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Related to parenthetical:parenthetical expression,Parenthetical citation
(păr′ən-thĕt′ĭ-kəl)adj. alsopar·en·thet·ic(-ĭk)
1. Set off within or as if within parentheses; qualifying or explanatory:a parenthetical remark.
2. Using or containing parentheses.
A parenthetical word, phrase, or remark.
par′en·thet′i·cal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun | 1. | ![]() adjunct - a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence |
Adj. | 1. | parenthetical - qualifying or explaining; placed or as if placed in parentheses; "parenthetical remarks" incidental,incident - (sometimes followed by `to') minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence; "incidental expenses"; "the road will bring other incidental advantages"; "extra duties incidental to the job"; "labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion"; "confusion incidental to a quick change" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
parentheticadjectiveinterposed,incidental,explanatory,qualifying,inserted,bracketed,extraneous,extrinsicHe kept interrupting his story with parenthetical remarks.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjectiveMarked by or given to digression:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
til skÿringar; innan sviga
ara söz ile ilgili
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(pəˈrenθəsis) –pluralpaˈrentheses (-siːz) – noun1. a word or group of words within a sentence, which gives a commentetc andusually separates from the rest of the sentence by brackets, dashesetc.I asked John (my friend John Smith) to come and see me. hakies كَلِمَه أو جُمْلَة مُعْتَرِضَه вметната дума parêntese vsuvka die Parenthese parentes; indskudπαρένθεσηparéntesis kiilsõna, kiillause جمله معترضه sivuhuomautusparenthèse מַאֲמָר מוּסגָר निक्षेप umetak zárójelbe tett megjegyzés keterangan dalam kurung innskotsorð (innan sviga eða sambærilegra merkja)parentesi 挿入句 삽입 어구 priedėlis, įterptinis žodis/žodžių junginys iesprausts vārds/vārdu grupa parentesistussenzinparentes,innskutt bemerkning wtrącenie معترضه جمله، دوه ليندۍ، قوسونهparêntese paranteză вводное слово/ предложение vsuvka, parentéza vrinek umetnuta reč parentes ข้อความแทรกในวงเล็บ ara söz 插入語 вставне слово, речення جملۂ معترضہ thành phần trong ngoặc đơn插入语
2. a round bracket used to mark the seperate part of such a sentence. hakie أقْواس حَول الكَلام кръгла скоба parêntese závorka (kulatá) die Klammer parentes; klammeπαρένθεσηparéntesis ümarsulg پرانتز sulkumerkkiparenthèseסוגריים निपेक्षचिह्न, लघु कोष्ठक zagrada (kerek) zárójel tanda kurung svigiparentesi かっこ 괄호 lenktiniai skliaustai apaļās iekavas tanda kurunghaakjeparentesnawias قوسونهparêntese paranteză круглая скобка zátvorka (guľatá) oklepaj srednja zagrada parentestecken วงเล็บ ayraç,parantez 圓括號 круглі дужки قوسين ngoặc đơn圆括号
parenthetical (parənˈθetikəl) adjectivea parenthetical remark. ingevoegde إعْتِراضِيَّه вмъкнат parentético vsunutýbeiläufig parentetisk; indskudt παρενθετικός entre paréntesis vahe-, lisa- معترضه؛ پرانتزی selittäväentre parenthèses שֶׁבְּסוֹגרַיִים निक्षिप्त, सन्निविष्ठ umetnut közbevetett dalam kurung til skÿringar; innan sviga (fra parentesi) 挿入句の 삽입 어구의 įterptinis, pridėtinis iesprausts, iestarpināts berparentesistussen haakjesside,innskutt nawiasowy معترضه parentético între parantezeвводный vsunutý vrinjen umetnut parentetisk เกี่ยวกับวงเล็บ ara söz ile ilgili 插入語的 вставний; взятий в дужки جملۂ معترضہ کے طور پر nằm trong ngoặc đơn插入语的
in parentheses said, writtenetc as a parenthesis. tussen hakies بَين قوسَيْن в скоби entre parênteses v závorceeingeflochten i parentes bemærket εντός παρενθέσεων entre paréntesis vahemärkusena بصورت جمله معترضه sulkeissaentre parenthèses בְּסוֹגרַיִים निक्षेप के रूप में कहा गया या लिखा गया dodatak zárójelben dalam kurung sem innskotsorð; innan sviga fra parentesi かっこに入れて 덧붙여 말하자면 skliaustuose, įterpiant iekavās; iestarpināts sambil lalutussen haakjesi parentes w nawiasach د قوس په منځ كښې entre parênteses între paranteze в скобках v zátvorkách v oklepaju u zagradi inom parentes เขียนไว้ในวงเล็บ parantez içinde 括入括號內 вставний; взятий в дужки جملۂ معترضہ کے بطور chú thích括入括号内
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The caution of this gentleman was exhibited in his actions, by the utmost method and punctuality, tinctured with a good deal of timidity; and in his speeches, by aparenthetical style, that frequently left to his auditors a long search after his meaning.
What could the wretched Joe do now, after his disregardedparenthetical interruptions, but stand up to his journeyman, and ask him what he meant by interfering betwixt himself and Mrs.
4-5) by storms which spoil his crops begins: the remaining verses areparenthetical, describing the snake `which bears its young in the spring season'.
He spoke with a studious fidelity to aparenthetical manner, into which every little fact - that is, every detail - fitted with delightful ease.
Even classic puff pastry seems less daunting thanks to Robertson's patient, descriptive directions andparenthetical asides.
What if we told you that there is a newparenthetical used in legal citations that is taking the appellate world by storm?
Leaving theParenthetical Behind: The Civil Rights Cases
The reader will feel engaged in the story, as Strand includes numerousparenthetical asides.
The first-person narrator, Veronica, begins with her love life and loss, employing mathematical-styleparenthetical notation at the end of names: Tordo (T), Mom (M).
Where appropriate,parenthetical references refer to operating earnings, which the Company believes are more relevant comparisons to prior period results of operations.
(9) When that happens, writers alter the quote--maybe they change the verb tense; maybe they drop a word or two--but then they must indicate those changes within the quotation itself or in aparenthetical to the citation.
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