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To form a concept or concepts of, and especially to interpret in a conceptual way:This cabaret performance was conceptualized as a homage to vaudeville.
To form concepts.

con·cep′tu·al·i·za′tion(-sĕp′cho͞o-ə-lĭ-zā′shən) n.
con·cep′tu·al·iz′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




a person who conceptualizes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

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I am more theconceptualizer type who needs to let the mind go free without restraints.
And maybe, just maybe, we make a little difference" - these were the words of Tony Oposa,conceptualizer and counsel of the Manila Bay project that was recently launched with a Unity Walk for the Rehabilitation of Manila Bay.
As the primaryconceptualizer of the series, I sometimes fear I have behaved like a toddler in a playbox, eagerly grabbing at disparate imagery and styles with childlike abandon.
Shivaji Das, theconceptualizer and lead organizer for GMF, said, "We believe such a festival has become particularly relevant given that regular and irregular migration has become one of the defining trend and issues in current times with significant social, cultural, economic and political implications for both host and source countries.
Whether you experience the arts as a creator / artist or as an art lover, you can gain great pleasure and enjoyment from all kinds of art," said Uzma Irfan -Conceptualizer / Organiser, Art Bengaluru & Director, Prestige Group.
Woody Allen had his say in the mockumentary Men of Crisis: The Harvey Wallinger Story, and so did the novelist Joseph Heller, who described Kissinger as "an odious shlump who made war gladly." Kissinger's leading biographer, Walter Isaacson, was less hostile but still cutting, summing up Kissinger as "a brilliantconceptualizer" who was "slightly conspiratorial in outlook." He "could feel the connections [between far-flung events] the way a spider senses twitches in its web."
Not that the whole cast was less than equal to the vocal if not always to the dramatic demands of the opera (Carsen remains more impressive as aconceptualizer than as a molder of individual characterizations), with Adrianne Pieczonka's Madame Lidoine and Isabel Bayrakdarian's Blanche heading a roster otherwise distinguished by the fine contributions of soprano Helene Guilmette (Sister Constance), mezzo Irina Mishura (Mother Marie) and tenor Frederic Antoun (Chevalier de la Force).
That's evident in the relationship he has quickly developed with Stefano Pessina, the man who built Alliance Boots into the retailing and wholesaling powerhouse that has now become Walgreens' partner, the man who is recognized as being without peer as a thinker, strategist andconceptualizer.
Huumo also argues that examples such as (4a) and (4b) utilize a close perspective to the designated configuration and produce a scanning effect: when mentally tracking the path, theconceptualizer keeps encountering mushrooms or demands for reforms.

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