


EinleitungTextePublikationslisteÜber Thomas SzaszNews

Thomas S. Szasz – Publikationsliste

Stand: April 2014



Geisteskrankheit – ein moderner Mythos. Grundlagen einer Theorie des persönlichen Verhaltens . Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Verlag.[Buchinformation]


Who Killed Michael Jackson?The Freeman 62 (March), 33-34.[Volltext]
Commentary. In Phillips et al., The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue part 1: conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis.Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7 (January 13), 3.[Volltext]
Varieties of psychiatric criticism.History of Psychiatry 23 (September), 349-355.[Volltext]


Senseless: Did the perpetrator of the Tuscon massacre have a reason?The Freeman (January 20).[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: Celebrating Coercion.The Freeman 61 (March), 21-22.[Volltext]
Senseless.The Freeman 61 (May), 27-28.[Volltext]
The myth of mental illness: 50 years later.The Psychiatrist 35 (May), 179-182.[Volltext (PDF)]
The Shame of Medicine: Is Suicide Legal?The Freeman 61 (July–August), 30-31.[Volltext]
The Szasz Quotationary: The Wit and Wisdom of Thomas Szasz. Edited by Leonard Roy Frank, Kindle Edition, 2011.
Titles of Ignobility: Suicide as Secession.The Freeman 61 (October), 30-31.[Volltext]
Suicide Prohibition. The Shame of Medicine. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.[Buchinformation]
Imprisoning Innocents.The Freeman 61 (December), 32-33.[Volltext]


Preface: Fifty Years After The Myth of Mental Illness. InThe Myth of Mental Illness. London: HarperCollins, ix–xxx.[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: Alan Turing Redux.The Freeman 60 (March), 19–20.[Volltext]
Responses. In Kelly, B.D., Bracken, P., Cavendish, H., Crumlish, N., MacSuibhne, S., Szasz, T.S., and T. Thornton, The Myth of Mental Illness: 50 Years After Publication: What Does It Mean Today?Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 27 (March), 35–43.[Volltext (PDF)]
Who is a Mormon? (Reply) .The Freeman 60 (April), 10.[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: Acquittal by Psychiatry.The Freeman 60 (May), 17–18.[Volltext]
The Art and Science of Pseudology.The Freeman 60 (July–August), 17–18.[Volltext]
DSM: The Nosology of Nondiseases.Bulletin of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry 17 (2).[Volltext (DOC)]
The Medicalization of Suicide.The Freeman 60 (October), 13–14.[Volltext]
Defining coercion. [eLetter to the Editor]The Psychiatrist (October 4).[Volltext]
The Illegitimacy of the "Psychiatric Bible".The Freeman 60 (December), 15-16.[Volltext]
Defining coercion. [Letter to the Editor]The Psychiatrist 34 (December), 539-540.


Psychiatric coercion. [eLetter to the Editor]Journal of Medical Ethics (January 5).[Volltext]
Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.[Buchinformation]
Seven Questions for Thomas Szasz (Interview).Psychology Today Blog "In Therapy", by Ryan Howes (January 28).[Volltext]
When fictitious illness becomes real. [eLetter to the Editor]British Medical Journal (January 30).[Volltext]
Questioning One's Insanity.Liberty 23 (March), 27–28.[Volltext]
Psychiatry: The Shame of Medicine.The Freeman 59 (March), 12–13.[Volltext]
Merger of Psychiatry, Neurology. [Letter to the Editor]Psychiatric News 44 (March 6), 25.[Volltext]
"La mia follia mi ha salvato". La follia e il matrimonio di Virginia Woolf, tr. e introduzione di Susan Petrilli . Milano: Spirali.[Buchinformation]
Thomas Szasz speaks. Interview with N. Mitchell.ABC Radio National's All in the Mind (April 4–April 11).[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: The Case of Alan Turing.The Freeman 59 (May), 16–17.[Volltext]
Beheading on a Bus.Liberty 23 (June), 27–28.[Volltext]
What Is Antipsychiatry?Lew Rockwell Blog (July 14).[Volltext]
Universal Health Care Isn't Worth Our Freedom: What would Thoreau have made of the current debate?The Wall Street Journal (July 15).[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: The Depravity of Psychiatry.The Freeman 59 (July–August), 21–22.[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: The Case of General Edwin Walker.The Freeman 59 (October), 27-28.[Volltext]
The Shame of Medicine: Conviction by Psychiatry.The Freeman 59 (December), 27–28.[Volltext]


Treatments Without Diseases.The Freeman 58 (March), 24–25.[Volltext]
Anti-Coercion Is Not Anti-Psychiatry.The Freeman 58 (May), 26–27.[Volltext]
Debunking Antipsychiatry: Laing, Law, and Largactil.Current Psychology 27 (June), 79–101.
Debunking Antipsychiatry: Laing, Law, and Largactil.Existential Analysis 19 (July), 316–343.[Volltext]
Ontology of Consciousness: Reflections on Human Nature. In H. Wautischer, ed.,Ontology of Consciousness: Percipient Action. Cambridge: MIT Press, 575–586.
Psychiatry Versus Liberty.The Freeman 58 (July), 20–21.[Volltext]
Mendacity by Metaphor.The Freeman 58 (October), 17–18.[Volltext]
Psychiatry: The Science of Lies. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Burden of Responsibility.The Freeman 58 (December), 12–13.[Volltext]


The Titicut Follies: The forgotten story of a case of psychiatric censorship.History of Psychiatry 18 (March), 123–125.
On Not Admitting Error.The Freeman 57 (March), 21–22.[Volltext]
Therapeutic Censorship.The Freeman 57 (May), 25–26.[Volltext]
Asylums Attacked as Jails. [Letter to the Editor]Psychiatric News 42 (July 20), 28.[Volltext]
Psychiatric advance directive. [Letter to the Editor]British Medical Journal 335 (October 23), 688.
Medicalizing quackery.The Freeman 57 (October), 22–23.[Volltext]
Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Medicalization of Everyday Life: Selected Essays. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.[Google-Buchvorschau]


Psychiatry: Disease inflation.The Freeman 56 (March), 23–24.[Volltext]
The pretense of psychology as science: The myth of mental illness in Statu Nascendi.Current Psychology 25 (Spring), 42–49.[Volltext]
Secular humanism and "scientific psychiatry".Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1 (April 25), 5.[Volltext]
Mental Illness as brain disease: A brief history lesson.The Freeman 56 (May), 25–26.[Volltext]
"My Madness Saved Me": The Madness and Marriage of Virginia Woolf. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
"A rose for Emily," a rose for Terri: The lifeless body as love object and the case of Theresa Marie Schindler Schiavo.Palliative and Supportive Care 4, 159–167.
Mental illness: Sickness or status.The Freeman 56 (July–August), 25–26.[Volltext]
Fear and Folly: Bertrand Russell, C. S. Lewis, and the Existential Identity Thief.Free Inquiry 26 (August–September), 51–52.[Volltext]
Defining disease: The gold standard of disease versus the fiat standard of diagnosis.The Independent Review 10 (Winter), 325–336.[Volltext (PDF)]
NHS reorganisations: Who's kicking whom, who's protesting?: Nothing surprising is happening. [Letter to the Editor]British Journal of Medicine 333 (October 5), 752.
Final analysis. [Letter to the Editor]The New Republic 235 (October 9), 4.[Volltext]
The therapeutic temptation.The Freeman 56 (October), 27–28.[Volltext]
Psychiatry: A Branch of the Law.The Freeman 56 (December), 19–20.[Volltext]


Detention and the Royal College of Psychiatry. [eLetter to the Editor]British Medical Journal (January 7).[Volltext]
Malpractice vs. "Malresult": A new form of insurance for an eternal problem.Reason Online (January 10).[Volltext]
What is Existential Therapy Not.Existential Analysis 16 (January), 127–130.
"Knowing what ain't so" - R. D. Laing and Thomas Szasz.Existential Analysis 16 (January), 113–126.
"Idiots, infants, and the insane": Mental illness and legal incompetence.Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (February), 78–81.
Benjamin Rush and "Medical Marijuana".The Freeman 55 (March), 22–23.[Volltext]
E-Interview, with Dominic Fannon.Psychiatric Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 29 (March), 120.[Volltext]
A bogus Benjamin Rush quote: Contribution to the history of pharmacracy.History of Psychiatry 16 (March), 89–98.[Volltext]
College Suicide: Caveat Vendor.The Freeman 55 (May), 27–28.[Volltext]
"Idiots, Infants, and the Insane": Mental Illness and Legal Incompetence.The Freeman 55 (July), 26–27.[Volltext]
Anti-Semitism. [Letter to the Editor]Commentary 120 (October), 16.[Volltext]
Liberty, not secularism, is the issue. In Will secularism survive? (Symposium).Free Inquiry 25 (October–November), 43–44.[Volltext]


The Greatest Poem.Liberty 18 (January), 13.[Volltext]
Thomas Szasz: Liberty and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Interview with R.C. Wyatt.Journal of Humanistic Psychology 44 (Winter), 71–85.
Self-Ownership or Suicide Prevention.The Freeman 54 (March), 24–25.[Volltext]
Protecting patients against psychiatric intervention.Society 41 (March), 7–9.
On Autogenic Diseases.The Freeman 54 (May), 24.[Volltext]
Words to the Wise: A Medical-Philosophical Dictionary. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Faith in Freedom: Libertarian Principles and Psychiatric Practices. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
"Knowing what ain't so": R. D. Laing and Thomas Szasz.Psychoanalytic Review 91 (June), 331–346.[Volltext]
Pharmacracy in America.Society 41 (July–August), 54–58.
Reply to Engelhardt. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 376–392.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Pies. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 354–363.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Bentall. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 321–326.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Battin and Spellecy. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 291–300.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Hagen. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 273–276.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Lieberman. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 242–251.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Simon. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 202–223.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Peele. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 196–197.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Slovenko. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 159–178.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Percival. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 131–138.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Fulford. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 93–118.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Reply to Kendell. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 1–28.[Google-Buchvorschau]
An Autobiographical Sketch. In J.A. Schaler, ed.,Szasz Under Fire: The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics. Chicago: Open Court, 1–28.[Google-Buchvorschau]
What is psychoanalysis? In A. Casement, ed.,Who Owns Psychoanalysis? London: Karnac Books, 25–39.[Google-Buchvorschau]
A house of aces.The Freeman 54 (July), 21–22.[Volltext]
Primum nocere.The Freeman 54 (December), 24–25.[Volltext]
Psychiatric "services".The Freeman 54 (October), 21–22.[Volltext]


Taking Drug Laws Seriously.Ideas on Liberty 53 (January), 28–29.[Volltext]
Opiate of the Masses. [Letter to the Editor]The Village Voice (February 4).[Volltext]
Parity or Prevarication.Ideas on Liberty 53 (March), 28–29.[Volltext]
Remember Psychiatric Patient's Civil Rights.The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (April 3), B9.[Volltext]
Cleansing the Modern Heart.Society 40 (May–June), 52–59.
The Myth of Health Insurance.Ideas on Liberty 53 (May), 30–31.[Volltext]
Unequal Justice for All.Ideas on Liberty 53 (July), 26–27.[Volltext]
Psychiatry and the Control of Dangerousness: On the Apotropaic Function of the Term "Mental Illness".Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (August), 227–230.[Volltext]
Psychiatric Slavery? [Letter to the Editor]Psychiatric News 38 (September), 28.[Volltext]
Marijuana Medicalization: Bad Cause, Bad Faith.Journal of Cognitive Liberties 4 (2), 83–85.[Volltext]
Taking Drug Laws Seriously, II.Ideas on Liberty 53 (October), 20–21.[Volltext]
Limbaugh's Disease.Liberty 17 (December), 15–16.[Volltext]
Civil Liberties and Civil Commitment.The Freeman 53 (December), 25–26.[Volltext]
The Psychiatric Protection Order for the "Battered Mental Patient".British Medical Journal 327 (December 20), 1449–1451.[Volltext]
Obesity in the Young. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (December 22), A16.[Volltext]


Kevorkian Warps the Value He Touts.Detroit Free Press (January 10), A11.[Volltext]
Patient or Prisoner.Ideas on Liberty 52 (January), 31–32.[Volltext]
Mises and Psychiatry.Liberty 16 (February), 23–26.[Volltext]
The Trouble with Self-Esteem. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Magazine (February 17).[Volltext]
Rothbard on Szasz.Liberty 16 (March), 33–34, 40.[Volltext]
Parity for Mental Illness, Disparity for Mental Patients.Ideas on Liberty 52 (March), 33–34.[Volltext]
Szasz and Mises: In Response to Bettina Bien Greaves.Liberty 16 (April), 46, 60.[Volltext]
Suicide Bomber, to Be Precise.Washington Post (April 18), A20.[Volltext]
The Psychiatrist as Accomplice.The Washington Times (April 28), B03.[Volltext]
Reply to Brassington.Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (April), 124–125.[Volltext]
The Maternity Hospital and the Mental Hospital.Ideas on Liberty 52 (May), 33–34.[Volltext]
Liberation By Oppression: A Comparative Study of Slavery and Psychiatry. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Hayek and Psychiatry.Liberty 16 (June), 19–20, 24.[Volltext]
Insanity and Intolerance.Ideas on Liberty 52 (July), 34–35.[Volltext]
"Diagnosing" Behavior: Cui Bono. In J.D. Raskin and S.K. Bridges,Studies in Meaning: Exploring Constructivist Psychology. New York: Pace University Press, 169–179.[Buchinformation]
Sins of the Fathers: Is Child Molestation a Sickness or a Crime.Reason 34 (August–September), 54–59.[Volltext]
Coercion and Psychiatry.Liberty 16 (August), 33–35.[Volltext]
Straight Talk about Suicide.Ideas on Liberty 52 (September), 34–35.[Volltext]
Mental Illness: From Shame to Pride.Ideas on Liberty 52 (November), 37–38.[Volltext]


Public Schools as Drug Delivery Systems.Ideas on Liberty 51 (January), 36–37.[Volltext]
Affirmative Chemical Action.Ideas on Liberty 51 (March), 35–36.[Volltext]
Anatomy of a Teenage Shooting. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (March 13), A18.[Volltext]
With Friends Like These, Pity America's Kids.Los Angeles Times (March 15), B11.[Volltext]
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. [eLetter to the Editor]British Medical Journal (April 17).[Volltext]
Pharmacracy: Medicine and Politics in America. Westport, CT: Praeger.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Therapeutic State: The Tyranny of Pharmacracy.The Independent Review 5 (Spring), 485–521.[Volltext]
Kevorkian, Lies, and Suicide.Ideas on Liberty 51 (May), 35–36.[Volltext]
"Diagnosing" Behavior: Cui Bono.The Legal Studies Forum 25, 505–517.
Foreword. In C. Hebald,The Heart Too Long Suppressed: A Chronicle of Mental Illness. Boston: Northeastern University Press, xi–xiii.[Buchinformation]
Placebos, Healing, and a Mother's Kiss. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (May 29).[Volltext]
The Person as Moral Agent. In Schneider, K.J., James F. T. Bugental, and J.F. Pierson, eds.,The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology: Leading Edges in Theory, Research, and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 77–80.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Bought Mind.Ideas on Liberty 51 (July), 33–34.[Volltext]
The "Medical Ethics" of Peter Singer.Society 38 (July–August), 20–25.
The Psychiatric Collaborator as "Critic".Ideas on Liberty 51 (September), 29–30.[Volltext]
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. [Letter to the Editor]British Medical Journal 323 (September 1), 511.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. [eLetter to the Editor]British Medical Journal (September 7).[Volltext]
Mental Illness: Psychiatry's Phlogiston.Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (5), 297–301.
Mental Illness: Psychiatry's Phlogiston.Ideas on Liberty 51 (November), 31–32.[Volltext]
Assisted Suicide Is Bootleg Suicide.Los Angeles Times (November 23).[Volltext]
Thumbs on the Parity Scale for Psychiatrists.The Washington Times (December 9).[Volltext]
Interview with R.C. (December).[Volltext]


Remembering Krafft-Ebing.Ideas on Liberty 50 (January), 31–32.[Volltext]
Mental Disorders Are Not Diseases.USA Today Magazine (January), 30–31.[Volltext]
On the Future of Psychotherapy.New Therapist (January–February), 12–13.[Volltext]
Does Insanity "Cause" Crime?Ideas on Liberty 50 (March), 31–32.[Volltext]
Second Commentary on "Aristotle's Function Argument".Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 7 (March), 3–16.[Volltext]
The Case Against Psychiatric Power. In P. Barker and C. Stevenson, eds.,The Construction of Power and Authority in Psychiatry. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 43–56.
Remembering Masturbatory Insanity.Ideas on Liberty 50 (May), 35–36.[Volltext]
Mind, Brain, and the Problem of Responsibility.Society 37 (May–June), 34–37.
Curing the Therapeutic State. Interview with J. Sullum.Reason 32 (July), 26–34.[Volltext]
Chemical Straitjackets for Children.Ideas on Liberty 50 (July), 37–38.[Volltext]
Progress in Pain Relief.Ideas on Liberty 50 (September).[Volltext]
Creativity and Criminality: The Two Faces of Responsibility.Ideas on Liberty 50 (November), 31–32.[Volltext]
Fiktion als Fakt: Drogenbekämpfung und die Angst vor Selbstbestimmung. In R. Matzker and S. Zielinski, eds.,Medienwissenschaft. Bern: Peter Lang, 143–146.[Buchinformation]
Do Humans Have a Nature?The Harvard Review of Philosophy, HRP Studies in Human Nature, Occasional Paper No. 4.


Parity for Mental Illness, Disparity for the Mental Patient. [Letter to the Editor]The Lancet 353 (January 2), 74.
Facing up to Coercion.Liberty 13 (January), 47–48.[Volltext]
Alias Dr. Death.Liberty 13 (February), 41–42, 45.[Volltext]
Gullible Skeptics.The Freeman 49 (May), 26–27.[Volltext]
Rethinking Suicide.The Freeman 49 (July), 41–42.[Volltext]
The Hazards of Truth-Telling.The Freeman 49 (September), 38–39.[Volltext]
Medical Incapacity, Legal Incompetence and Psychiatry.Psychiatric Bulletin 23 (September), 517–519.
Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide. Westport, CT: Praeger.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Is Mental Illness a Disease?The Freeman 49 (November), 38–39.[Volltext]


Interview with the Anti-Christ. Interview with P. Hopkinson.Mental Health Care (UK) 1 (January), 154–155.
The Perils of Prohibition. In R. Coomber, ed.,The Control of Drugs and Drug Users: Reason or Reaction. UK: Harwood Academic Publishers, 155–159.
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis.Society 35 (January–February), 16–21.
The Political Legitimation of Quackery.Reason 29 (March), 25–26.
The Unapatient Manifesto.Liberty 11 (March), 9.
Freedom and Madness.Liberty 11 (May), 33–36, 48.
Myth of Mental Illness. InEncyclopedia of Mental Health. San Diego: Academic Press, vol. 2, 743–752.
Vatican Diagnosis. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (May 11), A16.
Commentary on "Aristotle's Function Argument and the Concept of Mental Illness".Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (September), 203–207.
The Healing Word: Its Past, Present, and Future.Journal of Humanistic Psychology 38 (Winter), 1–13.
Parity for Mental Illness, Disparity for the Mental Patient.The Lancet 352 (October 10), 1213–1215.
When a Killer Blames His Doctor. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (October 14), A22.
What Counts as Disease? Rationales and Rationalizations for Treatment.Research in Complementary Medicine 5 (Supp.1) (October), 40–46.
Drug warriors (Forum). [eLetter to the Editor]Issues in Science and Technology Online (Winter).[Volltext]
Discretion as Power: In The Situation Called "Psychotherapy".British Journal of Psychotherapy 15 (Winter), 216–228.
Illusory Euphemism in a Deadly Practice.Washington Times (December 9), A19.


Save Money, Cut Crime, Get Real (Symposium on drug policy).Playboy (January), 128 and 190.
Foreword. In D.A. Levy,Tools of Critical Thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, v.
Discussion. Kernberg, O. F., Convergences and Divergences in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. In J.K. Zeig, ed.,The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Third Conference. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 18–20.
The Healing Word: Its Past, Present, and Future. In J.K. Zeig, ed.,The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Third Conference. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 299–306.
Thomas Szasz: In conversation with Alan Kerr.Psychiatric Bulletin (Royal College of Psychiatrists UK), 21 (January), 39–44.
Medics in the War on Drugs.Liberty 10 (March), 47–48.
The Case Against Psychiatric Coercion.The Independent Review 1 (Spring), 485–498.
No Kevorkian Needed. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (April 1), A14.
Preface. InInsanity: The Idea and Its Consequences [1987]. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, ix–xi.
Preface. InThe Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement [1970]. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, xi–xiv.
Abortion Law and History (Review) .Washington Post Health (July 8), 15.
Save Money, Cut Crime, Get Real (Symposium on drug policy).Playboy 128, 190.
Preface. In D.A. Levy,Tools of Critical Thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, v.
Mental Illness Is Still a Myth.Review of Existential Psychology & Psychiatry 23, 70–80.
Foreword. In J. Hillman, ed.,Suicide and the Soul. Second Edition. Woodstock, CT: Spring Publications, 6–10.


The War on Drugs Is Lost.National Review (February 12), 45–47.[Volltext]
"Audible Thoughts" and "Speech Defect" in Schizophrenia: A Note on Reading and Translating Bleuler.British Journal of Psychiatry 168 (May), 533–535.
A Brief History of Medicine's War on Responsibility.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 49 (June), 609–613.
The Meaning of Mind: Language, Morality, and Neuroscience. Westport, CT: Praeger.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Routine Neonatal Circumcision: Symbol of the Birth of the Therapeutic State.The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21, 137–148.[Volltext]
Why We Should Legalize Drugs. Transcript of the "Firing Line" Program Taped on January 16, 1996 in New York City, and Originally Telecast on PBS on January 28, February 4, February 11, 1996. Host: William F. Buckley, Jr., Guests: Thomas Szasz, Robert Sweet, Ethan Nadelmann, Steven Duke. Columbia, South Carolina: Southern Educational Communications Association.[Volltext]


The Origin of Psychiatry: The Alienist as Nanny for Troublesome Adults.History of Psychiatry 6, 1–19.
Idleness and Lawlessness in the Therapeutic State.Society 32 (September–October), 30–35.[Volltext]
In Search of Sanity. [Letter to the Editor]The Economist 8 (September 30), 10.
Foreword. In F. Tassano,The Power of Life and Death: A Critique of Medical Tyranny. London: Duckworth, vii–ix.
Psychiatric Fictions. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Book Review (November 19), 4.


Therapeutic State Is a Modern Leviathan. [Letter to the Editor]Wall Street Journal Europe (January 11), 9.
Cruel Compassion: Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted. New York: Wiley.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Killing Kindness.Reason 26 (May), 40–41.
Mental Illness Is Still a Myth.Society 31 (May–June), 34–39.[Volltext]
Foreword. Remembering Roy. In R.A. Childs, Jr.,Liberty Against Power: Essays by Roy A. Childs, Jr. Edited by Joan Kennedy Taylor. San Francisco: Fox Wilkes, ix–x.
Thomas Szasz on Drugs. In F. Bratman and S. Lewis, eds.,The Reader's Companion: A Book Lover's Guide to the Most Important Books in Every Field of Knowledge, as Chosen by the Experts. New York: Hyperion.
Psychiatric Diagnosis, Psychiatric Power, and Psychiatric Abuse.Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (September), 135–138.


A Lexicon of Lunacy: Metaphoric Malady, Moral Responsibility and Psychiatry. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Insanity Defense Is, Well, Insane.Newsday (March 9), 73.
Crazy Talk: Thought Disorder or Psychiatric Arrogance.British Journal of Medical Psychology 66, 61–67.
Psychiatry and the Denial of Evil: Defining Misbehavior as a Brain Disease.Pacific Law Journal 24 (April), 1103–1106.
The Brain Tenders. Who Picks up the Tab?Washington Times (May 4), F1.
Curing, Coercing, and Claims Making: A Reply to Critics.British Journal of Psychiatry 162, 797–800.
Foreword. In S. Farber,Madness, Heresy and the Rumor of Angels: The Revolt Against the Mental Health System. Chicago: Open Court, xi–xv.
Le Monopole Medico-Statique. InPremiere Journee Internationale du Cannabis: Textes des Intervenants. Paris: Editions du Lezard, 89–90.
Prefazione. In G. Antonucci,Critica Al Guidizio Psychiatrico. Roma: Sensibili alle Foglie, 7–9.
My Views on Psychiatry.East European Medical Journal 2, 13–20.


The Socrates Option.Reason 24 (April), 47.
Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market. New York: Praeger.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Taking Dialogue as Therapy Seriously: "Words Are the Eessential Tool of Treatment".Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis 3 (July), 2–9.
The Fatal Temptation: Drug Prohibition and the Fear of Autonomy.Daedalus 121 (Summer), 161–164.
Discussion of "Toward Better Results in the Treatment of Depression", by Joseph Wolpe. In J.K. Zeig, ed.,The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 137–138.
The United States v. Drugs. In J.K. Zeig, ed.,The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 300–306.


Psychiatry and Social Control.The Humanist 51 (January–February), 24–25, 34.
Noncoercive Psychiatry: An Oxymoron.Journal of Humanistic Psychology 31 (Spring), 117–125.
Preface. InIdeology and Insanity. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, vii–xiii.
Hinckley and Son.Reason 23 (July), 51.
The Medicalization of Sex.Journal of Humanistic Psychology 31, 34–42.
Gli Stati Uniti Contro la Droga (Trans. by Carlo Oliva).Volontà 45 (1), 11–27.
The Myth of Treatment.Drug Policy Letter 3 (Fall), 3–4.
Mental Illness. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (November 2), 22.
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The Psychiatric Presidency.Inquiry (September 18), 4–6.
Pilgrim's Regress.The Spectator (September 23), 72–73.
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Twice-Brainwashed.The New Republic (October 23), 6–8.
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Healing Words for Political Madness: A Conversation with Dr. Thomas Szasz.The Advocate (December 28), 37–40.


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A Different Dose for Different Folks: We Should Treat Drug Taking in the Same Way We Treat Speech and Religion, as a Fundamental Right.Skeptic 47-49 (January–February), 63–70.


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The Control of Conduct: Authority vs. Autonomy.Criminal Law Bulletin 11 (September–October), 617–622.
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Freedom for Patients: A Dialogue.The Bulletin of the New York State District Branches of the American Psychiatric Association 16 (January), 1, 9.
Language and Humanism.The Humanist 34 (January–February), 25–30.
Illness and Indignity.Journal of the American Medical Association 227 (February), 543–545.
When History Comes Home to Roost.The New York Times (March 6), 33.
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Medicine and Madness. Special Report. InThe Encyclopedia Britanica Yearbook. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britanica, 454–455.
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Might Makes the Metaphor.Journal of the American Medical Association 229 (September 2), 1326.
Straight Talk from Thomas Szasz. An Interview.Reason 6 (October), 4–13.
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Your Last Will and Your Free Will.The Alternative 8 (November), 10–11.
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Fanaticism. [Letter to the Editor]The Times Literary Supplement [London] 3 (February), 124.
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La Liberta del Malato Mentale. InEnciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica. Milano: Mondadori, 368–369.
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A Dissent. [Letter to the Editor]National Catholic Reporter (May 12), 10.
Tragic Failures. Review of In A Darkness, by James A. Wechsler.National Review 591 (May 26), 593.
Reply to J.W. Goppelt. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 128 (June), 1588.
Reply to R.D. Blair. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 128 (June), 1589.
Remarks. In „Symposium on the Aging Poor“.Syracuse Law Review 23, 78–82, 84–85.
Law, Property, and Psychiatry.American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42 (July), 610–626.
Bad Habits Are Not Diseases: A Refutation of the Claim That Alcoholism Is a Disease.The Lancet London 2 (July 8), 83–84.
Voluntary Mental Hospitalization: An Unacknowledged Practice of Medical Fraud.New England Journal of Medicine 287 (August 10), 277–278.
Introduction. In B. Ennis,Prisoners of Psychiatry: Mental Patients, Psychiatrists, and the Law. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, xi–xix.
Psychiatric Stigmatization. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (December 26), 32.


"Mental Illness" Myth Cruel Fraud.Twin Circle (March 14), 15.
Fairness and Folly.Medical Opinion 7 (April), 65.
From the Slaughterhouse to the Madhouse.Psychotherapy 8 (Spring), 64–67.
The Sane Slave: An Historical Note on the Use of Medical Diagnosis As Justificatory Rhetoric.American Journal of Psychotherapy 25 (April), 228–239.
The Ethics of Suicide.Antioch Review 31 (Spring), 7–17.
The Negro in Psychiatry: An Historical Note on Psychiatric Rhetoric.American Journal of Psychotherapy 25 (July), 469–471.
The American Association for the Abolition of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization.Abolitionist 1 (Summer), 1–2.
Involuntary Commitment: A Form of Slavery.Humanist 31 (July–August), 11–14.
In the Church of America, Psychiatrists Are Priests.Hospital Physician (October), 44–46.
The Ethics of Addiction.The American Journal of Psychiatry 128 (November), 541–56.
Under Mind. Review of A Question of Madness, by Zhores A. Medvedev and Roy A. Medvedev.New Society (December 16), 1213–1215.


The Mad Scene: Who Is Dangerous to Whom?Medical Opinion and Review 6 (February), 111.
A Psychiatrist Views Mental Health Legislation.Wabash Law Journal 9 (Winter), 224–243.
Blackness and Madness.Yale Review 59 (Spring), 333–341.
Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Justice in the Therapeutic State. InThe Administration of Justice America. The 1968-69 E. Paul du Pont Lectures on Crimes, Delinquency, and Corrections (University of Delaware), 75–92.
The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement. New York: Harper Row.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Mad Scene: Brother's Keepers.Medical Opinion and Review 6 (April), 52–53.
Introduction. In L. Freeman and L. Hoffman,The Ordeal of Stephen Dennison. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, ix–xii.
Blackness and Madness: Images of Evil and Tactics of Exclusion. In J.F. Szwed, ed.,Black Americans. New York: Basic Books, 67–77.
Psychiatry As Tactic. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (July 25), 22.
The Right to Drugs: A Matter of Freedom.Newsday (October 21), 3B.
R.F.K. Must Die.New York Times Book Review (November 15), 8–74.


The Crime of Commitment.Psychology Today 2 (March), 55–57.
The Right to Health.Georgetown Law Journal 57 (March), 734–751.
An "Unscrewtape" Letter: A Reply to Fred Sander.American Journal of Psychiatry 125 (April), 1432–1435.
The Right to Health.The Freeman 19 (June), 352–362.[Volltext]
Psychiatry, the Law, and Social Control.University Review 2 (Summer), 8–13.
Interview: Thomas S. Szasz, M.D.New Physician 18 (June), 453–461, 476.
Enigmas of Violence. [Letter to the Editor]Science 164 (June 27), 1465.
Social Control and Legal Psychiatry.Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center 17 (Summer), 52–59.
Abortion Law Reform. [Letter to the Editor]Humanist 20 (September–October), 34.
Justice in the Therapeutic State.Indiana Legal Forum 3 (Fall), 14–34.
Mental Illness Is Not a Disease.Science Digest 66 (December), 7–14.


The Painful Person.Lancet 88 (January), 18–22.
Some Remarks on Autonomous Psychotherapy.Psychiatric Opinion 5 (January), 4,6–8.
College Psychiatry: A Critique.Comprehensive Psychiatry 9 (January), 81–85.
Medical Ethics: An Historical Perspective.Medical Opinion Review 4 (February), 115–121.
Subversion of the Rule of Law.National Review (March 12), 247–248.
Science and Public Policy: The Crime of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization.Medical Opinion Review 4 (May), 24–35.
Mental Illness As an Excuse for Civil Wrongs.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 147 (August), 113–123.
Justice and Psychiatry.Atlantic (October), 127–132.
Review of The Insanity Defense, by Abraham S. Goldstein, and Criminal Justice, by Abraham S. Blumberg.Boston University Law Review 48 (Winter), 151–155.
Problems Facing Psychiatry: The Psychiatrist as Party to Conflict. In E.F. Torrey, ed.,Ethical Issues in Medicine: The Role of the Physician in Today's Society. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 265–284.
The Psychology of Persistent Pain: A Portrait of L'Homme Douloureux. In Soulairac, A., Cahn, J., and J. Charpentier, eds.,Pain. London: Academic Press, 93–133.
Hysteria. In D.L. Sills, ed.,International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New York: Macmillian Free Press, 7, 47–52.


There Was No Defense.Psychiatry Social Science Review 1 (January), 21–24.
Review of The Trial of Ezra Pound, by Julien Cornell.Rutgers Law Review 21 (Winter), 367–374.
Review of Thomas Woodrow Wilson: Twenty-Eighth President of the United States, by Sigmund Freud and William C. Bullitt.Psychiatry and Social Science Review 1 (February), 5, 10–12.
The Hazards of Zeal.National Review (March 21), 307–310.
Murder and Violence in the Affluent Society.Boston Sunday Herald (April 30), 18.
How Sick is Sick?New Republic (May 6), 21–23.
The Doctor in the Case.New York Times Book Review (May 28), 8.
The Destruction of Differences.New Republic (June 10), 21–23.
Behavior Therapy and Psychoanalysis.Medical Opinion and Review 3 (June), 24–29.
Mental Illness. [Letter to the Editor]Economist (June 17), 1192.
The Insanity Plea and the Insanity Verdict.Temple Law Quarterly 40 (Spring/Summer), 271–282.
Moral Man: A Model of Man for Humanistic Psychology. In J.F. Bugental, ed.,Challenges of Humanistic Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 44–51.
Reply to Dr Wladimir G. Eliasberg. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 124 (September), 163.
Freedom and Goals. [Letter to the Editor]Medical Opinion and Review 3 (September), 119–123.
Mental Illness As an Excuse for Civil Wrongs.Notre Dame Lawyer 43 (October), 24–38.
The Psychiatrist: A Policeman in the Schools.This Magazine Is About Schools (October), 114–134.
Psychoanalysis and the Rule of Law.Washburn Law Journal 7 (Fall), 25–34.
College Psychiatrists. [Letter to the Editor]Transaction 5 (December), 4.
Involuntary Mental Hospitalization: A Crime Against Humanity.Exchange (December), 1–4.


Review of The Addict and the Law, by Alfred R. Lindesmith.International Journal of the Addictions 1 (January), 150–155.
Equation of Opposites.New York Times Book Review (February 6), 6.
Discussion of "The New Technology and Our Ageless Unconscious", by Martin Grotjahn.Psychoanalytic Forum 1, 15–16.
Unending Challenge.New York Times Book Review 18 (April 17), 20,22.
The Mental Health Ethic.National Review (June 14), 570–572.
Is Mental Illness a Myth? [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Magazine (July 3), 4–33.
Is Mental Illness a Myth? [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Magazine (July 10), 2.
Psychotherapy: A Socio-Cultural Perspective.Western Medicine 7 (December), 15–21.
Review of Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psychoanalysis, by K.R. Eissler.Village Voice 5 (September 1), 10–11.
The Ethics of Abortion.Humanist 26 (September–October), 147–148.
The Social Situation of the Hospitalized Mental Patient.AAUW Journal 60 (October), 31–32.
Whither Psychiatry.Social Research 33 (Autumn), 439–462.
There Was No Defense.New York Times Book Review 4 (November 13), 34.
Ezra Pound. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Book Review (December 11), 65.
Alcoholism: A Socio-Ethical Perspective.Western Medicine 7 (December), 15–21.
Discussion of "A Historical Review of Classification of Behavior and One Current Perspective", by Lewis L. Robbins. In L.D. Eron, ed.,The Classification of Behavior Disorders. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 38–41.
The Psychiatric Classification of Behavior: A Strategy of Personal Constraint. In L.D. Eron, ed.,The Classification of Behavior Disorders. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 123–170.


Psychiatry as Ideology. In H. Hawton, ed.,The Rationalist Annual. London: Pemberton Publishing Company, 43–52.
Legal and Moral Aspects of Homosexuality. In J. Marmor, ed.,Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality. New York: Basic Books, 124–139.
A Strategy of Freedom: The Moral Dimension of Freudian Therapy.Trans-Action 2 (May–June), 14–19.
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis: The Theory and Method of Autonomous Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books.[Google-Buchvorschau]
A Note on Psychiatric Rhetoric.American Journal of Psychiatry 121 (June), 1192–1193.
Psychiatric Justice. New York: Macmillian.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Portrait of a Secular Moralist.New Republic (November 27), 32–33.
Toward the Therapeutic State.New Republic (December 11), 26–29.
Review of The Addict and the Law, by Alfred R. Lindesmith.American University Law Review 15 (December), 163–168.


What Psychiatry Can and Cannot Do.Harper's Magazine 228 (February), 50–53.
What Psychiatry Can Do.Harper's Magazine 228 (April), 100.
A Question of Identity.New York Times Book Review (April 5), 14–16.
Review of The Birth and Death of Meaning and The Revolution in Psychiatry, by Ernest Becker.The Behavior Sciences Book Service (October).
Psychoanalysis and Taxation: A Contribution to the Rhetoric of the Disease Concept in Psychiatry.American Journal of Psychotherapy 18 (October), 635–643.
Criminal Insanity: Fact or Strategy.New Republic (November 21), 19–22.
The Moral Dilemma of Psychiatry: Autonomy or Heteronomy.American Journal of Psychiatry 121 (December), 521–528.


Psychiatry's Threat to Civil Liberties.National Review (March 12), 191–193.
Mind Tapping. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 119 (March), 900.
Psychiatry in public schools.Humanist 23 (May–June), 89–93.
Freud as Leader.Antioch Review 23 (Summer), 133–144.
Psychoanalytic Treatment As Education.A.M.A. Archives of General Psychiatry 9 (July), 46–52.
Foreword. In N.H. Pronko,A Textbook of Abnormal Psychology. Baltimore: Williams Wilkins, vii–vii.
Psychoanalysis and Suggestion: An Historical and Logical Analysis.Comprehensive Psychiatry 4 (August), 271–280.
A Questionnaire Study of Psychoanalytic Practices and Opinions.Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 137 (September), 209–221.
Law, Liberty and Psychiatry: An Inquiry into the Social Uses of Mental Health Practices. New York: Macmillan.[Google-Buchvorschau]
The Concept of Transference.International Journal of Psychoanalysis 44, 432–443.
Discussion of "Papers on Schizophrenia", by Arieti, Bychowski, and Sechehaye.Psychiatric Research Report APA 17 (November), 57–60.
Should "Insanity" Be an Excuse for Crime.North American Newspaper Alliance (December 28).


Who Has a Right to an Abortion?Current (December), 52–53.
The Problem of Privacy in Training Analysis: Selections from a Questionnaire Study of Psychoanalytic Practices and Opinions.Psychiatry 2 (August), 195–207.
Psychiatry as a Social Institution. In H. Schoeck and J.W. Wiggins, eds.,Psychiatry and Responsibility. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand, 1–18.
Review of Pain: Its Modes and Functions, by F.J.J. Buytendijk.A.M.A. Archives of General Psychiatry 7 (September), 220.
Bootlegging Humanistic Values through Psychiatry.Antioch Review 22 (Fall), 341–349.
Mind Tapping: Psychiatric Subversion of Constitutional Rights.American Journal of Psychiatry 119 (October), 323–327.[Volltext]
Human Nature and Psychotherapy: A Further Contribution to the Theory of Autonomous Psychotherapy.Comprehensive Psychiatry 3 (October), 268–283.
Open Doors or Civil Rights for Mental Patients.Journal of Individual Psychology 18 (November), 168–171.


The Uses of Naming and the Origin of the Myth of Mental Illness.American Psychologist 16 (February), 59–65.
Hospital-Patient Relationships in Medicine and Psychiatry.Mental Hygiene 45 (April), 171–179.
Review of The Couch and the Circle, by Hyman Spotnitz.The New York Times Book Review (May 14), 7.
And One for All.New York Times Book Review (May 14), 7.
The Meaning of Suffering in Therapy: A Round Table Discussion.American Journal of Psychoanalysis 21, 12–17.
The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct. New York: Hoeber-Harper.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Two Types of Therapy. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times Book Review (June 11), 28–30.
Criminal Responsibility and Psychiatry. In H. Toch, ed.,Legal and Criminal Psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 146–168.


Mach and Psychoanalysis.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 130 (January), 6–15.
Psychiatry Shouldn't Interfere with the Law. [Letter to the Editor]New York Herald Tribune (February 5), 10.
The Myth of Mental Illness.American Psychologist 15 (February), 113–118.
Freedom and the Physician's Role. [Letter to the Editor]Journal of the American Medical Association 173 (May 7), 84–85.
Hospital Refusal to Release Mental Patient.Cleveland Marshall Law Review 9 (May), 220–226.
Moral Conflict and Psychiatry.Yale Review 49 (June), 555–566.
Three Problems in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Training.A.M.A. Archives of General Psychiatry 3 (July), 82–94.
Civil Liberties and Mental Illness: Some Observations on the Case of Miss Edith L. Hough.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 131 (July), 58–63.
Civil Liberties and the Mentally Ill.Cleveland-Marshall Law Review 10 (September), 399–416.
The Right to Commit a Crime.Current (September), 53–54.
The Ethics of Birth Control-Or: Who Owns Your Body?Humanist 20 (November–December), 332–336.


A Critical Analysis of Some Aspects of the Libido Theory: The Concepts of Libidinal Zones, Aims, and Modes of Gratification.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 76 (January 23), 975–990.
The Classification of "Mental Illness." A Situational Analysis of Psychiatric Operations.Psychiatric Quarterly 33 (January), 77–101.
Law for the Mentally Ill. [Letter to the Editor]New York Times (February 20), 24.
Psychoanalysis and Medicine. In M. Levitt, ed.,Readings in Psychoanalytic Psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 355–374.
Pound, Politics and Mental Health. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 115 (May), 1040–1041.
Review of Economics of Mental Illness, by Rashi Fein.A.M.A. Archives of General Psychiatry 1 (July), 116–118.
Language and Pain. In S. Arieti, ed.,American Handbook of Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, vol.
Introduction. In E. March,The Analysis of Sensations and the Relation of the Physical to the Psychical. New York: Dover, v–xxxi.
Recollections of a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: The Case of Prisoner K. In A. Burton, ed.,Case Studies in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 75–110.
What Is Malingering.Medical Trial Technique Quarterly 6 (September), 29–40.
Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychology.A.M.A. Archives of General Psychiatry 1 (November), 455–463.
The Communication of Distress Between Child and Parent.British Journal of Medical Psychology 32, 161–170.


Psychiatry, Ethics, and the Criminal Law.Columbia Law Review 58 (February), 183–198.
Scientific Method and Social role in Medicine and Psychiatry.A.M.A. Archives of Internal Medicine 101 (February), 228–238.
Men and Machines.British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (February), 310–317.
Psychoanalysis as Method and as Theory.Psychoanalytic Quarterly 27, 89–97.
The Role of the Counterphobic Mechanism in Addiction.Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 6, 309–325.
Reply to Ian Stevenson, M.D. [Letter to the Editor]American Journal of Psychiatry 114 (March), 847–848.
Recent Books on the Relation of Psychiatry to Criminology.Psychiatry 21 (August), 307–319.
Psycho-Analytic Training: A Socio-Psychological Analysis of Its History and Present Status.International Journal of Psychoanalysis 39, 598–613.
The Doctor-Patient Relationship and Its Historical Context.American Journal of Psychiatry 115 (December), 552–528.
Review of Studies on Hysteria, by Joseph Breuer and Sigmund Freud.American Journal of Psychiatry 115 (December), 568–569.
Politics and Mental Health: Some Remarks Apropos of the Case of Mr. Ezra Pound.American Journal of Psychiatry 115 (December), 508–511.


Some Observations on the Use of Tranquilizing Drugs.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 77 (January), 86–92.
The Psychology of Bodily Feelings in Schizophrenia.Psychosomatic Medicine 19, 11–16.
A Contribution to the Psychology of Bodily Feelings.Psychoanalytic Quarterly 26, 25–49.
A Critical Analysis of the Fundamental Concepts of Psychical Research.Psychiatric Quarterly 31, 96–108.
On the Theory of Psycho-Analytic Treatment.International Journal of Psychoanalysis 38, 166–182.
A Contribution to the Psychology of Schizophrenia.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 77 (April), 420–436.
Pain and Pleasure: A Study of Bodily Feelings. New York: Basic Books.[Google-Buchvorschau]
Commitment of the Mentally Ill: "Treatment" or Social Restraint.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 125 (April–June), 293–307.
Review of The Criminal, the Judge, and the Public, by Franz Alexander and Hugo Staub.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 78 (July), 109–111.
The Concept of Testamentary Capacity: Further Observations on the Role of Psychiatric Concepts in Legal Situations.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 125 (July–September), 474–477.
Psychiatric Expert Testimony: Its Covert Meaning and Social Function.Psychiatry 20 (August), 313–316.
Review of Psychiatric Research Reports Nos. 2, 4, and 6.Mental Hygiene 41 (October), 583–584.
Normality, Neurosis, and Psychosis: Some Observations on the Concepts of Mental Health and Mental Illness.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 125 (October–December), 599–607.
The Problem of Psychiatric Nosology: A Contribution to a Situational Analysis of Psychiatric Operations.American Journal of Psychiatry 114 (November), 405–413.
Review of Psychical Research, by R.C. Johnson.American Journal of Psychiatry 114 (November), 475–476.


On the Experiences of the Analyst in the Psychoanalytic Situation: A Contribution to the Theory of Psychoanalytic Treatment.Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4, 197–223.
Is the Concept of Entropy Relevant to Psychology and Psychiatry.Psychiatry 19, 199–202.
Some Observations on the Relationship between Psychiatry and the Law.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 75 (March), 297–315.
A Contribution to the Philosophy of Medicine: The Basic Models of the Doctor Patient Relationship.A.M.A. Archives of Internal Medicine 97 (May), 585–592.
Malingering: "Diagnosis" or Social Condemnation.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 76 (October), 432–443.
Comments on "The Definition of Psychosomatic Disorder".British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7, 231–234.


Entropy, Organization, and the Problem of the Economy of Human Relationships.International Journal of Psychoanalysis 36, 289–297.
The Nature of Pain.A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 74 (August), 174–181.
The Ego, the Body, and Pain.Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 3, 177–200.


On the Psychoanalytic Theory of Instincts.Psychoanalytic Quarterly 21 (January), 25–48.
Psychoanalysis and the Autonomic Nervous System.Psychoanalytic Review 39 (April), 115–151.
Psychiatric Aspects of Vagotomy: III. The Problem of Diarrhea After Vagotomy.Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 115 (May), 394–405.
The Psychosomatic Approach in Medicine. In F. Alexander and H. Ross, eds.,Dynamic Psychiatry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 369–400.
Psychosomatic Research. In F. Alexander and H. Ross, eds.,Twenty Years of Psychoanalysis. New York: Norton, 268–280.


Physiological and Psychodynamic Mechanisms in Constipation and Diarrhea.Psychosomatic Medicine 13 (March–April), 112–116.
Oral Mechanisms in Constipation and Diarrhea.International Journal of Psychoanalysis 32, 196–203.


Psychosomatic Aspects of Salivary Activity: I. Hypersalivation in Patients with Peptic Ulcer.Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease 29, 647–655.
A Theory of the Pathogenesis of Ordinary Human Baldness. With A.M. Robertson.Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology 61 (January), 34–48.
Psychosomatic Aspects of Salivary Activity: II. Psychoanalytic Observations Concerning Hypersalivation.Psychosomatic Medicine 12 (September–October), 320–331.


Factors in the Pathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer.Psychosomatic Medicine 11 (September–October), 300–304.
Psychiatric Aspects of Vagotomy: IV. Phantom Ulcer Pain.Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 62 (December), 728–733.


Psychiatric Aspects of Vagotomy: A Preliminary Report.Annals of Internal Medicine 28 (February), 279–288.
Psychiatric Aspects of Vagotomy: II. A Psychiatric Study of Vagotomized Ulcer Patients with Comments on Prognosis.Psychosomatic Medicine 11 (July–August), 187–199.


The "Schemm Regime" in the Treatment of Extreme Congestive Heart Failure: A Case Report. With S. Elgart.Ohio State Medical Journal 43 (September), 926–928.
The Role of Hostility in the Pathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer: Theoretical Considerations With the Report of a Case. With Levin, E., Kirsner, J.B., and W.L. Palmer.Psychosomatic Medicine 9 (September), 331–336.[Volltext (PDF)]
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