoi.

bekosenges  v.s.obedient; tractable.Cf.olengesenges. [syn:bekongesenges.bekongesenges a olengesenges; orrenges a tekoi e meruul.]

blekongesenges  n.obedience.

bekotangel  v.s.have fat cheeks.bekotangel a meklou a otengel.

bekoteterau  v.s.redup.easy to sell.bekoteterau a soal el olterau, bekoteterau a kall me a chemachel.

bekoungeroel  v.s.continually scolding.

beksall₁  v.a.s.(spearhead) is to be pounded and flattened.

beksall₂  v.a.s.seeomuks.beksall a kirel el obuks; meksii, muks, omuks er a ngerel a tulechoid, beksel a ngerel.

beksam  n.poss.1pe.seebaks.

beksed  n.poss.1pi.seebaks.

beksek  n.poss.1s.seebaks.

beksel₁  n.poss.3s.seebaks.

beksel₂  beksel a omuks er ngii.

beksel₃  n.poss.3s.seeboks.

beksem  n.poss.2s.seebaks.

beksir  n.poss.3p.seebaks.

beksiu  n.poss.2p.seebaks.

bekudasu  v.s.resourceful in thinking; thoughtful; considerate.bekudasu a mereched el mdesuii a tekoi; mdesuii a ungil, mdasu a tekoil udesuel.

bekudoud  v.s.generous (usually with Palauan money); charitable; receiving a lot of money (usually Palauan); rich.bekudoud a ungil a bedengel er a udoud.

bekukall to be puffed up.

bekukokl  v.s.rising early; be an early riser/early bird.bekukokl a mereched el mekiis a ltutau; omkokl, ulkokl, ukeklel, sekukokl.

bekungeroel  bekungeroel a meses, blechoel el oungeroel, sekungeroel, ngerroel, mengokl, ngerrelel.

bekureor a lot; hard-working; diligent.

bekururau  seebekerurau.

bekutab  seesekutab.bekutab a sekutab; ungil e mereched el omtab, mtebengii, mtab a meldung, utebengel.

bekuu₁  n.type of turtle.bekuu a ta er a bedengel a uel.

bekuu₂  n.bekuu a ta er a bedengel a dellomel el ko er a buuk.

bekuureor  bekureor a sekurreor; meses; chad er a urreor.

 belai  n.surgeon fish; blue lined.belai a ta er a bedengel a ngikel belai a diak a otutel el malk.

belaiang  n.step in stairs.

belailes  n.(Ger.)type of tapioca.belailes a ta er a bedengel a diokang.

belalang  n.step in stairs.

belalk  v.s.feeling/expressing shame/fright.belalk a ultengel a medal; doall el diak le blekebek a medal; belalk er a dakd me a rur.

belalk a medal  expression.face express shame/fright.

belalk a rengul  expression.feel shame/fright.

belalk a medal  expression.face express shame/fright.

belalk a rengul  expression.feel shame/fright.

belatingam  n.poss.1pe.seebelatong.

belatinged  n.poss.1pi.seebelatong.

belatingek  n.poss.1s.seebelatong.

belatingel  n.poss.3s.seebelatong.

belatingem  n.poss.2s.seebelatong.

belatingir  n.poss.3p.seebelatong.

belatingiu  n.poss.2p.seebelatong.

belatong  n.(Spa.)plate; dish; bowl.belatong a blil a kall; belatingel.

belatingam  n.poss.1pe.

belatinged  n.poss.1pi.

belatingek  n.poss.1s.

belatingel  n.poss.3s.

belatingem  n.poss.2s.

belatingir  n.poss.3p.

belatingiu  n.poss.2p.

belatong er a Merikel  expression.stainless steel plate with several compartments.

 Mtilib a belatong.Wash the dishes.

belatong er a Merikel  expression.stainless steel plate with several compartments.

Belau  n.Palau.Belau a Beluu er a Belau.

Belauad  n.poss.1pi.our Palau.

tekoi er a Belau  expression.Palauan language.

 A er Kid a blak a rengrir el mo mechitakl.Our Palau will be sung eagerly.

 A er Kid a mo mechitakl el oldeu er a reokiaksang.Our Palau will be sung to please the guests.

 A kekeringel a kerekerenged a rechad er a kirel ngosechekl.The minimum wage in Palau should go up.

 Kengti, a yanged a uchul ea National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) a mla tebedii A Small craft warning ra beluu er rokir. Daob ra delongelel a Beliliou ma Ngeaur, Ollei ma Ngcheyangel ma ikrel a elemoll a kmal mekngit er elechal team. MaleuaiseDue to the weather conditions and increasing hazardous surf, the National Emergency Office (NEMO) is issuing a Small Craft Warning for the entire Republic of Palau. Water conditions from outside the reef through all exposures are very rough at this time.
    »additional examples

belau  n.tree in coffee family.belau a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

 A er Kid a blak a rengrir el mo mechitakl.Our Palau will be sung eagerly.

 A er Kid a mo mechitakl el oldeu er a reokiaksang.Our Palau will be sung to please the guests.

 A kekeringel a kerekerenged a rechad er a kirel ngosechekl.The minimum wage in Palau should go up.

 Kengti, a yanged a uchul ea National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) a mla tebedii A Small craft warning ra beluu er rokir. Daob ra delongelel a Beliliou ma Ngeaur, Ollei ma Ngcheyangel ma ikrel a elemoll a kmal mekngit er elechal team. MaleuaiseDue to the weather conditions and increasing hazardous surf, the National Emergency Office (NEMO) is issuing a Small Craft Warning for the entire Republic of Palau. Water conditions from outside the reef through all exposures are very rough at this time.
    »additional examples

Belauad  n.poss.1pi.our Palau.

 A Klekekerengel a a di ua dimech ra Map.The smallness of our Belau is like a dot on a map.

beldakl₁  v.r.s.seeomeldakl.beldakl a blodes; beldakl el ngikel, omodes, omeldakl.

beldakl₂ cooked in water.

beldakl₃  v.s.splattered all over with something.

beldebud  beldebud a besichel a bedul el meolt. Besiich el meolt el ngara btelud.

beldechelel  n.poss.3s.seebelduchel.

beldokel  beldokel a bladek er a bar; mla obail; ulekoad a blail er a bedekel. Bedengel a medei el chad el mla obadek.

belduchel  n.payment at ocheraol.belduchel a udoud el bekatel er a ocheraol, $100.00 a beldechelel.

beldechelel  n.poss.3s.

belduut  belduut a ungil el blades, blechobech el ungil, kldmokl.

beleball₁ to be wound around with rope, cord, tape, etc..beleball a kirel el obelebel; omelebel er ngii, melebelii a mesil, belebelel.

beleball₂  beleball a meoud; beleball me ng mla tobed a mlai, ng mla mechoit er a omerael.

belebel  n.cord/rope for winding (esp. used for starting outboard motor); shingles (disease).belebel a klekedall el omelebel; melebelii, belebel er a mesil, belebelel.

belebelam  n.poss.1pe.

belebeled  n.poss.1pi.

belebelek  n.poss.1s.

belebelel  n.poss.3s.

belebelel a mesil  expression.cord/rope for starting outboard motor.

belebelem  n.poss.2s.

belebelir  n.poss.3p.

belebeliu  n.poss.2p.

belebelam  n.poss.1pe.seebelebel.

belebeled  n.poss.1pi.seebelebel.

belebelek  n.poss.1s.seebelebel.

belebelel  n.poss.3s.seebelebel.

belebelel a mesil  expression.cord/rope for starting outboard motor.

belebelem  n.poss.2s.seebelebel.

belebelir  n.poss.3p.seebelebel.

belebeliu  n.poss.2p.seebelebel.

belechall  seebelochel.belechall a kirel el obalech, melechii, malech a ngikel.

belecham  n.poss.1pe.seebalech.

beleched  n.poss.1pi.seebalech.

belechek  n.poss.1s.seebalech.

belechel  n.poss.3s.seebalech.

belechel a belochel  expression.shooting of pigeons with a slingshot.

belechel a ngikel  expression.spearing of fish with a spear-gun.

belechelel  n.poss.3s.seebelochel.belechelel a cheldil belochel.

belechem  n.poss.2s.seebalech.

belechir  n.poss.3p.seebalech.

belechiu  n.poss.2p.seebalech.

belelengel  v.s.redup.very long/tall.belelengel a mekemanget; kekemanget.

belengel  n.poss.3s.his/her astonishment; amazement.belengel a rengul, obal a reng, chasireng.

Mtiuid er a el oba oles.Cut in half with knife.

belengel a rengul  expression.astonishment/amazement.

Belias  n.old name for Airai.

Beliliou  n.Peleliu island.Beliliou a chimo er a beluu er a Belau el ngar er a Eou el daob; Odesangel.

 Kengti, a yanged a uchul ea National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) a mla tebedii A Small craft warning ra beluu er belau rokir. Daob ra delongelel a ma Ngeaur, Ollei ma Ngcheyangel ma ikrel a elemoll a kmal mekngit er elechal team. MaleuaiseDue to the weather conditions and increasing hazardous surf, the National Emergency Office (NEMO) is issuing a Small Craft Warning for the entire Republic of Palau. Water conditions from outside the reef through all exposures are very rough at this time.

Ak chad er a.I'm from Peliliu

belils  v.s.(noise) high/piercing.belils a mesisiich e uldak el ngor, belils a chiklel, belils a ngerel.

belkmam  n.poss.1pe.seebelkul.

belkmiu  n.poss.2p.seebelkul.

belkrir  n.poss.3p.seebelkul.

belkud  n.poss.1pi.seebelkul.

belkuk  n.poss.1s.seebelkul.

belkul  n.poss.3s.meaning.belkul a ultutelel; skuul a klou a belkul, omesuub a ngar ngii a belkul.

belkmam  n.poss.1pe.

belkmiu  n.poss.2p.

belkrir  n.poss.3p.

belkud  n.poss.1pi.

belkuk  n.poss.1s.

belkul a Droteo  expression.Droteo's function.

belkul a tekoi  expression.meaning of a word; proverb.

belkul tia el ongdibel  expression.purpose of this gathering.

belkum  n.poss.2s.

 A Droteo a kmal medenge a betok el belkul a tekoi.Droteo really know a lot of proverbs.

 Ngara belkul tiang?What's the meaning of this?/What's this for?

 A klechelid er tirka el chad a diak a.The religion of these people is worthless.

Ngkal sechesech a meral di uletemtimd er a kesus, tiang locha ngera.The gecko kept chirping last night, I wonder what it meant.
    »additional examples

belkul a Droteo  expression.Droteo's function.

belkul a tekoi  expression.meaning of a word; proverb.

belkul tia el ongdibel  expression.purpose of this gathering.

belkum  n.poss.2s.seebelkul.

bellachel  v.s.purulent; festering; (woman's genitals) unclean and smelly; (starchy food) too soft or slimy.bellachel a lalech, telemall a omeklalech; ngar ngii a lalech, llechel a burek.

  a delam!Your mother's unclean! (insult)

bellebel  bellebel a saur el meliuekl; billum a mla obelebel er a besebes; ngar er ngii a belebelel.

belledakl  belledakl a cheloit; mekngit el kall a belledakl el diak a mo mengang; meringel a sils me a urreor a belledakl er a saul.

bellek  n.devil; evil spirit.bellek a chesiu, mekngit el chelid, chesiulechei.

bellekalek  v.s.(face) looking sad or distressed.

bellemakl  v.s.attentive; concentrating; deliberate.bellemakl a chelellakl e terrob el omes er eou. Chelelakl el melalem ra uldesuel.

bellemakl a beluu  expression.village is quiet or calm.

bellibel  bellibel a mla obelibl; mla mo diak a daob er ngii, mleblii, mlibl, chelais a blibl er a ngimes, bleblel.

bellibl  v.r.s.removed; extracted.

 belloi  n.bitter yam (grows on vine).belloi a ta er a bedengel a dellomel er a oreomel, kall a le bosech, mle kall er a mekemad.

belluchel  v.r.s.mixed; dissolved.belluchel a mla obulech, chelui, blulech, mlechii, mulech a ilumel a belluchel.

bellul  n.poss.3s.rectum.bellul a basingul, ingul.

bellutel  v.r.s.(clothes) turned inside out.bellutel a ulechero; blult, meltii, mult, bellutel a bilel, beltel.

belngar  Idungel el mla obngar.

belngel  n.poss.3s.seebluu.

belngel a blai  expression.middle of the house.

belngel a omoachel  expression.middle of the river; midstream.

belngel a sers  expression.middle of the garden.

 belochel₁  n.pigeon.belochel a chieb, ta er a bedengel a suebek el charm; belochel a kesiokel le ng ungil el odoim.

belechelel  n.poss.3s.belechelel a cheldil belochel.

belochel₂ to be shot with a slingshot.belochel a kirel el obalech; belechall, melechii, omalech, malech, belechel.

belsachel  belsachel a blasech; ngar er a basech; ulsiseb er a ochur; belsachel er a mo er a skuul.

belsall  v.a.s.belsall a kirel el obals, melsii, omals er a merechorech, omkecharem er ngii el kirel a telemellel, belsel, msa belsel.

belsebas  belsebas a betok a blas er ngii; belsebas a bedengel er a baklild.

belsebes₁  belsebes mla obesebes; mesebesii, mesebes a billum, melechet, mesaur.

belsebes₂  belsebes a mla obesebes; mla metib, mesebesii a urreor, omenged a belsebes.

belsebosech₁  belsebosech a mekudem el obosech; meterob, mesechii a omerael, mosech, besechel.

belsebosech₂  belsebosech a ko er a di ngodech, ng betok a omerolel el tmuu e tuobed, e di merirekrik, ng blosech.

belsechakl  belsechakl a chelellakl el ues; chelellakl e omes; toktang a belsechakl er a smecher.

belsechel  n.poss.3s.(the) time (for an event; when something happens).belsechel a temel; belsechel a ocheraol, belsechel a riid, belsechel a blengur.

belsel  n.poss.3s.seebals.

belseos  belseos a mla obeseos, ng ultobed a osechel; ulseos, meseos a lius, besosel.

belsibs  n.hole.belsibs a mla obsibs; ngar ngii a metetoech er ngii, misebsii a kerrekar, msibs, bsebsel.

Aikal dingam ng?Are your ears pierced?

belsiich  seeblsiich.belsiich a rrusech el ongraol; belsiich el kukau, belsiich el diokang, belsichel.

Errang, diak el kora sebechem remusch a e domengur?Honey, cant you pound some taro so we could eat?

belsiochel  belsiochel a ngar ngii a besichel, besiich el meolt me a bung.

belsoil  belsoil a blengur er a kebesengei; belsilel, omesoil.Cf.omesoil.

Ngdiak el soam el kora mo ousuelb malechub eng er a tara taem?Do you want to have lunch or dinner sometime?

belsuchel  belsuchel a blusech; mla obusech, nglai a bsechel, msechii, musech.

A nguis a ultirak era tutau. el nguis!A green garden snake chased me this morning. Darn snake!

belsuus  belsuus a mla obsuus; obkuuk, msusii, msuus a blauang, bsusel.

beltanget  beltanget a mla obtanget, mla mtengetii el mo mengeldoech.

beltechei  beltechei a ultechei; ngalek el mechell el ngar ngii a dibus me a lechub a telemall er ngii.

beltel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its action of turning over. beltel a mla obult, meltii, beltel a reng.Cf.omult.

beltel a beluulechad  expression.Second Coming of Christ.

beltel a beluulechad  expression.Second Coming of Christ.

beltenguchel  beltenguchel a ta er a bedengel a beltok; beltenguchel a remeklou e ngii a orribech er a dui; betok a remeklou el chad.

beltikerreng  beltikerreng a betik a rengul; beltkil a rengul er a bechil, ultoir.

Ng klau era delongeled a uchul mekede kaukerreu.Because of the love between us we care about each other's well being.

beltok  seebetok.beltok a betok; beltok er a kall a ungil.

beltuut  beltuut a mla obetuut er a malk; metutii a medal, ometuut a kerrekar el oba otuut, betutel a kerrekar.

beluachel  n.r.s.boasting; bragging; obscene talk.

beluad  n.poss.1pi.seebeluu.

A rechad el menguteling era adi meses a ngerir.The leaders for our nation speak empty speeches.

A daitorio era a di chemau a siungel mea kerremelel a daob.Our president is focused on conserving and protecting the sea life.

beluai  v.s.located in center (of house; group; etc.).

beluak  n.poss.1s.seebeluu.

 Ak melebedebek er a.I'm thinking about my home.

belual  n.poss.3s.seebeluu.

beluam  n.poss.2s.seebeluu.


belumam  n.poss.1pe.seebeluu.

 Aki kauchais a chisel a.We're exchanging news about our home villages.

belumiu  n.poss.2p.seebeluu.

belurir  n.poss.3p.seebeluu.

 Ng mo osisiu a omerellel el mo er tirke el rokui el kau a mo soiseb el mo melai a.He will do the same to everyone else whose land you invade.

beluu; village; place; territory; property; land; ace (in cards).beluu a olsechall er a delengchokl; rechad a uchul me ng beluu a beluu.Cf.beluulchad.

beluad  n.poss.1pi.

beluak  n.poss.1s.

belual  n.poss.3s.

beluam  n.poss.2s.

belumam  n.poss.1pe.

belumiu  n.poss.2p.

belurir  n.poss.3p.

beluu er a eanged  expression.heaven.

beluu er a ngau  expression.hell.

rebeluu; people of the village.rebeluu a rechad er a beluu.

rekebelurir  n.poss.3p.(their) settlements of people.

 A kot el blil a ureor el omerek er a tekoi el chelid er tia el.the first house of work to spread God's word in this country

 A lsekum te ngar er ngii a remo 50 el melemalt el chad el ngar er se el, e...If there are fifty innocent people in the city, then ...

 A merredel a meluchel a ngerechelel a.The leader carries the responsibility for community affairs.

 A rebek el babii el mla mo ungil el odoim a leblechoel el omekoad se el lebo lemekelekolt a.All the pigs that are ready to eat are always killed in the winter.
    »additional examples

beluu er a eanged₁  expression.heaven.

beluu er a eanged₂  expression.heaven.

beluu er a ngau  expression.hell.

Beluulchab  n.Yap; Yapese dance.Cf.oubeluulchab. [syn:Beluulechab.Beluulechab a beluu er a FSM el ngar er a delongelel Belau me a Guam.]

beluulchad; world; generation; era; period of time.beluulchad a belurir a rechad; uldimukl a chetemel, debel, engedel me a eltel. [syn:beluulechad]

kot el beluulechad  expression.(in Palauan legend, world of sea originated by Latmikaik).

ongeru el beluulechad  expression."Second World" (in Palauan legend, world of earth originated by Miladeldil).

Beluulechab  seeBeluulchab.Beluulechab a beluu er a FSM el ngar er a delongelel Belau me a Guam.

beluulechad  seebeluulchad.

Aikal bilas el silesb a rechad er Belau alekong olangch el mo era.The ships that were burned is a message to the world not to mess with Belau.

Bem sesei  v.imp.move a little bit closer; scoot closer in.

bemball  seebemkall.

bembangch stinging ant.bembangch a mekekerei el bekerekard el charm el meringel a bengcheL.

blil a bembangch  expression.anthill.

bemkall to be pumped.bemkall a kirel el obomk; bemkall a ralm, memkii, momk a cheluch.

 beng weir.beng a cheldukl el bad el mengaud a ngikel.

bengel  n.poss.3s.

bengall to be broken or cracked.bengall a kirel el obeu; beongel, mengii, meu a lius, omeu a lius, bengel.

 Bengall  n.large sea clam.Bengall a cheleched er a Ngerechelong; ngkoll e meklou a kim er ngii.

chad er a bengall  expression.inhabitant of Ngerechelong.

bengall to be interrupted.

bengangoi  seebengengei.

bengbengechel  bengbengechel a olsechall el mobangch er ngii; blil a bengbangch el chutem a bengbengechel.

bengchall  v.a.s.bengchall a kirel el obangch; beab a bengchall er a katuu. mengchii, mangch, bengchel.

bengcham  n.poss.1pe.seebangch.

bengched  n.poss.1pi.seebangch.

bengchek  n.poss.1s.seebangch.

bengchel₁  n.poss.3s.seebangch.

bengchel₂ to be bitten.

bengchem  n.poss.2s.seebangch.

bengchir  n.poss.3p.seebangch.

bengchiu  n.poss.2p.seebangch.

bengchoel  seebengchel.

bengdam  n.poss.1pe.seebongd.

bengded  n.poss.1pi.seebongd.

bengdek  n.poss.1s.seebongd.

bengdel₁  n.poss.3s.pound.

bengdel₂  n.poss.3s.seebangd.

bengdem  n.poss.2s.seebongd.

bengdir  n.poss.3p.seebongd.

bengdiu  n.poss.2p.seebongd.

benged  benged a mo bereked; blengodel, mengedii, menged, omenged a omerael, "bengedrekemais".

benged el mekemad  expression.full-scale war between villages.

bengedel  bengedel a tkul a ngesachel; bengedel a ngesachel.

 bengel₁  n.poss.3s.calyx (cap) of betelnut.bengel a klalo el omeng er a ta er a klalo; melenget, bengel a bekai, bengel a buuch.

bengel₂  n.poss.3s.seebeng.

bengel₃  bengel a beu er ngii el lius, bengel a belatong.

bengengei getting deaf.

bengengoi  seebengengei.

bengisingch  n.coccyx.bengisingch a buiksingch; ongingil a klou el singch, bengisingch er a babii, chad.

bengkel  n.poss.3s.seebangk.

bengkengkall to be laid on ground.bengkengkall a kirel el obengkangk; mengkengkii a bambuu, mengkangk a kerrekar, mo blengkangk, bengkengkel.

bengkengkoll  v.a.s.(object, usually long) to be laid on ground; exposed quickly by outgoing tide.bengkengkoll a meched el obebengkangk a mlai er ngii.

benglam  n.poss.1pe.seebenglel.

bengled  n.poss.1pi.seebenglel.

benglek  n.poss.1s.seebenglel.

benglel  n.poss.3s.his/her interruption.

benglam  n.poss.1pe.

bengled  n.poss.1pi.

benglek  n.poss.1s.

benglem  n.poss.2s.

benglir  n.poss.3p.

bengliu  n.poss.2p.

benglem  n.poss.2s.seebenglel.

benglir  n.poss.3p.seebenglel.

bengliu  n.poss.2p.seebenglel.

bengngos  n.(Jap.)lawyer.

 bengobaingukl  n.common sandpiper (tail flips up and down); ruddy turnstone; any small to medium-sized migratory shorebird.bengobaingukl a ta er a bedengel a suebek el charm.

bengodel to be put or held on or against.bengodel a kired el omenged er ngii; mengedii, omenged, kebui a bengodel er a kerrekar, bengedel.

bengoel to be covered with hand; is to be stopped up.bengoel a kirel el obeng; mekngit a secherel a bengoel a ngerel, omeng a er a isngel er a mekngit el bau.

bengong  v.s.mute; deaf-mute.bengong a diak el sebechel, mengedecheduch e dirrek el sebechel el mechad a dingal.

bengengei getting deaf. [syn:bengangoi,bengengoi]

bengt₁  n.purple colored sweet potato.bengt a bedengel burek; ko er a bedengel a bsechel a biib.

bengt  v.s.purple.bengt a bedengel burek; ko er a bedengel a bsechel a biib.

bengt₂  v.s.purple.bengt a bedengel burek; ko er a bedengel a bsechel a biib.

bengtall  v.a.s.(hair) is to be curled/twisted.bengtall a bengutel, kirel el obungt, mengtii a bdelul, mungt.

bengtel  n.poss.3s.his/her action of curling/twisting hair.

bengud  n.smell of cooked fish.bengud a bau; bul a ngikel el klengoes, delul.

 Bengud a delam!Your mother smells of fish! (insult).

 Bengud a derrir!Their mothers smell of fish. (Used as insult against people from Ngerechelong.)

 benguk  n.type of reef fish.benguk a mekekerei el ngikel er a taoch.

bengungau  seebungungau.

bengutel  bengutel a bengtall.

benia  n.(Jap.)plywood.benia a meklou el chesbocheb.

benjo  n.bathroom.

benster  n.(Ger.)window.

bentelengam  n.poss.1pe.seebento.

bentelenged  n.poss.1pi.seebento.

bentelengek  n.poss.1s.seebento.

bentelengel  n.poss.3s.seebento.

bentelengem  n.poss.2s.seebento.

bentelengir  n.poss.3p.seebento.

bentelengiu  n.poss.2p.seebento.

bento  n.(Jap.)lunchbox; food eaten away from home.

bentelengam  n.poss.1pe.

bentelenged  n.poss.1pi.

bentelengek  n.poss.1s.

bentelengel  n.poss.3s.

bentelengem  n.poss.2s.

bentelengir  n.poss.3p.

bentelengiu  n.poss.2p.

bento bako  (Jap.)lunch box (commonly used).

bentobako  n.(Jap.)lunchbox.

benzio  n.(Jap.)toilet.

 beokl  beokl a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar er a oreomel.

beongel  seebengall.beongel a bengall.

beot  v.s.easy; simple; cheap; (matter) small, trivial or not worth to worry about.beot a diak le meringel me a ka le mesisiich, beot el urreor, beot el chad.

bebeot  v.s.redup.fairly easy/cheap.bebeot a telkib el beot; bebeot el urreor.

bebeot a rengul  expression.rather undecided about something; not taking something too seriously.

beot a cheral

beot a rengul  expression.easygoing; nonchalant; unmotivated; lazy.

beot a tekingel  expression.easy going; not strict.

betengang getting easy; has become easy.

 Ng ko er a bebeot a cheral a kloker a Hong Kong.The prices for watches are pretty low in Hong Kong.

 Ng ko er a bebeot a rengul a Droteo er a omerael el mo er a Hawaii.Droteo is rather undecided about travelling to Hawaii.

 A omelekoi a, e a omeruul a meringel.Easier said than done.

 Ng uoi di el tekoi, e ke obedobed.It's really quite a trivial matter, but you're getting too irritated over it.

 Ng a tekingel.He's easy-going.

 Ng a longkar er tia el beluu.Guarding this village is easy.
    »additional examples

beot a cheral

beot a rengul  expression.easygoing; nonchalant; unmotivated; lazy.

beot a tekingel  expression.easy going; not strict.

Beouch  n.title of chiefs in Ngerdmau.Beouch a kebekuul; dial a bdelul a beluu er a Ngardmau.

beragu  n.(Jap.< Eng.)spark plug.

beralm  v.s.watery; flat tasting (e.g., not sweet or salty enough); (color) light.beralm a diak le mecherocher, diak le merekos, berelmel.

beralm a rengul  expression.v.s. lazy; unmotivated; unconcerned; uncaring.

berelmang getting flat-tasting.berelmang a mla mo beralm. berelmel.

A imelek a telkib el.My drink needs a little more sugar.

Tia a telkib el.This tastes a little bland.

Ng.It's not sweet or salty enough.

beralm a rengul  expression.v.s. lazy; unmotivated; unconcerned; uncaring.

berangdang  n.(Eng.)veranda; porch.berangdang a veranda .

berangu  (Jap.)spark-plug (commonly used).

beraom₁ kept until slightly spoiled and then wrapped and barbequed.beraom a mla mo mekngit a bul; bediu, beremel a ngikel.Cf.omekberaom.

beraom  v.s.(fish) slightly spoiled.beraom a mla mo mekngit a bul; bediu, beremel a ngikel.

beremel  n.poss.3s.

menga a beraom noisily.

beraom₂  v.s.(fish) slightly spoiled.beraom a mla mo mekngit a bul; bediu, beremel a ngikel.

beras  n.rice.rrodel beras a kall el ongraol.

bersengel  n.poss.3s.

 A malk a kila a beras.The chicken ate up the rice.

Ak milenga a me a techel a kerbou me a iasai.I ate rice and beef with vegetables.

Ak mo omechar a kelam el me a kansume.I'm going to the store to buy rice and canned meat.

berberriid  seebereberriid.berberriid a berriid; berberriid a besbas, rechad a berberriid, diak le cheldull.

berd  berd a berdel a ngor; ngar a bab me a eou me a lechub e ng tkul a ngor; berdel a kim me a oruer.

berdakl₁  n.small fishnet (used to surround rock).berdakl a ta er a bedengel a omenged; omeredakl.Cf.omerdakl.

berdakl₂  n.vine in grape family.berdakl a ta er a bedengel a besebes.

berdam  n.poss.1pe.seeberdaol.

berdaol₁  v.s.(fish, people) thick-lipped.berdaol a klou a berdel; berdaol el kim, berdaol a ngerel.

berdaol₂  n.lip;.

berdam  n.poss.1pe.

berdaol  v.s.(fish, people) thick-lipped.berdaol a klou a berdel; berdaol el kim, berdaol a ngerel.

berded  n.poss.1pi.

berdek  n.poss.1s.

berdel  n.poss.3s.lip.berdel a berd er ngii el kim, berdel a ngor, berdel a otkang.

berdel a but  expression.lips of vagina.

berdel a ngor  expression.lips.

berdem  n.poss.2s.

berdir  n.poss.3p.

berdiu  n.poss.2p.

berded  n.poss.1pi.seeberdaol.

berdek  n.poss.1s.seeberdaol.

berdel  n.poss.3s.lip.berdel a berd er ngii el kim, berdel a ngor, berdel a otkang.

Ngmeral ungil a cheritel mea klekedellel engdi aikal a ngerel akora ulecherue er tial kutsibenni er ngii.She looks so beautiful with her traditional grass skirt and decorations except her lips look inside out with that lipstick.

Aikal a ngerem e kei kelsakl. hon, whats wrong with your lips?

berdel a but  expression.lips of vagina.

berdel a kim  expression.inside surface of clam shell.

berdel a ngor  expression.lips.

berdem  n.poss.2s.seeberdaol.

berdir  n.poss.3p.seeberdaol.

berdiu  n.poss.2p.seeberdaol.

bereball  v.a.s.bereball a kirel el oberober, diak le le bereball a chutem, merober, mereberii a mesei, bereberel.

bereberall to be snatched, grabbed or seized; (land) is to be captured.

bereberel  n.poss.3s.seeberober.bereberel a berober er ngii el chim me a bereberel a uach.

bereberel a chim  expression.wrist (sometimes including hand).

bereberel a oach  expression.ankle (sometimes including foot).

bereberriid  v.r.s.redup.scattered all over.

berebor with wide mesh for catching fish/turtles.berebor a ta er a bedengel a kesokes; kesekesel a uel.

berebur  n.type of lizard; gecko.berebur a charm el kebliil mo er a sechesech.

berech  n.smell of raw fish.berech a bau el bul a chemadech el ngikel; cheled a berech.

bekeberech  v.s.smell of the sea or raw fish.

berechall to be dipped into sauce, etc..berechall a kirel el obarech, merechii, marech a chimal er a ralm, berechel.

berechuich  berechuich a rekdel a buld, berechuich a bedengel a ko er a besokel el mekekad.

berekarek₁  v.s.(canoe) tending to get pushed of course by sidewind; (person) cowardly.berekarek a omerekarek, mechitechut, chetelaol me ng meraelel mo e mei el soal el moubuu.Cf.omerekarek.

berekarek₂  berekarek a mechitechut er a redil el chad, olekesakel.

bereked  v.s.leaning/touching against; sticking/stuck to; have an intimate relationship with; be close to.bereked a omereked a eru el mo dmak, babier a bereked er a kboub, ngalek a bereked er a delal. merekedii, mereked, berekedel.

berekereked  v.s.redup.(person) attached to (someone else) (as child attached to mother); (person) prone to clinging to or latching onto others; very sticky; tending to stick all over everything.berekereked a mesisiich el bereked; mesisiich a udel.

merekereked  v.s.redup.(surface, etc.) sticky (from something spilled, etc.).merekereked a ngar er ngii a reked, rekerekedel a merekos.

 Te ko er a kmal.They are intimate with or close to each other.

berekedall to be pasted or glued onto; is to be leaned against.berekedall a kirel el obereked. mereked a babier, merekedii, omereked er ngii.

berekekill to be swallowed.

berekereked  v.s.redup.(person) attached to (someone else) (as child attached to mother); (person) prone to clinging to or latching onto others; very sticky; tending to stick all over everything.berekereked a mesisiich el bereked; mesisiich a udel.

berel  n.biscuit.berel a kall el rruul er a merikengko; biscuit.

berel er a neibi biscuit.

berel er a neibi biscuit.

berelmang getting flat-tasting.berelmang a mla mo beralm. berelmel.

beremall  v.a.s.(fish) is to be allowed to spoil slightly before wrapping and barbequeing.beremall a kirel el mukberaom, mo beraom; beremel el ngikel.

beremam  n.poss.1pe.seebar.

beremech  v.s.(food, etc.) soft and rotten.beremech a cherrecherad el kall, rremeremech.

beremel  n.poss.3s.seeberaom.

beremeremech  v.s.redup.rather soft and rotten.beremeremech a beremech.

beremiu  n.poss.2p.seebar.

berib  n.(Ger.)letter.berib a saitung; babier.

beriber  n.whirlpool; swirling water; swirling hairdo; specific location in certain villages (e.g. in Ngerechelong) near whirlpool/swirling waters.

Beriber of legendary man who harvested coconut syrup and lived in cave near Oikull.

beridengeding₁  v.s.(hair, clothes, etc.) covered with (stickers from plant, etc.); (tree) full of birds.beridengeding a betok a besichel; beridengeding er a besiich el telau, klilt, kabkab me a olbiungel.

beridengeding₂  beridengeding a kmal mechesang, beridengeding er a ngalek me a telechull.

berikd  seeberikt.berikd a betok a rdechel; berikd a iedel, berikd el buuch, berekdel.

berikel  n.tower for conveyor belt.berikel a tower .

berikt  v.s.(tree) productive or bearing much fruit.

Meral a iedel er a mesei.The mango tree at the taro swamp is covered with fruits.

beriokl  n.overflowing water (from boiling, etc.).beriokl a omeriokl; brechorech, beriokl er a klengoes.Cf.omeriokl.

beriseksikd  seeberiseksikt.beriseksikd a betok el sikd, beriseksikd el meradel.

beriseksikt  v.s.redup.(tree) covered with many clusters of fruit; covered all over or infested with (ants, lizards, etc.).

beritchetoched  beritchetoched a betok a toched er ngii; techedel a tochedulik; meradel a beritchetoched el kerrekar;.

beritengetang  v.s.redup.forked or branched in many places; (tree) having many branches.beritengetang a betok a metengal; beritngetang el kerrekar.

 A sechelim a ko er a chural a nguis (el a chural).Your friend speaks with a forked tongue.

beritengetang a chural  expression.have a forked tongue; say one thing on one occasion and something else the next.

berius₁  n.current (in ocean; river; etc.);.berius a mesisiich el omerolel a ralm me a daob, metengel a berius, omtok er a berius, berusel.Cf.omerius.

beriusel  n.poss.3s. [syn:berusel]

blengodel a berius  expression.current is strong.

meloched a berius  expression.(strong) current develops.

berius₂  v.s.absent-minded; forgetful.

beriusel  n.poss.3s.seeberius.

berkall to be spread or stretched out or propagated.

berkerkill  v.a.s. berkerkill a kirel el oberkakl; omerekakl a ilumel, merekeklii, merekakl a kall, berekeklel.

berngel  n.poss.3s.his/her slap in the face.

berngel a rengul  expression.anything discouraging to one's spirit.

 Ng diak a berngel a rengul a Droteo.Nothing stops Droteo from doing things./Droteo isn't easily discouraged.

berngel a rengul  expression.anything discouraging to one's spirit.

berober  n.narrow part of limb.berober a bereberel a chim me a oach ; ongemuul el mei er a cheldingel.Cf.omerober,berrober.

bereberel  n.poss.3s.bereberel a berober er ngii el chim me a bereberel a uach.

bereberel a chim  expression.wrist (sometimes including hand).

bereberel a oach  expression.ankle (sometimes including foot).

beroch  n.smell of blood.beroch a bau el bul a rasech.

beroel  n.large one-pronged fish spear.beroel a meklou el biskang; omeroel a meklou el ngikel.Cf.omeroel.

berokel  seeberkall.berokel a kirel el oberk; merk a ungil el chais, merekii a osisechakl, berekel.

beroroech  v.s.redup.(sky) reddish at sunrise or sunset.beroroech a mesisiich el roech; beroroech a eanged er a ngeltel a sils.

berorou  v.s.redup.yellowish-orange (color of twilight).berorou a rongel a sils, rou, ouberorou a sils er a tutau, oumororou.

berotel to be hidden.berotel a kirel el obart, omart, diak el tekiungel, kngtil a chad a berotel, mertii, bertel.

berotong  n.large canoe.berotong a meklou el mlai er a daob.

 berrak  n.curved yellow Palauan money (type of bachel with considerable value).berrak a bibrurek el udoud er a Belau.

berralm  berralm a berelmel; berralm er a klengoes, ilumel.

berraod  berraod a kllungel a berredel a klalo.

berreakl  n.secondary anchor at stern of boat/canoe.berreakl a uak; okul a bos me a mlai er a daob.

ouberreakl  v.i.have secondary anchor.ouberreakl a orebetii a ouak e mengiil er a iusech.

berredam  n.poss.1pe.seeberreod.

berreded  n.poss.1pi.seeberreod.

berredek  n.poss.1s.seeberreod.

berredel  n.poss.3s.seeberreod.

berredem  n.poss.2s.seeberreod.

berredir  n.poss.3p.seeberreod.

berrediu  n.poss.2p.seeberreod.

berrekakl  v.r.s.swallowed.berrekakl a mla oberekakl; merkeklii a kelel, omerekakl, berekeklel.

berremam  n.poss.1pe.seebrer.

berremiu  n.poss.2p.seebrer.

berreod of heaviness.berreod a berredel; kllungel a berraod, obereod el telechull.Cf.oberaod,omekberaod.

berredam  n.poss.1pe.

berreded  n.poss.1pi.

berredek  n.poss.1s.

berredel  n.poss.3s.

berredem  n.poss.2s.

berredir  n.poss.3p.

berrediu  n.poss.2p.

berrerir  n.poss.3p.seebrer.

berriid  v.r.s.scattered; spread; sown; dismantled.berriid a diak le chelludel; mriid, rechad a berrid.

berriked  v.r.s.(clothes) hung on line, etc.berriked a ngar a omrekodel, mrekedii, mriked a bail, brekedel.

berrir  n.poss.3p.seebar.

berritel  v.r.s.shaken.berritel a omritel er a kerrasem, berritel er a dakd.

berrius  v.r.s.carried along by (current, flood).berrius a mla oberius; obechakl, merusii, mlai a berrius er a berius, berusel.

Kmal klou a er a omoachel.There is a strong current at the river.

berrober₁  v.r.s.snatched; grabbed; seized; (land) captured.berrober a mla oberober; chutem a berrober er a ulecheracheb, mereberii, merober, bereberel.

berrober₂  n.r.s.snatched/stolen goods; booty.

berroel  berroel a blurech er a beroel; mla oberoel a klou el uel, merelii, berelel.

berrokel  v.r.s.spread; stretched out; propagated.berrokel a mla oberk; mla mesumech; berrokel a ungil el chisel, merekii, merek, berekel.

berrotech  v.r.s.(hands) clapped; (face, body, etc.) slapped.berrotech a mla obrotech; mrotech a chimal, mertechii, omrotech, bertechel.

berrotel  seeblart.berrotel a mla obart; mla mertii a udoud, bertel.

 Ngii el llomeserreng el kumerk er ngii a llomeserreng er a Dios el mle.The wisdom I proclaim is God?s secret wisdom.

berrous  n.dream.berrous a tekoi el meues me a medung er a cheliuaiu; omerrous, merrusii a mlad el demal, berrusel.

berrusam  n.poss.1pe.

berrused  n.poss.1pi.

berrusek  n.poss.1s.

berrusel  n.poss.3s.

berrusem  n.poss.2s.

berrusir  n.poss.3p.

berrusiu  n.poss.2p.

berruchel  seeblurech. berruchel a blurech; mla oburech; mrechii a uel, murech, brechel.

berrud  n.poss.1pi.seebrer.

berruk  n.poss.1s.seebrer.

berrukel  berrukel a blurek; mla mengodech a bedengel, berrukel er a bekerekard, mrekii a cheriut, murek a bail, brekel.

berrul  n.poss.3s.seebrer.

berrum  n.poss.2s.seebrer.

berrusam  n.poss.1pe.seeberrous.

berrused  n.poss.1pi.seeberrous.

berrusek  n.poss.1s.seeberrous.

berrusel  n.poss.3s.seeberrous.

berrusem  n.poss.2s.seeberrous.

berrusir  n.poss.3p.seeberrous.

berrusiu  n.poss.2p.seeberrous.

berruud  v.r.s.torn/pulled off.berruud a mla oberuud; nglubet el cheroid, mla meruud a chesimer, berudel.

 Ng a ongengel.He's gone adrift./He doesn't know what he's doing.

berruul  berruul a mechiuaiu e mengedecheduch; mechiuaiu e merael el diak lodengelii; omerruul, berrulel.

bersengel  n.poss.3s.seeberas.

bersik  v.s.cruel; savage.bersik a soal el olengader er a rechad; omersik; ouedikel el oumekngit, klaiuengader.

bersoech snake.bersoech a mekemangel el charm.

 A a chilebeldkak me ak killii.The snake tricked me into eating it.

 A a mla chemetii er a ongor.The snake has wound itself around the pandanus.

Ng soak loucharm a.I like pet snakes.

bert  n.(Eng.: belt)fan belt.

bertachel₁  n.coconut which falls as soon as it is touched; buttocks.bertachel a ta er a bedengel a lius, "leko kerdi mertechii a chelechedal e a mengur a ruebet".

bertechelel  n.poss.3s.bertechelel a chedelekelek el berriid er a mad, bertechelel a deleb.

bertechelel a chelid  expression.mole (on skin).

bertechelel a deleb  expression.mole (on skin).

bertachel₂  v.a.s.(hands) are to be clapped; is to be slapped; deaf (i.e., has to be tapped on the back to get attention).bertachel a kirel el obrotech; mertechii, mrotech, mechad a bertachel.

bertakl  n.ocean floor; sea bed; bottom (of swimming pool, etc.).bertakl a chutem me a chelechol er a daob; berteklel a daob me a omoachel; betaot.

berteklel  n.poss.3s.

bertechelel  n.poss.3s.seebertachel.bertechelel a chedelekelek el berriid er a mad, bertechelel a deleb.

bertechelel a chelid  expression.mole (on skin).

bertechelel a deleb  expression.mole (on skin).

berteklel  n.poss.3s.seebertakl.

bertel  bertel a omart a buuch.

bertelam  n.poss.1pe.seebertelel.

berteled  n.poss.1pi.seebertelel.

bertelek  n.poss.1s.seebertelel.

bertelel  n.poss.3s.hiding place.

bertelam  n.poss.1pe.

berteled  n.poss.1pi.

bertelek  n.poss.1s.

bertelem  n.poss.2s.

bertelir  n.poss.3p.

berteliu  n.poss.2p.

bertelem  n.poss.2s.seebertelel.

bertelir  n.poss.3p.seebertelel.

berteliu  n.poss.2p.seebertelel.

beruadel  beruadel a chad el kladikm el chad e diak le ues a kngtil a tekoi, melemalt a rengul, uldeu a rengul me ng di oldanges e meruul a ungil.

berud  n.poss.1pi.seebar.

berudall to be torn/pulled off.berudall a kirel el oberuud; merudii, meruud a chesimer, berudel.

beruk  n.poss.1s.seebar.

berul  n.poss.3s.seebar.

berum  n.poss.2s.seebar.

berusall  v.a.s.seeomerius.berusall a kirel el oberius, merusii, merius a besbas.

berusech  v.s.smell of the ocean (esp., at low tide).berusech a bau; bul a kereker er a chedelchei.

berusel  seeberiusel.

bes₁  n.forgetfulness.bes a obes; bles, besbes, bes er a tekoi, diak el latk a tekoi.Cf.besbes.

bes₂  n.fourth finger; ring finger.bes a ongeua el cheldingel er a chim.

besachel₁  n.ankle bone.besachel a besechelel a uach, besechelel a ochik a meringel.

besachel  n.type of shellfish.

besechelel  n.poss.3s.

besechelel a oach  expression.ankle bone.

besachel₂ to be counted/named/mentioned.

besachel₃  n.type of shellfish.

besas  n.smell of polluted water or excrement.besas a bau, bul a ralm el ngar er ngi a bechei me a ralm er a deromukang.

besbas  n.trash; rubbish; litter; debris.besbas a diak a ultutelel klalo el chiitel besbesil a omengaus, omekesbas.Cf.omekesbas.

besbesiil  v.s.easily litter.besbesiil a betok a besbesil. [syn:bekesbesiil.bekesbesiil a betok a besbesil; berriid a besbas er a bita er ngii, omriid a besbas, besbesiil.]

besbesil  n.poss.3s.his/her/its trash; rubbish; litter; debris.

besbes  v.s.forgetful; absent-minded.besbes a mekudem el obes; besbes, sekebesbes, di remiid a tekoi er a bdelul. [syn:bekebesbes,sekebesbes.sekebesbes a besbes; diak le bekelatk; di beot el obes a tekoi.]

besbesiil  v.s.easily litter.besbesiil a betok a besbesil.

besbesil  n.poss.3s.his/her/its trash; rubbish; litter; debris.

 besbus  n.vine in cocoa family.besbus a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar, usbechall el bilel a chetermall.

besebasech  n.redup.(bolt of) lightning (striking the earth); crackling/rumbling sound of thunder.besebasech a basech, derumk, omesebasech er a bita el eanged el mo er a bitang.

 Ng rirebet a besebasech er tiang.A bolt of lightning struck here.

besebes  n.bark of tree used for tying; rope; cord.besebes a semosem, ochull, cheremall me a bekobek a besebes, mesebesii, mesebes, merenged a klalo, besebesel.Cf.omesebes.

besebesel  n.poss.3s.

besebesall  v.a.s.(basket, box) is to be tied up.besebesall a kirel el obesebes; mesebesii, mesaur, melechet a billum, omesebes.

besebesechall to be continually contradicted/opposed.besebesechall a kirel el obosech; mesechii, torebengii, omesebosech er ngii.

besebesel  n.poss.3s.seebesebes.

besebosech  v.s.redup.(person) contrary or difficult.besebosech a omesebosech; oleiit a mla metib el tekoi, omosech, omesebosech er a omerael.

besechall to be broken open, postponed, contradicted or opposed.besechall a besebesechall. besechall a kirel el obasech; mo er a basech er a urreor, mo er a ochur, mesechii, besechel.

 besechamel  n.large-eyed porgy.besechamel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

besechel₁  n.poss.3s.seebasech.besechel a seuis er ngii el dub.

besechel₂  n.poss.3s.seebosech.

besechel a dub  expression.fuse for bomb.

besechelel  n.poss.3s.seebesachel.

besechelel a oach  expression.ankle bone.

besekelel  n.poss.3s.seebesokel.besekelel a besokel er ngii el chad; besokel, sokel.

besengall to be tied into bundle; is to be pulled vigorously or grabbed.

besengel₁  n.poss.3s.seebas.

besengel₂  n.poss.3s.seebos.

besengel a dekool  expression.cigarette ashes.

besengsing  v.s.redup.smell strongly of sperm.besengsing a bau, ko er a bul a sing, besing.

besesel  besesel a beseos er ngii; omeseos, besesel a bekersiu.

besicham  n.poss.1pe.seebesiich.

besiched  n.poss.1pi.seebesiich.

besichek  n.poss.1s.seebesiich.

besichel  n.poss.3s.decorations.

besichem  n.poss.2s.seebesiich.

besichir  n.poss.3p.seebesiich.

besichiu  n.poss.2p.seebesiich.

besiich  n.adornment; decoration; ornament.besiich a onglebokel; klekedall el menglebokel, bung me a telau me a olbiungel a besiich, besichel.Cf.omesiich.

besicham  n.poss.1pe.

besiched  n.poss.1pi.

besichek  n.poss.1s.

besichel  n.poss.3s.decorations.

besichem  n.poss.2s.

besichir  n.poss.3p.

besichiu  n.poss.2p.

besing  v.s.smell of sperm; smell unclean (esp., used in insults referring to women).besing a besengsing.

 !Damn it!

besiochel to be adorned/decorated.besiochel a kired el omesiich er ngii; omesiich, mesichii er a bung, mesiich, besichel.

besmam  n.poss.1pe.seebesul.

besmiu  n.poss.2p.seebesul.

 Bo mta el mechiuaiu.Sleep next to each other in the same position.

 Mruul.Make yourselves comfortable.

besngall₁  v.a.s.besngall a kirel el obus; mesngii a kall, mus, melemosem, besngel.

besngall₂  v.a.s.besngall a kirel el obus, mesngii a chutem, mereberii, omerober, diak el ungil besngall a klalo.

besngel₁  besngel a omus er ngii el kall; melemosem er ngii.

besngel₂   besngel a omus er ngii, omerober, mereberii, besngel a mesei.

besobes  besobes a klalo el omak er a uudes me a rached. Okul a uudes ma rached.

besokel₁  n.ringworm.besokel a sokel; rekdel a buld el mekekad; besekelel. [syn:sokel.sokel a besokel; rakd er a buld; sokel a mekekad e obdingel.]

besekelel  n.poss.3s.besekelel a besokel er ngii el chad; besokel, sokel.

besokel  v.s.infected with ringworm.besokel a sokel; rekdel a buld el mekekad; besekelel. [syn:sokel.sokel a besokel; rakd er a buld; sokel a mekekad e obdingel.]

kerul a besokel  n.medicine for ringworm; candle-bush. [syn:kerul a sokel]

besokel₂  v.s.infected with ringworm.besokel a sokel; rekdel a buld el mekekad; besekelel.

besos  n.oar; paddle; propeller; war spear; small paddle-shaped fish which swims vertically.besos a oius, klekedall er a omeus; bedesil a mlai er a daob.Cf.oubesos.

bedesil  n.poss.3s.

bedesil a beluu  expression.village chief.

ududel a besos paid to victors in war.

besosall  v.a.s.osesall.besosall a kirel el obeseos; moseos, omet el oltobed a osechel, meseos a lius, besesel.

besrir  n.poss.3p.seebesul.

besud  n.poss.1pi.seebesul.

besuk  n.poss.1s.seebesul.

besul  n.poss.3s.situation; circumstances; position; affairs.besul a urrebetellel; ta besul el omeruul, ungil besul a omerael, techerelbesud er a ralm.

besmam  n.poss.1pe.

besmiu  n.poss.2p.

besrir  n.poss.3p.

besud  n.poss.1pi.

besuk  n.poss.1s.

besum  n.poss.2s.

rullii besul  expression.make (oneself) comfortable (for eating, sleeping, etc.); get (oneself) ready.

ta besul  expression.equal; in same position; (ideas) in agreeement.

 Bo mta besmiu el mechiuaiu.Sleep next to each other in the same position.

 Mruul besmiu.Make yourselves comfortable.

besum  n.poss.2s.seebesul.

 besungl  n.sea snail.besungl a ta er a bedengel a cheled.

 besunglaiei  n.shrimp plant.besunglaiei a ta er a bedengel a dellomel.

bet  n.(Eng.) a ongedusall.

betachel a rengul to be pleased/satisfied/appeased; content.

betaot  n.ocean floor; sea bed.betaot a bertakl.

betotel  n.poss.3s.article picked up from the bottom of deep water.

 Ng sebechek el mo ngmai a betotek er sel llemau.I can dive and pick up something in the bottom of the blue deep ocean.

 Ng sebechem el mo ngmai a betotem er sel tmolch?Can you pick up something from the bottom of that deep water/ocean?

betechall₁  v.a.s.betechall a kirel el obotech, omotech er a rengul a ngalek, motech a reng, oldeu a rengrir a rechad, betechel a reng.

betechall₂  betechall a otochel, kirel el meuetech er a bad, metechii a malk el mengiis a dellomel, otechel a malk.

betekall to be shut or closed.

betekngang  seebetekngei.

Ngdiak el ngerang, ng kmal a tellemall era beluu.The reason is, there are too many crimes in the society.

betekngei  v.s.inch.accumulating; increasing in number.betekngei a mla mo betok; betekngang, betekngei a udoud.

betengang getting easy; has become easy.

beterengachet  seebederengachet.

beterturech  v.s.redup.smell of urine.beterturech a bau; bul a turech; chemochem.

betiil  v.a.s.seeomet.betiil a kirel el obet; burek a betiil, metir, omet er ngii el oltobed a lalech, betiil a bduu.

betik  seemetik.betik a ngar er a omeltkel; beltik el reng, betik er a rengul.

 Ng a renguk er kau, me a uchul me ak tsui er kau.I have a deep affection for you, so that's why I'm warning you.

Ng meral a renguk er kau el sechelik. I love you my friend.

A rechad era merikel el kiei er Belau a a rengrir era klshiorrai el kirel Belau.Most Americans living in Belau love Belau and future compact towards the island.

betik a rengul₁  v.s.having a deep feeling or affection for; love.

betik a rengul₂  expression.having a deep feeling or affection for.

betik er a rengul's beloved.

betikelengall to be rolled on the ground.

betimel  v.s.slow.betimel a beketimel; betimer, meoud el remurt, diak le bekerurt. [syn:betimer.betimer a beketimel, beketimer.]

beketimel  v.s.slow-moving; slow (in running).beketimel a meoud el remurt, beketimer, mechitechut er a rurt; betimer. [syn:beketimer]

betimemch  v.s.having a facial expression showing disappointment or hurtfully sad. frowning.

betimer  seebetimel.betimer a beketimel, beketimer.

betkaol to be helped to carry object.

betkou  n.any container for getting large amount of water; bucket.betkou a klekedall el ometkou, melecheseb a ralm; baket a betkou.Cf.ometkou.

betochel to be thrown at, pounded or cracked.

betok  v.s.many; numerous; plenty; abundant.betok a obdois; betekngang, betok a kall, diak le kesai, iltekngel a kall.Cf.omekbetok.

bebetok  v.s.redup.just more than enough.bebetok a telkib el betok.

betekngei  v.s.inch.accumulating; increasing in number.betekngei a mla mo betok; betekngang, betekngei a udoud. [syn:betekngang]

rebetok  v.s.many (required before noun referring to human beings).rebetok a betok, rebetok el ngalek; rebetok el chad.

rebetok el chad  expression.many people.

rebetok el sensei  expression.many teachers.

 A rengalek a mileche a el komi er a sers.The children left lots of trash in the garden.

 Ng tiluchakl er a rael el mo omes er a laion el lulekodir, e mlo mechas a rengul er a lebetik a el bee el ketitech er ngii.He left the road to look at the lion he had killed, and he was surprised to find a swarm of bees.

 A Satsko a ulumulak er a Toki el kmo a John a ngar er ngii a el ududel.Satsko told Toki a lie (saying) that John has lots of money.

 A Droteo a kmal medenge a el belkul a tekoi.Droteo really know a lot of proverbs.
    »additional examples

betotel  n.poss.3s.article picked up from the bottom of deep water.

betutall to be chiseled.betutall a kirel el obetuut, ometuut, metuut a kerrekar, mtutii,betutel.

biall  n.type of shark.biall a ta er a bedengel a chedeng.

biang  n.(Eng.?)beer.

 Ak ngilelmii a el rokir.I drank up the whole bottle of beer.

 Ak ngilim a el rokui.I drank up all the bottles of beer.

 Ng diak a ngara el soal, e ng di soal a.He doesn't want anything but or except a beer.

 Lak molim a!Don't drink beer!

biaol  v.s.having pubic hair.

biaol a chebesal  expression.hairy armpits.

bib  n.(Eng.)bib.

bibak   bibak a betok, obdois. Betok era betok; obdois.

bibakmedal  n.type of trepang.bibakmedal a ta er a bedengel a cheled el betok a medal.

Biblia  n.(Spa.)Bible.

biblia  biblia a chedaol el lechukl; tekingel a Chelid.

biboik  n.larva of mosquito (bends and jumps along surface of water).biboik a ngisel a rekas el kiei a delelualu el ralm me a tank, beboikungeomel.

biboikungeomel  seebiboik.biboikungeomel a biboik el kiei a ongeomel me a idokel el ralm.

bibrurek  v.s.yellow; yellow-orange.bibrurek a mellil, merir el llel a riame a bibrurek.

bebibrurek  v.s.redup.yellowish. [syn:bebibrurk.bebibrurk a telkib el bibrurk.]

blibrurek  n.r.s.yellowness.blibrurek a rruul el bibrurek.

oubibrurek  v.i.having yellow color.

 Ng sebechek el mesang a ngalek e le ng oubail er a el chelechedal a bail.I can see the child because he's wearing a yellow shirt.

 Ng sebechek el omes er a ngalek e le ng oubail er a el chelechedal a bail.I can watch/babysit the child because he's wearing a yellow shirt.

 Ng sebechel a ngalek el obes e le ng oubail er a el chelechedal a bail.The child is able to be seen because he is wearing a yellow shirt.

bichall  seebiochel.bichall a biochel; kirel el obiich, michii, osiik, omiich a tekoi, bichel a klemerang.

bicham  n.poss.1pe.seebiich.

biched  n.poss.1pi.seebiich.

bichek  n.poss.1s.seebiich.

bichel  n.poss.3s.seebiich.

bichem  n.poss.2s.seebiich.

bichir  n.poss.3p.seebiich.

bichiu  n.poss.2p.seebiich.

bid  n.(Eng.)auction, bidding.Cf.omid.

bidabd  n.jellyfish; nettle.bidabd a ongekad el omechakl er a bebul a daob.

bidall  v.a.s.are to be travelled between.bidall a kirel el oboid; omoid, merael a beluu, midii, bidel.

bidekill₁ to be cast/thrown.bidekill a kirel el obidokl; midokl, mideklii, bduu a bidekill, bideklel.

bidekill₂  n.a.s.handnet which is thrown.bidekill a kirel el obidokl; midokl, mideklii, bduu a bidekill, bideklel.

bidel  n.poss.3s.also, error in weaving.

bidokel₁  n.hives;.

bidokel  v.s.broken out in hives.

 Ng mla ngmasech a bidokel er ngak.I've broken out in hives.

bidokel₂  v.s.broken out in hives.

bidull  seebladel.

bii  bii a bingel, omingel a udoud, merous; omii a kall.

 biib  n.crimson-crowned fruit dove [according to the IBC; sometimes conspecific with P. pelewensis].biib a ta er a bedengel a suebek el charm, olengchelel a kerreomel er a Belau.

bedengel a biib (in color).

biich  n.sieve; filter.biich a klekedall el omiich; biich er a cheluch, bichel a ralm.Cf.omiich.

bicham  n.poss.1pe.

biched  n.poss.1pi.

bichek  n.poss.1s.

bichel  n.poss.3s.

bichem  n.poss.2s.

bichir  n.poss.3p.

bichiu  n.poss.2p.

biil  Melai ra medal ma lechub e ng melai techei.

biis₁  biis a omiis, ochotii a bitang, miis a babier, misii, bisel.

biis₂  biis a omeriokl el me tuobed er bab, biis er a ralm.

biitem  v.s.sticky.biitem a meuilech; biitem el chutem, diak le meteterakl.

bikaks  n.(Eng.: pick-axe)pick-axe.

bikeksel  n.poss.3s.

bikall to be raised/outstretched.bikall a kirel el oboik; meluoik er ngii el mo deluoik, lild a bikall.

bikam  n.poss.1pe.seebuik.

biked  n.poss.1pi.seebuik.

bikek  n.poss.1s.seebuik.

bikeksel  n.poss.3s.seebikaks.

bikel₁  n.poss.3s.seebuik.bikel a mekekerei; ngeasek el chad, bikel a Oreor.

bikel₂ pole.bikel a klekedall er omengereel, bikel er a ngikel.

bikem  n.poss.2s.seebuik.

bikir  n.poss.3p.seebuik.

bikiu  n.poss.2p.seebuik.

 bikl  n.type of fish (sweetlips).bikl a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bikodel₁  n.hives or rash from allergies; allergic reaction affecting the skin.

bikodel  v.s.broken out in hives.

bikodel₂  v.s.broken out in hives.

bilas  n.boat.bilas a mlai er a daob el oumesil, bilsengel.Cf.oubilas.

bilas er a omenged boat.

bilsengel  n.poss.3s.

 A a silbechii er a cheldukl.The boat hit against the dock.

 A a ulekiu a delongelel a chelebacheb.The boat passed between the Rock Islands.

 A a ulekiu a eungel a did.The boat passed under the bridge.

 A a mereched el mei.The boat is coming early.
    »additional examples

bilas er a omenged boat.

bilel₁  n.poss.3s.also, month of pregnancy.bilel a buil er ngii el dioll.

bilel₂  n.poss.3s.seebail.bilel a bail el ngii a ouklalo er ngii.

bilis a ta er a bedengel a eua a ochil el charm.Cf.oubilis.

bilis er a mekemad  expression.specially-trained war dog.

bilis er a oreomel  expression.wild dog.

rektel a bilis  expression.rabies.

 Te ko er a ngemokel el el diak leturk a nglemekelel.They are like greedy dogs that never get enough.

 Tirke el chad a mla ngosuir ngke el.Those people have helped that dog.

 A a oteb er sei.The dog is barking there.

 A chermek el a oubusech a mechedelekelek el busech.My dog has black fur.
    »additional examples

bilis er a mekemad  expression.specially-trained war dog.

bilis er a oreomel  expression.wild dog.

billemengel  n.poss.3s.seebillum.

billum₁  billum a ngii di le ngerang el blail, blillum.

billum₂  n.wrapped and grated tapioca (or taro).billum a klsous el diokang el blail e ngeliokl; el ongraol.Cf.oumillum,blillum.

billemengel  n.poss.3s.

billum el brak  expression.wrapped and grated (large) taro.

billum el brak  expression.wrapped and grated (large) taro.

bilong  n.(Spa.)wine.

bilsengel  n.poss.3s.seebilas.

bilt  n.(Ger.)holy picture.bilt a siasing.

bingall  seebiongel.

bingel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its action of dividing/distributing.Cf.omii.

bings  n.(Eng.)beans.bings a ringel el di secherel a bedul e merekong, omings a bdelul, ng diak a ngodech el omings ng di bedul a omings, bingsbedul.

bingsbedul  n.headache.bingsbedul a meringel, rekdel a bedul, bdelul, ng diak a ngodech el omings ng di bedul e merekong, ng sebechelel rekdel a uldasu.

bio  n.(Jap.)second (in time).

biochel  seebichall.biochel a bichall. biongel a kirel el obii; mii, omii, merous a kall, bingel.

bioing  n.(Jap.)hospital.

bioing seng  (Jap.)hospital ship.

bioingseng  n.(Jap.)hospital ship.

biongel to be divided or distributed; (hair) is to be parted.

bir  bir a klekedall el omir besebes, rengalek a olab a bir el omir, ousekool.

birhen  n.(Spa.)virgin.


bisam  n.poss.1pe.seebais.

bisaol  v.a.s.bisaol a kirel el moues, osongel; ngloik a bisaol, osengel a ngloik,. omes er ngii.

bisebusech  n.redup.(flash of) lightning (in the sky).bisebusech a ngau el kmard er a eanged el me er a chutem el omisebusech.Cf.busech.

omisebusech  v.i.(light) flash like lightning; (eyes) blink continually.omisebusech a kmard e mad; bisebusech a omisebusech.

 A ngalek a medakt a.The child is afraid of lightning.

 bisech₁  n.wild taro (makes mouth itchy).bisech a dellomel el kmeed el ua dait e kall; cheball, bisech er a ruk.

bisech  v.s.(person) easily aroused sexually.

bisech with black and yellow stripes (makes mouth itchy).

bisech er a Ruk  n.plant in taro family; yautia.

bisech₂  v.s.(person) easily aroused sexually.

bisech₃ with black and yellow stripes (makes mouth itchy).

bisech er a Ruk  n.plant in taro family; yautia.

 bisecherad  n.spider lily (larger than bisech; but inedible).bisecherad a ta er a bedengel a dellomel.

bisechrebai  v.s.useless/valueless (like taro that grows near the trash heap behind the house).

bised  n.poss.1pi.seebais.

bisek  n.poss.1s.seebais.

bisel₁  n.poss.3s.seebais.bisel a bais er ngii el mo e mei, omais a beluu.

bisel₂  n.poss.3s.action of turning pages.

bisem  n.poss.2s.seebais.

bisir  n.poss.3p.seebais.

bisiu  n.poss.2p.seebais.

biska er a uel  expression.large spear for catching turtles.

biskang  n.spear (of any type); fish gun.biskang a klekedall er a omenged, usbechall er a burech, oba biskang el omurech a ngikel; biskelengel.Cf.oubiskang.

biska er a uel  expression.large spear for catching turtles.

biskelengel  n.poss.3s.

 Ak ousbech er a biskang el mo er a chei.I'm using the spear to go fishing.

 A buik a milecheed ra delongelel a tuu; a a cheleed ra delongelel a bad.The boy was stuck precariously in the banana tree; the spear is stuck precariously in the coral rocks.

biskelengel  n.poss.3s.seebiskang.

Biskor  n.(Eng.)Peace Corps.

chad er a Biskor  expression.Peace Corps volunteer.

bismoch  bismoch a mekngit a blebelel el bad el di kirel el ngar a chelsel a rrechedekl me a cheldukl e diak be le cholt er a ikrel.

bisob  n.(Eng.)bishop.

bisokl  n.a.s.betelnut large enough to be split.

bistong  n.(Eng.)piston.

bita a isngel  expression.having only one nostril.

bita el chebaod  expression.other side (of).

bita el oach of two divisions of village or clan.

Bitalianged  Bitalianged a tedobech er a beluu er a Belau; lbedul a bdelul a bitaliang me a Reklai a oba bitang.

bitall  v.a.s.(sugar cane) is to be cut.bitall a biatel; kirel el obuit, mitii, deb a bitall, omuit a deb, bitel.

bitang half (of split coconut; betel nut; etc.); one of a pair (e.g. one leg; one eye; etc.); neighboring house; adjoining building; next door to; across the street from any area adjacent to.bitang a tedobech er a cherrungel; bita el lius, bita el uach, bita el buuch.Cf.omekbitang.

bita el oach of two divisions of village or clan.

biterongam  n.poss.1pe.

biteronged  n.poss.1pi.

biterongek  n.poss.1s.

biterongel  n.poss.3s.

biterongem  n.poss.2s.

biterongir  n.poss.3p.

biterongiu  n.poss.2p.

 A blik a ngar er a bita er a skuul.My house is next door to (or across the street from) the school.

 Bo er a bita me mlengir a oles.Go next door and borrow a knife.

 A oles a tiluu er a chimak el tmoech er a.The knife pierced my hand and came out the other side.

Ak mo melalm era tedobch er ngii el chemutii eia a planting sweet potatoes on one half and cassava on the other half.

Ng techang a ngar er a er a Mary?Who is next to Mary?

Bom dengchokl er a er a mado.Sit on the opposite side of the window
    »additional examples

bitekelengall  v.a.s.bitekelengall a kirel el obitelek, omitelek er ngii, medecheklii a sechelil, bitekelengel, klaibedechakl.

bitekill to be turned around or inside out or upside down.bitekill a kirel el obitokl; miteklii a mlai; biteklel, chelebuul a bebitekill, a lta e ng kuk obitokl el ekong.

biteklel  n.poss.3s.action done in return for similar action or deed.

bitekngall  seebitekill.

bitenget  v.s.having blocked or stopped up nose.bitenget a telkib el telenget a ersingel; bitenget a mekngit a omelekingel.Cf.melenget.

biterongam  n.poss.1pe.seebitang.

biteronged  n.poss.1pi.seebitang.

biterongek  n.poss.1s.seebitang.

biterongel  n.poss.3s.seebitang.

biterongem  n.poss.2s.seebitang.

biterongir  n.poss.3p.seebitang.

biterongiu  n.poss.2p.seebitang.

bitrongel  bitrongel a bita el chebaod er ngii; bitrongel a ked.

 biturcheturech  n.shark; double-line mackerel.

biul₁  n.poss.3s.pubic hair.

biaol  v.s.having pubic hair.

biaol a chebesal  expression.hairy armpits.

biul₂  n.bowl.biul a olechesobel er a ralm; kob.

biul₃  v.s.circumcised.biul a telubech el kirs.

biull to be clothed/wrapped.biull a kirel el obail; omail, milii a ngalek, kall a biull.

biumek  biumek a cheluch el urrachem er a reng; chiltir a rumechell.

biusech₁  biusech a ungil a osengel; biusech a medal.

biusech a medal; attentive (to someone's needs).

 Ke mo biusech a medam er a rechedam.Be attentive to the needs of your relatives.

biusech₂  seebiusech.biusech a medal a chad el kerekikl, olengeseu er a chebuul, mesa smecher, e mekelii a mechittechut.

biusech a medal; attentive (to someone's needs).

 biut  n.tree in mangrove family.biut a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar er a keburs.

bkaischemrungel  n.unexpected business or obligation.bkaischemrungel a dimlak er a uldasu e dubech el tekoi; keterekokl el kodall.Cf.chemrungel.

 bkau  n.large tree in Rose family (used for firewood).bkau a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

 A Elilai me a Ltelatk a ngelekel a me a Elibeob.Elilai and Ltelatk are Bkau and Elibeob's children.

bkebkall  seebkebukel.bkebkall a kirel el obkobk, mengai a budel, mkebkii, omkobk a diokang, bkebkel.

bkebkuul  v.s.having many nodes; rough-edged; (shin of leg) have bumpy surface.bkebkuul a betok a bkul; bkebkuul el deb, bambuu.

bkebukel to be peeled (off).bkebukel a obibkobk; beot el mengai a budel, obibkobk, mkebkii, tuu a bkebukel el kall.

bkiikl to be opened; is to be lifted open/up. bkiikl a obibkais, mkisii, mkais, bkiikl el kiuar, bkisel.

bkisall  seebkiikl.bkisall a kirel el obkais; omkais, mkisii, bkisall a chesimer, bkisel.

bkul₁  n.poss.3s.seebuk.

bkul₂  n.poss.3s.its corner; angle; joint; node.bkul a ongemulel a chim me a uach; bkul a uach, bkul a chim, bkul a beluu.Cf.bkul a chim,bkul a oach.

bkebkuul  v.s.having many nodes; rough-edged; (shin of leg) have bumpy surface.bkebkuul a betok a bkul; bkebkuul el deb, bambuu.

bkul a bambuu  expression.node of bamboo.

bkul a beluu  expression.cape; promontory.

bkul a deb  expression.node of sugar-cane.

bkul a bambuu  expression.node of bamboo.

bkul a beluu  expression.cape; promontory.

bkul a chim  expression.elbow.Cf.bkul a oach.

bkul a chimad  n.poss.1pi.

bkul a chimak  n.poss.1s.

bkul a chimal  n.poss.3s.

bkul a chimam  n.poss.2s.

bkul a chimomam  n.poss.1pe.

bkul a chimomiu  n.poss.2p.

bkul a chimorir  n.poss.3p.

bkul a chimad  n.poss.1pi.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimak  n.poss.1s.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimal  n.poss.3s.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimam  n.poss.2s.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimomam  n.poss.1pe.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimomiu  n.poss.2p.seebkul a chim.

bkul a chimorir  n.poss.3p.seebkul a chim.

bkul a deb  expression.node of sugar-cane.

bkul a kesol  n.grandniece or grandnephew of male.

bkul a oach  n.knee.

bkul a ochemam  n.poss.1pe.

bkul a ochemiu  n.poss.2p.

bkul a ocherir  n.poss.3p.

bkul a ochid  n.poss.1pi.

bkul a ochik  n.poss.1s.

bkul a ochil  n.poss.3s.

bkul a ochim  n.poss.2s.

bkul a ochemam  n.poss.1pe.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ochemiu  n.poss.2p.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ocherir  n.poss.3p.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ochid  n.poss.1pi.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ochik  n.poss.1s.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ochil  n.poss.3s.seebkul a oach.

bkul a ochim  n.poss.2s.seebkul a oach.

bkul a tab of cape in Ngiual.

Bkulabeluu  n.location in Beliliou.

Bkurrengel  n.cape in Imeliik.

bkuuk  bkuuk a klekedall el omkuuk, bkukel a blauang.

blached  seeblechidel.blached a blechidel; mla obached, meluk el mo mekekerei,omached, mached a kukau, bechedel.

blachediil₁  n.diarrhea (substance).blachediil a rakd; smecher el omachediil.Cf.omachediil.

blachedilel  n.poss.3s.

blachediil₂  v.r.s.soiled with diarrhea.blachediil a rakd; smecher el omachediil.

blachedilel  n.poss.3s.seeblachediil.

blachel₁  v.r.s.(firewood) split.blachel a blechall; telutiud el mekekeriei, mla obachel, mechelii, machel a idungel.

blachel₂  n.r.s.chips of wood.

mengudel a blachel  expression.accumulate responsibilities or tasks.

 blacheos  n.tree in Verbena family (good for lumber).blacheos a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

blad₁  blad a mla obad; omad, medengii, mad a belsiich el mo meaiu.

blad₂  blad a mla obad, omad er a meringel er a bedengel, melaiu,toiuii.

blad₃  n.r.s.rope made of coconut cord.Cf.omad.

bladek  n.r.s.spirit of ancestors.bladek a beldokel; omadek, medekii, obadek a obail er a chedecholl, bar; bedekel.

bldekel  n.poss.3s.bldekel a bladek er a blil.

bladel  v.r.s.extracted; pulled/plucked out.bladel a mla obadel, beldull, medelii, omadel a dait, bedelel. blades blades a mla obades; beldukl, obechobech, mades, blades a klobak, bedesel.

blades₁ rope tied from top of mast to prow and stern of canoe.blades a klekedall er a mlai er a daob.

bldesel  n.poss.3s.

blades₂  v.r.s.arranged; lined up; displayed.

blai; household; family; members of family; enclosure; container.blai a teleketek e cheldool le kiei er ngii a rechad; blai a osechelel a delengchokl.

blid  n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) house, household, etc.blid a blai el kid a oublai er ngii.

blik  n.poss.1s.

blil  n.poss.3s.blil a blai el ngii a oublai er ngii.

blil a beras  expression.sack/container for rice.

blil a cheluch  expression.any container for gasoline, cooking oil, etc..

blil a dangs hall.

blil a ngal  expression.termites' nest.

blil a ngikel  expression.aquarium.

blim  n.poss.2s.

blimam  n.poss.1pe.

blimiu  n.poss.2p.

blirir  n.poss.3p.

chad er a blai  expression.members of the family.

 Tia a kmal blil a rekas.This place is infested with mosquitoes.

 A a blak a rengul el milseseb er a rubak.The house was eagerly burned down by the old man.

 A a dirkak lemeruul.The house is not built yet.

 A a dirkak lerruul.The house is not built yet.

 A a kerekikl el mlukedechor.The house was built carefully.
    »additional examples

blai er a kansok station.

blail  v.r.s.clothed; wrapped.blail a bliull; mla obail, milii, mail a belsiich, bilel.

blais₁  v.r.s.(knife) blunted.

blais₂  blais a mla obais; ulengill a medal, bleikl, misii a kamang, mais a medal oles.

blak a rengul  expression.hard-working; diligent; eager; attentive; interested in; intent upon; decided on; in favor of.

blakelrreng  blakelrreng a meduch a rengul; meses era urreor, rengelbechull er a buai me a blai.

blak a rengul  expression.hard-working; diligent; eager; attentive; interested in; intent upon; decided on; in favor of.

 A ngalek a blak a rengul el oureor.The child is absorbed in his work.

 Ng blak a rengul el osiik a rolel er a Toki.He's intent upon finding a way to Toki's heart.

blakes  v.r.s.(leg) moved to walk.blakes a mla obakes; mekesii, blakes a cheroid, blekeklel.

blaks  n.(Eng.)cement blocks.

bleksel  n.poss.3s.

blal₁  v.r.s.astonished.blal a mla obal a rengul; mechas a rengui; ongasireng a belengel a reng.

blal₂  v.r.s.astonished; amazed.

blalech₁  v.r.s.hit with a slingshot.blalech a mla obalech; melechii, omalech, a ngikel blalech; belechel.

blalech₂  n.r.s.wound from a slingshot.blalech a mla obalech; melechii, omalech, a ngikel blalech; belechel.

blallang  blallang a delebedobech el mo er a bab; terebel; oublallang el rael.

blals₁  n.debt; obligation.Cf.omlals.

blsam  n.poss.1pe.

blsed  n.poss.1pi.

blsek  n.poss.1s.

blsel  n.poss.3s.

blsem  n.poss.2s.

blsir  n.poss.3p.

blsiu  n.poss.2p.

blals₂ debt; punished. blals a ngar ngii a belsel; blals er a bangk.

blang  v.r.s.(spear) thrown so that it skips along ground or surface of water.blang a biskang el oba el omang er ngii.

blangch  v.r.s.bitten.blangch a blengechel; mla obangch; a chad a blangch er a bilis, mangch, bengchel.

blangedeuau  blangedeuau a mengedeau; mengebelung; diak le kltukel a blil.

blangl  v.r.s.interrupted; half.blangl a mla obangl; diak le cherrungel; blangl el tuangel, blangl el cheldecheduch, benglel.

blangl el tuangel  expression.window.

 blangtalos  n.(Spa.)plantain (bark used for cord). Derived from Spanish "platano".blangtalos a ta er a bedengel a tuu el di besebes.

 blaol  n.whitish-colored trepang (larger than ngimes).blaol a ta er a bedengel a cheled el ngimes a delechil.

blar  v.r.s.slapped in the face.blar a mla obar; mechelebed, merngii, mar, blar a medal, berengel.

blarech dipped into sauce, etc.blarech a mla obarech; omarech, merechii, marech a chimal er a ralm, berechel.

blart  v.r.s.hidden.blart a mla obart; berrotel, diak le meues, mart a udoud, bertel.

blas  blas a deles, kekerei el delobech, blas er a baklild.

blasbabier  n.(Ger.)sandpaper.blasbabier a btangt el babier; omtangt, btengtel.

blasech  v.r.s.counted, named or mentioned.blasech a ngar a basech, mesechii, blasech er a omerael; besechel.

blatek  v.r.s.seeomatek.blatek a mla obatek; ulatek, blatek a ududel, omatek, mengedmokl. Kerreomel ma lechub eng keldmokl.

blatk  v.r.s.helped to carry object.

blauang  n.(Eng.)bread.blauang a kall el.lruul er a merikengko.

 A techel a charm a kirel mo medul er a ngau e mekang el obengkel a diak a omkukel el me a mechuached el dellomel.The meat is to be roasted and eaten with bitter herbs and with bread made without yeast.

Kau kam chilt a keled el ra tsiam ma batabinats.Fix us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

bldachel  seeblodech.bldachel a mla obodech; blodech; rruul el obodech, siesorech.

bldaoch  v.r.s.(sea) beaten with pole; (fruit) knocked down with pole.bldaoch a mla obedaoch; nglai, medaoch, medochii, a iedel a bldaoch; bedochel.

bldebid₁  bldebid a mla obid, blid, kerrekar a beldebid er a besebes.

bldebid₂  v.s.covered all over with (e.g. mud).bldebid a blid; bldebid er a rasech; telechelubel er a rasech., di rasech a bedengel.

bldechakl  v.r.s.thrown down (in fighting, etc.); let to drop.bldechakl a mla obedechakl; medecheklii, sechelid a beldechakl er a chutem.

bldekel  n.poss.3s.seebladek.bldekel a bladek er a blil.

bldeklel  n.poss.3s.seebldukl.bldeklel a blechebechel, bldukl; bldeklel a klobak.

bldeklel a tekoi  expression.explanation.

bldeng  n.r.s.stagnant state (of liquid).bldeng a bul a bedeng.

bldengel  bldengel a blid er ngii, omid beldengel a ngalek, oumekngit.

blderengachet  n.r.s.cowardliness; clumsiness; undependability.

blderngachet  blderngachet a bederengachet, mechitechut, mesaik, diak le ua blderngatech.

bldesel₁  n.poss.3s.seeblades.

bldesel₂  bldesel a beldeklel.

bldikel  seeblodk.bldikel a mla obodk, blodk, a smecher a bldikel, medkii, modk, bedkel.

bldikl  v.r.s.trapped; ensnared.bldikl a mla obedikl, malk a bldikl, medeklii, bedeklel.

bldis  n.r.s.rotten state (of coconut; betel nut).bldis a bedis er ngii el buuch.

bldiu  n.r.s.putrid smell.bldiu a bediu er ngii el beab.

bldobed₁  v.r.s.taken or torn off.bldobed a nglai, nglubet, medobed, bldobed a bilel, medbedii, bedebedel.

bldobed₂  bldobed a mla ngmasech a rengul; obedobed, bedebedel.

bldochel  n.r.s.efficac or strength (of medicine, etc.).bldochel a bedochel er ngii el kar, bldochel er a kar.

bldoel  v.r.s.having something in the hand.bldoel a olab, bldoel a udoud.

bldukl₁  n.r.s.arrangement; table of contents; order; sequence.bldukl a blades.Cf.omades.

bldeklel  n.poss.3s.bldeklel a blechebechel, bldukl; bldeklel a klobak.

bldeklel a tekoi  expression.explanation.

bldukl₂  seeblades.bldukl a blades.

bldull  seebladel.bldull a bladel.

blduut  v.s.organized; arranged.blduut a ungil a bechebechel, blduut a urrereel, blduut a cheldechedechal.

 bleached  n.Palauan money: type of kluk (highest in value).bleached a udoud er a Belau; meringel chad el kluk.

bleakl  seebloes.bleakl a bloes; mla oboes, moes a ngikel, mosii a babii.

blebael  blebael a bleob; omeob, mebii, meob a cheldechederir, blebelel.

blebaol  n.severed head of enemy.

bleblel  n.poss.3s.present; gift.

blebelam  n.poss.1pe.seeblebelel.

blebeled  n.poss.1pi.seeblebelel.

blebelek  n.poss.1s.seeblebelel.

blebelel  n.poss.3s.shape; form.

blebelam  n.poss.1pe.

blebeled  n.poss.1pi.

blebelek  n.poss.1s.

blebelem  n.poss.2s.

blebelir  n.poss.3p.

blebeliu  n.poss.2p.

blebelem  n.poss.2s.seeblebelel.

blebelir  n.poss.3p.seeblebelel.

blebeliu  n.poss.2p.seeblebelel.

bleblel  n.poss.3s.present; gift.

blech  v.r.s.connected.blech a blechoel; mla obech, uldeod, did a blech.

blechach  blechach a bechach, blechach er a ongon.

blechakl  v.r.s.made to float; let to drift.blechakl a mla obechakl, ombibechakl, diak lebo er eou, becheklel.

blechall₁  seeblachel.blechall a blachel.

blechall₂ to be mixed or dissolved.

blechebechel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its arrangement; agenda.blechebechel a bechobech er ngii el babier.

blechebelel  n.poss.3s.seeblechobech.

blechedelel  n.poss.3s.seeblechidel.

blechel  blechel a bulech er ngii el ilumel.

blechelechelingaol  n.r.s.envy; jealosy; selfishness.blechelechelingaol a bechelechelingaol, chelechingil, mechechei.

blechellel  blechellel a teletelel; ungil a blechellel elekebil..

bleches or clean state of something; newness.bleches a blechesul, beches.Cf.beches.

blechesul  n.poss.3s.

 Ak di beches el dmu er kau.I'll tell you frankly/bluntly.

blechesul  n.poss.3s.seebleches.

blechetoel; out in the open; uncovered.blechetoel a dibus a kirel el ngar ngii; diak a bilel; di meau, diak a omebael er a iklel a blechetoel.

 Ng kmal meringel a sils e ng ngara sers el di a bdelul.The sun is shining so hard and she's at the farm with nothing on her head.

blechidel₁ prepared for serving.blechidel a blached.Cf.omached.

blechedelel  n.poss.3s.

blechidel₂  v.r.s.broken off; broken into pieces.blechidel a blached.

blechit  v.r.s.extracted; extirpated.blechit a mla obechit , mengai, mechetir, mechit a medal a ngikel.

blechobech₁  v.r.s.put into straight line or row.blechobech a mla obechobech beldukl, mechebechii, mechobech, blechebechel a klobak.

blechobech₂  n.r.s.line; arrangement; agenda.blechobech a mla obechobech beldukl, mechebechii, mechobech, blechebechel a klobak.

blechebelel  n.poss.3s.

blechochod  n.r.s.fragrant smell.blechochod a bechochod el bau; ungil bau.

blechoel  v.r.s.connected with a joint; always; do habitually; invariably do.blechoel a blech; mla obech, di ngar er ngii er a bek el taem; mechir, mech, blechelel.

 Ak el meruul a kelel a Droteo.I always prepare Droteo's food.

 Lak bo medakt er a recherrouiu; di el mesisiich a rengmiu.Don't be afraid of your enemies; always be courageous.

 Ng uchul e ng di el mo meses a eolt.That's why the wind always gets strong.

 A rrellel a Droteo a el ungil.Droteo always makes things well.
    »additional examples

blechukl  blechukl a beldukl, blechukl a klobak. Telketekel el ungil.

bled  v.r.s.(ball; etc.) caught; grabbed; (money) borrowed.bled a mla obed; medir a bduu, bedeel.

bleekl  bleekl a mla obeekl; meleklii a brak; marek e lmuut el mo er a ngeliokl, omeekl, beeklel.

bleiekl  seeblelekl.

blekall  v.r.s.driven; sailed; (person) driven by desire to wander or spend time away from home.blekall a mla obekall; mekellii a mlai, rengeasek a blekall er a ungil klebesei.

 A sechelik a er a skel a redil.My friend has a propensity to go around looking for girls.

blekatel₁  seebloket.

blekatel₂  n.r.s.dues money.blekatel a udoud el chedull; meketii, moket a udoud, bleketelel.Cf.omoket.

bleketelel  n.poss.3s.

blekebek  v.r.s.gladdened; made happy.blekebek a ungil a medal; mla obekebek; mekebekii a medal; odeuir a rengul, bekebekel.

blekebek a medal  expression.face having happy or joyous expression.

blekebek a rengul  expression.pleasant/nice (in personality); congenial.

blekebok  blekebok a betok el blok; obok, mekengii, mok, blekebok a bung, bekengel.

blekeek  v.r.s.ulkeek.blekeek a mla mokeek; ulekeek, mui, omekeek, mekekii, blekeek a blil a ralm.

blekeklel  n.poss.3s.his/her pace; gait.blekeklel a bakes; omakes; bekesel.

blekengel  n.poss.3s.seeblekeu.

blekeradel  n.manner; condition; character; personality; behavior; experience; method; style.blekeradel a teletael; omeruul, blekeradel er a beluu.

blekerdelam  n.poss.1pe.

blekerdeled  n.poss.1pi.

blekerdelek  n.poss.1s.

blekerdelel  n.poss.3s.

blekerdelem  n.poss.2s.

blekerdelir  n.poss.3p.

blekerdeliu  n.poss.2p.

 Ng ua ngara a blekerdelel a urerem?How are your working conditions?

blekerall  v.r.s.(arms, claws) raised or outstretched defensively.blekerall a mla obekerall; mekerall a chimal, mekerellii, omekerall.

blekerdelam  n.poss.1pe.seeblekeradel.

blekerdeled  n.poss.1pi.seeblekeradel.

blekerdelek  n.poss.1s.seeblekeradel.

blekerdelel  n.poss.3s.seeblekeradel.

 Ng sebechek el mesang a ngalek e le ng mle ungil a er tia el mlo merek el taem.I can see the child because he behaved well last time.

 Ng sebechek el omes er a ngalek e le ng mle ungil a er tia el mlo merek el taem.I can watch/babysit the child because he behaved well last time.

 Ng sebechel a ngalek el obes e le ng mle ungil a er tia el mlo merek el taem.The child may be watched/babysat because he behaved well last time.

 Ng ua ngara a a urerem?How are your working conditions?

blekerdelem  n.poss.2s.seeblekeradel.

 Ng kmal medelo a renguk er a.I've become totally disgusted with your behavior.

blekerdelir  n.poss.3p.seeblekeradel.

blekerdeliu  n.poss.2p.seeblekeradel.

blekerurau  n.r.s.generosity; kindness; charitableness.blekerurau a bekerurau; kerekikl el mengedmokl er a rechad;.

blekesangch  v.r.s.forced open; pulled apart by force.blekesangch a mla obekesangch, obok, mekesengchii a chesimer.

bleketakl  v.r.s.(made) clear/obvious; explained; clarified; visible; distinct; clearly audible.bleketakl a ungil el ulecholt; meketeklii, meketakl, bleketakl a tekoi, beketeklel.

 Te mle el olekebai er a rengalek.They openly held the children back.

bleketekingam  n.poss.1pe.seebleketekoi.

bleketekinged  n.poss.1pi.seebleketekoi.

bleketekingek  n.poss.1s.seebleketekoi.

bleketekingel  n.poss.3s.seebleketekoi.

bleketekingem  n.poss.2s.seebleketekoi.

bleketekingir  n.poss.3p.seebleketekoi.

bleketekingiu  n.poss.2p.seebleketekoi.

bleketekoi  n.talkativeness.bleketekoi a beketekoi, meses el mengedecheduch; bleketekingel.Cf.metetekoi.

bleketekingam  n.poss.1pe.

bleketekinged  n.poss.1pi.

bleketekingek  n.poss.1s.

bleketekingel  n.poss.3s.

bleketekingem  n.poss.2s.

bleketekingir  n.poss.3p.

bleketekingiu  n.poss.2p.

bleketelel  n.poss.3s.seeblekatel.

blekeu  n.r.s.bravery; courage.blekeu a blekengel, bekeu.Cf.bekeu.

blekengel  n.poss.3s.

mad el blekeu  expression.expression feigning courage.

blekngiis  v.r.s.dried in the sun.blekngiis a ulekngiis; mla mukngiis, mukdirt er a sils, mekngisii, okngisel.

blekokuierreng  seeblekokuii.

blekokuii  n.r.s.kindness; generosity.blekokuii a bekokuii.Cf.kekuii. [syn:blekokuierreng]

blekongesenges  n.obedience.

bleksel  n.poss.3s.seeblaks.

blelekl₁  n.r.s.reboiled food (esp., starch). [syn:bleiekl]

blelekl₂  v.r.s.repeated; revived.blelekl a mla obelekl; meleklii, dulii e lmuut e lmuut; blelekl a cheldechedechal.

blellokl  v.r.s.made to sway.blellokl a mla obellokl; kerrekar el dullokl, melleklii, mellokl a bderrir.

bleng  v.r.s.covered with hand; stopped up.bleng a mla obeng, metenget; telenget, mengir a ngerel, bleng a telil.

blengar  v.r.s.(firewood) collected.

blengchekl  v.s.(person) having something stuffed into cheek.blengchekl a blengechel er a chemachel; omengchekl, mengcheklii a chemelel.

blengchelel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its bite.blengchelel a ultil a blangch.

blengechel  seeblangch.blengechel a blangch; omangch; bilis a blengechel er a kelel.

blengechelel  n.r.s.poss.3s.bite.

blenged  seeblengodel.blenged a blengodel; mengedii, menged, ngalek a blenged er a demal. bengedel.

blengedakl  v.r.s.treated inferiorly; always receiving demands.blengedakl a omengedakl; diak le cheleoch.

blengedoaol  v.r.s.wandering around with no fixed abode.

blengkangk  v.r.s.laid or lying down on ground (in disarray); (tide) low.blengkangk a ngar eou; meched, kerrekar a blengkangk, chei a blengkangk.

blengkangk a chei  expression.tide is low.

blengkengkel  n.poss.3s.lowness (of tide).blengkengkel a blengkangk er ngii el chei.

blengob  v.r.s.has had pelvis moved back and forth against it.

blengodel  v.r.s.put or held on or against.blengodel a blenged.

blengodel a berius  expression.current is strong.

blengodel a mekemad  expression.war is in progress.

blengoel  seebleng.blengoel a bleng.

blengremam  n.poss.1pe.seeblengur.

blengremiu  n.poss.2p.seeblengur.

blengrerir  n.poss.3p.seeblengur.

blengrud  n.poss.1pi.seeblengur.

blengruk  n.poss.1s.seeblengur.

blengrul  n.poss.3s.seeblengur.blengrul a blengur er ngii.

blengrum  n.poss.2s.seeblengur.

blengur  n.meal.blengur a belsoil, blengrul a tutau me a sueleb a blengur.Cf.bekeblengur.

blengremam  n.poss.1pe.

blengremiu  n.poss.2p.

blengrerir  n.poss.3p.

blengrud  n.poss.1pi.

blengruk  n.poss.1s.

blengrul  n.poss.3s.blengrul a blengur er ngii.

blengrum  n.poss.2s.

blil a blengur for eating in; restaurant.

delal a blengur  expression.sumptuous feast.

 Ak omtech a temel a Helen er a.I'll catch Helen at lunchtime.

Eya, a kurrenges eng morngii a klou el leng tansiobi era Reklai.I heard there is a big party for Reklai's birthday.

Ng ngara el blil a?Which restaurant did you go to?

blengutel₁  seeblungt.blengutel a blungt; blengutel a chiul.

blengutel₂ bun; coiffure.

blengutelel  n.poss.3s.

blengutelel  n.poss.3s.seeblengutel.

bleob₁  v.r.s.formed; shaped; created.

bleob₂  n.r.s.something that has been formed; shaped; created.bleob a mla obeob; bleob el blauang, meob, bebeel a blauang.

bleob el chaus  expression.statue.

bleot  n.easiness; cheapness.bleot a bletengel ngii el chad, beot, diak le mesisiich.

bletengam  n.poss.1pe.

bletenged  n.poss.1pi.

bletengek  n.poss.1s.

bletengel  n.poss.3s.bletengel a bleot er ngii, beot el tekoi.

bletengel a rengul  expression.nonchalance; laziness.

bletengem  n.poss.2s.

bletengir  n.poss.3p.

bletengiu  n.poss.2p.

blerek  v.r.s.spread; stretched out; propagated.blerek a mla oberek; berrokel, omerek a babier, merekii, merek a chais, berekel.

blerringd  v.r.s.bailed.blerringd a mla obringd; nglimet; omringd a ngmatel, brengdel.

blerroel  v.r.s.speared with beroel.blerroel a mla oberoel; berruchel er a beroel, omeroel, merelii, berelel.

blerrous  v.r.s.dreamt about.blerrous a mla oberrous; mirrusii, ulemerrous, berrusel.

blerruud  v.r.s.torn/pulled off.blerruud a mla oberuud; nglubet, blerruud a chesimer, mrudii, meruud a chesimer.

blersik  n.r.s.cruelty.blersik a terrekakl; uldikel, bersik er a bingel a chutem, omersik.

bersik  v.s.cruel; savage.bersik a soal el olengader er a rechad; omersik; ouedikel el oumekngit, klaiuengader.

bles a state of having forgotten something/having put something out of one's mind.bles a mla obes; urriid er a omelatk, bles er a urreor, klou el bes.

 Ak kmal er a omengetmeklel a blik e le a Droteo a ungil el mengetmokl er ngii.I really don't need to worry about cleaning my house because Droteo does it so well.

blesebosech  n.r.s.contradiction.Cf.omesebosech.

bletech₁  v.r.s.having gotten thrown at; pounded; cracked;.bletech a uletech; mla obetech, mouetech, metechii a blai, metech, betechel a blai.

bletech₂  n.r.s.injury from stone, etc..bletech a uletech; mla obetech, mouetech, metechii a blai, metech, betechel a blai.

bletekel  n.poss.3s.seeblutek.

bletengam  n.poss.1pe.seebleot.

bletenged  n.poss.1pi.seebleot.

bletengek  n.poss.1s.seebleot.

bletengel  n.poss.3s.seebleot.bletengel a bleot er ngii, beot el tekoi.

bletengel a rengul  expression.nonchalance; laziness.

bletengem  n.poss.2s.seebleot.

bletengir  n.poss.3p.seebleot.

bletengiu  n.poss.2p.seebleot.

bleu  v.r.s.broken; cracked.bleu a mla obeu; mecherad, mengii, a blatong bleu; bengel.

 Ng a bdelul.He cracked his head.

Blias  n.old name for Irrai.Blias a chuodel el ngklel a beluu er a lrrai.

blibii  v.r.s.sorted out.blibii a mla obibii; merurous, betok el blii, rrurous, omii, bingel.

blibiich  v.r.s.redup.sorted out according to type.blibiich a mla obibiich; mukdiich, obiich, mibiich, miich, bibichel.

blibrurek  n.r.s.yellowness.blibrurek a rruul el bibrurek.

blid₁  n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) house, household, etc.blid a blai el kid a oublai er ngii.

blid₂  v.r.s.(hair, cord etc.) twisted.blid a mla obid; cheliseksikd, cheliuetokl, blisekl, omid, cheldecheduch a blid, bldengel.

blides  v.r.s.thrown hard. blides a mla obides; blidokl, mdesii, mides, buik a blides er a daob, melmesim, omides er a bdelul, bdesel.

blidokl₁  v.r.s.cast or tossed (e.g. fishnet); thrown underhand (as in softball); thrown out(side); located far from others (as if tossed away).blidokl a mla obidokl; blides, mideklii, midokl, bideklel.

blidokl₂  n.r.s.women's loincloth.blidokl a mla obidokl; blides, mideklii, midokl, bideklel.

blii  v.r.s.divided; distributed; separated from each other; (hair) parted.

bliich  v.r.s.sifted; filtered.bliich a blibiich.

bliil to be regulated or restricted.

bliir  bliir a mla obiir; mirii a chuklel el sualo, miir, omiir.

bliis  v.r.s.(page) turned.bliis a mla obiis; miis, babier a bliis, omiis, bisel a babier.

blik  n.poss.1s.seeblai.

 A Ioseb a ulemekall er a mlil el mo er a.Joseph drove his car to my house.

 Ng mla er ngii a dilubech el tekoi er a, me ng dimlak lsebechek el mei.Something happened at home, so I couldn't come.

 A a delsachel el dort.My house is built of ironwood.

 Ak kmal bles er a omengetmeklel a e le a Droteo a ungil el mengetmokl er ngii.I really don't need to worry about cleaning my house because Droteo does it so well.
    »additional examples

blikaks  v.r.s.(ground of garden, etc.) broken or softened.

blikel  v.r.s.raised; outstretched.blikel a mla obikel el mo bedul bab a tedobech; mikelii, mikel a chimal, omikel a ochil.

blil  n.poss.3s.seeblai.blil a blai el ngii a oublai er ngii.

 A a kelebus a merers er a redart el kelebus.The prison is holding 100 prisoners.

 A kot el a ureor el omerek er a tekoi el chelid er tia el beluu.the first house of work to spread God's word in this country

 A Remeliik a mocha meleel er tia el telemall el sersel a a Sulial.Remeliik began nailing up Sulial's broken pigpen.

 A redart el kelebus a mesers er a a kelebus.100 prisoners are being held by the prison.
    »additional examples

blil a babier  expression.bookcase.

blil a beab  expression.jail; prison.

blil a bembangch  expression.anthill.

blil a beras  expression.sack/container for rice.

blil a blengur for eating in; restaurant.

blil a bubuu  expression.spider web.

blil a bulis  expression.police station.

blil a charm  expression.barn; shed for animals.

blil a chat  expression.muffler; chimney.

blil a chedib  expression.anthill.

blil a chelakngikl  expression.bee hive.

blil a cheluch  expression.any container for gasoline, cooking oil, etc..

blil a chemochem  expression.bladder; bedpan.

blil a dach  expression.sewage plant.

blil a dangs hall.

blil a dongu  expression.toolshed.

blil a kas  expression.gas station.

blil a kelebus  expression.jailhouse.

blil a kesako  expression.burrow; small hole in ground.

blil a klas  expression.eyeglasses case.

blil a klekool  expression.gymnasium; sports stadium.

blil a komi  expression.trash can.

blil a mesobil  expression.brothel; whorehouse.

blil a mlai  expression.garage.

blil a ngal  expression.termites' nest.

blil a ngellakel  expression.person at whom jokes are directed.

blil a ngikel  expression.aquarium.

blil a ngloik hall.

blil a ongdibel  expression.meeting-house.

blil a rekodo  expression.record jacket; record cabinet.

blilech  n.type of fish.blilech a ta er a bedengel a ngikel er a taoch.

blillum₁  v.r.s.seeoumillum.blillum a mla obillum; bliull; millemengii, bllilum a blail.

blillum₂  n.r.s.wrapped, recooked tapioca, taro, etc.

blim  n.poss.2s.seeblai.

 Ng ua ngara a kedel a?How close is your house?

 Ng sebechek el eko er a er a klukuk.I can come to your house tomorrow.

 Ng ruoll er ker a?Where is your house to be built?

 Ak ulterekokl el eko er a.I'll surely come to your house.
    »additional examples

blimam  n.poss.1pe.seeblai.

 A beches el a bilkedecherur er a demak.Our new house was built by my father.

 A demak a omekedechor er a beches el.My father is building our new house.

Ng mlarngii tirudii a mado er a.Someone broke in our window.

A a oikab el kmeed era blil a charm.Our house is a bit closer to the zoo.

blimiu  n.poss.2p.seeblai.

blingel  v.r.s.(boat) stranded by low tide or run aground.

blingelel  n.poss.3s.seebliongel.blingelel a rruklel, bliongel el kirel.

blinger  blinger a mla obinger, ulengasech er a meched, mlai a blinger me ng mla mo diak lorael.

bliochel  v.r.s.sifted; filtered; pure; unadulterated; one of specific kind.

 A Droteo a di menga a el kall.Droteo eats only certain types of food.

bliochel a rengul  expression.sincere; open-minded.

bliongel₁  n.share; portion; chapter of book (usually Bible).Cf.omii.

blingelel  n.poss.3s.blingelel a rruklel, bliongel el kirel.

bliongel₂  v.r.s.divided; distributed; separated; separate.bliongel a blii; mla obii, bliongel er a kall, blingelel a udoud, rusel, bingel.

bliou₁  v.r.s.put down; discarded; left behind.bliou a mla obiou; omiou, miungii, miou a idungel, koididai, chelddull.

bliou₂  bliou a ngerachel; ourrot a oba bliou er a omellemel a klobak.

bliou₃  bliou a kedul a urreor, dachelbai a oba bliou er a okedecherul a bai.

blir  v.r.s.(arm) swung; (rope) twirled.blir a mla obir; mrengii a bir, mir a chimal, brengel.

blirir  n.poss.3p.seeblai.

 A a mesisiich.Their family is healthy.

 A Toki me a Droteo a kakeakl a.Toki and Droteo each have separate house.

Blisang  n.hamlet in Melekeok.

blisaos  n.r.s.a large betelnut that has been split.

 Ng diak momisaos a beches el buuch, ke melamech aike el el ngara tet.Don't split an unopened betelnut; (instead) chew (one of) the already split betelnuts in the betelnut bag.

blisekl₁  v.r.s.permitted to do something, but grudgingly.blisekl a blid, omisekl e meruul a diak el soal, bliseklel.

blisekl₂  n.r.s.quantity of goods, food, etc. that represents all that one has of a particular thing.

 Ng merael a blisekl!How much you've brought me!

blitelek  v.r.s.rolled on the ground.blitelek a mla obitelek; blengkangk, mitekelengii, mitelek, bitekelengel.

blitokl  v.r.s.turned around or inside out or upside down; distorted.blitokl a mla obitokl; miteklii, blult, mitokl, bliteklel.

bliukel  n.enclosure made of bent bamboo poles covered with tent cloth, etc., where women take steambath after delivery of baby.bliukel a blil a mlechell er a uchei er a bo el tobed.

bliull₁  v.r.s.clothed; wrapped; covered with hair.bliull a blail; mla obail, milii, mail, A ngalek a bliull, bilel.

bliull₂  n.r.s.wrapped tapioca.

blkais  v.r.s.opened; lifted open/up.blkais a mla obkais; blok, blkais a chesimer, mkisii, mkais, bkisel.

blkes  n.mound of sand on ocean floor; sun helmet.blkes a chelechol me a bertakl el bluotel er a kereker.

blkobk  v.r.s.peeled (off).blkobk a nglai a budel; mla obkobk; mkebkii, mkobk a tuu, bkebkel.

blkuuk  v.r.s.puffed up.blkuuk a mla obkuuk; blsuus, seleches er a eolt, mkukii, omkuuk a blauang, bkukel.

bllebel  v.r.s.wound around with rope, cord, tape, etc.

blngar  blngar a mla obngar; nglai a idungel, mngerur; mngar, omngar, bngerul.

blngel  blngel a bluu er ngii el mlai, dengchokl er a blngel a bai, loia er a blngel a ulaol.

blngob  blngob a mla obngob; mngebngii, bngebngel.

bloch  v.r.s.stepped on and crushed.bloch a mla oboch, mla merot, uloch; mechengii a delul el meduu, moch a chudel, bechengel.

blodech₁  v.r.s.picked up with fingers.blodech a mla obodech; nglai er a cheldengelel a chim, medechii, modech, bedechel.

blodech₂  v.r.s.(canoe, boat, etc.) has curve made in it.

blodes₁  v.r.s.(fish) boiled in water.blodes a beldakl; medesii, modes, omeldakl, omodes, bedesel.

blodes₂  v.r.s.(tongue) cut from eating pineapple, sugar cane, etc.blodes a terechel er a ngor; kltkat, blodes a ngerel er a ongor, bedesel.

blodes₃  blodes a kot el me obduu er bab el ngikel.

blodk  v.r.s.cut; slit; operated on.blodk a mla obodk; medkii, omodk, smecher a blodk a delel, bedkel.

bloech  v.r.s.(long object) thrown.bloech a mla oboech; uloech a bloech er a chetkongel; mechii a uloech, moech a biskang, bechel.

bloes₁  v.r.s.shot; injury from being shot (n.r.s.).bloes a bleakl; mla oboes, mosii, belochel a bloes, omoes, bosel.

bloes₂  n.r.s.injury from being shot.

 Ng ngar er ker a bloes er kau?Where's place you're shot.

bloid₁  v.r.s.travelled between.bloid a mla oboid; blais a beluu, Belau a bloid er a rengebard, midii, moid, bidel.

bloid₂  bloid a delibech el chelitakl, bidel Ngirakederang, cheliteklel.

bloik  bloik a mla oboik; omoik melechesokl, sers a bloik er a kerbou, moik, bikel a kerebou.

blok₁; spread apart.blok a mla obok; blkais, chesimer a teleu, blok a medal, mok, bekengel.

blok₂  n.(Ger.)pulley.blok a klalo el olengeseu a omengurs me a omererd.

bloket₁  v.r.s.unwrapped; unravelled; unwound; undone; (magic spell) lifted.bloket a blekatel; mla oboket, mla mo diak el delibuk, eketii, moket , beketel.

bloket₂  n.r.s.kind of basket with large openings.bloket a ta er a bedengel a oruikl.

blolech  v.r.s.(penis) made erect.

blolobel  blolobel a cheldebechel el dil el mo mengol er a ta er a beluu, klomengelungel.

blolobel el mengol  institutionalized concubines.

blomk  v.r.s.pumped.blomk a mla obomk; blomk a cheluch, memkii, bemkel.

blongch  blongch a kebais, a llach me a cheldechuul a di mo obongch, di mo kebais e ngii a di meruul a mekngit.

blor  v.r.s.(hands, chest) laid or put on or against something.blor a mla obor; bereked, ngalek a omor er a ulul er a ulaol.

bloridang  n.(Spa.)pomade.bloridang a taiu, bomado.

blosech  v.r.s.broken open; postponed; contradicted; opposed; strange; unusual.blosech a mla meterob, omosech, mesechii a urreor, mosech, besechel a urreor.

blosech a rengul  expression.having strange feelings about; be suspicious of.

blotech  seeomotech.blotech a uldeu a rengul, mla obotech a rengul, dmeu, chad el beruadel a meduch el omotech a reng, uetechel a reng.

blotech a rengul  v.r.s.pleased; satisfied; appeased.

blouch  v.r.s.split; cracked.blouch a diak le cherrungel, mla obouch; bleuechel, omouch, blouch a bambuu, buchel.

blsachel  seeblasech.

blsall to be punished for having violated a restriction.

blsam  n.poss.1pe.seeblals.

blsebes  v.r.s.(basket, box) tied up.

blsebosech  v.r.s.continually contradicted/opposed.

blsebselel  n.poss.3s.seeblsibs.

blsebselel a ding  expression.opening of ear; hole for earring.

blsebselel a iis  expression.nostril.

blsechel  n.r.s.poss.3s.its time or occasion of an event.

 Kau ng blak a rengum el merirem er a renguk el ua a omoachel el mo medirt er a a kleald?Do you intend to disappoint me like a stream that goes dry in the summer?

blsed  n.poss.1pi.seeblals.

blsek  n.poss.1s.seeblals.

blsel  n.poss.3s.seeblals.

blsem  n.poss.2s.seeblals.

blseos  seeulseos.

blsibs₁  n.(small) hole (e.g., made by a drill).

blsebselel  n.poss.3s.

blsebselel a ding  expression.opening of ear; hole for earring.

blsebselel a iis  expression.nostril.

blsibs₂  v.r.s.drilled; (ear) pierced.

blsiich₁  v.r.s.adorned; decorated.

blsiich₂  n.poi; pounded taro. [syn:belsiich.belsiich a rrusech el ongraol; belsiich el kukau, belsiich el diokang, belsichel.]

blsilel  n.poss.3s.seeblsoil.

blsiochel  seeblsiich.

blsir  n.poss.3p.seeblals.

 A irechar e a remeteet a millabek a a remechebuul.In earlier times the rich paid the fines of the poor.

blsiu  n.poss.2p.seeblals.

blsiul  v.r.s.(person) well advised or guided; brainwashed.

blsoil  n.supper; dinner.

blsilel  n.poss.3s.

blsuchel  v.r.s.(feathers, hair, etc.) plucked.

blsuus  v.r.s.expanded; made to swell.

 Ng ko er a el telebudel.He's like a puffed-up blowfish (boastful, a big talker).

bltanget  v.r.s.sanded; smoothed; polished.

 Ng sebechem el ngosuir a Dios el merekii a eanged e rullii el kuk mo medecherecher er a el deel?Can you help God stretch out the sky and make it as hard as polished metal?

bltangt  seebltanget.

bltechei  v.r.s.changed; replaced; succeeded.

bltikerreng; affection.

bltkelareng  n.poss.3s.

bltkelareng  n.poss.3s.seebltikerreng.

bltkil a rengul's affection/concern for.

bltuut  v.r.s.chiseled.

bluachel  bluachel a omengesuul, melekoi a soal e diak le merang, chisel a chaisngemokel; omuachel a dmeu a rengul el ouchais a diak le ngar ngii el tekoi.

bluai₁  bluai a ngar a belngel; bluai el cheldecheduch mo er a rokui.

bluai₂  bluai a tekoi el di medechel er a deleongel, diak le kau me a diak le ngak me diak el techang, skuul a ruoll ochoi ng kirel el meruul. Tia ikid a bluai el cheldecheduch.

blubeu  blubeu a ta er a bedengel a omelidai, odak a eua el besebes e mengaus; omubeu.

blubong  blubong a mla mo besbes, bubong.

bluchel₁  v.a.s.bluchel a kirel el mechui, bulech mlechii, omulech a ilumel el sukal me a meradel; mengui, blechel.

bluchel₂  v.r.s.started; begun.

bluchelel₁  bluchelel a blouch er ngii el bambuu, bleuechel.

bluchelel₂  bluchelel a teletelel, ungil a bluchelel el ekebil.

bludech₁  v.r.s.vomited on.bludech a mla obudech; smecher a mla omudech; mdechii a ulaol, mudech, mdechel.

bludech₂  v.r.s.bound into sheaves; pacified.bludech a mla obudech; mdechii, bludech el beluu a chimo ngerel; ngar ngii a kltalreng; bdechel a beluu.

bluit  v.r.s.(sugar cane) cut.bluit a bliatel, mla obuit; mitii, muit, deb a nglai, bitel a deb.

blukel  v.r.s.cut or pushed down.blukel a ulukel; mla meukel, a lius a blukel, mkelii, ukelel.

bluks₁  v.r.s.(spearhead) pounded and flattened; (lips = ngor) pursed.bluks a mla obuks; bluks a ngerel, chelisngull, meksii, beksel a ngerel.

bluks₂  bluks a debull; delakl a chad er ngii, debellel. bleksel a sechelik.

blul  v.r.s.regulated; restricted.blul a ngar ngii a bul, blul a er a uel a llach el diak le ngeiul a uel, blul a belochel el diak le beakl.

blulak  n.r.s.lie.blulak a klsuul; diak le klemerang, blulekngel, omulak, mulekngii, bulekngel.

blulekngel  n.poss.3s.

bulak  v.s.deceitful; lying.bulak a outingaol, omulak, mengesuul, blulekngel, bulekolek, bulekngoel.

bulekngoel  v.s.continuously lying.bulekngoel a bulak.

 A blulekngem!You liar!

blulech  seebelluchel.blulech a belluchel, mla obulech.

blulekngel  n.poss.3s.seeblulak.

blult  v.r.s.turned over/inside out; translated.blult a ulechero, mla obult, bellutel a bilel; mult, meltii a babier, beltel a bail.

blungel  n.poss.3s.seebluu.

blungel a brer  expression.raised platform in center of raft.

blungel a mesei of taro patch.

blungt  v.r.s.(hair) curled/twisted.blungt a blengutel; bengtel a chui.

bluoik  dullokl, ulsau el mei er eou, bluoik a ulkel a chebirukel el ulk.

bluokel  bluokel a belsiochel; chelilt, omechell a bluokel er a reng me a ungil el cheriut, bluuk.

blur  v.r.s.boiled before cooking; precooked; parboiled.blur a mla obur; teleu a sengosel, blur el kim, mreii, mur, omur a kim, breel.

blurech₁  v.r.s.speared.blurech a berruchel; mla oburech, omurech, mrechii, murech, brechel.

blurech₂  n.r.s.wound from a spear.blurech a berruchel; mla oburech, omurech, mrechii, murech, brechel.

blurek  v.r.s.dyed; colored.blurek a berrukel; mla oburek, burek, mrekii, murek a such, brekel.

blus  v.r.s.tied into bundle; pulled vigorously; grabbed.blus a mla obus; mesemosem, medibuk, blus a kall, mesngii, mus, besngel a kall.

blusech  seeblsuchel.blusech a blsuchel; nglai a bsechel, mla obusech, blsuchel a dait, msechii, musech, bsechel.

blusekl  v.r.s.covered with someone's legs while sleeping.blusekl a mla obusekl; museklii, musekl, omusekl.

blutek₁  n.canoe race.blutek a omlutek; klaidesachel er a bekall er a daob, keblutek a mlai.Cf.omlutek.

bletekel  n.poss.3s.

blutek₂  v.r.s.shut; closed.blutek a mla obutek; ulsiu, mutek, mtekii, blutek a medal, btekel.

bluu₁  v.r.s.(round object) broken, smashed or shuttered; (bomb) exploded; blistered.

bluu₂ or middle (esp., of hull of canoe); large central section of taro patch; aisle (of church, etc.).bluu a blngel, bluu er a mlai, bluu er a brer, bluu er a mesei.

belngel  n.poss.3s.

belngel a blai  expression.middle of the house.

belngel a omoachel  expression.middle of the river; midstream.

belngel a sers  expression.middle of the garden.

blungel  n.poss.3s.

blungel a brer  expression.raised platform in center of raft.

blungel a mesei of taro patch.

bluu el dang of house.

bluu el dang of house.

bluuk  bluuk a bluokel.

bluuldang  bluuldang a belngel a blai, blailbelau a oubluuldang.

bluus  v.r.s.ordered; imported.bluus a mla obuus, omuus a kall, musii a blai, muus a kles, uesel.

bluut  v.r.s.piled/heaped up.bluut a beluotel, cheldull, mla obuuta chutem, muut a besbas, koididai, butel.

bngad  n.poss.1pi.seebung.

bngak  n.poss.1s.seebung.

bngal  n.poss.3s.seebung.

 A bocha lemeched a rengu e ke melim a bodes er a a kerrekar.Whenever you get thirsty, you drink nectar from the flowers in the trees.

 Ng mo ua kerrekar el mla medul er a ngau a rechelel, me a a mosebek er a eolt el mo cheroid.They will be like trees whose branches are burned by fire, whose blossoms are blown away by the wind.

bngam₁  n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) trap (usually for fish).

bngam₂  n.poss.2s.your (singular) flower, green coconut sheath, etc.

 bngaol  n.mangrove tree.bngaol a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar er a okebong.

bnged  n.poss.1pi.seebub.

 bngei  n.tree in Panax family.bngei a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

bngek  n.poss.1s.seebub.

bngel₁  n.poss.3s.his/her/its trap (usually for fish).

bngel₂  seebungel. bngel a ngerel a dub me a boes.

bngel a daob er a chelmoll  the breaking of the ocean on the reef.

bngel a eabed  crack of dawn.

bngem  n.poss.2s.seebub.

bngir  n.poss.3p.seebub.

bngiu  n.poss.2p.seebub.

bngmam  n.poss.1pe.seebung.

bngmiu  n.poss.2p.seebung.

bngob  bngob a omngob.

bngrir  n.poss.3p.seebung.

Bo derei!  expression.Let's go!

Bo mchensi!  v.imp.Sit down!

Bo mdengchokl!  expression.Sit down!

Bo mrei!  expression.Go home!

 bobai₁  n.papaya tree (including fruit).bobai a chebingel, ta er a bedengel a dellomel el kall a rdechel, bobongel.

bobai  v.s.dull; slow-witted.

bobai a bdelul  expression.dull; slow-witted.

bobongam  n.poss.1pe.

bobonged  n.poss.1pi.

bobongek  n.poss.1s.

bobongel  n.poss.3s.

bobongem  n.poss.2s.

bobongir  n.poss.3p.

bobongiu  n.poss.2p.

bobai₂  v.s.dull; slow-witted.

bobai a bdelul  expression.dull; slow-witted.

bobongam  n.poss.1pe.seebobai.

bobonged  n.poss.1pi.seebobai.

bobongek  n.poss.1s.seebobai.

bobongel  n.poss.3s.seebobai.

bobongem  n.poss.2s.seebobai.

bobongir  n.poss.3p.seebobai.

bobongiu  n.poss.2p.seebobai.

boch  boch a mechitechut, di merael e mo meuoch.

bochall  bochall a klou a bochel, Ngerdorech a bochall.

bochel  n.poss.3s.seebaoch.

bodech₁  n.curved configuration/shape of boat.bodech a obodech; siesorech, bodech er a mlai, bedechel.Cf.omodech.

bedechel  n.poss.3s.

bodechesaus  v.s.standing erect/in ramrod fashion; standing with expanded chest.bodechesaus a obedebodech, siesorech, bodechesaus el dil, obodech.

obodech  v.s.curved; (person) having back curved towards rear.obodech a blodech; siesorech el dil; obodech el mlai.

bodech₂  seeomodech.bodech a omodech; medechii, bedechel a ngikel.

bodechesaus  v.s.standing erect/in ramrod fashion; standing with expanded chest.bodechesaus a obedebodech, siesorech, bodechesaus el dil, obodech.

bodes₁  n.white foam residue which forms when coconut syrup is cooked; nectar (of flowers).bodes a osechel a bung, olik a melim a bodes er a bung.

bodes  n.dynamited fish (which rise to surface of water).bodes a kot el mei obduu er bab el ngikel er a omenged.

 bodes₂  n.dynamited fish (which rise to surface of water).bodes a kot el mei obduu er bab el ngikel er a omenged.

bodk  n.(surgical) operation.bodk a omodk, bodk er a diil, medkii a delel, modk, bedkel.Cf.omodk.

bedkel  n.poss.3s.

lechul a bodk  expression.scar from operation.

 Ak mo er a bodk.I'm going to have an operation.

boech  n.missile; projectile; small spear.boech a uloech el lild, chaklsel, ko er a biskang, boech er a klaidesachel, omoech, mechii, bechel.

bechel  n.poss.3s.

boes  n.gun; blowgun.boes a klekedall el omoes,mosii a ngikel, moes a belochel, bosel.Cf.bloes.

boes er a ngikel  expression.spear-gun.

boes er a ulekbut  expression.blowgun.

bosam  n.poss.1pe.

bosed  n.poss.1pi.

bosek  n.poss.1s.

bosel  n.poss.3s.

bosem  n.poss.2s.

bosir  n.poss.3p.

bosiu  n.poss.2p.

kerul a boes  expression.ammunition; gun-powder.

medal a boes  expression.sharpened projectile ejected from speargun; opening or end of gun barrel.

sekeboes  v.s.go shooting a lot; good at shooting.sekeboes a chad er a boes; meduch el omoes; sekeboes er a belochel, mosii; moes.

Te mlo kakeuad era kesus eng oboes a imal era era ngikel.They got into a fight last night and he was shot in the arm by a fishing gun

Tiang ngerang el beldoel er ngii? Ng dekool ngdiak el.what is in your hand? its a cigarette not gun.

boes er a ngikel  expression.spear-gun.

boes er a ulekbut  expression.blowgun.

boi₁  n.(Jap.)servant.boi a olangch, klekedall el olecholt, omeketakl a tkul a meched me a toachel.

boi₂  n.(Eng.: buoy)buoy; property marker.

boi er a oliochel marker.

boi er a oliochel marker.

boid₁  n.chant which mentions people traveling to many places.boid a merael; omais, omoid a beluu, midii, omiboid, moid a beluu, bidel.

bidel  n.poss.3s.also, error in weaving.

boid₂  boid a cheleuid, boid er a llechukl, boid el cheuikl.

Boid  n.hill in Imeliik.

bokitang  n.octopus. [syn:bukitang.bukitang a charm er a daob el betok a klemngel.]

bokket  n.(Eng.)pocket.

bokket er a mlai  expression.glove compartment of car.

bokketengam  n.poss.1pe.

bokketenged  n.poss.1pi.

bokketengek  n.poss.1s.

bokketengel  n.poss.3s.his/her pocket.

bokketengem  n.poss.2s.

bokketengir  n.poss.3p.

bokketengiu  n.poss.2p.

bokket er a mlai  expression.glove compartment of car.

bokketengam  n.poss.1pe.seebokket.

bokketenged  n.poss.1pi.seebokket.

bokketengek  n.poss.1s.seebokket.

bokketengel  n.poss.3s.his/her pocket.

bokketengem  n.poss.2s.seebokket.

bokketengir  n.poss.3p.seebokket.

bokketengiu  n.poss.2p.seebokket.

boks  n.(J?)large wooden tray with legs.boks a oleketokel er a kall, beksel.

beksel  n.poss.3s.

 bokso  n.(Jap.)elephant grass (used as animal feed).bokso a ta er a bedengel a chudel el kelel a kerbou.

bokungo  n.(Jap.)storage pit; air-raid shelter; deep hole; tunnel for storage.

Bolabei  Bolabei a beluu er a F.S.M .

Bolape  n.Ponape.

rechibolabe of Ponape.

 bolobel  n.mullet (jumping fish).bolobel a ta er a bedengel ngikel.

boluaisei  (bol el ua isei): let it be; so be it; amen.

Bom chelellakl!  v.imp.Be quiet! / Settle down!

Bom sesei  v.imp.move a little bit away; scoot over.

bomado  n.(Jap.)pomade.

bomb  n.(Eng.)small boat engine; pump.bomb a klalo el omomb a ralm me a cheluch.Cf.omomk. [syn:bomk.bomk a bomb.]

bomk er a cheluch  expression.fuel pump.

bombatel  n.chain.bombatel a chelsuk el deel dousbech el uak.

bomk  seebomb.(Eng.)bomk a bomb.

bomk er a cheluch  expression.fuel pump.

bong  n.drainage ditch surrounding taro patch.

Aki mlo mesauch a buuch er a ked, eaki e temla smauch.We went to pick the betelnuts on the hills but when we got there, someone already picked them.

Kmal betok a kitelel era era meseiThe pond at the taro swamp has a lot of water eels.

Aikal dechedch a omechellbera era mesei.The frogs laid their eggs in the moat around the taro swamp.

Bong!  v.imp.Go! Go ahead!

bongch  bongch a obongch; diak el orrenges chelleoch me a llach a di mo delebese e ngii a di mo rneruul a soal.

bongd  n.(Eng.)pound.bongd a berraod, bengdel.

bengdam  n.poss.1pe.

bengded  n.poss.1pi.

bengdek  n.poss.1s.

bengdel  n.poss.3s.pound.

bengdem  n.poss.2s.

bengdir  n.poss.3p.

bengdiu  n.poss.2p.

bongkura  n.(Jap.)dull or slow-witted.

bor₁  n.(Jap.< Eng.)ball (in baseball).bor a bduu el imiit er a kerbai.

bor₂  n.low tide in the morning.bor a chedelchei er a tutau; temel a ulengimes, me a omelkelikes.

bora er a.

borhua  n.(Jap.< Eng.)walk (in baseball).

boruu  v.s.(Jap.)(head) completely shaved. [syn:bozu]

bos₁  n.(Eng.)(motorless) boat.bos a mlai er a daob, besengel.

besengel  n.poss.3s.

bos₂  n.(Eng.: boss)boss.

bosall₁  seeomoes.bosall a beakl; kirel el oboes, mosii, moes, malk a bosall, omoes er ngii, bosel.

bosall₂  seebeakl.bosall a kirel el oboes, mosii a cheluch, omoes el meleakl a ralm er a disech, oltobed a ralm.

bosam  n.poss.1pe.seeboes.

bosech  n.time of privation; drought; famine.bosech a ngelsonges er a kall; telemellel a dellomel; kemtimt, bosech er a kall, besechel a udoud.Cf.chebosech.

besechel  n.poss.3s.

 E solae ng mlo er ngii a bosech er a Ekipten el rokir me a Kanaan el rokir, el mlo uchul a klou el ringel.Then a famine struck all Egypt and Canaan, bringing great suffering.

bosed  n.poss.1pi.seeboes.

bosek  n.poss.1s.seeboes.

bosel  n.poss.3s.seeboes.

bosem  n.poss.2s.seeboes.

bosir  n.poss.3p.seeboes.

bosiu  n.poss.2p.seeboes.

bost  n.(Eng., Ger.)post-office. bost a obis el oungerachel a uldurokl.

Bostol  n.(Spa.: apostol)Apostle.

bot a ta er a bedengel a rakd el burek er a uchul a ding.

botang  n.(Jap.)button; flower similar to peony.

boteto  n.(Eng.)potato.

bouch  bouch a bleuechel er a merk er a chelmoll.

bozu  seeboruu.(Jap.)

braider  n.badge; military stripe; rank.

 Ng mla changar a braider er ngii.He got promoted./His rank was raised.

 brak₁  n.giant yellow swamp taro.brak a dellomel el kall el meklou er a dait, brekengel.

brak  v.s.having a vagina which stays dry during sexual intercourse.brak a dellomel el kall el meklou er a dait, brekengel.

brekengel  n.poss.3s.

 Ak mo er a mesei el mo melai a teblo er a brak.I'm going to the taro garden to get some yellow taro.

brak₂  v.s.having a vagina which stays dry during sexual intercourse.brak a dellomel el kall el meklou er a dait, brekengel.

brechall to be speared.brechall a bruchel; omurech er a temekai, mrechii, murech, brechel.

brechel  n.poss.3s.seeburech.

brechel a uel  expression.spearing of turtles.

brecherechall to be brought to boil.brecherechall a kirel el obrechorech mrecherechii a klengoes, brecherechel.

brecherechel  n.poss.3s.seebrechorech.

brechorech  n.bubble.brechorech a brecherechel a mekeald, klengoes, me a ngeliokl.

brecherechel  n.poss.3s.

bredechall to be buttoned or inlaid.bredechall a kirel el obrodech, merdechii, mrodech, kirel el murodech a bail.

breel₁  breel a bur, omur, breel a kim.

breel₂  breel a bor, omor, mor a chimal, breel a ulul a tolechoi.

brekall  seebrukel.

brekedall  v.a.s.(clothes) are to be hung on line, etc.brekedall a kirel el obriked; locha er a omrekodel, mrekedii, mriked a bail, brekedel.

brekedel  brekedel a omriked er ngii; brekedel a selokel, mrekedii, mriked.

brekel  n.poss.3s.seeburek.brekel a omerek er ngii el babier, merekii e menguiu.

brekengel  n.poss.3s.seebrak.

brengall  v.a.s.(arm) is to be swung; (rope) is to be twirled.brengall a kirel el obar, mechelebed, merengii a medal, diak le brengall a chad le ng mekngit el tekoi.

brengdel  n.poss.3s.seebringd.

brengel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its action of swinging arm, rope, etc.Cf.omir.

brer  n.raft (usually made of bamboo).Cf.omrer,oubrer.

berremam  n.poss.1pe.

berremiu  n.poss.2p.

berrerir  n.poss.3p.

berrud  n.poss.1pi.

berruk  n.poss.1s.

berrul  n.poss.3s.

berrum  n.poss.2s.

Tial siasing er kau el nga era chelbacheb, tiang ngerang el dengchokl er ngii? Ng malechub eng totang?Your picture at the rock island, what are you sitting on? Is it bamboo raft or tin canoe?

bresengt  n.(Eng.)present.

 Tia a bresengt er ngak el me er kau.This is my present for you.

 Ak milsterir a rebek el chad a.I gave each person a present.

bretall to be shaken.

bretechall  seebertachel.bretechall a kirel el obrotech; mertechii a ulkel, mrotech a chimal, omrotech.

bretechel  n.poss.3s.seebrotech.

bretelel  n.poss.3s.seebritel.bretelel a berritel er ngiil el mechas, omritel er a kerrasem.

bridall to be scattered, spread, sown or dismantled.

bridel  n.poss.3s.act of scattering of sowing.

briid act of scattering.

 !Oh no! They've been scattered.

bringd  n.container for bailing.

brengdel  n.poss.3s.

britel₁  n.shakiness; jitters.britel a chad el smecher el omritel, ng di omritel er a bek el taem.

bretelel  n.poss.3s.bretelel a berritel er ngiil el mechas, omritel er a kerrasem.

britel  v.s.(person) shaky/jittery.britel a chad el smecher el omritel, ng di omritel er a bek el taem.

britel₂  v.s.(person) shaky/jittery.britel a chad el smecher el omritel, ng di omritel er a bek el taem.

brotech  n.clapping; wooden paddle used as war weapon; applause; praise.brotech a omrotech a chimal brotech er a ungil el cheldecheduch, bertechel.

bekebrotech  v.s.prone to slapping.bekebrotech a sekebrotech; mekudem el omrotech, mertechii, mrotech, bertechel. [syn:sekebrotech.sekebrotech a soal el omrotech; mertechii, mrotech a chimal.]

bretechel  n.poss.3s.

brrengall  v.a.s.brrengall a kirel el obir; mrrengii a bir, mir a chimal, brrengel.

brrengdall  v.a.s.brrengdall a kirel el obringd, melimet er ngii; mlai a brrengdall, brrengdel.

brrengdel  brengdel a omringd er ngii el mlai, melimet, oltobed a daob er ngii.

 brrer  brrer a bambuu el selakd el mlai er a chei; klekedall er a omenged, berrul.

brridall  v.a.s.brridall a kirel el obriid, toreklii, mridii a klidibel er a omelim.

brringd   brringd a olimet, klalo el melimet, omringd a mlai er a daob.

bruchel  seebrechall.bruchel a brechall; kirel el oburech; mrechii, murech, ngikel a brechall.

brukel to be dyed or colored.brukel a kirel el oburek; omurek, mrekii a bail, brekel a such.

 bsall  n.damsel fish.bsall a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bsebsall to be drilled; (ear) is to be pierced.bsebsall a kirel el obsibs, lingir, msebsii a kerrekar, bsebsel a ding.

bsebsel  n.poss.3s.seebsibs.

bsebsuchel  v.s.redup.hairy; furry.bsebsuchel a betok a bsechel, katuu a bsebsuchel, busech.

bsechall  v.a.s.(feathers, hair, etc.) is to be plucked.bsechall a bsuchel, kirel el obusech, ngeuul a bsechel, msechii a malk; musech.

bsecham  n.poss.1pe.seebusech.

bseched  n.poss.1pi.seebusech.

bsechek  n.poss.1s.seebusech.

bsechel₁  n.poss.3s.his/her/its body hair, feathers, fur.

bsechel₂  n.poss.3s.his/her/its eye blink.

bsechel a biib (in color).

bsechel a but  expression.pubic hair.

bsechel a mad  expression.eyelash.

bsechem  n.poss.2s.seebusech.

bsechir  n.poss.3p.seebusech.

bsechiu  n.poss.2p.seebusech.

bsengel  n.poss.3s.seebus.bsengel a bus er ngii el chad. bechiil a oubus.

bsibs  n.drill; termite.bsibs a klekedall el omsibs; bsibs er a kerrekar me a deel, misebsii a deel, bsebsel.

bsebsel  n.poss.3s.

teribisibs  v.s.full of holes.teribisibs a terremerumes; betok a blsibs er ngii.

bsibsungos  n.wart.bsibsungos a rekdel a chereuel a uach.

bsodech  n.cardinal fish.bsodech a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bsuchel  seebsechall.bsuchel a bsechall. .

 bsukel  n.squirrel fish (small toothed).bsukel a ta er a bedengel a mekekerei el ngikel. V.

bsusall to be expanded or made to swell.bsusall a kirel el obsuus; msusii, msuus a blauang, bkukall, bsusel.

bsuull to be bent down.bsuull a useuul; kirel el musau el me bedul tiei, mseur, bsuull a rachel, omsau, useul a rrechelel a iedel.

 btaches  n.Alexandrian laurel tree; kamani (wood used for canoes; nuts used as marbles).btaches a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

btangch  n.stone seats around bai where old men (rubak) sit; stone at roadside as resting place; sacred stone in village.btangch a ungil a blebelel el bad el ngar er a medal bai el ulsisellir a rubak, btengchel.

btengchel  n.poss.3s.btengchel a btangch .

btanget  n.any instrument used for sanding/smoothing (e.g., bamboo leaf, dried sharkskin, sandpaper).btanget a klekedellel a omtangt, mtanget a toluk.

btanget a oeacher  expression.shoe brush; action of polishing shoes.

btengetel  n.poss.3s.

btanget a oeacher  expression.shoe brush; action of polishing shoes.

btar  n.swing.btar a chekil me a lechub e ng besebes el klabs e a rengalek a dengchokl er ngii e omtar; bterengel.

bterngel  n.poss.3s.

btechengel  n.poss.3s.seebtuch.btechengel a btuch er ngii.

btek  n.woman's belt for grass skirt.btek a techull; lechetel a diil; btekel a omechell el kasialang.

btekel  n.poss.3s.also, wooden trimming on sides of boat.

btekel  n.poss.3s.also, wooden trimming on sides of boat.

btengchel  n.poss.3s.seebtangch.btengchel a btangch .

btengetall to be sanded, smoothed or polished.btengetall a kirel el obtanget, toluk a btengetall, mtengetii a toluk, btengetel a chesiuch.

btengetel  n.poss.3s.seebtanget.

btengtall  seebtengetall.

bterengel  bterengel a btar er ngii el nga lek.

bterngel  n.poss.3s.seebtar.

btil  n.poss.3s.seebut.btil a but er ngii; uriul, btil a lius, btil a chad.

 Kau a melechui er a a Droteo.You are inferior to Droteo (lit., you wipe Droteo's anus).

 Ng ko er a a Titechingai.Just like Titechingai's buttocks. (He rushes crazily from one task to another).

 Ngka a sebiil a me lak morrenges a lolekoi.He's just a child, so don't listen to what he says.

 Ngka a sebiil a, el diak a ngera el lodengei.He's young and unexperienced (lit. his buttocks are covered with sores) and doesn't know anything.

btil a bedul  back of head.

btuch₁; military star (on hat or clothing).btuch a klalo el kmard er a eanged a le klebesei, btuch er a ongos.

btechengel  n.poss.3s.btechengel a btuch er ngii.

btuch  n.starfish.btuch a ta er a bedengel a cheled.

btuch er a ngebard  expression.bright star in western sky.

btuch er a ongos  expression.bright star in eastern sky.

mengubs el btuch  expression.shooting star.

merechorech el btuch  expression.shooting star.

omoket el btuch  expression.comet.

 btuch₂  n.starfish.btuch a ta er a bedengel a cheled.

btuch er a ngebard  expression.bright star in western sky.

btuch er a ongos  expression.bright star in eastern sky.

buadel  n.main horizontal beam at rooftop.buadel a klekedall er a blai el kerrekal el llemolem er a bebul a blai.

buai  n.public; community.buai a beluu; rebeluu, chad er a beluu el rokui a buai. Cheldellir a re bek el chad era beluu.

chad er a buai  expression.persons active in community affairs.

tekoi el buai  n.decision of the general public.

tekoi er a buai  expression.matters of (general) community interest.

 A rokui el chad er a a ongtiall el mo lmuches a uldesuir.All interested persons are invited to submit comments.

 bub  n.trap (usually for fish).bub a klekedall er a omenged; omub a ngikel, chemang; bub a mengesimer a ngikel me a chemang, omub, bngel,.

bngam  n.poss.1pe.our (exclusive) trap (usually for fish).

bnged  n.poss.1pi.

bngek  n.poss.1s.

bngel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its trap (usually for fish).

bngem  n.poss.2s.

bngir  n.poss.3p.

bngiu  n.poss.2p.

bub el dech  expression.fishtrap with narrow opening designed especially to catch dech (=goatfish).

bub er a chemang  expression.crab trap.

ngikel el bub caught with a trap.

bub el dech  expression.fishtrap with narrow opening designed especially to catch dech (=goatfish).

 bub er a chemang  expression.crab trap.

 bubeu  n.trunk fish.bubeu a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

 bubeubedul  n.(edible) ground cherry.bubeubedul a ta er a bedengel a emull el kall a rdechel.

bubong  v.s.senile.bubong a rakdechuodel; besbes, bekekesbesib a rengul, omechetatel, beketertord.

bebubong  v.s.redup.somewhat senile.bebubong a telkib el bubong.

bubuu  n.spider.bubuu a ta er a bedengel a charm; mengidab.

blil a bubuu  expression.spider web.

buch  n.spouse; husband or wife.buch a bechil, ombil, kaubuch.Cf.ongebechiall.

bechemam  n.poss.1pe.

bechemiu  n.poss.2p.

becherir  n.poss.3p.

bechid  n.poss.1pi.

bechiil  v.s.married.bechiil a ngar ngii a bechil.

bechik  n.poss.1s.

bechil  n.poss.3s.bechil a chad el le kaubuch, buch, ombil, kldemel.

bechim  n.poss.2s.

buch el sechal  expression.female in-law of family. [syn:buchelsechal]

  el sechalfemale in-law

buch el sechal  expression.female in-law of family.

buchall to be split or cracked. buchall a bouechel; kirel el obouch; omouch a idungel, mouch, buchel a bambuu.

bucham  n.poss.1pe.seebuuch.

buched  n.poss.1pi.seebuuch.

buchek  n.poss.1s.seebuuch.

buchel₁  n.poss.3s.seebuuch.buchel a buuch er ngii el chad.

buchel₂  buchel ngii el bambuu, meliud, omouch, muchii, moucha bambuu.

buchelsechal  seebuch el sechal.

Bucheluong  n.title of wives of Uong.

buchem  n.poss.2s.seebuuch.

buchir  n.poss.3p.seebuuch.

buchiu  n.poss.2p.seebuuch.

bud₁  n.poss.1pi.our (inclusive) smell/odor/scent.

bud₂  n.(Eng.)booth.

budall  v.a.s.budall a kirel obuud, meterob, omuud, mudii a urreor.

budam  n.poss.1pe.seebudel.

 budech₁  n.yellow-cheeked tuskfish.budech a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

budech₂  n.(: )action of binding coconut fronts into sheaves; peace; harmony.budech a chelellakl el diak a uldikel, budech a beluu, diak a mekemad, bdechel.

bdechel  n.poss.3s.

chad era budech  n.Peace Corps volunteer.

buded  n.poss.1pi.seebudel.

budek  n.poss.1s.seebudel.

budel (of person, fruit, etc.); hide; rind; bark; shell.Cf.melabd.

budam  n.poss.1pe.

buded  n.poss.1pi.

budek  n.poss.1s.

budel a bedengel

budel a daob  expression.surface of sea.

budel a ngais  expression.eggshell.

budem  n.poss.2s.

budir  n.poss.3p.

budiu  n.poss.2p.

Mngai a.peel them

budel a bedengel

budel a daob  expression.surface of sea.

budel a ngais  expression.eggshell.

budem  n.poss.2s.seebudel.

budir  n.poss.3p.seebudel.

budiu  n.poss.2p.seebudel.

 budo  n.(Jap.)Panama cherry; capulin.budo a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

budues  n.copra.

 buich  n.cowrie shell.buich a ta er a bedengel a cheled.

buik₁  n.boy; any male younger than another male.buik a ngalek el sechal, bikel.Cf.klebuik.

bikam  n.poss.1pe.

biked  n.poss.1pi.

bikek  n.poss.1s.

bikel  n.poss.3s.bikel a mekekerei; ngeasek el chad, bikel a Oreor.

bikem  n.poss.2s.

bikir  n.poss.3p.

bikiu  n.poss.2p.

buik  n.[when followed by a title] successor to a particular title.

buikorengodel  n.auxiliary horizontal roof beam (used only in bai) laid on projecting ends of imuul.buikorengodel a klekedellel a bai.

buikruu before the full moon.Oidudul; sei el klebesei e ruchei era Orakiruu.

buik₂  n.[when followed by a title] successor to a particular title.

buikorengodel  n.auxiliary horizontal roof beam (used only in bai) laid on projecting ends of imuul.buikorengodel a klekedellel a bai.

buikruu₁ before the full moon.Oidudul; sei el klebesei e ruchei era Orakiruu.

buikruu₂  buikruu a klebesei er uchei er a orakiruu.

buiksingch  buiksingch a ongingil a singch; buiksingch er a babii a dikesem.

buil₁  n.moon; month.buil a klou el chaibibeob el btuch el kmard a le klebesei er a eanged; tab el buil, orakiruu, oidudur.

bilel  n.poss.3s.also, month of pregnancy.bilel a buil er ngii el dioll.

buil  v.s.moon-shaped.

buil a medal  expression.have large, round, saucer-shaped eyes.

elecha el buil  expression.this month.

elecha el me el buil month.

ta el buil month.

tia el me el buil month.

tia el mlo merek el buil  expression.last month.

 Ng tela el bilel?How many months pregnant is she?

buil₂  v.s.moon-shaped.

buil a medal  expression.have large, round, saucer-shaped eyes.

buk₁ smell; my odor; my scent.buk a bkul a ngii di le ngerang, bkul a chim, bkul a beluu.

buk₂  n.(Eng.)book.

bukelengam  n.poss.1pe.

bukelenged  n.poss.1pi.

bukelengek  n.poss.1s.

bukelengel  n.poss.3s.

bukelengem  n.poss.2s.

bukelengir  n.poss.3p.

bukelengiu  n.poss.2p.

buk₃  n.plate; bowl.buk a meklou el blil a kall el delasech el kerrekar, bkul. Blil a kall el delsachel el kerrekar.

bkul  n.poss.3s.

Buk er a Irong  n.a rock island that separates Ngermid and Ngerkesoaol.

bukelengam  n.poss.1pe.seebuk.

bukelenged  n.poss.1pi.seebuk.

bukelengek  n.poss.1s.seebuk.

bukelengel  n.poss.3s.seebuk.

bukelengem  n.poss.2s.seebuk.

bukelengir  n.poss.3p.seebuk.

bukelengiu  n.poss.2p.seebuk.

bukitang  seebokitang.bukitang a charm er a daob el betok a klemngel.

bukl  n.hill; mound of earth.bukl a kedidai el chutem e ng di kedeb er a rois.

 Chelechang el ledu a rechad er a Siria el kmo 'A Rubak a rubak er a e diak lerubak er a oberberek,' e ak mo loia tia el klou el ildois er a cheroel a chimam.Now that the Syrians say that God is the lord of the hills and not the lord of the plains, I will give you victory over their huge army.

 Te ulemuchel el mo melai er se el el beluu.They started out to invade the hill country.

buklbeluu₁  n.bird's nest fern (usually growing out of mound on tree trunk).

buklbeluu₂  buklbeluu a ta er a bedengel a kerrekar.

bukliuaiu  n.Palauan money: type of kldait.bukliuaiu a ta er a bedengel a udoud er a Belau.

bul₁  n.poss.3s.his/her/its smell/odor/scent.

bul₂  n.(Eng.: pool)(swimming) pool; pool (game), billiards.

oubul pool.

bul₃  n.regulation; restriction.bul a omul el belkul a omekeroul a kerruul er a beluu, omul a buuch; bul er a uel, blul er a temekai me lomechell el mo betok.

Bul  n.Pulu Anna island (southwest of Koror).Bul a iungs er a Belau el ngar er a dimes.

 Ng ngar er ngii a er a belochel.There's a restriction on (killing) pigeons.

 Ng chetik a a keliu.I don't like the smell of your food.

Ng mekngit a.It smells bad.

Ng mekemim a.It's smell sour.
    »additional examples

bulak  v.s.deceitful; lying.bulak a outingaol, omulak, mengesuul, blulekngel, bulekolek, bulekngoel.

buldil  n.Traditional ceremony in which coconut is opened to foretell results of pregnancy; contemporary ceremony in which money is given to mother's family after birth (usually, of first birth) to assure future health. (buu el dil).Cf.omuu.

bulekngoel  v.s.continuously lying.bulekngoel a bulak.

bulekolek  bulekolek a bulak.

bulis  n.(Eng.)police; policeman.bulis a chad el oltaut a llach e mengkar er a buai.

bebulis  v.s.redup.half-witted; prone to wandering around and talking to oneself.bebulis a telkib el mekngit me a lechub e ng ngodech a bdelul; omais el chad a bebulis.

blil a bulis  expression.police station.

mlil a bulis  expression.police car.

 A Toki a milengetakl er a Droteo el mo er a.Toki persuaded Droteo to go to the police.

 A Droteo a urremelii a Maria me ng ko el mocha er a.Droteo persuaded Maria to finally go to the police.

 buls  n.moonfish.buls a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

bult  bult a omult; obult, meltii a rengul, ngodechii, beltel.

a tuu el oba ochadu.Turn the bananas with tongs.

bum  n.poss.2s.seebau.

bumam  n.poss.1pe.seebau.

bumiu  n.poss.2p.seebau.

bumpo  n.(Jap.)grammar.

 bung₁ coconut sheath protecting developing coconuts (later becomes chesechosu).

bung₂  n.(Jap.)minute.

bung₃  n.flower.bung a bngal a kerrekar, dellomel; a chelilai a bung.

bngad  n.poss.1pi.

bngak  n.poss.1s.

bngal  n.poss.3s.

bngam  n.poss.2s.your (singular) flower, green coconut sheath, etc.

bngmam  n.poss.1pe.

bngmiu  n.poss.2p.

bngrir  n.poss.3p.

chad er a sers er a bung

bung₄  n.type of trepang (shaped like flower).

bung el kelau  expression.type of flower.

bungall  v.a.s.(round object) is to be broken, smashed or shattered; (bomb) is to be exploded.

bungariei  bungariei a ta er a bedengel a dellomel.

bungariek  n.spathoglottis plant.

bungaruau  n.purslane (vine).bungaruau a ta er a bedengel a besebes.

bungel  n.poss.3s.breaking; explosion.Cf.omuu. [syn:bngel.bngel a ngerel a dub me a boes.]

bungel a diil  celebration for first born child of a married couple (with presents given by father's family).

bungel a diil  expression.celebration for first-born child of a married couple.

bungsu  n.(Jap.)fraction.

bungt  bungt a omungt; blungt, bengtel a cheiul, mengtii.

bungungau  v.s.dark red; crimson; (eyes) bloodshot.bungungau a bekerekard, mengungau. [syn:bengungau]

burached₁ disease in which white spots spread over body.burached a rekdel a buld el becheleleu e mekekad; burechedel.

burached  v.s.having skin covered with white spots.burached a rekdel a buld el becheleleu e mekekad; burechedel.

burechedel  n.poss.3s.

burached₂  v.s.having skin covered with white spots.burached a rekdel a buld el becheleleu e mekekad; burechedel.

buraia  n.(Eng.)pliers.

burech  n.(action of) spearing.burech a omurech, mrechii a ngikel el oba biskang, brechel.

brechel  n.poss.3s.

brechel a uel  expression.spearing of turtles.

burechedel  n.poss.3s.seeburached.

burek₁  n.(Eng.)brake.

burek₂  n.swelling.

brekel  n.poss.3s.brekel a omerek er ngii el babier, merekii e menguiu.

burek  n.dye; coloring; Arnotto dye plant.burek a klalo el melodech a bedengel a ngii di le ngerang, mrekii a such, murek a mamed, brekel.

oburek  v.s.swollen.oburek a burek; ochil a oburek el ngar er ngii a lalech; brekel a ouach.

burek₃  n.dye; coloring; Arnotto dye plant.burek a klalo el melodech a bedengel a ngii di le ngerang, mrekii a such, murek a mamed, brekel.

burgatorio  n.(Spa.)purgatory. [syn:burkatorio]

burir  n.poss.3p.seebau.

burkatorio  seeburgatorio.

bus₁  n.(Eng.)puss, cat.bus a udoud el rengedel a chebechiil el lomoket a sechal el mo er a blil a redil, bsengel.

bus₂  n.(Eng.)marriage payment given by husband's family.Ta ra okul a chebechiil el udoud.

bsengel  n.poss.3s.bsengel a bus er ngii el chad. bechiil a oubus.

busech₁  n.feathers; fur; body hair.busech a mekedeb el chui er a buld, bsechel a mad, bsebsuchel.Cf.omusech,oubusech.

bsebsuchel  v.s.redup.hairy; furry.bsebsuchel a betok a bsechel, katuu a bsebsuchel, busech.

bsecham  n.poss.1pe.

bseched  n.poss.1pi.

bsechek  n.poss.1s.

bsechel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its body hair, feathers, fur.

bsechel a biib (in color).

bsechel a but  expression.pubic hair.

bsechel a mad  expression.eyelash.

bsechem  n.poss.2s.

bsechir  n.poss.3p.

bsechiu  n.poss.2p.

busech₂  n.a blink (of an eye).Cf.besebasech.

bsechel  n.poss.3s.his/her/its eye blink.

busekl  n.action of covering someone with legs while sleeping.busekl a omusekl; oltak a ochil er a ochil a tang, kabusekl, museklii, buseklel.

buseklel  n.poss.3s.

buseklel  n.poss.3s.seebusekl.

bussonge  n.(Jap.)red hibiscus.

but₁  n.genitals; anus; vagina; bottom (surface).but a eoulbeluu er a chad me a uriul, idekel a but, uchauch a btil a chad, btil a omerael, btil a lius.

bekebut  v.s.(woman) having large buttocks or vagina; (man) having large buttocks. [syn:bekebtil]

btil  n.poss.3s.btil a but er ngii; uriul, btil a lius, btil a chad.

but  n.bottom (surface).

idekel a but  expression.buttocks.

but₂  n.bottom (surface).

buta buta buta  seebutabutabuta.

butabutabuta  (Jap.)way of calling pigs. [syn:buta buta buta]

butall to be piled/heaped up.butall a kirel el obuut; mengedidai, omuut, mutii a chutem, koididai, muut a besbas, mengudel, butel.

butcherechar  n.pagoda plant or similar plants in Verbena family.

butcherengel  n.jellyfish; nettle.

butcherngel  butcherngel a ta er a bedengel a ngikel.

butecherechar  butecherechar a ta er a bedengel a dellomel.

butek  n.cone similar to trochus.butek a cheled el ko er a semum.

a buk er kemiu.close your books.

Butek a medam.  v.imp.Close your eyes.

Butelbai of Ngriil.

butikaeb  n.shrimp.butikaeb a cherechur er a daob.

butiliang₁  n.(Spa.)bottle; glass.butiliang a blil a ralm, sos, cheluch, butilengel.Cf.oubutiliang.

butilingel  n.poss.3s.

 butiliang₂  butiliang a ta er a bedengel a ngikel. mellemau.

butilingel  n.poss.3s.seebutiliang.

butiliong  n.bottle; (piece of) glass; small bluish-green fish (similar to rock cod).

buts  n.(Eng.: boots)boots.

oubuts  v.i.wear boots.

buu  buu a bngel, ngerel a mlai me a bungel a boes, obuu a meterakl el chais.

 buuch  n.betel nut.buuch a dellomel el chemachel a rdechel.

bucham  n.poss.1pe.

buched  n.poss.1pi.

buchek  n.poss.1s.

buchel  n.poss.3s.buchel a buuch er ngii el chad.

buchem  n.poss.2s.

buchir  n.poss.3p.

buchiu  n.poss.2p.

chemelek el buuch betel nut (for chewing).

meduch el buuch  expression.kidney.

oubuuch  v.i.have betel nut trees.oubuuch a ngar er ngii a buchel.

 Ng diak momisaos a beches el, ke melamech aike el blisaos el ngara tet.Don't split an unopened betelnut; (instead) chew (one of) the already split betelnuts in the betelnut bag.

 Ng diak sal meduch el mesauch a.I'm not very good at climbing betel nut trees/harvesting them.

Aki mlo mesauch a er a ked, eaki bong e temla smauch.We went to pick the betelnuts on the hills but when we got there, someone already picked them.

Eia, ng sebechek longit a teblong er a?Hey, could you spare a couple of betelnuts?
    »additional examples

buud  buud a obuud, mo merek; meterob.

 buuk  n.type of pandanus with wide; strong leaves good for thatching roof of canoe shed; bai; etc.buuk a ta er a bedengel a ongor, buuk a usbechall el chado er a blai me a bai.

buul  v.s.(food; plant; etc.) has strong; lasting odor.buul a klou a bul, riamel a kall el buul.

bekebuul  v.s.(person, animal) has strong (body) odor.bekebuul a buul; klou a bul, merredes el bau, a riamel a bekebuul el kall.

 A ngikel a Ngerechelong a kmal.Fish from Ngerechelong have or leave a very strong odor.

 A ngikel er a Ngerechelong a kmal.Fish from Ngerechelong have/leave a very strong odor.

buuldiil  buuldiil a udoud el oboket el kirel a bechiil el dil e dioll er a ketengel, udoud el omengel a diil. Bekatel el udoud el mo ra bechiil e dil el dioll ra ketengel.

buut  buut a blil a chiull el cheled er a kereker el kall, remechas a omuut e melai a chiull.

ba    bd    be    bi    bk    bl    bn    bo    br    bs    bt    bu    

 a    b    ch    d    e    f    g    h    i    k    l    m    n    o    p    r    s    t    u    y    z   



