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In reference to. See Usage Note at participle.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


about; regarding; on the subject of
worrying or troublesome
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kənˈsɜr nɪŋ)

relating to; regarding; about.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:


prepositionregarding,about,re,touching,respecting,relating to,on the subject of,as to,with reference to,in the matter of,apropos of,as regardsissues concerning the national interest of the United States
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
بِخُصوصمُخْتَصّ ب
koskienkoskien jotakinliittyenpuheen ollen
-בנוגע ל
što se tiče
...에 관하여
v zvezi z
…ile ilgili olarakhakkındailgili
liên quan đến


1. (=with regard to) →con respecto a, conrelación a,en lo que se refiere a (frm)
concerning your last remark,conrespectoorrelación a suúltimocomentario, ...,en lo que se refiere a suúltimocomentario, ...
2. (=about) →sobre,acerca de
theories concerning evolutionteorías sobreor acercade laevolución
something concerning his motheralgo quetenía quever con sumadrealgorelacionado con sumadre
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


prep (=to do with) →concernant,à propos de
For further information concerning the job, contact Mr Robert White →Pour plus d'informations concernant cetemploi,contacter M.Robert White.
adj (=worrying) →inquiétant(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


prepbezüglich, hinsichtlich, betreffs(form) (→all+gen);concerning your request …apropos IhrerAnfrage …, was IhreAnfragebetrifft;concerning what?worüber?
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[kənˈsɜːnɪŋ]prepriguardo a, circa
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kənˈsəːn) verb
1. to have to do with.This order doesn't concern us;So far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like. betref, raak يَخَص، يَهُم отнасям се до dizer respeito týkat sebetreffen angå; vedrøre; berøreαφορώconcernir (kellessegi) puutuma مربوط بودن به koskettaaconcerner לִדאוֹג सरोकार ticati se, biti važan za, odnositi se na (vkit) érint, illet pentingan bagi varða, snertariguardare ~にかかわる 관계하다 turėti ryšį su kuo, sieti su attiekties uz; skart kena-mengenabetreffenangå,vedrøre,berøredotyczyć رابطه يا علاقه درلودل dizer respeito a priviкасаться týkať sa zadevati ticati se angå เกี่ยวข้องกับ ilgilendirmek, ilgili olmak 對...有關 стосуватися, відноситися تعلق ہونا liên quan对...有关
2. (withfororabout) to make (usually oneself) uneasy.Don't concern yourself about her. besorgd wees, betrokke wees, moegmaak يَقْلَق безпокоя preocupar starat se o, znepokojovat sebeunruhigen bekymreνοιάζομαι,ανησυχώpreocuparse muretsema نگران کردن vaivata s'inquiéter de לַעֲסוֹק, לִדאוֹג चिन्तित होना या करना brinuti se za, brinuti o nyugtalankodik (vki, vmi miatt) merisaukan hafa áhyggjur afpreoccuparsi 心配させる 걱정하다 rūpintis, nerimauti bažīties; raizēties menyusahkan zich zorgen maken om bekymre/engste (seg)przejmować się پریشان کولpreocupar-se a se îngrijora (de)беспокоиться znepokojovať sa skrbeti brinuti se bekymra, oroa ทำให้กังวล kaygılandırmak, endişelendirmek 使擔心 турбуватися, тривожитися فکر کرنا lo lắng使担心
3. (withwithorin) to interest (oneself) in.He doesn't concern himself with unimportant details. betrokke met, belangstel يُشْغِلُ نَفْسَه، يَهْتَم بِ занимавам се preocupar starat se o, zajímat se osich beschäftigen beskæftige ασχολούμαι με, ενδιαφέρομαι γιαinteresarse en huvituma علاقه نشان دادن olla kiinnostunuts'intéresser à לְהִתעַניֵן, לַעָסוֹק सरोकार baviti se törődik mempedulikan hafa áhuga áinteressarsi 関心をもつ 관여하다 domėtis interesēties; nodarboties memberi perhatianzich bezighouden metbry seg med,være opptatt av zajmować się مساْله، مو ضوع: ګټه، علاقه ترورتيا: تلو ليتوب: تجارتى موسسهpreocupar-se a fi interesat (de)интересоваться zaoberať sa ukvarjati se interesovati se za bry sig om, befatta sig med สนใจilgilenmek 使關心 цікавитися, займатися دلچسپی رکھنا quan tâm đến使关心
1. something that concerns or belongs to one.His problems are not my concern. bekommerdheid, besorgdheid, kommerشَأْن грижа preocupação věc die Angelegenheit sag; anliggendeέγνοιαasunto asi, mure موضوع مرتبط با؛ موضوع مورد علاقه asiaresponsabilitéקשר चिन्ता briga, zabrinutost, nemir gond tanggung jawab mál, málefnipreoccupazione 関心事 관심사 reikalas, rūpestis darīšana urusanaangelegenheidsak,anliggendesprawa,rzecz رابطه يا علاقه درلودلpreocupação grijă, treabăотношение vec zadeva, skrb briga angelägenhet, sak สิ่งที่เกี่ยวข้องmesele,sorun, 某人所關切或與某人有關的事 справа; інтерес تعلق ہونا mối quan tâm某人所关切或与某人有关的事
2. anxiety.The condition of the patient is giving rise to concern. kommer, bekommernis, begaan قَلَق безпокойство ansiedade znepokojení die Sorge bekymringανησυχίαpreocupación,inquietud mure(tsus) نگرانی؛ دلواپسی huoliinquiétudeדאגה चिन्ता briga aggodalom kekhawatiran áhyggjapreoccupazione 心配 걱정 nerimas bažas; raizes bimbangbezorgdheidbekymring,engstelsetroska پرشان کول،پشیمانansiedade nelinişteбеспокойство znepokojenie zaskrbljenost briga oro ความกังวลendişe,kaygı 擔心 турбота, хвилювання اضطراب ، بے چینی sự lo lắng担心
3. a business.a shoe-manufacturing concern. firma, saak; onderneming, besigheid مُؤَسَّسَه تِجارِيَّه работа firma podnik, koncern das Unternehmen virksomhed; foretagende; koncernεπιχείρησηnegocio ettevõte, kontsern شرکت؛ موسسه بازرگانی yritysentrepriseעסק व्यापार posao vállalkozás perusahaan fyrirtækiditta,impresa 会社 사업 koncernas, įmonė koncerns; uzņēmums perniagaanbedrijfforretning,foretak,virksomhetprzedsiębiorstwo تجارتی موسسه firma concern, firmăпредприятие podnik podjetje koncern företag, koncern ธุรกิจşirket,kuruluş,firma 企業 концерн, підприємство تجارتی واسطہ doanh nghiệp企业
conˈcerning preposition
about.He wrote to me concerning a business arrangement. rakende, aangaande, betreffende, met betrekking tot, omtrent, nopens بِخُصوص относно a respeito de ohledně, obetreffs angående; vedrørendeσχετικά με referente a,con respecto a asjus در مورد koskienà propos deבנוגע ל- के बारे में u vezi sa illetőleg tentang varðandiriguardo a ~に関して 관한 apie, dėl attiecībā uz; kas attiecas uz berkaitanbetreffendemed hensyn til,vedrørende,angående,omodnośnie موردa respeito de în legă­tură cuотносительно o v zvezi z u vezi sa beträffande เกี่ยวกับhakkında, ...ile ilgili olarak 關於 відносно, щодо متعلق về关于
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُخْتَصّ ب ohledně vedrørendehinsichtlichσχετικά μεcon respecto a koskien jotakinà propos de što se tičeriguardante ・・・に関して ...에 관하여in verband metangåendeodnośniea respeito deотносительно angående เกี่ยวกับilgili liên quan đến有关
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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For years he had been beset with no- tionsconcerning his heart.
Why quarrel with an old manconcerning his thoughts?
As Philolaus gave them lawsconcerning many other things, so did he upon adoption, which they call adoptive laws; and this he in particular did to preserve the number of families.
There are some laws of hisconcerning murders and heiresses extant, but these contain nothing that any one can say is new and his own.
The character of Mr Square the philosopher, and of Mr Thwackum the divine; with a disputeconcerning
To this Square answered; that it was impossible to discourse philosophicallyconcerning words, till their meaning was first established: that there were scarce any two words of a more vague and uncertain signification, than the two he had mentioned; for that there were almost as many different opinionsconcerning honour, asconcerning religion.
Let nobody suppose that I have any last words to say hereconcerning the Indian Diamond.
But the true God hath this attribute, that he is a jealous God; and therefore, his worship and religion, will endure no mixture, nor partner.We shall therefore speak a few words,concerning the unity of the church; what are the fruits thereof ; what the bounds; and what the means.
But the hardest problems are those that ariseconcerning ways of being "conscious." These ways, taken together, are called the "cognitive" elements in mind, and it is these that will occupy us most during the following lectures.
Write to me in fullest detail, bothconcerning your mode of life, andconcerning the people who live with you, andconcerning how you fare with them.
Again, "the good and just," throughout the book, is the expression used in referring to the self-righteous of modern times,-- those who are quite sure that they know all that is to be knownconcerning good and evil, and are satisfied that the values their little world of tradition has handed down to them, are destined to rule mankind as long as it lasts.
Beldingsville, of course, kept itself informedconcerning Pollyanna; and of Beldingsville, one man in particular fumed and fretted himself into a fever of anxiety over the daily bulletins which he managed in some way to procure from the bed of suffering.

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