


Produced from the master edition maintained

updated: 6/21/2015   


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a    ab    ad    ai    ak    al    am    an    au    

a  mod.contentless word which precedes nouns and verbs under various conditions; if.a a omuchel a cheldecheduch; a le ko skoki mla mei; bai a klalobuai.

  babier lluches.The letter is written.

bai lebo Droteo, e ak mong.If Droteo goes, I'll go.
    »additional examples

a adang  of course.

A delal a biskang!  expression.That's a large spear!

A Droteo a kilenge er a Toki me ng mo mengedub.  expression.Droteo allowed Toki to go swimming.

A iit!  expression.You've missed!

a kmu  if.

a ldu  conj.because.

 Ngera me ke di dengchokl er tiang? - A ldu ng chetirir a kbo er sei.Why are you just sitting here? - Because they don't want me to go over there.

a lebla er ngii  expression.if there had been.

a lebocha lekukuk  expression.when the next day arrives.

a lechub  seeme a lechub.

a lechul me  conj.if (only).

a leklebesei night; nights.

a leko  intended to; apparently.

aleko  cont.a leko.

a lesueleb  afternoons; in the afternoon.

a letutau  expression.mornings; in the morning.

a lsekum  mod.if.

alsekum  cont.a lsekum.

 A lsekum ng ungil a chei, e te mo er a chei.If the tide is good, (then) they'll go fishing.

a renguk a mengkerengek heart is my guardian. Similar to 'Let your conscience be your guide.'.

a renguk e  expression.I think/thought that.

a ta er a klebesei e  expression.once upon a time.

a uche er a  expression.before (used only at beginning of sentence).

a uriul er a  expression.after (used only at beginning of sentence).

abai  seebai.

-ad  affix.our.

adang  interj.Please; won't you?; it's true (isn't it?).adang a oterkeklel a kengei me a tekoi. adang ua isei? adang mekerang?

 A Droteo a mle er a elii, diak?Droteo arrived yesterday, didn't he?

Ng sechal redil a ngelekem.You have a boy or a girl.

Sebechem lousubes er ngak ngdiak? would you forgive me please?

Ng uangerang a bedengel a mlim? Ng mellemau ng bekerkard?what is the color or your car? is it blue? or is it red?

Adebetel  n.legendary male inhabitant of Ngeriab.

adidil  n.longing; sentimentality; wistful yearning of the past.

adios  (Spa.)good-bye.

aika  pro.these objects/animals near speaker and near listener. [syn:aikang]

aika el hong  expression.these books.

aikal  cont.aika el.

  el kall a mla mo medeel er kemam.There's gotten to be too much food for us.

  el oluches a mechetngaid.These pencils are thin.

  a kelek el omech er ngak a kbo ksengerenger.This is (my) food to tide me over in case I get hungry.

 Ak meruul el kiriu.I'm doing these things for you (pl.) benefit.
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aika el hong  expression.these books.

aikal  cont.aika el.

chemelek el kebui a meral di moalch.My chewing pepper leaves are withered.

Sechelei, cheral a iwashi a meral mla mo takai!Friends, these prices on canned mackerel are outrageous!

Kamei aikl uaol. ngikel a di menga uolek.Pass the bait. The fish keep eating my bait.

Ngmeral ungil a cheritel mea klekedellel engdi berdel a ngerel akora ulecherue er tial kutsibenni er ngii.She looks so beautiful with her traditional grass skirt and decorations except her lips look inside out with that lipstick.
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aikang  seeaika.

Ngidak molai delchil, ngdi uaisei eng mecherdochd.Oh don't gut those ones, we're just gonna fry them like that.

ngarang?What are these?

aike  pro.those objects/animals far from speaker and far from listener. [syn:aikei]

aike el kahol  expression.those boxes (over there).

aikel  cont.aike el.

 A Ioseb a ulemekall er a mlil el mo er el stoang.Joseph drove his car to those stores.

 A Sally a menguiu el hong.Sally is reading those books.

  el beluu el mla mo nglai.the nations that have become conquered.

  el beluu el mla mengai.the nations that have been conquered.
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aike el kahol  expression.those boxes (over there).

aikei  seeaike.

aikel  cont.aike el.

Kemla mecholue ngikel el nga er a odekel?Did you descale the fish on the outdoor prep area?

Kabom risue mekebud e dongerdochd mea dousashimi.Go wash the sardines real good so we can fry some and have some for sashimi.

Ngdiak moltobed ngarngii a desal.Hey, when you the females, leave the eggs in.

Ngkirek el mo meredm teblong era biskeleng.I need to put together at least two more spears.
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aile  pro.these objects/animals near speaker and far from listener. [syn:ailei]

ailei el hong  expression.these books (near me).

ailel  cont.aile el.

ailech el klalo  expression.those things (near you).

ailecha  pro.those objects/animals far from speaker and near listener. [syn:ailechang]

ailech el klalo  expression.those things (near you).

ailechal  cont.ailecha el.

 Ngara a chimi er a el tekingem?What do you mean by that?

ailechal  cont.ailecha el.

ngais ng dirk chemadch malechub eng selengoes?Are those eggs uncooked or cooked?

itotch a ungil mecherdoched e mora makit.Those emperor fish should be fried and be sold at the market.

ailechang  seeailecha.

ngarang?What are those?

ailei  seeaile.

ailei el hong  expression.these books (near me).

ailel  cont.aile el.

ak  pro.I/me (nonemphatic).ak a ngak. ak melekoi. ak mong. ak mei. ak mekerang?

A bai lebo a Droteo, e mong.If Droteo goes, I'll go.

 A bersoech a chilebeldkak me killii.The snake tricked me into eating it.

 A kmu ng ngar er ngii a ududek, e mecherar a bechel el mlai.If I had money, (then) I'd buy a new car.

  blechoel el meruul a kelel a Droteo.I always prepare Droteo's food.
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-ak; my.

ak dmu  I say.

akai  interj.Ouch! (expression of pain).akai a olecholt er a ringel; meringel a bedengel a kmo, "akai tia meringel". [syn:akii.akii a akai.akkai.akkai a kmal meringel; "akkai!" ng ngera omangch?chakai,chakii,chakkai,chakkii,chakkoi,chakoi]

ake  ake a olecholt er a ulekdakd. ake, kau ak chelebedau.

akee  v.a.s.akee a kirel a chasireng; akee ng mera el sechal! akee, ng mera el ungil el redil!

akeke  baby.(Tag.)good job.

aki  pro.we/us (nonemphatic, excludes listener).aki a kemam, ngak el uldimukl er a rubengkek, aki mlei ngak me a delak me a demak, aki merolung.

  sorir a rebuik.The boys like us.

  mle kasoes a chuungam.We could see each other's shadows.

  omtech er kid a leme chull.We're getting ready in case of rain.

  kauchais a chisel a belumam.We're exchanging news about our home villages.
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akii  seeakai.akii a akai.

akkai  seeakai.akkai a kmal meringel; "akkai!" ng ngera omangch?

akkii  akkii a akkai.

akooi  akooi a olecholt er a ringel me a saul; "akooi ng meral meringel a urreor" "akooi ng mesaul a bedengek".

-al  affix.his; her; its; their.

aleko  cont.a leko.

A delak mea tonari er kemam a mlora sers, temo meruul a billum.Our neighbor and my mom went to the farm, they will be making grated cassava.

A rengalk er chelchal taem te kmal mellomes.Kids these days think they are so smart.

alii�?  interj.Hey!; Look Out!; Hello.alii a sus; alii, kom ua ngerang?; alii, ngar er ngii a rechad?

alii₂  alii a ulekdakd, omekdakd; alii a deleb!; alii er kau; alii a kokok!

alsekum  cont.a lsekum.

Aki milekelbus eaki oldechelakl era skuul.We got punished for fighting at school.

altae  conj.if (perhaps/maybe).

altang  conj.if (perhaps/maybe).

altang  conj.if (perhaps/maybe).

-am  affix.your; our.

amt  n.(Ger.)government.

chad er a amt  n.politician.

anata  n.(Jap.)sweetheart; dear (used by a woman in reference to her husband).

-ang  affix.him; her; it.

-ar  affix.him; her; it.


aui  aui a ko er a kibetiekl; omeketakl er a mla mengodech; aui, ng diak a cheldmiu?

aukang  aukang a adang, melisiich a tekoi; aukang mekerang?

auui  auui a ouuchel er a telemall; auui ng mla mecham a did. auui ng mla mad a mesil er a mlai.

a    ab    ad    ai    ak    al    am    an    au    

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