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(Classical Music) characterized by contrasting alternating tutti and solo passages
n,pl-ti (-tɪ)
(Classical Music) a composition characterized by such contrasts
[C18: from Italian, fromconcertare to perform a concert, fromconcerto concert]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

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Sara Trickey and Sarah-Jane Bradley are the soloists in the Double Concerto for Violin and Viola, a delightful piece ofconcertante team-work with a rhapsodic central movement - a sort of two larks ascending - and a jolly dancing finale.
The world renowned Salomon Quartet performed at Morville Church on Saturday, before the Grand Festival Finale in St Mary's Church saw a SinfoniaConcertante by Viotti performed by Simon Standage on violin, Ada Witczyk on violin, Eva Cabellero on flute, Mark Baigent on oboe and Robert Percival on bassoon.
SinfoniaConcertante forViolin,ViolaandOrchestra(Mozart), works of prominent composers Antonin Dvorak and George Handelwill sound at the concert.
The sixth volume, which was prepared by the Bohuslav Martinu Institute deals with Martinfi's "Quadruple Concertos" (Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra and the Sinfoniaconcertante; The Bohuslav Martinu Complete Edition III/2/4.
Solo performances include Mozart's SinfoniaConcertante, the Copland Clarinet Concerto and the Artie Shaw Concerto for Clarinet.
Jeffrey Ching's completion of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's 'SinfoniaConcertante in A major' will have its world premiere by the world-renowned Staatskapelle Dresden on the occasion of its 469th founding anniversary in Dresden, Germany on Sept.
If it's music you're after there's a visit from folk rock pioneers Steeleye Span as they bring their new live show to the Boro, as well as tributes to The Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and David Bowie with classical sounds from LondonConcertante.
Today, 2.30pm and 8.25pm, Chapter Arts Centre, 029 2030 4400 Sinfonia Cymru: The Freddie Mercury Project Welsh chamber orchestra Sinfonia Cymru commissioned composer and violinist Vlad Maistorovici to create QueenConcertante, new arrangements of iconic Queen songs.
Typically tuneful and rather Germanic, it ties in beautifully with Mozart's String sextet after the SinfoniaConcertante, K.

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