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byadmin last modified Jul 06, 2017 01:46 PM
Site News
TolkienMoot XVIII Guest Speaker Brenton Dickieson, PhD Bio

TolkienMoot XVIII Guest Speaker Brenton Dickieson, PhD Bio

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 30, 2022 01:06 PM

Brenton Dickieson is a lecturer at Signum University, The King’s College in New York City, Lecturer in Theology and Literature at Maritime Christian College in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,

TolkienMoot XVIII Guest Speaker Brenton Dickieson, PhD Bio -Read More…

Signum University teacher Brenton Dickieson guest speaker panelist at TolkienMoot XVIII July 30th!

Signum University teacher Brenton Dickieson guest speaker panelist at TolkienMoot XVIII July 30th!

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jun 18, 2022 06:34 AM

TolkienMoot XVIII's Eä Tolkien Society's special guest panelist speaker includes Signum University teacher Brenton Dickieson !

Signum University teacher Brenton Dickieson guest speaker panelist at TolkienMoot XVIII July 30th! -Read More…

TolkienMoot XVIII Schedule Adjustment, Special Guest Speaker Announcement: Signum University Teacher Brenton Dickieson, New Dedicated Location, and RSVP Form Now Enabled

TolkienMoot XVIII Schedule Adjustment, Special Guest Speaker Announcement: Signum University Teacher Brenton Dickieson, New Dedicated Location, and RSVP Form Now Enabled

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 27, 2022 10:32 PM

The 18th annual TolkienMoot convention is taking place July 30th and 31st, 2022, and the RSVP is now open. There is limited seating available for the tabletop role-playing game sessions. This will also take place for the first time at the new Role-Playing Game Community Center (RPG Center) at 101 North Stone Street, Spokane, Washington 99202.

TolkienMoot XVIII Schedule Adjustment, Special Guest Speaker Announcement: Signum University Teacher Brenton Dickieson, New Dedicated Location, and RSVP Form Now Enabled -Read More…

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast April 16th, 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Apr 16, 2022 12:04 PM

We usually meet (and broadcasting via the Internet) on the THIRD Saturday of each month, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time). Meeting at Hawke's House and in the and Jitsi online conference room. We have also moved our live streaming and recorded broadcasts back to (for now).Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast April 16th, 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time Watch the meeting online via our Youtube stream.

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast April 16th, 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time -Read More…

Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for March 19th, 2022

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Apr 16, 2022 11:50 AM

Eä #Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for March 19th, 2022

Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for March 19th, 2022 -Read More…

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast March 19th 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast March 19th 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Mar 19, 2022 12:08 PM

We usually meet (and broadcast over the Internet) on the THIRD Saturda of each month, from 1-3 pm Pacific Time. Meeting at Hawke's House in Spokane, Washington, USA, people from all around the world (U.K., USA, Finland, Italy, and more) join in these friendly and in-depth discussions.

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast March 19th 2022 1-3 pm Pacific Time -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XVIII - Scheduled for July 16th, 2022 - The Númenor Cycle Part 3

Tolkien Moot XVIII - Scheduled for July 16th, 2022 - The Númenor Cycle Part 3

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Mar 17, 2022 03:05 PM

Join our wonderful panelists for live TolkienMoot XVIII (2022) live broadcast. Dr. Brenton Dickieson of Signum University will join us. This year's topic and gaming theme is "The Rise of Númenor" (from Elros Tar-Minyatur to Tar-Aldarion). This year's Tolkien Society discussion is "What Defined the Golden Age of Númenor: Exploring the symbolism and meaning of Númenorean culture within the legendarium. "

Tolkien Moot XVIII - Scheduled for July 16th, 2022 - The Númenor Cycle Part 3 -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XVII - July 17th, 2021 - The Númenor Cycle Part 2

Tolkien Moot XVII - July 17th, 2021 - The Númenor Cycle Part 2

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 16, 2021 06:52 PM

Join our wonderful panelists for live TolkienMoot XVII (2021) live broadcast. Shawn Marchese and Alan Sisto, the podcasting duo from the Prancing Pony, which received the 2020 Tolkien Society award for best online content. will join us. This year's topic and gaming theme is "The Zenith of Númenor" (Kings from Tar-Aldarion to Tar-Minastir (S.A. 883-1869)). This year's Tolkien Society discussion is "What Defined the Golden Age of Númenor: Exploring the symbolism and meaning of Númenorean culture within the legendarium. "

Tolkien Moot XVII - July 17th, 2021 - The Númenor Cycle Part 2 -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XVI - Exceptional Live Broadcast Panelists! September 19th 2020. 1 - 3 pm PST8PDT

Tolkien Moot XVI - Exceptional Live Broadcast Panelists! September 19th 2020. 1 - 3 pm PST8PDT

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Sep 19, 2020 03:17 PM

Join our wonderful panelists for live TolkienMoot XVI (2020) live broadcast: John Garth, Dr. David Russell Mosley, Sarah Zama, & Shawn E. Marchese. This year's theme is "The Rise of Númenor" (ElrosTar-Minyatur to Tar-Aldarion) Tolkien Society discussion. September 19th, 2020, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm PST8PDT.

Tolkien Moot XVI - Exceptional Live Broadcast Panelists! September 19th 2020. 1 - 3 pm PST8PDT -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XV - October 19th 2019

Tolkien Moot XV - October 19th 2019

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jun 05, 2019 12:41 PM

2019's TolkienMoot is taking place in October instead of the usual July. Please make a note of it and watch for the RSVP announcements. This year's theme is "The Fall of Gondolin" and a legendary sword.

Tolkien Moot XV - October 19th 2019 -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XIV begins July 21st - RSVP Today!

Tolkien Moot XIV begins July 21st - RSVP Today!

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 12, 2018 04:55 PM

Hurry & RSVP! Seating is filling up fast. Tolkien Moot XIII begins July 21st, 2018, doors open at 7:00 am, events begin promptly at 8:00 am! Hosted by the Eä Tolkien Society, an official Smial of the U.K. Tolkien Society, with support from RPG Research. Tolkien Moot provides Tolkien-inspired role-playing games, board games, video games, scholarly discussion, Tolkien-inspired music, art, and appealing to many other enthusiasts. RSVPs will close soon. RSVP now, so you don't miss out this year!

Tolkien Moot XIV begins July 21st - RSVP Today! -Read More…

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV!

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV!

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 09, 2018 09:58 AM

Tolkien Moot takes place each year on the third weekend of July, this year, July 21st. The RSVP is now ready for everyone to begin signing up for this year's moot! Don't procrastinate, the seats fill up quickly!

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV! -Read More…

TolkienMoot XIII Report and Photos

TolkienMoot XIII Report and Photos

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 16, 2017 11:53 PM

Here is a report on the TolkienMoot XIII experience, with information on the current plans for next year's TolkienMoot XIV. This posting also includes photos, videos, and links to additional photos and videos from the convention...

TolkienMoot XIII Report and Photos -Read More…

5 Days To TolkienMoot XIII. RSVP Today!

5 Days To TolkienMoot XIII. RSVP Today!

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 10, 2017 11:51 AM

Tolkien Moot XIII begins in just a few days! 7:30 am, July 15th, 2017! Only a few seats left, so hurry and RSVP. Hosted by the Eä Tolkien Society, an official Smial of the U.K. Tolkien Society, providing Tolkien-inspired role-playing games, board games, video games, scholarly discussion, and appealing to many other enthusiasts. RSVPs will close soon. RSVP now, so you don't miss out this year!

5 Days To TolkienMoot XIII. RSVP Today! -Read More…

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIII!

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIII!

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Mar 28, 2017 04:37 AM

Tolkien Moot XIII takes place July 15th. The RSVP is now ready for everyone to begin signing up for this year's moot! Don't procrastinate, the seats fill up quickly! This year's theme is: "Mordor"!

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIII! -Read More…

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV! (2018)

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV! (2018)

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 09, 2018 09:28 AM

Tolkien Moot XIV takes place July 21st. The RSVP is now ready for everyone to begin signing up for this year's moot! Don't procrastinate, the seats fill up quickly! This year's theme is: "The Entwives"!

RSVP Now Available for TolkienMoot XIV! (2018) -Read More…

Preparing for Tolkien Moot XIII

Preparing for Tolkien Moot XIII

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jan 28, 2017 06:40 PM

Things are under way in preparation for the 13th annual Tolkien Moot.

Preparing for Tolkien Moot XIII -Read More…

Adventures in Middle-earth D&D 5e Tolkien-based Gaming

Adventures in Middle-earth D&D 5e Tolkien-based Gaming

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Dec 12, 2016 11:08 AM

While I received the PDFs many months ago, I finally received the hard copies of the d20 Tolkien RPG System based on The One Ring (TOR) by Cubicle 7: "Adventures in Middle-earth Players guide" for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. Definitely plan for this to be at Tolkien Moot XIII!

Adventures in Middle-earth D&D 5e Tolkien-based Gaming -Read More…

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Sept 17, 2016 (1-3 pm Pacific)

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Sept 17, 2016 (1-3 pm Pacific)

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Sep 04, 2016 04:21 PM

We have moved the monthly TS meetings to the THIRD Saturday of each month as of Septebmer 17th, 2016 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time)!

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Sept 17, 2016 (1-3 pm Pacific) -Read More…

Eä Tolkien Society August 2016 Meeting Moved to AUG 20

Eä Tolkien Society August 2016 Meeting Moved to AUG 20

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Aug 11, 2016 05:05 PM

The Tolkien Society monthly meeting & broadcast has been rescheduled to August 20th, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Pacific time.

Eä Tolkien Society August 2016 Meeting Moved to AUG 20 -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XII Draft Module Now Available

Tolkien Moot XII Draft Module Now Available

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 04, 2017 02:51 PM

The adventure module from Tolkien Moot XII (2016), rough draft outline, is now available in the archives section...

Tolkien Moot XII Draft Module Now Available -Read More…

Tolkien Moot XII, July 16, 2016.

Tolkien Moot XII, July 16, 2016.

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 07, 2016 01:37 PM

Tolkien Moot XII (2016) takes place Saturday, July 16th, 8 am to 10 pm. This year on-site attendance of the RPG sessions will be by invitation only, though other events and gaming will be open RSVP, and we will again be broadcasting live over our Youtube channel and Google+ Hangout.

Tolkien Moot XII, July 16, 2016. -Read More…

Tolkien Society Meeting April 16

Tolkien Society Meeting April 16

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Apr 16, 2016 10:36 AM

A reminder that the monthly Eä Tolkien Society is meeting Saturday, April 16th, 2016, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, in Spokane, Washington, and online...

Tolkien Society Meeting April 16 -Read More…

TolkienMoot XII Needs 1+ More GM

TolkienMoot XII Needs 1+ More GM

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jul 14, 2016 03:55 PM

Due to overwhelming demand, we need at least one more Game Master for the growing waitlist of tabletop RPGers for July 16th...

TolkienMoot XII Needs 1+ More GM -Read More…

Remember: Tolkien Moot takes place on the 3rd Weekend of July Each Year

Remember: Tolkien Moot takes place on the 3rd Weekend of July Each Year

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Jan 12, 2016 03:22 PM

Just a quick reminder that we have standardized the dates for Tolkien Moot since Tolkien Moot XI. The 3rd weekend of July every year. Tolkien Moot XII will be July 16th

Remember: Tolkien Moot takes place on the 3rd Weekend of July Each Year -Read More…

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society December 2015 Meeting

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society December 2015 Meeting

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Dec 10, 2015 09:04 PM

Just a quick reminder to join the Tolkien Society for our monthly meeting, on the second Saturday of each month, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time). For this month it will be December 12th.

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society December 2015 Meeting -Read More…

Website User Account Self-Registration Now Re-Enabled

byadmin — last modified Nov 14, 2015 05:32 PM

We had some technical issues requiring disabling of users creating new accounts. We believe those issues are now resolved. You can now create your own accounts on the website so that you can participate in the forum, comments, uploads, etc. Thank you for your patience and support!

Website User Account Self-Registration Now Re-Enabled -Read More…

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society September 12, 2015 Meeting 1:00 pm

byTolkien Moot Volunteer — last modified Sep 06, 2015 09:33 PM

Just a quick reminder to join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, September 12th, at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Pacific Time).

Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society September 12, 2015 Meeting 1:00 pm -Read More…

Tolkien Moot on Youtube


Tolkien Moot on Twitter


MerpCon I / TolkienMoot 2005 Photos
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Tolkien Moot VII 2011 Photos
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TolkienMoot VIII 2012 Photos
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Tolkien Moot IX 2013 Photos
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2013 06 25 19 56 12 187
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2013 07 09 22 27 01 943
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2013 08 03 10 38 48 578
TolkienMoot X Photos
2014 Tolkien Moot X day 2, TOR RPG (Cubicle 7's The One Ring Role Playing Game) table.
2014 Tolkien Moot X, ICE MERP (Iron Crown Enterprises Middle earth Role playing) table
2014 Tolkien Moot X day 2 after hours board and card games.
2014 Tolkien Moot X day 2 group shot in front of sign.
2014 Tolkien Moot X day 2 after hours gaming, camera shy gamers playing The Hobbit board game by Fantasy Flight Games
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Tolkien Moot X Day 1 In front of sign early arrivals 20140808a
Tolkien Moot XI
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Giants of the Ettenmoors & Beyond Map 4a   Thrym's House exterior
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Tearan Castle Area Map 2 TolkienMoot XI Giants of the Ettenmoors A Giant Problem
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Ea Tolkien Society June 2015 Screencap
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Giants of the Ettenmoors & Beyond Map 3 Floor 1 with footsteps 1800x2048
Giants of the Ettenmoors & Beyond Map 4b   Thrym's House interior
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Goblin town dungeons Floor 1 Overview Map no labels
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tolkienmoot green screen partial setup so far 20150711b 1024x654
Tearan Castle Area Map 1 TolkienMoot XI Giants of the Ettenmoors A Giant Problem
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Giants of the Ettenmoors & Beyond Map 2   The Last Inn & Bridge Area Floor 1
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Tolkien Moot XII (2016) Images
Tolkien Moot XIII (2017) Images
Tolkien Moot XIV (2018) Images
Tolkien Moot XV (2019) Images
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colored pearls
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Tolkien Moot XVI (2020) Images
shawn marchese
Sarah Zama
john garth
Tolkien Moot XVII (2021) Images
Tolkien Moot XVIII (2022) Images
TolkienMoot XVIII Guest Speaker Brenton Dickieson, PhD BioJul 30, 2022
Signum University teacher Brenton Dickieson guest speaker panelist at TolkienMoot XVIII July 30th!Jun 18, 2022
TolkienMoot XVIII Schedule Adjustment, Special Guest Speaker Announcement: Signum University Teacher Brenton Dickieson, New Dedicated Location, and RSVP Form Now EnabledMay 23, 2022
Reminder: Eä Tolkien Society Meeting & Broadcast April 16th, 2022 1-3 pm Pacific TimeApr 16, 2022
Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for March 19th, 2022Apr 16, 2022
More news…

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